PAGE ELEVEN Tested and Approved for Results !1 That's Classified Advertising Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Norember 26, 1941 vi Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line....25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for tals page accepted un til 6 JO the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no finan clal responsibility for errors which may acDear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint mat pan ox an aaverxise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject Questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the oroDer classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the Drotection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge lnior mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. "Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone (9183) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. I to IB MONTHS TO KiiPAl You can pay in full any time to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furnl ture or note. SEX ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-152 JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No, S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 First door south of Ladd 8c Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location Livestock and Poultry DEAD ANIMALS We Day ud to SO cents per hundred for dead horses and cows. Top prices Daid for feed horses Phone 6411 Salem collect. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS Money to Loan FOB Cash in a Hurry Sec PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 811 State Street 8 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License No. S-122 & M-163 For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate INVESTIGATE THESE N. OF Market on Lansing, ac, fine EXCEPTIONAL VALUES NOW! soil, ex. loca.. $175 up. Terms, 13 down. azsao o rooms, oasement, xurnace, i u per montn PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new ox used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie No. M-152 AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 313 Court St.. Salem . Phone 4446 State license S-228 M-278 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS Help Wanted Male MAN TO manage restaurant, state age, qualifications and experience, box 1996, Statesman. WANTED 2 young men to work with crewnaanager. Good pay and short hours. See Mr. Klllpack, Bligh hotel between 6 and 7 p. m. MARRIED MAN without children for dairy farm (use surge milkers). Box 1911, co Statesman. Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-159 FHA LOANS 4,i, also priv. loans. Abrams & Ellis. Inc., Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. For Rent -Houses 257 rooms, basement & furnace. 28 4 rooms, basement & furnace. rooms, furnished. -7 rooms, 985 N. Winter. rooms, modern. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 6744. Wanted Furniture SEVEN ROOM house at 455 N. Sum mer St. $25.00 Five room house at 406 N. 24th St. $15.00 Two-room flat, completely furnished. 540 Leslie St. Owner pays water $12.50 N. J. LINDGREN or C. V. JOHNSON, REALTORS 175 S. High St Phone 8890 araee. fruit trees. Reasonable terms. SEE THIS TODAY, it's neat as a pin. Located at 515 Judson street. $30005 rooms, full basement, oil furnace, fireplace, double garage, large attic. A STEAL AT THIS PRICE. Lo cated at 215 E. Lincoln. $31505 rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Nice yard. WORTHY OF ANYONE'S CONSID ERATION. Located at 348 S. 18th street. $3300 Brand new 4-room house, hardwood floors, floor oil furnace, fire place, garage, large utility room, lo cated soutn, outside city limits. Terms, $250 down. If you are looking for a cute home, a real value and reasonable terms don't fail to see us about this house. $3300 Modern 4-room house, hard wood floors throughout, floor oil fur-1 nace, large utility room, garage. Pretty