The OBEGON STATESMAN. SAIJ Oreo.Tuesday Morning. December 23. 1941 Local News Briefs Many Treated One first aid call was made Monday following nu merous cases Sunday. Raymond Gail, 18 months old, was treated after he caught his right arm in a clothes wringer at his home, 129 Abrams' avenue. Sunday, the crew was called to treat Elmer Thilman of Hayesville for bruises suffered in a fall; William Mc Glaughlin, 1144 Center street, for stomach hemorrhage; Neil War rick of Monmouth for concussion suffered in a car wreck. Gene- vieve Morgan. 275 North 14th street, axe cut on one finger, Warrick was reported in "good" condition Monday night at Salem General hospital. Mrs. Curtis Stevens, her 1 1-toonths-old child and Mrs. Ben Bergen, all of Dal las, were given first aid Saturday Coming Events Dee. 24 First day of Christ mas vacation, Salem public schools. Dee. 25 Christmas day. Savings Insured to 55,000.00 are earning 3 at Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. Eight Cars in Collision Four auto accidents, from early Sunday morning to Sunday night, were re ported by city police. Damage was slight The collisions, in order of occurrence involved autos oper ated by Alvin Walter Jones of Gervais and Elmer E. Hamilton of Rickreall route one at 12th and Court streets; Arthur H. Miller of Salem Precincts Provide Half Of Jurors for January Term; Attorney Must Return Fee Salem precincts provided 16 of the 31 names drawn Mon day afternoon for jury duty in January term of Marion "county circuit court. In an order issued Monday by Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan, Rex Albright, Silverton attorney, Portland and Fred Dorn of San nieht after thev were struck at Diego at Center and Commercial High and State streets by an auto streets; cnaries n. wasnDurn oi driven by V. P. Mentzer, 1245 Roseburg and Edward T. Brock nui, itsou jeir street, at Loncoin and Commercial streets; Neil War rick of Monmouth and Leonard L, Foltz of Dallas at Hood and Cot North 17th street. Lutz florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N. Lib. nnA VhIa fit-slats T t iimII fa. . . " j tage streets. Warrick suffered quire approximately 7000 pounds 6 , "ail"'a.. su"" M,,sL. Annn nn,mHc f t concussion and was given first . ' i.. aid, ana ij cases oi oranges to supyij? Was directed to repay to the Wil liam S. Jack estate $1703.12, sum collected as executor and again as attorney in settlement of the es tate. A . final decree was issued inadvertently. June 25, the court declared,," but it was revoked by order .November 18. Payment to himself of attor ney's fees in the sum of $1703.12 ir addition to payment to himself of executor's fees in the sum of $1703.12 is illegal and contrary to law," the cpurt declared it ap pears. '. A decree for Laurette Whitney, providing that she is to receive (less attorney's, fees) $1004.32 de posited by Aetna Life Insurance company with the court, was handed down by Judge E. M. Page on Monday in settlement of the case of Aetna Life vs. Laurette Whitney and Imogene H o d e s. Mrs. Hodes had waived rights to the money, which was in payment dismissed on payment "of costs by Liedtke. Evens Jones; passing another moving vehicle when view ahead not clear; continued to. December 31, 10 a. m. for sentence. Hiram Hagen; disorderly con duct; 90 days in jail and Costs; jail sentence to be suspended . on payment of costs and Hagen to be placed on year's probation during which he is to violate no law and is to refrain from , using liquor commitment issued. O. E. Steffens; assault and bat tery on A. P. Clark; $25 and costs. James G. Rand, jr.; no tail light on trailer; $1 and costs. Myron W. Mix; failure to stop $1 and costs. Texas D. Roberts; no PUC per mit; to enter plea Tuesday at p. m. George R. Clickinger; no PUC permit; to enter plea Tuesday at 2 p.m. Best-Loved Christmas Stories: ID U Hittle iWatrjf) (girl Haag. Delvon Long. Dorothy Ken- ney, Janice 'Kelson, Jo Power, Bob Over, David Bingtaryi, Imo gene Rock, Ruth Tempel, Jim Smith, Don toudenmeyer, Eileen TeeL Roger Wagner, Stanley Wel born, Loren Wiederkehr and Helen ZielinskL By HANS CHRISTIAN She drew