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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1941)
Swift! Efficierit! Eccmomical! That's Classified Ads 1 Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Threa Insertions j&er line 25c Six; Insertion! per line 40c On month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 0 tL min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this pate accepted un til 830 the evening before publics- for classification. Copy re ceived after tola time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assume! no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry DEAD ANIMALS We pay up to oO cents per hundred for dead horses and cows. Top prices paid for fox feed horses. Phone 6411 Salem collect. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS S-YR.-OLD thoroughbred Jersey, subject to register, fresh, 885. 520 N Commercial. Ph. 6143. WKS. OLD pigs. S4.78 each. Sow and pigs, S42.B0. Route 2. box 259. NEW HAMP. and Rhode bland Red baby chicks from blood-tested R. O. P stock. 12 per hundred. Sears Roebuck f arm store, in s. uoerxy. Help Wanted Male TWO WILLAMETTE students to work during Christmas vacation. One to be retained for part-time work alter Jan. 1st. Apply 381 state St., room 205, Dec. 17. 7:30 p. m. YOUNG MARRIED man without chU- dren for dairy farm. R. 3. box 43. East q 19th Ct Help Wanted Female TWO LOCAL ladies to help on an nual y ear-end and January sales. Bring soci lal security number. my numDer. A m. only, at 381 Apply Dec. 17th IP state St.. room 205. Housekeeper, 1342 N. Capitol. P. 6173. Situations Wanted -CARPENTER. CEMENT and plaster patch work. Take part pay in furni- lure. 1172 Edgewater, West Salem. CAMP COOK wants experience in hotel or restaurant cooking, small wages. Box ivai, statesman. SALES LADY, expel rienced exclusive I women's shops seeks change present location. Excellent references. Con- alder Investing in shop. Box 1927. Statesman. EXPERIENCED nurse. Ref. Ph. 5274. imUl.r.l) CAJirEN r3l. rtk..MH.- 1, 1 garden work 1 JANITOR, lawn wanted. Phone 3668. For Sale Miscellaneous USED G. E. FLAT TOP IRONER Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 188 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 SPECIAL men's compo M soles 81. Open till S Sat eve. Goodyear anoe Repairing, 713 n. com 1. SMALL HOBART M cable piano in splendid condition, very reasonable. 1SU0 South cottage. USED WASHERS POPULAR MAKES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 HOLLY wreaths and Christmas trees. 2315 Broadway. P. 8344. Gladys Coleman GIRLS Silver King bicycle. Ph. 9561. USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 Mlsjle toe for sale 8c gathered. Ph. 22289. HOUSE TRAILER. Win take car part payment. Price sioo. 2350 Myrtle. USED WOOD. Electric and Gas ranges. Popular makes, 810 and up. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 1 vAi.Mifr .w-lii s "rW rk RTortein Packing 'orfein Packing Co. 460 N. Front CHRISTMAS trees for less. Gisler's Cash Groc., East 9 St. to f arK Ave. USED OIL CIRCULATORS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. B88 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 8 TONS OATS, wheat vetch. Rt. 7, Box 81. ll,i mileN. Portland Hiway. J. W. Unruh. '"FAT GEESE, 82.50 each. Ph. 50F14? I Sk JLS rims, transmission. 