The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 12, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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Tht OBEGON STATESMAN. SALEM. Oregon. Fridof Moniing. December 12. 1941
The' Statesman's Photo
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Aimed soldiers as they patrolled one of the streets of the large Japanese settlement on Terminal
Island, Los Angeles, are pictured while Japanese children look on. The navy has property on Ter
minal Island, which is across the bay from San Pedro. Terminal Island, also site of a new state
prison, is the, headquarters for many fishing boats manned by Japanese.
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Service Brings Latest -Pictuires .0 War
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TRINIDAD BUILD -U P On land so recenUy thick virgin forest in central Trinidad, living
quarters for American civilians building a U.S. army -base at Fdrt Read take shape In record time.
Fort Read, which will soon be ready for full occupation by V-S. troops, Is one of five sites in Trinidad
selected for bases, as part of Uncle Sam's plan for better western hemispheric defense.
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The U. 8. S. Houston, under command of Admiral Thomas C Hart, Is the flagship of the Pacific fleet.
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iSrf SXvSSS? ' ?e of tt craft carrier Roy thi.
SSdf SSf. ,!re 2 went d0 off Gibfaltar. Note the ere member,
towed 1 to l L 8 I ck' t0P- Ark Royal wa sunk by an Axis torpedo while being
r . toed to port Only one man of the crew of 1,600 lost his life. This is a cablephoto from London!"
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Shown above are the targets of Japanese bomb
ers that winged in to sadden attacks on United
States Pacific outposts. At upper left is the
Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga, which possibly
may be among those from which the Japanese
were believed to have launched their attack
on Hawaii. Pearl Harbor, the powerful Ameri
can naval base near Honolulu, which the Japa
nese bombed, is pictured upper right. Approxi
mately 350 soldiers were reported killed by a di
rect bomb hit on a barracks at Hickman Field,
Hawaii, lower right, principal US army air base
from which planes took off to fight the attack
ers. Part of the US Asiatic fleet is 'shown, lower
left, at anchor in Manila harbor in the Philip
pines, also bombed.
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In Los Angeles United States
troops rushed defense meas
ures as the Battle of the Paci
fic rares at high pitch. Photo
(top) shows soldiers guar ding
a barbed wire barricade In a
street near the harbor. Many
Japanese live in the harbor dis
trict. By order of the US gov
ernment, Japanese alien-owned
or operated shops in the Japa
nese 'Terminal Island settle
ment have been closed. Pic
tured (lower photo) is a jeep
with machine gun manned by
soldiers, ' patrolling .the streets
to quell any demonstration
against closing of these stores.
Note closed sign on window in
background. Japanese language
newspapers in Seattle, San
Francisco, Los Angeles and
Honolulu were closed down
and taken over by representa
tives of the treasury department.
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Member of the 502nd Parachute Battalion, Pvt. Charles Laakford
S?5Ji'-in trt dHTin hnt "attack" on Maxton, N. airWrt.
Hw chute caught in the branches, Lankford cut himself looae and
Jumped to the ground, where he landed uninjured. Official U. S. Amy
Signal Corps photo.
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A Japanese In the American
army at Camp Roberts, Cant
Is pictured In the above Sound
photo as he reads' "Japan At-
. tacks Hawaii; US at War."
Sir Robert Cralgie, Britain's
bassador to Japan.
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Admiral Osaml Nagano, chief of
the Japanese naval general staff.
Mighty coastal rua mm i n.Mii.. . . .
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II A R D 0 R I tl B R A Z I L Serene Is the harbor at Recife, port on the hump of the Brazilian ,
; Mantle ecean coaetune nearest Ainca. amiu ooremcn quiet waters Ckroagh swinging bridge (rear)
4 ' ' oie me large wean tmp la uic DacKgroond t rltht, - - - y- ,S.--
Admiral Claude C. Bloch, com- Lieut. Gea. Walter C Short, eom-
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View of the American Airlines station m tpt. ui
... .. . . - , ueui, uca. miser v onors, com- . -: . i rossflliw In lln i i w naM mum, it TL
: . rauoer 01 uw imwiiiu ncpw. . rew, u u. o. uuM. , Bund has enlT m mm. m wmmxim v w apaaese, wakm
-4HawaUJ, t ment. , tador to Japan. - . r , . . qnnre mfle laiid are. It lie Zga nm- fJ,