The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1941, Page 8, Image 8

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thundery Morning, December 4. 1941
nd Valley W.ommen Learn Finw Touches of
1 1
Election of Officers, Proposed
Postof f ice Site Get Attention
Of Silverton Planning Group
SILVERTON Only those people who sit back and never do
anything escape criticism, J. J. Lewis, newly elected vice-presi
dent of the Silverton planning council said Tuesday night.
"Any Individual or organization who does things is the butt
or criticism. II you are being crtt-
ldzed you are pretty sure you are
doing something, Lewis said fol
lowing an attempt t Dr. P. A.
Loar to refuse the reelection to
presidency of the planning council
on the grounds that he feared peo
ple were a little antagonistic to
ward him, that there had been
some adverse criticism of him and
that a new president might re
ceive less criticism irom some
groups In town. Dr. Loar's objec
tloni were overruled and he was
unanimously elected to again head
the organization.
F. E. Sylvester was elected
secretary and Mrs. J. C. Morley
and Roy Larson board mem
bers. Dr. Loar reported that the di
ejsion on the proposed postoffice
site had again been postponed,
this time to January. 24. Lewis re
ported that the Delbert $eeves
post of the American Legion had
this week 'gone on record "as fav
oring the location on North Wat
er street and was forwarding this
record to Washington, DC.
Following this report the en
tire planning council moved to
send word to Washington that i
too favored this location. The
board of directors had previous
ly endorsed the North Water
street site.
ut. Lioar reported progress on
the proposed purchase of the old
Fisher flouring mill property,
saying that several hundred dol
lars toward Its purchase had al
ready been pledged. It was rum
orea, ur. ixar saia, tnat some
members of the city council
would vote against the accept
ance of the property, but he add
body elected by the people of
the town would outright refuse
gift He explained that some
people had expressed fear that
the planning council intended to
develop the property at the ex
pense of the city. This, he said
was "just foolish," as the plan
ning council never had nor could
it develop anything at the ex
pense of the city. If the people
wanted the property developed
they would have to vote it, and
if they didn't want it, they would
vote against it, he said, adding
that "the American form of gov
ernment still held at Silverton.'
I. B. Alfred reported on the
recent talk at the chamber of
commerce when a visiting fire
man from Portland called at
tentlon to the "extreme fire
hazard" of the old : flooring
mUL Gay DeLay referred to
the old mill race, into which,
he said, garbage had been
dumped, as a "rat harbor."
The January meeting of the
council will be omitted and the
group will meet early in February.
Eight Injured in Florida Train Derailment
S. r
",it 's;,:.r.-..v
Silverton Legion Auxiliary
Plans Tree for Youngsters
SILVERTON Mrs. Zanta' HuttOn, president of the-Ameri
can Legion auxiliary announced the December 15 meeting will be
the annual Christmas tree, program and treats for the young peo
ple: Ruth Lorenzen served as secretary.
Mrs. Hutton named as her candy committee, Mrs. Albert R.
Lerfard and Mrs. Gladwyn Ham-
Eight persons were Injured near Tampa,' Fla., In the derailment of the Havana Special, fast Atlantic
Coast Une passe&ger train en route from New York to Florida. Here are some of the seven cars which
left the rails.
Community Clubs
Cloverdale Man Home
From California
derson returned home from a two
months' visit with hs daughter
at Ventura, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller re
cently entertained with a dinner
party Mr. and Mrs. Emir Ball,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunsaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Webb, Mil
dred Yergens. Helen Peetz and
ed that he could not believe that Mr.and Mrs. Cyrus Barker.
1 lA
I - ; - :1
Hiss Ilancy Baker
Economist in charge of the Statesman
Cooking School, chooses
y3gopttatitt ASSN. ,
to be used exclusively at
used exclusively
the school.
You, likewise, should be sure you get
the finest dairy products for your
own home. That's why you can't go
wrong with
tttl Fairgrounds Rd.
Ask Your Grocer for
Dairy Co-Op. Products
SWEGLE friday night Swegle
community will meet at the school
house for the regular meeting.
Edith Stark is chairman of the
program committee and the high
school young people are in charge.
A home talent play will be given.
Ladies of the community will
furnish cookies for the refresh
ment hour. The public is invited.
BETHEL A large and inter
ested group, including some of
the new people of the district, at
tended the meeting of the Com
munity club Friday night, and
enjoyed the home-talent program.
The outstanding feature was
the first issue of the Bethel neigh
borhood newspaper, presented by
the editors, Mrs. E. E. Matten and
W. R. Bakeh. The closing item
was an original story of the lit
erary society days in Kansas, by
Mrs. Matten.
Werna and Wanda Froehlich
and Simpson Hamrick put on a
clever pantomime, and there were
musical numbers. Simpson Ham
rick was program chairman and
led in patriotic singing witlfr Lil
lian Hamrick at the piano.
