r. 'til Directors' Plan Would Merge Berry Control Boards, Add Two Fruits And Change Districts At a meeting of the Oregon loganberry and blackberry con trol board members to be held in Woodburn January 17, a plan will be submitted whereby the two boards would be merged, the name changed to the Oregon cane fruits control board and 11 directors be chosen to repre M tent the members. Consideration of these 83 changes will be brought up as the result of a meeting held at the Salem chamber of commerce rooms Monday and attended by directors of the two boards and of the Woodburn Fruit Growers' association. Under the proposed plan the newly formed association would fix prices on youngbemes and boysenberries as well as logans and blacks, explained William L. Lin foot, secretary. Suggestion that strawberries, blackcaps and gooseberries be included voted down. If Jhe directors' plan is approved Washington, Clackabas and Mult nomah counties will be included in a single district and will be en titled to two directors, the sec ond district, comprised of Marion eounty, will have two directors chosen by the Woodburn Fruit growers, one by the Hubbard Growers and one by the inde pendent growers. t District three, which includes Polk, Linn, Benton, Yamhill and all remaining counties in the state, will elect two directors and the cooperative canneries will elect three. In attendance at the session were Harold Horner, Estacada; Frank Hrubetz, Salem; George Smith, Stayton; Harry Hugill, Hubbard Brooks; 0 L. members of boards, Secretary Linfoot and di rectors of the Woodburn Fruit Growers including Davis, A. M. Senator Dead Senator Alva B. Adams (D.) of Colorado is dead in Washington at the age of 66. Adams, born in Pueblo, Colo., was first appointed to the senate in May, 1923. He was elected to a full term in 1932. The senator died following a heart attack. Adams was the 16th con gressman to die this year. H M7 HH a . n n. id- w-iuameiie Yal ey- w w w Reports from The Statesman's 78 Community Correspondents PAGE TEN Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 9, 1941 Student Activity Topic of Forum At Independence West Salem Women Give Benefit For Japanese Church Parsonage WEST SALEM Officers elected at the meeting of the Wom- INDEPENDENCE A panel ii:.A..:k. c4 3 i a -4:..: 5"S en's Society of Christian Service Wednesday were Mrs. Elmer meeting of the PTA Wednesday Rierson, president; Mrs. D. I. Henderson, vice president and at the high school, with Mrs. head of local church work; Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh, secretary of George D. Herley, president, pre- missionary department; Mrs. Lee siding. Jennings, secretary; Mrs. D. T.lp Pli,Ue- Ray Smith, IHS student body RHfnrH trMSlirPr, Mrs. Ken- OOlTimUnitY IslUDS Dresident. was leader: Ruth Far- ..... mer represented girls' oreaniza- n e x n Abbott' secretary oi sup- LINCOLN A representative tions; Howard Houk, lettermen Plies; Mrs. Don Huckabee, Mrs. group attended the Lincoln com and sports; Betty. Freeman, dra- W. D. Phillips and Mrs. H. C. munity club Friday with Mrs. W. matics and debate; Jack Wells, spiritual life committee; R-Edwards presiding. journalism;4 Bui Alderson, FFA; ' . . w The committee on arrangements Bill Addison, grade school paper! rs" Dickson, Mrs. Phil mcluded Mn Mrs. Cecil Mar. Donna Kletzing, 4H club work Hathaway, Mrs. Oliver Sargent, tin and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ed activities, and Marilyn Mix, mu- Mrs. Lee Jennings, Mrs. Wendell wards. The principal business sic. wiimarth anH Mr. Tiphton Da- transacted was a general discus- the training school band play- shieli fellowship committee. sion on advisibmty of joinln ed several selections under the the adjacent school districts of Quarterly reports were made Zena and Spring Valley for the by officers and committees. Christmas program and a deci The treasurer reported a total sion was reached to have it as of $64.61 on hand. direction of Roy Anderson. The treasurer's report showed a bal ance of $61.42, and the PTA voted to -"give five dollars to the civic Christmas cheer fund. Mrs. Loren Mort announced Dr. Ethel Mealy to speak at the meeting of January 12. Her topic will be on "Health Education." usual at the Lincoln school house. Mrs. L. I. Mickey, local teacher, was nominated as chairman of the Christmas program and chose as her assistants, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Plans were made for a Christ mas silver tea December 17, Committee members will be Mrs. D. T. Bradford, Mrs. Donald m.