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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1941)
Mill Gty Chapter Elects; Plans Dinner Installation in January, MILL QTY At the regular meeting of Marilyn Chapter, OES, Monday, the following officers were elected to take office in January: : Worthy matron, Mabel Needham; worthy patron, Donald Eheythe; associate matron, Leora Mid Willamette Valley News w W w w w w Reports from The Statesman's 78 Community Correspondents Stevens: associate patron, D. B. Hill; conductress, Gertrude Ma son; associate conductress, Maude Clark; secretary, Pearl Holthouse, and treasurer, Mel Robinson. Marilyn chapter, is the No. 2 chapter of the state to turn in a 100 per cent contribution to the national temple fund. Maxine Hill, Mill City, is chairman of the fund committee for Turner, Stayton and Mill City. Plans were made for a 6:30 din ner to be served January 5, alter which a special meeting will be held for an open installation of the new officers. On January 12. at 2 p.m., Mar date preceding the regular meet ing of the chapter. A $5 contribution was made to the Masonic and Eastern Star home, Forest Grove, and gift packages were collected to send to the home for Christmas. Mrs. Robert Schroeder, Red Cross chairman, Mill City, report ed that $455.08 was taken in from this part of the county, the larg est increase over last year's in take, of all the outlying districts of Marion county. At the Woman's club meeting held last week, Mrs. Laura Wells, Corvallis, was speaker on "Nu trition." An exhibit of foods was of lory Simpson, associate grand ma tron. Portland, will hold a school shown and a demonstration f instruction for the officers of food value given. Marilyn chapter. A 6:30 covered Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, dish supper will be held on that Salem, of the Marion county health department, showed a col ored film. A musical program, ar ranged by Mrs. Charles Kelly, preceded the speaker's talk and demonstration. Mrs. W. L. Quinn, president of the club, served a late supper at her home to Mrs. Wells, Mrs Moorhead, Miss Gulley, county Groups Name New Officers At Silverton . ,1T health nurse, Mrs. C. C. Porter, wuvmiun- """'J Mrs. L. E. Dike and Mrs. Charles en's Circle ol the wieinoaisi cnurcn R nas eieciea officers to include president, Mrs. J. J. Lewis; vice . . . 1 . 1 T- 1 . president, Mrs. rrea Da, cv-retary-treasurer, Mrs. Lawrence Edwards. The group, will hold its Christmas party Friday at the home of Mrs. Fred Baker. The Methodist WSCS is an nouncing its annual election of of ficers to include: president, Mrs. R. J. VanCleave; vice-president, Mrs. Harold Davis; secretaries, Mrs. Roscoe Langley and Mrs. E. R. Ekman; missionary chairman, Mrs. Delbert Bowen; treasurer, Mrs. T. E. Derickson; social rela tions chairman, Mrs. A. L. Coote. PAGE TWELVE Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. December 17. 1941 These Are the Healthiest Boys and Girls in US Weekend guests of Mrs. May Kester, Mill City, were her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Koenig, Longview, Wash. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Smith, were Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Cutler and sons, Jimmy and Bobbie, Eu gene. Cutler is a professor in the school of Physical Education, Uni versity of Oregon, A farewell no host party was given for Mrs.. W. W. Allen, who moved to Salem, at the home of The Lutheran Daughters of the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly, Satur- Reformation elected Eunice Tor- day. vend president; Geraldine. Olson, Present were Mrs. Allen, Mr. vice president; Elaine Tollesfrud, and Mrs. Vernon Todd, Mr. and secretary; Dorothy Boch, treasur- Mrs. C. M. Cline, Mr. and Mrs. er. The group plans a caroling William Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- party December 26. bert Schroeder, Mrs. A. Hoenig The AFL union of the Winlock and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly. Handle company will give Christ- Three tables of bridge were in mas cheer baskets this year play, high scores going to Mr. and through the local school author- Mrs. Todd. A special gift was Ities. The group plans to lurnisn presented to Mrs. Allen. 