Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning. December 20. 1941 Soloists for Sunday Told First Christian Church Presents Cantata and Trombone Number Th rhftir ftf th. TTirt christian ture Service). church will present its annual Christmas cantata, "The Story of Christmas," by H. Alexander Mat thews, Sunday at 7:30. Soloists for the occasion are Mrs. Carl Rickson, soprano; Betty Ann Swan son, alto; Elton Benedict, tenor, and Fred Bates, baritone. Besides a mixed quartet composed af the soloists, a ladies' and a nen's quartet make their appear ance. The former is composed f Mrs. Carl Rickson, Mrs. W. R. Tanner, Miss Beth DeLapp and Miss Betty Ann Swanson. Singing in the latter group are the Messrs. Eton Benedict, David Bates, J Fred Pugh and Tred Bates. The performance is under the direction of John Schmidt, jr. Accompani saents and organ numbers of the service will be provided by Mrs Eton Benedict. Preceding the cantata, Leslie Carson will be featured in a trom bone solo. "The Holy City." He will be accompanied by Mrs. Les lie Carson. Following is the order of ser vice: Organ prelude Silent Night I Holy Night!" Congregational hymn The Christmas Story In Scripture Pastor, Guy L. Drill Evening prayer "Joy to the world - Congregational hymn Announcements and evening offering "The Holy City" - Adam Trombone solo, Leslie Carson "The Story of Christmas" Matthews Part I The Prophecy and the Annunciation "Behold, the Days Come, Saith the Lord" "O Emmanuel, Our King and Lawgiver" Chorus "The Angel Gabriel was Sent From God" Soprano solo and chorus Part II The Vision of the Shepherds and Their Journey "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the field" Introduction and chorus "And the Angel Said Unto Them" Soprano solo "Glory to God in the Highest !".... Chorus "And it Came to Pass, When the Angels Were Gone Away" - Tenor solo and chorus "O Lovely Voices of the Sky" Soprano solo Part III The Quest of the Magi Instrumental March "Behold, There Came Three Wise Men" Bartitone and tenor solos and men's quartet "From the Eastern Mountains" Chorus "And When They Were Come Into the House" Tenor solo "O Come. All Ye Faithful" Chorus "Sleep, Holy Babe! In Slumber Lie" Alto solo and chorus Part IV The Fulfilment of the Prophecy . "Awake. Put on Thy Strength, O Zlon" Chorus Tor the Lord Hath Comforted His People" Tenor solo "Christ, to Thee. With God the Father Chorus The Benediction Organ Postlude '.. Best-Loved Christmas Stories: I )e Cfcrfetmasr inner (This is the first of a series of the two younger Crachits set The pudding was out of the - , AV Z a.. .vW4 Hftf k AAV A eMail 1t. .. 4! SiX famOUS XUie SlOneS, con- uious ivi tY;iwi;, - --. muw u cauii densed for The Statesman by ting themselves, ana mounting House ana pastry cook next Lucrece Hudeins of the AP Fea- guard upon their posts, crammed door to each other! That was i -1 , 4 1 . . . . v . . . . . Condensed from CHARLES DICKENS' "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" MRS. CRACHIT. dressed in a spoons in their mouths lest they should shriek for goose before their turn to be helped. At last the dishes were set and grace was said. It was succeeded by a breathless pause as Mrs. the pudding! In half a minute Mrs. Crachit entered flushed bat smilinr proudly with the pudding like a speckled cannon-ball, so hard and firm, blazing in ignited brandy, and bedirht with Christmas holly stuck into the top. White Gifts Are Featured "WTJ Music Heads, Featured as Part of Special Program Hundreds of gifts, all wrapped in white, will be placed on the platform by members and classes of the First Methodist church as a part of its Sunday morning serv ice, starting in the auditorium at 9:30 o'clock. fYr MnnH a v t Via i1 i f nnmm i i- wfi? tee. composed of Mrs. Oren Strat- twice-mended gown, laid the Crachit prepared to plunge the cloth for the Christmas table, carving knife into the heart of Daughters Belinda and Martha the fowl. helped while Master Peter Cra- There never was such a goose! Crachit said that he regarded it L ' T a mrm, T.;t.h. chit plunged a fork into the its tenderness and flavor, size and as the