The OSEGON STATESMAN. Satan, Ofqoxu thursdoy Morning. January i.. 1142 MAXINE BURIS.N Editor . ' ' V lylrs. Creech Is-Holiday , Hostess 'Mrs. T. W. Creech presided s at a -?martl7 appointed holiday - bridge'"Yaicheoi. Wednesday af .ternoon atier horn on North 14th street In. oragUment to a The : individual tables were s centered with the prizes wrap- . ped in .white and red and tied - In blue. Winning the bridge prizes were Mrs. Norman Freese, -Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Harry V. Collins. . The dining room table was centered with a large wreath made of greens, cones and mer - cury balls. Red candles in sJl ver candelabras flanked the ar rangement Appointments about - .the rooms were red, green and silver.; Covers were placed for Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, .'Mrs. y. Scott Page, Mrs, Claude Johns,1? Mrs. Paul Jackson, Mrs. Leona Johnson". Mrs. Lee War- nick, Mrs. Eric Butler, Mrs. Da vid Wright, Mrs.. Charles A. . Sprague, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. Norman Freese and Mrs. T. W. Creech. - Marilyn Harlajid Is Honored Marflyn Harland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harland, cele brated her sixth birthday Wed nesday afternoon at an informal party at the home of her par ents on State street. Games were in play with re freshments served late in the afternoon. Mr. Harland took moving pictures of his daughter and her guests during the af ternoon. . - " Honoring Marilyn were .Mary Arnold, Jane Martin, Judy Foreman. Gail Ashby and Katht , erine Gettman. ' Bridge Luncheon ft event of Tuesday after noon was the luncheon for which Mrs. Chester Fritz; was hostess at the Golden Pheasant for group of her friends. Later in the afternoon the group played contract at the Fritz home. Places were laid fori., Mrs. Francis T, Wade, Mrs Kenneth Potts, Mrs. William H j Ham mond of Tacoma, Mrs. Charles D.Wood, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Verden E. Hockett, Mrs. Donald W. Poole, Mrs. John Emlen, Mrs. Edward O Stadter, Jr., and Mrs. Fritz. Visitors Leave For Home Mr. and Mrs. Eririn Smith have had- as their house guests during the holidays ihe former's sister, Mrs. L. M. Harkness and daughter,. Donna, cf Minneap olis, Minn.' The visitors are en training for the east tonight. During their stay several part ies have-been given in their honor and trips were made to the coast and Eugene. Wednesday afte r n o o n Mrs. Harlan Pearson was a luncheon hostess in honor of Mrs. Hark ness. Other guests were Mrs. J. Lyman Steed, Mrs. E. J. Scel lars, Mrs. David Cameron, Mrs. - Lawrence i Lister, Mrs. Ervin Smith and Miss Ogwin Jones. Mrs. Clifford Brows enter tained with, her annual New Year's eve "at home" at her Mission street residence for a group of old friends. A late supper was served by the hos tess. - -A DON'T MISS THE mm SHOP ANNUAL Coats Dresses Blouses Jlll-nGduced! i SOCIETY music . Tlie HOME CLUB CALENDAR ; THITSDAT . 5 Pat :j club covered -dish sup! per, wcTU. 650 p. m. , Willamette tent hive No. , Mac cabet s American Legion ball, p. ir. Installation. ' . a - FRin v ; Woman's Relief .Corps, VTW hall 2 p. m. ' M Wonan's alliance. Unitarian chinch, with Mrs. Zero Polaire, 1950 North Water street, I JO p. r . . Dt gree of honor, business meet ing. KP hall, B p. m. i; SATURDAY ; ' r DAR with Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Wi Court street. MONDAY Jason Lee Wesleyan Service uild. with Mrs. S. Raynor Smith. ;0 Jefferson street. 6:49 no-host 71ESDAY Salem Central WCTU, meet at , Ull, 2 p. m. WEDNESDAY .- Spring Valley Home mission ary society, with Mrs. Hugh Wading Is Event of Week ' Miss Marion MacLachlan be came Lieutenant Robert L. De j Vlieg's b r i d e at an impressive ceremony , Wednesday afternoon at the Officer's club at the Portland air base. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs: L. , R. MacTachlan of Salem and her husband is the son of Mr. ' aad Mrs. Gary DeYlkg of Rock ford, Illinois, who came west for the marriage. The wedding vows Were, ex changed at - 4 o'clock with Dr. R. Franklin Thompson, rice-, president of Willamette univer sity, officiating. A few intimate friends of the couple attended, the service. For her weddmg the bride, art attractive blonde, chose S-smart mist blue silk jersey afternoon frock with matching wool jersey ; turban and a jfuschia wool coat She carried a colonial bouquet of pink and white flowers. Miss Jane MacLachlan was her, sister's only attendant and wore a brown sQk 'crept frock with matching accessories and a cor sage of daffodils and iris. Lt. Ci G. Dennis served as best man A small reception for the wed ding guests was held in the: lounge rooms of the club. Mrs. MacLachlan wore a black afternoon frock and a corsage of camellias for her daughter's, marriage and Mrs. DeVlieg wore and amethyst ensemble with camellia corsage. The couple plan to make their home in Portland depending on army orders. The new Mrs. De Vlieg attended the University of California and is connected with the Personal Finance company of Salem. Her husband attended the University of Minnesota and is stationed at the Portland air base. 1 Dinner Given j Husbands Members of the Harmony club entertained their husbands t dinner and pinochle party at the Milton Steward home Saturday. . Present were Mr. and Airs. Frank Nieswander, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw, Mr. anbV MrsNWiDiain McKlnney, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L-eard, Mr. and Mrs'. H. L. Tay lor, Woodbum, Mr. and Mrs. David Chilles, Mr. -and Mrs. G rover Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steward. s Mr. and Mrs. Horace' Eld-, griedge are recer ving. congrat 'ulations on the bL th of a daugh ter, Carma Jean, born Sunday, December 28, at the Salem Gen eral hospital. "Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Laws are the parents of daughter born at the Salem General hos pital Wednesday morning. ,' CLEARANCE & Suits "ft Hats etc. Mrs. Allen Is New Worthy . Matron At impressive ceremonies Tuesday night new officers of i Chadwick chapter, Order of the; Eastern Star were installed at the Masonic temple. The, install ing officers were " Mrs. Harold Phillippe, worthy matron; Mr.' Arthur Utley, worthy patron; Mrs. Wayne Henry, secretary; Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, chaplain; Mrs. C. Gabriel, marshall; and Mrs.. Belle Brown,. organist. Mrs. Ralph Allen was installed as the new worthy matron and was gowned in white satin with a matching net skirt. Her offi cers all wore similar gowns and wrist corsages , in pastel shades. -Her officers include Mr. Wayne D. Henry, worthy patron; Mrs. E. W, Peterson, associate matron, Mr. Gordon Barker,' associate patron; Mrs. Alma J. Thomp son, secretary; Mrs. V. R. Hick ethier, treasurer; Mrs. William Merriott, conductress; Mrs. Al bert Cohen, associate conduc tress; Mrs. William ; Neimeyer, chaplain; Mrs. George Edwards, marshal; Mrs. Jessie Mickelson, organist; Mrs. Ruth Peterson, Adah; Mrs. Robert McEwan, Ruth; Mrs. Albert Gragg, Es ther; Mrs, Ray DeSart, Martha; Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Electa; Mrs. Helen May Savage, Warder;- and Mrs. J. E.' Van Wyngarden, Sen tinel. The large rooms were festive with arrangements of silvered pine and other silvered greens interspersed with many lighted candles.' Refreshments were served after the installation in the dining room which was dec orated with greens and candles. L The program included vocal numbers by Mr. Corydon Blod gett, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, and violin selections by Miss Bertha Aim. Mr. Milton L. Meyers, past wor thy grand patron, gave an ad dress on "Our Eastern Star." Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, sr., past worthy grand matron of Oregon, and Mrs. George Lewis gave in formal talks. A degree was given the new worthy matron by the -; 1941 officers and they presented - Mrs. Allen with gift. Cammittees Named Mrs. Allen announced her standing committees for the en suing year as follows; calling, Mrs. E. M. McKee, Mrs. K. H. Pickens; cheer, Mrs. Ruby Bun nell, Mrs. Marie Morris, Mrs. Pearl C Jones, Mrs. Ruth Hun ter Graham; clinic, Mrs. Fay H. Collins, Mrs. Amos H. Barker, Mrs. Charles Pritchard, Mrs. Clarence Rosheim, Mrs. E. R. Wagner; Decorating, Mrs. Oral Lem mon, Mrs, G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Frank Crawford; examining, Mrs. Byron Herrfck, Mrs. Ron ald Lewis,' Mrs. Fred B. Keeler; finance, MVs. D. X. Beechler Mrs. Ira Darby, Mrs. William Merriott; instruction, Mrs. Har old Phillippe, Mrs. Leon Bar rick, Mrs; J. S. Murray; press, Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs. Charles Fowler; Program, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. A. A. Smith; Rainbow board, Mrs. Roy , Remington, Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mrs. Gor don A. Barker, Mrs. Edna Row land, Mrs. C. L. Newman, Mrs. Mem Pearce; Red Cross, knit ting, Mrs; M. C. Petteys; seal sale, Mrs. James Jennings; sew ing, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. H. E. Crawford; refreshments, Mrs. Larry Flagg; relief, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Arthur Utley, Mrs. Lynn Purvine; social day, Mrs. E. T. Hartwell and Mrs. Fred Gibson. SILVERTON Mrs. M. J.K. Fuhr entertained Tuesday af- ternoon for older members of Trinity Ladies Aid society with" a coffee party at the new par sonage. Miss Eunice Fuhr, spend ing the holiday vacation . from Pacific Lutheran college, assist-' ed her. mother in , serving. The women were given an opportunity to look over the ' new house into which the Fuhrs moved shortly before Christ mas. Invited were Mrs. Hans Hanson, Mrs. Ingeborg Ormbrek, Mrs. M. J.- Madsen, Mrs. Anna K. ; Jensen, Mrs. Ole j Satern, Mrs. Karen-Larson, Mrs. Chris tlhe Jackobsen, Mrs. A. O. Le gard, ItnS O. S. Hauge. ! WOODBURX A meeting af a committee of Red Cross work ers was held Monday to make plans for the wind-up of the special Red Cross contribution drive. Starting Friday and Sat urday, workers will make a : house to house canvasfpr funds and" everyone is asked to be prepared by having , their dona tions, large or small, ready . for the workers. Mrs. Fred Even den on the west side and Mrs. William Nelson of the east side, are chairmen. -' :. v- r"'. j : ;-'yy-- - - LINCOLN Mr. aad Mrs. Jeff Williams entertained at : family dinner during the holi days. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, Sid Sherman, Beatrice, Viola, C. A. Albert, AHred, Martha Ellen, Virginia, Rose. Franklin, Leroy and Clif ford Williams. ' . '.Holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lois Crawford were her daughter, , Miss Wilma, nieces, Misses Audrey and Alice Smith, and a friend. Miss Barbara Dike. . ATJKOSAr The Aurora Wem- club !JWU1 hold the . first meeting of the new ear at the home of Mrs. W. T. Ehlen, Jan uary 7 with Mrs. W. O. Fry assisting.' 5 A TELLS ENGAGEMENT Miss Margaret Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C; E. Baker, whose betrothal to Mr. Gordon Hofstetter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hofstetter, has been cm-, nounced. No date has been set for the wedding. (Jesten-Millfr). Miss Elizabeth Mays Became Bride Of Mr. Clifford Barker . Wednesday Miss Elizabeth Jane Mays is now Mrs. Clifford Barker. The wedding ceremony took place Wednesday night at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Barker, in Portland. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mays of Sa lem and Alsea. At 8 o'clock Rev. Curtis Cochrane officiated before the fireplace banked with palms, white chrysanthemums and candles. Mr. Newton Hedin sang "I Love You Truly" and the ac companist was Mrs. Daisy Bar .ker Brownley. Mr. Mays gave his daughter ,in marriage and for her wed ding she wore a handsome white 'satin gown with a floor length skirt. The fitted bodice was en- hanced with lace and beading and the sleeves were long. Self covered buttons extended from neckline to waistline in back. A coronet of seed pearls held her fingertip length tulle veil in place and she carried a white Bible with satin streamers . of bouvardia. ; Miss Ann Seamster of Port land was the maid