The OBEGOfLSTATESMAN. SALEM. Oregon. Thursday Morning. December 4, 1941 fACE nvr Local News Briefs Licenses Issued Joe Shields and Carroll Elizabeth William son, both of Salem; George R. Redpath and Dorris L. Carmack, both of 1910 Lee street, Salem; Rex M. Fuller, 50 Elmo avenue and Margaret -H. Harner, route 5, both of Salem; Lester Ernest M a r k e, route 6 and Josephine Shlpmaiv 715 South 19th street, both of Salem; George D. Burgess and Mavel Clark, both of Corval lis; Glenn O. Clayton, Scio and Jessie I. Breeden, Dallas;. George L. Estey and Ethel A. Bewley, both of Detroit; and Mel v in George Hand, Albany and Sophia Catherine Hytrak, Corvallis, have .been issued marriage licenses at Vancouver, Wash. Lutz florist Ph. 8592. 1216 N. Lib Thefts Reported Castings and other junk metal, property of Ma rion county, has been stolen from the Jackson bill county gravel pit at - Illahee, Bert Iverson, county road foreman, reported Wednes day to the county court. Principal value to the county of the mate rials taken was not the price it would bring as scrap, although it has certain worth for such mar keting, but as patterns in replace ment of some equipment and ma chine parts, Iverson said. Makes Official Visit An initia tion is included on the program of the Salem 'Elks lodge tonight, when Clifton Mudd, deputy dis trict grand exalted ruler for northwest Oregon, will make an official visit to his home lodge. Annual Memorial day services are Coming Events Dee. S United Air Lines scheduled to start Salem service. Dee. 12 DeMolay members conduct Salem city government. Dee. 15 Bill of Rights day. Dee. 24 First day of Christ mas vacation, Salem public schools. Dee. 25 Christmas day. WU Installs Music Recorder Prisoner Taken Louis K Smith, prisoner here since last weekend, was taken into custody Wednesday night by Leo McLain, US marshal, to be tried in Ta coma on charges of transporting from Oregon into Washington an automobile he knew had been stolen. The car in question was property of Alexander Schneider of Portland and Smith, who fed eral officers say has used an alias as Leonard Stackpool, allegedly moved it across the state borders August 2 of last year. He was ar rested here by state police on a charge of driving a car without an operator s license ana was given a two-day jail sentence on that count early this week. Parley Called Conference of the state disaster relief division of the Oregon state defense coun cil and the Multnomah county medical disaster relief division has been called for Thursday night in Portland, Dr. W. W. Baum, Salem, announced here Wednesday. Dr. Baum is president of the Oregon State Medical society and chair man of the medical disaster relief division of the Oregon state de fense council. $ - - vt f r ' ' 4 P li ' i 4i r - Labisli Onion Growers Trustees Win Verdict on Sacks Buying; Grand Jury Meet Postponed A verdict in favor of H. B. Aker and other trustees of Lake Labish onion growers, and against Clyde Harris in the sum of $535.77 was brought in at noon Wednesday by a jury in Marion county circuit court following an hour's deliberation. The trustee group had asked for a judgment Pulpr Paper Mill Chiefs Plan Parley The Pulp and Paper Industry's set for Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at the Elks temple, with Pres. Carl S. Imported crystal nieces of distinc- Knopf of Willamette university tion for yourself or gifts. Better as speaker. Music will De iurnisn- Bedding Store, 115 N. High. ed by the MacDowell club sextet. Savings Insured to $5,000.00 are earning 2Vt at Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. Obituary Williamson John N. Williamson, 80, at the Cards Printed An additional 1000 greeting cards and envelopes announcing the opening of United Air Lines services in Salem, have been printed by the Salem cham ber of commerce, making 2000 in all. The letters may be mailed any time before tomorrow and will be held for the first air mail leaving Salem on a UAL liner, residence, 1230 Oxford Monday, stami collectors if they December 1. Survived by widow, . . a.,roce iha - ' Mrs. Nora Williamson, Salem; selve's aaugnter, Mrs. oem wnue, tucs reall; sons, Ray of Portland, and Arthur, San Francisco; brother, L. A. Williamson, Salem; sister, Mrs. Frank Edgar, Salem; several grandchildren; stepchildren, Mrs Talk Slate d Dr. Wallace D Hunt, San Francisco, regional medical officer of the federal of fice of civilian defense will speak at a meeting of the medical disas' C. B. Darland, Brooks; Mrs. E. C. ter relief division of the state de- Carlstrom. Everett Wash.: Mrs. Winnie Pratt, Salem; Mrs. Wil lard Worthington, Gales Creek, Ore., and Emerson Van Dome, Salem. Survived also by two erandchildren. Services will be held Thursday, December 2, at 1:30 p.m., from the Clough-Bar-rick chapel with Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Concluding services In Macleay cemetery. Newest and finest in eoulDment for recorded musical programs is the Carnegie foundation award made to Willamette university last spring and installed in a special listening room this week. Melvin H. Geist, dean of the school of music and Michael Carolan. freshman from Grants Pass, are shown here with the electric record player, which Is the central feature of the set. Others trained to operate the ma- chin for presentation of concerts are Marcia Fry, sophomore from Grants Pass, and Mabelle Lilburn, graduate student from 5aiem. Ruling Made The Oregon state veterinary medical examination board is not liable for damages for the revocation of permits and li censes and prosecutions, provided it does not go beyond the authori ty conferred upon it by statute, Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle ruled here Wednesday. Fires Put Out A porch and part of the back of a residence at First Music Program Set At New Hall First program on Willamette university's new Carnegie music is to be presented Friday after noon from 1 to 3 p.m., Dean Mel vin H. Geist announced Wednes- fense council, to be held tonight at 6:30 at the Mallary hotel, Port land, Dr. W., W. Baum, president of the Oregon State Medical so ciety and chairman of the divi sion said Wednesday. VFW aux. bazaar, Dec. 5, Gas Co. Two Hands Hurt Two women were treated by the city first aid crew Wednesday after they caught their hands in clothes wringers. Wells Two stitches were required to William B. Wells at a local hos- close a finger laceration suffered pital November 30. Survived by by Mrs. Ivan McClain, 318 East brothers, H. A. Weils, Carlton; N. Miller street, in the morning. Mrs. E. Wells, Marion; H. V. Wells, Frick, 1590 Jefferson street, suf Pendleton; sisters, "Effie Wells, fered a slight finger laceration. Forest Grove; Mrs. Gladys Snow, Bobby Eifert, 8, who lives on Tur Portland; Mrs. Tex Stone, June- ner road, fell and cut his chin at tion City. Funeral services will Richmond school 2130 Maple avenue were damaged day. The $1200 set, including an electric record player and 600 recordings of great classics, was installed this week in a special room on the second floor of the new music hall Schedule of hours when stu dents and townspeople may hear request and selected programs will be released next week. The long license for John B. Whalen, route nltmiou fWro nnorac anA 52 rnn. one, Hubbard. Whalen has also . ',, i, about 2 a. m. Wednesday by fire I believed to have started from a refrigerator. City fire equipment was also called to a chimney fire at 645 North Summer street at 9:30, a. m. License Approved Marion county court has indicated its ap proval of a package store liquor be held at Walker-Howell funeral home Thursday, December 4, at To Save Paper Administrator 1 p m. Interment is to be in City Leon Henderson, federal office of I J ! TIT 1 3 . . View cemetery. Furcell In this city Dec. 1st, Lavina production, Wednesday requested Gov. Charles A. Sprague to go on record for conservation of paper. He asked that state institutions save scrap paper and sell it in filed application for a dancehall license to permit his operation in 1942 of the Broadacres dance hall. Corned beef and cabbage today, Miller's Tea Rm. ,Take elevator. Program Slated An