The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 12, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' - - - r . ...... -'
) :; Nqvs?; Ycs!i I
, - Radio stations .may go .off
V . . the air .1 1 1 h 1 1 -may be
" blacked out; but Statesman
r newt workers go on through
. : ' the'.nlght bringing you the
. , news yon . want, en ' your
doorstep in the inornlng, -
v -Wcainer :
weather, data ana roreeaiu
' for Orerei) and Waahinxtoa
are dlseratlsned matil fvr
ther aotke: : '"i
Salem, Oregon, Frtdcrf-Morning December 1Z, itil
Prlc 3o Ktwfslaadjr 5c
Now 223
. t ......
- - -- . , -. .... . .......
ii - l l i i ,-.. ' .."...-,. .
v k: -; t .v. " . , - v.. ........... , . r
Ameiica No . At Wai0 WitM EialtiFe A iii
i - i : ; . : t: .. - " - 1 s- i - . '
w' rC' .1 . ... I i : f... -.. . I . . .
nere s oaiem Kuies ijeKiSe
For Blackout Nights Council
Dlmmlns devices mean dark oilcloth, "robber masks or hoods
attached securely to lirhts, with a horizontal slit in 'the lower
portion about one-half inch in depth by three inches in length,
covered completely inside with not less than two thicknesses of
blue cellophane or similar blue substance.
Any other lights on the ront of autos may be used in lieu of
headlights provided the headlights are completely extinguished
and provided the other lights! are covered the same as headlights
are provided to be covered.
Blackout time means the particular hours set by order of
the civil authorities, the army or navy. A
It is unlawful for any motor vehicle to operate upon the
streets of the city during blackout times unless such vehicle is
an emergency vehicle such as a fire truck, law enforcement car,
or ambulance, or is a commercial vehicle engaged in essential.
- emergency service such .as milk trucks, newspaper trucks, de
livery tracks, public utility trucks, mail tracks, public convey-
- ances and regulation transport freight service, or Is a private ve-
- hide used by a physician on an emergency call or to transport -workers
to and from employment, or used In carrying on some
form of national defense work, or when used by newspaper re
porters In the active performance of their duties and when identi
fied by proper credentials to be secured by them from the chiei
of police, and then only under the following conditions:
Vehicles shall be properly equipped with dimming devices
over head and tail lights; -
No Interior lights shall be permitted; .
All side lights, clearance lights, park lights, spot lights and fog
lights shall be completely extinguished or completely hooded un
less used in lieu of headlights;
No vehicle shall be driven with lights out;
No vehicle shall be operated at a speed in excess of 20 miles
per hour.
Barred from streets during blackout, times, except when used
in conveying persons to and from necessary employment and
. newsboys in the actual performance of their duties, in which event
the-lights on the vehicle shall be equipped with dimming devices
like those on autos.
Unlawful for any person to display any externally -Visible
' light during blackout time.
No motor vehicle to be parted during blackout time In front
of a fire exit, fire pi tig, hospital entrance, at a street ..Intersection,
Rural Areas Said
Biggest Problem
In Blackouts
While the Marion County
Civilian Defense council pre
pared Thursday night to start
moving today into its newly-
acquired full-time headquar
ters at the Salem armory, air
raid wardens were dispatched
to their. various districts to
make sure darkness from
1:30 to 7:30 was understood
and followed.
Greatest difficulty has bee en
countered in rural areas during
early morning hours, Supervisor
Homer W. Smith, jr., said. "It's
back to the lantern for mid-valley
All residents of West Salem
have been called by Mayor Guy
Newgent- to a meeting at 8
o'clock tonight in the school
gymnasium. The civilian de
fense program for West Salem
is to be presented and Instruc
tions and information will be
available at this session which
all West Salem adults are urged
to attend, Newgent said.
Blacked Out
farmers," he declared, pointing
out that one wyden on one rural
road Thursday morning between
4 and 7 o'clock had notified 66
persons of violations.'
Floody, lights over barns, and
rrtim tn Papa 2-TPoL; 41
or center octree va Drjage, orjvnepjacevn
' All persons occupytaur dwelllng or Tiber buBdtwT ! i2eo AllGIlS W tltlCdt
turned out all externally visible electric or other lights during
blackout time.
Unlawful for any person to commit any. other act which shall
endanger the public safety of citizens of the city.
