. . ' ' . 1 , . - .. , ' ' . . . ' - .' 7. - . . - , . . . - 7- . 7 -7 - , - -77, l-i 7' - v7 . - v f . " - - : . . . .- - r- , . ,. ; - : V " " ' vi.v- .' " - VI i ", : ' ' -5' -r- V. " v . ' - - - . , ;. Farm Financial Markets - omic- PAGE TEN Th OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, December Z, 1941 Session of Western Nut Growersl"Strictly Private" Opens Here; Exhibit Winners Announced at Banquet Tonight Banqui With representatives from Oregon, Washington and Cali fornia expected, the two-day convention of the Western Nut Growers' association is scheduled toVpen at 9:30 this morning at the chamber of commerce rooms here. After aaoralnr and afternoon By Quinn Hall sessions devoted to addresses en different phases of the Indus try, the day's' activity will be. wound op at a public banquet scheduled for 6:30 pjn. at the Marlon hotel. Gov. Charles A. Sprague will be the main speaker and William McGilchrlst, jr., Salem, is to act as toastmaster, according to Rob ert E. Rieder, banquet chairman. During the dinner, winners in the nut exhibits and food displays will be announced and the ex hibits auctioned off, the proceeds to go to Chinese war relief. Over 150 In cash and merch andise prises are being offered and exhibits will be taken un til noon today by P. C. Mc Laughlin, Woodburn, who Is In charge of the open competition. The day's program is as fol lows: 9:30 a.m. President's address, L. R. Pearson, route two, Beaver ton. . 9:45 a.m. Daviana as a filbert pollinizer, Joe Doerfler, Silverton 10:30 a.m. New filbert varie ties, Henry Henneman, Portland. 11:10 a.m. Preliminary results from new experimental work, C. E. Schuster horticulturist, USDA, Corvallis. 1 :30 p.m. How the Oregon wal nut industry has prospered under control, R. A. Duncan, member, walnut control board, Portland. 2:15 p.m. Results from tree re moval in crowded walnut or chards, Wm.' Blake, Salem 2:35 p.m. Observations on tree planting distances, E. W. Wood ford, Forest Grove. Items Added To Food list Sixteen food items, including pork, butter and fresh grapefruit, are on the blue stamp foods list designated for the month of De cember by the US Secretary of Agriculture, Claude R. Wickard, it was announced by M. Louis Belangie, area supervisor for the USDA surplus marketing admin istration. Following is the complete list which stamp plan customers may purchase with blue food stamps during December (which is the same as November's with grape fruit added): Pork (all cuts, fresh, including chilled or frozen, salted, cured, smoked, but not cooked or packed in metal or glass contain ers); butter, corn meal; shell eggs; raisins; dried prunes; homing grits; dry edible beans; wheat and whole wheat (graham) flour; en riched wheat flour; fresh grape fruit; fresh pears; fresh apples; fresh oranges, and all fresh vege tables, including potatoes. j " ' " life. ,sia CAMP HI If v ISC DEAR MOMt 1UE SAPS& HAS UP My MIND TO MEET TW& OTUMG GLD0K POM TWW AND 0sT W WE ftNK YOUR COM p.s.. soW rve 3U6T OCX RACK AND Bi. A A t5i Quotations at Portland Woodburn Jersey To Get Award t The purebred Jersey cow, St. Mawes Fox Flo, in the herd own ed by the estate of Sidney Miller, Woodburn, has qualified for the certificate award of the American Jersey Cattle club with her ex ceptional butterfat yield. In a recently completed official test, she produced 797.76 pounds of butterfat, 11,776 pounds of milk Jn 365 days, milked twice daily. She was 5 years and 3 months of age when started on test Produce Exchange PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 1 (AP) Yii4a nrinto The 4900 food retailers Wholment wrappers. 