PAGE SIX N STATE5MAH. SALEM Oregon, Tutsdar Homing Doctmbox XX 1841 I Salem Folk Arrive Home Holiday visitors are many these days and are arriving in the capital to spend Christmas and New Year's with their fam- i Hie. Mr. Phillip Barrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Bar- . rett, arrived Saturday from San Francisco to be here for the holiday season. He is attending the San Francisco Theological Seminary. Other guests at the Barrett home for Christmas will be Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jahn (Margaret Barrett) of Seattle. They will arrive on Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas I. Hayes, jr. (Louise Hayes) arrived in Sa lem last week from San Rafael, Calif., where she has been re siding since her marriage in June. Lt. Hayes is with the army air corps and Mrs. Hayes will be at the Lablsh home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Hayes, for the duration. Jack Hayes, an Oregon State college student, is also home for the holidays. House Guests Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smith are entertaining as their holiday guests their son, Mr. William M. Smith, a senior at Oregon State college and Mrs. Smith's slstersMrs. William C. Kruegel of Pullman, Wash., and Miss Frances Malotte of San Fran cisco. On Christmas Mrs. Kruegel will be joined by her husband and daughter, Miss Marian Kruegel of Portland. Another Christmas guest at the Smith home will be Mr. Lawrence Dunihue of Portland. Miss Patricia Otten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Otten, will arrive on the streamliner Wednesday morning from ' Washington, DC to spend Christmas with her parents. She will leave by plane for the east on Sunday. Miss Otten, who Is in Senator Rufus Holman's office, telegraphed her parents Sunday she would be home af ter an earlier letter saying she would be unable to come west. Miss Charlotte Eyre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Eyre, will be home Wednesday from Myrtle Point where she is a member of the high school faculty. She will be in Salem for the holidays at the home of her parents. Couples Honored On Wedding Royal Neighbors of America entertained with a delightful party Monday night at the Fra ternal temple in honor of thcee couples, members of the lodge, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversaries this year. They include Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Matten, Mr. and Mrs. John Ack erman and Mr. and Mrs. George Rufe of Independence. A mock wedding was held with Rev. Robert Hutchinson offici ating. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mary Ackerman. Mrs. Edna Sheppherd, Mrs. Dora Pratt, Mrsr. Julia Gregory, Mrs. Rose Abbott and Mrs. LaVerna Fiala. Flower girls were Jocele Greg- ory and Gloria Jean Butler. The tables were decorated in gold and white with a wedding cake in the center. A program was given with Royal Neighbors and families attending. Mrs. Sarah Peterson and Mrs. Fran cis Hoyte were in charge of ar rangements. - Mrs. Finley to Entertain Mrs. Delwin Finley will enter tain her club at a Christmas par ty .tonight at her East Lincoln street home. Several hours of contract will be followed by a late supper. Members are Mrs. Joseph Fel ton, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. War ren Baker, Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. Kenneth Barker. Mrs. Clin ton Standish, Mrs. Lee Craw ford and Mrs. Finley. Miss Vivian Webb, who U studying at Sacramento Junior college, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Barton, during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Jka Wdbnrn are leaving for Seattle Wednes day to spend the holidays with their son, Harold and wife. M R. and Mrs. Charles Elwood Dull of Maplewood, New Jersey announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Miss Mary Lou Dull, to Ensign' Wallace A. Sprague, son of Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. The wedding is planned to take place this spring. The couple met during their college days at Oberlin where they graduated in 1939. The bride-elect has come west twice to visit with her fiance's parents and was here the last time in August Ensign Sprague had planned to go east to spend Christmas at the Dull home but due to war conditions was unable to leave. Miss Dull received her master's degree Miss Mary Jane Brabec and Mr. William Phillips entertained a group of the younger set at an informal party at the Wil liam Phillips home on West Le felle street Saturday night pre ceding the Rainbow dance. Pupils Attend Party ' Pupils of the Billings and Arm strong school of the dance, were entertained at a Christmas par ty on Friday night. A hundred guests saw the floor show and program for which Santa Claus was master of ceremonies. Taking part in the program were Kinky Burton, Beverly Brown, Claudette Coleman, Di ana McKay, Sharon Fleming, Darlene Loose, Laura Smith, Sally Jo Greig, Marilyn Lorenz, Joan Ferguson, Lorraine Ray, Leah LaDou, Marilyn Miller, Patty Lloyd, Kay Muhs, Alice Jay Miller, Diane Mackso.n, Mary Kay Brown, Judy Bee croft, Loris Merriott, Norma Miller, Marlene Henney, Barba ra Bachelor, Diane Putnam, Sondra Lee Allison, Jerry Bar chus, Peggy Kuhns, Donna Jean Ayres, Marilyn and Marlene Frichtle, Darlene