r 1 IK Swastika in Knotfs Office 'r f 7 " '0 s I in '1 Tin OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. O9ou. Friday Mormn Vcmbv 5. is MissioirFete Draws Crowd J2ttf J"". S11 "wastika In U. S. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox's office in Washington? That', right, m you can S ZtJfEKfV Uke?7rom German merchant Bh ddenwall SfL' ,Sna f0res 111 eouthsAtlantic when the ship JS.??? 1116 Amerlcan flaS- Th banner then' was presented to Knox by the crew of the navy cruiser which took the German vessel into custody. k Mt. An wl Rid O -vv' ' .aj.rv14.111 For Bike Licenses Says Council MT. ANGEL Mt. Angel youngsters will henceforth need licenses to ride their bicycles the city council decided Monday. Furthermore, they will have to take an examination with the chief of police before they are granted the license. At the appeal of T. B. Endres, president of the Business men s ciud, ine council voted $50 for citj decorations during the Christmas season. A new plan for the Christmas lighting is being considered this year, the prefer ence going to stringing colored lights across the streets instead of around lamp posts as in former years. - Tbe council granted beer licen- V Bern in Al WilHA William Ro Amgarten and Al Stupfel, j and wine IirensM tn Al Wilo Otto J. Oswald, Frank Amgarten ana Al Stupfel. The fire chief, A. J. Butsch, re ported that, the new material or dered for the department had not yet been delrVerwfsihdthat he did not purchase the new hose, According to the water commit- tee the new pumphouse has been completed and the shrubbery planted. Repairs have been made on the mains near Schwab's ware house, and two new connections installed. The street committee is looking over the sharp corners in town and trying to figure out what can be done to remedy the danger spots. The grader is being em ployed to patch up the streets. First Child Arrives NORTH HOWEtX Mr. and Mrs. Perle Pickens are the par ents of a- son, Stephen Perle, born Sunday at the Deaconess hospit al. This is their first child. Important Change in Service Effective December 6, 1941 See Agent for New Schedule G. 0. MADISON, MARION HOTEL Seattle Man Preaches Dedicatory Sermon; Honor Paid Pastor SILVERTON Several hund red people attended the , services at Trinity church Sunday when the annual mission, festival was observed in the morning, a fel lowship NJinner at noon. insTM. tion of the newly completed par sonage, dedicatory service at 2 o'clock and vesper services at 3 o'clock. - ' Rt. Rev. H. L. Toss of Seattle spoke at the 11 o'clock service and also gave the dedicatory ser mon. Mrs. Tom Anderson direct ed the choir in.': the vesper ser vices. Guest soloist was Lawr ence Edwards, with Mrs. Ed wards as guest organist. Other speakers on the after noon program were Rev, J. M. Jenson of the Immanuel Lutheran church; O. E. Lee of Calvary church; Amos Corhouse, chair man of Trinity church board; L. M. Larson, chairman of the building committee for the par sonage, and Martin Hatteberg, financial secretary, who gave a report on the expenses. " bpecial honor was paid to Rev. and. Mrs. M. J. K. Fuhr, host pastors, with special mention made of the amount of actual labor Rev. Fuhr donated toward the parsonage work, to Lester Geer, who wired the entire house free of charge, to a group of mem bers of the congregation who do nated labor alter their dav's work, and: to Mrs. Jalmer Refs- land, who donated a full length mirror in honor of her father the late Ole Hatteberg. Service Held At Gervais triRVAIS Funeral services were