The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN Satan, Orvgon, Tuesday Morning. Eccmbw 16. 1941
d dill oo the ft tut
TOPEKA, Kas. -JPy- Practic
ing some of the antics he saw
eastern college co-eds perform
recently, Junior high Cheerleader
Sammy uell leaped into the air
on hia home field and made a
crash landing. Result: A fractur
ed arm and twisted ankle. .
"And basketball season is just
beginning," Sammy lamented.'
CLEVELAND -&)- Tommy,
the airport cat, lends unofficial
assistance to the weather fore
casts. Practically everyone around
Cleveland airport contributed to
Tommy's hospitalization - .fund
when it appeared a paw, infected
by a rat bite, might be ampu
tated. Still four-legged, Tommy hangs
around Weatherman Clarence G.
Andrus office. And Andrus says
whenever Tommy favors that
fpaw, rain s coming.
NEW YORK -JP)- Said the
health inspector to Magistrate
Peter M. Horn:
This man is keeping two "ele
phants in his garage."
When the magistrate was sure
he had heard correctly, he told
Frank Roper he'd have to take
his elephants elsewhere.
Roper, a show owner, said he
would try to ship Lady and
Honey to Florida for the winter.
CHICAGO Hh The Vincent
Bremners enjoyed the serenity of
folks who have purchased air
their Christmas presents, wrap
ped them neatly and stowed away
under pretty seals marked: "Do
not open until December 25."
That is, they had that com
fortable feeling until they re
turned to their home in suburban
Indian Hill and found that burg
lars had opened every package. .
That was disturbing - enough,
but examination disclosed that
the finicky footpads had taken
none of the gifts or anything else.
SALISBURY, Mo. -IP)- Santa
Claus came early to Salisbury
and ran into trouble.
He greeted children from a
store roof, but same time for his
descent into the street 'the fire
department ladder wouldn't work.
So Santa, had to leave word
he'd be back later to mingle with
the crowd.
DULUTH, Minn. -ff)- Lack of
pen and ink, and being "pretty
busy working," is no excuse for
failing to properly fill out a se-
! lective service questionnaire.
That's what Federal Judge G. YL
Nordbye (old John A. Waisanen,
25, of Embarrass, Minn-i the oth
er day. Waisanen said be sent in
one questionnaire- with penciled
answers but when told to use ink,
didnt have the time or ink. Judge
Nordbye suspended sentence for
two years on condition Waisanen
comply with the law.
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n n n nsn nmrnMunrrTmm-rtMhm impart ntitfi'-v- r k ,xr5i5ata
1 1 1" , r- n il 1 1 irrMBM ; if.wft.sJ
Repeated by Popular Demand!
Last Chance This Week!
beautifully styled, quality built and covered in a rich rayon and
cotton figured velvet ! Full carved arm and base panels ! The resi
lient coil spring cushions and back are deeply upholstered for
$5 a Month, Usual Down Payment and Carrying Charge
tt rr
'. p'ss " " I Rotary Electric!
" VlTL -"vfH o i'MlIPI 1! " 5 I Any woman who sews would
llSkJ J?tW?i' 1 . i love tAs' machine and OOk ftp
IvSL THt I i $15! It sews forward or back- n -n I
F, 'J'lri r 11 'vr 4v ward and -has all the latest JjfUj
rw i ,...:'-" . If -L3ll -BSSSw features! Comolete with V
: " - : r- I . - T ..
Hn P HIS." ?
iYlli: '69. ml
I'tr 1 , i-lti i in ff ilaif r- "
$8 a Month . . .
Usual Down Payment
and Carrying Charge
Portable Sewing Machine
Easy to carry in its air
plane luggage case! It's
reversible! And has all
Greist attachments plus
Wards 20-year guarantee!
Not Illustrated
iiiMiswiiiniiriTir'irfirii niiiitiissMimMnnnrirT ri -t(-aw 7
A Timm and Laboe-Smrmg
Recessed bM and proper
height for ttxj dithwMhitvf I
Saves werkl Plenty of stor
age space, and a deep cutlery
drawer! Only 14 a Menth!
Csoal Dewn Payment and
Carrying Charge.
al i. I'll i
ii t mwii i mi i ii ii j i
Drop Side Crib!a J29
Wonderful buy! Made of Pine and
finished in rich Maple color. Drop
side moves up and dowa easily!
Buffalo OH RxJesf
Cowboy Outfit
Conipeftv Oaf
Every young cowpuncher wants this
outfit: jeans, shirt, bat, pistol, bol
ster, etc. See itl
It U '
ii ,iii ri iiii tir-ftii.ii.iifiiriiwiiiiiaiMM
Compart $3.98 Sets!
Table, Chair Set
3WfcAkaftM 7)00
Well made! Good-looking as grown
ap furniture! Fancy wing-back
chairs, turned legs! Kand-wazed!
WTs foods! CSmbsl
De Lrxxe Tractor
Powerful tractor! i trailers! Derrick
Hoist! Shovel! Harrow! Log Chainl
Road Scraper, tool All Metal!
ff PfccesheO
Wi Ti '7W I tsv aetet
x;' ? jTvT i i .c ' "Or
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Phone 3194 '