Any person violating any of the previsions, upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 or by
Imprisonment In the city orounty JaB for not to exceed six
months, or both. ' V hF
.; - ;SAI.fLH v ?"7y s
- -V - . I ll
W Plans
jfa. .
X ,
Draft Of
;istration of
.Mem Women for
.f ..... ;
Service Studied
( AP) Registration "of all
tTqen and women frbm 18 to
65 yeara'of age may be asked
by the goyernment in an all
out mobilization of the na-
tlon's human resources for
the war with the axis. .
' Brig. eh. Lewis H. Her
s h e jf Idirector of selective
service,-: disclosed Thursday
that this plan was under study
ly passed legislation removing
as the army called for 10,000 vol
ainks Pound I
On Luizoiii and At Sea
Raids On Wake
Many of the important cities of
the west coast of the US are
being blacked out niahtly fol
lowlnc air raid alarms in the
San Francisco bay area. This
map shows the west coast of
the US with principal cities.
By taGiiardia
Loyal Groups Advised
To Show Patriotism;
Long, Hard War Seen
Emergency Ordinance
Passed Br Council
- - -
Dutch, Anzacs, Chinese Aid
British; Congress Unanimous
Voting War On Berlin, Rome
By The Associated Trtn
The United States went to war Thursday with the whole of the axis and within
a few hours after that great decision was taken it became clear that hard Amer
ican blows were falling upon the Japanese assailant in the Pacific. Hitler declared
unieer nurses and congress swift- war on the United States early Thursday, followed by a similar declaration from
prohibitions against service of se- Mussolini. In that vast theatre of early tragedy where the invader had won initial
successes by springing without "Warning the news was no longer of American dis
aster, but of American victory.
This was the emerging story Thursday night:
Officially confirmed by the American government:
Four Japanese aerial attacks on Wake island outpost, and one by light naval
1 1 forces, beaten back to the last
TACOMA, Wash-, Dec. ll-Wh
Fiorello H. Laguardia warned
enemy aliens in , a nationwide
broadcast Thursday that "we are
now at war, so look out -no fool
ing or monkey, business.' be
cause if you do well crack down
and crack down hard."
' To Japanese, Germans and
Italians not yet naturalized, the
civilian defense chief suggested:
"Do some policing .yourselves
and be the first to report any
plans for sabotage."
Enemy aliens, he emphasized,
Rules for the blackout in Salem and penalties for its viola- were' being closely watched. They
tion went into effect at 5:56 Thursday afternoon in an ordinance would not be allowed 46 congre-1
jcaxe or assemoie in tuny meet
ings, public or private.
In a special blackout bulle
tin issued late Thursday
nightt Marion County Civil
ian Defense council clarified
Oights-out .regulations as they
IV . . jsr-4-i;'-S .- -Jt i-,
apply 4p Marion county SVrH
1. The only official
Marion county blackortts hence
forth Is to be issued thrtmch
civilian defense headquarters
via air raid -wardens. Confusion
among- radio listeners who
heard "no blackout" notifica
tions from middle-western sta
tions Thursday while all Ore
ion stations were off the air
has made necessary this pre
caution. At no time can un
changeable notice be given sev
eral, hours in advance; but yon
will be informed of blackout
lectees outside the western hemi
-"We undoubtedly are soon go
ing to consider the registration
of yromea," Hershey told a press
conference. ,
He went on to estimate that
20,000,000 could serve by replac
ing men in factories, enlisting in
civilian defense or with the armed
service in non-combatant capaci
ties. The general proposition of reg
istering and classifying .all able
bodied men and women aged 18
to 65 was described by Hershey
as the "number one project at
this, time." . y- : ; .
4-1, villus-. wouicv require,. new
IoUU6iTlraIilHr--tit lb
Wift le atin - waa la the study
Blackout Rules and Penalties Meet
Quick Approval; To Invest $50,000
In Defense Bonds; Other Business
passed at a special session of the city council.
No opposition was given the ordinance, which was patterned
after an ordinance adopted ini
Portland Wednesday. Three
amendments were added during
the meeting to the bill, which is
reported more, comprehensive
than the Portland measure.
Designation is made of which
vehicles may be on the city
streets during a blackout and
how they must be equipped.
Failure to turn out externally
visible lights In houses or oth
er buildings la made unlawful.