one out R-r-atch! ANDERSEN How It sputtered and burned! (Condense) ' It was a warm, brieht flnm It It was terribly cold. It snowed reaUy seemed to the little girl as now was dead, had told her that when a star fell down a tool mounted up to God. INDIANAPOLIS - (ff) - C W. Price, arrested on a traffic law h rubber another m a t e h I violation charre. was called to DO- and was almost dark and evening u before a great polished against the wall, and In the flame lice headquarters. While he was came uu uie iasi evening oi uc stove. How the fire burned! How the old grandmother stood dear there officers placed a ticket on Jca1- wie " no iwu romfortabl it was! But the little and thinimr rnHd and lovrir. hl autsannhn lft hi i mi nark. v1 uareucaueu iwi flame went out and the stove van- "Grandmother!" cried the child, ing zone. uiuciwi, wa wauung uirwuawe ished. "Oh, take me with you. I know SXreCXS. A tuwm1 wai niKH fltramcf vmi urf1t rr urin tK mfltrh i I In an old apron she carried a the wall and this time the little burned out. You win vanish like nUIIlDer OI matcnes ana a DM- in ty. nf th flam th warm r th warm frmrf and a table with a snow white cloth the glorioustZhristmas tree!" and a shining dinner service. And Hastily, she rubbed the whole there was a roast goose, stuffed bundle of matrhri and sadaealr die of them In her hand. No one had Bought anything of her all day and no one had given her a farthing. Shivering with cold and hunger, with apples and dried plums! Then the match went out and she crept along. In all the win- there was the cold night again. cows ugnis were snining ana mere she lighted another match and was a glorious smell of roast goose this time it was as if she were sit for it was New Year's eve. tin undpr hMmtifui rhritma In a corner formed by two tree, greater and more ornament houses she sat down, cowering, ed than any she had ever imae- one naa arawn up ner ntue leet ined. Thousands of candles burned there was a great flame. Smil ing, the grandmother took the little gtrl bs her arms and both flew In b r I g h tness and Joy above the earth, very, very high. And vp there was neither cold nor hunger nor care because they were with God. UEYS VIEWS - By Les Newnan MARRIAGE LICENSES Walter L. Kraxberger, 24, teach- the state institutions during the Spa gift chocolates in beautiful holiday season, the state purchas- boxes. ins agent said Monday. Turkeys fr ir.En,itinn rhristmas dinners. Autos "Prowled" Mrs. B. Zum other than at the state penitentiary wait, 2145 Hazel avenue, told city and Oreeon state hosnital. also Pollc a Christmas package was have been bought by the state pur- stolen Sunday night from her car, of a lif e insurance policy, chasing department. The peni- I parnetr at ai iorui vnurcn street, i tentiary and sUte hospital raise Theft of two hub caps from his CIRCUIT COURT their own turkeys and much of car l nooa ana nurcn streets Drawn Monday lor jury duty Ihpir nthir meat. Saturday night, was reported by were names of: Dorothy Bancroft, Frank Doolittle, 464 Rural avenue. Salem housewife: Edwin G. Beck- er, uiaastone, ana rtathryn Jean I 1 TTT - A. TTT 31 I TToll 0 1 CAn CtlOTVl Ar PortV.V . i er. west vyouauurn Luipiemcui i , "'"j Say Merry Christmas with j T u t3i, itv rtoraid Down Avlott 22 ehin- We still have a supply of Sun- flowers. Adams-Florist. 225 N. L ' n o'. Lard weld-r Taooma and Cather beam Mixmaster and Hamilton Liberty. Z TiZi C Fd Brdt- Lorraine Pfu, 18, ialem Beach mixers. Yeater Appliance . . . '. ". " TlT ,r wnimneys maze aiem lire ae- 1 . ""'i " MUNICIPAL COURT partment equipment was called adw SalnL housewife; George Glen C1. no8 Lewis Sunday morning to a flue fire at ens' Zr" street, faUure to stop, fined $2.50. 398 South Winter street and "D GTr Emery J. Jones, 535 Madrona of children are guests for treats the afternoon to a chimney fire S; W-f J fiiT' . ' avenue, violation of basic rule, and toys, the latter mended by Sa- ... . ian C,.iK rK,,, ""J""" """"'"' VJtu'6'i I finii I lem finmm Ulysses urant uoyer, uecemDer - - "" "vtk- wckart. Rosedale farmer: L. O. I ' .. 20. Born April 8, 1866, in Sulphur day afternoon a chimney fire at arolo o.,.