held Tuesday for Mrs. Tho mas Harrison, who died Novem ber 28 at the farm home south east of Gervais, where the fam ily settled in 1900 and where Mr. Harrison died August 97 1919. i-steua iaizabeth Baker was born in Sturgis, Mich.. May 9 1,857 and was married to Thomas Harrison at Sturgis. September 19, 1877. They lived at Wyocena, Wise, from 1879 until coming to Oregon. Survivors are four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Edith Otto Portage, Wise; Mrs. Ethel Carl son, lone; Mrs. Leoline Hugill Hubbard; Mrs. Gertrude Moore Brooks; George B. and Richard iiarrison, uervais. There are 1 grandchildren. She was aiem ber of the Eastern Star and the Brooks Garden club. Funeral services were held at the Ringo chapel in Woodburn Rev, James Aiken Smith officiat ing and officers of Gervais chap ter OES, conducting ritualistic services. Interment was in Pioneer cemetery beside her husband. Mr. and Mrs. San Hasting home Monday." . Esther Lambert arrived Satur day from Los Angeles, Calit, to spend a few weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. Jesse J. McKibben. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carter, Independence, called on his moth er, Mrs. Pearl Pnnnor Mnni)91. Carter entered the Salem General hospital for an appendectomy that uiernoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Buker, In dependence, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Ploub, - Me. and.Mri William Chapman, Mr. ancL Mrs. Loren Brown, of Grants Pass, and Grandma . Jen sen were recent euests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen. Miss Mabel Jensen accompanied- them home for a two weeks' visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bottger, Summit, were recent visitors at the Phelps home. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ploub. Mrs. Vera McKibben, Ballston, visited her sister, Mrs. Lyle Mc-Kabben,- list week. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson spent the weekend with Mr; and Mrs. Harlen Wilson In Salem. a few days in Wells with her old friends. Mrs. Fred Ray, Mrs. John Buker; Mrs. Jacob Ploub motored to Leb anon Wednesday to . visit Mrs. John Harter and family. Airlie News AIRLIE Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley enjoyed a brief visit Fri day from her nephew, : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beebe, Longview, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Dode Thrasher, Philomath, and Mrs. Kenneth i Thrasher, Boise, visited at the mmpqmBmKmmmmmmmMmm Ts.. 1i tmiiiiiswismissmssssms 3 5S O 3C3 cQXn 170 North y rVjhgmiG&&i j) "1 State of Commercial ffi rTTlfj7& Oregon In Peerless . 1 (f (zJuUf iL&f Inspected ' Bakery A LSTr 7 1 I 4 Meats Voimj, Tender DOILIIIG CUTS y-i t PS) fE1 TE1 fc1 Doasls or Steaks j M tinil, Ih. v. i&l POBK, lb. .XSx seasoning &giiates sjokea Lb. liSc swsbbbmsjbbmbbjbjsjbmbb Ctoice Ilillr-Fed ' Slewing Cnis 'A SUalr 23c lb. 1 ;;U ;Lb; Lb Chops 25c lb. rib jj 1,, ; , u 7 v I IVx or - saj ) I err 77 f n 4 y UV) y4OP 1 iusttherlflhteneWI I htrdi auarantata -rMM - a 1' I lAsflV tf Hit fd fhllMtl mt Chrhimet afar JfA ttehi In vur nm sVIam Irvl t-- - -i- . in iiwneiinwi cs&tt, csaditi, stuffed datts, toesttd dmendb &99i in chocolate. Cut thou dalkacta that havo brishtonod tho iWlaay Mason for eon oraHom must bo prtparotl boforehand Ut ut ht!. Youl! find a!! your noodt at Safovay. Advertised Prices Are Good thru Holiday, Dec 8 Vi )i CNftlCHCO FLOUR 49-lb. sk. J1.63 nSHEH'SBIHD noun 49-lb. it $1.84 lunnySanls 1 2 tt-Ib. sk. Ut TBIAN6LE OATS Quick