Comics r Farm Markets Financial PAGE EIGHT Thm OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. Oregon, Saturday Morning. Ecwnbw 6. 1941 -------- --------- m I ---i . I ------------------- I M- Stock Market Is Irregular Trading Fails to Hit Million Share Mark; Closing Is Spotty NEW YORK, Dec. 5-iP)-Irreg-ularly lower tendencies cropped up in Friday's stock market al though recessions were in minor fractions and modest plus signs were plentiful at the close. Price hesitancy ruled at the start and losses ran to a point or so in the morning. Declines were reduced in the majority of cases in the final hour. Blocks of 1,000 to 10,000 shares of low-quoted issues again lifted the volume but the day's aggre gate slipped to 976,880 shares after topping the million mark in the three preceding sessions. Thursday's total was 1,126,960. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .3 of a point at 39.5. On the offside were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Chrysler, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, N. Y. Central, Great Northern, Chesapeake & Ohio, American Telephone, Du Pont, Johns-Manville, U. S. Gyp sum, Allied Chemical, Dow Chem ical and Standard Oil (NJ). Santa Fe and Southern Pacific edged upward at the last. Ad vances also were rationed by Youngstown Sheet, U. S. Rubber, Goodrich, General Electric, Amer lean Can, Texas Co., Nash-Kel "Strictly Private" f4TWROU6H -AHEAD OF TH'KP A EO 7 i -RPEST OF TH' J J- By Qninn Hail tate jj0p Met Remains Firm On Both Spot and Contracts Pacific coast hop markets were featured by continued firm- j ness during the week ended December 3, according to the de partment of agriculture. Prices quoted growers showed further advances on both spot supplies and on contracts for future de livery. TJ.8..AEMX CAMP NCX. PEAR MCA'.- m ism&E. m u. mxmr, tut wnv VESETTD KX mW3 GUXXttY DfeFENBB IS WP0CCWTC5O"WE SfiBSE SAYS I GOT TO GETRU6GED V0UR SON PS.. BUT TWCriSNO Rkjf&OM FOR RUMIN6 AP PwUnt Quotations at Portland Produce Exchange I Portland Produce DflDTI 1MH rira Flop K( AP) vinator, Warner Bros., Anaconda Butter prints:' A grade 38c in parch ment -wrappers, Jc in canons, a and Kennecott. Salem Market Quotations grade 37c in 38c In cartons parchment wrappers, PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 5 (AP) Country meats Selling price to retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 1Z9-148, 14-I5c; light thing, la-i&c; vealers. fancy 18',a-19c: heavy, 14-isc Butterf at First duality, maximum yearling lambs. 17-18c: ewes. 5-9c: .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port- good cutter cows, 12c; canner cows. land, 31'2-Mc lb.; premium quality 12c; bulls, 14-15C, (maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity), With stocks in first hands re-' duced to levels well below the av erage of other recent years, do mestic usage continued unusually heavy and dealers and industries were turning more to United States hops because of light for eign offerings. Export demand for American hops also continued good from areas usually placing requirements in Europe. Strength in the hops market on the west coast was being attributed to the continued active demand and re luctance of growers to accept cur rent bids on both spot supplies and contracts for