-v nnH Mr Mrs TCasr,- Mrs. Herley reported a meeting Kuhn, Mrs. Robert Pattison and Neiger. Foup voted to be to be held at Dallas Saturday at Mrs- i-eigmon uasmen. rrocmis $8 rom the community club 2 p. m. for organizing, wbmen of wiU be used to assist the Salem treasury to purchase Christmas Surprise Given Waconda Couple On Anniversary WACONDA Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brundidge were surprised Mon day in observance of their wed ding anniversary. A gift was presented by the group who enjoyed playmg cards Prizes were won by Mrs. P. J Russ and Mrs. A. J.Rasmussen of Labish Center, E.J. Becker, Salem, and P. J. Russ. Present were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bressler, Salem, Mr. and Mrs Russ, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen, Labish Center, Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Nuson, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brun didge. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saucier, Mill City, were overnight guests the first of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goffin. Mrs. Richard McNulty, Portland sister to Mrs. Saucier, spent Mon day at the Goffin home. Mr. and Mrs. Goffine were Sun day visitors in Portland. G. W. Thurmon and R. W. Nu som, Clatskanie, called Monday at the home of A. W. Nusom. Silverton Council Calls Special v Meet to Hear Defense Plans err irrornMMavor Reber Allen said Monday morning that a special meeting of the city council will be held Wednesday or Thursday night at wmcn iiumt mc .w....-f by Chairman L. G. Eastman will outline its plans. The city said Mayor Alien, suuilu iwu; w j possible, special measures wiu dc C XT. z p. m. lor organizing. women of Wiil uc treasu LrranqerS IMeWS Polk county for home defense Council of Church Women to fi- work. ' The sophomore class mothers were hostesses with Mrs. Banks, SILVERTON HILLS Plans are being completed for the in- Vomo k rn.i. "l"auu" Ui uixia J"";"u" I cnairman. and tea was served i-uvuiiw, ,,, , , , . navis Wondhurn- nms einuer i wuen grcues from a lace covered table deco- the two control "rJ... ..S r"ea in tne unristmas mom. no.weii wiu juin m uic iuvai in- Mrs rjalton Fox and Mrs. Orlev siaiiauon. Ida Benson will be the install- intf rxftino-r' 7inn Tcrhan7 will Vo V. ; . , the regalia bearer; Dorothy Had- ley, emblem bearer; Milton Knauf, chaplain; Victor Hadley, marshal; Edith Beugli, in charge of tab- leaus. Helen Knauf, lecturer, is arranging the program. man, C. T. Sweaney, L. M. Erick on and T. M. Van Dyke, Quarterly Meet Of Methodists Due at Turner TURNER The quarterly con ference meeting will be held Wed- Brown presided at the urns. Readers' Taste Observed at Silverton nance the enlarging of the Japa nese church parsonage at Labish. Jesse T. Hayes of Salem has been secured through the WPA to serve as Instructor for the West Salem Boys Workshop., He began teaching Thursday. A highlight of the program was an original poem by Bobby Can field, who poked gentle fun at residents. Others on the program were Naomi Merrick, Violet Coo per, Leslie Hershf elt, Albert and Alfred Williams, Walter and Rich ard McDonald, Margaret and Floy Surprise Party Honors Pastor At Aumsville Boss in East alii x U Admiral Sir Tom Phillip A Urge section of the British fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Tom Spencer Vaughn Phillips has arrived in Singapore, to rein force the powerful British base as the Far Eastern crisis grows more tense. Flagship