Dozler, Mar lene Prosser, Ramona Hassing, Lola Travis, Dorothy Prosser and Amadean Bean. Mrs. Johnson Fetes Club Mrs. Grace Johnson honored members of her club with a Christmas party and luncheon Monday afternoon at her Che meketa street home. Bridge was in play during the afternoon. Places were laid for Mrs. G. Kelly, Mrs. W. J. Liljequist, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs. Jesse Campbell, Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Frank Loose, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. W. S. Levens and Mrs. Johnson. She'll Marry Ensign Sprague in English at the Graduate -School of Philo sophy, Columbia university and later took graduate work in education at Columbia Teachers college. She is now teacher of English at Central high school, Port Byron, New York. Ensign Sprague Is with the naval re serves, 13th division, Seattle, public rela tions department. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and received his master's de gree in history at Harvard university. Before leaving for active duty he was associated with The Oregon Statesman. Ensign Sprague's sister is Mrs. Melvin T. Hurley of San Francisco. (Photograph by Bachrach). are today New Pledges Of Honor Society New pledges to Sigma Lam da, high school scholastic honor society were named at a formal ceremony held in the home rooms Friday. The new pledges will be honored at a homecom ing banquet tonight in the high school cafeteria. The members of Sigma Lambda will be hosts, and have invited prominent guests and alumni to speak. Prospective members, named on Friday by older members, dressed in robes and making the announcements in the home room, include: Arley Boyce, Vernita Batson, Laura Jean Bates, Margaret Bellinger, Clyde Christman, Elaine Evans, Patricia Edgerton, Mary Duncan, Alice Fay Daugh erty, Kathryn Hill, Rollie Haag, Delvon Long, Dorothy Kenney, Janice Nelson, Joe Power, Bob Over, David Ringland, Imogene Rock, Ruth Rempel, Jim Smith, Don Stoudenmeyer, Eileen Teel, Roger Wagner, Stanley Wel born, Loren Wiederkehr and Helen ZielinskL Mrs. Hal D. Fattoa returned last week from a stay in San Francisco and Los Angeles. This weekend her daughter, Miss Marie Patton of Hermiston, vis ited with her mother. Pienings Hosts JO vJaiTOlerS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Piening were hosts to the carol singers of the First Christian church Sun day night at their home at 850 Thompson street Following singing of Christmas carols, the group of young men and women -enjoyed a social time. Those present were Delvon Long, Dawn Bates, Bernice Cap linger, Stewart Leek, Audrey .Jackson, Dorothy Gibson, Ann Hendrickson, Jerry Tfllott, Nor ma Belle Weather by, Hollis s Ruth Epley, Esther Fullenwider, ' Janis Robinson, Ruby Qinebell, David Leek, Herbert Clausman, director, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gritton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ' Lindsey, Mrs." Nellie " Harrison and the host and hostess. The front of the home i decorated , with fflumhiated'paintings of the SffiVBtON-Births aithe verton hospital during the past week include sons to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Van 'Hatten, ML AngeL and tai Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Forrest, Scotts Mills, and a daughter to the. Clifford Almquist on Decem- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mee went by car last Saturday to Clifton, Col., where they will spend the holiday season with daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Pendegraft, and two grandchil dren, Rose and Marion. Buffet Supper At Schulzes Dean and Mrs. Daniel H. Schulze presided at a smartly appointed buffet supper Monday night at their home on Hansen avenue for a group of their friends. The buffet table was decorated with red satin ribbon, holly, Santa Claus and white candles. The individual tables were cen tered with holly and the mantle was festive with holly and silver spent informally. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erickson, Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Egbert S. Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Hutchins, Dean and Mrs. Melvin H. Geist, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Dr. and Mrs. R. Franklin Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brennen, Mr. and Mrs. Lestle J. Sparks and Dean and Mrs. Schulze. Mrs. Pierce Is Hostess Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce honored members of her club at a Christ mas party Monday night at her Fairmount Hill home. A late supper was served by the hostess and gifts exchanged. Attending were Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. E. V. McMechan, Mrs. Roger Mything, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. F. W. Poorman and Mrs. Pierce. Heme for the Chris tnusholi days is Miss Renee Caplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Caplan. Miss Caplan is attending the University of Oregon and is a pledge of Alpha Delta Pi so rority. Mrs. Caplan drove to Eugene and returned to Salem with her daughter last weekend, 1 TTTrmffriTl flT Store Hours Wednesday 9A.M. to 6 P.M. ( v Chese from wide ,., ; , . , cms, all at wards Parties Are On Holiday Calendar Invitations are In the mail for three large holiday parties to which members of - the high school and college contingent have been invited. Miss Miriam Becke, attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke, will be hostess for a holiday tea at the North Sum Bier street home of her parents on Monday; December. 