later deliveries. Oregon markets continued very firm on both spots and contracts. Trading in the spot market con tinued to be restricted somewhat by light offerings from growers despite advances of around one cent per pound on regular seeded type 1941 stocks. Sales were reported dorinr the week at 40 cents to 41 cents per pound net growers for regu lar 1941 hops In this state. Val ves on 1941 seedless types were placed around 48 cents "per pound to growers. Prices on both seeded and seedless hops from the 1941 crop were at the highest points as the period ended. Continued active interest was being shown by dealers in 1942 crop hops. Several thousand bales of 1942 crop regular seeded type were reported contracted by Ore- The prices below supplied by a lo- 2 cents under first, or 35 ','2 -36c nroccod ti it-trove Coll in a rrn TTonfl I j : . x i. ffliu lh . vallev routes and country onT. ' oi: 1 iT.,,T .V-.. Siowcia uuimB uie pasi seven w - -' " - ..." I ow . lis i is. ,.---. J-tM-JU-K U1WU, 1 . . , . . , uajr a, uiua uijr ox v,cii ta iu o- points 2c less or 36c; second quality Toms 22c; hens, 27-28c. 0 nt uftrier first, or 35M.-36C. I ' ' cents per pound net, with the higher quotations prevailing at the close of the week. While no transactions were reported during the week, values on 1942 seedless hops were placed at about 48 cents per pound to growers. Washington hop markets were also very firm with an active de mand and light offerings from growers. Transactions during the period included around 500 bales of 1941 crop regular seeded hops which netted Yakima valley grow ers 40 cents, down to 35 cents per pound according to quality, the lower values being for off quality lots. Around 350 bales of 1942 seeded hops were reported contracted re cently at a little in excess of 32 cents per pound to growers. 600 bales of 1942 crop seedless hops also were contracted at 42 cents down to 32 cents per pound, ac cording to seed content at time of delivery. Growers were re ported reluctant to accept prevail ing offers from dealers on both spot and contract supplies. Prac tically no seedless hops from the 1941 crop are left in growers hands in the Yakima valley area, according to trade advices. California hop markets re mained very firm as light of ferings from growers met good demand from the trade. Recent advances in spot hops were well maintained and additional gains of Vi cent to 1 cent per pound She Wanted to Get Into Movies Mary Falambe Movie career of Mary Palumbo, 16, of Cincinnati, O- will have to wait Mary, who took an airliner to Hollywood dreaming of a movie career, wu detained by Bur bank, Cal , authorities on request of her parents and sent back home. The child had even picked out her screen name. It was "Mary Jane Dana." were quoted for 1942 and later crops, for future delivery. Sales of spot hops during the week Included 48 bales of 1941 regu lar seeded hops at 38 cents per pound and 200 bales of 1941 seedless which netted Sonoma county growers 48 cents per pound. t The New York hop market was strong with prices firm. Buying continued steady but most orders were going forward on contract. Inquiry continued good on 1942 stocks. Foreign hops were dull and nominal. On December 3, regular 1941 stocks were quoted to the trade at New York at 44 cents to 