yard. SEE THIS AT ONCE. Located at 690 North 20th St. $4100 5 rooms, basement, oil fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, double garage. Large lot, 100x265. Plenty of room to build some cottages or a court. Located at 1765 Center IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL VALUE. See Richard Garbenhorst, with W. H. GRABENHORST 8e CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 5 laree rms. & floored attic, large living rm. & dining rm , fireplace, full basement, with automatic oil heat. Lot 100 by 265. Close to state bldgs. $4000 or $4500 furnished. 5-rm. furnished bungalow, living rm.. dining rm., 2 bdrms. and kitchen. Good furniture. Taxes about $30. On S. 18th street. $1500 & terms. 4 rms. on N. Summer St. Lot 50 by 170. E. front. $1900. $600 for equity. Modern streamline. 4 rms. & nook. basement, furnace, E. front. N. Church, $3250, terms. Just being finished, 3 mi. N. 4 rms., ROBERT F. BUDROW, REAL ESTATE u vxaa & uusa mag. en. 5965 MOD. 4-R. cottage, wired for range, large living rm., lireplace. $1995. Half cash. No payments on bal for 3 yrs. Inq. 158 Duncan, Capitola Dist. Exchange Real Estate A SIX room house. comDletelv fur nished at 1309 Fir St., corner of Wilson, lot 75x100, both streets naved. Will ex change for acreage of caual value. N. J. LINDGREN or C. V. JOHNSON. REALTORS 175 S. High St. Phone 8890 Acreage IDEAL COUNTRY HOME 1 acre of land. 5-room house with full basement, oil furnace, fireplace, nardwood floors, garage. Everything modern and up to the minute. Located a nice distance east of Salem. Price $4000. See Richard Grabenhorst. with W. H. GRABENHORST 8c CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 Wanted Used Can "Cash" FOR YOUR CAR Shoo others, then try us. We con tinue to pay highest prices for good dean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center. Phone 21539 Wood Sawing 930 N. COMX. PH. 3523. Personal MRS. BRANT. ocvchJc and advisor. Reading on all affairs of Ufa. love matters, business and family affairs. Consult this madam for reliable and truthful advice. She answers ail ques tions. Sunderland's Auto Court. Cabin 2. half blk. north of Salem city limits. Portland Kd. LONESOME? Semng an aces Cluo Elite P O Boa 71 Q. Los Angeles, Cal Lost and Found LOST Tan zipper bag. High and Liberty. 2375 N. 4th. Corner N CASH rOR used furniture & house hold goods R Forgey. Ph. 7445. 5-RM. MOD. house. Built one jr., fireplace, nook. 2180 N. Liberty. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT TO buy. good used piano or store one lor use. K. z. ax. b;. Help Wanted "Female WANTED Young girl to help with housework. Ph. 4531. ELDERLY WOMAN capable of keeping house, who has no family or home. Reasonable wage to right party. 2040 Ferry. Housekeeper, ph. 1173, 1342 N. CapltoL Situations Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE, partial training, go anywhere. Ref. Box 1912, co Statesman. NIGHT SCHOOL student wants work. Receptionist, typist, waitress, clerk Reliable, capable. Box 1913, Statesman. HOUR WORK, exper. 1405 N. Summer "HR wo7k , car JANITOR, lawn or garden work wanted, pnone sees. FOR HOUR work. Mrs. Keen. 5480. For Sale Miscellaneous CUT FLOWERS and pot plants. Jay Morris, Florist. Phone B037. RADIO 3 SAMPLfiS Table models One is three-way set. Sell 80 off. Apt 28. 157 S Winter. MUSKRAT FUR coat. $23. Center. Evenings or phone 4474. LOVELY FURN.. 2-bedroom home, servant s room, nice neighborhood Lease for one year. $37.50. Phone 5544. WANTED Table saw and motor for home use. Rt. 4, B. 60E, Louis Anderson. wnwheeled change for breakfast set and old trail er. Ph. 5624 360 Columbia. EXTRA NICE furnished home for 2 adults, $30. Located 2083 Hazel Ave H. P. GRANT, 529 Court. 6744 WANTED USED child's pedal car, good mechanically. Box 1914, Statesman WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts. GOOD USED portable typewriter. Ph. 21789. COZY Ph. 6728. MOD. bung., nicely turn CUSTOM CURING and cutting. Jack's Market. 