of honor and wore a pastel pink chiffon frock made with fitted bodice, full skirt and short sleeves. The bridesmaids were Miss Lorraine Dyck of Portland, Miss Olive - Santelli of Salem and Miss Syl via Hano of Portland, Miss Dyck wore pink and the other attendants wbre matching frocks of pastel blue chiffon. They all carried bouquets of rubrum lilies. , Mr. Henry Gambit of Salem was best man and' the ushers were Mr. Clinton Cameron and Mr. Harold deTemple of Port land. Mrs. Mays chose a black lace gown and corsage of gardenias for the wedding and Mrs. Bar ker wore a formal gold wool frock and corsage of lilies. At the reception which fol lowed the ceremony and assist ing were Miss Lorraine Huxley, Mrs. Daisy Barker Brownley, Mrs. Crystal Barker and Miss Claudia Raeshaw. When the couple left on their -wedding trip! the bride was wearing a green plaid suit with black accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Bar ker will reside at the Marshall apartments in PortlancL The bride attended Penn Hall, Chamberburg, Pa. and Grace Martin's girls S school in Pitts burgh. She his been connect-! ed with the public utilities com-i mission in Salem. i Mr. Barker was catcher with the Salem Senators during the past reason. He attended Wil lamette university, and is now in business in Portland. MEHAMA -- :Mr. and Mrs. H. C McCarley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel McCarley and family are spending the Christmas holidays in California with their parents.- ' " J . Mr. and Mrs-Roy Philippi and Bruce spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Roy King at Union HHL Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ptulippi en . tertained Mr. and Mrs. A- W. Lan ders and Orval, Mrs. Edith Phil ippi and Mr. and Mrs. Tex Kim sey and Terry Christmas- day. i ... Mr.. and Mrs. L. C. Pooler and Allan spent Christmas day in Stayton with the ' BUI Kleckers. Mrs. Pooler is now visiting: Mrs. Virgil Moorhead In ' Salem. w . , ' " - Hause gBests' f Mr. and Mrs. .'Joseph " Felton , for New Year's are . Miss Frances. Faber of TarshCeld and, Mr. Otto Ohm of Corvallis. - . . . Governor aa Mrs. Charles A. Sprague will not. hold their an nual New Year's day ."at home this afternoon. : v J o- Younger Set Bidden to Parties I Members of the younger set have kept the social calendar filled during the holidays with dances, teas and supper parties. Miss Nancy Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, was hostess for a gay New Year's eve party at the Wallace Or chards! ome f her parents. Dancing and games were en Joyed during the evening and a late; supper followed. ; Mistletoe and greens decorated the guest rooms and the supper table was in red and green with mistletoe, holly and candles. The hostess invited a group of young boys to the party and they brought their girls. 4 Miss Calline Hillman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hill man, has sent invitations to a large group of the younger con tingent to a formal dancing patty on Friday night at the Cherry City auditorium. Hours are from 9 to 12 o'clock. Over 125 guests will attend the affair. WEST SALEM Mr. and. Mrs: Harry Bpftney entertained their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wylder, and granddaughter of Portland, and a granddaughter, Patricia Bon neyj of Salem, last week. s Guests at the"home of Mrs. Addle Barton and Mrs. Eva Wood were Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Barton,: .Charles. Nebold and' Miss A. Nebold. Holiday visitors at the R. :M, Ashcraft home' were Mr, and Mrs: Warner Jackson and daughter of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Winchester gave a Christmas dinner lor Charles Wood and Donof Sa lem, and their sons. Harold Winchester phoned, his parents, the. Fay Winchesters, during the dinner hour, from Alameda, Calif., where he - is attending aviatkmscliool. 5 f Mr) and Mrs. H. D. Billman and family - of Sacramento, Calit, visited the last of the week at the home of her broth er, Everett Lisle, Mrs. Billman is the recreational director fat the ywCA" cjenter in Sacra ' menio. ... -f 'V;-?