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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1941)
PACE FIVE Tlxt OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. December 17. 1941 Local News Fire Damares Track A log ging truck owned by Olin Win ney, who hauls logs from Me- Ihama to Salem, was extensively damaged by fire about 10:30 a. rn. Tuesday while it was in Valley Machine shop, 1010 North Com mercial street, for repairs. Loss, i covered by insurance, was prin cipally the cab and tires. Cause jwas not learned. The blaze was iput out by equipment from the i Salem fire department, as were f chimney fires at 567 Knapp street land 1700 North 17th street, both I during the morning. ! Lutz florist Ph. 9592. 1278 N. Lib i Three Report Losses Alice Goffrier, 1590 Elm street, West ! Salem, told city police Tuesday I she lost a billfold in downtown ! Salem Monday. It contained I small amount of money. Mrs I Owen Gardener, 455 South 18th I street, said she lost her gold ! wrist watch. A black Mexican ! chihuahua dog was reported miss Tina bv Mrs. J. F. Curtis, 1380 ! South 12th street. ! Fuller Brushes. Gifts that are I useful and appreciated. Phone Fuller Brush Co. 5391. , Autos Collide Autos driven by Clyde C. Gilbert, 468 North 18th street, and Alan E. Edwards, 461 North High street, collided Monday as Edwards backed from a parking spot in the 100 block i North High street. Alice R. Kauff '. man, 780 North Cottage street, j and Thomas Roen, 1517 Court I street, drove autos which collided ; Monday at Chemeketa and Cot i tage streets. Savings insured to $5,000.00 are earning ZVi at Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. No Meeting Tonight Voyag- i eurs of Marion county voiture of ! the 40 et 8 society, American Le gion, have canceled their regular dinner meeting tonight, because i of the Christmas party Saturday night. The Legion hall is the scene of the party, which starts i at 6:30 p. m. with a turkey din ner. followed by a floor show, re freshments and other entertain- i ment. Delegations are expected from other voitures in the state Coming Events Dec 17 Willamette univer sity band concert. Dec 24 First day of Christ mas vacation, Salem public schools. Dec 25 Christmas day. Hongkong Under Japanese Attack by Air Land MO Junior Group' Elects New members of the Salem YMCA junior division board of directors, elected Saturday, are Jim Tryon, Herbert Ray and Brenner Luthi of senior high school; Conrad Cook, James Shawver and Ted Corbett of junior high, and Glenn Garrett, Bob Seams ter and Tom Sawyer of grade school. Carry over members are Don Yocom, Bill Poorman, Richard Yocom, Bob Schunke and Frank Bennett, chairman. First meeting is slated for next Tuesday night. The man who can be stopped wasn't going anywhere, anyhow, Don't be stopped Attend The Capital Business College Phone 5987. Please any man with "Mark Twain" shirts. $1.75 & $2. Sizes 14 to 18. A. A. Clothing, 121 N, High. Y Official Here Frank Bayley of Seattle, president of the na tional council of the YMCA, is slated to speak at four meetings here today. First is Willamette university chapel at 11:30 a.m. He is to be at the Rotary club lunch eon at the Marion hotel, then meet at 1:20 with the Y board of directors, followed by a session with the Y staff. Other appear ances previously planned have been canceled. Expert, reliable roof repairing. Johns Manville materials. Mathis Bros, 164 S. Com'l. Phone 4642. Hi-Y Council Plans Annual drive for food for Christmas bas kets is to be started today by Sa lem Hi-Y club members at the high school, in charge of Roger Wagner and Wally Palmateer. It ' o lis v - S Obituary Turpln Harrv Charles Turpin, at his residence, 1563 Franklin street West Salem, Monday, December 15, at the age of 53 years. Survived by widow, Mrs. Lillian Turpin