J LABOR TRUCE S &iiSlR!St?ttff "fi-"1 7-d.y, 168-hoar work week to defense plant A SSZ S&'&Stti&S&Z illfiitlili X to- ' : :''v $ "'""til ID f f fx jl if X T- if .-SI A WAYS OF WARFARE V.J ?? em nd motorcycle, advance over I IKJCI ID Wkt ttakt T3J&, cmU fpfta-fter efrftlaa ptaats 2 .r. nrttehe AefcMe, praeinr ca&bat cars Kusu. Brttata. Amy called for Bacalaes to iptcd cy tta macKa 1 ma. paaq, UflMMU WUBCT IBCSlXr7 tBTBtd M fTO J BlACKOlir. -.CM-- ft:-? RcHEARSAL jt elUet- litHe kiiowtnx th.t U.S. waald be taratad by Jafaenaek f AxU warfare before 1141 eaded. Thraarhoat the natloa 4 lenie plaaa were reTlaed in terms af the expected bUtxkrlec A n n I T I O Kl sJrmbo1 combat craft that flipped 1 wl down wayi a 1941 toward nation's two- ceaa nary roal was the destroyer Emmons (above), launched at Bath, Me Asr. 23, commissioned Dec. 5. Yards strove for ahlp bnlldlnr speed records, navy developed fast torpedo boats. S.S. America became transport West Paint. Sab t-t sank; S3 died, CHI Perry Chandler was a wlUix shapely pair of hose ahead An. 1 as women mobbed stocking counters after U.S. order freezing silk for defense needs. F.D.R. signed record $3,553,400,000 tax bill Sept. 20. War costs soared Into billions. t 1 '"",! v --v, ; V - i r r n -i , - . I i " 4 HID ARM tAst-minoto letter from FJDJL Nov. 13 J l 1 1 r J Mlm clinched repeal of the neutrality act see tions that forbade American carro ships to arm or to enter war sones, and soon runs swung aboard merchantmen like this at Hoboken, N. J. FJ.R. cited sinking of American flag vessels, wrote: "Failure to repeal . . . would cause rejoicing in Axis nations." QKJ nil ARH Growing DA alarm over enemies within Wl vjwim our gates led to: seizure of some 3 Axss vessels March 30, Including above Italian ships at Newark. N. J.; Nad spy trial la Brooklyn where 14 were convicted Dec 12; ous ter of German consuls by July 10; seizure of French ships, includ ing the Norman die (tied up In N. T. since 1030) on Dec U. KJOI Hisses greeted Sep. w. Jeannette Eaakla (& Mont) as she east only "no" veto Dec t when congress by 47t-l declared war on ispaa. She then watted In this phone booth until balls cleared. For Axis war decia rations, she voted "present." "'.'.., j ' ..ji - f wiuao v . m V . m t ' ? " t - t V - . . 5t ir. m m DAM UMIl Mld-snmmer gas cor- ' at iluwhiM Mnnjlima tl fense plant demands en electri ea.1 stwcr. srave U.S. a foretaste x at gasoline, metals, rubber curbs -' as. war began. Defense needs even slenderised the clothespin,: r V ' - - - -'"'l' 7- " 7 f - - ' - - - - ... - J 'v ':oy.v:-:ir:v:-:-:-:-:-:...:.'':l-.-'. v -" - fr.vs j . - k. v ' ws:;-:.:-:-:-:..:,:i::.-.- wmmmmmmmM Httm yy iww yaunasiatsssjasssssBBssuuusasuunu iksoasstfeSMa jTasi - . v v ft" ; ' , W . 1 i mi r a . 1 mmi. w cottar a-.jom.:.v-iyi-jHfrgr snaaiBWSSUSsanusstasnwau navy, which in August proudly put the newly tag 1941 then were launched J batUeshlps, at least It destroyers, C cruisers, 10 sulmurmes!ttter craft; DRAFT - 7 A aiwsaa au SU tu WW gomg to be under broader draft : law ta millionaire's son,' VTin threp EackefeUer (above). Tha sands of men hurried to enlist la ' army, navy er marine branches , as war with Axis began, "'I m ' ; ' w , - : -:.! CALL FOR MORE w?f3f25 j?. u IImhW --,---- ' - n I . - . . . . XlM.a, taber. the B-lfj Curtlzs-Wright; Martin which buHt naryu ll-toa bomber. the Bars SSixedS Dac I tests), spent millions an new designs, expansion, Aeranamtjcal Chamber af (mersbLataS nounced rate af proiacUan tar trainiag, traaspert. liaison, cembat nUaes: tiJM irarJr.