The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Tho OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Scrtuxdcrr Morning. December 6. 1941
rf V
Local News Briefs
Fatalities Listed There were
six fatalities due to industrial ac
cidents in Oregon during the week
ending December.. 4, the state in
dustrial accident commission re
ported Friday. The victims in
cluded Myron G. Hawley, Horse
Heaven, mucker; Aubrey G. Gas
kin, Gilchrist, fireman; Norman
"Williams, Klamath Falls, choker
setter; Walter E. Busby, McCoy.
farm worker; Kenneth J. Jansen.
Gales Creek, choker, and Archie
Floyd Wilson, Dorr is, Calif., truck
driver. There were 762 industrial
accidents reported to the commis
sion during the week.
Lutz florist Ph 8592. 1216 N. Lib
Names Filed Certificates of as
sumed business name were filed
with the Marion county ' clerk
Friday by Vern ' Reimann for
Reimann Sheet Metal and Plbg.
Co., 295 South Cottage street; by
F. I. Bressler and F. P. Colgan
for. the B. & C. Lumber company,
1020 North Commercial street
and by Alvin H. Aosved for the
Oregon Loan Co., Woodburn. Cer
tificate of retirement from the
loan company was filed simultan
eously by Herman A. Stone.
Savings insured to $5,000.00
are earning at Salem Fed
end, 130 South Liberty.
Coming Events
Dee. lft Homecoming- ef Che
meketa lodge, Odd Fellows.
Dee. 12 DeMolay members
conduct Salem city government.
Dee. IS Bill- el Rights day.
Dee. 17 Willamette univer
sity band concert. !
Dec. 34 First day of Christ
mas vacation, Salem public
schools. j
Dec. 25 Christmas day.
Conferred on 32
- - - - . . . .
In Marion Grcuit Court as
Dover Signs Certificates
Church Services in Salem
ChemekeU and North Winter
streets. Bev7 W. Irvin WUliams, min
uter. Don Douris. director of ren-
gious education.- General assembly at
church school. tM a.m. 3. J. Fitzsim-
ons. supt. Cnurcn nursery. Worship,
10:55, . message: . 'The Necessity of
Church' Membership.'' Anthem: "Build
Thee More Stately Mansions." An
drews, sung by vested senior choir.
Solo: "They That Sow in Tears," Ro
gers, sung by Betty Ellen Payne.
Business and college young' people,
5:30 pjn.; high school, and interme
diate CE 6 JO. night service. 7:30,
broadcast' over KSLM. Sermon topic:
"Senarated Yet united' -special
lections, by male quartette. Boy Scouts
Thefts Reported Six sweaters,
four pair of socks, four pair of
mittens, cigarettes and candy were
stolen "Thursday night from the
ice rink at 810 North Capitol
street, Frank Roberts told city po
lice. George Cherrington, 404
South 14th street, said a woman's
ring and a carton of cigarettes
were taken Wednesday night from
his residence.
Just the gift for father or son
men's -suits $22.50 to $30. Men's
topcoats $16.95 to $25. Men's loaf
er and sport coats, $5.95 and $11
95. Also a good selection in slacks,
Jackets, sweaters, shirts, socks,
ties, belts, suspenders, tie and
sock sets. Thos. Kay Woolen Mills
Retail Store, 260 S. 12th.
Licenses Approved Issuance of
beer licenses for Charles Albert
Johnson, 3190 Portland road; Tho
mas Pfaffinger, five miles east of
Woodburn, and Warren D. Boul
lester, north side, Silverton, has
been approved by the Marion
county .court.
Elk's charity show, Dec. 9, 10 & 11
Taxes Turned Over A turn
over of 1941 taxes into the county
treasury from the tax collection
department of Sheriff A. C. Burk's
office Friday was for $47,753.27
of which 7118.18 is to go to the
Salem school district and $6816.14
to the city of Salem.
Is Recovering Mrs. Earl Bunce
is reported Friday as recovering
satisfactorily from an attack of
influenza contracted three months
Turkey shoot Sunday. Salem Trap
Shooting. Club.
Reported v Better Miss Lorry
Space is convalescing at Salem
General hospital after a major
operation performed Monday, it
was reported.
Just the gift you have been look
ing for auto robes, $3.50 to $6.
95. Virgin wool pastel single blan
kets, 72x84, $7.95 to $9.95. Thos.
Kay Woolen Mills Retail Store,
260 S. 12th.
New Class Set Citizenship class
at the Salem YMCA is to begin
again tonight at 8 o'clock, in
charge of C. A. Kells. The weekly
session is free to persons working
toward naturalization.
Eagles. Big dance Sat. Nite at the
Eagles hall. Invite your friends
to an evening of fun.
licenses Ont Soon Sale of 1942
city bicycle licenses will begin De
cember 15, Mrs. Bessie Armour,
police matron, said Friday. The
cost of the metal tag is 25 cents,
Contract Awarded Contract for
one-fourth mile of roadbed wid
ening on the Interstate Bridge
Oregon slough section of the Pa
cific highway, east, between Port
land and Vancouver, Friday was
awarded by the state highway
commission to Porter W. Yett,
Portland, on a low bid of $3820.
Officials said the widening opera
tions would begin within the next
two weeks.
Glover Indicted Arrest in Eu
gene on Friday of Paul K. Glo
ver brought onto the public rec
ords an indictment returned sec
retly Thursday by the Marion
county grand jury, charging Glo
ver with non support. Sheriff A.