three daughters, Misses Ruth, Ada and Lillian Turpin, all of Salem sister, Mrs. Bertha Reynolds of Yakima, Wash.; aunt, Mrs. Susie Marr of Wenatchee, Wn. Services will be held Wednesday, Decem ber 17, at 1:30 p. m., from Clough Barrick chapel, with Rev. Don Huckabee officiating. Interment in Belcrest Memorial park. 0 . I I Cliampoeg Has Lowest Rural School Tax Lowest millage assessment on the new tax rolls among 34 of the larger rural school districts of the county listed Tuesday by Assess or "Tad" Shelton is that figured for Champoeg where a 13.3 mills tax is to be levied. The 1942 tax covering a year's budget for the school district and six months for" other taxing units is less by 10.1 mills than that levied for a full year under the last assessment With levies of 15.8 mills on the new roll, Rickey, Macleay, Belle Passi and North Howell are next in line among low assess ments, Shelton's roll reveals. The 34 districts listed Tuesday, with the 1940-41 levy mentioned first and the 1941-42 levy sec ond, are: middle oruve, ju.i, tvw- g--m j-p, . dale, 35.6, f6.2; Rickey,' 26.3, 15.8; Clergyman 1 akeS luaticaj , xw.v, .w, HV.Vf Leaves Salem mm Rev. Leo Webster Collar, above, pastor of the Church of the Naxarene, who will move to Oklahoma City December 29. Victoria in foreground, Kowloon peninsula background Britain's mighty fortress of Hong Kong, located on an island in the China sea off the southern Chinese coast, is the target of Japanese attack by air and sea. While Nanking dispatches quoted a Japanese army spokesman as saying Hong Kong was encircled, British sources disclosed that the British had halted the Invasion. The crown colony of Honk Kong has an area of some 30 square miles. The larg er part of the colony lies on the mainland, although the main city of some 2,000,000 is on the island just off the shore. In this picture the town of Victoria is in foreground. In background is Kowloon peninsula. At right, background, is the terminal of the Pan-American Clipper planes. Trial of Auto Crash Damages Suit Nears End: Judge Page Grants Four Divorce Actions filed with County Clerk Harlan Judd by Alva F. Fery, Andrew Fery, John Zimmerman, William Boedigheimer, Chris E. Neitling, Edw. J. Bell, John Fery, Joe Fery, A. F. Schindler and A. H. Boedigheimer. Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. Berry Francis Newton Berry, at his residence, 714 S. 19th street, Mon day, December 15, at the age of 69 years. Husband of Mrs. Ella Berry, of Salem; father of Mrs, Novella Affleck, of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Eva Luttrell, of St. Helens, and Laurence Berry, of Portland; brother of Mrs. Christine Dixon, of Prairie City. Lee and John Berry, both of Mill City; also sur vived by two grandchildren. Serv ices will be held Thursday, De cember 18. at 1:30 o. m. from Clough-Barrick chapel, with Rev W. H. Lyman officiating. Conclud ing service will be at Fox Valley cemetery. Scheduled to go to the jury sometime today, the trial of Milo Schneider's damage action against Morris Merton was more than Distribution is made in coopera- half completed Tuesday before Judge L. H. McMahan. Not all tion with relief agencies. At its the witnesses for the defendant had been heard when court ad- meeting Tuesday, the Hi-Y coun- journed at 5 p. m. cu voiea to meet ior mncneon cw;,w ocVc i7n mi each Tuesday in the high school Lnd $270 special damages for in- juries allegedly sustained in a Rummage sale, Thurs., Fri., Sat. collision two miles east of St. Nelson Bldg. Chemeketa & Liberty Paul, June 22, 1940, when, he de clares, he suffered concussion of Articles Filed Stayton For- the brain. Morris charges the ac- ester's Hall Association, Inc., Im- cident was caused by negligence maculate Conception Court, 1776, Df the plaintiff, who he alleges, Catholic Order