greatest success achieved U-T, T Mra saucepan w yvmiuw, emu cneapness, were me memes oi j 'oiui su.c mcu uu Winifred Herrick, Mrs. F E. Sim two smaller Crachits, boy and universal admiration. riage. , L. Mr j w Cobr! w c girl, danced about the table screaming their delight with the roasting goose. Then in came little Bob, the father, his threadbare clothes darned and brushed to look sea sonable, and Tiny Tim upon his shoulders. Alas for Tiny Tim, he bore a crutch and had his limbs supported by an iron frame. Such a bustle ensuded that you might have thought this family preparing the greatest Christmas banquet in ail Eng land. Mrs. Crachit made the gravy his&ing hot; Master Peter mashed the potatoes with in credible vigor; Miss Belinda sweetened Up the apple sauce; Martha dusted the hot plates Eked out by the apple sauce and mashed potatoes, it was a sufficient dinner for the whole family. Everyone had enough, and the youngest Crachits in particular were steeped in sage and onion te the eyebrows. Now, Mrs. Crachit left the room alone to nervous to bear wit ness to take the pudding up and bring it in. Suppose it should not be done enough! Suppose it should break in the turning out! Suppose some body should have got over the At last the dinner was all done, Keck and Waldo Marsters will the cloth was cleared, the hearth- assemble the gifts and purchase swept and the fire made up. Ap- other necessary things and pack pies ana oranges were put upon jor agec people and needy fam uie laoie ana a snoveirui oi nuts ilies. On ine lire. rjitt Phrktmas arnnnd 50 fam Then all the Crachit family ilies were thus remembered by drew about the hearth and Bob First church, the names of most Eight Masses Scheduled at Salem Catholic Churches on Christmas Four masses will be said at St Joseph! Catholic church on Christmas day, according to Rev. T. J. Bernards, pastor. ' Christmas carols at 6:15 a.m. will precede the 6:30 solemn be provided by the adult choir. Crachit, with beaming looks served out a compound he had made of gin and lemons. And Bob proposed: of these being furnished by the Red Cross and Salvation Army. In the morning worship service all the heads of the music school "A Merry Christmas to us all, of Willamette university will be my dears. God bless us!' Which all the family echoed. 'God bless us everyone!" said wall of the backyard and stolen it while they were merry with Ti Ti th , t f the goose a supposition at which the two vnuneer Crachits became (Next: (The Leaend of Ba Bob took Tiny Tim beside him livid! bouscka) on Sunday Feature "arrison wui preacn xne cnrisi- we. fl eillberS 4.1.. 4v.i n.iui a nut nf ctim -nnna mas sermon on wno is inis je- i ? in a liny corner 01 me iauie uu .-. - featured in two special numbers "Andante espressive from Trio op. bb (Menaeissonn;, Mary Schultz Duncan, violin; Bernard Barron, cello; Clara Eness, piano and T. S. Roberts, organ. Dr. J. C. high mass at which" music will Low mass at 8 will feature carols by the girls' choir. At 9:15 the boys' choir will sing. Music by the adult choir will be featured at the 10:30 a. m. high mass. In event of a blackout the 6:30 mass will automatically be can celed and a service added at 11:30 a. m., Father Bernards said. Confessions will be heard Wed nesday from 2 to 5:30 and from 7 to 9 p. m. by Father Bernards, Rev. D. K. O Connell and Rev. B. McDonaelL At St. Vincent de Paul church Rev. Robert S. Neugebauer has announced that the adult choir will sing at the 6:30 a. m. high mass unless it has to be canceled because of the blackout At 8 o'clock music will be pro vided by the children's choir. Christmas carols will be sung at the 9:30 mass unless the 6:30 ser vice is canceled. In that event it will be a high mass. Benedic tion will follow the 10:30 service, which will feature music by the adult choir. Original Play Holy Theme Featured in Programs HAYES VILLE The Hayesvflle Sunday school will hold its Christmas program Tuesday night at the church beginning at 8 o'clock with the following pro gram: Song, "Joy to the World;" wel come, Richard and Robert Bait zer; recitation, JCmmie Brown; song, "Glad Christmas