12 baskets. The committee in eludes Lyle Pettit, Floyd Verbeck, Wallace Orren. Vera Plummer and John Bowman. I. I. N. Phonephoto Selected at the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago, these 4-H club members were picked as the healthiest boys and girls in the U. S. Left to right are Larry Townsend of Natchitoches, La,; Keith Koch of Waverly, la.; E. Lucille Hall of Arnette, Okla; Lois Schreiter of Greenville, Wis., and Catherine Monsees of Savannah, Ga. Call Board FI.JINORE Todav Bob Hope, In "Nothing But "Major June TlMla" Thursday Wendy Hiller in Barbara." William Garga Clyde in "Sealed Lips. Saturday Nelson Eddy. Rise Stevens In "The Chocolate Soldier." CAPITOL , , Today Prtscilla Lane. Allen Hale in "Three Cheers for the Irish." Three Mesqulteeri in "Gauchos of Eldo rado." Saturday Albert Dekker, Susan Hay ward in "Among the Living." Lloyd Nolan In "Steel Vgainst the Sky." Heath Burial Rites Held y a m t- m m kj a i jc a j; unerai services were held at the Fairvipw remo a a I l vauieue uuuua.u f Q, r.,t, r a 1he Truth. Also '"J - muuuojr iui naipii Heatn, 48, who died at Eugene December 13. Heath was born at Gates and lived in that vicinity many years but for some time had made his home at Blue River. He leaves a daughter, Irene Heath; three brothers, Edward, Oakland, Oregon, Alfred Heath, Winchester Bay, and Gerald Three sisters, also survive, Mrs. Ona Reid, Mrs. Ivy Hall, Salem, and Mrs. Delia Dike, Gates. Today Carole Landis. George Mont gomery, John Shepperd in "Cadet Girl." Marjorie Weaver, George Reeves in "Man at Large." Thursday Betty Grable, Victor Ma ture. Alan Mowbray in "I Wake up Edwards. Jane Darwell in "Small Heath, Gates Town Deb. Grangers' News NORTH .HOWELL Those offi- Mill Chosen For Defense Headquarters SILVERTON Defense work at Silverton swung into quite serious routine action during the weekend with the establishment of headquarters in the old Fisher Flouring Mill office on South Water street. City Manager E. K. Burton and Mayor Reber Allen obtained the permission of the county court to use the building, which the county is holding on a tax assess ment. This building, it is under stood, will be open for informa tion 24 hours a day. L. E. East man, local defense chairman, is directly in charge and has dele gated others to serve part time. SILVERTON Silver Falls Timber company mill closed Sat urday noon for its annual holiday check up. The planers will run one week longer. Present plans are to reopen January 7. W. L. McGinnis, superintend ent of the mill, and William Woodard of the office, with their wives, leit sunaay ior ias An geles. They plan to return to Sil verton around January 5. . SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Russell, rdute 1, Silverton, are announcing the birth of a son Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter End of Classes and Homecoming Scheduled at Woodburn Friday WOODBURN Woodburn school will dose for the holiday vacation Friday. . . The annual homecoming lor the alumni oiwna wm oe neia Friday night at the school. Open house and registration wui pegra at i o caocju pro presented ax o, . Home Defense Group Meets Mass Meeting Called At Lyons Friday; for Further Organization LYONS A meeting of the ne cessities branch of the home de fense was held Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bode-ker. Mrs. Bodeker was appointed chairman and is in charge of the community facilities; Mrs. Wilson Stevens, first aid; Mrs. Percy Hiatt, housing; Mrs. Norman Gar rison, clothing, and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, foods. Albert Julian, general chair man for this community, gave a report from the meeting in Al bany. The club agreed to make 200 arm bands and the material was ordered. sent from Albany. A mass meeting will be held at the grange Friday night and everyone is urged to attend. Other branches of the home defense will be organized. rram will ne which will be followed by a bas ketbaU game in the gym. A number of students have been busy with arrangements. The committee in charge includes: Registration, Je,an Rayse; tickets. Bill McHolick; program, Virginia