Markets Comics Far; Financial. PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. Oregon. Tuesday Morning. December 16. 1941 Stock Market Recovery Seen Gains Centered on Steels, Aircraft, Rails, Armaments' NEW YORK, Dec. 15-P)-The itock market negotiated a selec tive recovery shift Monday cen terlng mainly on steels, aircraft, rails and armament specialties. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks managed to pin on JZ of a point at 37.1, its first ad vance In three successive sessions. Dealings were slow at intervals but there were enough lively periods to put the 5-hour volume at 1,U1D,340 snares. This com pared with 1,118,701 last Friday. Topi gains running to 2 points or so Ifor favorites were trimmed at the last but fractions to point or more were retained by US Steel, Bethlehem, Santa Fe, Great Northern, American Smelt ing, Phelps Dodge, Westinghouse, General Electric, Union Carbide, Douglas Aircraft, United Aircraft and Jphns-Manville. General Motors and Chrysler hit new 1941 lows. In arrears also were US Rubber, Goodrich, East man Kodak, Sears Roebuck and Standard Oil NJ. "Strictly Private" By Quinn Hall (LOSE A IOTTA V My FSCT AS,Xi JZB ltt I j Fox Valley AAA Election Is Held FOX VALLEY Mr. and Mrs Albert Carr and family have rent ed'' a house in Mill City and are moving soon. The AAA membership of this locality district held its annual meeting Wednesday at the San tiam Valley grange hall. Election of officers for the coming year resulted in several changes on the boardl Albert Julian was elected president; Orville Downing, vice president; Paul Uietrok, com. mitteeinan; Joe Bowers, first al ternate; John Perry, second al ternate. A. D. Scott is the retiring president. Ex-Operator Now In Washington MONMOUTH Mrs. Flora Sni der, si telephone operator here for 13 years, who was assigned to the Dallas office in October following installation of dial service here, has resigned from telephone em ploy, and is making her home in Vancouver, Wash. Her husband, Ora Snider, is employed in defense work Portland, and her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Richard Snider has re cenuy been released from the Matsqn tubercular sanatorium in Portland, so Mrs. Snider will take charge of her son's household and care for her daughter-in-law and two young granddaughters, for a time, i CAMPHIX DEAR AOM I MAY HAJETD GET W OF A OWE CHEVRON UNTIL AHB I BCK. BATCUN3 O00K.. BECAOSB THE ABGE S4& t vorrmrrGuvs am his own class- VOUR SON AT Trntmrm Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. 15--yP)-Today's closing quotations: Air Reduction 87 Doug Aircraft ....68 Phelps Dodge 29 Alaska Juneau 1 DuPont De N 144 Phillips Pet 45 Al Chem Dye..l31 East Kodak . 132 Proc & Gamble ..51 Allis Chalmers 26 Gen Elec 26 Pub Serv N J 12 American Can ..68 Gen Foods 38 Pullman 21 Am Car it Fdy....29 Gen Motors - 32 Radio 2 Am Rad Std stn..4 Goodrich 14 Rayomer 8 Am Rollin Mills..lO Goodvear 12 Rayonier Pfd 25 Am Smelting &R..37 Great Northern ....21 Repub' Steel 17 Am Tel & Tel....l33 Greyhound -...12 Richfield Oil ....9 Am Tobacco B......48 1111 Central 5 Safeway Stores ....42 Am Water Wks 2 Insp Coper 10 Sears Roebuck ....58 Am Zinc L S....4 Int Harvest 46 Shell Union 16 Anaconda 25 Interna Nickel ....23 Socony Vacuum ....8 Armour Illinois ....3 Int Pa & P pfd....56 Sou Cal Edison....l8 Atchison 23 Int Tel & Tel 1 South Pacific ......10 Aiation Corp 4 Johns Man 56 Sperry Corp 31 Baldwin Loco 13 Kennecott 34 Stand Brands 3 Bendix Aviation ..36 Libbey-O-Fd 22 Stand Oil Calif....21 Bethlehem Steel 59.. Lockheed 23 Stand Oil Indiana 30 Beth Steel 59 Loew's ...36 Stand Oil NJ 43 Boeing Air 19 Long Bell A 1 Stone & Web 4 Borden 20 Mont Ward 27 Studebaker 3 Borg Warner 18 Nash Kelv 3 Sunshine Min 4 Calif Pack 18 Nat Biscuit 14 Texas Corp ... 