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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1941)
PAGE sac Healys Are Host for Dinners Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Healy are entertaining with two in- formal dinner parties this week at their home on East Lincoln street. The first affair was held Tues day night and a similar party will be given tonight with a group of their friends bidden as guests. Guests will be seated at small tables and the buffet table will be centered with an autumn bouquet and the fall colors will be carried out in the appoint ments. Tuesday night covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. George Otten and Mr. and Mrs. David Cameron. The Healy's guests tonight will be Mr. and Mrs. George Alexan der, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kern, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scel h lars and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr. Special Guests At Meeting Salem Camp, 1 3 6 0, Royal Neighbors, of America met Mon day night at the Fraternal tem ple. Distinguished visitors in cluded State Supervisor Mrs: May Logan, Portland; district deputy, Mrs. Maude Davis, Eu gene. Other visitors were present from Lake Labish. Marshfield, Port Angeles, Wash., Kansas and Huron, SD. They all gave short talks. . The "meeting marked the open ing of the patriotic campaign of the lodge and a flag drill was held after the meeting. Refresh ments were served and patriotic decorations were used on the tables. Mrs. George Rk-aten will en tertain members of her club at sewing and tea this afternoon at her South Church street home. Pattern It's a gift for a fashionable doll this wardrobe-in-miniature! Make it now from Pattern 4911 by Anne Adams, to bring your little girl the happiest Christmas yet! There's a trim little coat with a calot to match; a sailor dress and gob hat, both trimmed with braid; there's a pinafore with contrasting blouse . and matching kerchief (the pina fore will double as a sun frock if Dollie "goes South!) PLUS a sweet little dress whose bodice way be laced up the front A -camisols slip edged with baby lace goes under these cunning clothes. You can make them all from scraps in yur sewing bas ketlet the Anne Adams Sewing instructor show you how! Order your pattern today for an early atart ' Pattern 4911 is available for dolls measuring 14, IS, It, 20, 22 and 24 Inches from top of the head to toe. For Individual yard age see pattern. ' Send flit ten cents 15c In coins '- for this. Anne Adam pattern. Writ plainly sice, came, address and style munbec ' Just the cream the 1941-42 ', fashion crop ts shown in the new ' Ann Adam Pattern Book. Order : ? your copy today you 11 find page ,, after pag orittinaL eeay-to- make mode fer every age and - hour. ' S 1 1 so I f mature-lady t frocks. Gay cct t- ceUege p '; pare. Smart cletnes for working. r , for shopping, for rting, for do- -1 dress or donTtress festivities. - A . " .complete trldal treueeati. And . as an extv feature a free-for-I trie-making hat and g set. Book ; ' fifteen cents. faKern fifteen j , cents. Book and pattern together, v" twenty-Uv cents . 1 Send your rder The Oregon . : Statesman, mttera OepartasenU Salem. Orefeav ' MAXINE BUKrJN Editor Couple Is Feted at Party Miss Lucile Mosher and her fiance, Mr. Wendell Ewing, were honor guests at a smartly ar ranged party Tuesday night when Miss Jary Glover enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irl "JcSherry. The mar riage of the couple will be an event of December 6 at the Knight Memorial church. Pinochle was in play during the evening and a late supper was served by the hostess. Bou quets of chrysanthemums and autumn leaves provided the dec orative note about the guest rooms. Honoring Miss Mosher and Mr. Ewing were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Irl McSherry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lounsbury, Mr. Rudy Kallander and Miss Jary Glover. Wedding Held At St. Paul St. Paul's 1 Catholic church at St. Paul was the setting for the marriage of Miss Mildred Kath e r i n e Faulhaber, daughter of Mrs. Mary Faulhaber, of Mon itor, and Mr. Michael William Mahony, son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mahony of Fairfield. The ceremony took place on Thanksgiving morning at 9 o'clock with Father Orth offici ating. Mrs. Ray Kerr and Mrs. Les ter Kirk sang and Mrs. Ross Coleman was at the oj-gan. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Joseph Faulhau ber of Mt. Angel. She wore a gown of ivory satin with long sleeves, sweetheart neckline and full skirt ending in a train. Her fingertip length tulle veil was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet bf white chrysanthemums tiedVith white tulle ribbon. Her only or nament was a gold chain, a gift to the groom's grandmother on her 18th birthday. Miss Stella Hapfer, cousin of the bride, was the only attend ant. She wore a pink taffeta frock trimmed in a wine velvet. Her bouquet was of shaded pink chrysanthemums and a cluster of small chrysanthemums were arranged in her hair. Mr. Raymond Sequin acted as best man and the ushers wer Mr. Jack Mahony and Mr. Du ane Faulhauber. The bride's mother wore a navy crepe dress and Mrs. Ma hony wore black crepe with sat in trim. Both wore corsages of orchid ehryanthemums. At noon, a dinner for relatives and friends was held at the St Paul hall. The table was cen tered with a three-tiered cake and a miniature briday party, which was used at the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mahony, sr., ten years ago. The newlyweds were hon7 ored at a dance in the evening. When the couple left on their trip the bride wore a wine vel vet suit with black accessories. LEBANON Several Lebanon families drove to Eugene Thanksgiving day to attend the marriage of Miss Pauline Pen gra, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pengra to Mr. Don ald Cobb Scott the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott of Salem. ' The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore white slipper satin with sweet heart neckline, long full sleeves, deep waist, line and full skirt. Her tulle veil was held in place by a coronet of seed pearls. Her cluster bouquet was of gardenias and bouvardia. The matron of honor was her sister in law, Mrs. Arthur Pen gra, jr., who wore blue taffeta. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Jo seph McPherson of Lebanon; Miss Barbara Scott and sister of the bridegroom from Salem; Miss Geraldine Chase, cousin of the bride and Miss Lois Nordling, The best man was Mr. Philip McKlnley of Salem; ushers,. Mr. Harold Rowe, Salem; Mr. Martin Hoffman, Mr. Robert Carlson and Mr. Arthur Berg all of Port- land. William Pengra, brother of the bride', sang: A reception was held in the church parlors. The bride wore ir wine colored wool with black accessories jvhen. she left on her wedding trip. Mr. arid 'Mrs. Scott, "both of whom are former hiV ; dents at the state university are living at Sweet Home where he is on the high school faculty. Visiters ia the capital Tues day were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Percy of ' Seattle, - who ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ydney Kromer. The Percys are enroute south on their wedding trip. ; ' .- SOCIETY MUSIC ThoHOMF. Club Calendar WEDNESDAY Ladies circle. Knight Memorial church, tea, 2 p. m., church par lors. West Central Circle, First Methodist church, with Mrs. C. F. Wilson. 473 North Cottage street. 2 p.m. AAUW radio group .with Mrs. Guy Hickock, 1100 Chemeketa street, 2:15 p. m. Can-Do class of Leslie church, covered dish supper with Mrs. J. Murray, 390 East Washington street, 6 p. m. Mayflower guild. 1st Congrega tional church, with Mrs. Bay Yo com, 1155 North Summer street. Women's Union Congregational church, business meeting, 2 JO p. m., church parlors. Woman's Association, Presby terian church. 2 p. m., executive board, 12:30 p. m., church parlors. South Central circle, 1st Metho dist church, with Mrs. J. Marr, 2154 South Commercial street, 1:15 dessert luncheon,. Nebraska auxiliary, with Mrs. E. N. DeHut, annual turkey lunch. Ladies of GAa , social after noon, 2 p. m. with Mrs. Mabel TragSio, 807 South Commercial street. Pythian Sisters, with Mrs. Doro thy Wilson, 670 Mill street. 7:30. THURSDAY Daughters of VFW auxiliary, social hour, with Mrs. F. V. Hoe reth. 1940 East Knobb Hill, 7 p. m. Town and Gown, Lausanne hall, 2:30 p. m. Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, with Alice Horning, 660 Shipping street. Merry Minglers with Mrs. Robert Fromm. Fidelis class. First Baptist church. 2 p. m. American Legion auxiliary sew ing group, all day meeting, 10 a. m.. Legion hall. FRIDAY Daughters of Union Veterans of Uie Civil War. Red Cross sew ing, 142 South High street, 9 to 12 a. m. Woman's auxiliary. St. Paul's Episcopal church with Mrs. U. G. Shipley. 771 North Cottage street, 2 p. m. Juvenile Neighbors of Wood craft. Fraternal temple, birthday party at 4 p. m. Past Presidents of Hal Hibbard auxiliary, dessert luncheon with Mrs. Roy Page. 997 Shipping street. 1 p. m. Three Link club, 2 p. m., club rooms, election. Ladies' auxiliary to Patriarchs Millitant. club rooms, IOOF temple, 8 p. m. Election. MONDAY Hal Hibbard auxiliary, VFW hall, election. Mothers Meet On Tuesday Beta Chi mothers met at the chapter house on Tuesday after noon. Mrs. James Aiken Smith, a guest, gave the devotions and Miss Margaret Siegmund sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. D. B. Kleihege. Dr. Carl Sum ner Knopf was guest speaker. Mrs. Knopf was also a visitor, and members present were: Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs. H. M. Doud, Mrs. Harry Elgin, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. Earl Fisher, Mrs. Charles Jory, Mrs. Charles Mc Cargar, Mrs. E. E. Millard, Mrs. Walter Minier, Mrs. Franklin Bishop, Mrs. S. B. Laughlin, Mrs. S. T. Shinkle, Mrs. .F. K. Skaling, Mrs. J. J. Nunn, Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs. G. A. Ramp, Mrs. B. E. Siegmund, Mrs. Arthur Upston, Mrs. B. H. White and the host esses, Mrs. Wayne Price, Mrs. S. H. Probert, Mrs. Henry Craw ford, Mrs. J. A. Fehler,.Mrs. J. H. Ryan and Mrs. Charles Strick lin. Social Club Has Sewing Session Members of the Eastern Star Social Afternoon club met on Tuesday morning at' 10 o'clock to sew for the Red Cross: Lunch eon was served at 1 o'clock at tables centered with holly. Thir ty five members attended. The committee included Mrs. C. F. Pratt, president, Mrs. Carl Pope, Mrs. E. L. Barrick, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Frank Craw ford and Mrs. Walter Kestly. Laura Wheeler Crochet and Embroidery Makes Your Gift Lovelier K - Wondering what to .make for Christmas? Dainty lace and em broidery - trimmed linens, win please anyone! -. Pattern ' 1013 contains a transfer pattern of 12 motifs ranging from 2Mtx3 in- ches to 5x12 inches; directions and charts for crochet; mater Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Morning. November 25. 1941 Recent Bride Is Honor Guest Mrs. Leonard Gottfried and Miss Lois Savage were hostesses for a delightful party Monday night when they entertained at the former's home in compliment to Mrs. Myron D. Morrison, who was Katherine Gies before her marriage on November 11. A miscellaneous shower honor ed the recent bride and the eve ning hours were spent informal ly. Bouquets of chrysanthemums and autumn flowers decorated the guest rooms. A late, supper was served and assisting were Mrs. Arnold Jarvis and Mrs. Barbara Haley. Bidden to honor Mrs. Morrison were Mrs. J. M. Wirth, Mrs. J. B. Harrelson, Mrs. Robert Gentz kow, Mrs. Mark Read, Mrs. S. Goodman, Mrs. W. A. Starkey, Mrs. D. R. Johnson, Mrs. Bar bara Haley, Mrs. Arnold Jarvis, Mrs. John Gottfried, Mrs. Leo Gottfried, Mrs. J. A. Carpenter, Mrs. Robert W. Carpenter, Mrs. Minnie Peters, Mrs. Owen Cot terman, Mrs. A. Savage, Mrs. Carl Gies, Mrs. H. W. Burnside, Mrs. William C. Dyer, jr., Mrs. L. Pillette, Mrs. Lyle Shepherd, Mrs. Virgil Dennison, Mrs. Or ville Hauk, Mrs. George Nader man, Mrs. M. Drake, Mrs. E. A. Morrison, Miss Kay Pillette and Miss Virginia Coates. Lodge Session At Temple Salem Rebekah lodge met Mon day with Miss Helen McElroy presiding. The following were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Blanche Hull, noble grand; Mrs. Myrtle Walker, vice-grand; Mrs. Lola McFarlane, recording secre tary; Mrs. Mabel Gardner, finan cial secretary; Miss Verda Olm stead, treasurer; and Mrs. Elsie Townsend, degree staff captain. Installation will be held