1 1 0 i: I j A Thm GRTfZCM RTATPMHTJ R1TTM. OmAii TkmfM Maum rukM n foil FAGEXOKS' Concert Tonight By Chorus The first of, the MacDowell club concerts will be held tonight at Salem high school auditorium. 1 Gail Ferguson will be soloist, Bernard Barron is director of the chorus. Associate members of the MacDowell club include: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Arens, J. B. Avison, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Barrick, Lyle P. Bartholomew, Helen Webster Beelar, Mr. and Mrs! Frank B. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Ben son, Miss Hattie J. Bratzel, Alice Crary Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving DeFrance, Mrs. Walter A. Denton, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. Mary Schultz Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. David Eason, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Edwards, Ethel N. Former, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Geist, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Idleman, Mrs. H. B. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Sum ner Kopf , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mc Cullough, Mr. George McLeod, Miss Frances Virginie Melton, Mrs. Jessie Bush-Mickelson, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Myers, Miss Doro thy Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson, Mrs. Max F. Rogers, Mr. Frank Sanders, Miss Nellie Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sis son, Mrs. Bruce Spalding, Miss Lena Belle Tarter, C. T. Terril, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen, Miss Ethel Walker and Joseph A. Weber. The Engleweed Women's Mis sionary society will hold the De cember meeting today at 2 o'clock at the church. The sub ject is "The Christian Home." Rev. C. O. Goodman will lead the devotional and study hour. Interesting features will be a gift exchange, Christmas music and entertainment of special guests. The Sigma Taa Methers meet ing, scheduled for Friday after noon at Forest Grove at the home of Mrs. R. S. Waltz, has been postponed indefinitely. AYRE auxiliary will meet Rebekah Westaby, 1409 North Church street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. DALLAS The Woman's Mis sionary society of the Evangeli cal church met Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Leitch with Mrs. Walter Young and Mrs. Amelia Ashton assist ing. Mrs. Paul Launer led the devotions. Officers were elected' for the next year. Mrs. Zora Embree, president; Mrs. Chester Gardner, vice-president; Mrs J. M. Lietch, secretary; Mrs. Floyd Senter, treasurer; Mrs. Harvey Retslaff, superintendent of the mission band. After the business session a solo was sung by Rev. Wlshart, accompanied by Mrs. William Ickes. ll Ml Mrs. Nibler Will Fete Newcomer " '' Mrs. Gerald Nibler has ar ranged anat home for Friday " afternoon in compliment to a -newcomer in the capital, Mrs. T. M. Kearns, who has moved here from Portland. Forty guests have been in vited to call ' between 2 and 4 o'clock. Mrs. Nibler and the honor guest will receive infor mally in the living room. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs.. Talbot Bennett, Mrs. Mer rill Falkenhagen and. Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins. Candles and Christmas., greens will be used about the rooms and on the tea table. Earnests Hosts At Pinochle Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earnest were hosts for a pinochle party Wednesday night at their home for a group of their friends. A late supper was served by the hostess. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. William DePew, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mapes. FOR DINNER A dinner dress of blue-jade is worn by Actress Vivienne Segel em phasizing the front fullness and trimmed in. cording. The Keystone Sunday school class of the First Christian church has postponed its Christ mas party. BROOKS Mrs. M. F. Day was honored with a shower, Tuesday at the regular meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service, held in the church. The Days have sold their farm here and will make their home in Molalla. Mrs. William Schafer presid ed. Mrs. Ray Cozel was elected treasurer to replace Mr?. Roy Reed who was injured in an auto accident. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Luther Hutto, Mrs. A. P Sidebottom, Mrs. H. H. Bosch Mrs. Alex Streeter, Mrs. Georg Legg, Mrs. William Schafer, Mrs. Mary Ashbaugh, Mrs. Mar tin Benson, Mrs. Marie Perry of Elmira, NY; Mrs. Jay Bar tholomew, Mrs. G. E. Towers, ' Mrs. ' Ray Cozel, '"Mrs'. William Conn, Mrs. M. F. Day, Mrs. Ells worth Hubbard, Mrs. Harry Sin gleterry, Mrs. Wiila Vinyard, Mrs. Charles Watts, Mrs. Anna M. Dunlavy, Mrs. Jennie Gil bert, Mrs. Olive Beardsley and Miss Dovie Lee Legg. Mrs. Charles Hoggins, Mrs. John Hughes and Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry will entertain the Pi Beta Phi alumnae at a Christmas party this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Huggins' home, 743 Stewart street Doris Doughton Is Honor Guest Miss Doris Doughton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Doughton, was honored on her 19th birthday Tuesday night at a dinner party at the home of her parents. The evening was ' spent informally and the birth day cake and candles centered the table.' Places were laid for Miss Doughton, Miss Corliss and Miss Carol Clark, Miss Lois Robinson, Miss Luann Green, Miss Shirley Valliant, Miss Grace and Miss Ruth Cramer, Miss Delora Williams and Miss Jean Boyce. Mrs. Sybil Dotton will enter tain the Just For Fun club this afternoon at her home, 1424 North Winter street A one o'clock no-host luncheon will be served and an exchange of gifts will be held. Recent Bride Is Honored Mrs. George Peters entertain ed with a bridal shower Tues day afternoon in compliment to her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alden Addie (Eunice Hanson), who was married on November" 28. The party was held at the home of Mrs. William Addie. Honoring Mrs. Addie were Mrs. Mabel Traglio, Mrs. Har vey Schubel and Mrs. Clara Jensen, Mrs. Nada Hassler and Mrs. Evan Habert of Mon mouth, Mrs. J. Unrein, Mrs. Abe Weibe, Miss Rosena Hart man, Miss Mary Mack, Mrs. William Addie and Mrs. George Peters. Since blackout time has been set up to 1:30, the Wisteria club dance, billed Friday, will be held at the regular time, 9 pjn. till midnight according to Floyd Seamster, club president Marlon county council of Am erlcan Legion auxiliary has post puuea lis rnaay meeting in Stayton until further notice. Sweets to Go In Basket Adding a jar or two of jelly -or jam to the Christmas basket will make it even more desir able. Winter fruits of course win be those to use, and here Is a marmalade especially attractive to look at and extra good to eat CHRISTMAS MARMALADE 4 cups thinly sliced unpeeled oranges 3 cups thinly sliced unpeeled grapefruit i cup thinly sliced unpeeled lemons 1 cup cranberries Slice citrus fruits very thin. Cut cranberries in halves. Meas ure, and for each cup of the fruit mixture add three cups cold water. (26 Y cups water). Allow to stand over night Heat and boil 10 minutes. Allow to cool. Heat again and cook until citrus peel is tender. Divide the mixture and cook only two cups of it at a time with Yi cups su gar. Boll vigorously untn syrup gives jelly test of thick, reluct ant drips which sheet together from a spoon. The time may va ry from 10 to 15 minutes. When a wide kettle is used and evapo ration Is rapid the shorter cook ing time will suffice. Cool a few minutes and stir to prevent fruit from floating. Pour into hot sterilized glasses. Seal with pa raffin. Repeat process by adding 1 Vi cups sugar to each 2 cups of the remaining fruit mixture. Bring to jelly test and seal. Pudding Made For Holiday Christmas and steamed pud ding go hand in hand. Here is one that will win that badge