-. at the i - V ' - 7 - i -4- ' V1 v- r .. FasHonette ........ "1! .1 'r. 429 'Court St. '1 -i Miss; fenks, - Mr. Lang Many - . j . The Methodist church at Tan-. gent was the setting for a love- , i ly holiday wedding Wednesday 1 night when Miss Virginia Jenks iof Salem, daughter of Mrs. Nina ! Jenks of . Albany, became the bride ol ' Mr. Everett Charles : . Lang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis L. Lang of Yamhill. i -t Silvered greens, palms and j candelabras provided the set I ting for the 8:30 o'clock -cere-' mony with the bride's grand- -i lather, Rev. A. J. Starmer of s mncouii, oiuciauog. our. J antes Jenks, jr., sang "O Promise Me" and Because" and. playing in strumental music were. Mrs. Loren Luper and Mrs. Martha VeaL i Mr. Hqward Jenks of Salem gave .his cousin in marriage and ' her bridal gown was of white net and had been worn by her : sister,. Mrs. Herbert Fahl. The dress was made with a full' skirt which terminated in a train and the fitted bodice was enhanced with beading ardund the neck line. The sleeves were short and puffed.' Her full length veil of match ing net cascaded from a coronet Of S seed pearls and she carried a white Bible with a cluster of gardenias and shower of roses. Preceding the bride to the altar were her sister, Miss Ardys Jenks of Salem,: maid of honor, and the bridesmaids, who walked singly. They included Miss Lillian Kayser , and Miss Lena Blum of Salem who wore lavendar and rose taffeta frocks and Miss Phyllis Lang of Yam hill, whose dress was blue taf feta. They, were made similar with full skirts, puffed sleeves and sweetheart necklines. Miss Jenks wore a peach net frock with full skirt, puffed sleeves ' and a sweetheart neck line. They all carried colonial nosegays of carnations and sweet peas and wore similar arrangements of flowers in their hair. Bridal Party Mr. David Lomax of Portland stood with Mr. Lang aS best man and ushers were Mr. Herbert Fahl, Mr. Edward ' Jenks and Mr. Elvin Dyer of Portland. Mrs. Jenks wore a gold crepe gown and gardenias corsage for her daughter's marriage and Mrs.' Lang was gowned in wine crepe and her flowers were gar . denlas. A reception in the church parlors was held after the wed ding and the bride's, table was centered with a tiered wedding cake flanked by candles. Mrs. Howard Jenks and Mrs. Edward Jenks presided at the urns and Mrs. Herbert Fahl cut her Sister's wedding cake. Serv ing were Mrs. Marlowe Jenks, Miss Marvine Jenksr Miss Mary Lee Jenks and Miss Delma Jenks, all of Tangent. Miss Helen Jenks was in charge of the guest book and Miss.. Ethel Bollier the gift room. The newlyweds left for As toria to reside where Mr. Lang is with the - Pacific Telephone company. For traveling the bride chose a black costume suit em bellished with grey squirrel col lar and- her accessories were black. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Collin D. Matheny spent their 57th wedding anniversary quiet ly on Wednesday. Lily D. Hall and Mr. Matheny were married December 31, 1884, by the Rev. John Osborn .at the Christian church Scio. Mrs. Matheny was born in East Hartford, Connecticut on May 5, 1864 and came to Oregon in 1870. Mr. Matheny was born at Wheatland Ferry on May 24, 1863. They moved to SQverton in 1913. -j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sprague were hosts for an informal New Year's eve "at home" at their suburban residence. A group of their friends- called .during the evening. Mi. and Mrs. C. P. Hadgson and son, William, wilt spend New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hodgson at their home in West' Salem. Zi VY. ':! '." 