46 cents; seedless at 58 cents to 60 cents; 1940 regulars 38 cents to 40 cents; seedless at 48 cents to 50 cents per pound. Other growths were nominal. Shortage of; Pickers Felt Turkey pickers are very much in . demand and every person wanting such a Job should regis ter as soon as possible at the state employment office, 710 Ferry street, E. C. Grant, Junior place ment officer announced Friday. With both the Marion Creamery and Capitol Dairy preparing more birds than usual and the North west Poultry and Dairy Products in business in Salem for the first season demand for pickers has been particularly heavy. ' Two-hundred and fifty individ uals who registered at the em ployment office have been placed and additional workers should be Grain Market Hardens Late CHICAGO. Dec MifV-Resurt- ance to profit taking stiffened in the grain market Friday but only enough to wipe most of the early losses ranging from fractions to almost a cent in the case of cer eals and as much as Vt cents In soy beans. Prices in all pits at one time rallied to above previous closing levels due to mid-season short covering and buying inspired by flour purchasing of eastern bak ers and some encouragement gained from latest reports about American-Japanese relations. After the close it was disclosed that the U. S. will ship two car goes of Pacific wheat to Russia under the lend-lease ad Wheat finished V lower to V higher, compared with Thursday, December 1.17-tt; May llJZl 1.23. Some traders found buying in centive in a report that the Bank head plan for sliding scale parity loans may be attached to pending soil conservation legislation. They said this would mean higher loan rates for wheat and cotton, pos sibly next season. Community Clubs WALDO HILLS The annual Waldo Hills community club dance will be held tonight, according to announcements made by W. T. Krenz, dance committee chair man. Krenz announces that the Young Oregonians will furnish the dance music and that lunch will be sold. The lunch is purchased by the committee on arrangements at the club dances. at the office by 8 o'clock this morning. Grant said. cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman : VEGETABLES Apples, box Beets, bunch, doz. Brussels sprouts, flat Cabbage Carrot U Cauliflower, crate Celery, green Celery hearts, doz. oaruc, lb. Hubbard squash Lettuce, Ss Onion, 50 lbs. Onion, green Potatoes, 100 lbs., No. 1 new Potatoes. No. 2. 50 lb. bag Radishes, doz GRAIN, HAT AND SEEDS (Baying Prices) Oats. No. 1 Feed. '-.barley , ton Clover hay, ton Alfalfa hay. ton Dairy feed. 80-lb. bag. Hen scratch feed Cracked corn Wheat 1.25 .40 1.00 1.50 .35 1.50 2.25 1.00 .18 .015 2 25 1.85 Eggs Prices to producers: A large I rarf iMhom hroilprs. under Hi lbs.. 32c; B large 29c; medium A, 30c; 18c. over iic ibs, 18c: fryers 2i-4 lbs- medium B 28c; B, small, uc: a smau 18,ic; roasters, over 4 lbs, 19c; col- 4c. nesaie w lemiBi -v msuci ored hens. 19c: Leehorns. under 3',i lbs., 15c; over 3ii lbs, lie. uid THE LONE RANGER Bargain Dayl By FRAN STRIKER cases, cartons 5c higher. Cheese Selline price to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 28c lb.; loaf 29c lb. Triplets to wholesalers 26e lb.; loaf 27c lb. f.o.b. Tillamook. Portland Livestock .45 2 50 .70 .30 30.00 . 