of distinction for you. FIG PUDDING 1 rup dried figs 1 egg 1 cup light molasses Vt cup melted butter 1 cup hot water IVi cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon ginger 1 teaspoon soda Rinse figs, drain, clip stem ends, and chop. Beat egg, add molasses, melted butter, figs and beat thoroughly. Add hot water, flour sifted with spice and soda and mix weU. Pour into small greased molds, cover and steam about one hour. Serve will lem on sauce. Serves to t. Today's Menu . TutU frulttl duff wfll be def sert on the menu that InchidesS Head lettuce Horseradish dressing Buttered turnips Baked balogna and spaghetti TutU fruitti duff BAKED BALOGXA AND SPAGHETTI 2 medium large onions 2 green peppers 1 clove garlic Fry in cup oil untn clear, add 1 pound skinned balogna that has been run through a meat grinder. Fry 9 minutes longer and add 2 cups cooked spaghetti Vi cup catsup 2 tablespoon lemon juice 1 can hot sauce Simmer for S minutes, com bine with spaghetti, bake in an oiled dish 20 to 20 minute. For the duff, mix any sort of fresh or canned fruits, beat with juice and sweeten. Drop egg dumplings on top, cover and cook for II minutes without raising the lid. Serve with cream. I m X til 3 ll t c s Rabhor fflkulbes A princely gift whether in silk or wool. All leading numbers are here from America's leading robe stylists. You'll agree these robes are beautifully styled and tailored. All Wool Flannels 7.95 to 10.00 Finest Crown Tested Kayons 10.95 to 17.50 Wool or SQk Housecoats 10.00 and more INSURE THE SUCCESS OF HIS Only 12 Days Till Christmas I I I IS iV. K. : 1 ' ,f - - if r ? -v. r :Z-:.:S. 8 Smart-Lookin g If a sweater is on your Christmas list you will do well to see this selection. Here you'll find feathery fleeces, tight hard knits up to 100 pure cashmeres. These are real sweater values. Slip-ons and Coats 3.95 to 9.50 . . . sH. . x:-.",..K'- T MawaaHsiHaBHavaHavHViSHaBaiawMHHavMBSWMMSVwBHMMiVV.-vnv.v.-...'.v. .-v.. VBSaPsswsns)MiH s Attractively Mounted " ! Your Choice of 4 Proofs 3 We Specialize in Group Photograph I I Kennell Ellis 3f 3f 5f 5f 3f w CHRISTMAS GIFT . rn V y j- (. S 7r: J MANHATTAN IPAJIAiMIAS Every pair tailored with the "Man-Ease" band ot comfort (ad Justable lastex waistband). Broad cloths, sateens, rayons, and silks. And two new numbers skiijamas for cold nights remember the boys in csmp. and slaekjamas you can nearly go to town in them. 2.00 to 5.00 Others 2.00 to 2.50 EVANS A natural to go with your robe selec tion. And the color youll want in his favorite style is here. No need for fur ther slipper hunting. Evans is your best bet 3.00 to 5.00 M A N H ATT A: N . 'Just arrived. A hew shipment of beautiful Man hattans that will make your selection mighty easy. Also a complete range of handsome sport shirts. .';' . Dress Shirts $2 and more : Sport. Shirts 2.50 . o 8.50 . jf Buy. Early ---take - Advantage? of; Oiir Lay-A way" RTariH" - To insure the success of his gift make your selections only from na tionally known quality lines featured exclusively by The Man's Shop. Your cost will be no more and your satisfaction and his pleasure will be insured MANIDKEIItCIHiniElFS Perhaps a 'kerchief is a small item but it's important with The Man's Shop. A more com prehensive selection would be hard to imagine. Plain or colored, single or boxed, all initials available. - 25c to 1.00 Further Gift Suggestions Interwoven Sock8....40c, 3 pair 1.10 up . Swank Jewelry ......:........J..:.50c to 3Q ; l: Pioneer Belt and Brace8....1.00to 150 : if ravel Kt8 CooperfN ;rii:-: . : -;'."..-;.'.;-..'"-.- ; 6cief,S&oiU;& Slurts. i.60cto 5 3f 3f .0:. . BEAU BRUMMELL ttiiies - Only from on maker and. only" at Tb Man's Shop can you select famous Burton's Poplin ties, a favorite of all men. Also long-wearing pure wools ia exclusive 4-fold construction. Pure silks, satins, etc '--.;... , . : 1.013 ; ; ' . - ' - Otheri lSO to 20 - :.Him a G i ft C ertificatejr 3f 420 Ongoa Mi 1 . Tkon 7830 am I :