29. A large group of the high school set have been invited to call during the afternoon. ' Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. Sisson and Miss Edith Mox ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Moxley, have sent in vitations to a formal dance for which they will be hostesses on Monday night, December 29. Dancing hours are from 9 to 12 o'clock and 70 couples have been bidden to the affair. Cha perones will be Mr. and Mrs. Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Moxley, Miss Beryl Holt and Miss Mabel P. Robertson. Mrs. Harry N. Crain and her daughter, Miss Barbara Crain, have arranged an "at home" for Tuesday afternoon, Decem ber 30 at their South High street residence. A large group of Salem matrons and maids have been invited to call be tween 4 and 6 o'clock. Anniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm were honor guests on their sil ver wedding anniversary Sun day at the-home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fromm on route seven. Mr. and Mrs. Fromm, married in Beulah, South Dakota, have lived near Salem for the past 17 years. The anniversary celebration began with a dinner, later a program included a reading by Alice Fromm, songs and guitar numbers by Harry Schneider and Ruben Roth, accordion numbers by Arlene Fromm, cornet and trumpet duets by Alma and Donald Baal and songs by August Baal and Es ther Letz. Mr. and Mrs. Fromm's chil dren are Herbert Fromm, Elno ra Roth, Delma and Alice Fromm. Present at the dinner and program were: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kelly, Donna Jo Kelly, Independence; Mrs. L. S. Lohse, Paul Lohse, Clarence, Wilfred and Erna Lohse, Mr. and Mrs. William Roth, Shirley Ann and Beverjy Joan Roth, William Vern Roth, jr., Ruben Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Letz, Esther, Walter and Roy Letz, Mrs. August Baal, Donald and Alma Baal, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Gaertner, Mrs. Eme lia Raaf, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Roth, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Schneider, Viola, Gertrude, Al bert, Harry and Elsie Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sheets, Ron ald Sheets, Mr. Charley Matt son, Mr. Herman Weikum, Mr. and Mrs. G. Grenz, Helen and Richard Grenz, Mrs. Margarete Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johnson, Mrs. Mary Pedersen, Delma, Alice and Delbert Fromm, Fromm, Fromm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arlene and Gordon Mice Rrrrnrl To Engaged Announcement is being made by Judge and Mrs. James T. Brand of the engagement of their daughter. Miss Morley Brand of New York City, to Mr. Paul Asmussen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Asmussen of New York City. There has been no date set for the wedding. The bride-elect Is a graduate of Oberlin college and received a degree in journalism at Co lumbia university. She is now engaged in journalistic work in New York. Mr. Asmussen is in the United States army stationed with the 42nd engineers at Camp Selby, Miss. He formerly was associ ated with his father in business in New York City. Dinner Club at . Andersons Mrs, A. M. Anderson was hostess at a dinner on Saturday honoring members of her club. Gifts were exchanged during the afternoon. Those present were Mrs. J. A. Kamey, Mrs. P. T. Bouffler, Mrs. I. W. Geer, Mrs. E. S. Adams, Mrs. J. J. Wiens, Mrs. L. D. Keuscher, Mrs. D. Livingstone, and the hostess. Mrs. Geer is a new member of the club. 'TPtiTU tf assortments el Quality aewn-t earth prices. MAX1NE BUKrJN Editor Surprise Tea Fetes Miss Cameron , Miss Jane Cameron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cam eron, was honored at a lovely surprise tea on Sunday after noon when Mrs. Cameron, en tertained at her Center street home. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Miss Cameron. Guests called between 3:30 and 5 o'clock. Miss ' Sybil Spears and Miss Beryl Robison of Portland pre sided at the tea urns and as sisting were Miss Betty Wirth and Miss Nancy Stricklin. Silver and red were used in the table appointments with roses, silver birds and fruit flanked by candles centering the table. The mantle was decorated with silver and blue and ar rangements of holly and can dles were used about the rooms. The living room window was festive with snow, stars and candles. Honoring Miss Cameron were Miss Beryl Robison of Portland, Miss Betty Wirth, Miss Doro thy Vandeneynde, Miss Leone Spaulding and a group of her Salem Beta Chi sorority sis ters, Miss Sybil Spears, Miss . Pat Ryan, Miss Ruthanne DdlighterS Unit Thompson, Miss Bernice Elgin, Miss Margaret Sehon, Miss Stel- J Beall's Nancy Stricklin, Miss Dorothy Koschmider, Miss Emma Lou East, Miss Joyce Harper, Miss AHeen Hutchinson, Miss Mary Laughlin, Miss Mary Joe Gei ser and Mrs. John Pollock. Club Members Are Guests Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bressler were hosts to members of the Knot-a-Care-Klub and their hus bands Saturday night. Pinochle was in play, honors awarded to Mrs. Albert Baker, Mr. Maurice Gustafson and Mrs. W. C. Thom as. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ann. Wayne, special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andresen, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bressler, Mrs. Irene Birch, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker and Mrs. Carl Wolz. Husbands Are Party Guests The PLEF club of Pythian Sis ters, with their husbands as spe cial guests, met for a business meeting and Christmas party at home of Mrs. Chester Hixson, with Mrs. C. J. Pugh assisting the hostess. A Christmas basket was filled for a needy family and also a box of fruit prepared for the Oregon Washington Pythian home. Five hundred was in play, hon ors going to Mrs. Dorothy Wilson, Mr. L. B. Hixson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinzer. After an exchange of Christmas gifts, refreshments were served to Mrs. Nora Davidson, Mrs. Mary Aplin, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pugh, Mrs. W. J. Peek, Mr. William Hague, Mrs Charles Parmenter, Mrs. Laura Johnson, Mrs. Rida Lineback, Mrs. Caroline Hixson, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hixson, Anna Muncey, Miss Daisy Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hixson, Mrs. Dorothy Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burk, Donald Burk and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knizer. ufO'iVlfi;' ENTER CLEim WEEKLY C011TEST BAKI COOKIIS foe service sara. every cooky eaters of Srric Mens wiS b Mtcs br m property oos aad -zs- 5i jmz Fcr DETAILS 2ls!i Year Grcccr SOCIEH MUSIC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierce and daughter, Susan, and Miss Barbara Pierce of Portland were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce at their Falrmount hill home. Daues Are Hosts ' At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue en tertained members of their club at a Christmas party Monday night at their Saginaw street home. A no-host buffet dinner was served and the small tables were decorated with red candles and holly. Greens and candles were arranged" about the' rooms and the guests exchanged gifts. Bridge was in play during the evening. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Harley O. White, Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Adams, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. DeLano, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yocom, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Vibbert, Mr, and Mrs. Fred S. Annunsen, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Daue. Daughters unit of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. James Beall. Mrs. Solon Shinkle and Mrs. Ralph Harlan assisted the hostess. Present at. the meeting and Christmas party were Loris Harlan, Cornelia Strayer, Joan Hoereth, Verletta Jacobsen, Dor othy Cady, Lois Young. Ann Marie and Lucy Van Cleef, Mary McCormick, Joanne Day, Alvera Purcell, Virginia BealL Rita Free, Rosemary Shattuck and . Marilyn Hart, Mrs. F. K. Hoer eth, Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs. D. Day, Mrs. Solon Shinkle and Mrs. James BealL FOR CHRISTMAS! MUM Top Quality PLENTY OF 234 N. Liberty LEON'S C0 A Grand Christmas Gift That Will Last the Entire Year. v A Subscription, to Carrier Service in Salem and rarroimdinf towns. Reduced rates by mail outside dty of Salem. Note: The Statesman is the only Salem paoer that ii aeflJUti7 t-nm 01 PattoiLlt la not An impropriate" GiflMai "All Gift Subscriptions Payable in Advance T A Gift Card Bearing Your Nama Will Be UaHed with Each Subscription . Special Reduced Candy: Is on Program of The Week Candy is an absolute neces sity for this coming holiday, and the woman who can make it it assured popularity. Here are several excellent candies for Christmas making. PULLED MINTS 3 cups sugar 1 cup water 2 tablespoons cornstarch 10 drops oil peppermint Put all Ingredients except oil of peppermint into a saucepan and cook, stirring constantly un til sugar is dissolved. Then cover and cook for 2 minutes, so that the steam may wash down sugar crystals from sides of pan. Re move cover and cook to f 5 de grees. Wash down sides of pan occasionally with pastry brush dipped in water to remove sugar as it forms. Remove from fire and pour into a greased pan. When cool enough to handle put oil of peppermint into center of mass, fold over the comers, so that the peppermint win not be lost, form into a balL and pull until It becomes quite firm. Stretch out In a long rope and cut into small pieces. These are supposed to be served as after dinner mints and should be dainty. Sift together 2 cups pow dered sugar and 1 cup corn starch. Spread this mixture over bottom of shallow pan, drop pieces of candy Into the mix ture, keeping pieces separated. Let stand over night Sift off the sugar and pack in covered Jars or tins. VICTORIA SKITTLE 1 pound granulated sugar (2 cups) Vi pound almonds Vi pound butter Bitter chocolate for dipping More chopped almonds for top Melt butter, add sugar and boil to 237 degrees or until melt ed, stir constantly. Stir in al monds and boil to 312 degrees or about 3 minutes longer, and until amber colored. Pour in (Cantinued on Page 7) THEM TOO! Beautiful Shoes liUSICK'S SS1.99 Pr. err! Hmd 311 7 Rates to Men in Service - n