.h &ure J L V :r V 1 - '.A TniTNnFRTMn EPIf! f lvitiir alnnr thri bcwIt.waii franttora of thwvrTjUniithwst . la "Texas." Anlnr laii ( ih riran1 tha tr Wllllim HaMn tjin Ift k iWMl witfi lnv1v fTIa.lp 1mr and Glenn Ford. The villainous rentlemen at the lower left are Edrar Buchanan and Georre Ban' croft. Sec. 3 Salem, Oregon Stmdcry Morning, Norembey 30 1911 10 The Gall Board ELSINORE ' . ' . ',. Today William Powell, Myrna Loy tn . "Shadow of the Thin: Man.", Jimmy Lydon, June Freiaset in. "Henry - Aldrich for President.'? " - ' Friday Bin g Crosby.- Mary Martin In .Birth of the Blues." Jackie -Cooper, Susanna Foster in "Glamour Boy." GRAND ' J-'- ''.H'-k ' : Today William Holdeni Claire Tre- x vor, Glenn Ford in -jxexa." LynnJ T nr-4 rAhn fiutfm 4 mTUTwm Hvavl ' Her Shoulder." STATE U:-. Today John Payne, Betty Field, Harry Carey, in "Shepherd of the ' Hills." Richard Arlen, Eva Gabor ' in orcea lancing. Thursday Jane - Withers, in "A ".Very . Young Beth Hughes, George in - uowDoy ana the Nancy Kelly Lady." Mary Montgomery Blonde." Saturday - midnight Claudette Col' Dert, Henry-f onaa in 'Drums Along xne nonawK. CAPITOL Today Errol ' Flynn,' Fred Parachute Troops Shown in Film The dramatic inner struggle of a young man to overcome his ov erpowering fear of making his first parachute Jump is strikingly revealed In "Parachute Battal ion," now at the Hollywood theatre. The boy'i father is command ing officer of the; corps, and the 01 in 17 rprniit ia rclnrtont' in -ah. fide his fears to the man who has only contempt for cowardice. It is the love of a girl, the daughter of the hard-boiled but kindly sergeant detailed to put the boys through their paces, which gives the youth) courage ultimately to meet the grueling test. Robert Preston, Nancy Kelly, Edmond O'Brien and Harry Ca rey have 'stellar roles in "Para chute Battalion." Make Longview Trip J WEST SALE M Merle and Arch Swearingen made a busi ness trip to Longview Tuesday. STARTS TODAY c 1 EM1UE.I S? ofdialey. m a. VGr M,a, mi I ' 1 lllllllfill at Plus Tax r t,..Zr '"CMP af Xrj., A C 'i 4 2 Powell, Loy Star Again "Shadow of the Thin Man" Opens Today At Elsinore ; William Powell and Myrna Loy have again assumed their, famous characterizations as Nick and Nora Charles, with Nick, jr., and Asta rounding out the now fam ous "Thin Man" family in Metro- GoldwynMayer's "Shadow of the Thin Man," now playing at the Elsinore theater. Mixing the hilarious domestic life of Nick and Nora with another fascinating murder case, the lat est "Thin Man" story gives Detec tive Charles a difficult problem to solve, with no less than three corpses to deal with. Nora, as usual, tries to be the helpful little woman and, as usual, only adds to his sleuthing problems. Nick, jr., now walking and talking, proves to be a young tyrant, and Asta has added some new tricks to those which have delighted audiences in the gast. Two newcomers head the sup porting cast, with Barry Nelson and Donna Reed playing the young romantic leads. Sam Le vene is back in his comedy char- j acterization of Lt. Abrams, who would never solve a case without Nick's help. Also in the cast are Alan Baxter, Henry O'Neill, Lor ing Smith, Joseph Anthony, Stella Adler, Lou Lubln and Louise Beavers. The film was directed by Maj. W. S. Van Dyke II and was pro duced -by Hunt Stromberg, the director-producer team responsi ble for the previous "Thin Man" pictures. Comedy highlights include a wrestling bout that winds up with the wrestlers tumbling into Miss ray in "Dive Bomber' Lucile Fair banks, Keith Douglas From Hongkong." i Wednesday j ames MacMur in "Passage Cagney in "The Roaring Twenties."