Kirsch and Ed Crosby; publicity, Margaret Yates, and open house, Lesion Dun ton. All graduates of Woodburn high school are invited. The date for the presentation of the community Christmas can tata has been moved ahead and will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Christian church. There will be no admission eharee and no offering will be taken. Everyone is invited to at tend. Mrs. R. R. Mitchel is director of this singing group. A Christmas party and dinner for the families of the members of Uie Woodburn Rural club was held Thursday in the Lutheran hall. After dinner a program Holiday Event Enjoyed by Bethel Club Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and Mrs. Campbell, Salem, were was Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston. Mrs. Johnston is a daughter of Mrs. Campbell and sister of Mrs. Schmidt. Brooks Garden Club Takes Part In Christmas Decoration Tilt . BROOKS Mrs. Harry Singleterry entertained the women of the Garden club at her home Thursday with an all day meeting and no host luncheon. Mrs. Alex Streeter, president, presided. Mrs. Lena Henny gave a talk on shrubs, Mrs. Mary McClure and Mrs. Willa Vinyard gave readings. The Christmas decora tion contest was won by Mrs. Nel lie McNeff. Judges were Mrs. Roy Reed and Mrs. Elva Aspinwall. Officers elected were as fol lows: Mrs. Lena Henny, presi dent; Mrs. Elva Aspinwall, vice Silver Tea at West Salem Postponed WEST SALEM The Christmas silver tea sponsored by the WSCS of the Methodist church today at the city hall has been postponed until next month. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ashcraft received word that their son-in-law, Hershel Jones, Wallowa, has been in the hospital as a result of being run over by an automobile. He is now recuperating at his home. Mrs. Jones will be remem bered as Fay Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kotthoff an nounced the birth of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and sons, Dale and Cecil, i'oruana, were Sunday guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. San- ford Bassett. They also visited at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and with her par- B ETHEL Mrs. J. P. Bucurench hostess for the Christmas party of the Bethel Dorcas club Wednesday at her home on the East State street road. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Bertha Kibbey, Mrs. J. E. Leclere, Mrs. Ralph A. Wilson. Noon din ner was served at tables decorat ed with greenery and lighted with red candles in crystal holders. Guests were Mrs. M. J. Crab tree, McMinnville, and Mrs. Lena M. Lisle, Salem Members pres- was given which openef with the flag salute and singing of America. Recitations, dialogues and songs were given by Joan Mattson, 13 ton Rudi, Marvin and Eva Mae Rheinholdt, Winona Bruninger, Ardel Rudi, Arlene Coleman-vand Keith Rerick, Christmas carols were sung by the group. Christmas treats were distributed to 42 per sons. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society met in the church social room Wednesday afternoon 4or the p re-Christmas meeting. Hostesses for the day were the Magnuson sisters, Mrs. Oliver S. Olson, Mrs. P. H. Seely and Mrs. E. J. Hughes. The meeting opened with Mrs. Black, the president, presiding. Devotions were led by Mrs. Carl Huber who read the Christmas story according to Mat thew. Response to roll call was Christmas recipes. The following program was giv en, with Mrs. Paul Mills in charge: Mrs. Alstrum with 12 of the grade school girls put on a musical pro gram. A piano solo was played by Mrs. J. W. Richards. A number of Christmas songs were played by the girls, Miss Alstrum ac companying. Eight of the girls played picolo selections. Jo Ann Davis gave a reading. Patricia Withers played a piano solo. Mrs. H. F. Butterfield gave a Christ mas reading. Refreshments were served by the hostesses from a table deco rated with mistletoe from Texas. ents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. "Beveir, ent included Mrs. Lura G. Emery, Fox Valley. Other guests at the Portland; Mrs. M. H. Utter, Mrs. Bassett home were Mr. and Mrs. Julia Grant, Mrs. T. W. Beamish, Albert Gower, Silverton, a