or Reg. 9-lb. bag 31c Standard Tomatoes, 2'i can.... ..... Batle Rock Pacific Oysters, med. 5-oz.. Zee Wax Paper, 123-ft. roll .: Candied Orange Peel, 8-oz. pkgr Baking Powder, Clabber GirL 2-lb. can White Satin Sugar, 100 lbs Diamond Honey, 5 -lb. can. 11c for 25c .12c ISc 20c $5.87 39c - ' 1 MEATS ""igCSlSg Us. Shortening, Ib. 16c 4 n. 55c Hershey Chocolate Syrup, Q 16-oz. can , , ,- , OU Heinz Chili Sauce, 12H-z. bottle CHB Catsnp, 14-oz. bottle .Best Food Slayonnalse, pint jar. Nalley's Tang, 16-oz. jar Nu Made Mayonnaise, 16-oz. jar New Leader Soda Crackers 15c lbs. Kraft Cheese Brick - American 57c VelreeU Mb. loaf Beans Idaho Keds er Great Northern Whites 5 lbs. for :.3t FARM FRESH PRODUCE Prices for Friday and Saturday Only Sweet Potatoes rape!ruii Fancy, Smooth U.S. No. Vb LB. Just Arived! Arizona Seedless TURNIPS or PARSNIPS 0 f02 Lemons Sunkist 1 Lb0c CfcM tktre! Wtsat's a fee size" trt&l N. we didot think up the term "ttk lit" orantes. We saw it in a r rocer'o Ml in the per. to tell whether rBBea ai so much a decen . food barfain or not 7 Majbe e ot m think a bir juicy onnrt i. weejiie. But maybe the more mB mein. omethiiii: elae acain. Same way if oranges arc advertised u Tars " Queetioa ia HOW Ure? Voybt t iroubUi, that Me priett are tmoKy fiftn by tkt dom! Why ot price orantes by the pound, like bananas then you could tet an Me afcot toe from reading the sroeery ads. And since fmit u ktmn and mt, you wouldn't pay a bif price tor tkfttr orangea with thick akiaa asd muck pp. The wetht nU tell ym. So Safeway today and from now pr FUtL-VALUE WAY - BY THE POUND. We do the same on ail our fmiu and eUMea. Come in and aee bow much better toes Uua new pricing plan makes poaaibte DAIIAIIAS Ripe, 0 Caifl firm. m lbs. JL&y TOriATOES Fancy hothouse. Lb...... POTATOES U. sl No. 1 Netted Gems TciaccD Special Prince Albert land Velvet ; - 1-lb. Tin 69c a Grapes Fancy Red Emperor 2 ,bs 15c Dales Fresh. Asf 12-OZ. fl box.. UUll Apples Winesap3 Extra & ...DC 1 L Meat Prices for Friday and Saturday Only Picnic Cuts Delicious Young Pork fork Eaoast Shoulder Veal Eaoast PORK STEAK Lean and Meaty SWISS STEAK Steer Beef nppr Dfincp. UUUl nUiiall Blade Cuts CEIIPAK SKI171IED HAIIS Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Half or Whole Lb. SIHLOIHor I BACON I LIIIK BIB STEAK By , h e Piece. Ten.d e r- SAUSAGE Steer O smoked, streaked AJ j Club A) . beef. LbOs&V with lean. Lb. .. tiOC style, lb... aoC Westag Imitation Vanilla or Lemon 8-oz. Bottle PEACOCK. No. 10 Bag GRADE A Medium Dozen FANCY BLUE ROSE 33b. Bag All Popular Cigarettes Lucky Strikes Camels it etc 2 pkgs. 25c Carton ILll Cigarettes Domino, Avalon, Twenty Grand Paul' Jones and Sensation Pkg. 10c Carton fSe Eeinz Cider Vinegar, Qt. 17c Pint, lie Pradiit Dim ffcllts ot w I U Shrimp Wf or Dry kVt4 lie , Cudtfcy DtYHtd Mttt 3 IG San Wan Fancy Ft as (2c Country Homt CernSt 23 1 Comfry Homo Cmw75?i.2Sc Sunny Dtwn Tetn 4o Juict I8c Dr. HulUpi OtMbi Juiet t lit " CaitHo Crttt Poichti Ji Ifc Doltt PmfiDpft Gfmt 2 italic Broktn Site PintiDpIt ?Jt ISc Kaffrt Haj Coftto u om!3c Outlet r OtH 2 1 1 Gtrbtr Etby Poods 4T 2Sc : PtrvttVt Hour 23c Slttpy Holow Syrup iib WiSSe . H'hHo Cocktail Crtcktrt ul9c R? Bart 11lt lid MtrtKmaltowt 4 11?' 1 3e 3 Var Iritt liquid Wtx Qt 69c s'.YtntAll Purpoit CUtntrt. 29c : SinlftutK Optht Dra fnr it I fc PALnOlIVE: ; foe Tov CosbUkSosi ' 2. tes Ban Measfca. 13c uuiTGTancn I Uackires t5 ARSO J vSa-PirtcSoarji oz. 19c wS. 17 C -- lVu-Bora. Soapt'24 -ox J9c -Dod Food- .': - can" 5c V r.. Playta.tr r StriBsbrt; . 4 . '-N