Message,' primary room; recitation, Joanne Stettler; exercise, beginners; song, primary room; recitation, Dicky Carey; exercise, Juniors; recita tion, Betty Shroeder; duet Glo ria Parker and Colleen Cross; ex ercise, juniors; the Shepherds Story, Daren Dierks; song, inter mediate girls; story, Dorothy Lewis; violin duet Dewey Davis and James Settler and reading. Shu-ley and Lois Hall. Cast of 35 Dramatizes Nativity " Mrs. Velma Miller, playing the Silverton Churches CALVARY LUTHERAN Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a m.; Olga Johnson. Supt. Services 11 am. Topic: "All Things in Christ s Hana." sunaay at i.ov ''" n, Maw Wrf. a , nf 35 school will give lis program ana cnuu taiv j, - "lJV will also take part nnaunm u -1 , h m Dresent n nae- in-m m th nastor will SDeait irum - " the topic' ''Thanks Be to God for His t f nativity, "The Heav Unspeakable Gift! Special Christmas music, choir. December 26th. at 10:30 eniy Host," at the Court Street a.m.. a worsnip conautieu m . . ic Norwegian language, when the pastor Christian church Sunday at 7:45 ... , . . I tAnin IT Ullt .11,-1 will speaR on uic v. , , learbeide. o. c. uison, pasiui. u"1" The stage pictures of the inci- tofSSr at dents surrounding the birth of 10 a.m. service at 11. frniu u the Christ child are presented, "Salvation in Christ Only. Special r music by the Trinity choir unaer ine The pageant opens With the re nf Mrs Tom Anderson. Mrs. Alf Nelson at the organ, turner league joicing 01 me neaveniy nosx over ELh"Sla.5; SZrK toe coming of the Christ in ful Sunday school'. Tuesday. 7:45. Christ- fillment of prophecy. Following mas service oncnnsimas nay, 11 u scenes of "The Annun itrwan nni offprmir. unnsimas caroling by girU of LDR Friday night ciation," "The Magnificat," the closing with a Christmas P"tt fiiiit shepherds on the hillside, and the worship of the wise men at the manger, Woodburn Churches home of Evelyn Torvend. Candlelight cerviri. December Z8 at B p.m. i-on firmation classes each baturaay ai 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. M. J. K. Fuhr, pas tor. METHODIST Sundav school. 9:45 a.m.. a service of Christmas songs entitled. "We Have sn His Star." Christmas service, 11 a.m., sermon topic, "Was cnrist s wra- in in Vain?" EDwortJi league ax i p.m. Christmas caniaia, n. nigni ui Judean Hills," 8 p.m. Sunday. Sunday school pageant, "The Holy Nativity, ' Tuesday night, December 23 at 7:30 p.m. Edward Terry, pastor. The pageant is keynoted by the singing of the angel chorus. The music is by Lyman R. Bayard. Dr. Fox Home From (Chicago Candlelight Rite Slated at First Congregational Returning after an absence of ll three weeks, Dr. and Mrs. I. A pastor. Carrying out the traditional fea tures of the Christmas festival the First Congregational church will hold a candlelight service Sunday at 7:30 pm. holy story will be given under the KepreSenteU 111 IMMANUEL Services Sundav morning at o'clock, e-, "u" i nd li- Fox wil1 arrive in Salem today. hie classes. 10 o clock, sunaay unrisx- ut. r ox servea as one oi nine day oorTcu7TOS minister, in the United States on Tne Birth oi Jesus. saiuraay bii uic uumu ui uiiiunuii tuiu xi fS11.1 nance for the Northern Baptl ' - .rT I i.- -.l.: m.:i. rehearsal, promptly at 9:30. Christmas convention in mcago. vvnue m day service, 11 o ciock. J. m. jenson, minoi he and Mrs. Fox con ST. LUKE mas sermon on wno is Tnis Je- bf' "ST. . Of Cast Told win K- ouiig uj c a ii lucivui Geist, accompanied by the string quartet and Prof. Roberts. At five o'clock there will be an all church family fellowship with program and refreshments and at 7:00 the evening worship service SILVERTON The Sunday school program of the Methodist church will be presented on Tuesday at 7:30, when a pageant, "The Holy Nativity" will be en The Other Shepherd," a three- acted by members of the Sun act play written and directed by day school under the direction Mrs. Paul P. Petticord will be pre- or Harry Cameron. sented at the First Evangelical White gift offerings will be a church Sunday at 7 p.m. Pa" of this service as will sine Assisting her wiU be Dorothy in& by Primary department