in Janu - ary. Two candidates were elect ed to membership, making a class of seven to be initiated Decem ber 8. The degree staff, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Town send, is to have charge of a spe cial presentation program at Sweet Home tonight, at the re quest of Mrs. Robert G. Hender son, past president of Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, who is pre senting the Rebekah lodge at Sweet Home with a gift, earned for the largest gain in member ship during her term as presi dent. A special practice of the degree staff will be held on Tuesday at 7:30. Mrs. George Edwards is chairman of the Christmas seal sale committee. A group of Odd Fellows of Chemeketa lodge paid a fraternal visit and presented a program for "Noble Grand's Night," in cluding songs, readings and skits. The following named Odd Fel lows took part in the program: R. G. Henderson, P. C. Harland, Art Tucker, George Speed, How ard Hunsaker, Walter Lamkin, Lloyd Stiffler, Gus Erikson, Karl Lachele, Joe Formick, Russell Kretz, E. N. Shepard, A. F. Bau lig, Ed Underwood, Tom McLeod, Bill Pettit, George Naderman, Barker Corn forth, Cloyd Law rence, M. W. Ready, Bill Cladek, Ray Webb, C. A. Nichols, George Beaty, James Smith, R. S. Van Pelt, and Carl McAdams. Mrs. Thiessen Is Hostess Mrs. Henry Thiessen will en tertain informally tonight at her East Nob Hill home for a group of her friends. Bridge will be in play during the evening with a late supper following. Bouquets of chrysanthemums and other autumn flowers will be used about the rooms. Guests will be Mrs. Verne Robb, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Gus Ler mon, Mrs. A. A. Hager, Mrs. Ira Fitts and Mrs. Lee Crawford. Mrs. Frank Myers anil Mrs. Burton Myers entertained mem bers of chapter BC, PEO Tues day night at the former's home on North Winter street. ials required; illustrations stitches; color schemes.- - Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The 'Oregon States man Needlecraft Dept. 215 S. Commercial. Write plainly PAT- : TERN NUMBER, your - NAME and ADDRESS.-' - 'of 1,1 1 f SI I I I - M r " V . I :V": . Jars fed;-1 u ' "r 11; K y..-f'i UliilwlWhw. I J i Tfn i rtkww 1 1 n npi I ' & J --v- -V 1 . r'r t -? AV :rtjiin-miiiiii- wwMMwwww CHURCH RITES Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prince (Edna Stern aman) pictured after their marriage on Thanksgiving day at St. John's Lutheran church. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Prince. The couple will reside in the capital. (Kennel-Ellis). Committees for Tea Named The executive board of the Sa lem Deacones hospital auxiliary met at the hospital Monday after noon and announced the commit tees in charge of the tea to be held the afternoon of Thursday, December 4, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the hospital. The committees are: display of historic hospital material, Mes dames Jack Henningsen, John A. Olson, Leif Bergsvik, Fred Tooze, jr.; decorations, Mesdames O. L. Donaldson, Tom Dalke, K. Smith, J. S. Friesen, Mrs. Alma Barkus; tea table, Mrs. Leif Bergsvik; serving, Mrs. F. F. Wedel; re freshments, Mesdames A. W. Metzger, Mayme Hill, H. D. Hamm; program, Mrs. L. D. Wa terman; publicity, Mrs. C. W. Stacey. Mrs. Jack Henningsen is serving as general chairman of the affair. The committee for the Febru ary bazaar was announced and includes Mesdames O. L. Don- aldson, Minnie Jirak, J. Ray Pemberton, Helen Ficke, L. F. Heuperman, and G. S. Erikson. Board members at the meeting were Mesdames A. H. Wilson, Leif Bergsvik, Frank Jirak, B. F. Wiems, F. F. Wedel, A. W. Metzger, Jack Henningsen, C. W. Stacey, G. S. Erikson, A. O. Con dit, O. L. Donaldson, E. D. Buell, and Sister Anna Duerksen. Miss Robinson Will Wed Word has been received by Salem friends of Miss Jane Rob inson of Olympia, of her corning marriage to Lieutenant Wade Maples Anderson on Saturday at 2 o'clock at the jost chapel at Fort Lewis. Miss Robinson is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Belle Robinson and is a graduate of Willamette university. She has been em ployed in the department of ed ucation at Olympia. SILVERTON Mrs. Ear Van diver of Salt Lake City has ar rived