1316 State St. Ph. 9837. FURNISHED 5-R. house & garage 1654 N. cap. Phone eve. 4332. FUR. 2-1227. MOD. home, $30. Adults. Ph Miscellaneous bedrms., water system and li A. $3000 $300 dwn. z new 4-rm. nomes on one lot, rented for $44 per mo. N. Salem. Both for $3950. PH. ART MAD5EN 5580 1 A., extra good house, good location. Lots of cherries, fruit, etc. Owner leaving state, will sacrifice equity. See this. Have client for 3 or 6 r. hse. In N. Salem. H. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Wanted Real Estate WANTED! Real Estate listings, farm and city. Improved and unimproved. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 Business Opportunities APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAINS 10 furnished apts., auto. heat, perfect location. Income $250 a month, only $10,500. Compare this for investment! See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC.. Realtors. Transportation It 8 A.. GOOD house, barn, chicken house, 2 electric pumping systems, one for irrigation, $Z500. Reasonable terms. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Good 6-rm. house, on nicely land scaped lot in No. Salem. Priced low at $2100, with $200 down, $20 per mo. Will sell furnished for $2400 FOR SALE by owner Grocery store. stock and fixtures, long lease, good location on main highway, with nice living quarters. Reply Statesman, Box 1890. For Sale Used Cars 36 FORD coupe, good cond. L. D. Bolton, Rt. 6. Box 442. near Swegle SPECIAL 5-rm. house in So. Salem f001- for $1900. See it today. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & MiUer, Realtors. 344 State St. Ph. 9261. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLEK, Adolph Bldg, State 8c Com'L Ph. 3311 ATTRACTIVE. SMALL home for adults. On bus line. Phone 6312. A-l 5-RM. hse. Full basement, fur nace, fireplace, oak firs, $25. Ph. 4881. GARAGTHOUSE7$73b71o 8-RM. HSE. 1132 Hines. Phone 5850. FOR SALE A neat home on Center street. Extra large lot, 5 rooms, full bsmt., oil fur nace, floored attic, double garage. A safe investment. Priced at $4000. We have a large house, 5 rooms down, furnished apartment up. 4-room house in rear, double garage. Close to schools. Just off Capitol St. Would like to trade for a farm. P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. For Rent Rooms WINONA COURT New 4-rm. unfur. cottage, Btrictly modern. Phone 6585. HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. 8-R. FUR. house, near H. school, on bus line, large lot. lease for yr. to good party, $30 mo. E. u. perrine, no n. Cottage St., Salem, Ore. PLEAS, room. P. 8229. 446 S. Cottage. BETTER BRD. & rm. 745 S. Com'l St. 3-RM. CLOSE In, furn., water, fire place, $20. Inq. 669 N. Front MOD. 7 rm. furn. 862 N. 16th. DOUBLE SL. rm.. near capitol. 6769. For Rent NICE room. h. & c. water. 658 Center. 2325 SLEEPING rm., gar. 555 N. Church. USED G YEA' 255 N. Liberty flat top ironer. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. SLEEP RM., $10 mo. 775 N. Cottage. CLOSE in, clean, warm. BUSL OR shop space. Reas. Ph. 521L STORE ROOM. 2084 N. Capitol. Ph. 4498. For Sale Real Estate .Ph. 4311 HAY Limited amount, 1st class oats and vetch, not rained on. General Feed and Grain Co Ph. 6532 and 380. LARGE size oil-burning floor furnace, lightly used. Inq. 1677 Chemeketa. PLATFORM velour-covered -rocxers, $16.75. NASH FURNITURE CO USED WASHERS Popular makes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 NEW $57.50 Marshall-Wells DeLuxe Wood Circulator, now $44. See- them. NASH FURNITURE CO USED OIL circulators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 SPECIAL MATTRESS SALE C4.50 Inner Spring. 