PAGE THIBTEnr OVEN MEAL " CARAMEL HAM LOAF Caramel Ilam Loaf, Batter Par snip, Steamed Onions, Cherry Cobbler ..j , Prunes for next morning's breakfast Time: , lft hours. in bottom of pan, sprinkle with the whole cloves and pour in the meat mixture- Pack down well. Bake t with oven meal. Serve with buttered Frfl-lets. CHEERY COBBLER 2 cups Fisher's Biskit Mix Ya cup White" Satin sugar N Yt cup milk 1 No. 2 can H-D red pitted cherries cup White Satin sugar. Roll up as for jelly roll. Cut in serving pieces and put into buttered pan. 1 lb: ground midget beef 1 lb. ground smoked midget ham ' '. ' : 1 tsp dry mustard 1 1 egg 1 cup milk 2 cups Master dry bread - V tsp pepper Yt tsp salt Vt cup brown sugar Yt tsp whole cloves ' Break bread into small KHo SHRIMP CHOP SUEY OR CHOW MEIN 3 tablespoons. Challenge but ter 1 can Otter shrimp, drained llA teaspoons salt Yz cup onions, cut fine Ya teaspoon pepper 2 cups celery, cut fine, length wise, in. slices cup hot water 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon LaChoy soy sauce 1 teaspoon White Satin sugar (Note: Add I tablespoon of - brown sauce if chop susy is de sired). Saute onions in three table spoons of the measured butter (do not brown) for 3 minutes. Add celery, hot water, salt and flavoring ingredients, stir lightly and cook over fried noodles for chow mein or over cooked rice for chop suey. Garnish with thin strips of green pepper or toasted almonds. STEAMED ONIONS 12-14 small onions Yt cup water 2 tbsp Challenge butter Salt Peel onions and leave whole. DOUBLE -awe Green Stamps ON ALL PURCHASES TIL CHRISTMAS MADE AT IIcKendry & Bell Exclusive But Not Expensive in COURT ST. Add Yi cud of the iuice. Sprin kle, with sugar and dot with but ter. Bake with oven meal, BUTTERED PARSNIPS 6-8 parsnips 4 tbsp Maid o'Clover butter cup water Salt and pepper remp, aau aegrees F. t WATCHES CLEANED $1.00 to $1.50 1 AH Work Guaranteed CLAUDE MIX I Buslck's Market 470 N. Coral 1 tablespoon Challenge butter pepper. Cover and cook 5 min utes, stirring often. Saute shrimp in 1 tablespoon butter 2 minutes. Scrape and cut parsnips' in suitable pieces. Put into ovn pan, add butter and water, sea son, cover tightly and cook with 1 can LaChoy mixed vegeta bles, drained (let cold water run through while draining) Flavoring and Thickening - . Blend Biskit Mix and- sugar, Add milk, egg, seasonings and combine with ground meat. Mi Place in oven meal pan, add water, salt and butter. Cover tightly and steam with oven Add milk and mix well.. Roll Add --drained mixed vegetables and shrimp and heat to boiling. out as for jelly roll. Cover with cherries, drained, mixed with 1 very well. Place brown sugar oven meal V cup cold water Add combined thickening and meal. 1ZJ I u uvuo The OREGON STATESMAN. Sciem, Oregon, Friday Morning. December 5. 1941 1 a. itj. uiaii in i- 1 1 x u 1 1 n niron tvaa i . au j . . m j j i . i , 7 aatoi. 74 vul? vmu water ' aqq compLneu uucgerang and rneai. nn I It ESS IMllluiWu, ,rw ..,- 7H;; O tnwwfM; mmmmfmmmmmnmmtjmfM . $ '. 1 Sf uiuiilui MssvwBaaaa iiinii in l-4l AVI 3 " nn n - lit- i i f i r-t- MUM MB IMI Ll Ll C (EXDXD)IKM(E flMDIL EMORY TTdDDDAf The joyous jamboree of fun and household helpfulness that you've been waiting for. It's timed to be holiday wise" with a host of new and clever ideas to make the family sit up and take notice of your kitchen-craft. it ay) Mi s Mancy Baker Economist in Charge Famous throughout the Pacific slope, Miss Baker brings with" her a host of clever new ideas The Following Progressive Salem Merchants Are Cooperating! Schreder's 4-Star Market GROCERIES AND VEGETABLE Dairy Cooperative Association CHALLENGE, MAID 0' CLOVER AND SWETEKIST BUTTERS AND CHALLENGE CHEESE Master Bakers MASTER BREADS AND PASTRIES Midget Market FRESH AND CURED MEATS The Following Famous Nationally Advertised Brands Will Be Featured O CBISCO O HUDS0H-DU11CAH PRODUCTS O PORTER'S FRIL-ETTS O LA CHOY CHINESE FOODS O FISHER'S "BLEIID" FLOURS O EMIIRICH COFFEE O WHITE SATIN SUGAR O GHIRARDELLI'S CHOCOLATE O BLUE BELL POTATO CHIPS O CHEERIO OATS O HEIIRY'S "MELANGE" SEASONING O GRIFFIN BROS. WAX PRODUCTS O CAIIANO SOUPS O SHERWOOD SHORED OYSTERS AND SPREADS O WHITE ROSE BLEACH J t r ELECTRIC RANGE COXITES Here is your opportunity to OWN one of these thrilling netc 1942 H0TP01NT ELECTRIC RANGES. It's a genuine H0TP01NT . with all the many features found in this, famous make of electric range. 3 Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Units, All-Porcelain Enamel FinisK Duo-Speed Radiant Broiler Unit; Plus. the many outstanding features that makes the H0TP01NT FOR '42 one of the truly outstanding range values of the year .... FOH COMPLETE DETAILS ON HOW TO WIN THIS KITCHEN BEAUTY. ATTEND EACH SESSION OF. THE COOPNG SCHOOL OB GET ADDITIONAL PARTICULABS IN THE APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT OF THE tt L. STIFF FOBNTTUBE " COMPANY. 1 '2iU will be iised exclusively: af the Cbokmcx AprUDS10Tl ; "Exclusive Hotpoint Dealers in Salem' -- - - lUnxt Courtesy of ' H. I. RIFF rcrxrrurx co. And It .Xxtctly u i iiunnfiin "i nririV tunfir 'nTfm Yinin'iw 1 rrn it --- - 1 99 1 i i 4 4 5. i IPs IJ f.r