810 each. 6-volt electric power hoist, suitable for tow truck work, 840. H. W. Goode, Donald. Oregon. Pn. Aurora an. FUR COAT, size 38. Reas. Ph. 8247. wW I .TNEM Damask tablecloth f white) Irxwr witn o large napaons. Baa not seen uaeo. moo oi. WALNUTS, Franketts 18c, Mayetts Ijicc. Apples sae up. srnen Anaenon, JtK.i Viiits Rd. 1 mil off Wal lace. 2 miles NW sf Polk and Marion bridge. A-:.. 620 KODAK. 4J special kodak naatlirmat Lena, compur shutter. ease, light ffauf. niter, new conai Uon. $25 cash. Ph. 4762. GIRLS BICYCLE, tike new. 332 N. Oiurch. Phone 7348. : " NEW TltAILIR houseT "htlCM. tm N. Water tree. ; ... . 4 C)rcfionrtntr3naa ; ADVERTISING Western Advertising - RepresenUtives George D. Close. Inc. Ban Francisco . Loa Angelea Seattle . . . Eastern Advertising Representatives ' Bryant, Griffith Brunaon. Inc. ChlcaVv New York. Detroit L TBoton. AtlanU at the Postoffice at Salem. Coffins SUBSCRIPTION RATES: VaQ Subscription Bates to Advance. Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, I so cents; S Moe. $1.50; Moe. tlSO; War 83.00. Ejsewhere 80 cents per Tiso for Tf.toJ' Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or nhons (91631 tm saienra oiaesx, largest noma owned and home managed finance institu tion. Your financial attain will be discussed and loans mad to strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your nan or granting ox extensions. 1 M 11 MONTHS TO REPAY You can oar in full an time tnl reauce we cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or not. SET ROY B. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie No. M-iaa JIM CLARK. ASST MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. 8-128 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 nrst door south of Ladd 4t Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location CASH FOR CHRISTMAS Paying cash for your December purchase saves time and money. Don't run up a lot of bills. A personal loan from us will supply the funds you need. itepay next year n small convenient monuiiy installments. CALKINS FINANCE CO. Salem's Personal Loan Center" 315 Court St., Salem Phone 4446 State license S-228 M-278 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or uuiw utuuicuM. iuuiici iui uc w inn used cars No delay or red Upe. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-1S2 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-159 FHA LOANS 4iV also priv. loans. Abrams 8c Ellis. Inc, Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential St I . DUflUiess LI ULTCI L jr. TT 111 uujr IUUllKaCa 1 or contracts. HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS, I INC, Realtors, Guardian Building. For Sale Miscellaneous THE APRON Shop. 679 N. High. LOVELY NEW eastern fox fur. Also new set Book House. Call 3023 at 12:30 1 noon or 6:30 evenings DECORATING HOLLY and holly wreaths for sale. Phone 58F12. DRESSED CAPONS. Order now. 35c per lb. Also 500 electric battery brood- er, price $50. Ed Saul, Liberty Road, Box 70. WALNUTS, Choice meats. 714 S. 21 Ph. 3600. USED wood circulator heaters. 819 JO I and up. terms. I GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. I 453 Court St Phone 9611 ESTABLISHED RETAIL 8c wholesale candy shops. Coast 8c valley locations. Will teach buyer trade. Small invest ment required. 970 S. com l, Salem. - - - vi - - - - I 2 QT BOWL, S fish, greens, 00c. 1S20 S. 12th St Goldfish Farm. Wanted Furniture r N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auo Moneers A furniture dealers will DST you more cash or trade for furniture I 8t household goods. We buy or sen everything Ph 5110. CASH FOR used furniture St house- noia gnoas it rorgey ru iw Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED SHELLED walnuts. We pay 42VaC lb. in trade. 