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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1941)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon." Friday Morning, December 19. 1941 PAGEIUNZ Salem Youth, Navy Ensign, WeHHappy First word from Ensign James Pickett, Salem youth on the USS Wright, that "I'm perfectly well, safe and happy to be," was re ceived Thursday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pickett : Pickett's letter, written Fri day somewhere on the Pacific, says in part. The spirit oat here is magnificent and the boys have lauched it off with a tradi tional American pin and every body's in there pitchinf to win the old ball came." Pickett expressed concern about Eldy Wyman and Verdi Seder Strom, on the USS Oklahoma Word has been received here since of the death of both in the Jap anese raid. . A member of the censorship board, Tickett advised to "please discount rumors unless they are verified by the sov eminent." After linishing the . naval re serve training in Chicago, Pickett was called in March from Univer sity of Oregon and had been sta tioned at Pearl Harbor. A week before the war began his ship stopped at Wake island, according to Mrs. Pickett. Word Awaited Nr ' - - " Service Men Where They Are What They're Doing TURNER Mr. and Mrs E. J. Harrison received word this week from their son, Eugene, naval technician on the USS Whitney at Pearl Harbor, that he is safe and well. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer received airmail , com munication from their son Cyril, in the army corps in the Hawai ian Islands. Mrs. N. W. Hutchens has received no word yet from her son, Darrel W. Hutchens, of ficer on the USS Lexington at Pearl Harbor. general acceptance here is that he was hurt on duty. Sgt. Max R. Kelly, son of Mrs Max Kelly, MillCity, was recent ly ordered to report to the US ma rine corps barracks, at Quantico, Va., for assignment to the ord nance instruction course at Aber deen, Md. Byron L. Ray, assistant yeoman I The course will last approxi- aboard the USS Pensacola, was mately three months and will in- GRAND ISLAND Donald Ri- erson who is in the US navy, sta tioned at San Diego, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Tompkins Sunday, to enjoy what he expected to be a ten-day fur- ough. However, due to the war situation he returned to duty and eft Tuesday for his station. Donald has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins for the past five years and was a mem' ber of the 1941 graduating class of the Amity Union high school. in Pearl Harbor when his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ray of Salem, last heard from him, late in November. Ray, who is in the navigator's office, is publisher of the ship's paper, "The Gator." He entered the navy following graduation from Salem high school in Jane. elude the study of field artillery pieces, equipment, theory and technique. agt. iveuy just recently com pleted his 12th year of service in tne marine corps and has seen duty in China, the Philippines and Hawaii. Still Pitchiri Services Read For Victim of Auto Crash ENSIGN JAMES PICKETT Junior Group Gives Party SILVERTON Mrs. Charles Hoyt was hostess Monday to members of the Junior Women's club, of which she is advisor This was their annual Christmas party at which members ex change gifts. The social part of the night was spent in wrapping gifts for the underprivileged children in vited to the special Christmas party which the Silverton club gives each year. The date has been set for December 22 at the Euffene Field building with the children invited from the second and third grades. LEBANON Final rites were read at the Howe Funeral Home, Thursday afternoon for Vera Ack erman Edwards who died as the 1 1 result of injuries sustained in a car crash on the Santiam highway Monday forenoon. Reverend D. Lester Fields officiated and the body was taken to Independence for interment. Mrs. Edwards, who was born in Junction City 37 years ago is sur vived by her mother, Mrs. Vance Clymer in Foster; her father, By ron H. Akerman; a daughter, Mrs. Barbara Woerlein and a son, Dee Wattemberger, all of Indepen dence and a brother, Dean Aker man of Albany. She also left two grandchildren. Her home had been in Independence until she came to Lebanon a few months ago to work in the Lebanon laun dry. The body of the other victim' of the wreck, Wallace Peterson, 