C. Burk drove to Eugene late Fri
day to get Glover.
Culmination of interest revealed in study and court ap
pearances over periods of from three to five years, the oath of
allegiance, to the government of the. United States was taken
Friday before Judge E. M. Page by 32 persons who thns com
pleted the requirements and be
came citizens of this country. Worth- don! n etw;f;r.atiri-lMoiMUy' :3 Djn- 000 Douris, scout-
. . . . . , . . . ' . I oarm, Oenies nine SpeailcatlOnSI master. Committee of 10 luncheon
aimusi ins lasi oinciai act, of defendant's motion to strike
Veteran County Clerk U. G. Boyer and sustains others: gives plain-
7-"""' iiours rn- tin 10 days in which to file
day night to. sign the certificates amended complaint.
me t successrui candidates are . L. Getz vs. Nelson Bros. Mar
to receive as visible proof of their ket and Guy O. Smith; motion for
ovwpiauce as citizens. I default
sax. coyer, acung eiera tor a. A. Trahan vs. H. J
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
It a.m.. Sunday school, classes tor
all age groups. Homer Welty, Supt.
Annual election of Sunday school of
ficers. 11 :0, morning worship, sermon
topic, "The Promise At Christ's Com
ing." 3 p.m., children's Christmas
practice and choir practice. 7 P-ra-Christian
Endeavor: S o'clock, even
ing service, sermon topic: Sermons
from the Revelation DC The Woman
Clothed With the Sun." Tuesday. 730
pm. -monthly meeting of the young
people's Bible class. Wednesday, T:00
p.m.. prayer meeting, followed by
choir practice. Thursday, S p.m.. wom
en's mission, society at John Merry
man's home in Silverton.
noon. Men s club dinner Tuesday, f 30.
Choir practice Wednesday, 7:15. Camp
several months and duly elected
to that office over the years
from 1917 to 194$, is to retire
from his position as head of the
office this noon. Harlan Jndd,
deputy there for a number of
years, who this weekend com
pletes his army service, Monday
Is to take the office to which he
was elected a year ago and from
which he has been absent on
Signing the -certificates of citi-
order of dismissal based on stipu
lation with prejudice to plaintiff.
William Gordon Black vs. A. L.
Skewis; motion for order requir
ing defendant to answer under
oath concerning property he may
own subject to a Judgment of
$1990.31, $100 attorney's fees and
$17.60 costs.
Elizabeth R. Heise estate; Myr-
ton Moore, Robert Fallon and Eva
Aamodt appointed appraisers
Anna M. Busby estate; order
Returns Home Mrs. Albertina
zenship Friday night, Boyer smiled
as he declared this a pleasant admitting will to probate and
las, inese represent effort and naming Daisy M. Wilson, daugh
study and sincere desire and they ter, executrix of estate of prob
go to men and women who give ably $2500 value
BiacK is expected to return home promise or Deing genuine patri-1 Lena Ridders estate- Willard L.
tms week from Portland. An em- ne said. Marks, executor! authorize tn r.
ploye of the Cline coffee shop, she Three women completed re-pat- cept $1855 In full payment of a
has been under the care of spe- riation requirements, all having second mortgage, which sum ren-
viaiisis ior injuries sne receivea m Kiuaiy iuai, uieir ciuzensnip resents capital but not interest
a xaii some months ago. tnrougn marriage to aliens. Two sale of specified personal proper
. , oi iem naa never oeen outside ty allowed
-J ' ' I m LimTA1 XTSfH DnH nnA V. n I o tr- . .
I . . . 7. . lanaaa, Kuenzi and nwir VAttr- nmn,
--i,iki,uii tuuBT- erty principally cash and United
Treatment Not KmM Tho Aommea to ciuzensnip: George States savings cArtifiratM
city first aid car was called Friday !olt McKenzie, route two; Eriko John V. Dawes estate; order to
morning to 450 Morgan avenue. T1' UJ lviarion street; mco- sell personal property granted
where Chloe Haynes, four months aemus kchweigert, 2005 North Anne Dawes, administratrix; es-
old, was reported to be smother- Vapiu1 sweet, Aivm jonn rlem- tate appraised at $1900 by Del
ing, but she was all right upon ar- mg rouie lwo- Jonn nanes Bar- bert Hill, Oyde Rogers and J. C.
State and lsth streets. T. H. Theuer.
BO, pastor. Sunday school. 10 us.
Otto Cronfce. Sops. Worship. 11 a jti,
sermon i The Bereans and the Bible."
German, ajn. Luther league, moving
pictures o Colton Bible camp, S30
pjn. Dorcas society Wednesday , S pjn.
Choir rehearsal, Thursday. 7.-4S pjn.
Confirmation class Saturday, I ajn.
Christmas program practice, Satur
day. 1030 a-m.
Cottage and Shipping streets. Ulrich
R. Beeaon. minister. Bible study. 10
to 11; communion and sermon. 11 to
IS: radio program: "Voice of Rastor
rtion," 1:15 to 130: young people's
meeting. U to 7:19: evening services
7 30 to S 30; midweek Bible study each
Wednesday, 730. Everyone Is wel
North Winter at Jefferson streets. S
Raynor Smith, minister. Church I com.