970 S. Coml. St CUSTOM : CTRmGand cottint Jack's Market 1316 State St Ph. 9837. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plates for Repair. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State 6t Com'l. Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms nu.f.,". wAawit e, s a ftvsN. Hoorna. apewai wetau, i rates to perm, guests. Marion COHee Stop, delicious meals at low prices. ROOMS. 840 Union. Phone 3490. ROOM for men. Garage. Plenty of not water. n. ui. "CLOSE-IN imaZ 82. eNTHlgJhr FURNISHED ROOM. 725 Court CLOSE In, dean, warm. Ph. 4498. NICELY furn, heated rm. 175 S. 14th. dlte" Center.11 BUS. DIST. Heated sleeping rm. Hot SLP RM. near state bldgs Ph. 21449. Room and Board I state canitoL Phone 6072. 330 N. Sum- mer St. S INGLE or double, plenty hot water, I good food. 1563 Court HOME privileges. 960 Marion. Ladies. BETTER BRD. 8c rm. 745 S. Coml St BdJ Rm MriJ Estep! 850 St For Rent Apartments PULLMAN APT., priv. bath, refrig, 813 at 820. pn. o izo. SM. MOD. furn. ant. elec. kitchen. ven. bids. Leslie Manor, 310 Lsiie. FOR RENT Annex 4 R. apt ExcelL TWO ROOMS, kitchenette and porch. furn. apt. heat, water, lights it frigeration, downtown. Ivan G. Martin. i Pn. 4419. BLONDE rciai 1 1 ma I HAVE ONLY TO PAY AFTER $100 Cash In your hands Quickly NO PAYMENT FOR 80 DAYS Loans of $29 to $250 or more quick ly and privatelyon signature only, or on furniture or auto. Single peo ple sign alone; if married, both sign. Outsiders not involved. Simple to apply simple to qualify. Apply Loans Wanted WANTED $1500 loan on farm. Box 1930. Statesman. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments Furn. 4-R refr, hot w. 671 N. Capitol $11 2-RM. furn apt Lights. Hot water. 1387 N. Com'L Ph. 21403. 4-RM. furn. apt Ph. 4607. 350 Belmont PULLMAN-APT- priv. bath, refrlg, Ph. 6728. 2 RMS. $15. 152 S. 13th. Ph. 5222. "NEWIRedecorated ! furn. ant. mIiv" tag. Lights, water. Adults. Sll.50 un. Also 2 bedroom apt 624 N. Capitol. 3-RM. FURN. Ref. St heat. bath. -. . ' .7"". , jwii tm .VniWiT"-'' 3 and 4 Rm Mod. furn. Steam heat. Z39D f airgrounds Rr. Ph. 7532. NICE furnished" apt 510 UntonT NICE 2 rm. apt 642 N. Liberty. FURN. APT., priv. bath. 545 Court 2 St 3-R furn. 1st O. ants. Pri. bath. j refrig., Its., h. w., wash. 1234 S. Coml. "lSTFIUR CLOSE IN 891 N. Com!., $16 mo. 2 8c SR., hot wat, heat lights, gar 't'TgJZ? -.. DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. furn, apt . $10. 332 water. SMALL furn. apt. 645 Ferry. SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottage. For Rent Houses FOR RENT 4-room house at 948 Norway for $25 1596 N. 4th. 6-room house for $23. 5-room house at 533 Richmond, rent 1750 Madison, a 5-room house for S35 Beautiful modern home. comDletelv furnished. Close in. Rent $45. Let us show you. 3-room furnished apartment for 823 at 1792i N. Church. . . . JO? SAKE a iwo-iamuy nome in gooa conai- tion, basement and garage. A real bar- gain at $2600. J- I". ULRICH CO, REALTORS. 3 court street fnone 867 4-RM. FURN. house, practically new, full basenv full basement. Sc furnace, $30 per month. Adults only. No dogs. Phone 7529 or 3131. S18 6 RMS, furn, fair. N. E. Rms, modern, uniurn. Rms, modern, furn. East. Rms, modern, furn, N. E. -7 Rms, modern, furn. North. H. P. GRANT, 529 Court. Ph. 6744. 3-RM. HOUSE. Hot and cold water. Garage. Garden and fruit trees. Adults I preferred. Route 3, box 916. 