of the fleet Is the new 35,000-ton battleship, H. M. S. Prince of Wales. Admiral Phillips has just been appointed to succeed Vice Admiral Sir Goef trey Layton as commander of the British Far Eastern fleet Lyons News taken to protect the local water system as will be dne in most cities, local officials said Monday. Chairman Eastman said that his committee had held a late meet ing Sunday night following a call from Portland giving additional instructions. Other committees meeting were scheduled for Mon day night and Tuesday. "Every precaution is being tak en, asunan siaiea aionaay. "Certain measures will have to be taken which can not be given out to the public at this time. The results are what we are after. Some changes will be made. Some of these changes may seem radical to then people, but we ask them to bear with us as we are work ing out the best systems for pro tection we can." The local police reseve, number some 50 under Chief of Police Victor Grossnickle, met st Salem with other like organizations Mon day night Serving with Eastman on the defense committee are H. W. Pres ton and 'Glenn BriedwelL The WCTU will meet Friday afternoon at the Christian church at 2 o'clock with Mrs. M. G. Gun ri erson presiding. Mrs. Gunderson has just returned from almost two months spent in southern California. He wiU be at the shop during the Martin Fay Reust and Dolores hours that are most convenient , . . for any boys or who wish me tu itxvc "r community club by her son, Ken- training andj who wa nt to work whQ Jg stationed & Fort in ino ennn I npra is iiu luukc iui i . . " . warren, wyo. Mrs. towards an- the Service. nmino that ch hoc tVio T)A SILVERTON-Margueriti Steen's . . rrftM rhristmas RPnl fnr tw. TTNTON HTT.T. Mrs Rvrnn me Sun IS My UnQOmg" nas Mrs. AmOlQ u;oiiei was nosic&s . , . McElhaney will be hostess to the been the most popular book at to the Laurel Social Hour club at After' Which the Lin- members of the Union HU1 grange the Silverton public library dur- the home ol ner motner, Mrs. r,. cdn Goodwill club made home economics club at her hig late November. William L. W. Emmett, Tuesday. Mrs. Clara wag exhibitedt Kasper Neiger was home Wednesday afternoon. Shirer's "Berlin Diary" has con- Smith and Mrs. Emmett assisted. deciared winner the contest Members will exchange Christ- tinued the most popular non-fic- Officers elected were Mrs. n. B, iMUi it. -Ai.-jfx .:. . A -j . nr A I "w di uic meuwuisi mas irifts. xioix DOOK lor tne past month witn 1 J . jiemenxst prcsiacui., ims. x- U,U11" wihi wi. uu(ai i-uruj, oa- Prosn-am chairman is Mrs w. la ereauv revivea interest during noia uoiiei. vice-peiuci, VTrirMC vattttv tut lem, district superintendent, pre- m. Tate and the topic is Christmas the past two weeks showing in Virgil White, secretary-treasurer. h&t Tremble and Albert Funrue nam- in othe rlands. Each member is Hitler's "Mein KamDf" Plans were made lor a cnrisi- ar nrnarinT a nmirram fnr- th He will show pictures on "Mis- to brinff written Knecpstinn for ThP latter hnnt was nniot rm mas dinner to be held December t?-,,. Trnar -iv X 1 It . I a ..... czp wvv v I - I -i V Vliw W UVJ VUUUltUlU .J UUW ions, and the members will vote New Year program. The roll call local library shelves for a couple 16 at the home of Mrs. Warren meting to be held at the school- 4,1 1 "luicii. is Christmas verses. of months until mid-November Baker with Mrs. LOiiian wuuams house on December 12. Mrs. Oral All members and friends are in- when a g,. demand was assisting. The dinner committee is club president vited. Preceding the conference, a . anw t ji j momem will be Mrs. William ti kj f-llnw.hln rfinnpr will K e,A i MAU1JUAX Al Uie grange I ua"auu I w xrK. . " . 