PAGE EIGHT Thm OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, Oregon. Thursday Morning. Dcinbr 4. 1941 Auditorium Filled! At Opening of Statesman Cooking School Prepared Dishes Are Chinese be may now-a . Real Chinese dishes prepared very easily days when canned Chinese veg etables and soy sauce are found at the grocer's in the proper proportion for certain dishes. Here's a popular recipe: EGG FOO YONG (One dozen) 10 eggs 1 cup shredded onion 2 cups LaChoy sprouts 1 cup finely cut roasted or boiled cold meat of any kind, or shrimp, . lobster, crabmeat or tuna fish. Drain all juice off the sprouts (this is very important). Mix thoroughly with meat and on ion. Beat the eggs slightly and add to the mixture. Divide into equal parts by using a soup la dle of three-quarters cup capa city. Lower ladle into, a frying pan containing one-half inch of very hot fat and hold until crust on edge is formed. When one side is browned, turn over and brown the other. Gravy: Thicken the quantity needed of good soup stock with corn starch and brown with LaChoy brown or soy sauce. Add salt and pepper to suite your taste. Serve hot over egg foo yong with rice. L J V- t" $-Tjp$y , A REMINDER Each winter fruit cake is a must go on many good cakes' lists. Remember that decoration on the top adds to the interest of the cake if it's to be a gift White or dark, fruit cake is appreciated as a Christmas gift. LaCHOY CHOP OR CHOW MEIN SUEY The prepared LaChoy fine cut chop suey or chow mein is a ready-to-serve food. The ingre dients of this delicacy include tender pieces of fresh meat, bean sprouts, celery, onions and water chestnuts. Delightful for spur-of-the-moment lunches, dinners and sup pers. Both children and adults are fond of these foods and will enjoy chop suey or chow mein again and again. Each can contains two por tions. Simply heat thoroughly , Serve piping hot with LaChoy , noodles for chow mein or with LaChoy cooked rice for chop suey. Flavor to taste with La Choy soy sauce. GARNISH FOR CHOP SUEY OR CHOW MEIN Beat two eggs slightly. Add salt and pepper, to taste. Fry in buttered skillet until set but not browned. Turn and cook other side, remove from skillet to bread-board. Slice in very thin strips, then cut into pieces of 2 inch length. Cut one bunch of green onions into thread-like strips. Place green onion strips on center of mound of chow mein and strips of eggs on each side of onion. Sprinkle a few toasted almonds (one cup need ed) over each serving. NOTE: This is enough garnish for 12 servings. Reduce quantities of ingredients proportionately for smaller number of portions. DEVILS FOOD CAKE 2V4 cups sifted Fisher's Spun cake flour '2 teaspoon salt Fine 1 teaspoon double action bak ing powder 1 teaspoon soda 3i cup Ghirardelli's ground chocolate '.2 cup Crisco l3A cups White Satin sugar 2 eggs z cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup boiling water Sift together flour, salt, bak ing powder and soda. Cream Crisco, sugar and eggs until light and fluffy, add vanilla and chocolate. Blend well. Add dry ingredients alternately with buttermilk, beating smooth after each addition. Last, add boiling water and pour into two well "Criscoed" 8-inch layer pans and bake at 350 degrees 40-45 min utes. (This makes a very thin batter.) When cool, put together and frost with Verde frosting. PORK CHOPS AND RICE 6 pork chops 1-in. thick. Crisco for browning Henry's Melange Seasoning 6 thick slices onion 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 2 cups hot H-D Tomato juice Season pork chops with Henry's Melange seasoning and brown in small amount of Cris co. Lay slice of onion on each chop. Add dry rice, Worcester shire sauce and