Fire Girls Wednesdav . and Friday. 4 school. t:45 a.m. Morning worshiD. 11
n.m. Midweek Ttiblo atudv Thursdav. o'clock. Ernest W. Peterson. Portland. FTJtST SratlTUALIST
7.30 Dm. Youth banauet Friday at I guest speaker, imermeoiate league. I auew m ma iwm ocnmerciaj
Corvallis Federated Presbyterian S 30. Hlsh school and coUegt leagues, street. Services: 130 pjn.. 730 pj
church, leave Salem at 930 pjn. S30. Evening worship. 730. the pas- Speaker: Itev. Maxine Roberts of
tor will nreacn on mow B!f is lour rwu. iwon mioiwn: i
SOUTH SALEM FKIENDS I World?'' on Whom I Have Believed.- Evening
South Commercial at Washington 1 1 suoiect: wot ! snau btve His An
street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday I tela Charge Over Thee." No host sup-
school, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Ser- evangelistic tabeknacle I per, ju pjn. Everyone weicomt.
man. "I Jffht That Uutt Not Vail " Ferrv and 13th streets. Erie M. John
riTM4rv TnJ.ivnr a-AS r m ToMiin. I inn uitar. Servicea for tho week be-I WBSLEVAN METHODIST
service. 730 pjn. Prayer meeting ginning December 7th win be as fol-1 im ana ssui streeta. umiu bilger.
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. I lows. Sunday morning at 30, Sunday pastor. Sunday school, tHS sjd.; wor
sen ool uacning narx meets xor a u snip, 11 ajn.: wirs, se is; serv-
ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN minute prayer meeting. t:4S ajn, the ice. 730 pjn.: midweek prayer serv-
IN CHBIST I Suaday school convenes. Class as lor 1 ce. weonesaay, pun. leacners
17th and Nebraska avenue. Rev. C. aU ages. 11 ajn- worship and sermon, training class Friday, pjn. First
O. Goodman, minister. 9:4S ajn.. Sun- pastor. C39 pjn., young people's ssrv- I quarterly conference Sunday. Rev.
day school. 11 ajn.. Church worship, ice. 7:43, evangelistic service, sermon Frank Be tier, conference president.
sermon. "Running the Christian I by the pastor. Monday. J pjiu. ua u ipw mi tma monuni ana nint
Race." 630 . pjn Christian Endeavor, I 7 30 pjn.. two feUowship services com- I aeivicee.
Itla 1TnTTir nmlilmt 1 -sa n m . I blninv tha Portland and dla-
tncts. visiting ministers win pre sen. I luisiyvui iiutrsL
Special sin fine and music bv tha Nineteenth and Breymaa streets
large orchestra. No service Tuesday Rev. T. W. Henderson, pastor. Sunday,
nlaht. rrldav. vmUt nravar metins. t:9 a.m.. Sunday school: II
The public is invited. worship service, topic. -What Mean
mese stones 7 t:i pjn, crusaders;
7:43 p.m evanrellrtic service. Special
HATESVTLLE FOIST BAPTIST musical program. Sermon topic
Head of Bible v
School Speaks
Dr. B. B. Sutcllff, president ot
the Multnomah school of the Bible,
Portland, since its founding seven
years ago, will speak at the First
Baptist church Sunday in the ab
sence of the regular pastor. Dr.
Irving A. Fox.
Not only is he an author of
several studies on the Bible, but
he writes monthly for the King's-
Business, publication ot the Bible
Institute of Los Angeles.
Dr. Sutdif f is nationally known
as a, Bible confereoce leader. Re
is locally' knows since he has con
ducted Bible classes at various
times in the Salvation Army hall
and in the Presbyterian church.
church worship. Sermon, "The Begin
ning ot wisdom." Tuesday, 730 pjn..
Christian Endeavor skating party. I
Thursday, B p.m.. prayer and Bible
Gaines street at 5th. H. E. Snavelv.
pastor. Sunday school, S:4S a.m.: the Portland highway. Bible school I praise service. Wednesday. 730 p Jn,
moraine wnnhin ii am ftmv w 1 9 :4S a.m. with classes for all sees. I choir and orchestra practice. Friday
T. Mugford. English evangelist, will Dewey Davis. Supt. BVTTJ 0:19 p.m. 73 pjn, Bible study, bring your
. w c.ot,.. "Tn. r gujt i I Mr. and Un Frdrilr RrMr r I Bible, nencil and niiw 5atttr4av
lilVII, A klC XMMfr VIIV1 U I I - - , . - . - " . , W
Our Churches." 1:30 n.m.. sermon, advisors. saw. canon
"The Price of Peace." Youn neonle'i coma.
r:i ' r:,":.. V" . I calvait baptist colkt ituit creiitian
atet fTki lassrf irvri C..rtHrae auarv rtlcrVtt South Liberty and Muler streeU. Rev. 17th and Court streets. W. H. Lv
frit fAtnini vaabar tmt T n m sv Edward L. Allen, pastor. Bible school, man. minister. Bible school assembly
"Dangerous Detours." Tuesday. "Sin :S fJn, Trederick Lehmann. SupL 9.4S a Ming worship and corn
Unmasked - Wednesdav. "A Straight Morning worship. 11 a.nv. subject, munion. 1050 a jttw aermori. "The Light
Question." Thursday. "No Eacspe
Friday, "Hell's Blackout." Saturday.
"Gone With the Wind."
Corner Market and Winter streets:
rival of the crew.