6 . - '., .A .v. w .u V meeting Friday Mr and Mrs E. creased steadily until December Zimmerman, mrs. nugeue school Christmas program with tilVV arrived with a waiting list of and Mrs, H. J,Clements. Mrs Ar- L, d Evens Valley to . . . Den Mct-ooi were given me iirst auuus lcueui- uuiu vv-' " " ,,, i oMiiiu"1 uu. i , . .. I rro. i L-:u.j i. ii.. -.j I HJT. Vir-oil Whitp Mrs. Phllro Fe-! on A 4Va tiUm Viaira rnt .f Th- Methorfiot rhnrrh nrl J5n- second degree ODUgauon Dy . i. itu .uuhu io uw aiy . ' I . j " uV, " r,' r. Dast master Harrv Martin, sr. councH Monday night by the li- terson ana jmts. vyuumh 1 Deen oeciaea upon. ITf .,n? P1Bn Ior ,,pnnrts wp. vpn nn Ibrarv board .how-d total Hrc. man will supervise the program. US? theveZ TS! tion by J. S. AjTort, C. A. Lynds lation for November 1487 witj L8f-f IhonS Labor Temple Is . . . .... anri Mm M Magw ffiou1tiir mmratino nrpiilntinn a 94Q I the I1TSX luesuay oi ctftii 1 I oer zi. a pageant win oe Dre- I r ' . : ' ' . u. j t r,c . n ented under the direction of Mr. I . ' y e"s Albert and Howard Books added by donation and S r. iTS UMMlllsm AlDanV uc worK Mrs. purchase were 3Z. iuciuucimuh - o ' AUMSVILLE A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Wells, Shaw, for Rev. LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Clar ana Mrs. J. m. wuiis, pastors oi ence Carey of Yakima were the Wesleyan Methodist church, guests last week at the home of Aumsville, Tuesday. Mr. anL Mrs. Lovell Miller. Mrs Present were: Reverend and Carey and Miller are brother and Mrs. J. M. Willis, Mrs. Martha sister Gjesdol, Marjory Gjesdol, George Christmas seals. ALBANY Organization of the Attending were Mrs. Warren I Albany Labor Temple association, 1 m m . I and Mrs J O Russell saaaer, nome economic worn Mrs. purcnase Mrs. Mollie Spiers Sunday HanT Martin, sr., TfOA work, Donors during the month were i i j a. . i Havmonn ?itrviter. i rui rc w. i. torr w t Van pom.. ,ow,n, J' - 5 ? ' McDonald, fSS SXJ. iAm.om xjt. t - t.. muai new years uinnex. l Mrs v. rasAhwr TTrnnir TTuhhc "u""lsi ... -. .u- iu(iaui, . auu mil. tf. vy. xuo I V . I , sell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rose- uns lne lecturer s nour, pic- Helen Middlemiss, Bonnie Jean nau, Mrs. Agnes Bear, and Rev. tures. were 8nown by tne navv McPike, Mrs. H. B. Latham, Mrs and Mrs. John Mitchell; candy, recruiting ueparunem. inere was Foster Cone, Mrs. Glenn Bried Mrs. L. M. Small, Pearl Hogsed nrismias roup buiBuib " welt and Mrs. SDiers: decorations Mrs present exenange lafl Prather. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dierks and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosen au. Rites Set for Woodburn Man WOODBURN Frank Valen tine Haefer died Saturday at Mrs. Rofnots rooming house where he made his home. He was born in Sauk City, Wise., February 14, 1871. He came from St. Paul. Minn., to St. Paul, , Orpnn in ioni ,. iiJ ?Z Z HoweU grange meeting for 1941 NORTH HOWELL Of special Positions Told interest to members of the North -rj iL. C Howell grange home economics sjV 1? ire Ulliei club is the annual Christmas party this afternoon at the grange TURNER At the meeting hall when Mrs. K. D. Coomler Tuesday, Chief Albert Jensen and Mrs. Mary Stevens entertain, made the following assignments Tuesday was chosen because for members of the fire depart- the knitting and basketry classes ment: Engine foreman, W. A. meet every Thursday afternoon Rankin; engine crewmen, Forest from 1 to 5. Bouchie, Bob Ball, Kenneth Bar- Wednesday night, North How- her; hosemen, Orin Schollian, ell grange officers go to Silver- Frank Parr, Eddie Hatfield, Amos ton Hills for installation. Friday Ackerson, Gene Robinson, E. S. night is the last regular North Prather. The receipts from the recent and the grange family Christmas bazaar dinner netted the depart- Mrs. Arnold Cof f el, Mrs. J. J. posed of American Federation of St. Clair, Mrs. E. W. Emmett Labor unions Mrs. Davids Friesen, Mrs. C. J. Officers elected to serve at the Jackson, Mrs. Carrie Jennings, present are E. M. Coats, presi- Mrs. Eugene Krebs, Mrs. J. M. dent who will also represent the Six, Mrs. Hazel Karn, Mrs. Clara carpenters union; Alvine Byrd, Smith, Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh, Mrs. secretary, representing the ply Virgil White, Mrs. C. J. Willis, wood