39"ic in cartons. B grade, 37VaC in cnarcnment wrappers, 38VjC in cartons. Butterfat first quality, maximum . ot 1 lier cent acidity, delivered Port land, 38-38'aC lb.; premium quality (maximum ot .85 of l oer cent acidity). 39-39,ic lb., valley routes and country I erally rints 2c less or 36c; second quality cents under first, or 35-36C. Eggs Prices to producers: A large, 33c; B large 29c; medium A, 28c; medium B 30c; B, small. 22c; A small 22c. Resale to retailers 4c higher for cases, cartons 5c hieher. ' raeese seiiine Drice to oruana re tailers: Tillamook triplets 28c lb.; loaf 29c lb. Triplets to wholesalers 26c lb.; loaf 27c lb. f.o.b. TUiamooK. 10 per cent, 1.09l,4; 11 per cent, 1.1514; la per cent, i.iw,s. Today's car receipts: Wheat. 29: barley, 3; flour. 19; corn, 2; oats, 2; hay, 4; millieed. 3: flaxseed, 0. handle stamp plan business in this area which covers the state of Oregon, should have the new list on flisplay beginning December 1, M. Louis Belangie stated. Grain Market In Advance Wool in Boston Stock Market Still Groggy Average of Leading Issues Declines; Tax Selling Hurts NEW YORK, Dec HflVThe stock market Monday refused to take advantage of a slightly better news budget and leaders turned in a highly hap-hazard performance While many favorites managed to tack on advances of fractions to a point or so, losses running to around 2 were numerous. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks finished with a net de dine of .1 of a point at 38.7, I new bottom since June 11 last year. It was the eighth successive session in which the composite had failed to register a plus mark. Relatively heavy tax selling per sisted as a volume stimulator as well as a market brake. Transfers totalled 837,290 shares against 868,160 in the preceding 5-hour stretch. Hitting new lows for the year or longer were American leie phone, Sears Roebuck,. General Motors and Chrysler. In arrears were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Western Union, Texas Co., Union Carbide, westinghouse, Du Pont, Union Pacific and Santa Fe. Gainers included Southern Paci fic, Great Northern, Pennsylvania, Chesapeake & Ohio, American Can. J. I. Case, Boeing, Dow Chemical and Anaconda. Salem Market Quotations Tin nrim holaw utmlled bT a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The statesman: VEGETABLES Apples, box i US Recta, bunch. Aaz. A9 Brussels sprouts, flat 1-M Cabbaca , I'M LIVESTOCK . . (Buying prices roe no. x w on conditions and sales reported up to Djn.1 Top lambs . Hogs, top ieO-200 lbs. 10AO Sows Veal, top Cabbage, CbJrese, dox. Carrot Cauliflower, crate Celery, green Celery hearts, dox. liar nc, id. i i. Hubbard squash Lettuce, as Lettuce. Mustard greens, dox. 50 lbs. Onion, onion, frees . Potatoes. 100 Rmu, No. 1 new Potatoes, No. X. N ib. baf Radishes, dox. GRAIN, HA AND SEEDS AS 1.00 1.25 .90 JS J01I . 2.00 M . 