4-RM. MOD. house, electric water heater and range. Inquire 1185 6th, West Salem. Business Cards in this directory ran on monthly basis only.' Rate: $1.25 per line per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panek. 279 South Commercial Bicycles I BICYCLES, New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'cL P. 4516 Christmas Trees I nrRTcrvr a tbi D,nn. 21139. Cosmetics Avon represenUtives. Ph. 8589. Chimney Sweeps I Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 8056. TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness. Elxcarating EXCAVATION OF aU kinds. Base- ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor sale, saiem sana a uravei. r. hw. Florists I Brelthaupt's. 447 Court Phono 9199. Funeral Directors I Tarwilnger Funeral Horn. Ph. 6928. filattresses I .mTmm M n. tnaa. Money to Loan I SALEM FLUFF RUG 8 MATTRESS re - 1 Co. New Mattresses, old -made, rug 1 cleaning 8c weaving. B um wuour iei. mu iwiucn, PRESEKITSTrW I CXk3MT- POVOU PAY N MAN? J I LAvW'tl'i ' ' ,T ISSSSBBl I El . : ; f luais . n . .lr II Money to Loan ONE BILL CHRISTMAS for what you need large loans made as readily as small ones. First payment not due for at least a month. Come in or phone. See "Irv" Miller. Mgr. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 812 State Street 8 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191. License No. S-122 & M-16S For Rent Houses WZ HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberta. FURN. 5-RM. house, garage, at 1654 N. Capitol. Call Sunday or evenings alter e. f none tsa. 5 room furnished house $25 month. 1587 Franklin St, West Salem. 6 rooms, furn. 1785 S. CapitoL SMALL House 2105 N. Front MOD HOUSE. $13. 1118 6th. W. Salem. HOUSES-Furnished and unfurnished. E. B. Perrine. 775 N. Cottage. Ph. 5664. 7-ROOM house. 583 N. Winter. 320 per mo. Werner Brown. Ph. 4139. 6-rm. mod. house. 425 S. 23rd. P. 3561 FURN. 6-R. mod. house. 1150 N. Church. 6-RM. HOUSE, garage. 820. 8-rm. house, partly furn., double garage. S20. M.. B. Z l lljNtM 520 N. Commercial MOD. 1 rm. furn. 862 N. 16th. For Rent BUSL OR shop space. Reas. Ph. 5211 80-A, FINE, cropland. 220 acres sheep pasture. Ph. 7 SHU For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE Lunchroom with beer and wine, excellent location. Money maKer. S31S0 cash. New suburban home N. E, 2 br., with fireplace, dr., kit, bath, hardwood floors, uniiiushed attic, Venetian b linos full basement, aut. oil heat and tire' place, $5200, $1000 cash, baL $30 per month. Bargain Apartment house. 3 apart ments, furnished, with private bath Income, walking distance. $3150 cash. 40 acres N. E. on Pudding river House, barn. $6000, terms. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Ph. 9203 Salem s Largest Home Builder ATTRACTIVE HOME, close in. 4 ! rms. and nook, unfinished upstairs, I furan lrKT nrot.. h.nla. mmiila. I n.v u " " , . . u tt. . , wu ...... v.. a tor, $3250. Easy terms. A real buy. 1 A. Sub. 2-bedrm. house, electric water system. Price $2850; $200 down, $25 per month. unrinisned house, sub 6 rms, plumbed, $1400: $50 down and $15 mo. Fine new house. Sub, auto, heat, $3500. Easy terms. ABRAMS 81 ELLIS. Inc. 411 Masonic Blag. Ph. 6155 or 3580 ST A VTPTA . X9- st M at V.. I that $6500 cash will buy. Th'C ' crWH'rM h?ndiCk " e -t 1500 WU1 v Cm x bt mt rnraAt4oKu house, close to state house, 7 rms. stove oc tew rurnisnings. $30. see Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller. Realtors, 344 state st, pn. 9261. SNAP SNAP iror azso cash. bal. 11 Re rent, you can move In today. Good 8c well built nome, 3 bedrms, full cement base ment, furnace. In Bush school district Price cut to $1800. Hurry. See Louis necmei or maoei Needham. 