of Feresters, ar- drove down the hill and around a tides of incorporation have been curve at a great speed. Four divorces .were among de crees coming out of Judge E. M. Page's department of circuit court Tuesday. Page also set for trial the cases of Aetna Life Insurance company vs. Lauretta Whitney and Imogene Hodes, December 19; Percy LeRoy Farley vs. Nellie M & A. M. will open at 2:30 Farley, January 12; Elroy Nash cost bill of $21.85. p.m. Wed., Dec. 17. to con- vs. R. H. Browders and others, George E. Teuscher vs. Howard duct the funeral services for Bro. January 13; Opal R. McCoy vs. stubblefield; dissolution of part J. D. McCully. ' August L. Shaffler and Jennie nership in "The Shoe Clinic" or- Shaffler. January 14, 15 and 16. dered. receiver to sell DroDerty. We still have a supply of Sun- CIRCUIT COURT taking from proceeds cost of re- beam Mixmaster and Hamilton A1i Maris Hunter vs. Wallace L Beach mixers. Yeater Appliance Earl Hunter; decree of divorce edness, $300 to plaintiff, remain Co., 255 No. Liberty. Ph. 4311. an(j restoration of maiden name, rtr to he divided eauallv between Special Permits - Trucks with Marie4UAtison; to Pff parties, against neither of whom a maximum length of 60 feet and wl""V J " costs are xo oe assessea a errnss wpiDht nf fiK imfl nnnnrts " - -r ziiv-c a. may operate on Oregon highways Lindsay; order sustaining motions of defendant to make more defin ite. State of Oregon ex rel. Rosalie Smith vs. Ernest W. Smith; an swer denies defendant owes $330 or any money to plaintiff; that he has paid in clothing, food, etc., more than was due; that he is not able-bodied and is not regularly employed. Gladys Edwards vs. Walter Ed wards; order overrules motions by both parties for readjustment of payments arranged under decree. Valley Credit Service vs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shelley; plain tiffs to recover $1500 and interest, attorney's fees of $120 and costs; nal decree granted Earl Blank enship, administrator. , JUSTICE COURT Glen Leidtke; defacing building not his own; plea of innocent; trial scheduled for December 24; released under $25 bail. Gustav Patzer; found guilty of drunken driving by jury; senten ced to 30 days in county jail and payment of $100 and costs; notice of appeal to circuit court served James N. Downs; combined overload, $5 and costs; overload on truck axle, unit overload on truck; continued for sentences to December 24 at 10 a. m. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ambrose C. Jones, 31, farmer. Route 1, and Evelyn Aspinwall 20, bookkeeper, both of Brooks MUNICIPAL COURT John J. Lane, 2575 Portland road, violation of basic rule, fined $2.50. Guy M. Crothers, violation of basic rule, fined $2.50. Ralph K. Bjorklund, Portland, violation of basic rule, paid $15 bail. Charles B. Phillips, Falls City, Wash., violation of basic rule, paid $2.50 bail. 19; Gates, 30.3, 22; Pringle, 32.1, 21.3; Brooks, 28.9, 20; Champoeg, 23.4, 13.3; Belle Passi, 25.2, 15.8; Mission, 26.7, 18.1; Central How ell, 25.2, 17.4; West Woodburn, 25.2, 17.1; Roberts, 30.6, T41.4; Pratum, 26.1, 16.9; North Howell, 25.2, 15.8; Butteville, 28.7, 21; West Stayton, 36, 26.1; Hazel Green, 29.4, 19.7; Liberty, 42.7, 34.1; Mehama. 39.6, 50; Swegle, 32.3; 41.4; Keizer, 41.2, 30.9; Hayesville, 31.8, 22.2; Lake La bish, rr.2, 16.9; Fruitland, 30.5, 21.4; Auburn, 40.1, 29.8; Clear Lake, 29.3, 27; Detroit, 57.7, 54.3; Salem Heights, 52.2, 40.8; Mill City, 34.3, 27.6; Monitor, 32.8, 20.8; Labish Center, 36.7, 19.7; Clover dale, 26.6, 20.3. Over New Post; Here 5 Years Youth Nabbed By Owner of Stolen Car Marion Margaret S. Grant vs. J. Frank County Health department and under special permits in event Grant; order of default and de- Leona Dolese; amended complaint sn rpr rpnt nf ihe lnnrt is rnn- cree of divorce, with conlirmation tor svsi,ao aeciares piainun sus.