8 year guaran e mattress, now $11.90. Coil springs, $7.88. NASH FURNITURE CO USED WOOD, electric and gas ranges. Popular makes, $10 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 238 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 SHOP THE NASH FURNITURE CO FOR BETTER BUYS . THE APRON Shop. 679 N. High. 8-TUBE Crosley comb, radio, regular 9123, used 2 wks.. $95. Ph. buzu. NICELY furn.. heated rm. 175 S. 14th. COMF. RM., nr. capt 966 Center. FOR SALE or rent 3-rm. house. Inq. 880 N. Winter. unfurn SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ONLY $200 down, $20 month buys a cozy, neat & clean bungalow, 2 bedrms.. bath, elec light, newly renovated. Im mediate possession. Total price $1600, for a quick deal. Well worth two thousand dolalrs. Let Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham. 341 State, Room 4, show property. A BARGAIN 30 A., all exceptional soil, creek, barn, milking machine, 6-r. plastered house, elec. water system, ' mile to school, $5000, $1500 down. R. iA. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol. 8 RM. HSE. a A. 1132 Hines. CHEV. WHEELS. 16 in., will trade. 2348 Myrtle Ave., after 5 p. m. 1928 CHEV. coupe, cheap. Runs good. 1405 N. Summer. 31 CHEV. TRUCK. $65 2990 Brooks St. 1930 NASH sedan. Cheap transporta tion. 1358 Chemeketa. 39 CHEV. sedan, radio 8c heater. Very clean. STEVENS. 678 S. 12th. SEE STEVENS USED CARS before you buy or trade. 678 S. 12th. 1937 Dodges, Pontiac 8c DeSoto. All in A-l condition. STEVENS, 678 S. 12. 1940 DODGE COUPE Will sell due to sickness, excellent condition, new tires. Consider cheaper car. 498 Broadway, Woodburn, ore. 35 FORD deluxe tudor, radio, heater, etc. Call 262 S. Church. Owner. 1927 FORD model T coupe. In good running condition. Good tires. See at 170 S. 12th St. $200 EQUITY 36 Pontiac for cheap car. Leo Gookin, 1342 Lee. LEAVING FOR Nebraska between Dec. 1 and 10th. Take one passenger share expense. Daisy Mangle. Rt. 3, Box 620. h. 2-2459. Across from Liberty school. LEAVING FOR Plankinton. S. D. about Dec. 4. Take 2 or 3.' share ex pense. Richard Knox, Rt. 7, Box 458, h. 2-2838. LEAVING FOR Texas by way of California about Nov. 30. Take 1 or i, share expenses. Pn 8296. Grangers' News MACLEAY At the home eco nomics grange club, meeting for which Mrs. Vern McAllister and Mrs. S. R. Barry were hostesses, Mrs. Harry Martin, sr., was elect ed president; Mrs. Edith Wilson, vice-president; Mrs. W. Welch, secretary; and Mrs. Clarence John son, treasurer. Mrs. Robert Rieder was the guest speaker on table decorations and appointments and demonstrated different arrangements. Present were Mrs. J. L. Amort, Mrs. Harry Martin, sr., Mrs. Ed ward Tooker, Mrs. G. V. McAllis ter, Mrs. C. Perry, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Edith Wilson, Mrs. Fred Denham, Mrs. Clara Condit, Mrs. C. A. Lynds, Mrs. J. F. C Tekenburg, Mrs. W. H. Hum phreys, Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs W. Welch, Mrs. William Dunigan, Mrs. M. A. Wells, Mrs. Vern Mc Allister and Mrs. S. R. Barry, t , :-?r J" M 4 V They're In the army now . . . and Is the navy rU4! It's thoM tw funsters, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, wbi havp beautiful Sheila Ryan just where they want her. Dick Nelson and Edmund Mae Donald are also featured In their new ZOth Century -Fax eonWy, "Great Guns," which Is opening today at the Grand theatre. Automobiles SALEM AUTO laundry specialize in steam NEW SUBURBAN HOME 5-rm. hdw. floors, full bsmt., un finished upstairs, fireplace, lg. kitch en. Fast bldg., restricted dist. Land scaped. !i acre. $4700. Phone 9378- 9098 for Judson. SLP. RM, near state bldgs. Ph. 21449 SUITE OF fur. sleep, rooms, very desirable, close in, pri. bath, accommo date 3 or 4, genuemen preferred, f n. 8714. Business Directory QUIET SLEEP, rm.. 85. 1820 Ferry. NICE HEATED SLEEPING room. hot. cold water, taps. dist. 255 center. MODERN ROOM, garage, Institutions. 480 N. 24th. near state Cards in this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.25 per line per month. Room and Board Auto Brakes BOARD. ROOM and laundry, $34 month. 