44 6 Nat Dairy Prod....l3 Trans-America 4 12 Nat Distillers 23 Union Carbide ....70 3 Nat Lead 14 Union Oil Calif ....13 38 N Y Central 8 Union Pacific 61 20 North Amer Av....l2 United Airlines ....10 32 North Am Co 10 United Aircraft ....35 120 Attend FFA Banquet Awards, Program Given Agriculture Boys At Silverton SILVERTON Forty five boy and parents and guests totaling 120 enjoyed the annual FFA par ent-son banquet Thursday night arranged by Miss Nina Asbahr and her home economics girls. A red, white and blue . streamer, centered with miniature flags, formed the entire decorative scheme. Special awards presented dur ing the dinner included a Jersey heifer calf to Jerald Stucklich for outstanding work in dairying, and two FFA awards, presented by Leonard Hudson, Smith-Hughes instructor, to Amo Funrue and Dale Herigstad, outstanding mem bers of last year's class. Funrue was class president last year and represented Oregon in poultry judging at the national conven tion, and Herigstad was vice pres ident last year. Both boys were Oregon State farmers and are at tending Oregon State college this year. Honorary degrees were given to Roy Brown and H. W. Adams. Stanley Torvend served as toastmaster. H. W. Adams led in group singing, accompanied at the piano oy Jean McClanathan, James Thompson, a young farmer from the Waldo Hills community and a member of the Oregon state FFA executive committee and past president of the Salem chap ter, was the speaker. A trumpet trio, directed by Floyd Ellefson was composed of Bill Hutton, Walter Scarborough and Henry Ulvin, with Jean Mc Salem Market Quotations Tha prices below supplied by lo cal grocer are Indicative of the aauj market price paid to grow era by Sa lem buyers but arc not guarameea 07 The statesman: VEGETABLES Appies, dox Beets, bunch, doz. , .40 Brussels sprouts, flat 1.00 Cabbage . 1-60 Carrots -33 Cauliflower, crate 1" BUTTEB PRINTS l U Buying Prices) A Quarters Celery, ereen Celery Hearts, aoz. Garlic, lo. 2-23 1.00 - as 13 1.00 .48 Hubbard squash Onion, 50 lbs. Onion, ffreen Potatoes. 100 Ibe No. 1 new 1.50 Potatoes, No. S. 50 lb. baf -70 Radishes, dor. ,. .39 GRAIN, HAS AND SEEDS (Buying races) oats, no. i reed barley, ton Clover bay. ton Alfalfa hay. ton Dairy feed. 80-lb. baf. Hen scratch feed Cracked corn Wheat 80.00 30.00 . boo to lo.oo 14.00 to 16.00 1.75 2.25 SJ5 . JO to 1.00 Clanathan at the piano. Invoca tion was pronounced by Rev. Rus sell Myers. Officers in their places were president, Don Jaquet; vice president, Paul Dickman; secre tary, Lee Rieder; treasurer, How ard Mader; reporter, Marvin Dahl, and watchdog, Gerald Stucklich. Special guests included Mrs. Oscar Johnson, state secretary of the Farmers Union; Paul Jaquet, master of Union Hill grange; Maurice Benson, master of Silver- ton Hills grange, Lewis Judson of Salem; Henry Torvend, president of Central Howell Farmers Union; H. B. Jorgenson, chairman of the school