Violators of any of the provi
sions are subject to a fine of
not more than $500 or impris
onment for not more than six
months, or both.
r The bill bore an emergency
clause - which put it Into force
when Mayor W. W. Chadwick
signed it"
The amendments added public
conveyances to the list of those
, which, ma be on the streets, such
as Inter-city busses and taxicabs
In emergency . service; and ex-
empted bicycles carrying persons
to or from work or newsboys at
work, and clarified wording con
cerned with building lights.
The council voted to invest
" 150,909 T front the sewerage
".' (Tunl to Page S, Col. 3)
' k a ..
Japs Allowed
To Distribute
Produce Crop
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 -()-
The treasury department relaxed
some restrictions on Japanese na
tionals Thursday night to meet
special situation in' which a
shortage of fresh vegetables and
other .foods has developed along
the Pacific coast. .
The order seizing Japanese as
sets and' banning transactions
with Japanese nationals had re
sulted In Japanese truck farmers
in Pacific areas being barred
from selling their produce.
: The : treasury J a n n u n e e d
Thursday night, it was modify
ing the regulation' 'to permit
the. orderly movement of fresh
vegetables and bther food in
areas such as the Pacific coast
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2)
MUntU their status is laid
down In Washington, local gov
ernments will be responsible
for affording them protection,"
said La Guardia, recalling
"some excesses of World war
1, "and making certain they do
nothing, to endanger the wel
fare of this country."-'
For the rest, he declared, there
is no longer such a thing as ."an
Italian-American or a. Japanese-
American. We're all just Amer
ican period. ,
"For yoa of alien blood who
(Turn to Page Col. 8) .
"Wake up!! ' .
That slogan made with a
thumbs-f or-victory salute was
born in the state .department
press room' when ; eorrespond
ents heard the first .flash of
Wake Island's" heroic defense
against Japanese naval attack. ',
2. All Indications point to an
indefinite period of necessity
for blackouts. Ton are advised
(Turn to Page 3 Col.l)
America First
Committee Is
CHICAGO, Dec. ll-(ff)rGener-
ai Konert js. wood, nauonai cnair
man 'of the vAmerica-irsi' com
mittee, announced Thursday night
that the group would be dissolved
and urged persons who "had fol
flowed its lead to give their full
support to the nation's war effort
until peace is attained. .
Wood said In a statement:
"The period of democratic de
bate, on the Issue Yof entering
the war is over;- the'4 time for
military action is beret There
fore, the America First . com
mittee has determined .Imme
diately to cease .aH .functions
and to dissolve as soon as that
can be legally done..!," t ".'
PORTLAND, Dec. llr-Dr,
Paul Cotton, Albany college pro
fessor, announced ' Thursday tha'
local chapters" of t h e America
First and. the Ministers' No-War
committees were disbanded Wed
nesday -night He vwas chairman
of both isolation groups.,'
tage, Hershey said he thought
(Turn to Page 2, Col. 6)
Official Gommuniques
WASHINGTON, Dee. U-PyA series of hammering and de
structive blows at Nippon's navy were announced Thursday as
congress, took up Hitler's gage of battle and put the United States
formally Into the war against Germany and Italy. Official com
muniques said that:
L Army bombers tank the t9.SS9.tott -Japanese -battleship
Baruna off the northern coast of Lazes; PhmBnm talandaT :
. TlieiAmerlcaii forees prteetibglOr klanoV tin steyplnr .
stone halfway between Hawaii and the Philippines, repulsed four
enemy attacks, and sank a light cruiser and a destroyer from
the air. ...
J. Navy patrol planes scored bomb hits on a Japanese battle
ship off Luzon and. In the-words of Admiral Thorns C. Hart,
commander ofNthe Asiatic fleet, left her "badly damaged.' This
battleship was unnamed, but was of the Konge classy the same
class as the Haruna,
TOKYO, Dec 11-(Official Radio Received by ()-The de
struction of 81 American planes, a sulMnarine aad a destroyer
in Japanese air attacks' on the Philippines and the capture of S5S
Americans en the island outpost of Guam were claimed officially
Thursday night.
The Japanese acknowledged only five planes lost in all these
operations three missing and two which were said to have
"dived headlong into enemy positions."