- ff,rtman. Pp. "nest &cnroeder, 1110 boutn Tickets have been distributed Lake, Indiana. Survived by wid- 845 Center street was extinguished. ter j. Hunt Aurora farmer- W. C. street, violation of basic through the schools to needy chil ow, Cora; sister, Mrs. Lou Grif- KeV Salem retired Robert R ruie, iinea o. dren, who are to attend a matinee .. . , l -1 j ThA ideal oift? Flnwpntl OI son I J,vtv' ' ' v" Vranlr T.inpnln Patro 19.RS 0-1 ai uic ouiie uieatre at a .ok) wea- WeVe had our differences f opinion In the past capital and But in the corner. 1 e a n i n e I labor. CIO and AFT. nmnrnt but she was still cold. She did not upon the branches. Eagerly the against the wall, sat the poor girl, and Republican, nationalist and aare to go nome ior sne would little girl stretched forth her hand frozen to death. "She wanted to interna uonaiisi out now ine certainly receive a beating from and the match went out warm herself," the people said Ume has come to remember that her father. Besides, it was cold The Christinas lights mounted Ditymly. U; ! .AJn5ican: , , , ., , - - . ..... nc rc ail in uie tunc dov too higher. She saw them now as stars No one imagined what a beau- na niaciir rrui ahad of in the sky. One of them fell down tiful thing she had seen and in us. In the cominf days each one forming a long line of fire. what glory she had gone with her of us will find there is a definite Now someone Is dying." grandmother to the New Year's Job 'for us to do and let's be at home. Her little hands were almost benumbed with 'cold. Ah! A match might do her good, if she could only draw one from the bundle and rub it arainst the wall and warm her hands at it thought the little girt for her day. old grandmother, the only per- (Next: son who had loved her and who ready and willing to do whatever Spa candy. The ideal gift. Co., 255 No. Liberty. Ph. 4311. Obituary Shoes) Elks Prepare For Annual Yule Party Christmas plans of Salem Elks lodge will reach their peak Wed nesday morning when hundreds of the Salem Elks lodge will be present to accept the gifts. Invitations to the party, open to the public, have been extended to a number of Salem civic or ganizations. Members of out-of-town skating clubs will be pres ent as guests of the Rinksters. Bayer nn 01 ueno; two granocnuoren, r . -7"' Kellv. Salem service station op erator: Helen B. Law. Salem Paul, Minn. Funeral services will Tvdos But Bond Members of housewife: Onie L. Martin. Salem be held Tuesday, December 23, capital Typographical union, Lo- laborer; Byron E. McElhaney, Un at 1:30 p.m. from W. T. Rigdon ni 1ft vnted here Rnndav to buv ion Hill farmer: Georee R. Mudd. company chapel, Dr. J. C. Harri- a m defense savings bond, it was Salem, retired; Arthur L. Page, son omciaung. inwrmem in ujr announcei Monday. Jefferson farmer; Paul Plessin- View cemetery. Spa chocolates fresh pack daily. ger, Salem landscaper; Hugh Rc)h j street, violation of basic rule, nesday morning and will then be nnea iu. taken to the Elks temDle. Chil Albert Kaiser, 2586 Lee street dren without tickets are asked not violation of basic rule, fined $7.50. to come to the temple before 12:30 naroio Anaerson, 0 44 t erry o'clock. ; c r e e t violation of basic rule, fjied $5, Clothing has been distributed during the past several days, and Williams .lnlrnne PrkrilonH I 0 r ' Ranee. West Silverton clerk: Ed- ,.,: 7 ZL-"ZZZ J I -7, will continue to be until Wednes- J T3ru4.fM Clo ,i ' i"""' lu swp PaiQ n4!n.Ke;. ward Rostein, Salem real estate -J?" ru day night, to many needy families, ... ; vj dealer; Cecil C. Sargent, Liberty , . . ' accordmg to Joe Krauger, chair x.uw vi "" regular meetine mt.t c.t.t.j.. on o 4, regular mwunn D"r:vr, r-rr school bodt 7:30 tonight in Grace Straw, Miss Betty Lou the administration building. Williams, Harry and Leon Wil the Salem I85. Agne LU Schotthoefer, bflUi I man. Salem housewife; Guy O. Thurs- I ton, West Silverton laborer; Com- yh Tracy, Turner farmer; Sarah Raymond Jankowski, Chicago, vagrancy, released to leave town. Kenneth Anderson, 1131 Union Say Merry Christmas with flow- C. Van Cleave, McKee housewife; drunk, released on $10 Skaters Plan Gift Program liams, all of Salem; brother of ers. Olson Florist. Phone 7166. 