board; Richard Barss, prin cipal of the junior high school; Harold Davis, principal of the senior high school; Jens Svinth, instructor at Salem; John Jer man, president of the Salem FFA; Mrs. Leonard Hudson and Mrs. F. M. Powell. Defense programs and plans took a large number of other invited guests, said Mr. Hudson. .40 EGGS AND POULTRY (Buying Prices ( Andresea's) (Subject to Chang wnnoui Noucei BTJTTKRFAT Premium -40 No. 1 J No. S ? Extra large white Extra large brown M Medium Standard -l Pullets ,. JS Colored hens . Ji Colored frys . Jl White Leghorn as Old roosters JOS (Buying Prices or Marlon creamery! (Subject to Change Without Noticei BUTTEKFAT Premium . .40 No J ; - No. 3 .37 EGGS Large A -Large B Medium A Medium B Pullets Checks Colored hens . Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Leghorn bens stags Old roosters M Jl Jl XI JS .10 x J7 JS J3 JS JOS No- 3 poultry .03 less. LIVESTOCK. (Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to pjn.i Top lambs 10 SO Ewes 4.00 to 5.00 Hogs, top 160-225 lbs. 11.40 Sows 8.15 Veal, top 11.50 Dairy type cows 5.00 to 6.00 Beef cows Bulls Heifers Dressed veal HOPS (Buying Prices) Seeded 1942 contract Seedless 7.00 to 7.50 7.75 to 8 23 0.50 to 7.25 J7 Cooperation Good, Polk MONMOUTH "Practically 100 per cent cooperation on tne nightly blackouts" Mayor F. R. Bowersox reported Friday. He states that 12S men have volun teered on police and fire patrol in this little city of 965 plus the students at Oregon College of Ed ucation. One truck driver was reported going north Friday morning early with his lights blazing and was stopped. He declared he hadnt heard there was a blackout He was escorted to a service station. his lights turned off and ordered to park there until daylight Todd hall, women's dormitory on the OCE campus, presents the most difficult window coverage situation in town, with 3 floors and a basement But the girls solved the problem voluntarily by dressing for the 7 o'clock break fast without turning on a light reports Miss Hilda Swenson, di rector. The kitchen windows have been covered with tar paper. and the dining rooms have heavy draperies which exclude light so the problem was reduced to a minor occurrence in a few minutes. WOOL AND MOHAIU Wool Lambs Mohair .35 .43 .40 3d .43 School Plans Told BRUSH CREEK Christmas plans at Brush Creek school call for a program both In the af ternoon and night of December 19. The teacher, Edith Ross will be in charge. Stocks and Bonds December If Cow piled by The ITOCK AVZJLAGKS SO IS 15 St Indus Ralls VtU Etks Net change A. 2 A. 3 Cnch A. Monday 543 UJ 3SJ Previous day 54.1 13.S 384 Month ago . MS 11.7 2S 4 Year ago C31 1SJ 34J 1M1 high 3J IS 33J 141 low Ui U.4 as J si h BOND AVERAGES M IS IS It Aails Indus VUl rYfn Net change Monday Previous day Month ago Year ago mi high 1S41 low A. 3 rjneh A. 1 A S M.7 1034 Nl 4li Mi is ms 41 j aa io4 me 44.3 S1.2 105J 1004 its 84 1034 1024 814 544 1034 Mi SS4 Hospital Shower Set at Liberty LIBERTY Liberty Women's club will hold Its Christmas party Thursday at the Mason Bishop home following a covered dish luncheon. A Jam and Jelly shower for Doernbecher hospital, and Polly anna exchange will be featured and small gifts will be brought for giving later to an orphanage. m pi The money you need is available to you here and note. Inquire today at our con venient address about our personal loan service! For Money In a Hurry See State Finance Co. 344 State St. Lie S-213, M-222 Phone 9261 Uozn xr THE LONE RANGER A Woman of Few Word. By FRAN STRIKER Calumet Hec Canada Dry . Canadian Pac Cater Tractor . Celanese Chesa & Ohio..... Chrysler 45 Northern Pac 4y4 United Drug 4 Col Gas & El iy4 Ohio Oil 8y4 United Foods . 