- Charlie Chaplin, Marie Dressier in Tillie s Punctured Romance." - - Saturday Gene Autry, I Smiley Bur- nette in "sierra 'Sue. i Philip Terry, Wendy Barrie in "Public Enemies." HOLLYWOOD Today Robert reston, Nancy Kelly, Harry. Carey in "Parachute Batal- lion."' Judy Canova, Francis Lederer, Slim - Summervule in "Puddla1 Hull " -. r " -.-j - Thursday Wmiam Lundigan, Shirley Bom 4n Cai1ra Mi l." JohmiV Mack Brown,- Fuzzy Knight In "Law of the Range. .-.. ? -,- LTBEBIT . . . r. ; -i - ' ' Today Warner Baxter." Ingrid Berr man In - " Adam Had r Four Sons.' Vera '.Vague. , Johnny- Downs in Mlodv and Moonlight" Wednesday Bob Steele In "Billy the Kid - Outlawed.". Boris Karloff In , "Before I Hang" - Friday Range Busters in "Fugitive Valley." Ralph Bellamy In "Elle: Queen, Master Detective." - First Aid Meeting Called for Monday ' LAKE LABISH The first aid meeting held at Lake Labish school was . attended by an in terested group. The next meeting is called for Monday at 7:30 pjn. at the same place. Mrs. E. Busick conducted the class. Twenty , two hours of in' struction are given in the free course. .v.v.'.v.y. mm w W I s: 1 VY j2 v, 4' - ; 1 , s ; WARNER BAXTER and Inrrid Bergnun are co-starred tn "Adam Had Four Sons," which starts today at the Liberty theatre on a dual program with Melody and Moonlight," starring Vera Vague. Loy's lap, Powell's experience in a toy department where he gets dizzy on a merry-go-round, the antics of Sam Levene as the be wildered Police Lieutenant Abrams, and amusing domestic scenes between Powell and Miss Loy. (. f ' I it Y f it 1 rr M TIoof T.nvf Prire! i - y f y, Starts S 10 J(g II CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 P. M. f PS A Thundering Epic of Henoic I Adventure! Children 10c II j - PLPS TAX p -3 l . . " - t f-tf $ - t " if ?T ?.- i'x vf -J , s If is. i S , x:. .. i " i f I " -. , I . I ,. I i'TwiK;; m iii , ill ' V; '-"v: I "v ,1 ' Jn4 ion tf Mini f j ClAUE 1 ' i A 'I nr-onnn rAHCP.OFTnDOAaTuicilujfltl -r.3 EaL J:H ""IZ::a Over 'ndri'EI'zdf:!1 7 s i..... v y h . r" - - -v ; Jit AT IT AGAIN are Myrna Loy and William PoweU In "Shadow of the Thin Man." which pens today -wi the Elsinore screen. Corpses and cops, kisses and hisses, m-jmu ana noncpuy, nerrji-nFUDo and mysteries they're all present in the new picture. Asia's In it, to, and ttttlo Dickie Ball lay Nick, Jr who's a toddling terror now. Capitol Has Dive Bomber There's something thrilling in the air, and " Warner Bros, have dramatized it, photographed it in wonderfully, natural technicolor, and served it up, binder the title of "Dive Bomber;", with two of the screen's most (dashing heroes, Errol Flynn and Fred MacMur- fay for its co-stars. Made with the cooperation of the United States navy, "Dive Bomber,' which opens today at the Capitol