PAGE EIGHT Th 02EG0N STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning. December It. 1941 jr.- i County r Court Plans Probe Of Log Roads An inspection trip along the Ekhorn road which runs beside the Little North Fork of the San- tiam above "Lomker's bridge In the near future will help county court members determine whether or not they will attempt to keep the road open through the winter, members indicated Thursday aft er they had heard from sawmill operators of that vicinity reports of difficulty in moving out loads of lumber. L. C Van Handel and Sim EUel. who with the Mehama Lumber company operate mills in the area, told the court that small slides downstream from the luxe one of a few weeks ago bat still above the bridge had created road problems there, and that the new roadbed tC the site of the earlier and larger disruption was difficult to traverse. The three mills and two large logging operations, C & H Logging company and the Murphy Timber company, operate numerous trucks and have in recent months been engaged in fining large de fense orders, the court understands. China Relief Drive Starts in January Start of the United China Relief drive in Salem will not be until after the first of the year, because of the war emergency and other present financial problems, Chan dler Brown, Marion county chair man, announced Thursday. Until then contributions Willi be accept' ed at the Salem banks. Named to the campaign advis ory board are Brown, chairman, William McGilchrist, Jr., J. J. Gard, Claude A. Kells, Paul B Wallace and Tinkham Gilbert. Lynn P. Smith, treasurer, and Gardner Knapp, publicity, are board members. New Citizens Get Papers AtYuletide Certificates some of the future owners have declared will be Christmas gifts extraordinary' are to be presented the day after Christmas to 32 new American citizens at a special program sponsored by the Federated Pa triotic Societies of Salem. , Citizenship was conferred on the 32 men and women at the close of naturalization court hearings in Salem the first week in December, but the certificates indicative of their new status have been held in the county clerk's office for the presentation ceremonies. The program is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday, December 26, in the larger of the Marion county circuit court rooms. Smokers' Accessories and Over 100 Kinds Unusual and Popular Favorites! $5 Suliir - J TO ZTUnly tool.., W Luckv Z,?h hforf ycJaor. oK Bf.. WSOBal "our -- mmmi rr:r. - Ivans Chrome Lighter Handsome, automatic chroma Ughtsrs In at- Vflft orUd designs. Gift- W1 boxed. Evans Lighter b Cast Chrome-finish c 1 g a- e 7R tetts case with built-III to lighter, enamel mm rim. Grand gift Evans Cold Finish Cat Sparkling gold ciga- rette case, flat style Til 3 for 10 cigarettes, king 6r regular style. Airplane Table Lighter Graceful chrome ta- d"l AQ ble or desk lighter, f nT -'cnj. -"J b $5 L;i: . . 20c V:. 1 V 400 JiZ' 1 f4.7B '4.59 MUm t j - - n vim -9m m 16 .TttxaiJZ '.65 ion r""t o-l ""f He U; !0e tl .... ' Frd Mey Ci? Sio. $1 Just "spin the prop" it lights! 2 for 25c Cigarets .23 Carton 200 Raleigh Camels Old Colds Lucky Kools Strikes Rum fir Spuds Maple Viceroys tfc Pan Mall or Herbert Tar eyton, kin sIm, ctn. 200, SL29 15c Regents, fiat oval in card board pkg., carton 200, $IJ& tSc Parliament Cigarettes, tO ter tips, carton 200, $2.19 tOc Mariboro Cigarettes, with Beauty Tips, ctn. 800. $1.65 Tangy, Kitchen-Fresh Mayonnaise to Top Your Holiday Salads Fred Meyer Mild or Tart MAYONNAISE B r v a luscious fruit salad far that tpsdsJ di&aer top ped with rich Fred Meyer mayonnaise. . It's mads sf pur est, fresh Ingredi ents, skilfully blend ed to bring out the utmost of fine salad flavors! red Heyer Fresh-WfetDt Real Salad Dressing ;f-r"jVi. i I f ' ''-- iSS?XA3 J V t , - II -;f I ai Bulk My-Te-Hno Minco Meat II allow sad fragrant deliciously rich mines 0k meat to soaks the finest mince piss you've ever tasted. Aged for mellowness. Balk lbs, 29c Dan-Dee Mince Meat 1 c y and 0 Balk eP B p 1 c y and aromatic lust liki Grandma used to make? Fred Meyer Slendel Salad Dressing, bulk, quart 45c Tangy mayonnaise-type. Non-fattening. Fred Mtytr French Dressing, pt. botl. 23c Fred Meyer French Slendol, pt. botl. 32c Garnishing Cherries, bulk pint 39c Mixed Fruit in Sherry, bulk 'pound 33c GlacV Cherries, plump, flavorsome H.35c Old-Fash. Whole Cranberry Sauce, 18c Tom 4V Jorry latter, pt. ctn. 33c, o.t. 49c Enriched, Honey Crunch Peanut Butter 2 bulk lbs. 33c. 17c lb. rush whlpt pCanut Butter, bmk. 2 29c Orange Marmalade, bulk Z lbs. 23c Fred Meyer Delicatessen Section : LOCALLY GVNEDOPcRATED Honolulu Newspaper Forecasted Nippon Attack mm 1 M j-vaw a jssxsamisty-ii FINAL EDITION MTH. YEAR. NO. M PACES -Sajj.'jrSS . WOUJU, HAWAII. U & A. JUNOAY MOSMM&. WOVEMSm M. mi. yy.O