- sipnPd to United States armv or of property settlement. tained permanent injuries in an navy depots, R. H. Baldock, state Gertrude Badeau vs. Henry Ba- automobile collision June 12, 1940, highway engineer, announced deau; order of default and decree in Portland and that she will be here Tuesday. of divorce, with provision that deprived from working at her pro- niaintiff ins riaht in titl in rpal fession as a nurse for some time. Shop now for that Christmas gift. nrnrwrtv hithprt. nint1v hllt Clarence S. Emmons, executor C -,,;, r. A innonoic- I I" -j " Niccolson At the residence, 1830 North Commercial street, Monday, De cember 15, Mary Aon Niccolson, aged 80 years. Wife of W. H. Niccolson; mother of Charles W. Niccolson of Forest Grove, Lloyd L. Niccolson of Portland, Marion Niccolson of Salem, Mrs. B. W. Jewell of Corvallis and Mrs. H. W. Kissling of Yoncalla, Oregon; sister of Fred Holt of Salem and Charles Holt of Chewalla, Wash.; 14 grandchildren and several great grandchildren survive. Ser vices will be held in tne cnapei of the W. T .Rigdon company Wednesday, December 17, at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Herman H Macy officiating. Concluding ser vices at City View cemetery. Special on suits and topcoats. Suits, $22750; topcoats, $16.50. Loafer and sport coats $5.95 and V"lJVSlZ!!2 Anderson; decree of JVclJf Vr J-WAil-lO IVClttU kJLVl.. 260 S. 12th. is to receive judgment against de fendant for $470. Zelle Frances Anderson vs. di vorce. Skewis & J u d s o n vs. E. E. Gust Peterson estate, vs. Albert Barth; amended complaint seek ing to recover $1496.50 allegedly belonging to estate; declares Barth withdrew funds from joint ac count although deceased intended only that he was to care for his business affairs; seeks recovery also of a radio and watch alleged ly taken from Deaconess hospital room and said to belong to estate PROBATE . COURT Amanda Jeannette Bishop es John McCully Final Rites Set Today Funeral services for John D McCully, 85, who died at his res- I idence, 1925 North Fifth street, Monday are to be held today at 3 p.m. from the chapel of Clough Barrick funeral home with Dr. J. C. Harrison officiating. Ritual istic services will be observed by Salem lodge No. 4, AF & AM. Private committal services will be held at the ML Crest Abbey mausoleum. John McCully, a member of Salem Methodist church since 1870, and the oldest living past master of the Salem lodge, since 1889, was honored last March at the church's centennial celebra tion. He was married in 1880. His wife, a close relative of the pio neer Patton family, died a few years ago. Survivors are a daughter, Eula F. McCully, Salem; one son, Rus sell A. McCully, Hood River brother, A. L. McCully, Portland and one granddaughter, Mrs. Wal lace Miller, Hood River. After serving as pastor of the Church of the Nazarene here for the past five years, Rev. Leo Web ster Collar will leave December 29 for Oklahoma City, where he will be in charge of the First church there. Collar, who will head one of the largest churches of the denomina tion, came to Salem with his fam ily from Spokane. Under his leadership the local membership has nearly trebled and the Sunday school attendance has had a large increase. During his ministry here hundreds of peo ple have become active workers in the local churches or some oth er religious organization. Over 150 young people are actively en gaged in some special activities of I tll ""KllfVl ft iho MT4r Many have found outlet for their talents through the choir and or chestra and several are in colleges I preparing for the active ministry City Schools Plan Practice Air Raid Drill Practice drill for an air raid In which 20 to 25 minutes warning is given is scheduled for Salem pub lic schools Thursday morning, ac cording to Supt Frank B. Bennett. Instructions are given and infor mation asked of parents on bulle tins distributed Tuesday to pupils. All pup Us are U be dismissed at II a. so. to walk to their homes If possible. No bicycles r aatos are to be used. The pupils are to report back by 11:31 with slips sbrned by their parents as to time f arriTSi.