1.85 . .43 . a so .70 . JSC Dairy type cows Beet ( (Baytag Prices) Oats, No. 1 reed barley, ton Clover hay, ton - Aiiaua bay. ton Dairy feed, SO-lb. bag. Hen scratch feed Cracked corn Wheat . BUTTER. PRINTS t (Baying Prices) A B JO.0O 90.00 . 8.00 to 10.00 14.00 to 16.00 1.75 1JS 1J5 Quarters 39 .40 BOSTON, Dec. 1 ( AP) (USDA) The Boston wool market was gen Dealers asking prices were auiet. being firmly maintained at $1.10 to EGGS AND POULTRY (Buying Prices of Aadresea's) (Subject to cnangt witnout moucci BUTTERFAT No. 1 No. 2 M Premium .. .40 Extra large white -u Extra large Drown . -v Medium . Standard . JS Pullets JS Colored hens 4 7 Colored trys J 7 White Leghorn -a Old roosters -05 rBnrlni Prices or atartoa Creamery) (Subject to Cnange witnout itoucei BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 EGGS Large A Large B $1.12 -scoured basis, lor graded French combing lengths. combine Menctha fine territory wools, and at $1.08 to $1.13 for original bags fine territory wools running both fine wool and average to gooa Tencn cows Bulls Heifers Dressed veal HOTS' (Baytag Prices) seeded 1942 contract Seedless Mohair 11.00 . 6 00 to 6 00 30 to IX .7.78 to SJS iM to 7i5 J 7 WOOL AND MOBAm Wool SI M At M Time Nears for Securing New Applications December SI will, mark the deadline for applications for 1942 licenses for number of fee ac counts of the foods and dairyies division of the state department of agriculture. They include commercial ferti lizers and feeds, bakery licenses. carbonated beverages, egg dealers (wholesalers who sell to retail- Salem Sheep Get Awards Coveted honors at the first an- nual Grand National ivesxocx exposition, which recently closed at San Francisco, were won by J. J. Thompson, Salem rout five, on his Shropshire sheep. Thompson S awaros lauuoea champion ram, champion ewe, first on flock, first on get-of-sire; firsts on yearling; ram and year ling ewe; seconds on pen of year ling ewes and pen of ewe lambs 'and second on produce of ewes. Twelve head of sheep were en tered by Thompson, who also won prizes this year at the state fair and 'Pacific International Live stock exposition. ers), gasoline licenses, agricultural lime and agricultural minerals, and grade A mUk licenses for plants, dairies and shippers. The grade A licenses are not collected from dairymen or oper ators in cities that have their own mQk ordinances. Notices of the approaching deadline have been mailed to all holders of 1941 licenses. Large Mediui lum A Medium B Pullets Checks Colored hens Colored fryers . . Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens Stags Old roosters No 2 Doultry 05 less .41V .40', .33 .29 .29 .17 .19 J7 .17 .16 .15 .12 43 i There Is ne personal or basin esa emergency which we cannot help yea meet with a eonvenieatly, speedily arranged loan! Drop tnte ear fflees far roll details . . . STATE FDIAIICE CO. S44 State FOR MONEY IN A HURRY Lie, 8-21C M-22S Phone 92C1 THE LONE RANGER Might Is Right! By FRAN STRIKER Returns From Trip RICKREALL Mrs. J. Crouch, Portland, spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Harland while enroute home from a visit to Nebraska. Mrs. Crouch was in Long Beach, Calif, when the re cent earthquake occurred. Stocks and Bonds December 1 CorrpUed by The Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES CHICAGO, Dec. l-()-Led"by Soybeans, which soared 8 cents a bushel, the limit permitted in one day, grain prices registered gains of 1 to 2 cents in a general ad vence Monday. Wet weather likely to interfere with late bean and corn harvest ing, reduced receipts of these cere als at terminal markets, resump tion of American-Japanese con versations and a bureau of agri cultural economics forecast that prices would continue to rise in 1942 were bullish factors, r Beans, wheat and rye were strongest at the start of trading. jaicr cum .uok uie ieaa ana, calif.. 2 40-2.50 for 50-lb when short enverinir hniefori env- ath Falls. 2.40-2.50. cental. beans the limit during the final KTs nour, Wheat, corn and rye Drices wuiamette vauey ciovea ia.uo ton; tun- were up as much as 2 cents. Wheat closed l-2 cents higher than Saturday, December tl.16H-l.16, May $1.21-. Removal of uncertainty regard ing the price control bill, at least for the time beins. was sriven some credit for enlargement of trading in 'grains although Wash ington reports indicated changes in the house version of the meas ure can be expected. 30 is is Indus Ralls UtU Net change If. 1 Unch D. 2 Monday 55.8 15.4 28.4 Previous day .... 55.9 15.4 28.6 Month ago 58.3 18.5 30.4 Year ago 63.1 16.2 34.5 1941 high 63.9 19.0 33J 1941 low 54.8 13J 28.4 10 BOND AVaaAGKS 40 15 Rails Indus Uttl Net change A. 2 Unch D. 1 Monday 62.2 104.9 106.7 Previous day 62.0 104.9 101.8 Month ago 63.0 105.0 102.1 XSS'J!0 58 5 1059 1941 high 66 8 105.4 1022 1941 low 602 104.2 99.0 60 Stks D 38.7 38.8 40.8 44.0 45.0 38.8 10 Frgn D. S 45.6 46.0 48.6 37.7 514 38.0 Portland Produce , PORTLAND. . Ore., Dec. 1 (AP) Country meats Selling price to retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 129-148, 14V2-15C; light thing, la-isc; vealers, fancy 18,i-19c; heavy, 14-15c; yearling iambs, 17-iac; ewes, o-c: good cutter cows, 12c; canner cows. VIC'. DUilS, 14-1DC. Dressed turkeys Selling price: Hens 30c; tops, 24-25c lb. Buying prices: Toms. 22c: hens. 27-28C - Live noultrv Buvuie trlces: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, under li lbs., 18c; over l'i lbs., 18c; fryers 2-4 lbs., WaC; roasters, over 4 lbs.. 19c; col ored hens. 19c: xeenorns. unaer a1, lbs.. 15c; over 3',i lbs, 17c. Old roosters 8c lb. - - Onions Oregon nominal, 1.80 50 lb. sack. Yakima, 1.25-1.40. Potatoes White locals. 1.7S cental: Deschutes Gems, 2.15-2.25 cental; Yak ima No. 1 Gems, 2.10 cental; new box.; Kiam- NUH 5ffi, SHERIFF, IVE 60T A fi THE NAME OF tfEKi, MOW BO YOU AtfT ARRKTW' MR. BKEAU,") LOT OF FRIENDS THAT KEEP ) r5 THIS LE90N OF TVC BLACK J V 6HSQFF ; 7-'- B6 ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF EVBTCNE THAT KNOWS TOO MUCH, UNTIE M&BOVSi AN' HOLD THE 6HHOFF MC THtSfttKL. X RON BAOC ID THE WALTON RANCH. FY THr5 TIME, THE R7f& TVOE 5OULO HVE ) TAKEN CART OF TXTO. ' POLLY AND HER PALS Not in the Pinkl By CUFF STERRET Trading Steady With Supply Good on Mart Willamette valley cloven othy, eastern Oregon. S21 0 ton. Mohair 1941. 12-month. 45c lb. Nuts Price to wholesaler: Filberts: Barcelona, Jumbo 21c, large 18'ic, fancy 173,4c. baby 16e lb; Duchilly, Jumbo zoc. laree isc fancy ibc lb. W a 1 n ut a Prices to wholesalers : First grade Franauette. Jumbo. 22c: large 20c; medium 18c; - haby . 