The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Mottling. December 12, 1911 PAGETHETE Berlin, Rome War Declarations Seen Anti-Climaxf Russ May Surprise Japan in Attacks By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Wide World News Analyst (Special to The Statesman) The German and Italian war declarations against the United States have an anti-climax, propaganda flavor pending some move to implement those pronouncements with action. The axis-attglo American war was already physical fact in I both i FDR Summons Strike Parley (Continued from page 1) Tummy Fixed I m I III M II - - 4 : ,y . J L ' , ' i t 1 fcAiii.-... yd , W I v. v jeVMfc ViMiib&UeBV -W-'-VV,-T-SW 'v: y-jfJuW-,-'--'-,-r7 Five-day-old William Thomas Johns ton sleep peacefully in St Agnes Hospital, Philadelphia, recuperat ing from an operation. The infant was born with an upside down stom ach, but surgeons turned it right aide up and the little, lad is now well on his way to recovery. Blackout Bulletin (Continued from page 1) to make permanent blackout provisions for your homes or places of business If you Intend to have lights at night No stan dardized methods or materials have yet been suggested and we must depend upon coopera tion and Ingenuity of the indi vidual to accomplish the black out purpose namely to elimi nate the filtration of any light that may be discernible from without and particularly from the air. Plywood frames to fit tightly in windows with strip pings around the edge are prov ing satisfactory.'' All skylights must be made light proof. 3. Everyone must cooperate or all may be lost The single light may serve to guide the enemy to the point he seeks. Tour de fense . council cannot protect you unless you help. 4. Every citizen must be alert for any unusual or suspicious circumstances and report same to this office. This should in clude anything unusual In the way of lights that might be In use for directional purposes or code message work. Under such circumstances all persons should the Pacific and Atlantic President Roosevelt wrote the nazi-f ascist gesture off in advance in his. fireside war report to the nation. The barrage of war declara tions from Europe, which con gress supplemented in kind in a matter of minutes, did com plete, however, the cycle of the second world war, the "triple A" war, or the axis-allies and associates war, with one notable exception. Russia, Japan's arch foe in the east, still is at peace with Japan. No hint of the Russian role in the Pacific conflict has come from any authoritative source. There is no sign of American or British uneasiness over Russian silence. That itself 1s significant, It implies a definite advance un derstanding as to concerted ac tion under the circumstances which have now arisen and were clearly foreseeable With the nazi-Russian campaign on ice, both actually and figura tively, Russia could prove as pi votal a war factor in the Pacific as she has in the European battle zone. In Europe, she halted the Hitler war juggernaut for the first time. In the Pacific air blows from Russian close-up bases could utterly frustrate the indicated Japanese strategic design. It is a 600 -mile bomber hop from Vladivostok to Tokyo. It is 100 miles or less from the Russian coast of the Sea of Ja pan to Sakhalin island, chief source of Japan's meager natu ral oil supply. The northern half of the Island Is Russian. Given moderately favorable weather, American planes could move -in on Japan at close range from Siberian bases if Russia joined up' in the Pacific. The fear that Russian bombers may let go at any moment 'from Japanese skies must already be haunting Tokyo. There is no reason for Russian restraint over surprise attacks, Japan struck at Port Arthur to start the Japanese-Russian war as she has now struck at Pearl Harbor and Singapore, without awaiting delivery of a declaration of war. Tne Kussians nave not forgotten that. Already potential Russian in tervention in the Pacific must be cramping Japanese aggres sive moves against Britain and America. The vast north Pa cific is full of threat for her. Ships and planes must scout it for possible American sea fo rays.' Sea and air patrol of the Sea of Japan to watch Russia Is also reducing the naval or