Check Passer
Draws Year
In Prison
aai&ei anu wmicr suecis, i -. .n
David L. Fenwick. minister. District I
quarterly meeting and missionary
convention. Rev. E. F. Aiken, district
elder, presiding. Sunday school. 9:43
s.m. Lovefeast 10:30 a.m.; sermon by
Communion MedltaUon." World Wide I That Will Not Go Out. Christian En-
Guild Vesper service, 4:30 pjn. BYPU oeavor. I JO pjn. Worship, 730 pjn
snd rnoneers, 30 p.m. worship service, suear speaker, airs. u. e. koss, who
7:30 p.m., sermon, "Elements of Faith." I will speak on the local migrant work.
Midweek prayer and praise service auaweea service Tnursdsy. 7 30 pjn.
Wednesday, 7: JO pjn. lnoir renearsai.
ry, route two; James Barney I Kimmel.
pisner, wuuams avenue; Clara Stenhen A. Mix Astat- first -re
Louise Hulbert, 240 Strand ave-1 Dort of John W. Mix rtministr
nue; Walter Arthur Hanson, 1070 tor, shows receipts of $329.16 and
oarnei street; nannan Bertha An- disbursements of 1289
aerson, so iiooa street; 5ophia Mary L, Greenbrook estate; third
uiuiw, rvouie iour; mancne Mar- account of Helena L. Perrin as
s-xci orcnttenoerg, 4o u n l o n executrix shows receipts of
street; Jwa Fox (Fuchs), 1435 $2285.04 and disbursements of
iNortn bummer street; Karl Pen- $2164.32
ny .rysny;, os toutn 16th street; William Rief MrAllistPr
George Easter Williams, said tot Eudolf Johnson (Jonsson), 1855 order to sell Dersonal Droriertv ha?
have a lengthy record of check East Nob Hill street; Ida Alleman been granted Ethel McAllister, ad-
onenses, was sentenced by Judge vazaxas, ooy iNortn cottage, and ministratrix
t al a-t i - hi .1
l,. n. MCManan to a year-in the wary r-veiyn riorence Hulbert, JUSTICE COURT
state penitentiary Friday when he Mb"' ooutn cottage street, all of Paul H. Pierce preliminary
pieaaea gumy to a cnarge oi oD- oaiem; vera jane izgn and An- hearing on charges of contribut
taming money under raise pre- ton r-iau, route one, Brooks; Will- ing to delinouencv of a minor con-
icnses. me middle-aged man, am tsjeuzer, route one, Stayton; tinued to Tuesday at 9:30 am
wno nao waived justice court and Agnes Anna Meyers, Josephine Ilg Mrs. Andv Freeman, true namp
grana jury nearing, allegedly had oi route one, and John Henry Gal- said to be Velma McClendon- two
written a check for which he had vin of St. Benedict's Abbey, Mt. NSF check charges 'dismissed on
no funds in the bank and with Angel; Perl LeRoy Bye and Eva motion of district attorney on con-
ilc wuku luwuianoise urn, ooui oi route two, Silver- dition she make restitutiion.
anH tph 1 A . T 1 & ... I
ion: carDara mick. Aumcvi p' . .
Harrv William f.iiwi A .... ' Jonn amden; burglary not m
" . . . . uim6i.u vauicimc miiu3. uerviiis: r.m- - j ,,. . . .
with burglary not in a dwelling, ma Zistel, ute two, and Minnie at , 1 Z, w ?
Dleaded PuBtv
continued W iZJrZ"
Kenneth Kuscher; trespass; plea
Corner Marlon snd Summer streets.
FOURS QUABE GOSPEL n,v- i: ul "etiicord. minister, tr
io, v. .-h n... wtrmfm o.u t w nesi i nesec. minister ot music. Sun-
Henderson. Dastor. t:4S am.. Sunday . chool t:4S ajn. WUson Launer.
Rev. EF. 'Aiken; ii a m. flowed by school; 11 a, morning worahlp, aerv- jupt. onung worship Hoc lock
sacrament of the Lord s Supper. Mis- ice; topic. "Bought With a Price"; 15 rJT" yo,? VoS-ao n m nrtl
sionarv service 2-30 nm Address bv P- m- crusaders; 7 :i p. m.. evangelistic ,ree ,youm STOJP,,V) P - Sunday
sionary service, p.m. Auuress oy r . j rt evanseliatic service. 7:30 p.m.. sermon:
Bessie Kiea, missionary evangensi. -" I "Tmrim About rrii n-ior. Hi, Ph,.
vrue -n imcUI muaical Droeram: sermon tODic. cia adoui infirm ueiore nm rny-
service, 7 30 p.m., sermon by Miss
Church Begins
Radio Series
The first In a series ef Sunday
night broadcasts from the First
Presbyterian church, win be heard
over KSLM from 7: JO until 1:30
pjn. this week.
Speaking on "Separated Yet
United," Rev. W. Irvin Williams
wfTJ deal with the dilemma of
Christian young people.
A male Quartet composed of Dr.
L. E. Barrick, Garland Hollowell.
Ralph Scott, and WHIard Horn
schuh, will ting "Nearer My Cod
to Thee," and "One Sweetly Sol
emn Thought" The Junior choir
will assist in the congTegational
singing which wffl be directed by
Virginia Ward Elliott and ac
companied on the piano by Zstbel
and Moody Benner.