71 Com Solvent 8 Otis Steel 5 U S Rubber 17 Consol Aircraft ....23 Pac Am Fish 9 U S Ruber Pfd....85 Consol Edison ....12y4 Pac Gas & El 18y4 U S Steel 51 Consol Oil 5 Pac Tel & Tel....l00 Vanadium . 18 Contin Can 27 Pan Amer Air....l4 Warner Pictures ....4 Corn Prod 47 Para Pictures 43 Western Union ..25ys Crown Zeller 10 J C Penney 76 Westing Elec 77 Curtiss Wright 8 Penn R R 1834 Woolworth 25 .fVEGOTTOlEAVS HtKfc. MAYBc LATER I CAN EXPLAIN RUT NOII 1FT BRCALT fiO CREP. AND BREALT WAS LEADER OP THE BLACK ARROW. HE? 10 f , v - - - 'Xoli '3- frl1 if -x II i' ijo0 o "A 0 v I wow that 1 - 1 1 ull eooo-rBx (ruA con " POLLY AND HER PALS The Woman Eternal 1 By CUFF STERRET Quotations at Portland Mrs. Towe Heads Silverton Star SILiVERTON Mrs. Georce Towe1 was elected worthy matron of the Ramona chapter of the Eastern Star at the annual meet ing Tuesday night. Other officers are worthy pa tron, i Edward Terry; associate matrqn, Carol Vancleave; associate-patron, Roy Skaige; secre tary, Mary Skaife; treasurer, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester; conductress, Mrs. R. A.; Fish; assistant conductress, Mrs. JJoyd Larson. Hostesses during the social hour j Tuesday night were Mrs. H. R. Irish, Mrs. E. A. Finlay ana mrs. John Hoblitt. PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 15 (AP) Butter prints: A grade 38'aC in parch ment wrappers 39',ic, in cartons, B grade 3T,3c; in parchment wrappers, 38'ic in cartons. Butterfat First quality, maximum 8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port land. 38-38',ic lb.; premium quality (maximum of .35 of 1 Der cent acidity). 39-39 ic lb..' valley routes and country points 2c less or 36ac; second quality cents under nrst. or ao-jo'ac. Eggs Prices to producers: A large 33c; B large, 31c: medium A, 31c; medium B, 30c; B, small, 24c; A. small 26c. Resale to retailers 4c higher tor cases, cartons 5c higher. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 28c lb.; loaf 29c lb. Triplets to wholesalers 26c lb.; loaf 27c lb. t.o.D. TliiamooK. Suver News SUyER Mrs. FJdon Palmer and baby from near Oakland, Calif.4 came home last week to spend; until after the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodele. Mrs, Wesley Kester. Frank- Bobby and Mrs. Mildred Belding ana Boo woods spent the week end iri central Oregon. Thei Saturday Luncheon club met with Mrs. John Heffley for a Christmas gift exchange. Those present were Mrs. H. Kester, Mrs R. Kester, Mrs. D. Vanderpool, Mrs. A. Flickinger, Mrs. Owen COOk, Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mr Sam Suver, Mrs. S. Benedict and Mrs. Horace Haskins. Judy and Sharon Ramey spent the weekend with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stock hoff near Amity. Mrsi Owen Cook and 1 Tnmm expected to leave Saturday for -juvansyiue, ina to be gone about four months, visiting her mother and other relatives. ; ' Imolean DeArmond, OSC, spent the weekend at her home here. Word received by Mrs. Myrtle Cook, stated that her. daughter, Ila Mjae Cook was married re cently j to Lewis Fowler at San Francisco. Calif. -Mica Cook' la a . former Wells girl, but has been working in California lor several years, j v.