Christmas Program Presented By Pupils; Church Evenl M t Today WEST SALEM A program was presented by some of the school children Friday at the assembly held in the gymnasium before an audience made up of teachers, students and parents, Judy Jennings and Nan Steele spoke.; a play was presented by the first graders; second grade pupils presented a drill; a pageant was given by members of the third and fourth grades; the fifth graders sang; Alene Axelson and Doris King presented an instru mental number, and readings were'given'by Louik Friesen and Delores Hathaway. Preceding the program a short business meeting, with the stu dent body president, Dale Pamell, presiding, was held. People in the community and immediate vicinity who have do nated their services in working on the Red Cross roll call and emergency drive are: Glenn Lewis, L. Nichols, Warren Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamblen, E. T. Waring, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. D. T. Bradford, Mrs. Donald Kuhn, Mrs. Ralph Nelson, Mrs. J. I. Miller, Mrs. Ludwig Peterson, Mrs. D. I. Henderson, Mrs. Norris Looney, Mrs. Drew Michaels, F E. Neely, Mrs. Duane Gibson, Mrs Arthur Utley, Mrs. Worth Henry and Mrs. Will Edwards. Ludwig Peterson, chairman of the local chapter ot the Red Cross organization, reports that the re sults of the roll call were good. The emergency drive is still on and if anyone has been overlooked they are asked to please contact the chairman or one of the work Farmers Union News ST. LOUIS The monthly meet ing of the Fairfield Farmers union was held Friday with President M. B. Lucas presiding. Mrs. Hall announced that ' the senior local would help the juniors id-Willamette" Valley 1 TOWS Reports from The Statesman9 s 78 Community Correspondents PAGE TEN Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. December 24, 1941 Residents of Brush Creek Fete Guests BRUSH CREEK Mr. .and Mrs. Orval Larson, Carol Lee and Leon I are expected to arrive tonight to vote in their junior leader and Christmas week guests. at the also junior reserv leader and that w c. Larson home. The visitors. . ... - - .1 - i tne projects snoi i re juagea and who are from Wenatchee, will be sent in to the s x Vi convention. Christmas day dinner guests of the mu reP- on agncui- Alvin Legards at Silverton. ture. O. L, Collins save a reDort on The Mrs. Anna K. Jensen family the state college plan to raise cer- Plans to spend Christmas eve at tain grains and farm commodiaies the home of Mrs. Hans Jensen at for thp nrmv Othr rpnnrts wri SUVerton. Here's the "Sweater Girl of '41" given by Ernest Andrews and T. P. Runcorn. Delegates appointed to country quarterly convention were Mr. and Mrs. E. Andres, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Ballweber, Mr. and Mrs. I L. H. Meyer and Althea Meyer will-be guests of the S. P. Moberg family Christmas eve at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Madsen and ..daughter. Salem, will be I Ben Hall and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Christmas even dinner guests of Lucas. Mrs, M .T Marisfn nrA rfflinrVitpr. a motion was made that juniors Liliie whose parents or guardians are not paying dues in the local are L- H. Meyer has received word not eligible for office but can be from his son and family, the Lud- a social member. Election of officers made Ernest Andrews ' president; F. P. Run- ers. and give a cash donation of corn. vice-president; Mrs. Letitia any amount This city has been asked to raise $500 or $600 for the emergency drive. I vig A. Meyers, that they arrived at L their Minensota destination last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Meyer and Karen left here December 13 for Mrs. Meyer's former home. They plan to be gone about a month, making the trip by automobile. ! While in the east they will attend Manning reelected secretary-trea surer; W. H. Kraber reelected con ductor; D. V. Ballweber, door keeper: and M. B. Lucas. B. C. Members of the Just-a-Mere Hall, and O. L. Collins as the ex club held a no-host Christmas ecutive committee. party at the city hall Saturday. The newly elected junior leader e wedding of Mrs. Meyer's sister. Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. r rank ns Adaline Manning and the junior WeHs, and Mrs. Guy Newgent reserve leader, Mrs. B. C. Hall. weic in moigc ui was reelected, a motion was ments. made that the state Hign nonors ai me conclusion stall the new officers at the Jan- of the card games were given to uary meeting. ana. uciuu.i, ua. iviouons were carried to Dav Wells, L. L. Sloper, and Dale $2.50 to the Red Cross and to nav ball the third and fourth degree the secretary $10 a year. A dona- work was exemplified upon the ? 3$J - s tf " ' ' i Grangers' News UNION HILL -- At the Friday meeting of the Union Hill grange Margaret Landry Selected from over 5,000 entries In a nation-wide contest as the "Sweater Girl of 1941," Margaret Landry, 19, of Baton Rouge, La,, wins as her award $500 in cash and a trip to New York. The com petition was sponsored by a leading knitwear association with the purpose of finding the ideal American girl dressed in the most typical American garb a tissue-knit sweater and skirt. Lemon. Mrs. Lemon received the traveling prize. Present were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sloper, Captain and Mrs. Charles Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lemon, Mayor and Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson. Everett Smith, who has been peka. employed at Portland, returned He said all national officers are to live with his mother, Mrs. Fan- working to insure a decent stand- Ex-Turner Man nie Smith. He has secured tern porary employment at the state house. tion to the Salvation Army of following new nwrnhon tmm th n r . . - JU was aiSO Passed, mad oi , T l if.. the Red Cross is Mrs. Robert ' . . DUmeQ iUer Harper. Mvarr, Agnes iurscn, Mr. ana Mrs. Hinrdicns; irom union wiu were: jXDIOSIOH MARION State President Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savafie. Oth- Jr Harley Libby was present at Mar- er , visitors from Stayton were: ion's Farmer's. Union local meet- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galloway, ing Friday to report on his trip Gus Kirsch, master of Stayton to the national convention at To- grange, Mrs. Ida Nipple and Mrs. Stewart. State officers were balloted on. A meeting will be held at the grange hall after the first of the year to see about forming a first aid class. ard of living on the farm now and after the war. C. H. Wilcox, chairman of the hoard nf Hiretnro rf iha ed it was working as a branch of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Dashiell state warehouse located at Sa lem Homer Smith, manager, stated TURNER Word has been re ceived that Harry Sorenson, Bar stow, Calif., former Turner resi dent and city councilman, was badly burned while employed at plumbing work. The presto tank exploded and Sorenson received severe injur ies .He was confined to the El Monte hosnital for nearlv two ine iouowing committees' were weeks. appointed by the master for the .and Laurice attended a Christmas family dinner Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dashiell, Salt Creek. year: Agriculture, W. M. Tate, A. N. Doerfler ajid Glen Parrish. Legislative, O. W. Humphreys, they now have patrons many Mrs- John Steinberger and Mrs, Vera and Virginia Raph, Stay ton, visited friends in the Sunday. Phillip Fischer; musician, Mrs, W. F. Krenz; reporters, Mrs. V. D. Scott and Mrs. Floyd Fox; hall. f Jack Eichendorf, Klamath Falls, is in the hospital there with ty phoid fever. Mrs. Eichendorf will be remembered as Vivian Ensley, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colvin. . Lottie McAdams was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Heath, Silverton, Sunday. Mrs. Heath was known as Alice Creasy when she lived in West Salem. A Christmas program will be miles distant that make their reg ular weekly calls at the ware house, for supplies and that their city stocks are being increased as rap- John Steinberger, C. E. Heater children, Charlotte and Sylvester, idly as business will permit. John Huffman stated that good savings are made by all who pa tronize the cooperative storp. Warren Grav reported the ever ter; and drill captain, M. M increased sales at the Mt. Angel mour gas and oil cooperative. The program consisted of The following officers were in- Christmas songs, a musical num- and V. D. Scott; song leader, Mrs. W. M. Tate; finance, Mrs. J. C. Krenz, C. J. Doerfler and Byron