341 State. Room 4. Directory ainting & Paperhanging Jerry Johnson. Ph. 4616. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4329. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of Drint- ing. can me statesman Printing De partment 219 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros.. 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Sawdust Pit T "Cw.1 1 u Cn.lV Dk MM u.iuwi, . u. ww w. jonnnie z.umsxein. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call tor Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailer Rentals AT 519 N. Front. Phone 2-1768. Transfer Blankets turn, 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062! FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil. brlauets. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points. Lanner vransxer km. fa. jul Vacuum Cleaner Service SHUEC Tnsriaetlan In Ttmr haene. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. oozs. WeR Drilling C JT. Pugh. 2128 Myrtle Phone 9336. R. A. WEST. Rt 6, Bx. 443. P. 2-S29& Blondie Is Slipping! (ves. I evwsr ADi-AjrAMO I kn II j 1 b n f 1 ma JUST GOT BACK FOUR CENTS For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE or will rent Brand new. bedrms.. automatic tint, ftrwnlar cor. lot 2 blocks from McKinley school. foouv. neni sou. Ph. 5580. VERY NICE, modern S-r. house. 2 bedr.. hdw. floors. 1. 6c d. rooms, base ment furnace, fireplace, wired for range, about 8 blks. from state bldgs., $3150. $300 down. baL like rent . J. JACKSON. 341 State St, Salem. IT'S BETTER THAN RENTING North Side home S385A: B1O0O down. balance like rent 8 rooms, full base ment h. w. floors, fireplace, nice snruoe. see Mr. Goodwin with HAW KINS c ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. FOR SALE bv owner. Modern house. I 2 bedrooms, fireplace, basement ga rage, anracnve lawn ana shrubs, $3500. I960 Royal St . one block north oi uiemexeta street ,i A, ex. soil. 8173. IB dn. S3 mo. Close in. BUDROW, Ph. 5965. NEW HOUSE. N. Salem. 82650. Easr terms. H. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. $3150 5-rm bunsalow. oak firs, in living St dining rm, basement, fur nace, ru-epiace, wired for electric stove, nice lawn 8c- shrubbery. Terms. MtLVlfl JUHNSUN. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 IF YOU want to rton ravine rent look at this new 2 bedroom home at I 680 N. zoth St Can be bought for $300 down and the balance like rent. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. A. lawn and garden. Mod. 8 bed rm. home. dou. gar. City 8c school bus. Terms Owner. Ph. 7148. Exchange Real Estate value $850. trade for 2 br. house around' S3UW. uinerence wul be cash. ROBERT J. GALLAGHER Ph. 7386. 1516 N. Commercial For Sale Farms FARMS FOR SALE 40 Acres, good land, creek, good Duuaings, pncea rignt. 160 acres on paved road, near Sa lem. This is a snap. 26 acres, poor fundings, close In, excellent sou. 3 room new house dose to Salem, easy terms. For good buys in farms or city prop erty see us before buying. CHAS. HUDKINS 8c SON. Ph. 944. 275 State St. Acreage 170 A. in Polk Co, 85 A. cult, most ly all in crop, 7-rm. house, bath, elec tric water system, good fencing, 1500 cords of wood, 2 barns, close to school. sdu per A. $250 Down. 17 A, 2 mi. from Dallas. 