Professor Frank Ch urchin at
the organ win play the prelude
Londonderry Air" by Coleman,
the offertory "Moonlight Over
Nazareth" by Diggle, and the
postlude "March Pompoto" by
'I Via Vmir Vf an rf ih ftarfnttir
Z. ' ileal Birth That Hat Bearing Upon
Tuesday. J:43 p.m.. prayer and praise Mwl. Today.-Bible study and prayer
940 South 22nd street. Rev. Cleo Watts,
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.;
morning service at 11; revival meet
ings Saturday and Sunday, Evangelist
Mary Pauls, spesking.
services. Friday. 7:43 p.m.. Bible study
Saturday. 2:30 p.m.. children's church.
19th and Ferry streets. Howard' C
Stover, minister. Morning worship st
11. Sermon by Rev. Robert B. Whlta-
, .V. j A xr. "tZfl? t ker- recently from the war scenes of of heeling through Christisn Science
service Thursday at 7 JO.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school. 11 a.m., services. 11 am
and S PJn. Lesson sermon, "God The
Only Cause and Creator." Wednesday
meetings at S pjn. Includes testimonies
Thirteenth and Center streets. Leo
Webster Collar, pastor. S ajn.. Chris
tian workers prayer meeting. :43 a.m
China. Anthem, "Let Us Go to Bethle- Free public reading room. 305 Masonic
hem" (Wildermere). Quarter,
ed With God" (MacLean).
I Walk-
2un?a3U ,Dle KI001- "Hjp service. 7:30, sermon. "Samuel. Who
Supt 11:00 morning worship special pre,ched From the Grava." Sunday
music, vocal and instrumental; otter- ,t j0 L1 d Supt
" -sii.ii Young people. 8:30 p.m.
Newberry: choir special; sermon, I
guest speaker. Dr. E. E. Martin.- Port- FIRST CHURCH OF GOD
land. :J p.m.. young people s serv- Hood CorU-e jtreeU. Rev. J. F
building, open daily from 11 am. to
9 pjn. Wednesday until TJX.
Corner of Hazel and Academy
streets. Sunday school. 10 am. morn
ing worship, 11 a.m. louowed by
communion service. Young people's
meeting. 7 pjn. Evening service, 7 JO
Endeavor Names
New Officers
MILL CITY The Intermediate
Endeavor elected officers at fol
lows: Leader, Mrs. Thompson;
president. Marguerite Smith; vice
president, Dorothy Shuey; secretary-treasurer,
Margie Thompson
and sergeant-at-arms, Wayne An
derson. It was decided to take up
collection at each meeting toave
toward a trip to some Endeavor
Camp next spring.
ices; 7 jo p.m . evangelistic service. Uwlon pastor. An all day meeting and p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday. 7 JO
(Mi ronirgi uni u ui,, p,, dinner will be held at the church p.m. Minister. Warren Hale.
music both vocal and iiMmental. of Sunday. Students from Pacific
offertory. Neil Cashion and Mrs. Doris Bioie coUege are expected. They wiU FIRST METHODIST
Newberry; choir special; sermon. nv. ch,r-e of the singing. Special Corner SUte and Church streeU
..The Marks of a Spiritual Christian fJl r.ndered bv the trio. A Dr. J jC. Harrison, minister. Ruth
Wednesday. 7:13 p. m.. midweek cnurcn visiting minister wiU bring messages. Cramer, director of Christian educa-
pi.jci anu pi.BC Ki.iw. 1 - others are expected from Albany
p.m., young people's activities.
315'i fforth Commercial street. Bible
school, 2 p.m.; devotional, 3 p.m.:
evangelistic. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, prayer
meeting, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, 7:30;
Saturday, 7:30. J. C. and Daisy Wil
son, pastors
and I tion. Church school. 9:45: nursery.
Woodburn. Baptising about 2:30. Young I 11 a.m.. morning worship. It JO. ser-
Dle a meeting at sju: preaching at mon iome- ina ultimate r-urpoae oi
30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday I God Is -Our Own Momentum." The
at 7:30 p.m.
continued lor sentence by the erine Iungen, Jefferson; Tess
same iudsre on rrnrlitirn that holu.., j -c -r- :i. T,
. "J", xruuit, jonanna nt ;nr,rtor.t. trta f w.n..
maxe restitution of the lowls Schonbachler Scotts Mills' Flora 7 V
taken from 150 North Commercial Us fJ: izS'J.i& day &i commitment issued
- in, I,7 , "-. -wo, wooa- on fai,.. frt
anccv. mwuou was reieasea .on i r,.. i j-. -
- i UUl Xi .
nis own recognizance
Released under similar arrange- Warner, 1930 Fairground road;
Jennie Vavra Briggs, 396 North
18th street, and Gladys Christen
sen, 195 South 23rd street, Salem.
Cottage at Marion, Robert A.
Hutchinson, minister. Church school.
9:45, Frank E. Neer. Supt. Worship
service. 11. Minister's theme: "Salva
tion in Our Sophisticated Age"; Er-
Death Takes
Salem Man
Jesse Homer Arnold, 1330 North
Cathedral choir will rung "Contata
Domlna" (Dudley Buck) and "Tee
Shepherd's Psalm' (Protheroe): the
outh fellowship choir will stng. "God
o Touches Earth With Beauty."
pers S JO. evening worshli
Youth feUowshlps and university vee-
3. 7:. aer
"God That Madest Earth and H
topic. Trie Glory of the Morn
ing. Tha quartette will sing "Breast
Wave. Christian (Shelley) and
(Old Welsh Melody).
ment was Robert Lutz, who had
pleaded guilty to a charge of
Prayer League
Growth Noted
The United Prayer League, or
ganized a few months ago by Rev.