workers union; L. M. Patter Mrs. William Zimmerman and son, first vice-president furniture Oregon in 1904 and has lived in "VUUI" 1UI " years. M . ... ..... I mpnf t7 n9 , tv,. C aurv.veu uy l wo DTOiners, , . , Vw, M I Frank- Parr w ri . iiiii utiucs use Ui i.VAi.3. I n v uic Ul A. T. Cline. Phillips J. Haefer, St. Paul, Minn., and Samuel A. Haefer, Woodburn and a sister, Caroline Fischer, North Hollywood, Calif Funeral services will be held Mrs. Phillip Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Faught took their small son, Ray, to a doctor In Portland Saturday. Ray was ill with infantile pa ralysis In September, and has now recovered so that he can walk without the brace on his leg for a short period each morning and afternoon. Violators of the basic rule over the weekend were: Homer Dowd, Albany, posted and forfeited $5 bail; Harold Williams, Ports- workers union; J. ' H. Blaylock, second vice-president, retail clerks union; Roy Davis, third vice-pres ident, laborers and hod carriers union It is understood that a central labor council may be formed later. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spa, Port land, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spa. Mrs. Ed Spa is confined to her bed under medical treatment The two men are brothers. Gjesdol, Violet Fincher, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Pomeroy, Jane, Ida., and Lavina Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Franke, Dor is Franke, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilgrim, Mary Kellogg, Charles Kellogg, Mrs. E. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Howard, Mrs. Doro thy Branch, Miss Dorothy Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ogle, Mr. and -t Mrs. C. D. Shellenberger, Miss brother, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Marlene Burton, Blame Ogle, Mr. Garrison, and father, Levi Garri- unu mrs. no r uson, mr. ana son. Her father return! hnrn Mrs. a. u. wens, uuaiey wens. Km c,,r,o- 1 Mrs. Marjie Corser, daughter days stay Eva and grandson, Walter Row- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nash and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry and children, Willard and Nor ma, Lebanon, visited Saturday the home of Mrs. Berry's land, spent the weekend in Port land with her son, Jack Corser. children of Junction City spent the weekend at the home of her nnrnl Uf nl Utm m TT in an mterclass basketball con- - test in the high school, freshmen made an enviable showing, juniors won second place, with sopho- Mrs. Norman Garrison is spend ing several days at Silverton mores and seniors tying for third whe,re sh can; her moth place. The first game contesting us: uiaua1B neDnan- wno outside schools will be played erwenV.a maJor Pration l the Tuesday night with Sacred Heart alem Deacone hospital Mon- Mrs. Mabel Gulliford was the honor guest on her 72nd birthday Sunday, when a friends gathered in her honor at the h&she of Mrs. Johanna Brown. Refreshments were served. day. Business Stationery Let u desim letter heads, statements and envelopes that persoa alixe your correspon dence, and impress your clients. Phone 9101 , Today STATESMAN Publishing Co. JOB DEPARTMENT 215 S. Commercial number her TJf ORDER YOUR Children Born to Pleasantdale Folk PLEASANTDALE Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lawson are the par ents Of a 6 pound daughter, Marilyn Ann, born Sunday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker of Broadmead are the parents of a 5 pound son, born Tuesday at the McMinnville hospital. This is their first child. Mrs. Walker was Miss Arlona Gubser and her home was here before her "marriage. thanks for her efforts tn behalf mouth, fined $5; W. R. Coote, SQ- oi the firemen at the bazaar, as verton, $5 fine. S1L.VEKTUN Plans are being was ray weoD. ior tne donation wenaeu seals, saiem, was made for the annual Marion coun- of a 17 plate battery for the fire fined $2 for driving through a Wurfnrfav tv,om;r, t; T officers conference of