9.00 to 10.00 14.00 to 16.00 1.7S 2.25 2.25 1.00 roosters 8c lb. Onions Oregon nominal. 1.80 50- lm. sack; Yakima, 125-1.40; Yakima 10 s, 35c; Oregon 40c. Peas California, 10-12C lb. Peppers Local green $2 orange box; red, 60c box; California green 12-130. Potatoes white locals. 1.75 cental; PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 5 (AP) I Deschutes Gems, 2.15-2.25 cental; Yak- (USDA) Hogs: Salable 150, total 300. una No. 1 Gems, 2.10 cental; new Barrows and gilts I Calif., 2.40-2.50 for 60-lb. box.; Klam- flrf-oh. 140-160 lbs 1 9.60 10.15 am aiJS' z 5- do 160-180 10.1510.75 I Hay Selling price on tracks: Alfalfa do 180-200 lbs. 10.60 10.75 No. 1 S19-Z0.00; oat-vetch, S13.30 ton; do 200-220 lbs. 10.50 10.75 Willamette valley clover, iz.uu ion; um- do 220-240 lbs 10 :00 10.40 othy, eastern Oregon, $21.50 ton. do 240-270 lbs. 9.75 10.15 Mohair 1941, 12-month. 45c lb. do 270-300 lbs. 825 9.75 Nuts Price to wholesaler: Filberts: 30.00 Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120 ..9.50 10.00 Barcelona, jumbo 21c, large 18'ic, fancy Cattle: Salable and total 60. 1 17'ie. baby 163,ic lb: Duchilly. Jumbo I Steers. Cji. 1000-1100 lbs. 12.00 12.50 1 20c, large 19c. fancy 18c lb. do good, 900-1100 ;bT 1025 12.00 W a 1 n ut s Prices to wholesalers: JO to 9.25 (i 7.755 BUTTER PRINTS: (Buying Prlcei) A B Quarters .38' i 37 Vi .39 ',i EGOS AND POULTRY (Baying Prices of Andresen's) (Subject to Change Without Notice) BCTTERFAT No. 1 No. 2 Premium Extra large white Extra large brown 38V .35'i .391,! .32 Z-'ZiZZI .28 28 J7 XI -05 (Baying Prlcei or Marlon Creamery) (Subject to Change Without Notice) BUTTERFAT Premium .394 ' No. 1 .38,4 No. 2 .36ya EGGS Large Medium Standard ...... Pullets Colored hens Colored frys White Leghorn Old roosters do med. 750-1100 lbs. do common, 750-1100 lbs Heifers. Good ,,. do med, 500-900 lbs do com, 500-900 lbs Cows, good, all wts. do medium, all wts. do cut-corn, al lwts. do car.ners. all wts. Bulls (yearlings excluded) beef, good, all wts. do sausage, good, all wts. do saus, med. aU wts. do cut-corn, all wts. Vealers, gd-ch, all wets. do com-med, au wts do cull, all wts Calves, gd-ch. 400 lbs. dn. 10.00 11.50 do com-med .jr. 7.00 10.00 do cull. 400 lbs down 5.59 7.00 . jUl 925 large 20c; medium 18c; baby 15','ac; mV 00NT hVOCn, HESUSW If PUT WE CANT LET XU SHOW W WHAT WE VOl I trrWOWHEKEIWH ARE.MSrEK THHE TWOAWl 1 I RTT TVE WILL BE D60OM )(6XO tCeiJXKJX BRBMJ AS Hfc 9fffLD A HIM &J VK J lLrJ DEAD VET' - - A THREE CTXDS,liAJM V TAKE DC MA&GO i ' soft shell, jumbo .none: large 19c: a sn rain 7S I medium 17c: baby 14'4c lb. Mayette. ft sia s.50 jumbo none: large 20c lb.: second 7.00 O 8.50 grade tTanquette, large 18c; medium 7.50 8.25 l"c; baby 15c lb.; soft shell, large 17c; 6.75 7.50 medium ioc; DaDy 14c id. 525 6.75 Wool 1941 clip, Oregon ranch nom- a inai 3.-33C id.; crossDrea. 34-.7C id. Domestic flour Selling price, city 8 50 9.00 i delivery. 