cousin all of Salem; Mrs. H. R, Bishop, of Bassett Leland Bassett, Eu- Middle Grove; Mrs. Cass A. Nich- gene, also visited at the Bassett ols, Mrs. Millie Brinkley, Mrs. A. home and at the home of his par- J. Klug, Mrs. E. E. Marten, Mrs. Willamette Valley Briefs muTV Today-Bruce Rochelle Hud- cers wno did not go to Silverton Vll in v. i wiiuti e-- family in "Meet the Missus." Friday Gene Autry in "The Singing Hill." Bruce Bennett. Anita Louise in "Phantom Submarine." OIXYWOOD Today Ginger Rogers. George Mur- Hills for installation were brief' ly installed by Past Master Orton Hilfiker at the meeting of the j North Howel1 grange, Friday. Those were Mr. and Mrs. tSt FnUr?-TomM Dk i Waf Stnchan, V Van Brock- cnarne. mi, r lurence rpe, i oe nuss, jji- Leon ErTol in "Hurry. Hurrr Klllv fVtnn In "Th THtts burgh Kid." Roy Rogers in "Sheriff Those installed at Silverton Hill of Tombstone. ma Cline, and Erna Dame wood. Smith are announcing' the birth Verla Lee, at a Salem hospital. ot a girl on Sunday. All ex-service men and their The Arnold Johnsons report the families of West Salem are invited birth of a daughter on December to a no-host dinner Thursday at 12, all born at the Silverton hos- the Kingwood American Legion pital. hall. The dinner willl be followed Tommy Anderson, youthful son b a Proram and treats- of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson, was treated Friday for a fractur ed arm sustained while scuffling with a schoolmate. president, and Mrs. Bertha Bonn, secretary - treasurer. Committees will be appointed at the home of the new president, Mrs. Lena Henny, Thursday. The annual Christmas gift exchange will be held at this meeting. Guests present were Mrs. Wal ter Hodgekinson and sons, Ralph and Jimmie, and Mrs. T. H. Smith, all of Oregon City; Mrs. Mary Perry, Elmira, NY; members, Mrs. Mona Sidebottom, Mrs. Leta Co zel, Mrs. Lena Henny, Mrs. Elmer Conn, Mrs. Nora Westling, Mrs. Gertrude Reed, Mrs. Margaret Zahare, Mrs. Mary Wampler, Mrs. Willa Vinyard, Mrs. Marie Bosch, Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Charles Watts, Mrs. Lela Barth olomew, Mrs. Dollie Ramp, Mrs. Mary Ashbaugh, Mrs. Evelyn Mc- Farlane, Mrs. and Betty Irene, Mrs. Elizabeth Conn, Mrs. Bertha Streeter, Mrs. Florence Towers, Mrs. Elva Aspinwall, Mrs. Nellie McNeff, Mrs. Edna Ramp, Mrs. Minnie Dunnigan, Mrs. Bertha Bonn, Mrs. Eva Edwards, Mrs. Olive Beardsley, Mrs. Eula Legg, Mrs. Anna M. Dunlavy, Miss Neva Ramp, Miss Dovie Lee Legg and the hostess. ents, Mr. and Mrs. in Fox Valley. Fred Bassett, J. G. Lauderback, Mrs. G. M. Hageman, Mrs. J. R. Carruthers and the hostesses. The new president, Mrs. Nich ols, conducted the business ses sion, assisted by Mrs. Klug, the nas taken over the raising of the new secretary, and played piano MM as Silverton 's contribution to accomDaniments for erouD sinine Ule civilian defense fund. Sam Portland, where she will spend Dy Mrs. Lauderback. Mrs. Car- Lorenzon, commander, reports ar- JoAnn Crabtree and Richard Lancow, Portland, were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crabtree. Miss Cleta Crabtree returned to Students Man Post MILL CITY The Mill City ob servation post is being manned 24 hours a day by the high school boys. They were complimented by the commanding officer of Port land as being the only school group performing this service at present. Raises Defense Fund SILVERTON The American Legion, Delbert Reeves post No. the week with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland. They were guests at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gooch. I ruthers presented an article on rangements have been made 'Pagan and Christian Elements whereby cash donations may be Farmers Union News in Christmas." In a Christmas contest those earning a perfect score were Ma dames Lauderback, Crabtree, Hageman, Wilson and Carruthers. Mrs. Kibbey served as Santa Claus. Mrs. Lisle was presented with a guest prize by Mrs. Le clere. Plans were made for the Janu ary meeting of the club when Mrs. Klug will entertain, assisted by Mrs. Brinkley, Mrs. Utter and Mrs. Carruthers. PEDEE Realizing the need of pest control in the effort to in crease defense production the lo cal Farmers Union group passed a resolution at their meeting T??: m whiKh il yJ680!'" Party Given at ed that the members of Pedee lo- J cal approved all efforts to secure VictOF Point ieaerai aia ior uie cunirui oi Slugs Accident Victim The auxiliary of the Kingwood t . fj American Legion is holding a ba- lVClUIllS XlCFIlie zaar in the office of the gas com- tj tt . 