T. W. Henderson. Dastor of the
Foursquare Gospel church, Is re
ported growing steadily.
Rev. Henderson reports that he
has registered about 150 persons
from all denominations. He is
striving to register 500 people in
or about Salem.
Send requests to Rev. Hender
son, 4S0 North 18th street, or tel
ephone them to 6287.
I ;
WaA TT i fir t n cMn Wi-itriTrt a rrt
triTrm'1Zaheth, MartHleft half of highway; $5 and costs;
fine suspended and costs paid.
Gordon N. Clark; no operator's
license; $1 and costs.
George E. Williams; NSF check
trial scheduled for today dismissed
on motion of district attorney after
William haH ntAmH nln in fir-
answer admits accident oc- ,
Dick McAllister, 774 Trade
Delmer Boje by Elmer Boje,
guardian ad litem, vs. Damin Mar
curred on 12th street cutoff De
V?tter' lolst- Legue ' youth 21st street, died at the Veteran's
nospitai in wnippie.
rW j4 -WaMW& mt . . .
a I Ul VU mill V-lCrillCaVeTM M VTV. ICV
Arizona, George H Swift, rector. Holy com-
I Thursday. He was born ADril munion. 7J0 a m. Church school. 43
- 1 1 M Unl. ..i . n 1 1
survived by two sons,
XlnrtH rnttatf at O trt J F OI
thoff, DD. pastor. Bible school. :45 19, 1873
a.m., Arnold Frey, Supt. Morning wor- xre i.
ahin 11 urmnn ' "In TtAmemhranre 1
of Me." Anthem. "In Remembrance of Dorn E. Arnold, Midway Island
Power of Prayer." Anthem
LordJu S;..-reni:..Fr!yAr rA m ' o tt r.n. n7 -y- TA Tuesday. 7:30 p.m.
ana praise service w punrsui . i.u. ov.i, . w. .
Choir practice Thursday. 8 p.m. Gerth avenue. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY
m xzjOw iiaDuiari
V VapoRub
Relievt misery, tu most mothers
de. Rao the
throat, chest
and back wtlh
tlma tested.
' H. von Berge. Observance of the Joyd H. Arnold. 1315 North Salem Women's club. Cottage street
l's Supper. Evening worship. 7:30. . . c,,. t,n ,,,. -M between CtnUr and Marion. Sunday
non: "The Foundation and the 21st street, Salem, two daughters, hooj, j0 m. Evening sacrament.
i HaStner Arnoia, iNonn iisi w p m. iteuei ocy j p.m. -4 u-
1 e i tc l o c;,r4 i rkr. in
r-w.; sn5.v hi 'Qir'am. services will be announced later.
Oscar Uudahl, Supt. Morning service.
at 11, sermon subject, "The L.iDerty oi
a Christian Man." This service Is
broadcast over KSLM from 11 to
o'clock. Luther league, t:30 p.m
w i . .is nmar Man rnna avonua strvi i 1 riArrv
American Lutheran interment is to re ul ueicrest r ,int in . m
North Church between ChemekeU I Memorial park. Date for funeral vey Peterson. Supt." 11 a.m'. message.
ini wonaenui name. iju, nxi
tlan Endeavor. 7:30. special evangel
istic massage by Evangelist E. L.
Cramblitt. Enoch Zimmerman,
Campaign Group
cember 9, 4940; denies majority
of other allegations of complaint. street n0 operator's license(
H. G. Aker and others vs. Clyde e2 50
Harris; cost bill Of $45.30. riiffmrl r TeHnn S a 1 m Shirley Magnuson. president. Teams of rw, m, ,
Archie A. Mosier vs. Blanche Lrt. t .". ..h,7 1? f: 1 O tie iailiett
, , i ...v, ava.MV&vaa va- VWdiS, 1 Cl I1UUI1 111 UIC sRIlllU! "C V W J m i
i. ,miu!:r, oraer overruung aeiena- fined $2 50 - visitation." Church council Monday -v o 1
ants' motions .gainst second FTJcis Dallas Brisbane c&ut f-' SeTuy On Sunday
amended complamt and requiring ef
j-j i- . ivux, I TrntST mrSlSTIAN . ,1 Intham "Hnl Vathsr Hr M v
Edythe DeMerrett, Portland, 1 Center and High streets. Guy L. &e enty. persons. women ana aethwv'tn ..B fa
defendant to answer or further
plead within 10 days.
Hansen & Rowland, Inc., vs. L.
E. Goodman and Ross Goodman;
order overruling five of defend
ants' motions and allowing two to Board Slates Parley
auu icviuumg luaiutui i EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 5 Mem- worship hour. At a :sq tne young peo- - - . - - -
fil amonrlml mmnlaint miihin mK . . ! . .... I nle of the church will entertain the Wednesdays and Fridays, Will D
dav, ' . L". ! JSL railD .OI-.m!e: ,H5-! ySSL J.fiE jounced at the Sunday morning
w - Cl CUUlIamrLlUIl Will Iltertf-L m L Uie ntlWCUIcae; VJlUl s-i ea e au'm-mv
South Commercial and East Myers
streets. Joseph Knotts. minister. Sun
day school. 9:43 a.m. Morning wor
ship, 11 a.m. The service this morning
wlu be conducted by the young peo
ple, the principal address being giv
en by the district president. BUI Hobba
In this city Dec. 1st, Lavina
Purcell, late resident of 665 Breys
avenue. Survived by husband, A.