1 to 22 bbl. lots: family pat 8.25 8.75 tents, 49c. 725-7.95; 98c. 7.10-7.70 bbl.; 7.50 8.25 1 oaxers nard wneat net,; 625 7.50 blended hard wheat 5.85-6:30; soft ..ll.DM'iJLJ lO.W I tinn. An-' 1CUO vrvn tT-a4 fio S'S L.C!?" bark-1940 peel, 10c lb.; 1941 POLLY AND HER PALS Variety the Spice of Life! By CLIFF S TURRET I DON'T E WHY "iOJE GtVING GREGORy THfe A"TE RACC HE'S SO PATIENT, THE WAV VOL) RUN AROUND WITH OTHER BOVS EwesTshorn) gd-ch 4.600 525 Labish Onions Sell Z.50W 4.50 1 , - un yv noiesaie mart do. com-med Lambs do gd-ch do med-gd do common 9.75 10.75 9.20 9.50 8.00 9.00 Medium A Medium B .. Pullets Checks , Colored hens , Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens SUgs . Old roosters .32 28 .28 26 .18 .18 .17 .17 .16 .15 .12 xa Portland Grain PORTLAND, Dec. 5-(;p)-Labish onions brought $1.50 for No. 1 in 50-pound bags on the whole sale market Friday. Oyster plant, in small supply, ri- f BOTGOSH-OU DQhT S AJ 1 (if ! HDW MC3NOTDNOUS IT GETS- t- X A' ( 13 ) i-? A, TVO-TlMfNG THE SAME jj j PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 5 (AP) JXaT: T, sold at 30 cents dozen ches. uecemoer - ho wj j j Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38-lb. whtie, 36.00. Barley No. 2, 45-lb. BW. 31.00. No. 1 flax. 1.80. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white. 94: soft white excluding Rex, 98; white MICKEY MOUSE Tim to Knock on Wood! By WALT DISNEY club. 99; western red ,98. No 2 noultrv 05 less. "ra rea winter: uramary, j; iu . '"7 09 les per cent. 96; 11 per cent, 1.03; 12 per .V. i cent, (Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based Hard white Baart: Ordinary, 1.0TA: on conditions ana sales reported up to 1 10 per cent, 1.10; 11 per cent, 1.16; 12 per cent, l.zo. Today's car receipts: Wheat. 12: barley, 4: flour, 6; corn, 6; oats, 1; millfeed, 5; flaxseed, 1. 4 cm.) Top lamba Hogs, TopTw-200 "lbs Sows Veal, top Dairy type cows Beef cows Bulls Heifers Dressed veal hops (Baying Prices) Seeded 1942 contract Seedless Mohair WOOL AND MOHA1M Wool Lambs 10.00 . 4.00 to 5.00 10.75 .- 7.75 to 825 .. 11.00 . 5.00 to 6.00 6.50 to 7.00 ...7 75 to 8.25 6.50 to 729 .17 22 28 .45 .40 23 Watercress went as high as 60 cents dozen bunches. Green onions brought 25-30 cents dozen bunches for local of ferings and to 35 icents for some mid-Columbia. Chinese lettuce held at 80-85 cents crate. Green broccoli" was scarce and sold quickly at 60-65 cents dozen bunches. Lugs were 50 cents. Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. 5-(;P)-Today's closing quotations: Air Reduction ..38 Du Pont De N ..143 Phelps Dodge 26 Alaska Juneau 24 Eastman Kodak 134 Phillips Pet 45 Al Chem & Dye 149 Elec Pow & Lt 1 Proc & Gamble ....54y4 Allis Chalmers .27 Gen Electric 26 Pub Serv NJ 14 American Can ..75 Vi Gen Foods -.39 Vi Pullman 21 Am Car & Fdy ..29 Gen Motors 36 Radio 3 Am Rd & Std Stn 4 Goodrich . 20 Rayonier 11 Am Roll Mills 11V4 Goodyear 17 Rayonier Pfd 25 Am Smelt & Rf ..37 Great North 22 Republic Steel ....17 Am Tel & Tel ..144V4 Greyhound 14 Safeway Stores ....44 Am Tobacco B ....50 Illinois Central ....7 Sears Roebuck ....64 ...10 Shell Union 15 Socony Vacuum ..9 doggone rr... I'LL 'I r THING TO THE 7 ...miL, ir- T BU-BZEAK EVE2Y...B-RX S IN MY -3-rNBOY) M DONT PAZ FAIL OF N-NOV... WJULJP L-U05t:...TTZAa i iavi '. r:r." j Ai j A wy i . w i --u i n- mw v -! r i a ai i :-rc'r Ma . -r n& to tm i of my log g LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Kitchen Marbles By BRANDON WALSH Cauliflower Offerings Liberal at Portland PORTLAND. Dec. 5-UP-Cau1i flower was offered vm-v lrhor-iu Am Water Wks ...3 Insp Copper on the Fast Rirt farmer-' Am Zinc L & S -4 Int Harvester ....46 sale market Fridav