education al program, one oi a series con- c e r n i n g the operations of the United Air Lines, will be present ed today at noon at a meeting of the Salem Lions club at the Mar ion hotel. Home Again Mrs. D. O. De mos, 1285 North Fifth street, who underwent a minor operation at the Salem General hospital 10 days ago is now home and able to receive visitors, it was learned Wednesday. Meeting Slated A meeting of the Marion County Bar associa tion will be held at Schneiders Friday noon. The matter of fees certos. They are catalogued ac cording o title, composer, form and medium. The award was made last spring by the Carnegie foundation to the university, third in Oregon tp,be so recognized. University of Ore gon and Reed college have sum lar equipment. Main Speaker Is Sought in ,that amount, which it declared had remained from the purchase of, sacks by Harris and was to have been returned to it for its expenses in arranging the pack ing and shipping of part of a crop. Because of the absence from the city of Clarence M. Byrd, mem ber of the Marion county grand jury who was called to Spokane in the death of a relative, the grand jury session called for Wednesday was continued to to day, A declaration that settlement of the Trahan vs. Hess case, sched uled for jury hearing today, brought cancellation of today's trial, it was announced Wednes day. CIRCUIT COURT State Industrial Accident com mission vs. H. P. Mathieson; de fault, judgment provides that plaintiff is to recover $568.49, in terest on a portion of that sum and court costs of $16.20. . Opal D. Foster vs. John H. Fos ter; complaint for divorce, alleg ing cruel and inhuman treatment, asks $100 a month support money and restoration of name, .Opal D Crook. - Opal R. McCoy vs. August L Shaffler and Jennie Shaffler amended complaint for recisfcion and cancellation of warranty deed held by defendants and of contract of October 9, 1940 and release of plaintiff from any obli gation to pay anything under said contract, an accounting by de fendants for all rents and profits from the involved Marion county j tract of land during their posses sion and occupancy, that $750 al legedly owing on a mortgage to the Canby Union bank, interest, any debts or incumbrances placed on the property by defendants and the amount of all rents and prof its from the Marion county tract be declared a lien upon the whole of the southerly portion of the Lane county tract subject only to lien of a mortgage held by the Oregon Mutual Life Insurance company. Otto Fischer vs. P. J. Etzel; an swer of defendant admits that the plaintiff was a guest in his car when it collided with another automobile on the Salem-Aums-ville road, January 4, 1941. W. W. Rutherford and W. M. Rutherford vs. Edward L. Eyre and company " and Cherry City" Milling company; answer of Ed ward L. Eyre and company filed. Henry Mehling vs. Catherine Mehling; complaint for divorce, charging desertion in Kentucky six years ago; married November 17, 1933, in Rockport, Ind. Albert Juve vs. Ray-Maling, Inc.; cost bill of $85.10. A. R. Walker vs. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bergan; answer alleges neg- bursements of $1231.59; court or der approves. Anna F. Graettinger estate; fi nal account of J. G. Graettinger; hearing called for January S, 1942. S. A. Davis Bean estate; order of partial distribution allows pay ment of $3000 bequest to Salem Deaconess hospital. Elmer E. Settlemeier estate; fi nal account of Ada E. Settle' meier, administratrix; hearing set for January 6. Theodore J. Christen guardian ship; Arnold Christen named guardian, and R. DeWolf, Frank Murck and Lawrence Scholl ap pointed appraisers of estate. JUSTICE COURT Ray W. Beem; no rear light on motor vehicle; continued to De cember 8 for sentence. George C. Lynch; charged with issuing NSF check; given 24 hours to enter plea. Norman Bacon; charges of lar ceny dismissed. William A. J. Cox; no opera tor's license; $2.50 and costs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Gene Robinson, 22, minister, Turner, and Enid Linn, 21, stu dent, Eugene. Joseph