J. Purcell, Salem; sons, W. R. Lan
dow, Cleveland, Texas, Oscar Pur
cell. Salem, William Purcell, Tigh
Valley, Ore., Elmer Purcell, Sa
lem; daughters, Mrs. Josephine
Zinn, Portland, Ore.; brothers,
Herman Keen, Okanogan, Wash.,
and Fred Keene, Brownsville.
Funeral services will be held
Sunday. December 7, at 1:30 p.m.
from the Rose Lawn funeral
home. Interment will be in
Brownsville cemetery.
Luella I. . Seid, at residence,
route 7, Salem, December 3. Sur
vived by widower, George A
Seid, Salem; son, Herman Paul,
Salem; daughters, Hazel and
Opal Seid, both' of Salem and
Mrs. Willard Weathers, Shedd,
Oregon: one grandson, Conrad
Weathers, Shedd, and brother
Vano Handler oi Nebraska. Fu
neral services Saturday, Decem-
Belcrest Memorial park.
At the residence, 1098 MU1 St.,
December 4, James H. Harper at
the age of 87. Survived by daugh
ters, Mrs. A. H. Grant of Marys
ville, Calif., Mrs. C. M. Cady,
Portland, Ore., Mrs. Myrtle Welch,
Portland, Ore, Mrs. Clifford
Jones, Salem; son, James E. Har
drunken driving released on 1100 Drm- mlniter. Church school. :30 35 men, Will conduct a visitation Brake, sung by Clarice Waring. The
u oicu uiuui, !cicku uu t m t w Coo) s t Momln wm. according to " People's services. J0
hail K.miAn h nniiin rvt. io:4S campaign nexi ween, according w rvir t i so , w.
a.m. with tiuy jjtuj. pastor, oruig- nev. n. irvin rfiuieuia, posiur ui moo xneme, Hepentance, or ton
ing we message upon uie uiemc. - Tint Presbyterian church, aemnauon.- uid time hymn sing led
"Reviving Our Altar Fires. " Chtl- ) Ilrjl rresDyterian cnurcn. by c s orwig OrcheaUa duectid by
dren's church, directed by Mrs. Guy The group, which Will meet at the I Wendell Johnson. Prayer meeting
L. DrUl convenes l me morning -.hiirr-h fnr Innrheona nn Mrmrlava xnursoay. 7iW pjn.
uViin hnur At B -M th VMinf Deo- I - - I
Comer Capitol and Marion streets.
Sunday school, 10 a.m.: services at 11,
eh eon at
i - 1 1 aw . i a m i ria niarpniiv 1 1 imn-ii Mpma I r.iA . - - w . m -, v
regular session, Willard L. Marks, I -j," h. At 7 J0 djti.. in the evan- k,5 Th. unW vm1I rhnir at the home of Mrs. A. Berth, til
geUstlc service with the pastor speak- - Tf. , w . t,!,
fag upon the theme: "Facing the directed by Virginia Ward Elliott,
Crisis , With Christ." The Japanese I wyi gin- the anthem: "Build Thee
hmlnr vxlnl etnolr win brine a Dedal I . . . , .
muaical numoers ai xnis service, aaiaai - -j - i otm cnsoi wim classes ior au ages.
. I and later these guests will be In service.
ber 6, at 10 30 a m from Cloueh- 7 J . 1 , ' xiuiuum uvm ui rwuauu charf, of the Christian Endeavor Rev Williams will preach OO speaker. Fellowship hmch
x, :'! . Z T. J I motion of defendants for 10 days December 8 and 9 for their next I meeting, which will be a mass meet- . . -T.. ,, women's guild, s pjn. w.
7" further in which to plead.
Clarence S. Emmons, executor president of the board, announced gelistlc service with the pastor speak- .."1 . i. ni.-. I Gaines avenue
net PalsruAn urf4 ' 4 Tk..tkn,. J ling Upon th
Gust Peterson estatet vs. Alberthere Friday.
Sunday Dedicated Youth Work
"tr m ar i l e -ii a t rt n.
In Methodist Lhurches oi Mate s .a.nsk-SsS ae"f &$2lu'Tl
In the Auburn school. 1 4) ajn. Bi
Ruthyn Thomas will also be guest I drews. Betty Ellen Payne Will Leon Lambert. Supt.
SOHiisi. I 4 4V.. TK tK c.
FIRST BAPTIST I in Tears. bv rtosera.
Comer Marion ana Ljoerry srreeis. . v . i:n m
n.v inrinv a Tnx nn minUtr Bi- rToiessor r ran vuur.iiua WIU
Suggeilid Ilinu
Ham and eggs -Hotcakes
and coffee
VageUble -piste -Includes
Roast port dinner
Includes drink and dee
Roast beef dinner
includes drink and d
Branded i
Sirloins .
T-Bones .
Pork chops
FQuiain Lunch
183 N. High
Sutclifie. president of Multnomah I tory, "Poem," by Fibieh, and the
I scnooi ox we Kioie oi ronuno. ien-1 tl j "Marrh In fi bv
Wa - r . t:4 ,ru;J; unteers, SOS pjn. Fre-prayer service. Homer.