- If homes are too far from the school for children to walk home in 15 minutes, arrangements are to be made by parents for the pupil to go to a residence nearer the school. Instructions have been issued to teachers as to procedure in the event of an air raid in which suf ficient warning is not given. In such an evenL children are to be kept at the school building and given protection so far as possible. In all plans, Bennett stated, in structions of the national office of civilian defense and of the state civilian defense organization are being followed. tensive church building program, purchasing the lot directly east of the present site. They completely remodeled and enlarged the build ing at a total cost of approximate ly $22,500. At the dedication service 1102 people were present. The total amount of the expansion program has been paid, leaving the church with all current bills paid. Rev. Weaver Hess of Walla Walla, Wash., has been elected by the congregation as the new pas tor. Rev. Hess and his family will arrive about the first of February. During the interim the district superintendenL Dr. E. E. Martin. Portland, will supply the pulpiL Rev. and Mrs. Collar and their two sons, Keith and Leo, jr.. will During Rev. Collar's ministry ( leave Salem for their new home the local church launched an ex- ' December 29th. It Can Be Done The "General" is operated on the principal that good risks should not be compelled :o pay for the bad. Is yours a preferred risk? Then insure "GENERAL" in this strong old-line legal re serve stock company. SAVING tt i CHUCK r l 41 . 1 1 t CHET INSURANCE "Oregon's Largest VpttaSe Agenc' Salem and Marahfield 12S N. Commercial Salem Dial 4400 McCully jjjohn D. McCully, 85, at the resi dence. 1925 North Fifth street, December 15. Member of Metho- dish church and Masonic lodge. Survived by daughter, Eula F. McCully, Salem; son, Russell A. McCully of Hood River; brother, A. I McCully of Portland; grand daughter, Mrs. Wallace Miller of Hood River. -Funeral services Wednesday, December 17, at 3 "p. m. from Clough-Barrick chapel, rr j- "C.'.t Harrison officiating. Ritualistic : services by Salem No. 4, AF & AM. Commital services will be private at. ML Crest Abbey mausoleum. Rnranffer . , In this city Monday, December is. Minnie Spranger, late of 2373 State street, aged 70 years. Wife ,of John Spranger; motner or Mrs, Minnie Sykes of Seattle, wash or. ,4 a. c. SDranser of Salem route 6. Member of Bethany Re form church of Salem. Services will be held in the chapel of the w. T. Riedon company Thursday, December 18, at 1:30 o'clock, with i?v. G. Hafner officiating. Con cluding services at the City: View cemetery. YMCA Gives Program Frank S. Bayley, Seattle, national presi- Licenses Approved Beer li- dent of the YMCA, will be fea- cense applications of Roy New- tured at the luncheon meeting of port and Edna Streff, Detroit; the Rotary club today. Special Ben Gisler, Park and D streets, music will be provided by the and Deloris E. Seeber, 12th street ?nlom "V" filpPTVtpn. on4 tSnnifin Vi J rfVinr-ir Cnlam Vr,,A - " . i Qiiu lauiit war. uait.111. nave 1 . . . 