J. McGrenra. assistant , pastor. Sun- X' '"T .4T"BT " llu r-.,v, c.ii. w.Mmn TVm the direction of Irene high uuam uws preaenmg. ine pro- -"6""".v' Morlev FrariV arlH CT.iai Unruh, junior cnoir airecior, ana - " " -- .v j j iis. r. r. qcarui, iawrence Edwards and Lee Grinde. OAK GROVE Regular Sunday morning services will be held at the Oak Grove chapel with the Christmas theme. Everett Lisle is pastor. Sunday at the church, J. Edgar iiray, district superintendent, will show pictures at 70 p.m. These are fine pictures and JJ are welcome. Tuesday night the Oak Grove church and school will give a joint Christmas program at the church for the community. There will be a special feature for the children. All are invited. Kev.V. L. Moffenbeier. pastor. Rev. bv the vouth fellowshin with day masses 8, 9:15 and 10:30 ( mass) followed by benediction. WeeK pram frill owe rinv nun P-1K a m glUU iUilUWi). j l., J .t rr. .. rinuuc, aii ocuiiciiciii B iuwii .... FIRST PRESBYTERIAN - - Mueller tlvrtrot R rmm!v minister Can. i MISS JeSSICa KinSlV bath school 10 a.m.. Otto Jones. SuDt. processional, Uiona in Excelsis" Mornine worshin at 11. Suhippt. "Em. Call to Worship manueL SDecial Christmas music. xium sain Spnior and TntrmpYlint. F.nHp,vnr I Invocation meetines at 7 p.m. Evenine worshiD at Jean Rowland 7 :45. Midweek prayer and praise serv- SUr oi Mv Heart" Vachel Lindsay ice at 8 Thursday evening. wmser Acton vj iv uic nuiiu BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN Congregational hymn Mornine worshin at 10 Christmas acripxure reaaing program by the Sabbath school at ., .lm ruray 1U:45. Evervnn invitpd. iuunvy my jesu i u li ui Liioir rnimrH nr r.nn I frayer. iranK Bennett, lr. H. S. Fulton, nastor. Sunrlav cohnnl Uliertory. On This Good Christmas 10 a.m. Paul Wimer, Supt. Morning Morn Cain worship at 11. Evening worship at 7:30. oh Holy Night" ... Edith May Fairham Midweek prayer service Wednesday at oel 100 ciose 10 see cou p.m. xou are invitea ...Cain CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday at 11 a.m. in church edifice. Second and Garfield streets. Rev. Glenn Olris "Silent Night" Ronny and Ramona Spence Benediction and Chimes METHODIST Ralph E. Smith, pastor. 9:50 a.m. church school, teaching the fundamen tals oi Christianity, ceanc scnaru, Supt. 11 a.m., Christmas Sunday serv ices. Special anthem Dy the choir, "Son of the Star." Sermon tome. "Jov to the World." 7:45, dramatic cantata, "The Visit of the Shepherds," by the Youth Fellowship and the senior choir. Food Gifts Are Asked IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Divine worship at 11 a.m. Sunday school and Bible class 10 a.m. The young people of the church will meet at the hall for a cooperative supper at 5:30 p.m., before going caroling. Today, meeting with confirmants at 10 a.m. Christmas tree program Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Services Christmas day at 11:15 a.m. Rehearsal of Christmas tree program Saturday at 2 p.m. All chil dren having a part must be present. Leslie Methodist church will present a Christmas Droeram nf Jesus, Mrs. E. J, music, recitations and playlets oVphe given Dy ine several departments Mathias. retired shepherd. Earl Riggs; men. Bud Boss, Eugene and Melvin day at 7:30 p. m. ivirs. Virginia Alexander, who CHRISTIAN und scnool at 10 a.m. Morning worship at 11. Christian Endeavor stu dies for everyone at 6:45. Regular ev ening service at 7:45. Everybody welcome. I Holy Pilgrimage ducted a two-week Bible confer ence in Freeport, where they for merly had the Baptist pastorate. Dr. Fox will resume his min istry in the pulpit of the First Donald Yocom serving as reader. LinUrCll 1 ageailt The latter part of the service will be conducted by the vested Pil- Christmas festivities at Christ Born?" At the night service he Uee- grim chorus, rendering "The Ad- Lutheran church will be mtro- will speak on "The True Meaning oration" by Nevm. duced Sunday at 7 o'clock. The of Christmas." The FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL E. Lincoln street. Woodburn. Rev. and Mrs. M. F. Gulick, pastors. 