Josephson, 58, merchant, Marion hotel, Salem, and Augus ta R. Vogel, 51, New York City. MUNICH AL COURT Stanley S. Klenczak, 1970 South Cottage street, reckless driving, fined $25, operator's license sus pended for three months. Marion L. Earnest, 425 Market street, hauling logs without per nut, fined SI. he was assigned to command Battery, D, of the 249th CA. Capt Don Baker is commander of bat tery B. 249th CA, and Capt An drew Baker was recently trans ferred from the command of Headquarters battery to command of Battery E, of the 249th. A trio of Salem national guard Part in Our National Defense," enlisted men from Salem received I wqi be discussed by Frank N. promotions in the 249th Coast ar-1 Youngman, vice president of tillery recently . Crown Zellerbach corporation. Sergt Daryl Mason was ad-1 Portland, at a luncheon meeting vanced . to staff sergeant, Corp. I at the New Washington hotel, Se- Charles J. Zerzan to sergeant, attle, Saturday, December 6th, of and Pvt. Daniel H. to corporal. I coast mill superintendents. Staff Sgt Mason has been and " Superintendents from the pulp is on duty with the master gun-1 and paper mills on the Pacific ner's office as draftsman. Sgt. I coast will bold a two-day meet- Zerzan is in the intelligence sec- ing at the New Washington, De tion of the harbor defenses of the I cember 5th and Cth, to discuss Columbia, and . Corp. Sellard works as clerk at regimental headquarters of the 249th CA and serves as correspondent of The Statesman. All three of the men promoted are well known in Salem and are graduates of Salem high school. operating problems. The meeting is sponsored by the Pacific coast division of the American Pulp & Paper Mill Superintendents' as sociation. ASTORIA Not even war could1 produce closer escapes than Corp. George Bullion, Battery B, 249th Coast artillery, had In a coastal gale the other night. " The Eugene soldier, with a companion and their two gin friends, were stopped by a tree across the road. Scarcely had the car halted than another tree crashed so close behind the car that a limb shear ed off the tail light. The wind blew down a third tree and a limb brushed Bullion as he went for help. Service Men Where They Ar What They're Doing Campaign Results-Told PRINGLE Mrs. Harry Wech ter, local chairman for the Red Cross membership campaign re ports a total receipt of $32.40. More than 50 families were visit ed. Many of them had already subscribed at their place of busi ness in Salem. Hun Here' Emt TuoeTetf Way To Get Rellel Get after those distracmg spella of coughmg and cue misery ef the cola the widely used Ticks vay...BoU some water. Poor tt Into a bowl. Add a good spoonful of Vlcks VapoRub. Then bre&tttt fn ttf ftTn1nt ?nrtlrtnl Tipan. With every breath you take VapoRub's medlnUnn soothes tarnation, quteU coughing, helps dear head and breathing pas sages. FOR ADDED RELIEF. ..At bedtime rub Vlcks VapoRub an throat, chest and back. Its poultice-Tpor action works to bring you com! art wnus you sleep. Lieut. Clarence W. Hodges of Salem is to be continued on active duty with the 65th coast artillery at Camp, Haan, Calif., The States man learned Wednesday. Transfer of Second Lieut. Gor don J. Backs of Salem from the 10th Engineer battalion of the Third division to the 116th En gineers of the 41st division was announced Wednesday. Consideration of who should be secured as the main speaker for the Sunday night mass meeting ligence on part of plaintiff caused of the Christian mission, sched uled here in February, occupied the attention of members of the parley's executive committee on arrangements at their meeting Wednesday. collision at Chemeketa and 12th streets, June 26, 1940. PROBATE COURT Alice Guyer estate; Bessie Van Wev. executrix. emDowered to distribute certain items of per Promoted to private first class I in tne us Marine corps last month was Maurice D. Wodze- woods, the son of Frank F. Wodzewoods, Rt 6, Salem. The marine is stationed at the Naval air base, Seattle, Wash. Chairman of the speakers' sub- Sonal property to devisees and to Purcell, late