5-rm. house, small barn. 11 A, cult. some timber, $2000. MEL V IN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723 XMAS SPECIAL. 40 acres, $1100. Good barn, hog house. chicken house Xt douhle floored ra. rage, springs 8c some oak timber. 25 l" oaiem. A. cleared, $350 an, 10 miles from Ph. 5580. Suburban 200 DOLLARS Down. 3.200 full price. craxiu ii cw 4 or. xue, nawa. xirs, elec. pump, , A. 1 mi. N. on Rr rd. in ruA Appo. Manorin Gardens. Terms $25.00 per mo. or less. Owner at 1373 N. summer. I Business UpportuniUes APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN lociSonncomr . I & iu,ow. compare uua ior mvesr- , innrS'r! ' top r.if!, 3 SERV. ST A. stock Jc ea.. good bus. Owner leaving. Phone 9097. For Sale Used Cars 1929 CHEVROLET roupe. Good con- I dition. 1535 So. Commercial. 1927 CHSV. sedan. $10. Has 4.75-19 tires. Phone 2-2814, route 3, box 887. '38 DODGE coupe, good condition. Cheap for cash. Ph. 21653. Rt 1. Bx. 113. DRAFTED 39 Chev.. radio, heater. new tires, sedan. 168 N. 12th. EQUITY IN 41 WiUyi sedan. cheaD. vniici we vcuvci J . 1930 MODEL A coach, good shaie. 2635 N. River Rd. Phone 4282. DODGE LIBERTY six. S45. Good rubber, running cond. 1730 N. Water. 28 DODGE CP iJiean. Also 33 Ford VB tudor seaan. J. B. Rierson, s ml. S. on 99. Mork Auto Camp. Wanted Used Cars it Cash FOR YOUR CAR Shop others, then try us. We con tinue to pay highest prices tor good clean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. . I ... i venier. PTione ZI339 WANT '34 or '35 Ford coupe. Cash. Write Box 1929 Statesman. For Sale Wood FOR SALE Good dry scd. growth rir wooo. rn. zzsis. 16" DRY oak 8t fir. Ph. 88F18. OLD FIR. Ph. 3380 Aahcraft FOR DRY wood Phone 22637. "li6JOU"lT DO NT BE fooled by size of load. We deliver 400 cu. ft to load of miU- o0.'11-80 lodL f. Dry wood. Leonard Bm guy ne. P. 7268. WOOD. ph. 4370, Graen. 412 N. 21st Wood Sawing I wood sawing or hr. work. Ph. 7073. 930 N. COMX. PH. 292X Transportation DHTVTNG TO southern California tonight Phone 4839. 1 loravraoTSan Fran Sat.. Dec!. 20. Take t, share exp. Ph. 22588. IN UJU Mli UII " . t I . pour 711 ( y&r? t back t a I s m K"7 Chic Frocks for '- - . A' ill ' V: i "'-Li0'. ''fit it i' L i i I ''I'iK l Vf37 ' I 1 1 m I . Left, party drest of two-toned rayon sharkskin; center, wool and plaid school drew; rlxfct, spva rayon shirtwaist dress. To surprise and delight your young; daughter this Christmas, why not plan to make ber & new ward robe for her mid-term return to school? It may be dons easily and Inexpensively. Tha little party dress, left. Is a deep-yoked and gathered frock of two-tone rayon sharkskin. Pale blue Is used for yoke and sleeves, and deeper blue for the body of the dress. It has puffed sleeves and buttons tht march down the front. Plaid and plain combinations are favorites, especially when used for jumper style frocks. A long torso line on the brown wool jumper adds up-to-date sOhouetU detail copied from adult fashions to the dress shown, center. Just below the shaped mid-section, impressed pleats release into controlled skirt fullness. The plaid shirtwaist Is a masterpiece of tailored precision. It has a convertible sharp-pointed collar, and bishop sleeves. Heavenly blue spun rayotv Is used for tha third frock, right. It has a well-denned waistband that bugs the waist above a biaa-gwirliiif; aklrL Lost and Found LOST Ladies black hat brown mink fur trim. Return to Fashion Lounge, 519 Court Reward. SHOTGUN, 12 ga. Win. pump, lost between Ballston 8c Perry dale. Dec. 14th. Reward