499 George A. Vicary, Salem, plumb- hsn r T T ! Jl fl I I t iit.ii: ci i- J. I u&u lj. o. i-iiiuicj UIiU imib. xa- court. er; uesse vy ailing, oaiem, reurea; R w c;mr..nn mer Johnson of Terra Haute, Ind., Loring D. Waterman, Salem farm- JZ T'JzT2 Mrs. Henry Stitsel of Brazil, Subject Set-Truth Study -class er; and Jennie M. wiUis, Salem FtJZ Ind., and Mrs. Oscar Corbin of will meet on Tuesday this week housewife. ?ai $10, served one day m Oklahoma; survived also by two and next at 155 South Liberty - 3 a" an Paia .DniMr.n c,;,.. ,m v,. treet niive Stevens is leader. JoseDhine Sharping vs. John H. uzn uinlan, vagrancy, commit- heid T,,eHav rieremKer ot Shaping; complaint for divorce, ted t0 city iail t0 serve out $10 7:30. A feature will be the collec n.,.TLi Special dance at Crystal Gardens alleging cruel and inhuman treat- "ne- tion of games and toys from those I Vf4 MAC btVUKil-UUUA . ... 1 I t - . n ft r, . : . I ... . . xiiuiauojr, Viuuuuas a j . mfinl and aSKlng Uiat piaintlll Dei ivma, uuo ouu.n juuii akieiiuiiig, iu ut tuiucu uvci declared sole owner of car, that street, drunk, released on $10 I the Joy and Toy committee of the she receive one sum of $100 ali- Dau- Elks and firemen for distribution Salem Skating club will present its third annual Christmas party tonight at the Capitola rink at chapel, with Rev. Guy L. Drill of ficiating. Concluding services in City View cemetery. Bands. No dance Wednesday. Small In this city Saturday, Decem ber 20, Calvin W. Small, aged 84 near Corvallis, years, late resident of Turner. Father of Mrs. Ada L. SDarks of Our Suggestions Poinsettias, Burbank, Calif., and Mrs. Blanch azaleas, begonias, cyclamen, pop T tm r I 1 A m n'oi IT flirt Charles Myers, 14, was reported to m aorn8 COurt costs and disbursements and res- n!4 vy1inA CnniT T rrV oe mice " ly toration of her maiden name, Jo mg from the ChUdren's Farm home I .. . . Clarence A. Prange, Burbank, to needy children. Calif., failure to stop, paid $2.50 bail. Joe Krauger UAL Planning Salem, Boston Plane Service Salem will have direct air ser vice to Boston if the civil aero nautics board approves an appli cation filed by United Air Lines seeking permission to extend its present coast-to-coast line to that city and Hartford via Newark and New York, Station Manager Oliver Judd announced Monday. The company also has on file before the board a previous ap plication for permission to give direct east-west service from Boston and Hartford to the Pa cific c ast by way of Cleveland. Numerous individuals, shippers and civic organizations who de sire the benefits of the through service to the New England states are actively supporting the pres ent and previous application to extend United's present coast-to- coast route, over which the na tion's first transcontinental air mail, passengers and air express were flown. States has suffered an unprovoked attack and our consciences arc clear of guilt We have proved ourselves a mighty nation in peace and now comes an oppor tunity to show we have also those sterner qualities necessary for the more serious pursuit of war. In the face of danger we arc the UNITED States! This year more than ever Christmas and all Its traditions should be celebrated to the fall- est It should be gayer Una the tone of a calliope and as sin cere as a true friend's hand- ahake. The qaality of wiselflah seas, of consideration for those less fortanate than we are, the spiritual basis of the day, the sense of hope for the fatare of the world all these are valoet that must continue if we are to come to a time of "peace oa earth goodwill to men." That lies ahead is beyond the knowl edfe of any of us, bat we can surely say that happiness and hope can never be detrimental to that foture. For that reason, among many others, we shomld make this a holiday season ber yond compare. We owe it to the Christmas past and to come, to the children who will have to face realities toon enough, to the government leaders who arc now counting on us to maintahi morale. So a very Merry