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. Special lesson material. 11 a.m. Morning worship ser' vice with Christmas sermon by the pastor on The Shepherd s Sermon Baptist church Sunday morning 7 :30 Christmas pageant given by the with a topic appropriate to the Z2r season, entitled "Why Was Jesus Children' Christmas exercises and "The Music of Christmas" a carol choir cantata will be pre- of the Sunday school Sunday at tSSA 52 S3Sn!uI f7 choir 7:30. fiker; angels, high school girls: wise- lrst Church of the Nazarene Sun- An important part of the ser vice is that everyone attend in is asked to bring gifts of grocer ies, vegetables, fruits, canned goods or meats wrapped in white paper, plainly labeled on the out side, to be distributed before Christmas to deserving families. At the morning service a dis- T .1 i i tinguishing feature will be a L-UUierail .lllirCil Christmas march led by the pas tor and choir down the center aisle and followed by the entire congregation, each person depos iting upon the altar a special gift offering of money to the church. FREE METHODIST pnmKinul Corner of Young and Gatch streets. The primary department of the program this year will consist of choirs of the church will sing school 9:45 ajn. Mrs. 'Florence Sorouse. cnurcn school will hold its exer- a pageant, "Even Unto Bethle- especially prepared music at this "".p1- j ages. Morning Wor cises at 9:45 a.m. The Christmas hem." which represents the pil- service note will also be emphasized at grimage made through the ages the morning worship hour. to the little town of Bethlehem, beginning with David and his 1lfiirwl llirki ii 23rd Psalm, then shepherds, the 1I11ACU vHAJIl ill , rn TV IOC H 1.1 lt VI lAOaU Of 1V11V VT by the men and women of all ages and finally the little chil- TA),,l u ti vi l uu"" 5U,U"1 riu 41.- t r. will take part in the presentation, The services on Christmas day will be in the nature of an early Worlds - Redeemer" Sunday at Riffli ral candlelight service, beginning at 7-30 nm J-Fll 111 lil Vllllol O'.JO a.m., witn me singing 01 fa- l tv.;, is an adoration cantata XJ 1 Tia. . . 1 1 wm-mm " u cinTin in miliar nymns ana a Drier ser-1 a ,t ,.mK, k "v""v awiu ajuiaiiia. 111 wic i.iiuii rxi rr. - auu niu.imLa ijuiuucin m t uic pranos, Mrs. Richard BeU, Mrs. mon by the Past01". "The Wonder- quartet and soloists. Main Nick Brinkley, Lois Keefer, Mrs. ChUd in Manger." soloists will be Mrs. D. J. Unruh, Archie Brewster. Mrs. FJvin Zah- soprano: -Mrs. Henry Roth, alto: radnik, Mrs. M. S. Bunnell; altos, Musical. Uroup Mated and Mrs. Clarence Herr, con fan. viaa Miner, Mrs. Otto Yun- Under the direction of Howard tralto. ker, Mrs. Fred Rose, Beatrice Gil- num tho rhnir the !aim The choir will be under the Holiday Event the choir of the Jason Lee Me thodist church will present the Christmas cantata, "King All Glorious" by Roy E. Nolte Sun day at 7:30 o'clock. Pratum Choir Slates Event PRATUM The choir of Em manuel Mennonite church will sing the Christmas cantata, "The ship at 11 a.m. Young people's hour at 6:30 p.m. Evening evangelistic serv ice. f.M) p.m. xou are invited. Weekly prayer service Wednesday, 7:30 p.m FULL GOSPEL L o r a Sorensen. pastor. Sundav scnooi, iu a.m. Morning worship, 11 Young people's service at 3 p.m. the second and fourth Sundays in the month with a service on the first and third Sundays in Salem at the Lemon convalescence home. Children s church 7:15 p.m. Evening service, 7:45. Prayer meeting weanesoay at 7:45 pjn lette, Dons Dooghton, Blanche Evangelistic tabernacle. 13th and direction ol e pastor, Rev. Dan wiuniKaruier, ueian rresnaii; Ferry streets, will sing the can- iei J- KJTmYu xv. i. Wu n. o. ftemuss, tata, "His Name Shall Be Called Honoring the birth of Christ the choir of the Calvary Baptist church will give a program of musical numbers Sunday at 7:30 p. m. The pastor, Rev. Edward L, Enoch Moerz, and basses, Peter Foelkl, Edwin Ellis, Elvin Zah- radnik and Bob Klempel. Alice Rose will preside at the organ console. An incidental solo, "Wondrous Star" wttl be sung by Enoch Maerz. Wonderful" Sunday at 7:45 p.m. Allen, will close the service with Th rhristmac nmram of th a bef message entitled, "The Sunday t school children wiU bel""'"1 . Jean Brown, pianist. After the organ prelude, played by Carmen Gueffroy, the program will be as follows: Pageant "O Come All Ye Faithful" The Old. Old Story" Beginners' department, Elvira Behrens and Mrs. Joe uowersox. leading. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" Junior choir "The Nations Hear" - Primary department. Mrs. Ray Brown, superintendent "Silent Night" Junior choir Mrs. Jay Cook, superintendent Prologue to the Play Reader of Holy Writ Bernice Bowersox Scene I "The Annunciation" Mary's Song of Praise Mrs. Emory Petticord. Mary Genevieve Scharf, soloist Scene II "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" Pantomine, high school girls Scene III "The Lullaby" Mrs. Petticord, Miss Scharf Reader of Holy Writ Bernice Bowersox Play "The Other Shepherd" Characters: Mary, the mother of Petticord: Joseph, Senior Choir Sings Gar ols Processional 1 Opens Service Tableau, Roll Call of Foods Among Events -Pf Presbyterians ! Seventy-fiv perooot making up the Junior and aenlor choir of the First Presbyterian church, wffl take part in the processional which opens and cloaca aervlcea Sunday night They axe directed by Virginia Ward Elliott Familiar Christmas hymns wiU be included in the congregational singing and In the special num bers sung by the combined choir. Everyone attending win share In me cancueugnung service being presented for the third consecu tive year. W. Irvin Williams, pastor, will speak on the theme, I Believe in Angels." Professor Frank Churchill will play the organ pre lude: "A Christmas Pastorale," by Harker, the offertory, "Pastorale (From the Messiah)," by HandeL and Christmas carols for a post lude. The service will be broad cast over KSLM. A white gifts Christmas service will be presented in the Sunday school Sunday morning. A general assembly of all de partments and classes will be held at 9:45 a.m. Jane Pa Hon, presi dent of the youth council, will be in charge of the Christmas pro gram, which will feature a roll call of all classes in the Sunday school with representatives of each bringing forward donation of canned goods to be used in Christmas baskets. The Christmas tableau. "O Come, Let Us Adore Him" will be presented by the young people, David Rin gland will play a piano solo and Mrs. D. B. Kleihegc an organ solo. The junior vested choir of 35 voices will sing sev eral Christmas numbers. A Christmas offering for mis sionary work of the church will be taken. Treats of candy will be given to all young people attend ing the service. J. J. Fitzsimons is superintendent of the church school . At the 10:55 church service. Rev. W. Irvin Williams will preach on the theme: "The Great est Story Ever Told." The senior vested choir, directed by Virginia Ward Elliott, will sing the an them, "Clear and Calm Was That Holy Night," by Nikolsky. The se lection "Jesu Bambino," by Yon, will be sung by the ladies' sex tette composed of. Marian Bretr, Betteillen Payne, Twila Harrison, Virginia Ward Elliott, Cleo Sauer essig and Jean Tucker. Professor Frank Churchill will play the organ prelude, "Bethle hem," Mueller; the offertory, "Shepherds Idyl," Geibel; and the posllude, "Christmas March," Le-Blanc. Act I "On the Way to Bethlehem" Scene, On the Hills near Bethlehem. Interlogue "The Wisemen at Bethlehem" Act II "Victory In Sacrifice" Scene. The house of Mathias, the old shepherd. Lists Numbers For Sunday Special Holiday Rites Announced At Woodburn WOODBURN Rev. V. L. Mof- Scheduled at 7 o'clock because of the blackout, the Sunday school of the Ampriran T.nthpran rhnrrh 1 will present a program under the sSSranoo i direction of Mrs. L. J. Stewart. It includes: "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" "The Christmas Story' Confirmation class Carols, Sunday school. Prayer. Rev. Frank S. BeisteL Welcome. Jimmy Stewart. unrurtmas directs the choir, will be assisted by Mrs. Doris Newberry, pianist The following program has been arranged: Prologue Choir Scripture. Luke 1:7-9 Reader. Rev. J. Paul Alexander "Holy Night" Choir Scripture. Isaiah 40 3-4-1 1 "He Shall Feed His Flock" Alto solo and choir Soloist. Miss Carmojean Hoffer Scripture. Isaiah. Sr6 "Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus" . Bass solo and choir Soloist, Archie Stull "O Little Town of Bethlehem" i Women's chorus and choir acnpiure, LUIt 7:10-11 Luke's Primary department, Mrs. Louis An- "The Living Song Unless Mrs. H. R. Horn and Mrs. Edward fenbeier, pastor of St. church, announces that emergency orders by the war de- Gregson, Mrs. Harold Toeiie partment proclaim blackout reg- Remark,. 