923 S. High. ' Mike Panek. 273 South Commercial For Rent Apartments Bicycles 2-R.. $19. 152 S. 13th. Ph. 5222 BUNGALOW apt, th. bath. Ph. 6769. mf-VCTHC New and reconditioned. i Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'cL P. 4516 Chimney Sweeps Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL rebair work. Graber Bros , 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. under new management. We cleaning, washing, greasing and Si- monizing. union OH Products, we give S & H green stamos, J. G. Rand, 496 S. Winter. For Sale Wood DONT BE fooled by size of load. We deliver 400 cu. ft. to load of mill- wood. $11.50 per load. Ph. 7976. 16 IN. 2nd gwth. prompt del. Ph. 6796. ASH WOOD. $14 2 cds.. or $7.50 cd.. 4 ft. wood. 1311 N. Liberty. Move From Iowa JEFFERSON Mrs. Daisy Schulz and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schulz have arrived from Des Moines, Iowa, and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor. Mrs. Schulz is the mother of Mrs. Taylor and Earl is a brother. Mrs. Schulz plans to stay a month or six weeks, but the brother and his wife plan to make their home here. 'A ' V i ! krA''-V V' :y' Receives Tuition SILVERTON Silverton school district, No. 4, has received its first installment of five this year from the non-high school district board for tuition charges paid for outside pupils. It totaled $2,921.- 36. Gene Tierney and Bruce Cabot are the romantic duo in Walter VTa ers "Sundown," the African adventure romance, opening today at the Elsinore theatre. The companion feature Is "Father Steps Onf with Frank Albertson and Jed Pronty. Cross Word Puzzle Rug and Carpet Cleaners Sawdust CALL "Scotty" Smith. Ph. 3283 or Johnnie Zumstein, 2-1255. oat mf uvTntrrc tv v v PLYWOOD CORES. 2 cords. $15. Old on fir log ends. $9.35 load, app. Hi cds. Gwaltney family, rort Jones, McElroy wood Co., Kt. a. box n. rnlif havn IpscoH thi Ivan Stew East on Morgan Ave. Near Auburn -8.1ir., nave leasea ine lvan oiew- school. I art property on Maarona avenue. The Gwaltneys operated a mining claim in California, but have leased it. The Ivan Stewart family have moved to Salem. RUG 8c cpt.. dean 8c demoth. P. 5764. tjry is IN. 2nd gwth. 360 Hood St. Schools 2-RM.. furn. apt. Pri. shower, toilet, $2.50 wk. 1290 oak. rn. wo. COZY. MOD. furn. 248 D St. Ph. 6728. TELEPHONE 4450. R. Z. Northness. REDECORATED FURNISHED apts., I $10.50 month and up. 2-bedrm. apt., 2-1 rm mmunM. eitub nouse. niuiiK space, elec. washer. Adults. 624,a N. Capitol. Excavating USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 TRAILER HOUSE, reasonable. 110 Highway Ave. $60 NEW silver fox fur, very good buy. $37. 1225 N. 14th. PIANO EXTRA fine tone, good con dition. Phone 8714. SirTTrNfJ OUT New forced draft, all-enamel oil- burning kitchen range, $119. P h. 8020. USED wood circulator heaters, $19-50 and up,-terms. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC 433 Court St Phone Mil WALNUT shells Be aack. ring sacks. Klorfeln Packing Co. 460 N. Front. 2 OR 3 rm. furn. upstairs. Its, bath, $10. 1820 Ferry. water, ! KTCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand 8c Gravel. P. 94ua. SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet. 860 N. Capitol DRY WOOD PHone 21446. DRY WOOD Phone 9560. Dry wood. Leonard Burgoyne. P. 7266. WOOD. ph. 8370, Graen. 412 N. 21st. MILL-EDGING. 4 ft. long. $2.50 per cord, while they last. You haul. In quire 724 S. 12th. 18 IN. 2nd growth. Phone 7X38. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 90. AT.8cAii. C. Degree. Wed, Nov. 28, JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppes. WM. Trailers FURN. FLAT. Close in. Heat and water furn. Adults. 105 River St. Florists 2-RM. FURN. apt. Heat, pri. bath. garage. 2455 State. 2 R- hU lts.. wtr. Adults. 420 S. 20. Breithaupt's. 447 Court Phone 9199. 3 AND 4-rm. mod. turn, apts, $25, 830. 