theatre, is the most gloriously ex citing air drama the screen has yet given. The super-pilots who fly Uncle Sam's super-planes, the dive bombers, are the heroes of this epic of the skyways, anad theirs is a thrill-a-second drama. The tre mendously high altitude, the ter riffic rate of speed at which they descend Upon their targets makes dive-bombing the most hazardous type of flying. The main, theme of the story is the work being done . by the flight surgeons to lessen the physical hazards to the dive bomber pilot. . . STARTS TODAY Pins Defense Tax Continuous Today - 1 to 11 1. M, It thaOcaUerbr8me3irii ,inore riotous ihan vtrtj wtt JUDY CANOVA FRANCIS LCD ERIK And 2nd Feature V sTN ..' The Story of America's First Sky Troops . . . with all the Thrills, Chills, Spills lt would imply. UtO.7 s Also News and CartoM Conttnnona Today from 1 Now -2 Hits IE,. Companion Feature Oriental Mystery & Intrigue Art Woven Into "PASSAGE FROM HONGKONG Bomber: 20 - 655 - 1050 Hongkong: 1:30 - 955 - 950 . Added: Final Chapter r T72 DEAD END KIDS UTTIX TOUCH CUT! A UNiVUlAl tf eiai Football Banquet Set at Woodnurn WOODBURN A banquet, sponsored by the student body of Woodburn high school will be held Wednesday night at the high school in honor of the football boys. Howard Maple, basketball coach of Willamette university, will be the guest speaker. Complimentary tickets will be given to the football boys. Sixty tickets will also be available to members of the student body who wish to attend the banquet. The girls of the Booster club will serve. Betty Lou Leiehty is chairman of the decora tine com mittee, Jean Royse lis in charge:! a - n oi me program ana Helen Yoder is in charge of the ticket sales. Additional Theatres On Page 6 STASIS Dig Triple-Hi! Show! (fsgp: L" I i i SALEM'S THEATRE New Low PRICES CONTINUOUS FROM 1 Thin Man U:45-SI-7:1S-1I51 Aldrich: X:45 - l it - t:lS Come Early ANYTIME A1IY SEAT (Except Lores) Ixges . 40c Men in Uniform ... 20c Children l(k ALL r RICES PLUX TAX ii FURY -Tn OZARKSt V f- (TODAY: - j TIME: f r: Shepherd ; V' , . 255 - 5:40 4 T7: Forced L V V-' 1:00-4:15. if ; Vjao -10:50 4 Sllf . 1 1 -S7 i disss si mymious BESTIR TSMJ B Rowdy Nick and Nora Charles are bac gaily doingmore of the ilap-liappy tilings youjvojal jwaysloved tHem forlandjhey've 'M44 m IIamii AA8 r Their tol Man pic- -J tSrd in 2 years. .-and gJ if s a honey I J - r-- PLUS COJ "R fl: .11 fm7 The funniest of aU the Aldrich Family hiU ... with III 1 n J 11.0 II I I I I amailng younr Jimmy Lydon as the new HENRY AL- Mill II I I I I I I 1 I DRICaV RsUsisnroiritsto J j lj 1 T I 1 I SU J J I 'HENRY ALDRICH c I " - : : of the' p - flus Sopermaa Cartoon liaaed on popular Comie ' 1 ; - 7 4 rjyK?JL I t 1 11 II f-L-P"; ; ' trff&AAXXT, DONNA - SLJL11 r- . V t J&SC V ' in Technicolor I v : ; wtthhiaxt, - DONNA - RAM NELSON..REED .LEVENE 1tLNI:WHH Vt fll,3r fcocnwfcr ia TIRTTI OF THE BLUES' Bob Hope, 'NOTHING BUT JJIJFFIZX,,? Chr,M ln "HOLD BACK THE DAWN- Abbott A CoaUD. to KEEP irLTTNQ-DelU 'Davis In -THE LITTLE FOXES- Nelson Eddy tn "CHOCOLATE SOLDIER- Mickey vL.inx iui Y aiiac ueenr in "BUGLE SOUNIjS- -Ett Davla n. "TTTF uiv JgSgJpA?" TO PfNNER- JUNCI B BOOK- - "SHANGHAI CETURF Wj.'k lSS? h TO OH NOT TO ES-