Christmas to yon all and amy alncereat good withes la the coming year. Our job as we see it is to "carry on" with our reeular work homecoming banquet tonight in as before until Uncle Sam wanta the high school cafeteria. us to do something else. Life must Those elected by faculty mem- go on back ef the lines to back bers are: Arley Boyce, Vemita up tne dots in ine iront unto. Batson, Laura Jean Bates, Mar- We on the Job-doing our part garet Bellinger, Oydt , Christ - 'x bVyond any dotibt mann, Elaine Evans, Patricia Ed- every other American ia williMlV gerton, Mary Duncan, Alice Faye doing the same. Les Newman, 1ft) Daugherty, Kathryn HilL Rollie No. Commercial. Letter Sent On First Air Trip, Speeds An air mail letter sent by Wil lis Card well, route 2, box 298, Salem to his son, Willis T. Card- welL Diablo Heights, Panama Canal Zone on December 5, when the first direct air mail service out of Salem was inau gurated, reached its destination in 18 hours, he reports. Air mail letters mailed previ ously to that time took from 30 to 32 hours to reach the same address. Ordinary postage takes about three weeks in transit The letter, postmarked Decem ber 3, 12:30 pjn. was postmarked at the time of delivery to its des tination, December 0, 8:30 im Pledges Will Be Honored New Sigma Lambda pledges of National Honor society at Salem senior high school will be hon ored at the chapter's annual sephine E. Radak. O T f.lU DAU..4. T f n theny vs. A. Garnero, Martin A. rMlflllf I illOl McCormick of "Portland;' stepfa- ully priced, Adams Florist, 225 swer by defendant Garnero al- T J TTftlC ther of George F. Reeves of Las N. Liberty. leges plaintiffs had contracted to Lid UUS USerS Vegas, Nev. Services will be held under the direction of the w- T- GlUFCll ObserVCS niguun company at lurner ivie- thodist church Tuesday, Decern- TlTie Meaning ber 23. at 10:30 a.m. Rev. C. W. O Pogue wiM officiate. Concluding Q CihrlstmaS aervicr tn iwin uax cemetery. clear and plow 20 acres for him at $35 an acre, that they were N. R. Powley, president the Pa- paid m full for this work but that cific Telephone and Telegraph a later survey showed they had company, commenting on the Pa- cleared only 15.70 acres, that they cific coast increased telephone de- had not taken out roots to allow mands as a result of the war I for workmanlike job of plowing, situation, stated recently. an mi Battle Alfred Eugene Battles at his residence route three, Salem, Monday, December 22, at the age December 25 of 73 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ellen Battles, Salem; daugh ters, Mrs. Ethel Smith, Mrs. Vera Canfield, and Mrs. Edna Wright, all of Salem, Mrs. Gladys Far rington, of Toledo, Ore., and Mrs. Doris Vogt, of Fort Stevens, Ore.; sons, Everett and Charles Battles, both of Salem; sister, Mrs. Lucy Hose, of Santa Anna, Calif.; also 10 grandchildren. Announcement of services later by Clough-Bar-rlck company. that Iocs had not been Diled as cer Putting Christ in Christmas is agreement: makes counterclaim to 1 1 1 - - i 1 M A, 1 I . ine iaea uacts. ui uie aniiueu caiijr rec0ver $287.87 allegedly over morning service to be held at the paid to plaintiffs. First Baptist cmircn at e a.m., Mabel Morrow and others vs. Ralph A. Harold and Janet L. "Never in its history has our company handled, in a similar period, the tremendous volume of telephone traffic which the extraordinary demands for tele phone service have placed on our system in the last ten days. "We deeply appreciate the fine The program, not more than Harold; answer alleges note in an hour in length, will consist of volved is property of the estate of caroling by tne girls cnorus, a w o. Morrow, never Drobated cooreration and understanding of solo, Mabel Fox, and a brief mes- d that proper party to maintain the telephone-using public and sage from Dr. I. A. Fox. action would be executor or ad- their splendid assistance in not Friends and members of the ministrator of estate and that making other than the most urg- First Baptist church are invited, plaintiffs are without legal capa- ent calls, which greatly aid us city to sue, that note was made to 'get the message through for without consideration and that telephone calls important to de- statute of limitations has nm. fense. WW Births WW Van Vlett To Mr. and . Mrs. John P. Van Vleet. 