- '- .4ei.-V-i';5 ! wanted:- - VraJnot meats . and Filbert meats. Cash on delivery. High Cit rrice. IIOIIRIS ELORFEIN , Psckuix Co. it N. Front . . TeL TI3S roduce Exchange 'ortland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 15 (AP) Open High Low Close May 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 December .. SI 47 .97 1 Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38-lb. white. 37.00 Barley No. 2 45-lb. bw, 32.50. cash wheat (Dia: son white, vs soft white excluding Rex, 97; white club, 89; western red. 88. Hard red winter ordinary. 85 V: 10 per cent. 98': 11 per cent, 1.05s; IS per cent, 1.11 Hard white-Baart orainary. l.oci; 10 per cent. 1.11; 11 per cent, 1.174; 12 per cent, lJiz. Today s car receipts: Wheat, is; car ley, 5; flour, 13; corn, 3; oats, 0; hay. miiueed, 7; naxseea, 0. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 15 (AP) (U5UA) Hogs: saiame zuoo. Barrows and Kilts ua.-cit, 1 40-100 ids. io.zsciiis do 160-180 lb 11.00011.75 do 180-200 lbs. 1140 11.75 do 220-240 lbs. 11.35 11.75 do 220-240 lbs. 10.85 (a11.50 do 270-300 lb. 10.75 11.00 do 270-300 lbs. 1055 10.65 Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120 1055 10.65 Cattle: Salable 2000; total 2380. Steers, ch. 1000-1100 lbs. 12.00 12.35 a ogooa, 800-1100 ids. do med. 750-1100 lbs. do common. 750-1100 lbs. Heifers. Good ; do med. 500-900 lbs do com. 500-900 lbs ' Cows, good, all wts. ao meaium. an iwts. do cut-corn, all! wts. do canner, all wts. Bulls (yeaTIlnn excluded) beet, good, all wis do sausage, good, all wts do saus, med. all wts. do cut-coin all wts. Vealers, gd-ch, all wets. 11.50 00 com-meo. au wts b.oo do cull, all wts. tJSQ Calves, gd-ch. 400 lbs. dn. 10.00 do com-rfied 7.00 . do cull. 00 lbs down SSO do canner, all wts. 4-S 10.50 12.00 8.009 9.50 9 50 10.50 8 JO 9 JO 7.00 W 8 JO 7.50$ 855 6.75 755 5.506 7.00 4J09 SJO 8.50 O 955 8556 9.00 7.50 859 7J0 13.00 UJ0 8.00 11J0 10.00 7.00 859 Sheeo: Salable 1700. total 2200. Kwea (shorn) gd-ch 4 JO 853 855 i do. com-roed Iamb , ido gd-ch ' do med-gd. do common U0 4J0 10.50e11.oo 9.50 1053 855 955 UAIITED .Walnuts and Walnnt Meats Cash Paid on Delivery KELLEY PARQUHAR . - Salens Oregon : ortland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 15 (AP) Country meats Selling price to retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 129-148, 142-15c; light thin, iz-i4c; vealers, fancy I8-I8V2C; heavy, 14-I5c; yearling lambs, 17c; ewes, 5-9c; food cutter cows, lie; canner cows, Oc; bulls, 14-15c. Dressed turkeys Selling price: Hens sue; Toms. zac. Buying prices: 10ms, 23c; hens, 28c. Live poultry Buvina prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, under l',4 lbs.. 18c; oves l',4 lbs.. 18c; fryers 2i-4 lbs.. I8V2C: roasters, over 4 lbs.. 19c: colored hens, 19c; Leghorns, under 3 'a 10s., 10c; over 3',a ids., xic. via roosters 8c lb. Onions Oregon nominal. 1.50 50-1 lm. sack; Yakima. 