0irLiedaWW.uerlntendent uiaiiuiis lor t-nxisunas uay, the UIlenory. uiaavs jagar. following order Of services is "claof Mrs! Louis" Ra-mus ind Slated: Iola Quesseth High mass at 6 a. m. Other "jyto'orfd0'' Sundaycho1- masses at 7:30, 8:30 and 10 a. m. Christmas cheer. ' " The 6 o'clock high mass will Doxoloy- be sung by the children's choir, .o i t i Preceding this Christmas mass LiarolS OrOadcaSt tne children will sing carols. A Soprano solo, women's chorus and choir ooioui, mrs. Ava Piau Scripture. Luke J:1J-14 Glory Be to God" i Choir Little Lord Jesus" . Alto solo and choir Soloist. Thea Sampsoa "In Our Hearts" Tenor anln Soloist. Willard Friesen Choir Closing prayer. Rev. L. W. Collar Benediction Response . Choir Leaders Named At Annual Meet Special Lights Featured bv Nazarenes Special decorations and illum- inations will brighten the auditor ium of the First Church of the Nazarene when it gives its annual Christmas program Sunday at 10:15 a. m. The Intermediate deoartment with Mrs. Paul Ktutpp, supervisor, presents; v juiin sojo Erma Davia Scripture . Whole group Accordian solo ... Harold Edward- Let the Bells Ring Out" Whole group Beginners department with Mrs Anna Schroeder, supervisor, presents: ntug -.veryDoay Detosm Frteaen 'Away in a Manger" Group Glory to God" . Five beginners Come Into My Heart Lord Jesus" Group Little Baby Jesus" Mllford Schroeder Primary deoartment with Un am Friesen. supervisor, present : Twice a Year" .. , Marlin Schaad Why?" Five Drimarv irl -A T ItlU U7 v. u-iuiui nu Slug ICUU-5. - -w candlelight procession to the Crib r TOm .laSOll Lee wiu iiitewise preceae tne nigh "1355. Kflthprino RarVcr TUTn--;-1 I . - XieWlIT, US- - -w -, AUV111V1 lOi I cin4n,4 1 Methodist leader: Wilson At the annual dinner meeting of the First Evangelical church inursday night Grant Wykoff was elected trustee for a three year period; William Branson, -iaa i.aaer; u. B. Hewitt a i given Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Scene oi Christmas Program Dr. Purdy Speaks At Jefferson JEFFERSON The Christmas Sunday school program of the Methodist church will be held Sunday morning beginning at 10:30 o'clock. The ollowing program will be - presented: piano, prelude, Christ- .. mas carols, Mrs. Cv J. Thurston; . piano solo, Nancy Beal; scripture story, Jean Thurston; songs, pri-j mary class;' Carols, Junior class; ' presentation of bibles to juniors; , song, Jean Mary Redmond, Patsy Parrish and Marcella Dailey, and world service offering- : : -At 11 o'clock, Dr. J. Edgar Pur dy, district superintendent, will have' charge of the re-dedication . ' services"-of the church, In observ- , ance ol its 70th anniversary, . - A basket dinner will be enjoyed f pictured aboTe & the Ensaunuel Mennonite church at Pratum whose t the noon hour, followed by a choir will present sua adoration cantata Sunday at 7:30 p. m. tmder program in the afternoon... : : the dlrecUon of the iwster, IUt. Daniel J. Cunih. The program is as follows: O Holy Night" -Adam-Grey Choir anthem Shepherds Christmas" -Sone Reimann ( Choir anthem. Soloist, Jean Barham rime uuuguiu, mrs. James stone The Birthday of a Kine" ....Neidlincer Solos and chorus. Frederick W. Leh Solo and chorus Frederick W. Lehmann Flute solos Mrs. James C. Stone Bethlehem" Goldsworthy . Choir anthem Obligators, Jean Barham, soprano, Ethyl Mae Williams, alto The choir is directed by E. D. Lindburg, and will be accompan ied by Doris Schunke at the or gan, and Fern Allison at the piano. Confessions will be heard the chimes of Jason Lee Methodist tTI o 'leader aay Derore Christmas starting at church will be broadcast from the tw- Ti Jrnol supenn- o ociocj. ana continuing until belfry of the church hv ixmiu . .V assistant: 5:30; again at night from 7 o'clock. 