20, was taken to Corvallis as his mo ther lives in Summitt. Funeral services were held for him Wednesday. MT. ANGEL Of all the boys of the community that are in service in the Pacific there has been word from only two, Richard Hessel and Walter Hassler. The two boys were stationed in Hono lulu. . A telegram from Hessel to his mother, Mrs. Joseph Hessel, re ceived this week states that he is well and that his friend Hassler is "hod." No amount of inquiry has made it possible to ascertain the meaning of the "hod" but the Miss Mary Bourke, 194 South Church street, received a Christ mas greeting card Thursday from Clarence Seguin, who is stationed at Fort Mills near Manila. The card was postmarked, Manila, No vember 18. Seguin, known to his friends as "Dub," was employed at the Paulus cannery, prior to his enlistment. Reported Safe WA Jrr - r-V J Flight training at Sand Point naval air station at Seattle was begun Thursday by Ray Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kemp, 245 East Washington street. Kemp attended Oregon State college. After two months he is slated to be transferred for advance training to Florida or Texas. Upon completion of the course, he will be commissioned an en sign in the naval reserve. BROOKS Three letters on ' Thursday brought word to La ther Hutto, Brooks, of the safe ty of his son, Charles Andrew Hutto (above), who was In the navy at Pearl Harbor when the war broke out. Young Hutto has been in the navy 3V& years. Teachers Get Data on Bonds Payroll Plan Information on the payroll plan of savings by purchase of national defense bends is to be sent this week to 250 rural teachers or their boards in Marion county. Superintendent Agnes Booth said Thursday. Seventeen rural schools in the county definitely come under the plan, which provides for payroll savings where five or more em .ployes are hired, and there the suggestions are to be sent direct ly to school boards. Teachers in other schools pro bably will budget their defense savings by use of stamp hooks, Mrs. Booth said, pointing out that rural Marion county teachers re ceive an average salary of $89 i month when the 8 months' pay is spread over a full year. fense industries or to relieve bot tlenecks in the strategic military highway network. No Money, Lick Japs NEW YORK, Dec. ZMJ?j- Boatswain's Mate ; Robert Pick rushed into Geyne Sun's Chinese laundry Thursday and asked for his bundle in a hurry. It was 11 Howard T. Harper, assistant crew chief with the 19th bom bardment squadron at Clark Field, the Philippines, sustained a slight leg wound when Japanese bombed the field December 7, ac cording to a radiogram received Wednesday by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Harper of Aums ville. His wire said he was in the base hospital. Logger Funeral Held MILL CITY The funeral of Ralph M. Heath was conducted at the Mill City cemetery Monday, W. S. Crockett officiating. Mr. Heath was killed while logging on Blue River, near Eugene. o'clock and he had, to report for duty at noon. He didn't have his ticket, but Geyne Sun didnt throw at him that old chestnut, "No ticket, no shirtee." Pushing back the saflor's dollar bill, the laundryman gave Fick his laundry and said: "No money, smack Japs." A Christmas Gift She will Enjoy FULLER BRISTlECOmB mm i. ,5T Priorities to Reduce State Road Building PORTLAND, Dec. lMVStif fer priority requirements proba bly will reduce this state's road building even more, Chairman Henry F. Cabell of the highway commission, predicted at a board meeting Thursday. He pointed out the federal gov ernment has withheld all normal federal funds except in cases of roads to military reservations, de- n n i jrf&Z Beautifully Boxed for Comb For the Complete Line of Fuller Brushes HARRY GILLETTE- - - - PH. 7796 E. J. RYAN PH. 5068 E. J. ZWASCHKA - - - - PH. 5391 WM. REID PH. 5391 QGOGOOGQ OOOOGIHDOOG 000, QQMDGG first, MarriedGroup Forms Class PRATUM The young married tiponle of Emmanel Mennonite church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Welty in Salem Wednesday to organize a Sunday school class for their group. Mrs. Daniel J. Unruh was elect ed teacherv Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Guddeson. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hofstetter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herr and Mr. and Mrs. Unruh. Mill Purchased By Silverton Papers were signed Thursday I in Salem whereby the city of Sil verton acquires from Marion county the old Fischer Flouring mill properties in Silverton for a total of $4000. Taken over by the county un der tax foreclosure, the proper ties, it is understood, probably are eventually to be developed as a civic center. They lie along Sil ver CreeK across irom tne city park. (See story on Sunday feat ure page.) Also Bold on Emiy M Payment FUn (Usual Carryln M L. Charge) J AU Kinds of Meat for All JKmds of Momeo! SAWDUST GRATES Program Held Tonight WOODBURN T he Sunday school of the Woodburn Metho dist church will hold its annual Christmas program and party at the church tonight, beginning at 7:30. Completely Installed Conversion type burner . . . makes any furnace or boiler an automatic heating system . . . assures you comfort without worrisome ashes and dirt! Installa tion includes thermostat, 7-barrel tank, safety con trols and wiring to service box. 1-10 H. P. motor gives maximum economy of electric operation. -k Room Thermostat fr Safety Controls 7 Barrel Tank Installation to Service Box! Lwr Orato 1.95 Flagcr Grata 1.00 T. r tvia litca I a 4 1 turner arita. Rt4aM kMt I ML DAUPER REGULATOR Jefferson Man Hurt in Crash raw mm JEFFERSON Lloyd Bilyeu, who is employed with a bridge crew of the Southern Pacific rail road beyond Philomath, met with an accident Monday while driv ing home. Near the Children's Farm home he failed to see a signal made by the driver of a car ahead, who made a left hand turn across the hishwav to his home and they crashed. Bilyeu received a bruised r .knee and bad bruise of his head -' The front of his car was damaged and was brought to Jefferson for repairs. Woodburn School Has Homecoming -WOODBURN The annual high school homecopiing will be held tonight. ' Following the program there will be a basketball game in the Woodburn high school gymnasium, All high school alumni will be ad mitted- free to the game. The Drozram starts at 7 p.m The basketball game is expected to get tinder way about 830. Community Club FAIRVIEW The FalrvieNw: 'community dub Christmas pro ' rram will be eiven by the school ' ohnriron .under the , directions of "the teacHers Tuesday: ' -. . Thr Fairview school holiday, va cation will start Wednesday and riAs Januarys 5. Mrs. Henry , Knoche, the principal, announced. IIAYESVILLE-The program at - Th rpnilar meeting of the Hayes ' community club tonight will r'-be'-giveft by the school children. T- III WIA m l! U ttrlfl III;,! i hi nifVVAMM 11 flUM" 1 R H H II i I I i i ii L ru ! II r i II H l 1 f 1 I. ii i i i it n tn i ii i in i n mi mi i III 1 ii . i I i -. I I ml . ? - 1 ---i- .-hi.' i im i - (VirtllHY I I If 1 1 11 I II l II WMi VHKW l III IKJI III III I VI I I I I ll I I I I I 1 I II I I . MJ0UULMM UUVIAKUA3 V Ill: ri"ja -e4 t .. . -. .. ' V 1 ... araataad Flva Yaara 10.95 ft Dawa lUml Carry tt atvrt (MM ! Mmtb ltt ant Umi the M,i Economies SIWDOST OURfJER 95 Wt xi. CharV.) OIVES A CLEAN AND IVEN HEAT 1 . i fa S CMting" and heavy game steel hopper. No moving Ug Qalvanized Tank Is Designed to Qive Rust'Free Hot Water Alto Sold Oa Sears' Ey Pcymtnt Plaa! (XJuaJ Crryln Charre) You'll never run out of hot water with this bis 30-gaLlon electric water heater. Chromalox heating element of immer sion type for low cost operation. Smooth galvanized lining. Take advantage of this low price ... Check These Features! Completely Automatic Galvanized Lining Chromalox Element 30 Gallon Tank Low Cost Operation IT Oil Burning SEARS FLOOR FURNACE .95 fury IniHI riaaaw PIm Vaporised oil burner pro vides the exact degree of heat required, keeps the temperature steady. Large air heating cham ber provides pre-heated air for combustion . . . which saves fuel and as sures clean, quiet heat. 54-111. SAI1 DIEGO CABINET SII1K 9 ' FmU 20-lueh Size STEEL FUnNAGE .95 l X 1 m it r Phone 9193 QU ARANTtED 29 YEARS Built of heavy gauge locomo tive firebox steel, complete with galvanized casing, bon net, check draft, poker, and ' draft ' - regulating dial with chain control. Automatic damper and; baffle action eliminates smoke, soot, and flying ash when you open door to fire. ' ' J I! o Ala 814 Eacy f aymcat Flam. Uraal Carrymc Chart. ALL STEEL CtftSTRUOTlOa Heavy pressed steel sink, covered, entirely with acid-resisting white - porcekin enamel.' An extra deep basin 'prevents - water splashing .over rim. Furniture, iteel cabinet ; has'twp haiidyjdrawera and three - compartment. ; r