hot tomato juice. Cover tightly and cook on "warm" about 1 hour, or until the chops are tender. -r II ipaDiPMna OOO Because it 9s good! - v . - ? y ' fiv & ' it 1 Master ScEciDitcBlh dSiFgaDiisinDii AT YOUR GROCER'S . and featured by New Container For Coffee 'An innovation in coffee pack aging is being introduced by Emmrich coffee in its new air tight, moisture-proof, heat seal ed, pliofilm lined "Flav-O-Tainer." This new kind of pack age insures this select brand of imported coffee being delivered to your grocer at the peak of freshness. Miss Nancy Baker, -who is fea turing this populaf brand of coffee at The Statesman cook ing school this week, points out that this novel type of contain er keeps coffee fresh from three to five times longer than the ordinary type of package, and at no premium price. The "Flav-O'-Tainer" makes important use of the new "plio film" liner. This liner keeps out all air which would tend to make the coffee stale and ran cid. BUCKWHEAT HOT CAKES 2 cups milk 2 cups boiling water 1 yeast cake 4 cups Fisher's Buckwheat flour Vz teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molasses 1 cup hot water Scald the milk, . add boiling water, cool to luke warm, then dissolve yeast cake in mixture. Add enough Buckwheat flour to make a batter thin enough to pour. Let rise overnight. In the morning add the soda,- salt and molasses blended with the hot water. Bake on hot griddle. QUICK NUT BREAD 3 cups Fisher's BisKit Mix 4 cup White Satin sugar IVz cups chopped walnuts 1 egg, well beaten VA cups milk Combine BisKit Mix, sugar j and nuts, milk and egg and blend well. Pour into well Criscoed loaf pan and bake 50 minutes in a moderate oven (350 degrees F). Serve cold. (Raisins, figs, prunes or dates may be used with the nuts.) SMALL STANDING RIB ROAST 2 ribs of beef Weigh meat, season with Hen ry se Melange reasoning ana place on rack in open roasting pan. Do not add water and do not cover. Set temperature con trol for 350 degrees, turn switch to "preheat." Time Rare 24-26 minutes per pound. Medium 28-32 minutes per pound. Weil done ii-il minutes per pound. PASTRY 1 ntr f"Vicrrfc 3 cups sifted Fishers Blend n iiour l'z teaspoons salt Ice water Sift flour and salt. Cut in Cris co, using pastry blender or two knives until particles are about the size of large peas. Add just enough water to barely hold to gether. PUMPKIN AND COCOANUT TARTS 2 cups H-D pumpkin 1V8 cups White Satin sugar Vz teaspoons ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' 1 teaspoon salt 3 well beaten egg yolks 2 cups milk xh cup moist cocoanut 3 stiffly beaten egg whites Fold the egg whites into the other ingredients that have been well blended together. Fill pas try lined tart shells with the mix ture and bake at 450 degrees F. for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 325 degrees F. and bake until set (when knife comes out! clean). This may be baked in a large pie as weu as tne tarts. Serve with whipped cream. SPINACH LOAF 2& cups chopped H-D spinach 2 cups Challenge cottage cheese. 2 eggs, beaten 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 bouillon cube 2 tablespoons water Henry's Melange Seasoning Dissolve bouillon cube in wa ter. Blend all ingredients toge ther. Bake in Criscoed casserole or loaf pan about 1 hour at 300 degrees. Serve with H-D tomato sauce. RULES FOR GOOD COFFEE 1. Always use fresh water, and be certain it is boding. 2. Measure 1 coffee and water accurately. 3. Never allow coffee to boil. 4. Use clean coffee pot and preheat before using. 5. Remove grounds from cof fee as soon as it is made. 6. Serve 'at "once or keep hot over very low heat. Never boil. 7. Do not reheat. 