The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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Timber Mffl
Closes Soon
Silver Falls Company
Plans Shut Down
In December
SILVERTON Silver Falls Tim
ber company mill will close down
by mid-December for its annual
clean-up period, H. W. Preston,
ales manager said. The date has
been tentatively set for Decern
ber 13 with provision that this
may be changed should need
The night shift closed down
during the past week and will re
main down until after the holi
days, according to the present
plans. The plans also include re
opening shortly after the holi
days. For many years the custom has
prevailed to close the mill for a
two-weeks, or longer, period dur
ing the Christmas holiday. Dur
ing this time the mill machinery
is checked over, repairs made and
a general oiling-up job done.
The quilt that helped build the
fireplace in Trinity church's new
parsonage will be sold at auction
tonight when the Mission circle
will hold its annual fall festival.
The circle is being assisted by the
Ladies Aid society and the Dor
cas society.
Members of the congregation
paid 10 cents-toward the quilt and
as a receipt their name was stit
ched on the quilt top. This has
been finished now and will be
sold. The proceeds as well as the
dime-a-name fund will go toward
the fireplace.
Plans for the new parsonage did
not at first call for a fireplace,
but the Ladies Aid society voted
to pay the cost of building one.
Silverton's planning council will
hold its annual meeting December
2 at the chamber of commerce
rooms with President Dr. P. A.
Loar presiding.
Tb OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oragon. Wdnday Morning. Nortmbr 28. 1841
Made Dramatic Dash to America
W'lHi, .mm iiiii iM.m I .inn, i .w.)KiHi.VWi!
Mrs. Francis X. Shields, Prince Torlonia and Mrs. Christina Lord
An Italian nobleman, given permission by his government to leave
the country and granted safe Journey by the British, arrives in New
York by Clipper plane to be at the bedside of his mother, seriously ilL
He is Prince Alessandro Torlonia, son of Duchess Torlonia, the for
mer Elsie Moore of Brooklyn, N. Y. Prince Torlonia is shown with
his sisters, Mrs. Francis X. Shields, left, and Mrs. Christina Lord.
Student From Alaska
BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Carruthers had as their guest
Sunday, Walter Carruthers,
Wrangell, Alaska, a student at
Pacific College, Forest Grove. He
spends each summer vacation
working as a mechanic in one of
the great salmon
canneries in
Lodge Group
DALLAS Members of Jen
nings Lodge No. 9, AF&AM and
their wives were entertained with
an elk dinner Friday night.
The meat was furnished by C.
V. Shreeve, senior warden.
Hazel Butler entertained mem
bers of her 500 club recently.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Oscar
Neufeldt, Mrs. John Frieson and
Mrs. J. N. Mills.
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Charles Graham, Salem, Mrs.
John Frieson, Mrs. J. N. Mills,
Mrs. Oscar Neufeldt, Mrs. T. B.
Hooker, Elmer Schulson, Mrs. A.
T. Hildebrand and Mrs. Charles
The Men's Brotherhood of the
Methodist church entertained the
women of the church with a din
ner recently. There were about 50
Mrs. W. R. Tull was hostess re
cently to members of her sew
ing club.
Those attending were Mrs. Har
old Mulkey, Mrs. Elmer Ray, Mrs. ents at Halsey,
A. j. uown, oits. ftoy noouman,
Mrs. Sydney Hanson, Mrs. Henry
W. Friesan, Mrs L. S. Fliflet, Mrs
Comings, Goings
Of West Salem
People Noted
WEST SALEM Many of the
local teachers spent brief Thanks-
i giving vacations visiting rela
tives. Mrs. Ethel McCoyf Mrs.
Vida Miller and son Bill, spent
Thanksgiving visiting Mrs. Mc
Coy's daughter, Mrs. E. L. Har
ris and family at Eugene. Pearl
Groves spent several days with
her parents, Mr. ..and Mrs. A.
Groves, Amity. Konea Nowewie
jski stayed with her mother at
Monmouth. Gladys Rogers was a
guest at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers, In
dependence. Principal and Mrs.
Leighton Dashiell and Laurice
spent several days visiting Mrs.
Dashiell's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Voth, at Polk Station.
Merrill King, Portland, was a
visitor at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otha King.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh
and Loren were Thanksgiving
day guests at the Eugene Krebs
home. Other guests were Dorothy
Lee Reynolds and Gene Krebs,
La Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forster
and sons visited Thursday at the
home of his nephew, Charles
Steinke, Salem, and spent the
night as guests of Forster's par-
Turner News
Felicitations are being extend
ed Mr. and Mrs. George Toews
W. H. Effenberger and the host- on the arrival of a daughter the
ess. first of the week at the Deacon
ess hospital. They have an older
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abbott
and daughters were Thanksgiv
Mrs. Martha Benson, and secre
tary-treasurer, Mrs. Fannie Gordon.