air strength available to press at tacks southward against Mala ya and Burma and the Philip pines. . xnose uirusw are uie core oi mitv of annrnarh in nrnvMinv T- - i rm I ' ' 0 :T; Try to prevent labor dto ing adequate invasion footholds Seveu saia quickly. Time is vital for the Japanese. To gain it and the initiative they risked world-wide infamy by at tacking Pearl Harbor and Singa pore without advance notice. Yet Russian air bases in Siberia hold a potential strategic veto over Japanese dictation of the pattern of the Pacific war, once they be come available to the anti-axis powers. And the axis victory -or- death war pact makes it virtually certain they must become avail able to them sooner or later. That pact goes far to explain the Japanese plunge into the war. Behind it, however, must lie pledges of potent nazi action to lessen the odds against the Pa cific member of the triumvirate. "It is 4 not expected that there will' be any hesitation on the part of either labor or industry to accept his basic condition of the nation's safety." The machinery for reaching amieable agreements, the presi dent said, might include "ap propriate procedures for adjust ing disputes, for mediation and for resort In defense industries to some tribunal whose deci sions will be binding by agree ment on all parties. He added, however, that it was up to the conferees to decide the form the machinery will take "so long only as an agreement is reached." "Since the efficacy of that agreement," he asserted, "will de pend upon the voluntary coop era tion of all concerned, empha sis is placed on the fact that it must represent a unanimous ac Was Familiar Face RIGGINS, Idaho-iP)-The Rev. Kelly Campbell, returning from visiting a son at a abeep camp, met on the' trail a pleasant Strang er. He felt sure he had met the man before, but he couldnl re member where. After several minutes, he discovered that he was talking to his son, Raymond, who had come from Lewis, Iowa, to visit him. Father and son had not met for more than 11 years. I -r if -x.r f Store .Hours Saturday 9:00 A. M. 'til 9:00 P. M. i remember that their failure to cooperate brands them in the eyes of others as possible fifth columnists. The task of your council and coordinator is great and you must cooperate. Marion County Defense Council. Bryan H. Conley, coordinator. Council Passes Blackout Kill Rules and Penalties Listed; Will Invest In Defense Bonds (Continued from page 1) treatment bond fund in series F United States defense bonds. Use of the fund has been post poned because of withdrawal of WPA aid caused by the de fense emergency; . The airport committee was au thorized to spend $100 to repair rest rooms at the airport. Recommendation of the pur chasing agent on bids to furnish the city's gasoline supply for the next budget period was approv ed. Purchases are to be divided among the Richfield, Gilmoreand Shell companies, each of whom bid 14.9 cents per gallon on ethyl, 13.23 on -first grade and 12.73 on. third structure. Bid of 10.87 on kerosene was made by Shell, Union and Standard companies. Contract for $557.06 with the Southern Pacific company for cutting curbs and repaying at 14th and Mission streets was authorized. City Engineer J. H. Davis explained the work had already been done. Charles L. Creasy, jr., was sworn in Thursday as a city po liceman, replacing Julian W. Graham, who-was added to the force Tuesday. Boiler rooms in Salem public schools have been equipped so janitors can work during black outs, Supt. Frank B. Bennett said Thursday. School busses have permits to go out on their routes early in the morning, before the blackouts end. Night defense classes in the high school shops have been resumed with installa tion of blackout equipment. Kiddies! will be at pohtan' again X : IN; Christinas Hard Ilix Candy Regularly 15c Pound Special!' J)JJV 3 lbs. An appetizing hard candy mix in many delightful flavors. Vacuum cooked. 