8. Serve very hot FRIL-LETS VEAL WITH RIBBON "-. - -1- S 1. V'. .... at the 1 8-oz. pkg. Porter Fril-lets 1 cup grated Challenge cheese 1 pound round of Midget veal V cup Challenge butter 1 can tomato soup 1 onion, minced 1 tablespoon Henry's Melange seasoning Small clove garlic minced Cut the veal into ribbons and CftEAM OF tUlEEO Oyster and Cfaa fcj ah with fresh whole Bilk. -1 DJDfl)IX EMtB Dm CD 4ML w t brown with the garlic and onipn in the butter. Add " the tomato soup, and Henry' Melange sea soning. Cover and cook on "low" for half an hour. Add half the cheese and cook on "Warm" 10 minutes. Cook the noodles in . boiling salted water and drain well. Place cooked noodles on a platter, make a hollow in the center and fill with the sauce Arrange ribbons of veal over the noodles and serve with re maining cheese. DRD7 COFFEE Use 1 rounding tablespoon Emmrich coffee for each cup ( Vi pint) of boiling water. Preheat coffee pot Put coffee in contain er. Pour on fresh, briskly boiling water Cover and put in warm place until water has dripped through once. Remove upper part cover and keep hot Flavor usually better if allowed to stand about five or ten minutes after water has dripped through. LARGE QUANTITY COFFEE Put 1 pound ground Emmrich coffee in a cheese cloth or mus lin bag which is large enough to hold twice the amount to allow for circulation of water. Place bag in a large kettle containing 2 gallons of boiling water. Cover tightly, reduce heat to under boiling and let stand 8 to 12 minutes. Remove bag and keep hot Serve about 40. "HENRY'S" SALAD DRESSING (Sufficient for six people) 1 teaspoon Melange 1 teaspoon White Satin sugar 2 tablespoons Dundee catsup or H-D tomato juice 2-oz. water 2 oz. olive oil (or any salad oil) 2 oz. vinegar 1 teaspoon tarragon vinegar Place all ingredients together and mix well with an egg beater. Lutefisk Dinner Set at Woodburn WOODBURN Mrs. William Nelson entertained the officers of the Ladles Aid of the Xmmanuel Lutheran church at her home and plans were made for the annual lutefisk dinner December 6, at the Lutheran halL Mrs. Chris Oure will be chair man of the food committee and Mrs. Henry Mathieson Is chair man of the dining room commit tee. Dinner will be served at noon and also at night starting at 0 o'clock. The menu will include the tra ditional lutefisk" Swedish meat balls and "lefse." The Marlon county Christian Endeavor retreat at Nelscott was attended by Georgia Frentz, Emir Templeton and M a r 1 1 Morrison, First Presbyterian church. Wood-burn. As... Miss Nancy Baker, Economist in Charge of The Oregon Statesman "Happy Kitchen WILL FEATURE Nancy Baker I Fin 2sJ L APPLIANCES EXCLUSIVELY At the School I . . ..... . . - f ''S y s- i k s V- I .ft yvV 1 4 (fir t t The New BUTTER CONDITIONER HOLDS a chip or a pound of butter and auto matically keeps it at the correct, smooth spreading consistency... ready for use at all times. , rmfKwRfv .( mv. i'' -n ATZ s f Jt r , r ' " y . - ' - 4 " . niiZi& t tM 1ir.1i rt- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR PLUS Big Bottle Space and Many Other : 7 food storage zones. (1) Speed Freezer. (2) Six-Way Cold Storage Compartment. (3) New Butter Conditioner. (4) Giant Bottle Zone. (5) General Food Storage Zone. (6) High Humidity Compart ment. (7) Extra Bin for Dry Storage. PLUS . . .Vacuum Sealed Thriftmaster Unit... Pop-Ice Trays... a new 16-Point Temperature Control . . . and many other great features. See it todayl 51 95 C3 Convenient Terms Prices Start at $139.95 A - c-vr i 0 ;-;'.; i , t y j 1 m I , DOK1C DCLUXE. A big 7caMcffc, ikff. fmmilj ism rmfrifrrttw. A big rate at Jow cot Tin bay oftb yw. Immediate Qelivery on Most Models 413 Ccsrl Free Parian j Ptcae 91S5 v.