(The Domel reported Japanese airmen attacking
Wake island set fire to barracks and warehouses, and shot down
seven US planes in dogfishta. Dome! said this action Tuesday was
the second raid and that Japanese troops later effected a land-,
ing. But Tokyo officially did not announce any such landing.)
An army communique said no Japanese losses occurred In the
I occupation' of Guam where It was said that 25 Japanese found in
terned were released and that "mopping up" operations were con
American prisoners were said to Include Capt George C. Me-
MiHan, governor in the Guam capital of Agaaa, the vice-governor
and the naval station commandant.
FDR Summons
Strike Parley
Labor and Industry
Asked to Guarantee
War Supplies Flow
WASHINGTON, Dec. ll-Upy-
President Roosevelt Thursday
summoned 24 representatives of
industry and labor to meet in
Washington next week to work
out a no-strike program Insuring
a continuous flow of war supplies
xo defeat the axis powers.
In a statement announcing the
conference, the president said that
the "first and essential objective'
would be a unanimous agreement
to prevent' production- interrup
tions due-to labor disputes for the
duration "of the'war. v
The conferees win consist of
12 representatives of labor six
each chosen by the CIO and the
AFL and v 12 industrialists se
lected by the chairman of the
SLJSS'JJ Jr earl Harbor Kaid Details
ai avwww soaw.p aw nui
Censors Lift Blackout' on
48 hours; a Japanese lig&JTcruis
er and a Japanese destroyer sunk;
American losses were an unstat
ed number of planes; Wake slUl
holding firm although momen
tarily expecting renewed assaults
and perhaps an attempt at a Jap
anese landing.
A 23, 000-ton Japanese battle
sh.thauHarunara.'.vtssel fil .
thatsame -class, smaKhed - and
aeni. lo the bottom off northern
Luzon by the bombs of American
army fliers, the most "punishing
loss yet suffered by the asiatie
A second vessel of the same class
the 29-000-ton Kongo class
bombed effectively by US navy
patrol planes, also off the coast
of Luzon. A brief announcement
by the navy in Washington said
the Japanese ship was badly
The only Japanese forces that,
had been able to land in force on
Luzon those in the region of
Aparri in the ; north being mop
ped up; the situation in hand.
Meanwhile, the Chinese al
lies, smash tag at the Japanese
(Turn to Page 2, C6L 1)
Yankee Allies
Move Rapidly
Against Axis
MANAGUA, Dec ll--Nic-aragua
Thursday night declared
war on Germany and Italy.
(iTVGuatemala declared war on
Germany and Italy Thursday
night ,
point a moderator . and associ
ate moderator. -
In stressing the need of unani-
(Tuntto Page 3, Col. 4)
Gridders Work
In Hawaii
- "WrvrH . n train rtkmm fn an TTflurafi
Thursday night thatJ Willamette 1 1,wed. other wave at
HONOLULU, Dec. IH-Fifty Jo 100 enemy warplanes
knifed at Hickam field, army air base, the Pearl Harbor naval
base and the Kaneohe naval air base in six separate raids on
Oahu island Sunday.
Censorship was lifted partially Thursday, permitting dis
closure of more details of the Jap
anese surprise attack.
The first raiders flew over at
7:55 ajn. Sunday and were f I-
university's party Is safe and ac
"We are all okeh and working
on special duties," the Bearcats'
; coach,' Roy 8. "Spec Keene,
told Gov. Charles A. Sprague la
' a transoeeanie telephone con
versation at MM djb.
Lr Keene did not mention he pos
sibility of the party's . return to
the mainland, the governor said.
ajn 11:59 ajn., 1222 pa, 7:15
pjn., and 9:10 pjn.
Forty-nine civilians were killed
and more than 100 injured.
(In Washington the White
House baa announced that with,
navy and 'army casualties the
total probably would be around
3000, about equally divided be
tween killed and wounded.)
Martial law was declared.