Allison Klug presided at the
business meeting. Mrs. J. G. Lau
derback and Pauline Riensche
were appointed to arrange for the
organization of a neighborhood
Mrs. J. R. Carruthers, delegate
from the club, reported on the
meeting held at the chamber of
commerce to arrange for enroll
ing all the women of Marion
county for national defense.
Pauline Riensche, teacher, an
nounced hte school Christmas en
tertainment for the night of De
cember 19 and invited the club to
hold its December meeting in
connection with the entertain
In charge of serving refresh
ments were Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Bucurench, Freda Bucurench, and
Mrs. S. Hamrick."
Pedee Club Invites Neighboring
Women to Join for Defense Plan
Speaks at Rotary
SILVERTON Sam Wells, aud
itor from the state accident com
mission, talked at the Rotary club
Monday. His subject pertained to
national defense.
The' Loyal Women's class of the
Christian church will hold its an
nual bazaar and silver tea at the
social rooms of the Christian
church Friday. The affair Is open
to the public.
PEDEE With their Red Cross
sewing project nearing completion,
the Jolly Neighbors club is turn
ing its attention to home defense
At their meeting Thursday, the
ladies decided to hold a special
session today, with Mrs. H.
D. Petersen, Red Cross worker of
Dallas as guest speaker. They ex
tended an invitation to the women
of neighboring districts to meet
with them. They expect to begin
work on a defense project imme
diately after the holidays. Guests
are invited to come in time for a
covered dish luncheon at noon.
Mrs. Jamie Whitworth and Ina
Belle Cox, teachers in the Pedee
school were luncheon guests of
the club Thursday.
At their meeting Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Ralph King, the
Ever-Ready club began work on a
quilt lor the Farm Home, near
Corvallis. It will be ready to
quilt at the meeting at the home
of Mrs. Rittie Kerber, December
10. Since that meeting is to be
the last before Christmas it was
decided that each member should
bring a small gift to place in a
grab bag instead of drawing names
as formerly.
At the business meeting Wed
nesday last year a officers were
re-elected: Grace Kerber, presi
dent; Minnie Ruiter, vice presi
dent, and Anna Arnold, secretary-treasurer.
PEDEE A group of young peo
ple gathered for a surprise birth
day party honoring Donna and
Joyce Van Dyke at their home
Present were Bernadine, Jean
and Joan Jones, Ethel, Marceil
and Mary Lou Osborne, Nelda
Trueax, Betty Burbank, Orin and
Ivan King, Glen Edwards, Bud
Edwards, Debney Arnold, Ella j
Sheythe. Rev. and Mrs. Backer
and a week-end guest, Mr. Van
Dyke's niece. Janice Adams of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Leverman.
The Pedee Christian Endeavor
met early Sunday in order to
complete their services in time to
attend the Women's Missionary
society thank offering program at
Gings Valley.
re, with assistants the refreshment
committee for the month, Mrs.
E. L. Starr, Mrs. F. .M. Powell and
Mrs. Lynn Bragg. Members of the
post will provide the tree and the
junior girls under the direction of
Mrs. Clifton Dickerson will fur
nish' the program.
Named to the Marion county as
sembly at Stayton December 12,
are Mrs. Hutton, Miss Lorenzen,
Mrs. F. M. PowelL Mrs. Lewis
Hall and Mrs. A. J. McCannell
with alternates, Mrs. Carl Hau
gen, Mrs. Gladwyn Harare, Mrs.
Clifton Dickerson and Mrs. Sam
xne unit voted to sponsor a
first aid class of 25 members with
Dr. A. J. McCannel to be initruc
tor. Organization Is to be soon aft
er tne nrst or the year. Tms is a
portion of the plans for motor
corps Instruction as advised by lo
cal civilian defense coordinator,
L. C. Eastman.
Gifts were brought for the
Portland gift shop for families of
veterans. Christmas baskets for
needy families of the community
were planned with the past presi
dents to be in charge of assem
bllng the .baskets and members to
leave donations at the home of
Mrs. A. J. Titus by December 23,
Mrs. Ernest L. Starr served as
committee chairman on the pre
school clinic Tuesday. Mrs. Hut
ton named Mrs. Sam Lorenzen and
Mrs. J. J. Lewis as planning coun
cil representatives from the unit
No sewing club will be held dur
ing December on account of the
holiday season.
Boycott Talk
Certification of AFL
Local Announced by
Silverton President .
unionists are not planning to
boycott merchants who do not
subscribe to a directory and any
one selling such a scheme around
town Is a faker, according to
George Christenson's statement
at the union meeting Tuesday.
Chrlzt4nson reported that po
lice had informed him a man
had been going about Silverton
selling name space in a directory
under the name of the AFL and
had told merchants that the un
ion members would not trade at
stores whose owners did not sub
scribe to the directory.