2380 Fairground Rd. Ph. 75JZ. Funeral Directors 3-R. washer. Inq. 1234 S. ComX h. water, Terwilliger Funeral Home. Ph. 6928. FURN APT. 2-rm. & kitchenette, heat light 8c water. 989 Saginaw. Mattresses n -i-Rm nart" fura?."privTbau I CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phon. 4069. gar, near hi school, pn. ozaw. Watkln. Products. 1729 Madison, 7809. J 2-RM. Ughg, water. a-R- PRI. ent. a. ht. wat, tel. aiso 2-r. 639 N. Liberty. as. ga- SALEM FLUFF RUG & MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old -made, rug cleaning 8c weaving. S ,13th & Wilbur. Tel. 8441 zwicKers. Wanted Furniture r. N. . OLENIt WOODRT. Aue- tU)narai furniture dealers will pay you mora cash or trad for furniture I M naoaanoia cooas. we auj er ewi yenr thing Ph 8118 Ortfiou0tate5iaau ' Western Advertising I Representativei ' George D. Ooae, Ino. Saa Franeiaco j Los Angelea Seattle Eastern Advertising RepresenUtives . . . Bryant, Griffith 8 Branson, Ins. ' CbittUo. New York, Detroit . , Boston, Atlanta 2-R, prt. bath, steam ht 2054 N. Cap. FURN. APT . $10. 332 Water. Painting & Paperhanging SMALL turn. apt. 849 Ferry. Experienced?-Reasonable, Ph. 4329. DESTRABLX APT. no1 at the Fisher. Ph. 9781. obtainable I Printing O in. $18 mo. 891 N. Commercial VZiTZ' Unoorint: can The Statesman PrinttngDe- nartmant 219 8. Commercial, reie- kpnono vjiux. SMALL APT. 230 S Cottage. FOR RENT. 1545 N. Capitol. Ph. 9006. Trailer Houses Buy. ten or rent 1730 N. Water. Trailer Rentals AT 519 N. Front Phone 2-1768. Transfer IT-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 197 S. Uberty. Ph. 9062. FOR LOCAL, OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland dairr. Affent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer co. pn. am. Vacunm Qeaner Service rove Tnmectiori In vour home. Au thorized Hoover service. We seryiceall makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 6022. Walnut Meats Guaranteed high price. Evans Drier. N. River Rd. 3 mi. out Front WeU DriUing 3 . . i- "PhmjIw. v j.tmtmAn atarHnr VletAT McLaclen. Detmla 0Keefe, lats7 K.euy ana jaariorw newwwia epco mn-t ZZ "TV With "Broadway Limited" IB "M tun auumis utt tLONDES R. A. WEST. Rt e. Bat 448. P. 2-2298. Heorsn Will Protect th Worldnq B07I ' Knttrtd st the Postoffic at Salrm, Oreoon, ss Second Clou Uattrr. Pno street, - . KUBSdUPTlDN RATES; " Mail Subscription Rates Advance wT7k rwmm Dallr and Sunday. Ma 8 csnt.7 "Mos. 9liO; S J8os $2J0; I 8S POT eenta. - ' a Mt aam- Sfe SMMITn jy'VJty varner, w Zl " j as cents; 8 Mos. 8U0; aaos. $a iiay fsio, tlstwharo 60 eentt per i 88 00 lor I year In advance. Spr cents, tiewsstands 8 eenta ft carrier. 60 cents a mo HORIZONTAL 1 Street Arab 6 Insect 10 Depart 12 Muse of Irrie poetry 13 Looking slyly 15 Ship's officer 18 Make andean 17 Scottish erplorer 18 Darts 20 Glut 21 Seed container 23 Female sheep 24 Merriment 25 Artificial language 26 Sell in small quantities 28 Symbol for neon JO Waat sou O. Htnf$ mimF 12 Dared 84 Symbol for erbinm W Reply n Before IS Hole t Csrsai train 40 Weight msasnre 11 Aernorv assd eoTexi&s? LX DtrtkeaUr is tks sapttal vkat eowtty is SevUeni 4S Varnish icmdlent 4 Whmt pm BfU BUT$ tut 47 White aubeUnce of spinal cord . 50 Height C2 Guido IS Bone . 54 Overt W Item of property T KXT1CAL 1-Jevel ' S &rathsn eanstsllatian What is kU-H4kt4T eaHsir 4 Brtia paxsare J Negative reply - Streamed , 7 Hawaiian wreath . t elongated fish -- 9 MeWe measure 10 Insect - 11 Curved molding . H Of what AtiatM country m TtKmn Us capusvtr 16 Seeded 19 Feel regret 20 Petitions 21 Musical instrument 22 Scant . 24 Coqneta 27 Bleak 18 Wkm-t Romm upror ss U ed ftr mi cmsttf r 29 Paradise SI Reverse of a coin 23 Cooking utensils W Spiritless S8 Sise of type 41 And 42 Rodents IS Wast ntisd fVemca tatr tfisd t inn 44 Consumes 44 DTixtklii4Mreasri 4S Insect 49 Dexterity II Trward 13 Symbol for as martns JLAI VtC $ )IHtttrl fVHJsV IisTSti- ceIF- W sWssbWIs1bW' 7 5j year in aavanoa in saw sum