10C J) and wholesome. pure IO I Old-Fashioned Choc. Drops ibL 25 c Choc Covered 5 lbs. Chocolales Eight delicious rich chocolate flavors with coating. Give Special! (5)c (O) candies this Xmas as gifts. Mrs. Santa the Metro Saturday 'ft Be here sure. J: Of X 7 ALBANY, Dec. 11 -(JP) The city council has 'passed an ordi nance providing for fines up to $100 and jail sentences up to 30 days for failure to comply with blackout regulations of the Linn county defense council. s 8 Slippers are the Practical Gift! Buy them at KARL'S Salem's Slipper Headquarters IFon itSne Wommeim 58c Large selection of colors in felts, electrified wool "chows," fleece lined "bootee" types and fancy boudoir styles. Both hard and soft soles. to Everything you need to make your gifts delight ful Christmas surprises. Tags & Seals SCandlQc t Wrapping Paper 5C and lUC The Store of BETTER VALUES! GIFTS that make folks happy and TOYS that make children happy too! Do your Christmas shopping NOW! at the , Store of Better Values where quality merchandise Is economically priced. CHRISTMAS TREE ORIIAIIEIITS " AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES! A 15,000 Regular 1 tor 5c Xmas Tree Bulbs Only! Say "Merry Christmas with GREETING CARDS Lovely cards expressing the religious theme . . . gay messages for the holiday mood . . . every type is represented! Box of 12 Xmas Tree Ornaments Special! Beautiful Cellophane Electric Wreath Generous Quantity Boxed Foil Icicles Fancy Decoratd Xmas Tree Ornaments e Tree Light Sets Special! 8 - 1 1 1 h cord sets only fraction their tru value! Xmas Trees 25c Permanent 8-Light Tree Light Sets X 2 w mm m ELL! V4 They're lots of fun for everyone Games! Games! Games! Only! Colored, lithographed metal ft Till TEA SETS Service for 4 GIFT HECKTIES 55c Values! Many pretty patterns and color combinations to suit GIFT HANKIES it IFW tltoe-CMfldlireim Large selection. See KARL'S warm "Bunny" slippers, and slide fastener styles in many colors for little tots. For the young "Miss," beautiful Che nille slippers, just like Mother's. IFoir itHne Menn Large selection of soft Kid, ALL LEATHER slippers in all colors in Operas and Everetts. Give the men these slippers that are guaranteed to give extra service . . , Heavy wearing Romeos and Loafer types. Or give them .sheen- skin lined Operas with soft suede uppers ' in many colors. See them todayl W ft M 9f y) 1 i-i M 'II - kTIW I Ml HM ' ' .-V II III W I Ml m X II 7j SlamDS 'Ai a i hni . 8 . - i Jr. mi . Jf. M ':.;.;.viv.:?v ' - All Cuddly 12-inch Like a real baby 'A RUBBER DOLLS VP. every man. I GIFT BILLFOLDS 2 . I 1.00 -ic I Values! A beau tiful selec tion to choose from. Genuine leather! A hand some gift and one that's sure to be appreciated too. BEAUTY GIFTS 1 PILLOW TUBQIG ifJ Just like Mother's Folding DOLL CARRIAGES OS I They're tough ones for adults. JIG-SAW PUZZLES Bunny, Piggy, Doggy and Dollies DUBBED TOYS Tour Choice ' IF m IE IE 1 2 A Mystery Gift from Your Best Friend Mrs. Santa Glaus We don't know just what Mrs. Santa will bring with her when she. arrives Saturday morning! but we do know you'll enjoy it. Don't forget! Cut-outs, Coloring, Paint, Palntless and Story 79c Value! 2 MEN S GIFT HOSE 2 2 Lovely 2, 3 j and 4 - piece sets that will j make a love- j ly gift ' 2 pairs $1.25 Over 30 beautiful stamped designs to choose from. Many are hemstitched. Good - looking every TYY S patterns. gift man can TABLE LAIIPS i 2 1.98 Value! a-49 Books! Books! Books! Each Large pottery vase type table lamp complete with shade and 6-foot cord and socket Bulb extra. 8 GIFT BBUSH SETS 2 TABLE CLOTHS 2 9Q 8 35c O0C Tl fValue! rm. 9 "4 tm 51x51 inch, guaranteed fast color table cloths in gay colors of red, blue, gold or green. Extra large size All Metal I FIDE. ENGINES 5L2.S) Attractively g boxed to give g as Xmas gifts. j 2 1" IIEII'S GIFT SETS J GIFT GLASSWARE GIFT JEWELRY There He Goes Rubber tired, sturdy STEEL SCOOTERS ne to Vtxr Havs nnrl Cirla - POPULAR FICTION D00ES Bright Colored Rattles, Animals & Dolls CELLULOID TOYS - IBc 25 to 59c x i 15c Values! 15c Shaving sets in a, choice of many kinds. Always use-tt fill. Crystal dear novelty glass dishes in a variety of styles. Buy several for gifts they're economically priced. . il n d 1 v 1 d ually boxed"! Clips IDfff- i brooches that h will make a l . i iwvn Su-b fit Regular liOOr-Complete Eleetrie uuuu-uuuiiiuu abts Cokotc Corner State and Commercial . . . Salem. They're just like Mother's Q TOY DROOIIS T-. V 250 I AAfP UK c CTP 13S NO. COMMERCIAL ST.; . -1 m . I l k Ml s- . SALEM, OREGON PS