t g WmOOIW KUHWJSU BLUNTLY WAR1MEO Jobless Pay Claims Data Is Reported New claims for onem&loymeat insurance for the 1H benefit rear will be taken in 23 state emplor mmt office begfnnfnr Monday. December 22, Administrator Silas Galser announced Thursday. To be eligible for benefits, workers must serve two waiting weeks after bavinf earned sZOO in covered employment during the I IsaS II. VM ft NATION READY FOR BATTLE exican Cop ays Torrance layer Of Wife Leaders Call Troops Back In Singapore "x -X - L, ii. I iiiM film in -1 Will Santa Fit The Plane? Nazis CWl?:, A Curfew Oven Montmarte kTarriUc Bamfeiast ( Kit 5Wm kOaca Cr Disttiet Expert Attac Tokio Madnes 1 ks! 7 The accompanying- facsimile of the Honolulu Sunday Advertiser's first page, issue of Sunday, November 30, is startling proof that some quarters at least in the Hawaiian Islands, expected the Jap anese attack. Note the ..headline streamer at top of page one: "Japanese May Strike Over Weekend!" The fact of the matter was that the newspaper was one week ahead of schedule, the actual assanlt rominr the follawlnr Sunday. December 7. This copy of the Honolulu newspaper was received by Attorney Walter J. Walsh of San Francisco. Those who saw the newspaper were struck by the idea that civilians apparently were expecting attack. Union Chapter Names Chiefs John T. Graybill was reelected early this week as president for 1942 of Salem chapter 324 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Ware housemen and Helpers. Other officers are Dick Seavy, reelected vice-president; James Mortell, recording secretary; Bob Seddon, trustee for three years; Max Burns, business representa tive for Albany and Corvallis dis trict. Fred Boyer and Bud Bowes are trustees for one and two years, respectively. In the contest for the office of secretary-treasurer and business representatives, Lew Harkins de feated Walter Worrell. Harkins is one of the oldest members of the union and has held several offices in his local. Snell Mulls Action in Ruling On Tax Referendum Petitions What action Secretary of State Earl Snell will take in con nection with Wednesday's opinion of Attorney I. H. Van Winkle, holding the contributions' and expenditures' statement filed by the Oregon Retail Grocers association, along with referendum petitions attacking the cigarette Final Rites for Resident Held Funeral services for Francis Newton Berry, Spanish-American war veteran who died here Mon day, were held from the Clough Barrick chapel Thursday. Berry was born November 20, 1872, at Lyons, and was a mem ber of the Court Street Christian church here. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Ella Berry, Sa lem; two daughters, Mrs. Novella Afflick, Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Eva Luttrell, St. Helens, and one son, Laurence Berry, Portland. tax law of the 1941 legislature, inadequate, probably will not be determined for several days, Snell announced Thursday. Snell returned here late Wed nesday night from Chicago where he attended a defense conference. Van Winkle held that the ex penditures listed In the state ment were too general in char acter and do not comply with the law which provides that they shall be itemized and show for what specific services the expenditures were made. The Oregon Retail Grocers as sociation was one of three spon sors of the referendum attack on the cigarette tax law. The peti tions were filed here June 12. In case Snell follows the opinion of the attorney general and re fuses to place the referendum on the ballot the cigarette tax law would become operative! Officials said such action by Snell probably would result in a mandamus suit belnjr filed by the grocers association attack ing Van Winkle's opinion and asking that Snell be compelled to place the referendum meas ure on the November general election ballet This would de fer operation of the cigarette tax law until the courts had ruled on the proceeding. The law provides that in case a sufficient certified statement of contributions and expenditures is not filed with referendum peti tions, the secretary of state shall not place the measure petitioned for on the official ballot Death Takes Ranch Owner Roy S. Springer, 49, owner of the ranch operated by Lester Pearmine in the Eldriedge dis trict, died recently in Springfield, Mo., where he had lived since suffering a heart attack in the Philippines. Springer, who operated a whole sale drug business in the islands, bought the 720 acre ranch in 1934. On the property Joseph Gervais erected a large house over 100 years ago and farmed with the aid of Indian slaves. It is believed that Mrs. Spring er will return to Salem with Mrs. Pearmine, who is visiting in the east. base year that ended September 30, 1941. First benefits for the new year may be drawn for the week