resident of 665 Breys Dales to dealers. Gov. Sprague said wiU be discussed, J. Ray Rhoten, committee is Frank B. Bennett, seu 0ther items. avenue. Survived oy nusDana, a. ne woui,i pass the request on to J. Purcell, Salem; sons, W. R. Lan- state institution and state depart- dow, uieveiana, lexas, vscar rur- t neads. Cootie club dance. VFW hall, Fri. Club to Meet Central Town send club No. 6 will meet in the courthouse Friday night at 8 o'clock. There will be nomina tion of members to act on the club council. Meeting Scheduled-Townsend club number 16 will meet at the residence of Annie Arnold, 2250 Mission and Ford tonight at 8 o'clock. New officers for 1942 are to be elected. Busby N . out as fast as tne appucanons ar- pUns Greenhouse Lone, per- At the residence, 835 Hood rive but they cannot be useu unui it i Wednesday by the city street, Tuesday, December 2, December 15. building department was to E. E. Anna M. Busoy, ageo i years. Named-Rev. Oscar N. Getzlaff to erect a private green. Mother of Mrs. J. v.. Brrwn. former nastor of the Rose house at 371 North 14th street, Elllt I Cnurcn, Win uetumc uuuura oi secretary, announced Wednesday, superintendent of public schools. -John Bickle estate; order con- Others present at the session were finning sale by L. A. Savage, ad- cell, Salem, William Purcell, Tigh Valley, Ore., Elmer Jurcell, Sa lem; daughters, Mrs. Josephine! Zinn, Portland, Ore; brother, Her man Keese, Okanogan, Wash. Funeral services will be held Sunday. December 7, at 1:30 p.m. from the Rose Lawn funeral home. Interment will be in Brownsville cemetery. Registrations Rise The 1942 registration of automobiles in Oregon probably will total 450, 000, as against 437,000 vehicles registered during the first 1 1 months of 1941, Secretary of State Earl Snell reported Wed nesday. Snell said the 1942 li cense plates were being mailed out as fast as the applications ar- sister Mrs. Missing , From Home Virginia 4 ArAr.n Member of recior oi puoiic reutuuua iur uc n ---- Daughters of Union Veterans of 1 Portland area, announced Wed- 2513 M le avenue since Monday. the Civil War. Services wui dc i ucsuaj . -held in the chapel of the W. T. late Rev. Owen Williams, who was Rlgdon company, Thursday, ue- orownea in -une. ; , cember 4," at i:so pjaa. hnciua- . Woodry.s. Walter Winslow, program; Roy Harland, youth; Dr. J. Edgar Pur dy, publicity; Lloyd Miller, civic; and Mrs. Esther Little, women's organizations. UAL Official Talks at WU Jim Nutter, press representative of the United Air Lines, told Wil lamette university students in con vocation Wednesday of vocations in aviation. Telling of the large and fast new airliners, Nutter, formerly a Willamette student and on The Statesman staff, expressed the hope the planes would soon be "wings of peace instead of birds of prey." ministrator, of one lot m Salem to T. E. Kirklin for $200. Mary E. Palmer guardianship; authorization to guardian to sell treasury coupon bqnds and to re invest sums so realized in $9000 worth of US Treasury savings bonds. F. E. Sherwin estate; appraised at $1613.37 by Percy A. Cupper, Lorna Kingwell and Dorothy Kingwell. Howard Ernest Ostrin guar dianship; semi-annual account of Gustave A. Ostrin, guardian, shows receipts of $1281.59; dis Lieut. Glenn F. DeGrave offi cer in charge of navy recrufting in this area, Wednesday announced that this territory "shipped" a to tal of 180 men during the month of November. Portland 47, Med ford 11, Salem 16, Corvallis 12, Spokane 12, Marshfield 10, 'Eugene 9, Wal la Walla 9, Lewishton 9, Baker 9, Klamath Falls 7, McMinnville 6, LaGrande 6, Bend 5, The Dalles 1, Astoria 1. The accepted applicants rep resent almost 33 per cent of all those who applied, 533 having made application throughout the district during the month. This boosts the total of enlistments for the year to date to 973 out-of 2271 applicants. In October this area enlisted 233 men. Three Salem national guard officers were promoted to cap-1 taincies in the 249th Coast artil lery on orders issued November 29. Promoted were First Lts. Clarence E. Greig, and