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
Peetz entertained their children
Thanksgiving with covers placed
for Mrs. Hazel Sensenich, Mr. and
Mrs. Spencer Numrich and Edgar,
Betty Peetz, all of Portland, Hel
en Peetz and the hosts. Betty wno
is a student at St. Helens Hall re
mained for several days visit.
Mrs. O. P. Given and grand
children, Geraldine and Lorene
Edwards and Ronald Given, are
spending the holidays in Bremer
ton, Wash., with her brother,
Weyland Savage and family.
Mrs. Maude Bones entertained
with a family dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Hollis Bones, Irene and Har
vey, Brownsville, Mr. and Mrs.
S. T. Roberts, Richard and Bev
erly. Aumsville, Cadet Private
Keith Bones, Hill Military Aca
demy, Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Bone,
Sgt. Harlan Bones and John Ham
ilton, Fort Lewis, and the host
esses, Mrs. Bones and daughter,
Ruth. Additional guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Tanner and Jo. The
occasion was also the birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Maude Bones
and granddaughter, Irene,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman White
head and Darrel were hosts
Thanksgiving for Mr. and Mrs
J. C. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Whitehead, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Barber and Kenneth. Sgt. and
Mrs. Delmar Barber.
Mrs. J. M. Stover and George,
Weiser, Idaho, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. S. Riches, Janice and
Bernard, for the holiday dinner
Mrs. Stover is remaining for an
Mr. and Mr J. S. McKinney
entertained for Mr. nd Mrs.
Lawrence Robertson and Leland
Rlchet pn Thanksgiving oay.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clarke and
son Glenn of Burbank, Calif., are
holiday guests 01 Mrs. iare
brother and wife, Mr. and Mr?.
George Good.
Mrs. H. Wipper is in Portland
as the guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Eye
stone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin en
tertained Thanksgiving day for
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Blanchard and
son Jimmie, Portland
Mrs. China Bones was the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. Molly Mun
dineer in Salem Thanksgiving
day. Mrs. Hester Crume spent the
indefinite visit with her daughter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
anH familv. bcnaeier ana son,
HoiU at Dinner
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Bear entertained with a fanily
dinner Thanksgiving. Covers were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Stewart and Quentin and Pauline,
Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Willard B.
Bear, Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Bear and Eunice and Billy, Tur
ner, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear.
From California
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
M. G. Gunderson, who have been
visiting in California, returned
to their home Saturday. Mrs.
Gunderson went south in Sep
tember to visit her daughter, Es
ther, at San Diego. Gunderson
joined her the first of November
and the two stopped at San Fran
cisco enroute home to visit the
new cow palance there.
Holiday Event Slated
Silverton HiUs sewing club will day dinner guests at the
hold its annual Christmas party home of her sister, Mrs. Marshall
at the community hall December "ansaeii ana lamiiy, Salem.
. I Guests at the home of Mrs. D
Ira Loran; vice president, husband( Forest GroyJ; Mr and
Mrs. J. I. Miller and Captain and
Mrs. P. L. Clark, Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lathrop
and familv. Mr nnH Mrc irirtv
mr IT T I "
mvy Man 19 OUesi DeLapp and family, Mr. and Mrs.
ABIQUA Louis Boebert, US Earl Lathrop, Portland, were all
navy, has been a guest of his guests at the Lester DeLapp home
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Boebert, Thursday.
V.nn Vs-vni-irT PA&Knnt 10 C mem. I
EVr d the supply M, and Mrs. Donald Kuhn and
inQH,r children motored to Amity Thurs-
Annnnnn wnf inmhpr atWauna. day where they were guests of
' ' the Russel Jones family.
A. VgVMlt
ikiiebsb Canaan
Take Advantage of the Sensational
22nd Anniversary
On All Shoes
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on every pair of Men's, Women's and Children's fine
quality shoes ... that is the way we are "celebrating" our 22nd Anniversary
with you. Remember this . . . replacement prices are higher, so do your pur
chasing now and save!
Many styles. Tarsal Tred
and Cushion Step,
Arch-Health and Dress
Shoes. Rer. 4.95 and
5.95. Now . . .
Sport Oxfords
Goodyear welt
soles, brown or
black. Rerular 3.95
and 4.95 tj yg
Ladies Cowboy
Peters' Diamond
Brand, all leather.
Black and brown
colors. Res. M QO
55. Now. .. t.OO
W. L. Dout las M Q
$6 Brogues, Now.. 1D3
$5.00 Men's Shoes
Black Kid Q CQ
Leather. Now w.D9
$6.00 Men's
K a n f a r o
Jolene Dress Shoes
Styled in Hollywood
Worn by the Stars
Suedes . .
. . . Kids
colors . ,
styles . .
heels . . .
, Gabardines
. . All new
. All new
.All new
All on sale!