155-1.40; Yakima 10 s, 33c; Oregon 40c. Peppers Local green S2 orange box: red. 60c box: California green 15 '4 -13c. Potatoes White locals, 1.75 cental; ijescnutes uems. cental; Yak ima No. l Gems, 2.35 cental; Klamath Falls, 2.50. Hay Selling price on tracks: Alfalfa no. 1 si9-20.oo; oat-vetcn, S13J0 ton; Willamette valley clover, 12.00 ton; tim othy, eastern Oregon, (21 JO ton. Monair ivu, -mon, sc id. Nuts Price to wholesaler: Filberts: Barcelona, lumbo 21c large 1814c. fancy 17c, baby 16c lb: Duchilly, lumbo 20c. large 19c fancy 18c lb. w a 1 n ut s Prices to wholesalers: First grade Franquette, lumbo, 22c; urge zuc; meaium lac; DaDy isac; 1 soft shell, lumbo Jione: large 19c: ! medium 17c; baby 14J,4c lb. Mayette, Jumbo none; large 20c lb.; second graae Franquette, large isc: meaium kc; oaoy isc id.; sort sneu, large ic; meaium 10c; DaDy 14c id. wool 1941 cud. oresron ranch nom inal 32 -33c lb.; crossDred. 34-37c lb. Domestic flour Selling price, city aenvery, 1 to zz ddi. lots: xamuy pat tents. 49c. 7.35-7.95: 98c 7.10-7.70 bbl.: Daxers' nard wneat net. s.7S-.50: blended hard wheat 5.85-6:30; soft wheat 6.50: blues tern 0 00-6.50. Hops 1941. 40c; 1942 contracts. 33c. Cascara bark 1940 ceeL 10c lb.: 1941 10c id. GOSH, IT'S NINE V jm SORRv j J f OU SEE I I SV 1 - O'CLOCK AND VOU A ( WVUlE.. I J J I I MADE a ' A ( I TKXJOMT CXJR ) SAID YOU WOULD J REALLV S JT SSr Jt MISTAKE ' ) T t7 ff S "" VwAS FOR BEEADV AM i j CUO( MICKEY MOUSE The Sherlock Holmes Bluest By WALT DISNEY "MWT A NOTE, FROM k WOMAN l U OH, GOSH... fTS ONLY i ( WHAT KUNDA JAM IS SHE )J H ljCfVk ME SEND-UM FCK? 1 V VJ1 All ( JN TROUBLE! rT MUST X LITTLE STNZ "HEAP J S IN1? I TOLD HER NOT J A OA ( DCTKOUt5t -INI 'fILN BE CLABELLE... U MUCH TROUBLE IN A ( TO HELP... BUT rAAVBE ? r I UZ- VJ pjf lOOKGlAS; ToN H f SHE'S FOUND A WAY J 1 PETECTER WORl S . J SHE'S EEALLY RUN MZ A ( MAKE THlN"GSaS ( IV I Mil V TO KEA.CH ME jf 1 1 HANDSOME WHITE MANS ) 2 X S7 ONTO SOMETHING! ; VrV ( N ONLY MA-UM tV Aw AV LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Waqgrlng Tongues and Tcdl! By BRANDON WALSH MOW WHAT ACE YOU LAFFIM' M6? f OH.AO-I WA5 JU5TTWNRWG MOM FUNwy -me worloisits cmacA put l dp ruuviv cm ue, . , OF COUR6e.U0MATTB? WHAT THEY WANT.TKEy JU3T HOLLER twxt .ifn 11 9iuYiosPENn WUHAY ? ) - R005TER5 ARC AIWAV5 uo-but Hoaoor KNOWS WAT Wool in Boston BOST6N. Dec. 15 (APV (USDA) I There was a good demand for spot xoreign woois in osxon. iTices 01 Australian wools ' was 4 to 6 cents a pound higher, scoured - basis, than be fore the outbreak of the war, due chiefly to increased cost of war risk insurance. Sales of domestic wools con sisted chiefly of small quantities ur gently needed for Immediate con sumption. Prices were firm to slight ly nigner. tec? 1 m FUNNY COWS AMD J 4. UAICQMS P Wl. In? fmJUitif, iSiitaI j .. V M I . r All OF AN1MA15 AAAKC 1 HOW MANY MJtYT12MG5THCy i, NONE OF THCM CAM kU6M,AND I THIWKTHAT5 AWFUL FUNNY- h mm I - . I.lirai LTi T UIUIC TUTtC H THCAA. EVEN IF THEY nONTALAKT amv" NOC6E I KIN AIWAY5 TOL WHEN Afy) VOG, ZERO IS HAPPY, CAU5 HC "A Bad Sc(o)uL- Benefit Show Staged MILL CITY There will be a benefit show at the Mill City the atre tonight Admission will be food or some article for the local needy. Committees' from some of the local organizations will be In charge of collecting the articles at the door and boxing and deliver ing them before Ciistmas. . J O Gsc3 Driq-sb O Bcrnsr Oils CaU 4966 - Shryder Track & Transfer Co. OH.t3EAR.IHOPE THEI f fiiiVtUQ I CAM t PWAOKSSAMrUrVp OLJrVJfTEO JSSt AT THE I JJKESWWPIES JJftl TO BE AM HEADOF THE ir ADMIRAU-I TABLE OR. P U 5 SWEETIE A, OKI THE - l 1 vl US ft.. 1. kUrf ANA "