15,4c; soft shell. Jumbo .none: laree 19c: medium 17c: baby 14'ic lb. Mavette. jumbo none; large 20c lb.; second grade Franauette, large 18c; medium 17c; baby 15c lb.; soft shell, large 17c; meaium ioc; Daoy ic id. Wool 1941 clip, Oregon ranch nom inal 32-33c lb.; crossbred. 34-37c lb. Domestic flour Selling price, city delivery , l to zz DDL lots: family pat tents. 49c. 7.35-7.95: 98c 7.10-7.70 bbl.: bakers' hard wheat net, 5.75-6.50; blended hard wheat 5.85-6:30; soft wheat 5.50: bluestem 6.0O-6.50. Hops 1941, 39-38c; 1942 contracts, 32c. Cascara bark 1940 peel. 10c lb.; 1941 ioc id. SHUCKSPA-A IT SUTTINLW IS, V. I f NONSCNSC ONDV THE OTHER A 1 I SJMPLV SAID ISTHATAU-Y 3?V ( SISTER I'M TTONV) I CAV I HEARD NOU BRAJSGIN3 J WE MJZ USIN'A VOL) CAN t fW 7 "TWESC DAVS. j ' ) ( ABOUT VOUR. BUSINESS UOHTtR SHADE OF- ) MICKEY MOUSE PORTLAND, Dec, stuffs and fruit supply on 1-;P)-Green- were in liberal Portland Livestock the Farmers' Wholesale market Monday and trading was about steady. Local potatoes had a somewhat better tone although prices were unchanged, with Is generally $1.60 central and 2s around 55 cents for 5s. j PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 1 ( API- Salable 8600, total 4100. (USDA) Hogs: Salabl Barrows and gilts tid-cn, 140-ieo lbs. do 160-200 lbs. do 180-200 lbs. do 200-220 lbs. do 220-240 lbs. do 240-270 lbs. do 270-300 lbs. A 9.50 10.10 . 10.10 e 10.50 1 . 10.40 10.50 . 10.35 10.50 I - 10.15 10.40 . 9.75 & 10.19 925, 9.75 ...26S 38 20 6 44 Proc & Gamble -54 Pub Serv 13 Pullman 21 Radio 3 Rayonier ll Republic Steel 17 Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. l-Pr-Today's closing Quotations: Air Reduction ..34 Du Pont De N i42vi Phelps Dodge awnT ,u,neau z Eastman Kodak 133 Phillips Pet L w ve it" xjec row & t 1 rails Chalmers -25 Gen Electric American Can ..71 Gen Foods . Am Car & Fdy 26H Goodrich .. Am Rd & Std Stn Goodyear Am Roll Mills. 10 Great North a )r , , 2f i ynouna -22 Richfield Oa .10y4 4, t " - iuonow central .13, sareway Stores .:43 Am Tobacco B ....48 H Insp Copper .7 Sears Roebuck .63 Am Water Wks Inter Nickel 48 Shell Union r. 16 Am Zinc L & S Inter Harvester .10 Socony Vacuum J Anaconda .JIIVa : Int Pap & P Pfd 56M Sou Cal Edison il Armour Illinois -..3 Int Tel & Tel 2 South Pacific 12 Atchison 26 Johns Manville :m Sperry Corp 9oyt Aviation Coro -....3 Kennecott - .31M Stan Brands I ..4 D.wwin loco 12 Libbey-O-Ford .24 Stan Ofl Calif 23 SeHdi2.AT,tion J7 LocWel W Stan Oil Indiana 31 Beth Steel 57 Va Lowe's lLl37a Stan Oil NT r list Boeing Airplane -18 Monty Ward .30 Stone & Webster t5y4 Borden Nash Kelv . l : 'Si SriiHKaV - ii. Borg Warner 19 Nat Biscuit -16il Sunshine MinlnT7! CsJumetHec . 5 Nat Dairy Prod -14 Texas Corp -I..43 Canada Dry 13 Nat Distillers 24 ; J Trans-Ameriai 4 Canadian Pae 4 National Lead 24i Union CarhM : th Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120 9J0l0.00 Cattle: Salable 2900. total 3050. ' Steers, ch. 1000-1100 lbs. 12.00012.50 do good, 900-1100 ;bs. 1025612.00 do med. 750-1100 lbs. 92510.25 do common, 750-1100 lbs 7.750 925 tieners. Good - ; 9.50 10.75 do med, 500-900 lbs 8.50 9.50 do com. 500-800 lbs . 