4t CisutSii BY: DOLORES BOLAND v - It's : About Time to crochet a beanie " of wool yarn and make tassels of the yarn to sew across the back. The tassels should be length, bt hair. If you prefer, use fringe across back. Make one with metallic yarn for after-five gaiety..' We are having ham for din- ner today, just to follow the tra dition of New Year's dinner. Cranberry, orange salad Bafed ham, raisin sauce.. Baked sweet potatoes Bjuttered brussells sprouts Mince pie with Pumpkin ice cream ; f - To make the salad, mix 1 cup ground: oranges (rind' and all) with 2; cups ground raw cran berries and 1 cup either honey or sugar. Pile on lettuce leaves. . . MAPLE RAISIN SAUCE 1 cup drippings from ham 4 cups boiling water cop flour 1 tablespoon maple flavoring Vt cup seedless raisins 1 teaspoon salt . Vz teaspoon paprika. Wash raisins and cover with warm water, let stand while ham is baking. Stir boiling water with spiced ' drippings from pan In whichr jneat baked. Add flour mixed ' With lukewarm water to make a smooth paste, stir well over hot fire, . cook until clear, add . . flavoring, . seasonings' and raisins and keep hot until ready to serve. Turner Pastor Takes Bride i 5i - . ----& - - . TURNER At a lovely cere mony solemnized December 14 in the Turner Christian church, Enid Lynn of: Eugene became the bride of Rev. Gene Robinson of Turner, Rev.1 Walter Fiscus of Eugene of ficiated at the service. The couple was unattended. A large gathering of friends witnessed the wedding. . Decora tions of holiday greenery and tapers formed a background for the ceremony A reception fol lowed in the church dining room Mrs. Robinson is a senior at Northwest Bible college, Eugene, and active in musical circles. Rev. Robinscii is pastor of the Turner Christian church. , Following a wedding trip; the couple are now at home in Turner. AW 1 : Today's Menu ? In A 0 A.I I J ft I .. To You - From ' All Of Us! Mi Best Dressed -. Women 'Are. Named r ; - Here it comes; the annual list of . the 10 best-dressed women - "in the world and 'the Duchess of Windsor heads it. --. The polL once conducted by Paris couturiers for the past two years taken over; by New York fashion authorities, netted only three new, names two South Americans andione - resi dent of Burlingame, Calif. Otherwise the traditional best dressed, like Mrs. Harrison, Wil-, liams, are with us still. The list: The duchess, Mrs. ' Stanley Mortimer ' (the former Barbara Cushing)," Mrs. Byron: " Foy, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Rod-! man Arturo. de Heeren (the for- " mer Aimee Lopes), Mrs. Thomas Shevlin, Mme. Felipe i A, Espil (wife of the Argentinian am bassador to the United States), Mrs. Robert W. MillerE of Burl- Ingame, Calif, Ulrsi Robert " Sherwood, and Rosalind Russell. ' Party Honors Recent Bride CENTRAL HOWELL L M!m Elda Herr and Lucille Roth enter tained Friday at the Roth home with a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Glenn Duval, who was Susanne Rutschman before her marriage Sunday. The honor guest was-, directed to break balloons with which the rooms were decorated and ' inside was information as to where the gifts could be found. The guests present included Su sanne Rutschman, Mrs. Roy Rutschman, Mrs. W. C. Rutsch man, Lillian Rutschman, Sarah Gerig, Louise Aubrey, Elsie Roth, Alma Stauffer, Miss EUen Stef- f en, E valine Nafziger, Mina Ger-. lg, Katherine Gerig, Emmaline Nafziger, "Mrs.. W. E. ; Nafziger, Mrs. Arthur Lalke, Mrs. E. J. Welty, Mrs. Ray Aubrey, Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Mrs. D. J. Un- ruh, Mrs. Leonard Harms, Mrt. John Merriman, Mrs. John Roth, Mrs. Ernest Roth. MrS. Henrr Roth, Mrs. G. E. Haury, Mrs. Bob Roth, Mrs. Fred Krue. Mrs. Dan Stauffer, Mrs.. Homer Welty, Mrs. fcJvttv Herr, Mrs. Nick Gerig. Mrs. John Lauderback and Mrs. W. A. Roth. . r ' Relatives Visit During Holiday JEFFERSON Guests' from Christmas day until Sunday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henderson and ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henderson, McCleary, Wash, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson, London, Ore. The three boys re sons of; Mr. and Mrs. Henderson.. Rev. William Elrner began a week of special revfVal J meetings at the Fruitland change; Monday. Rev. Gordon Jaff e is evangelist ' Redecorated - Enlarged Usoal Wave $10 Perm Oil -Push Wave $2.C3 Complete Open Thurs. Eva. by Appointment Phone USS S05 First NaUonal Bank Bldg. CASTLE PERM. WAVERS er s J