2035 North Commercial street, a son, John Patrick, born De cember 18. Salem General hospital. DuRette To Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. DuRette, Gervais, a daughter, Jean PROBATE COURT Lloyd Hawe Mott; final order to W. B. Mott administrator. Harvey J. Clements estate; pe- Waser Frank Waser. late of route six. Kathleen, born December 13, Deaconess titions to set aside exemnt nerson Salem, at a local hospital, Mon- h ouiufora-To Mr. and Mrs. Jack c. a1 property and homestead to wi day, December 22, at the age of Guiiiford, idanha. a son, Jimmie Claire, dow and for widow's allowance 50 years. Husband of Mrs. Helen elnSlxo Mr. aMHaX w'. of $3500 for one year. , Waser; father of Delores, Jean- Remwaid. 1325 3rd street West Salem, Harriet A. Erb estate; correct ette, and Francis Waser, all of IJSISLl ed description of one parcel of Salem; son of Alois Waser, and wolf tw Mr. and Mrs. Ronman J. property included in real estate brother of Alois Waser, both of XVaSS1. SgS appraised at $375 by B. E. Ed Lucerne, Switzerland. Rosary hospital. M wards, W. F. Campbell and L. E. Tuesday December 23 at8pm SSSSJ'X& Weinke. at Clough-Barrick chapel. Funer- ter. Karem Ellen, born pecember it, - George A. Wood estate; decree 11 services to be held at St. Jo- sm Giner1 hosPit1; W!n, of final settlement discharges Pio seph'a church December- 24 at Byers"J- .n dlhter! iSrfn neer Trust company, executor, f a.m. Interment in Belcrest Me- Maureen, born December 14, Salem frnm ito triMst and name Jan mortal park. r?i.ho8;- Wood, widow, and Thomas C. marque jo mr. ma mrs. riiu t. i . i . ' . Marques, route one. a daughter, San-1 Wood, Helen C. Howe and Jean E. Hobbs Harris Dayton Hobbs, at the family residence, 448 Hood street, December 22, at the age of 41 years. Survived by the widow. Claire Hobbs, Salem; sister, Mrs. Patricia Mae. bora December 10, Willi, ni.. r c.i I coness hospital. brother, H. M. Hobbs, Portland, Walt West Stiyton. a daughter. RiU hospital. y Schmidt To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schmidt jr.. 1780 Chemeketa street a daughter, Gloria Jean, born December 7, Deaconess hospital. g. Buratcic, 3543 East Turner Koaa. 1 law a son, uienn jacoo, Dorn uecemoer 9, Deaconess hospital. Cboqnette To Mr. and Mrs. Chester K. Choquette. woodbum, a daughter. Dea- and his mother of Portland. Fun eral arrangements later by Walker-Howell : funeral home. JUSTICE COURT Ralph R. Davis; following an- other motor truck too closely; $1 and costs. Ben Roth, jr.; driving after op erator's - license revoked; $20 and costs. , Glen Liedtke; defacing building not his own; case compromised; Walnuts - and , Walnut Bleats - Cash . Paid on Delivery - KELLEY FARQUHAR . : Salem, Oregon "--t';s: O Gasco Briqneb O Earner Oils V Call 4966 Shrydef Truck & Transfer Co. - YES . . i tVE HAVE (Top grade onlyand plenty of them.) : ' Beautiful Shoes 234 No. Liberty . N, 1 aNS f Wt'p ; . ji." "Merry Ctma? " ' it?:W i I !. : . ';. . ' . '1 .r III! jaT M I M fA taaamaam II . 7 17 i because all activity must be directed to one goal winning the war. Rubber must bt conserved. So must gas oline, lubricants and man power. Accordingly ...and it is with regret.. .wo have postponed the Gilmore Grand Canyon Run. Tho decision to defer the world's stock car classic was reached on our own volition . . . without an order or suggestion from any government department. At a future daft wo will again sponsor this annual mileagt test for new cars. But In tho meantime, all energies must be directed to one goal winning the war. Ear! B, Gilmore, President, Gilmore Oil Co PAGE SIX The ljUEGG It 8TATE52.IAI1, SAT.CT. Oregon, Tuesday Mozslna Oeceabex XX 1941 Salem Folk Arrive Home Holiday visitors are many these days and are arriving in Parties Are On Holiday Calendar Invitations are in the mail for three large holiday parties to socun Candy; Is on Program of The Week Candy is an absolute neces aitr tar thla eomlnar KnlM arul