""ui aa- ... , . . . - . . . , I unteers, 0:13 pjn. Je-prayer service, I nomer.
per, Winchester Bay; sisters, Mrs. will be a feature of the service Sunday at the First Methodist 7 pjiCihdeUi cUss room. Evening gos- Member, of church school
Mary Decker, Hoxy, Kansas, Mrs. church here as part of a state-wide program-
Clara Harper, Salem; grandchild- I Oregon Methodism has set apart and dedicated Sunday as
ren, Margaret, Mary Alice and Al- I one of its memorable days. For
len Jones, Salem; June Welch and I two years the bishop and his dis-
Janace Cady; Portland. Funeral trict superintendents and a well
services from the Rose Lawn Fu-1 chosen committee of ministers and
neral Home Saturday, December laymen, representing all sections
6 at 1 p. m. Concluding services I of the state have studied and
in Mt. Hope cemetery. I planned, with full conference
backing, the securing of locations
Orme I and nuiimng oi aaequate proper
Tw 1111 ) ff - .XJt -1
' DR. CHAN. LAM . i
r ' ChiMS iletletoe Ce.
: gal ;,:Jertat Lilnrty .
1 OmHhmI CeMl EleC. Co.
Office epe Tuesday aad Saturday
only 1 aJB, te 1 tMM '
CoasaltaUefa, Bleod pressure
rtrna tests are free el charge.
U Tears trn i
Alice ADen Orme, 7, died at a tiea to house its growing summer
local hosnitaL Wednesday. Dec. ana- year-arouna youtn worE,
S. 1941. Survivors are three with 0x6 result that the church
dauehters. Mrs. Eldon Newberrv nas xaxen an opuon on .u acres
of Salem, Mrs. J. J. Hunt of White on- the ocean at BarView with
Fish. Mont: Mrs. Harold Wold of 1 tnree quarters or a rnue ocean
' ' - . I M A I M 1 A
Spokane, Wash.; two: brothers, I ironiage anu wiui a ixesxi water
Harry Allen ' and Jack "Anenj -in lake one half ; mile skirting the
Enelanrl' thre sisters. Mrs.. Lucv I other slde. .
At utue aKe tne cnurcn nas a
89 year lease from the govern
ment of a. great stimmer camp.
On-Little tiver near Roseburg
the denomination' owns 20 acres.
'The ehnrehea of the state are
asked U dedicate en the altar
f its yetrth work Sonday the
' taoney bt cash, and pledres te
pay for the 71 acre coast tract
and te erect adequate properties
n all' three sites far a year-
McCleod, Spokane, Wash., Mrs.
Lizzie Graham . and. Mrs. Jenny
Waters,- in ' England; Mtsl Mary
Cope, in Canada; five grandchil
dren; and three' great grandchil
dren. She was a member of the
Baptist church Services will be
held Saturday, Dec d, at p. in.
in the Terwilliger Edwards funeral
chapel and shipment will be' made
later to Spokane, Wash for" in-
aroand Christian edoeational
program and an intensive sum
mer life-situation, educational
and inspirational work with its
yoath. Last summer the con
ference carried on an Intensive.
i Sutcliffee Prayer meeting Wednesday. I wiU mett in a general assembly
pentecostaTDghthouse oock for a special pro
420 state street. 10 o'clock. Sunday 1 tram of song and music by chU-
sour?? fZVS
ices. BeKtnnmg at tne sunaay roommg a nursery is jiuiucu iui
service and continuing throughout the .vnn durlntf the momlnf
Monday. Rev. Robert Sweeten wiU be
conducting -a special series of revival
services. Public Invited. Saturday night
win include a special fellowship serv-1 . jJ!m, n- e
ice with many of the Willamette vauey AUUlUUUOl Uiurcu licvt
church groups cooperating, special mu
Just Arrived!
Carload Valencia Oranges
One Lot .
2 fbze 29 c
One Lot
five weeks In its various camps. I ."" g m I f 1
First Methodist church, one of I Eads. pastor. , o
Oregon's largest youth churches,
is backing strongly this state-
nn'n -TrtTTj.TTi iTtB nsetsT" ATlfi
many of its leaders taking, the' po
sition that this is one of the op
portunities in a lifetime to. make
a real investment in creative
Christianity as the fathers did in
the long ago in the building and
endowing ot Willamette univer
Dr. J. C. Harrison will, preach
on "The Ultimate Purpose of God
Is Our Own Momentum". The
Cathedral choir directed by Dean
Melvin Geist wffl sing Cantata
Domine" (Dudley Buck) and "The
Shepherd's Psalm" (Protheroe)
and- the' youth fellowship chorus
will sing
3 dsz. 29 c
V Very Street and Juicy!. . -
Ucstcrn Food EInrlicl
: : : 1S7 S. Commerdil' . .' r
Man 's Constant Enemy
.'1 (
1 -,.
-si i
And It Alwija Wins Unless
There's Firs Insiiraacs Coverage
Fir is one of man's best" friends and also one of his worst
. oemles. But new inxurance policiM can oven protect you
t gainst loss ot business suffered while fire damage Is being
repaired. Ask us about this protection now, before you
-need It' " .v-i- r . .
:eniiLiL u. oiaiMisro
m iuu st