1 pany Thursday and Friday. They rrOlll JlOSpital U U I t M STARTS TONITE - t HITS : - t'm a Tsit frnm Start to Finish! 3 "THREE CHEERS FOR S THE IRISH" v Priscilla Lane J5 Dennis Morgan - Alan Hale PLUS ! Three Mesquiteera in -GAUCHOS OF ELDERADO" Plus "BILL OF RIGHTS" 8 I i irAi 'JSTS.'wt Holiday Program vTr"' and Mr' and Mrs' Set at School have many articles for Christmas gifts. WEST SALEM A M. A. Dunn. A program of readings and Christmas songs was presented by Mrs. A. T. Cline. A gift exchange and Christmas treat of candy, nuts and apples completed the .night. DAYTON-Joint installation of officers Dayton and McMinnville granges was held Saturday at the Webfoot grange hall with 30 mem- ROSEDALE The Rosedale school Christmas porgram will be presented at the school house De cember 23. The following pro- meeting of the city council was called by Mayor Guy Newgent Saturday to adopt rules concern ing the blackout periods. The regulations are almost iden tical to those adopted by the Sa- appropriate FOX valley Clyde McKae returned from the Deaconess hos- special pital and is reported getting They also declared that some form of compulsory control was neces sary. A majority of members was present at the covered dish dinner, an annual event preceding elec tion of officers. Only one new of ficer was elected, Sidney Van Dyke, vice president Gus Nymon was reinstated as president for the fourth consecutive year. Dur ing his term in office he has miss ed only three meetings. Other officers reelected were Florence Howard, secretary-trea surer; doorkeeper, Mac Howard; left at either the C J. Towe Home Appliance store or at the C. H. Dickerson store. Move to Farm Home ZENA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hal- leman and infant daughter have moved to the old G. H. Crawford home, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. CrawthM Halleman is employed at the Frank Crawford farm. Church Party Slated WOODBURN The church school of the Methodist church will hold its annual rhrietm party and program at the church Friday, beginning at 7:30. A spe cial program has been DrenarM by Mrs. Kenneth ThomDson. a- along fine. He was in the hos pital several weeks as result of an accident? Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr mov ed to Mill City Saturday. gram will be given: Song, ' Once lem council. Penalties are similar In a Lovely Manger;" play, VA to those observed in Salem and Fair Exchange;" operetta, "Toys will be strictly enforced. that Had to Wait;" play, "The Last Merry Christmas;" songs, "Santa's bers attending. J. E. Finnicum. Christmas," and closing with a past master was installing officer. Christmas pageant. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier and sons, Mill City, were Sunday visitors at the HUgh Johnston Members of the Kingwood Gar- I home. NEW LOW PRICES 27 c Plus Tax ANY TIME LAST TIMES TODAY Bob Hope and Faulette Goddard la "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" Plus "FIESTA" - la Color Flos "BILL OF RIGHTS" Coming Thurs. Fri. K J m in GSORGB KDAD SHOrt Major arbara WINDY HlUER . Companion . ' Feature 1 -SEALED LIPS" William Gargan Anne Nagel, John Litel Dayton officers installed are as follows: Master, James Richard son; overseer, Kooert Hodge; lee turer, Mrs. L. D. Krake; steward, Clifford Gibbon; assistant steward, Leonard Will; chaplain, Mrs. Louis Will; treasurer, D. C. Clark; sec retary, Mrs. James Richardson; gatekeeper, Millard M a g n e s s; I stairway in her home. Ceres, Mrs. Millard Magness; Po mona, Mrs. Henry Freshour; Flora, Mrs. Robert Hodge; lady assist ant steward, Mrs. Clifford Gib bon; executive committee, Louis Will, Henry Freshour and Louis Goss. The Community Club wilL have its December meeting at the same time as the school program. Mrs. Mary Cammack has been confined to her bed