two bro thers, Andrew O. and Donald M. Baker. Capt. Greig has served as ad jutant for the harbor defenses of the Columbia until recently, when if if Suitable Gill For the' Family EJousecoafis & lobes FOR Hen, Women & Children Very Reaaonabiy Priced House Slippers and Boudoir Slippers to match Jackets for Hen In All-Leather or Leather-Trimmed Aviation Style Very Low Priced Other Styles Also BLOCITS GOLDEN RULE STORE 220 N. liberty Salem, Oregon ONLY $99 TO Ing services in Belcrest Memorial park. mm. Alice Orme. 79, at . a local hospital, December 3, 1941. Fun- rant owner but receives no com passes on License A restaurant owner, in ordering oysters from a wholesaler, who orders a few ad ditional cans for another restau- eral arrangements later from thp pion, is not compelled to ob- Terwilliger-E dwatdi home. Luella I. Sied, at residence, route 7, Salem, December 3. Sur vived by widower, G e o r g e A. Sled, Salem; daughters, Hazel anH Opal Sied, both of Salem and Mrs. -Willard Weathers, Shedd, ' Ore.; and one grandson, Conrad Weathers, Shedd Funeral an nouncements later ; by Clough Barrick funeral home. . ! . : j . nAirn ftF THANKS ' n: ,icH h exnress our sin cere thanks and appreciation to ..!vko, .nd friends for beau tiful floral offerings, : sympathy ind kindness extended us during me illness and death of our be- loved wiie ana . G. D. Scott and family. -rATt'nF THANKS rjci tn thank our friends ' and neighbors for their kindness, rrmpatny ana uw .in our recent bereavement - ; . - It. John Scheffe and family. tain a dealers license, Attorney General I. . H. VanWinkle held! Wednesday. The opinion was re quested by M. .T. Hoy,; master fish warden. ' Fined After Wreck Stanley S. Klenczak. 1970 South Cottage street was fined $25 and his oper ator's license suspended for three months on a ;, reckless driving charge arising from an auto ac cident Tuesday afternoon at Ship- cine and Cottage streets. The other auto involved was onven bv Esther Henner, 1080 Madison street. Tfiimmapc sale Fri- , Sat. 271 N. High. Beta Chi Mothers ciud. Parley ' Authorised T h e state board of control granted permis sion Wednesday to the ;.Oregon association of the deaf to hold its triennial convention next June at th state school for the deaf in Rnlom. The convention, which 190 persons . wOl attend: is self supporting. . - " The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy YOUR PRESCRIPTION 135 N. Commercial Street Phones 5197 - 9723 WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFEK Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1899 - 1941 It Fays to Trade at SchaeferV PRICES THURSDAY, SATURDAY THROUGH MONDAY Get there quicker by air ! Gain time for productive work before you leave or aftcryou -arrive. Cost? Scarcely more than for ground transportation delicious meals free, stewardess service, no tips, r?o extra charges. Fly to speed national defense. For fares "and reservations,; phone f BR-0474 Portland, 614 S.Wi Broadway . . . or your travel agent ? ' " Christmas Candy Headquarters Hard Xmas Ilix 15c lb. Gum Drops . . 12c n. Commercial Choc. 12c 5-Lb. Boxes Chocolates Light or dark.. ,, $1.19 SOUTHWEST AIRLIRiES mceaurt mmm I 1 1 1 n uokb m ' x rr irr d m M I SCHAEFER'S RHEUMATISM REMEDY Will relieve your "a- - rheumatic pains. ; Onlya Schaefer's t WKITI AIR MAIL. .SHI Aia IX'RISS 10 WS1 Be Added te Quoted . Prices as Required by Federal , v Betallers Excise Tax ; For Aches, Pains. Sprains, or Bruises Use Schaefer's Ilerve and Bone Liniment 50C and $1.00 Penetratinjr Relief Use the family tested cough remedy Schaefer's Throat & Lung Balsam t i 50c d 51.00 Stop That Bark 1 WMffi 1 DER-MA-f.'.OL --SOc-;-"' Use the scientific method remove your corns by using Schaefer's Corn Remedy 250 No ReUef, Ne Pay Don't have itching poison ; , oak . . . Use Hood's Poison Oak Lotion 50Ca.dSl.00 Sold Only at Schaefer's Christmas Items lor Yon lien's Comh and Brush iSels I1.VR 2-Quart Hot Water Bottle Dillfolds Ilnnicure Sols COTT SETS -y lit Tablets Penslar Yeasl ti Irca 43c Hih - . Vitamin in rms Pen-Lax For constlpatk Ilea's SHavi3-C::j