causing some Anaconaa v tits inter motel 44 sou Cal Edison -21 cie rnaay, causing some . tiis-.. ni. t b--. . ta nn-u. o..i ts hnw1 o o.n.l .A r 0117 01 n .iT mV 1 7 Avla CorP r Johns Manville ..58 Stan Brands 4 f, V 0t10 ,Crate'. fCW t0 $U5 Baldwin Loco .13 Kennecott J$3V4 Stan Oil Calif .24 11 ior No. 1 grade. Bendix Avia 38 Libbey-O-Ford 24 Stan Oil Indiana 32 The supply of Brussels sprouts Beth Steel 58 Lockheed 28 Stan Oil NJ ........46 was fair and sales held within Boeing Airplane ..20 Lowe's 38 Stone & Webster .5 the former range. at 75-80 cents Borden : 20 Long-Bell A 2 Studebaker ..4 box. Borg Warner .20 Monty Ward -30 Sunshine Mining 4 Very good spring type radishes Calif Pack .. .18 Nash Kelv .4 Texas Corp j. 45 offered by a Columbia slough Calumet Hec 5 Nat Biscuit 16 Trans-America 4 grower went quickly at 35 cents Canada Dry 14 Nat Dairy Prod 14 Union Carbide 72 dozen bunches compared with Canadian Pacific .4 Nat Distillers 24 Union Oil Calif 14 thr rdih. iHn tnr 9. osnt. uaterpuiar irac avvx xxauonai ieaa iya union racinc .68 " . HAH TV A .. . . . ' . ueianese tft i enirai . vvx uniiea Airlines 13V4 Chesa & Ohio 35 N American Av .14 United Aireraft -34 Chrysler -52 N American Co -12 United Drug ..5 Col Gas & Elec 1 North Pacific -i8 United Foods 78 Commer Solvent . Ohio Oil . .8 US Rubber -25 ConsoUd Aircraft 23 Otis Steel -1 .5 US Rubber: Pfd J7 Consolid Edison 14 rPap Amer Fish 10 US Steel m ConsoUd Od . 6 Pat Gas & Elec -22 Vanadium ... , 20 -2 Warner Pic Corn Prod 48 Pan Amer Air :.18y Western Union 25 .12 Paramount Pic U5Mi WestiM Elec .77 CHILD HCHJFA5T YDU 5HELLTHEM PATPAJT Fl VC.XOr OCA-auei i co jm 1 1 ran . ww- . f uu m J 1 MA'AM I-TKIMK WORK IS L013A1 II io.dV MXI GOTTA Y--J FUW ,'CAtI6e WHEW I WORK I PRE- r 7 1?tAyKINOAFASr J 'A TEAJDlTSCrusr 'TTwaJpuX $m " J 6PCCIAtiy WHW Vi A GAMUK TAG 1 UTVR15T VNttC'' H VtXTCff ONLY PttTZflDtH') . ' c---a CAU6e WHEW VOLTWC P-AWS-DUS CO 1ZUHHEP.KUH. VOJ GOTTA ClMfAST ALL THE TIW0R VtXI 10ME GAME n wo no HM io Bfc THE LOSCK THIMBLE THEATRE Starrlncj Popey TuQ Your. Munches. Popey!" Stocks and Bonds , : - Dcmbr ' .,-(;. r Compiled by Th Associated Proa STOCK AVCTAGES .V AHOVOKISWU VAM . Met change Friday prtvlous day Montn ago Year afo l4i high IH1 low 30 IS 15 SO Ir?1- Si" n1 Continental Can Jo Packard 13.5 28 8 j S9.5 1 wiu lis v . 39.1 Crown Zeller wo mb V Curtiss . Wright 8y4 J C Penney 19 0 - 35 1 45.0 Douglas Aircraft ..69 Penn RR 15JI . SS.. f38.f Mkm 57.1 57.8 Hi , - , 63.9 i M l -, -80 Woolworth -27 ' BOND AVEKACES v. " ; -'- !. t- , at i 'f W ''r" i jX't-V. i'i'U:' Sails Indus UU1 trr ' Net chan. - D. 4 Unch' t). 1 Unch ' Fridav ".!.- 62 .3 105.0 101.S .! 45.T Previoua day - 62.7 ;' 105.O- 101.7 ij 45.7 iAnH lta 63 0 105.0 1CJ.1 48.0 Year ago ,-- 59 7 105.1, 100J - . 1041 liiph 66.5 105.4 ito! 375 WANTCD Walnut meats and Filbert meats. Also In sbelL Cash en delivery.. Highest price, v r MORRIS KLORFEIN Packing Co.-. . 46oN:-nnt . Tet 163J ; UAI1TED Walnois and Watnnt Meats - : Cash Paid ea DeliTery KELLEY FARQUHAR '." Salem, Oreton ' fl ( TELL ME IF rTA lAHCH ASHORE. THE I vy. () m 'r- r r-T?APg. 1 UATl KPITH EAT A LITTLE OP fT. I N NEEDS MCXZ& STBEMfiTH IX1 MLrStOES V CAHCrY, ASHORE -TOEWQSCXl) (ATg TOO MUCH PUOACHTr- For or : tire T C L A 81.4 38.0 1941 low -: 60 Jl " 104JI 99.0