at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Leon ard, for an indefinite stay. She will continue her studies at Ore gon State college in January. Her husband, LI Vandiver, is in the air service. The Vandiver wedding was held in Silyerton during the summer. Sam Gordon, teacher of the simple and practical way to play bridge, is being sponsored in a course by members of the Bus in ess and Professional Women's club for three days beginning today. The classes are at the ' Marion hotel, and reservations may be made with- Miss Hazel Roenicke, 5278. SDL.VEKTON Dr. and Mrs. S. J. VanCleave entertained Sun day night for members of the young adult class of the Meth odist church. Following a dis cussion lead by Mrs. Harold Da vis,' refreshments were served and a social hour. enjoyed. Law rence Edwards is president. Mr, and Mrs. Max . Taggart and young son, llax, of Ontario are visiting in the . capital this , . "week, and are the guests of her mother. Mrs.. Marie Schneider. Anniversary Is On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dough erty of Scio celebrated their gol- den wedrlinff annivprarv laet I Sunday. Dinner was served at BRUSH COLLEGE The Brush Schneider's to members of the Collee Helpers club will be en familv. and later a receotion w tertained Thursday at 2 o'clock held at the family home. A gold- en wedding cake centered the dinin table, at which were aeat. ed 36 members of the family Gold tapers guarded the center piece and gold colored chrysan themums were also used to dec orate. The reception attracted some 150 guests. The four daughters served during the afternoon. Ta- ble decorations were also gold, witn bronze candles lighting the arrangement. Edward Dougherty and Nora iviay ciuncK were married in Des Moines, Iowa, on November 24, 1891. They came here from Oklahoma 21 years ago. The children, all of whom were pres ent for the festivities, are Mrs. M. M. Fink and W. J. Dougher ty, Scio, J. F. and C. E. Dough erty, Salem, J. O. and Ellen Dougherty, Oregon City, Grace Dougherty, Portland and Mar garet Dougherty, Aberdeen. Bridge Luncheon On Tuesday Mrs. Lee Crawford was hostess to members of her club Tuesday afternoon. The group met for luncheon at Schneider's Dining room and later played cards at the Crawford home on Court street. Members are Mrs. Joseph Fel ton, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. War ren Baker, Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. Kenneth Barker, Mrs. Clin ton Standish, Mrs. Delwin Fin- ley and Mrs. Crawford. The Business and ProfessUn- al women's card club was enter tained Saturday night by Mrs. Maude Eckman and Miss Jose phine Evans. Present were the Misses Mae Cleveland, Betty Elofson, Ruth McAdams, Lois Steinke, Phebe McAdams, Effie Smith, Ida Mae Smith, Julia Webster, Mrs. Laura Pangle, Mrs. Effie Arehart, Mrs. Anna Morgan, Mrs. Bessie DeFrance, Mrs. Winifred Herrick and the hostesses, Miss Evans and Mrs. Eckman. The name "Literatarettes was chosen as a name by members of a newly formed club. Books are being purchased by the club and names are drawn for order in reading. Miss Marie Thomp son gave a talk about pioneer ing beauty shops in mental hos pitals as a help to psychopatho logical patients. Miss Dorothy. Ceng was the hostess. Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr, has bidden members of her dub to her South Commercial street home tonight. A late supper win follow an evening of contract bridge. The Art Ceater radU bread. cast scheduled for Tuesday will le held this afternoon at o'clock over KSLM. Oliver Judd. station master, UAL, will be the speaker. . . . . : aBttmTaBBsmaBBp""- Mrs. McFarland Fetes Clubs Mrs. James McFarland enter tained two of her dubs this week. On Monday she presided at a bridge luncheon and special guests were Mrs. C. B. McCul lough and Mrs. E. R. Austin. Members include Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter. Mrs. J. H. Lauter man, Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, M W. E. Hutchens, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. Charles Cole, Mrs. J. M. Devers, Mrs. John Carkin. Mrs. T. c. McLeod. Mrs. H. S. Swart and Mrs. McFarland. This afternoon Mrs. McFar land will entertain