(Turn, to Page 2, CoL 1) ,
Sixty-two m e n strong, Com
pany "K". nf- the First-regiment
was mustered Thursday night in
saiem as the first unit of the new
state guard. -
Recruited, after companies at
The Dalles, Marshfield and Mc
Mlnnville a n d simultaneously
with at least three in : Portland,
the Salem rifle, company was ffxst
to respond to roll calv taking its
service oath from Brig Gen; Al
vinC, Baker, commander of the
new state-- guard who - gave, the.
capital city, unit its hame.,-;, 1-
1 Next step in organixation of
the Oregon guard, the general
Raid Signal
saiiL la to be recruiting of a
truck , company, largely -,fronv
the state highway department,
tentatively scheduled fa? today
Physical; examinations,, will be
required for v guard members,
Captr Charles L; Unruh -declared
as he - called for first : drill at g
o'clock ;next " Monday 'night; is
suing-at the same; time aiT:invi-'j
tauon.ior nirther recruits.--."- --
"- JSfWe could use 30 more," he said
later-' Thursday- night, . .pointing
out that physical defects -probably
will take, out, some of the original
62 and that, although planned as
a company ox 3, the rill$ unit
could contain; 75 nen '
The number.and , spirit the
turnout were praised by. General
Baker, who declared most;of the
men! who "gathered at ,the armory
were "the World - war veterans
rwe want", J" '-r-r--r : ' ;
Both the - general and CoL
Salph P. Cowgin state guard
executive offlcf r, emphasized "
in addressing the group-the 1m
' portance of a home - t u a r d,
pointing out thaU the V federal ;
armed services: must rely napon
the. stamhia-ef youth for day-in-dar-eut
duty but thai older
I men can provide a backbone of
experience i and' dependability
, In "eommmilie for tmemget I'
" needs. ,4.v X , -. w . I Necessity of .handling Cbrlst
Coitlihing '. Hhieorganization of mas mail makes, it fanpoBsible f or
each of the nine companies called the Salem postoffice to be placed
for. CoL Cowzill stressed the fact on " completelyv Ughtless , basis
that every, member must carry a I during, the current. precautionary
rifle and- "know-how to shoot," i I blackouts. Postmaster H. R, Craw
VOrgahizatiori aS planned Thurs-1 ford requested that it be explained
day at state : guard rOffices, he to the pubhe. Thursday. nignt
said, would include in each com-1 .' . flf there is an air raid alarm,
pany a captain, a first lieutenant, the postoffice. will be blacked out
second lieutenant, first sergeant, completely, and promptly,. Craw
supply nd mess . sergeant, -com- ford saidL-But to, observe a com
munications sergeant, two platoon plete. blackout every night would
or: staff sergeants, two platoon I hold up thousands of packages
Livxa vo i'age 2. cou . 1 ana letters."
Sukiyaki Out,
No CliangQ in
8ukiyakl. favored dish of many
Portlaaders, has disappeared
with the war with Japan, bat
restaurant mem said Thursday
it waa unlikely that saserkravt
would become "liberty cabbage"
ae Jt.dlA tm the last war.
1 The. Restaurant Men1! aaeeci
atioa win meet, next week tad.
some general, aemehclatare
policies are likely U be set up.
lar- the Baeaatime: ;
: Sauetbratea is listed aa apiced
. pet roast; Salisbury . steak is
gaining, ground ever4 haaaber-
ger; but spaghetti remains tA
ghettL - .. -r : .
The Mexican foreign ministry
summoned the German and Italian
ministers Thursday night A sim
ilar summons to the Japanese min
istry last Sunday was foUowed
immediately by Mexico's break
with Japan.
Patrol Bomber Falls
"WASHINGTON,. Dec 11-h
The navy , announced Thursday
night that one officer waa killed,
two officers and -three enlisted
men vere missing,' nd five en
listed men injured as the result of
a trash of an Atlantic ocean- pa
trol bomber. 1 r - .-.
SAN JOSE, CosU Rica. Dec 11
-WV-Costa Rica, the first nation
of Latin America to declare war
against Japan, Thursday declared
war against Germany and Italy.
The state department announced
Thursday night that the Hungart
(Turn to Page 2. CoL 8)
Wanted by
The people of Mario eevnty
hare been asked to grre gn
.100 toward a fund of
01 -which the Aaaerkan Red
Crops Is raising for its war
emergeaey activities. The local
Red Cross chapter needs rolon
teers to assist ta raising ' this
'money. Patrlotie eitUens who
are wCUng to solicit er help la
ether ways are urged to tele
phone t SXrs. Elmer V. Woolen,
volunteer secretary of the tcra
mlttecihose. tclepse e um
ber is v S131, or. rerott to her,
room Z), McGIlchriit bBUdirg,
C5 Stats street. ;
'm -