McElhaney; relief, Mrs. C. E. Hea- Mr. and Mrs. Jack LaRonte and Clinton, Mo., have arrived by mo tor and are guests at the home of Mrs. LaRonte's parents, the Ves ter Bones. They will remain un til after the holidays, and expect to locate in this community, Hayesville Club Holds Luncheon Meet in Salem HAYESVILLE The Hayes ville Woman's club held their Christmas luncheon Thursday in Salem. Mrs. Olive Bynon, chair man of the Red Cross for Marion county, was the principal speaker. Guests were Mrs. E. B. Taylor, Mrs. W. DuBois, Mrs. Lottie Mor rison, Mrs. Grace Baker, Mrs. Ro villa McAfee, Mrs. Viva Hogue, Mrs. J. W. Pentney, Mrs. W. R. Powers, Mrs. E. L. Moore, Mrs. Robin Day, Miss Ida Denny, Miss Pauline Denny, Mrs. E. A. Siddell, Mrs. George Carey, Mrs. M. S. Fisher, Mrs. W. W. Eicholtz, Mrs, L. C. Griffin, Mrs. Leonard Greig, Mrs. Scott Smith, Mrs. Carl Vogl, Mrs. David Greig. Mrs. C. W Garrison, Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Mrs. Earl Bedwell, Mrs. Albert Stettler, Mrs. F. X. Eckhaut, Mrs. W. Harpst, Mrs. F. Dougherty, Mrs. Pearl Reed, Mjs. Claud Tal- mage, Mrs. Fred Williams, Mrs. Roy Perkins, Mrs. W. Marquet, Mrs. Ervin Smith, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. John Zumstein, Mrs. W. Kingston, Mrs. Olive By non and Mrs. Barbara Wells. Silverton lodge Plans Dance in January for Men in Service SILVERTON Cigarettes or candy mounting to 23 cents will be the admission price to a dance given early in January by Pythians and Pythian sisters for Silverton boys In the ser vice. Both old-fashioned and modern music will be furnished, reports the committee composed of I Shelburn News Sewing Material Available for Red Cross Work HAYESVILLE Mrs. Robin Day, chairman of Red Cross for the Hayesville district, announces she has knitting and sewing ma terial for anyone wishing it. Mrs. Day's home is the first house on the Claxter road after leaving the highway. Albert Stettler .has been ap pointed keyman for this district I with Oscar Noran and Hershall Robertson serving. Lyle C arrow will have charge of canvassing the community to list available hous ing space in case of emergency. The Boy Scouts will conduct a paper drive December 27. Neigh bors should have papers tied and ready and if not called on contact George Strongut. Lloyd Lytle, son of Mrs. Jennie Lytle, left for Vancouver, where he Joined the coast artillery. SHELBURN Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and? daughter, Lois, are lo cated on the former Theron Rus sell place. Lois has entered the Shelburn school as a second grader. George Miller and Mrs. Bess Ransom were married Sunday. They will live on the Miller farm near Shelburn. M. B. Miller recently sold his Shelburn farm to A. W. Ewing who has leased the place to Cecil Bates and Jesse Nichols. Charles O. McClain has just completed putting in a new line fence between his place and the Anna Hirons farm. W. R. Kuiken has recently had a well drilled by Sloper of Al bany. They will now have plenty of water for irrigation if needed. Emil Loe, Ralph Adams and Hen ry Annundson. SILVERTON Installation of ficers of Home temple No. 21 will be held at the Pythian Sister meeting set for January 15. Officers recently elected in clude most excellent chief, Irene Roubal; past chief, Nada Grinde; excellent junior, Ess is Specht; manager, Emma Kaufman; pro tector, Elizabeth Cooley; guard, Evelyn ConkBn; mistress of rec ords and correspondence, Opal Loe; mistress of finance, Olive Morley; trustee, Hildred Loe; in stalling officer, Goldie Down; mu sician, Helen M. Wrightman, su preme representative. The lodge voted to assist the Red Cross in every way possible and to take charge of local head quarters one day a week. Mrs. L. C. Eastman was appointed on the committee. SILVERTON The Pythian Al truist club will meet Januay 28 for an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. E. R. Adams on South Water street Red Cross sewing will be the order of the day. and a no-hostess luncheon will be served at noon. John Moe left Monday for Cor pus Christi, Texas, where he will visit for a brief time with his son, Aviation Cadet O. H. Moe, who is at the naval air station there. He has been in a hospital following a major operation but will be out at Christmas Community Clubs SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs Vernal Pickens, Brooks, are an nouncing the birth of a daughter Monday at the Silverton hospital. Carl Ertelt Mt AngeL was brought to the Silverton hospital Monday with a broken right leg, sustained when he fell while em ployed about his home. The break occurred between the knee and ankle. Mass Hours Told SHAW On Christmas day serv ices will begin with the first high mass at 5 o'clock and benediction. followed by a 6:30 o'clock mass. PLEASANTDALE Good at tendance was had at the Pleas antdale community club's annual Christmas program. The school children, under the direction of the teachers, furnish ed the program of plays, readings, songs and , musical numbers. Treats of candy and nuts were served. At the business meeting a free will offering of more than $5 was taken for assisting in paying for incidental expenses in the gov ernment lookout station at the Fred Withee farm in the Pleasant dale district HAYESVILLE The school- house was filled to capacity Fri day with a crowd eager to hear the Christmas program presented by the school children. During the business meeting of the community club which pre ceeded short talks on the Red Cross and paper drives were giv en by Robin Day and J. J. Kom-yate. Mehama Man Injured When Hit by Pole MEHAMA Paris Bouche was badly injured while at work Fri day when a piling pole hit him on the head. He is in the Deacon ess hospital and is reported to be getting along as well as can be expected. HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) HERNIA-FISSURE-FISTULA lot 31 yn r km o lUy tittd JUctaJ. Hmraia d Ceoadiaordaa wi&Mt koapiUl wrqiol op. rtiom. Sm4 today lot TtTt Booklet eoataialsg ThibU UlozMtloa md npUlataf mm MUted. Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC . X. Cox. X. BmxMtda amd OraW A. Talaphoaw UUt ! FortUa4. Onaa Gil- Ghildren's Farm Rev. and Mrs. John Mitchell, hrr t presented by the Sunday school stalled: President, Charles Sarver, ber by the juvenile grange and of the Methodist church, left Sun- lCl.CIVC - classes today at 7:30 o'clock at vice Present, Fred Schermacher; a gift exchange among the mem- day by motor to spend the hoh- flllll . .. . sprrotarv-tT-oncui-oi- iw- lum. k.-o kv, Maniia davs at RuDert and Murtaueh. VTSll X I Jlll VlllU ine Mennonite uretnren cnurcn. - f - - ' Arnoio: conductor, tiarrv Roan: bordinate trranees. i.uuiu, wim meu ptueuus. iiiey Songs, recitations, and dialogues doorkeeper, Fred Haack and will be given by each class with P7 , "e th- following teacher in rhm- chaplain, Warren Gray. Mrs. Pete Loewen, Mrs. Ben K!!f:PP.!!l! Winter in Yakima aiauuis, aiiu naiij ocrei. iicau HAYESVILLE Mrs. Eliza. . . A beth Siddell left Friday for Port auTVw , .TT0. land- wher 8he wiU attend the that the young peoples choir of wedding of her granddaughter, the Mennonite Brethren church, Marjorie White. From there she Dallas, will present a Christmas expects t0 g0 to Yakima to spend cantata Thursday from 9:45 to 11 the winter with her daughter, o clock at the local Mennonite Mrs. Harrv White and famiiv n.i. U l. A 1 Tl il oruirci. Liiurcu. auc r ricsen is plan to be gone for two weeks. UNION HILL Mrs. W. M. KEIZER The grange held a Rev. C. W. Poeue. Salem, former Tate was hostess to the Union cooperative supper Wednesday 1 Turner pastor, will occupy the woman's club Thursday. w JEW X. and exchanged presents. Mrs. Wolfe announced the program as follows: , Girls quartet, Lois Pierce, Bet ty Pierce, Gloria Robinson, Alice Rose; reading by Ruth McCall; carols by the audience; piano solo, Eleanor Francisco; readings by Dorothy McCall, Alice Rose add Mrs. Fred Wolf pulpit Sunday morning. Money for magazine subscrip tions was sent as a Christmas gift from the club to the Children's Farm home at Corvallis. A Christmas play and songs and by the girls' quartet Mrs. Blanche McCormkk, Port land, was called to Turner by the serious injury and death of her father, Calvin W. Small. .Death D a-tt MoV,a0 WOM 14-J 1T 1 V I " - "JJ ft Mrs TL M Rmnll Tiiolav Hi ua o,!, I Heater, Mrs. Harley Scott, Mrs. , AUce Kose wa - - ; - -- Adolph Heate, Mrs. C. E. Heater, ; secona numoer Zr"rr" , r r7 " Mrs. Marv Tate. Alice Morlev. the director of the public is invited. choir. The Recent War Developments in East Taken to Hospital . WHEATLAND Philip H. Fow ler, 84, pioneer of wheatland who has been in declining health for a year, has been taken to the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stephens conva lescent hospital at McMinnville. He is reported Improved. Monitor News MONITOR The Ladies Aid Of Elliott Prairie held their annual I community dinner at the com munity hall recently. The school children put on a Christmas pro gram. Classes in basketry are being ' held every Monday afternoon With Mrs. Inga Hansen of Wood- burn, supervisor. Frances Harper returned home ; Thursday, from the Salem General hospital where she had an opera- " tion for appendicitis.. She will soon take up her studies at a Sa- ' ' lem business college.' v Mr. and Mrs. Calmer Amund sen, Portland.'ViSited friends in ' Monitor, recently, , . t ; V. v- ' . -,---n: - f-:- ( Civilian service defense police reserves for -this community have been appointed as follows: C W. Oathout, " Paul Burket, Ernest . Schneider, Jack Barnes and Dick , Brown, I Mr. andMrs. Sherick, Hastings, Neb., arrived ' recently., to spend the ,wintcr with ; their daughter, Mrs. Roy Baker and family t' .; Charles Fizler," employed with the US government engineers. Is home for several days vacations I YfjsTJi fill -iJVvtGASPi r rPBife. nf th.. rommiintt. Small Mrs- W- H- Mollet, Mrs. Dolph i n nr T..; A n the mtmtv - 1 vou, mis. rvuik, ius. . t if a,,;,.. iTAn4 Hir: tri Pottorff, Mrs. V. D. Scott, Mrs. Henry Peters and Mrs. Tate. Funds Donated to Fire Department At Turner Silverton Hills News TURNER The ' Misses Katie SILVERTON HILLS Mrs. and Rosa Ahrens were hostesses Frank Porter is reported remain- at their country home for the an- ing uncomfortable from injuries nuai Lnnstmas party and gift ex- received recently at Salem when cnange oi tne Turner Home and I a theatre seat gave way. Garden club. President Margaret Miller presided. The club voted to donate $10 to the local fire de partment. The new officers to be seated in January include Gertrude Hen- nies, president; Sadie Peterson, The Silverton Hills Young Grangers of America will hold their annual ' meeting January 71 at the L. O. Hadley home. Elec tion of officers will be featured., The Silverton Hills home eco- first vice-president; Frances Inomics club will meet January 1 Whitehead, second vice-president; at the home ef Mrs. Milton Knauf, and Elizabeth Ball, secretary-trea- Silverton. two aogs raiding sneep were The Four Leaf Clover club was recently killed on the Willard entertained Wednesday . at the I Bentson ranch. home of Mrs. Elizabeth Ball with Mrs. Josie Mires is reported im proving.. She has been 111 with in fluenza and has been confined to I T r "" "" memoer. lerf SaVerton. ; M an all day .meeting. The Christ' mas party and gift exchange were features of the afternoon. and visitors enjoyed the luncheon. The group is busy with Red Cross sewing. It was voted to give all the money in the club treasury to the -Turner, fire department In January Mrs. Eddie Ahrens will 1 be hostess to the dub group at hex i country home, if Valloy Events January S Marlon eountr tauartertr Farmers1 Union convention, VFW haii. Allies seised strategie Timor (1) but admitted that a Japanese ad ; vanee Meant Penans W was -tne." News waa lackins ef Sarawak mo Hood. Salem. 10 a. m. m W- . ar am - - m . m V"" rfapauesaj Domocri raiaca airpons nearauauui r i - January 13 State Graae -. auta (uuukv ua puiccrs movement was aeTeioping irom Apvn i ence. una LeraspL Hongkong (5 refosed to surrender. Chinese reported Confer-' a Knssiaa army In Manchukuo (() immobilixed Japanese troops. 17 OreeoB Blackberry Control board. January 11 Logan i berry Woodbi and urn. lefs Keep This Busy Bridge Open We want you to know that we are meeting this emergency with everything we've got It is an emergency that will require long sustained effort and we will see it through with every resource at our command. We are deeply grateful for your co operation in not making other than the most urgent calls in order that our lines may be available for telephone calls im portant to defense. Jlay we also ask you to lend us a hand over the Holiday Season by not sending greetings by Long Distance, Thank you, ; THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 7401 State St 'Telephone 3101