0f a permanent amplificaUon sys- c,!! "Uflfer, secretary of the U In the event that the early tern installed this week. I fl 7 SCh1' and Warren Pahl morning nours are not available At th nnoninir nf .rh nt for services due to blackout reg- holiday services on Sundae. L Thornton acted as toast- ulations, the first mass will be Christmas carols Will be broad- master and Walter Lamkin save at 0 a. m. met and Mrh dav laadina n 4 a resume OI CnUTCh adivitiM tnr Christmas, carols will peel forth e .past 81X months. Rev. Paul to remind the citizenry of the Petticrd is pastor. Special music eventual reign of the Prince of 'as Provided by Delbert Peters, Peace. Ernest Friesen and the mixed Christmas eve a special pro-1 Quartet. Churcli Groups Plan Ceremony ROSEDALE The Sunday school Christmas program will be given at Rosedale Friends church during the Sunday school hour at 10 o'clock; The program will con sist of recitations,' songs and exer cises by. toe primary and junior aepartments. At the 11 o'clock . worship hour the pastor, Jlev. Oscar N. BrbwrC will speak on "God's Gift for a Merry Christmas.'' A cantata-pageant entitled "Star and Desert Sand, will be Sunday will be observed as Christmas Sunday at the Metho dist church. At the 11 a. m, service follow ing Sundav Krhonl at fl-Rfl the n;m .hnir ,,T,dr h. Hii gram of carols will be heard. of Georee Landon with Donna 1 nrougnom me year me Pastor, I unimmg oi Bells," choir; solo. Dean at the piano, will present an ev: . Xmith-ann0unc f?, Friesen; "Let Us Go to anthem entiUed "The Song of the that tte Jason Lee chimes will j Bethlehem," choir; vocal solo. gjgj I suuiiu iui ui at appropriate nours l -n-sa voenran; Holy Night,' The pastor,. Rev. R. E. Smith, lo renuna an oi tne important giris' cnorus; "Fairest Lord will present his usual junior ser- piace. OI uie cnurcn in commun- jesus- ana "auent Night, Holy mon on "The Christmas Gift." uy uie The morning sermon will be on the theme "Joy to the World." Children Take Th 7-4 n m wrvip win rvo no. i voted to presentation of a dra-jPart in Rite mauc cantata enuuea ine visit of the Shepherds." The drama was written by Mrs. Elinor Smith and adapted by her to music. The dramatic portion. will be presented by the Youth Fellow ship group with the music fur nished by the senior choir. - Night," by the choir. Everyone is invited says Rev. 1 1. w. Henderson, castor. Donald Zink Christmas Morn" Duet, Clarice and Jerry Remple Christmas Bella Are Chimin." . Solo, Paul Burton We Wish to AU Good Will" Four boys The Christmas Gifts ot God" Six Girls Christmas Song" Group Christmas" Four Boys The junior dturtniMt iti vf-. Martha Collar supervisor, presents: "Happy Sorn ' i Chorus, whole group Junior deruirtmsnt Scripture "The Christinas Story" Luke J.8-1S Group "Be GUd" Group "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him" .. Thelma Lltke and juniors "Silent Niht" .. Harmonica solo. Joyce Scharp Hark the Herald Angels Sins" ...Margaret. Ruth and Marie Pardo Thoughts on Christmas" . E6tell Schroeder A war ui a Manacer" .. Pn.? Virginia Blevlns -ucni niini Carol Kannir, accomDanled " hr Tufinui oienna "Just One Day Old" Leroy Winter Leaves for Canada HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Glen Looney and Mary Ann will spend the holidays with Mrs. Looney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wlater Winkler, Alberta, Can- given by the intermediate and senior Christian Endeavor groups together with the local church choir . This program will begin at 7:30 pjn. Everyone is invited. Foursquare church, 19th and Breyman . streets, will present their children's program on Sun day at 7:30 p. -m. This program will be climaxed by the drama "The Street of Hearts." ,. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Bair, church pianist, will present a program Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock as follows: "Notes of Gladness,! choir; vocal solo, Miss Bunn; Tike the YES . . .WE HAVE Kl (Top grade only and plenty of them.)