1 1 haon k . wte; supplementary statement oy Tl . P,! Jf. Cot ciw. J A RV.r.Wi sttnmPT. rif- nings this week till 8:30 p.m. for " late shoppers. Table linens, bath The perfect gift for Him. Glamor- ary services rendered in settle- towels, blankets, table arrange- 0us gifts for Her. Smart, practical ment of affairs of estate ne con ments. Unusual gifts. Better gifts for the home: All to be siders fees asked for executor and Bedding Store. found at The Moderne. Open eve- attorneys as reasonable .. . nines 'til Christmas. William Van Handel estate; ap t-' ...... Praised at $2150 by George, Tate nig uepmuucui xucoviajr iucu judge asMjucu wuei JUS rank Staiger and Peter J. Etzel permits to E. W. Kutneriora to j tice Percy Kelly of the state su- John P Blankenship estate; fi repair a aweuing ai u ixorm preme coun luesaay assignea 23rd street, $50; R. L. Reimann to Circuit Judge Ralph S. Hamilton, repair roof of dwelling at 355 Bend, to preside at two trials in South 14th street, $125. Klamath county. He will substi- , A . . ... tute for Circuit Judge D. R. Van Shop now for that Christmas gift. jenbrgt wh0 was disquaiified. Virgin wool smgle blankets, pas- - . vandenberc will hold tel shades 72x84 $7.95 and $8.95; CQU m Bend motor robes, 54x60, $3.50, 60x65, $5.95, 60x78, $6.95. Thos. Kay Rummage Wed., Thur. 343 Marion Woolen Mills Retail Store, 260 , w , . 4 g 12th I wnccis vjrr licenses oixiy iour saiem Dicycie rmers Dougni Meeting Canceled Townsend 1 1942 license plates for their club No. 4 will not meet tonight I wheels Tuesday bringing the to- as the Highland school is notltal to 159 in two days, according Because the owner of a stolen auto recognized it by the sound as it came down the road, Paul 1 John Schneider, 16, was back in the state training school Tues day after a week's freedom. Schneider was one of three youths who escaped the night of December 9 from the institution. They went into Woodburn and stole a car owned by Leroy Gard iner of St. Louis, who was at tending a defense welding class. They were reportedly in Salem later that night. Tuesday Gardiner was in Mo- lalla, heard his car coming down I the road, saw it with different license plates and, as a citizen, ar rested Schneider and turned him over to state police. The other youths are still at large. STATION 1 HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) HERNIA-FISSURE-FISTUU No utd to rail any longar. Tot 31 yui w uc eaisially trttd StetaL Hmraia and Colon diaordara 1 without hospital turglcal op. latioa. Sand today tot FBXX BooUat containing Talnabla latormatioa and zpUlniag . onx nathod. tMwwf Cf4H Tmm Avmilmbl 1? 0, Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC pfcysJciM saf Surf Mai M. X. Cox. X. Boioaida aad Grand Arm. Talapnon XAat 3918 Portland, Oragom ' (HARD OF THANKS r. rich : in thank - our many n!j- aii their kindness and 111 rihutes in our recent iMr. Nor a E. Busey. VJrgU ; C. Busey. Reginald Busey, A Christmas Gift She will Enjoy FULLER DniSTLECOITlB available. Births to Mrs. Bessie Armour, city po lice matron. Plates, which must be on all bicycles by January 1, are sold at the city hall. Hu8hesTo Mr. and Mrs. Vollie D. I Subject Told "A Vision of Hughes, Aumsvule. a son, Clentonlfhe Future' is the topic for the Hbba7d-To Sr. and Mrs. Carl l. Truth Study class meeting tonight Hubbard, Independence, a son, Dennis 1 at 155 South liberty Street. Olive nrai hnitai. . I Stevens is leader. YES . . . WE HAVE DD (Top grade only and plenty of them.) Beautiful Shoes 234 No. Liberty HJSOMfS aaWa BK -npr n- y-- N V Beautifully V" Presentation r ' ' Now 35c ' ..v ) V " - ? rn I for the Complete Line of fuller Brushes You trust its quality Busy people know what the pauit that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola really meant. Iff a little minute long enough to enjoy a moment's rest and ref reihment . . the buoyant re freshment of Ice-cold Coca-Cola. HARRY GILLETTE- - - E. J. RYAN - - - - - E. J. ZWASCHKA - - - WJL REID - - - - - PH. 7796 PH. 5068 PH. 5391 PH. 5391 OTTltD UNOtS AUTHOIITT Or THI COCA.COIA COM'ANT IT OF SALEM COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Solem, Orvcjon .