4 ' PAGE TEN THE ASS CHAT .The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning. December 6. 1941 IP MEWS v.'. :'-.-- - i V j i&li :X .,,,,,11 W" NOT A 4 C I F T HORSE' EITHE R Equine molars ret examined by Capt. J. B. Stauffer 1 1 1 J...I t 1 J . ni.ii. .., i - T icu, biuij vcicruiaruui, uiuuiK res ircnuu lur r miaueipma cavalrymen near Waaesboro. N. jC. F'"V H ) j pv ?. P I f I ,1 "t V - L"LTm-Ti -'"1 I: 1 ,,,,'"!-'-JliiJJIII''' " LEAD S After 20 years of the movies in and out of them attractive Fay McKentie, 21, has graduated to the rank of leading lady for the screen's cowboy '' singer, Gene Antry. 'v ; muwm a. - " "y i i ! ''' I , '-I illy. , :-::ri WIND AND YACHTING HEARTS RAN HIGH Brisk winds puffed ot the spinnakers ef these six-meter sloops. John Swirart's "Fin" leading William Borton's "Lulu" (right). In regatta staged ff Santa Barbara, CaL. as part of Annual son festival. BANK NIGHT AND DAY Memento of his childhood is the 60-year-old mechanical coin bank being examined by Fred erick J. Mcintosh of Los Angeles. It was given him by his parents when he was one year old, held youthful savings. Jii " ' BOMB'S RUSH Air raid warden dosses an Incendiary bomb during Singapore's weekly air raid precaution drill. S U N S H I N ESun goddess f southern California's all winter sun festival will be pretty Barbara Britton of Long Beach. 'As reigning queen, she'll have to preside over some 300 events .comprising the winter season fete at Los Angeles. ' . ill - : A Sv ' .:.- y- v: :-v::'-: . .y.-. ... :..::;. . .. y.y : y ' -ftvw r II II JJtl .111 KIUI MI ll l. .... . . .v I'i V jMniii f . I , ;, lfl .-... I .'.!, 0 ; fTnrWTeMMsieMHMnsMBieMMei" fl-rrw'iiiriiiiMBHiil i'sM!MiiBumMwwuMiuji iLuld 1 L -L .MMMM,M.M..,,,MMM,MM,M.ulilBM ON E WENT A. W.O.L-A beautifol friendship came U an end when the BS. City of New York reached New York harbor and Phyllis Tarr, 8, ef Johannesburg. Union of South Africa, said goodbye to her feathered shipmates, 11 penguins bound for the Bronx too. There had been 12 pen gains originally, but one adventurous fellow jumped ship off the Carolina coast. S"xlerLI lo?ISl!i ... w,mj miiuHi syisjuiB concrete mixture onio imiaiea ruDDer iorms :: S .".:i.Y. .,v- i:.:-:-::-.'s .y . -: y--x-yy yyyy&y x- CN . '- '. . ... y .'....;:..,.... . : . -.a . . . 'y-vw : 1.. M'aVv.-M. n v MB " 1ST ' . c i TAIKIrlfi U THE TABfttT w.i. :,:.... , - , - " " uauay u n may seem at riru glance is this view . c f class of recruits at ParrU Island, 8. CH marine base watchtaga demonstration lath marUns of Urgets, Tht ahooting JackeU they wear are slit tha back U prevent binding while firing. Recruits; : teren-weelc training period, la three stages, a tWitm? " Y n . 11 f- ' ...-V!',.-. ... .... ,j:.-:;3 J . ... ; n .r X- - - A 4 BURMES E-Cnlgmatlc D Saw, the prime minister of Barms; recently called at th White House. The Burma road has long figured In Far East war news, ss China's supply lifeline.' 1 DOUBLE CHEC K Away from'the camera (right) sad back again, the army's new type deep field helmet being produced at the McCord plant la Detroit pass ea bclts for check-up by m peetorsA fibre field hat will fit inside this steel shelly ' t .... 4 - . 1 "' 1 1 - 1 r f '- .4 V I XH E SMOKC-BEATE 11 ' ISJSS , eeeat ear hear Chester, N. c. dariMWKrf-Tli" T 27? nandcr-ln -chief of wps.treops and the first ttfiJFSt?? i1 ,0Brta ,or lafil. Uken 1 er a. prtparaUoBa i yri.i. 1 viiMW M1U,