Women's Shoe s
sizes 3 to 10; Widths
from AAAA t o
nit. w
Many Styles of Sport & Dress
& Saddle Oxfords
Leather or composition soles. Military and
low heels; 2.95 values. 4 fl(
Now .. i03
2.95 Brown i'whlte Sp6C. 2.45
3.45, Special
MANY STYLES of Tarsal Tred health
shoes. Kid and Doeskins, yi AO
Reg. 5.95. Now ... ViOO
All Colon, All Heels, All Sixes AAAA to EEE
Rer. L49.
97 c
In Black or Brown
Ilajorelie Boots
Children's Rubber Boots
Ref. 6.09 Wooden Sole Shoes..
Rer. &S9 Happy Hikers.
l All Sizes, Red or
eCldi: Blue. Sizes 6 to 2
We have Jmst received a hnre supply of rorreous slippers for Christmas. All shades,
all sizes, all styles. -
Airlie News
AIRLIE Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Nendel had as their guests Sun
day, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Weaver,
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Smith and children, Falls City.
Mrs. Charlie W. Tartar, Mrs.
George J. Ploub went to Lacomb,
Thursday, where they attended a
club meeting held at the home of
Mrs. Earl Hoover.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Duda and
son, Harry, were Sunday guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cob Ploub.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wil-
i liams called Tuesday on Mrs. Em
met Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Brown mo
tored to Suver Sunday and called
on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr.
James Bevens spent the week
end with her mojher, Mrs. Letha
Jtsevens, balem.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson. Jack
Harris, Jerrold McKibben. re
turned home Monday from a
hunting trip at Pilot Rock. They
brought home an elk.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burbank
and Mrs." Thera Womer, Nola and
Madeline Pedee were euests Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Womer. They motored to In
dependence to call on Troy Tur
Professor Cherry spent the
weekend with his family in Cor-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stevenson. Mill
City, visited over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ray. Ivan
Quick called in the afternoon.
MtfK. Fred Rav. Ivan OiiirV Mr
anT Mrs. Jesse J. McKibben. Mrs.
Orval Whitaker and Jimmie Mc
Kibben, were shopping in Salem,
and Mrs. Mary McKibben return
ed home to spend a few weeks at
the home of her cousin. Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ploub, Eu
gene, visited with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ploub. over
the weekend.
Mr. Fred Rav cnn( a n Hive
J ufvu. m W WW AAJO
iasi,weejc at the l. c. Quick home
in Mm city.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry NendeL
Lela and Alvin were shopping in
Corvallis Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ploub, Mr.
and Mrs. John Buker, Indepen
dence, Beatrice Williams, Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ploub, jr.,
Eugene, were dinner guests Sat
urday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs., Jacob Ploub, sr. The dinner
was in honor of Mr. "and Mrs. Ja
cob Ploub, jr. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner mo
tored to Salem Tuesday.
V v..,,
mm m
Valley Events
' December 2. S Western Nut Growers
annual meeting Salem chamber of
December t Small Fruit Growers
meeting, Salem chamber of commerce,
10 a. m.
December S-15-Northwert Turkey
show, Oakland.
December 12-13 Oregon Stat Cora
Show, CorvaOia. t
January 03 State Grange Confer
ence. -
Buy your Christmas gifts NOW at these
exciting LOW prices ! Select the gift
of your choice while assortments are
complete ! A small deposit now holds
any gift until December 20th. If you
prefer, use Montgomery Ward's conve
nient Monthly Payment Plan on any
purchase totaling $10 or more. Just
make a reasonable down payment and
then take months to pay the balance.
r.'.Vf 'M'VV-yv.ff. MWWW
p .-k K'Vi : yi-
.TUr oice. . .
"er table fn en1 tabl t
. e 'or nlat. 0i for c.
a iarnp; or book or cha.f
ravvoni r or Hr.L 4 drum -
maJr. . and
comfo ....
pilW., vaiUe that,,...
' raJ ' aicrd coil "4eiatf0n
J wll BSW.J
told ?Pac'oot,o:.i
U nd COJ. &
-"n ll III
to if
.' v.4.. ai'.c ...TJCBi-k.
txrlj.fbt of
nikhe,. e," real bZZj?Per
Boyd loot of fnis
Speedy Scooter
$S29 In
many stores!
F far AH
40 Great Games
269 TwocfooW.tW.1
Stroogl Well made front fork
wont weave I Has roller bearings
robber tirea and bandy brakel
Por old and young! Grand for par
tie! Include Bingo, Checkers, C4d
Maid, Rummy 3ft otberel
Lincoln Logs
77K fj)Jc
Ko tools! Hake forts, cibins;
hridgest Trains eye and hand to
rork togetber! Book included!
far boy or cH-
Play Doctor Kit
Ha. stetlioscope to really bear beart
beats! Rbs Bum's uniform, candy
piUa, baniUtes, and UORXI
on our Monthly Payment Plan!
Phone 3194
155 N. Liberty St.
f 1 .r-rs