end lug January It. 1942, If unem ployment continues unlnlernrpt edly lute the new benefit year. Those drawing 1941 benefits during the year ending January S. 1942. may start drawing 1942 benefits wttheut serrtng wait ing weeks If they also are est rf work during the first week of the new benefit year and are otherwise eligible. A year ago 27,676 claims were taken before February 1. Up to December 6, the commission re ceived 58,251 claims of which 49, 450 were found valid. Of these 12,382 claimants have drawn their maximum benefits totalling $1, 264,521, while all payments have reached $249,910. Flavory Breakfast Combina tion Three 1 0c Ham Slices One Dozen Dated Grade A Large Eggs 71c Value Probe Group to Meet PORTLAND, Dec. lS.--Rep. James A. Rodman, Eugene, chair man of the special Oregon legis lative committee to investigate ad ministration of old-age assistance, said Thursday the committee would meet at Eugene March 6. Death of Woman Called Suicide Death of Mrs. Alma Peake in West Salem Wednesday was de termined to be suicide, J. Paul Bollman, Polk county deputy cor oner, announced Thursday. Mrs. Peake, 30 years of age, drowned in the bathtub at her residence. Two notes were left to her family. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Lincoln Memorial Park chapel. Portland, under direction of Clough-Bar-rick company. Vet Building Is Available The dance clubs and social groups who have made rental res ervations for use of the VFW building should not be perturbed by the recent announcement that the Marion county defense coun cil has made its headquarters in the building, VFW officials said Wednesday. The defense council is quar tered in the basement and the personnel use the outside base ment entrance. The social groups use the first floor. Tenants desiring to use the building's kitchen facilities may be slightly inconvenienced. How ever, Marion post officials believe that their rental clientele will gladly accept these minor adjust ments in kitchen service. The Marion county defense council was offered the use of the VFW building as a patriotic ges ture from a patriotic organization who desire to render all possible aid during the present emer gency. The building ha s been fully blacked out which will permit continuation of functions during an air raid warning. 1 LOCALLY OWNED-OPERATED Al Women's Wear Section Drag Building 148 II. LIBERTY 1 Both iCt 6IFTS SHE W0m EMHMI8E m s T" JL 1 f ' II feovn ana kodc v tIM Tillamook Trip Cheese 33' 25' lb. Well cured mellow cheddar . . . Delicious medium sharp flavor. Tine for cooking or table. TSd Jar Cheese 25-ox. OQc jars mtf Smooth, easy-spreading cheese tor tempting sandwiches. My-Te-Flne Cottage Cheese Bulk lbs. Country-fresh cottage cheese soft and melkm. Grand for sal ads. . Loa Cheese 2 79' Christmas Wrapped ... A prac tical gift that will be appreci ated. Braunschweiger 31c lb. Deiidously smoked liver sau ' sage. Spicily seasoned. :SSg?" Bacon 34c Lean, savory bacon fries crisp and tender. Rich la energy servo tt for cheery breakfasts! Fred Meyer Delicatessen Section CM Salami, lb. 31c Delightfully seasoned : salami -. for- sandwiches and snacks . Spicy flavor. Pickles, 15c pt. Flump sweet pickles, crisp and appetizing. Grand with salads or for 'tween aaoal snacks so wholesome you can eat all you want! . I -Crews itm .a Ensemble $4.98 Value $.98 Gc if Every woman loves beautiful angaria . . . Delight her heart with one of these luxurious ray oa satin or crepe ensembles! Delicate pastel backgrounds with , dainty floral sprigs. Sixes S2 -y to 40. Larger Sizes, $4.98 NYLON Seamed Slips $2.98 Value $e25 Perfect fitting tailored or lacs trimmed Nylon seamed slips . . Wide adjustable straps . . Choose from four-gore or bias-cut styles. Sizes 32 to 44 . . . Remember, ' when selecting Her gift: "No woman ever has too many slips." At AM Fn Mmymr Wmmmfu Warn , "Perfect Fit" Satin Slips $1.19 Value .00 TouH marvel at the beauty t these sUps that will not ride vi or sag! . . . Guaranteed seams. Soft rayon satin or crepe in laTishly lace trimmed or talloroe styles. Sizes S3 to 44. Luxurious $2.50 Value ,98 A gown with everything sweep, .detail, flattery! Soft rayon crepe or satin, sixes 12 to 6. ttoT miDis ii.yi SX SHEER NYLONS Reg. SI. 95 Nylon from Tip to Toe! Lovely sheer, clear Nylons of a quality for which you . regularly pay $1.96 . . . Sturdily reinforced for longer wear. Popular ahades la a complete rang of ataoa from to 10 AD Nylon Hese, Selected Irregulars, $1J1 $j.65 Full m: Fashioned Silti sicry Qoeea (o)(o)C, ; 9Sc VALUE Beautifully sheer and clear! . . Tun faahioe4 SH Talao Sa Hostel reinforood at polats Olives 33c Deep Bember rartr ntt r. Staffed to 10 . . MORS WEAR WlVERT.PAnU strength. Sixes to 10. . sua boo witn -summing reimorceo new aad f fV 'fl" Beautifully sheer 1