informally for members of her sewing club. Ice Skating Club Is Organized Mr. Winstanley Jenks has been named president of the newly formed ice skating group, the Penguin club, at the Salem Ice arena. Other officers include Miss Marie Lippold, vice-presi dent: Miss Maxine Rogers, sec r e t a r v-treasurer: Mr. Charles Barclay, publicity manager; Mrs Grover Hillman, sponsor About 20 now belong to the group and meetings will be twice a month. Instructions are given by Mr. Frank Roberts and Mr. Robert Phair. The group plans to give figure skating ex hibitions this winter. Games and relay races are held at each meeting and refreshments fol low. Maccabees 84d will have a homecoming Thanksgiving din ner Thursday at 6:45 o'clock in Fraternal temple. Great Com mander and Mrs. H. S. Hudson and State Field Manager and Mrs. Roy L. Wilson will be guests. Committees include Florence Reay, Ruth Newland, Vera Pot ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. William Hamer ick, Mr. and Mrs. M. Phillips, John Riches,- Ruth Versteeg. Virgil Parker, Vera White, M. Leffi-gwell, Mabyn Dietz, Ed ith f.trang, Ivan Martin and J. E. Reay. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmont E. Courtney are the .parents of a son, David Michael, born on Thanksgiving day at the Salem General hospital. Club Meets in Salem at the home of Ms- Margaret HatPck, formerly of Brush College but now residing at 556 Hood street, Salem. Mrs. A. W. elected Andrews is the newly president of the club. At Portland Hospital SILVERTON C. D. Dawes, 87, who fell several weeks ago and fractured his leg, was taken to a Portland hospital to a bone spe cialist Dr. Samuel K. Hughes OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Hours: 8:30-5:30 Evenings, Holidays by Appointment Room 4IL Oreron Building Phone 7117 - Salem. Ore. v, ... s'- ' Coming Soon! The 6th "Happy Kitchen" o (PlfWf BMP S g ibiniiyiiyjlL Q Watch Friday's 0 v Oregon Statesman 0 Full Details . .) f ! - V r"A ' 7aV" r - " - 9 31 Today's Menu The dessert is the featured dish today. Cabbage salad Panned hamburger steaks Hash browned potatoes Spinach with lemon butter Baked bananas with currant sauce Hamburgers, mixed with on ions and any favored seasoning, are dipped in crumbs or cracker meal and fried carefully in but ter. Bananas, skinned and set in a pan with melted butter, are baked for around half an hour in a moderate oven until clear. A little lemon Juice may be squeezed over them during the cooking and the fruit should be turned in the butter once, to coat it on all sides. Serve with cur rant jelly melted, and poured over it Top with a tiny dab of whipped cream. Monitor News MONITOR Mr. and Mrs. Losey and son Glen spent Thanksgiving at Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ba ker and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newman, and Mrs. May Peak and Mr. A. V. Ransdell at Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis at Brooks. Beatrice Sicard. RN, is visiting with her father, Maxine Sicard. Frances Harper was home for a, few days from business college. Mrs. R. E. McKee is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burkert. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burkert spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lorin. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harrison and Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyler had Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mrs. Josephine Wat son and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tyler went to Garibaldi to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byers. A shower was held in honor of Mrs. Pearl Bacon Friday. Leaves on Vacation UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker, Unionvale, Mr. and Mrs. John Thein and two children, Fairview, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker, Grand Island, left Saturday for a five week auto mobile vacation trip that will take them to visit relatives at Wyan dotte, Okla., and Amarilla, Tex. Banquet Set Tonight DAYTON The Dayton Future Farmers banquet will be held to night, November 26, at the high school. AT LESS TKWt h KE EJLC3 Owv Ow (mt t Cm Mate. A - - a m m V Hi J j J