since Satur day due to bruises and a sprained ankle suffered by a fall down the The Holiness Association of den club will meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas D a 1 k e Thursday from 1 to 4 o'clock for a Christ mas party. They will have a gift exchange and work on articles for the first aid squads. At 6 o'clock the group will go to the school gymnasium to dec orate for the community club program. Bert Lyons is employed at the Daisy Johnston place making in terior repairs on the house after the recent fire. VICTOR POINT Miss Millie was surprised at a birthday party !5!? humI Wedneay whn the Listed by officers and teachers of -uuui umuicii, wiui uicir ieacn-I ue school. er and mothers and a few other guests met for a cooperative luncheon. Present were Mrs. Rosa Am stutz, Mrs. J. O. Darby and Ger ald, Mrs. Marion Miller and Veneta, Mrs. Paul Jaquet, Mrs, Arthur Qualey, Mrs. J. C. Krenz. Miss Elizabeth Krenz, Miss Sadie Roth, Laurel Krenz, Lucille Ja quet, Jeanne Darby, JoAnne Lang. Annis Miller, Dale Miller, Merlin conductor, Alice Ritner; executive Darby, Norman Qualey and FJdon board. Sidnev Howard. Fri ft Kr. aquei. ber, Pete Ritner. A brief program included a reading by Margaret Howard and a duet by Donna Jane and Joyce Van Dyke. The Christmas program will be held December 22. Valley Events Writes From Tacoma umONVALE A Christmas letter and description of their new charge at Tacoma, Wash., was received by residents here Saturday from Rev. and Mrs. aimon A. Marcy, formerly of this locality. January 13 Stat Grange Conference. January IT Oregon Loganberry Blackberry Control board, Woodb Today Waldo Hills Man Majion county met in an all day T? prinrt prl Sink rch. I f " session at the local Friends church. Rev. Herman Macy and Rev. Mugford, Hillsboro, were the speakers. Dinner was served at noon. I Community Clubs Pupils Give Play DAYTON More than $40 was realized from "The Yellow Jack- DAYTON The Webfoot Com et," three act mystery play pre-1 munity club's annual Christmas sented Friday at the Dayton I program will be held Tuesday umon high school auditorium bylwith the school children present- tne senior class, under, the direc- jing thev varied program uon oi uara tiaggiund, drama tics instructor of the high school. T Last D Plus Defense Tax Ginger Rogers . TOM, DICK , Leon Errol la "HURRY, CHARLIE HURRY WALDO HILLS William Hav- ernick is reported quite ill at his I home here. He was taken 111 about two weeks ago and has not been showing satisfactory im provement. Olive Ottaway has returned from a fortnight's visit at the j home of her sister. Mrs. Bliss Jones, Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs.; C. McMorris, who under went a major operation at the ; Forest Grove hospital two weeks affa. was able to he removed tn Uuarterly Meet lield . her home near there this week. WOODBURN The first quar-1 Mrs. McMorris is tne daughter ol terlv conference 'j to be held this the F..D. Kasers and was reared year at the Methodist church win I community. - - A. il V. A. 1 A : I ',. convene inc wmrwi vunnjuw u Evergreen school has set its P4- Inroeram for Christmas on the f. Dr. J. Edgar Purdy wfll be injternoon of December 23 at the charge and will present a picture J schoolhouse. Bess Jones and Min lecture entitled "In Such a Time nie Mascher, teachers, are in ROMANCE . . . with them as Uncle Gus (Crosby's race horse) carries them to the pot of gold and love on the rain bow trail! 4- 2y -f1LACGII . . . with Father Mjjt Crosby and Mother Mac- r ill Bin Fred 11-Crcsby ' Ellen Drew i r. ILDLMJialTrJI Anyline I Today Thurky to GST aUnecOfl Ml IlacIImray Donald O'Connor Yon Sinners' Two Great Hils FIBBEtt UcGlE th I.IOLLY ; . in theix rnsT bio sckekn hit - nils WAY PLEASE,, BETIT GRABLE tn BUDDY ROGOTIS yakslL Hews l ' Evenis Jf S CARTOON ii ) ALWAYS BIG HITS! WITH ROCHELLE HUDSON BRUCE CABOT PLUS News - Comedy And Novelty 10c lSc Matinees ' Evenings p20c 22c S? IMAt. Night ROtlTWOOOl TWO "K0NDC j rmramr mi BtQAPWm i tew rune txx in ttf year's mtot -J ' tfcoddn dram' I Wake Up Screaming" t : t tl 'ir ' fir-, CtDtlOMU Daily from IF. H. 2nd Hit Feature IAHEUITEERS and HARRY- t as ir as This." . . -s charge. ...