granges, P0- traffic light, : J Wlt v. i w v. I Plans upro r tjiv, ri ; a fhflnf T3-v it o Vnltnn 1 "tautu uj ure eusic uuicen, IU DC wcv- iuuiu uiwm was uucu fo uir - v . i -i L v Plans were made for the erec held at Silverton armory Janu- on ot a brick chimney over the permitting a dog to run at large. ary 13. Ray Gill, state master, weexena, witn is. v. Vickers in will be in charge. charge. All materials are in readi- Thls is the annual school of in- ness awaitmg the labor and suit- struction for Marion countv fible weather. grange officers, most of whom I Badges for the chief, assistant have been elected during late No- and members have been or- vpmhr nnH lnrl nnoomVAr . All 1 dered and hereafter nrtivo mom. WOODBURN ' The Presbyter-1 of these are being urged to at- of the department will be their daughter, Mrs. Al Mallory. Church of God will officiate. Christmas Party Slated by Qub Mrs. D. T. "Bradford and Mrs. J. I. Miller were Portland visitors Tuesday. Guest at the George Baker San Ladies' Aid society will hold tend. their p re-Chris unas meeting Wed HMtav at 9a4n r m Mrs. h. j. Butterfieid wiii be Farmers Union ia cnarge oi ul program ana juts, i Carl Huber will have charge ofle'WS me aevouons. Answer to roll can win be holiday recipes. It has been ZENA Spi ing Valley Farm- announced that all members' are ers' Union will meet Wednesday sked to be present and guests are at 8 pjn. at the Zena school i ways welcome. house. Hostesses will be Mrs. Oliver S. Principal spekers will be Mr. uison, jars. rcy seeiy ana Mrs. I Gabbert, ; Instructor in Dallas required to wear them. 'Portland. Everett J. Hughes. ; : Crab Feed on Calendar - INDEPENDENCE The Inde- y pendence post of the American " Legion will, sponsor crab feed t Horst company, camp No. , 1, ; Wednesday night ':., Valloy Events - Docmbr' Small rrult Growcn . , merUnf. Salem cljanibr of coramrc, -'JO a. m.--- (.' v Decmbrt' 10-11 Annual meeting of Oregon SUU Hortlcviltural society, Bu- ' ''BScemr' 9-lS-orthwest turkey '' -lfcowr Oakland.- 'kv' Dcctmbor 1S-1S Oregon State . Com January IS State .-Grange Cohfer- schools, who , will speak on de fense saving bonds. Elwood Coo-; per . will preside when election of officers will be held. RADIOS AT - :"- - INC.- :-" Court Street ITS M T7Uh Your j Electrical Decoration .Problem! 9 Pt:ne 7022 v:-,0;f5,.,'v ' '' j 236 STATE i ma 'tod 1 -r- -k -2? S 1 1 1 ? . 5 2 SALEM V for Service Hen and Yon on the TOUSX always welooiMoaTheMU- and bedroom cars. Tke obMrvanoB X waskM Boad's Umcna CxruPUUI club caz has library and radio, barber waethar yoo wear a business suit or a shop, shower baths and vatat Mrrice. soQitary nnifona. And, la either ease, Thmbig dinar Uahir appotirinq m In youll nndthaxalsadiauiicttTaatmo- at popular pdoac. Also oonomlcal phere of frieadliasss and congeniality ObMke-Tray serrice in tourist cars on this fin train that adds to fha and coach. ; ' .pUaanraoitravri.'; Traveling catttAwrwiinassrtda Acecmmodanoas to suit your tasts: fiie CCTIOUI ofl your next trip East spacious coaches with individual ' Tkara's no Yxtxa tare Enjoy X36 - reclining dulrsfsoodainlouziatslap sailas flaough a sceoio lag cars, luxurious standard slaepsrs ; wonderland. tsy . mt svtff roam ticket ad via CAE1DS M017 See these Specials Prices Include Imprinting Your .Own Name 50 Cards Imprinted $1.00 This Thrift Card line cjives you economy wlth out sacrificing beauty. Several styles to choose from and Just think 50 cards printed with your own name for only $1,001 25 Cards Imprinted 5L00 A Yiuo Sensation to a completely per BorKilChristoas Card. A good selectionat only for 25 cards with name imprinted! 20 Cards Imprinted $1 JJO Hever Kutouts-thw laleet trend In modern totarafl You may assort fcese and pay only JJjJ to cards vrttti your name stamped to 21 Cards Imprinted $15 The Aristocrat in fee Cut-out field. An assort ment of 21 cards with name imprinted for only $1.25. . . . and many others to select from at slightly -higher prices ... t. KJ 2 1 5 V 215 S GOTH COMME i'.