1.006b IJA Cows, good all wts. 7.506825 ao medium, all wts. 6.75 7501 do cut-corn, al lwts. 5.25 6.75 ao canners, ail wts. .2Sfi 52S Bulls . (yearlinn excluded) beet good, all wts. 8.50 9.00 do sausage, good, all wts. 825 0 8.75 do saus. med." all wts. 7.506 825 do cut-corn, all wts. 6256 750 Vealers. gd-ch. all wet. 1150613.00 do com-med, all wts 8.00 11.50 o cuu. au wis. S50O S.00 Sheeo: Salable 1700. total Sfiim Calves, gd-ch, 400 lbs. da. 10.00 11.50 Shooting the Works! By WALT DISNEY V WHATS THJS (REKRE TELLMDU A ) li P VEH, I THE LEETLE WN, N t GOT FDR ME ) SHE'S HlJACKEP OK I SECEET W PIERRE GOHHf rniTL TtT; $T-C ( 1 E M-QXKai tf t A III is 7 i MILL, SEE? f 2Ct 1 WHAT'S BEEG Zt. ) "n' i I SiSJ SK&S J C riL NEVER i ll 1 n LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY do eom-med do cull. 400 lbs down Ewes (shorn) gd-ch do. com-med : Lambs ' do gd-ch do med-gd ' do common 7.00 10.00 ! 5.50 (S 7.00 4.606 5251 MOO 9.75 (3)10.75 9200 950 8.00 9.00 1 Portland Grain terpmar Trac J NY Central Union Oil Calif 14y4 TZT . xtT American Av -14 Union Pacific w.65 viva American co .11 united Airlines 13 cnrysier. ,.,50 Northern Pacific J5 United Aircraft "L32M, Col Gas & Eec 49 Ohio Oa .8 United Drug -5 Commer Solvent j T.Otis Steel ,. .....5 United Foods 74 Consolid Aircraft 21 ;Pac Amer Fish .10 US Rubber T ,33 Consolid Edison .13 ! Pac Gas & Eec JUfl US Rubber Pfd 102y4 Consolid OQ Pac Tel & Tel .105 US Steet-J50 Continental Can any Pafkarri ; ; - ,y vanr!m ;n Corn Products .47 Pan Amer Air a7 Warner Picture J' Crown Zeller iLll Paramount Pic .15 West Union 25 Curtiss Wright -.8 ; J C Penney -.77 Westing Eec - 75 Douglas Air J68 Penrt RR 120 Wnr.lwr.rth 93 ;i PORTLAND. Or : TW t Wheat;,, r t Open Hish .Low close fJ. DG'fc '87 86L 97 wecemDer si'fc 92t 91 i 02,i No. 1 flax. iJlU. . Cash wheat (bid): Soft whiim Kit- oft '.white excluding Rex. 99; White dub, 1.00: Western red. 1.00. t aara rea winter ordinary, 93; 10 per cent. 95i; 11 per cent. 1X2; 12 per cent. 1.07. VT Hara whlte-Baart ordinary, lMfr f TO LIKE'ALL"TrC (3E5TOF fWUl J 1 1 fi li Work for Idle Hands to Do By BRANDON WALSH I WD THE AT fWSU f aea - 1 6Ug5TAN'AlLAV15rnWfiUE5T WM 00 15 EATAM' BLEEP AW . 6tt WK SOME VUORK 1 HADACDOM ALL ByMrClTAW'NOTWa TODOAUIWraTIJU5TJOTHJW' HONE5X ITMADe h FEQ, G00FV. S L I . I V taSl m m r-r. 1 1 1 fi tUT WHEX OLIVER CAM3CK, GUC5T LUCE EVESZySODy ClScT WAWTED TO JUMP LP AW VOUH AAX VXH&UfVtJ . " I - - i , 1 1 vrrrm rat .- ixuOTwx, iiiLATlL&--5tarrIng Popr TTerythlng In Shlphap Ordcrl" TTa.!ar'.4 sr.! Walnut Meats Ca TiiJ on DeliTery ' EELLCY FAUQUnAU Salem, Oreroa " WANTED Walanl meats and- Filbert meats.- Also In shelL Cash on delivery.! Highest price. - MORRIS KLOKFEIN Packing Co. 4S V: Front ' 1 TeL 7633 I i ry m at Chmest remedies. Aa xlng SUCCESS - for S09 yean 1st CHIN No saatter wita what aliment yarn are AFFLICT ED disorders, ' tiaasttts,. heart, rang, liver, kidneys, stomach, gas, eoBsttpattwa, ucera, -sia- mvum, iTCTa sub, 7 lenuua piiints - -Chinese Herb. Ca Office Honrs . Only Taes. aat , Sat, 9 . ajn. to S p.m. an - Sua. and Wed, ajrt. tm M w.a. 122 N. Conal St. Cslem, or. - ADMIRAL JgSSm K i .a uvim' up ADMIRAL. POPESE LOUT f JL- 5!" ji. m m c.rFvv ai jib ib b l : sr r ... C ' 1 M Bk lP- r araw ' -rt iw ADMIRAL POPEVEj THAT'S A SOCIAL 65 -f -V KMOOX BUTLERS THROUGH MUST PUTCWA I Ll I .-T, UnMPOttrS 1 BACK UME&aJ - VV i J I s715