Christenson, president of the
local, also reported that telephone
message of certification of the lo
cal was received Tuesday from
B. M. Qeeman, Portland. Clee
man, attorney for the carpenters
and joiners, had received word
of the certification from the na
tional labor board.
Delegates elected to the dist
rict council meeting at Portland
December 8 were George Chris
tenson and W. W. NeaL with Del-'
bert Bo wen and Roy McEwen as
The men voted to erect the
huge Christmas tree at the inter
section of Main and First streets
as usual and chose E. J. Boesch,
Ted Finlay, Fred Lawes and
George Thompson to take charge.
Christmas baskets will also be
filled as has been done in for
mer years by mill workers at
Silverton. Planning the turkey
dinner which win take the place
of the usual candy treat to mill
workers are Carl Specht, Walter
Rosheim, C E. Higginbotham,
BUI Olson and Ed Lambert. A
committee will also be elected
from the auxiliary to assist.
Walaats and Walnut Meats
Cash Paid a Delivery
Salem. Oregva
I . T mm ilv a-c Hj -
1 '
1 i
(Hit ent sh
wants It at Wards for
surprisingly I'rrtUl)
ii t- t if i ' "-
Vacuum Freshness
Air Removed
Flavor Sealed in .
Freshness Guaranteed
Lawrence Leverman, Portland,
spent Sunday with his parents,
Keizer Women Do
Red Cross Work
' KEIZER The Keizer sewing
club will meet at the home of
Mrs. M. E. Bliven today for
regular all day meeting and a
no-host dinner.
The club is still sewing for the
Red Cross. Mrs. Arthur Cummings
is president of the work.
Mrs. J. A. Gardner and Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Gardner have re
turned from Portland, where they
attended the mink and fox fur
show at Gresham. The show start
ed Sunday and lasted three days.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner entered
three foxes and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Gardner entered two mink.
t a i A
m v,
4 va i.
iV K
Stwnnlnf pettsl ar 4eep
colors, print Of ploift, with
sweeping skirts. Sites 1 4-44.
341 to 12.S3
Chosen by Miss Nancy Baker for the
Statesman Cooldng School
These Grocers Carry EMMRICH COFFEE
Entertain Guests
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Ole Satern entertained at Sunday
night supper at their home on
North Water street Guests in-
vited were Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Madsen and family of Hillsbdro,1
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern, Mr. I
and Mrs. Harold Satern, Joan
Satern, Darrel Satern, Wallace
Satern, Lillie Madsen; Mrs. M. J.
Madsen and Harold Larson.
Modal rood Marlcst I
Ltmznon's Food Market
Greene'a Grocery
Carl Gammon Gjtocery
Capitol St Haricot ' !
Ramp&Whlio. A
Wm. GlUing'' Grocery ;
Keizer Corner .
Stephtnson'o Grocery,!.
Irocntor's Grocery
4 Corners Grocery
Callaway Grocery
B. H. Largent Grocery
a M..Epploy Groctry
Clark's Grocery
Wilket' Grocery
M A F Grocery -Frank
B. Bailey
Cridqe-End Grocery
Bryon Cooley Grocery
Millet Grocery
Zwicker Grocery -Trade
Street Grocery
E. W. Cooley Grocery
Conover's Food Market
Mary Malay Grocery
' CapkmV Market
Sdireder's 4-Star Market
Puritan Grocery
Try Some Today. . .and Be Convinced
in xipper end wraparound
styles. Some with sequins er
embrotderyl Sizes 12 to 44.
2.98 to 5.98
' . ..
Iff f
Valloy Evonts
CHLNitll "WltAFS"
In heavf y tufted or "baby"
chenille. Some with controst
LSS to U3
December S amtll Fruit Growers
meettng , Salem chamber of commerce,
id a. m.
December S Polk county H
Arhivrrrtt dav. Tiallaa. I
December ld-ll Annual meenng mi
uregem State Horticultural socicqr, u-
uecemDcr ormww - vuwxr
hew, OnKlatwl,
December 11-1S Orefoa Stete Cora
how, Corvallis.
5 January 13 State Grange Conler-
LIen,7oEen Orer 40
Don't Be Weak Old
fill Peppy, New, Tssj-s Tsssgsr
H MT 40-air fcedlo Urttf Igwi
-' -it ait aa MSB far MtW, I
took tt mjmlt. RMN toa." Saadal "'Z
wtm Ottras Toal Tkbtow MR' 4Wrt
tnUat MBDtar aat uac tal wr 4aT -
ExcmNO ccrra
Keyen remelne eel del
rraoai Mnnv twn-lanaa tajlata
I BmtMY iwvnwM II fill
expensive trim! Sixes. 1244.
. 3.93 to 5.93
r ,,11'"
Phone 3194
1SS IL liberty ZL
Tt tal at Frei Meyer. Ferrya aaS
- !