for return to Cliff Parker, Salem. LOST Black & brown Max. Chi huahua, answers to name of MitxL Inq. I laao s 12th reward Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed by the Cir cult Court of Marion County, Department, as acvuuia j um vi muuc 1 M. Busby, deceased, and have qualified as such Executrix; ail persons having claims against said estate are notified to pre sent the same duly verified, to me, at 205 Oregon Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, De- cember 10th, 1941 Executrix of Estate of An nie M. Busby, deceased. RONALD C. GDOVER, Attorney for Executrix, kalm f)rffnn Ti 10-17-24-31 J 7. Career Girl a-i a V i . i 04 j If you are a career girl, knit your self a sweater for skiing or skat ing. You may like this design, done in heavy white knitted wor sted. The sweater features navy blue eagles and stars. It la mod eled by a Chicago glrL By CHIC YOUNG TWOOSWT HAorr 1 RGUREPCUT TO TMS PEKNV Little Girls Easily Persona MEET NEW FRIENDS 1 Club Elite. Box Tl-Q. Main P. O, Los Angeles. Cal NURSE CASE given bed patients. Mrs. Esther Ogdea. 593 S. Com!. Quilt Finished By Club Group For Farm Home PEDEE A quilt for the Farm Home was completed by the Ever-Ready club Wednesday at tha home of Rittie Kerber. A program was made up of impromptu numbers by members and guests. Mrs. Kerber was called to a defense meeting at Cross Word i 3 4 S 7" 8 7 T" m TW- P H13 p pp ll!Lll W- lllilllllllll 50 51 VtA Si "I mr 1 1 wr 1 1 1 ' HORIZONTAL I rF ko4 IUlian naport k hr aWwrdad ay Ue fLAS. ttii peat yearf Bullet 10 Symbol for erbraxa 12-MooM 1$ In wkot aacieiU Grecian town kax fmmcuM jLffri44 ee tmvaUdt IS Grape refuse 1ft Female horse 17 Intention 18 Sharp reply tft Tread II By way of tt NoaVs boat 14 Expire 2S Insect 2ft Beheld XT Japanese cola Hypothetical fore SO Vaporises 32 Hire 34 Toward S5 Eegret Sft International k ; S7 Meadow 2S Couch 19 Perch 40 A number 41 Observes 4 Sheep's coat 45 Wing 4ft Native metals T TFJLst ia omatker mm for CuvidT SO Loitered 82 Genoa of tropical palms SS Half an em S4 Malt drinks lli Comumnui stir 8 metal disk TESTICiL 1 Predoos stone Note ta GnUo's seal 1 TeU 4 One time ft Paid notice ' S r?ai Amtrien RneiutUmmr Made at Home Bridgeport in the afternoon. Present were Freda and Thera Condron, Nell Link, Fronia Mc- Cormack, Mrs. Lever-man and Patsy, Mrs. Bess Bocker and Beth Bocker, Mrs. Ernie Johnson, Vel na Edwards, Ella Sheythe, Doris Hanna, Alice Ritner, Edith Clark, FJenore Van Dyke, Grace Gaga, and Dorothy, Minnie Rinter and Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheythe attended a birthday dinner hon oring their son, Francis, at his home near Alsea Sunday. Lodges Pacifle Lodge No. MA'AAJL Stated Meeting. Frl, Dec IS, JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppea, WM. Puzzle TWkmt sseris acter tcoa va f tM Arrt te pepeJarsca WHi PTh( victurtt? 8 Sinrie vnit 9 Srmbol for tantalom 19 In tk4 Wttie wA4 lake dad CMitMOi rerry deeat Brituk flsttt 11 Inclined road 14 Portal lft Gloza 1 19 Body of Jewish law 20 Carol 21 Huge 21 Witkla 24 Designate T7 Sac cession 28 Carved xwimg 29 CoCege eAdsi 21 Land -measures 13 Changed S$Wkl twal i used as eymol Bmniat 89 Snow vabidea 41 Gist 42 Dash 43 Independent 44 Wax 4ft Lobriesat 48 Peroviaa tree 49 Salt 61 Egyptian son god S3 Exist Ana-wtr to yesterday's ptosis. Si IS! H tiUSi R. lTTEtNTt STTTj eopy a cents, 1 -br City Carrier, 80 MMissA . hripmditr-foninl eUeatad tka ST JO a year 1 aavanee w ojaows Cm mt. In tawn iiam. tZ