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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1941)
PAGE ZViZ , Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning. Nortmber 25. 1941, Local News Lincoln Clerk Dies Word of the death Sunday night of Carl Gil dersleeve, Lincoln county clerk for many years, was received Monday morning by County Clerk U. G. Boyer from Mrs. Gildersleeve. Past president of the state associ ation of county clerks and record ers and for a number of years a member of the association's leg islative committee, Mr. Gilder sleeve was widely known in this area. With County Recorder Her man Lanke, newly-elected secre tary of the association, Boyer joined Monday in notifying clerks in this part of the state of the death. Funeral arrangements are to be made following arrival of a son from Idaho. Lut2 florist Ph 8592. 12'6 N Lib Coming Events Dec. 5 United Air Lines scheduled to start Salem service. Thefts Reported Wallace Wong, 162 North Commercial street, has reported theft of a fishpole, radio antenna and a windshield wiper from his car parked near his home sometime Sunday night John J. Bailey of 645 South 18th street has reported that a read view mirjor was' removed from the side of his car late Saturday night or Sunday morning. Marion Creamery turkey pickers report 10 A.M. Monday. Experiment Unsucces sful Machalyn L. Hinshaw of Grand Ronde told city police who stopped him early Sunday morning at the intersection of Madison street and the Fairgrounds road that he was whipping rapidly from side to side of the street in an attempt to make the man in the back seat of his car sit down. Police collected $25 bail from him at the station and cited him to appear on charges of reck less driving. A man was jumping up and down on the rumble seat when Hinshaw was stopped, they reported. Collision Brings Fine When cars driven by J. Leo Haley of Alma, Neb., and Elias L. Welch of Salem collided early Saturday night at the intersection of 12th and State streets, police charged Haley with failure to stop at a stop sign. The Nebraskan, who said he did not see the sign, paid $2.50 in municipal court Monday morning. Savings Insured to $5,000.00 re earning 3tt at Salem Fed eral. 130 South Liberty. ' Budgets Checked County As sessor "Tad" Shelton, County Sup erintendent Agnes C. Booth and Henry Mattson, clerk of the coun ty court, Monday checked budgets lrom the county"s 111 school dis tricts to determine whether dis crepencies exist in any of the lev ies. Pictures Shown Colored slides will be shown by Rev. and Mrs. Ulphin Davis, Portland, at the Foursquare Gospel church, 19th and Breyman streets, at 7:30 o'clock tonight Bicycles Recovered City police lice Monday had recovered bicyc les taken Saturday in front of a theatre and returned them to Rod eric Olson, 995 North Church, and Theodore Covalt, 1488 State. Cited to appear were two minors who declared they had found the wheels but who police declared were found trying to "shake down" one of the losers. Skaters to Meet Members of the Salem Skating club will meet in the fireplace room of the Sa lem public library tonight at 7:30 o'clock for a business meeting. Business will include discussion of plans for the club's annual Christmas benefit party, Decem ber 23, to be held at the Capitola rink. Plans will also be completed for the club's monthly out-of- town skating party slated for December 2 at the Hillsboro rink. Auction Today 2308 Rex St. Knee Bitten Salem's first aid crew Sunday gave treatment to Miss Laura - Nelson, 17, of 1180 Shipping street, whose left knee had been bitten by a dog. First aid also was given to Mrs. Frank Meier, 1455 East avenue, who cut the first finger of her left hand while slicing meat. Rummage Sale, Wed and Thurs., Nelson Bldg. Dau. of U. Veterans. Permits Issued Building per mits recorded Monday at the city building inspector's office includ ed one to Walker's Market for al teration of a store front at 162 North Commercial at $48, and to George Vick to reroof a dwelling at 606 Wilbur for $100. Shampoo & Finger Wave Beauty Nook. Ph. 6631. 50c, Marion Creamery Poultry Co Turkey pickers. Report Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock. Assigned to Missouri Merton H. Roenhildt has been assigned to an engineering unit at Fort Leonard, Missouri, it was report ed Monday. He was drafted from Marion county and sent to Fort Lewis. Lost Ring, 5 turquoise, small dia monds. Keepsake. Liberal re ward, Panton. Ph. 5556. Takes Leave In order to do special accounting work in Port land, Richard Farra of the finance and accounts department of the PUC is taking a three-months' leave of absence, it was reported Monday. Old Paper Found A copy of the Weekly Mercury, published by W. F. Cornell, dated August 1, 1879, has been received by the chamber of commerce from the offices of the Pacific Oriental Terminal company of San Fran cisco. L. N. Gregory, who sent the newspaper, said it .was found in the back of an old picture. Much time-worn, it contains in teresting articles about politics and news of that day and period. Inspects Records George E. Miller, statistical field representa tive of the National Safety coun cil, spent Monday in Salem in specting the traffic safety divi sion records of the Oregon state department Miller makes his headquarters in Chicago, 111. He recently spent several days in the state of Washington and will next visit California. Store Wide Clearance Sale Gil more Senator Dress Shop. ' Court Orders Jurors Selected Froiri Street After Regulars Exhausted in Case Trial The regular and two special jury lists exhausted, an addi tional panel of five for Marion county circuit court was selected from the street Monday by order of the court before Thomas Irving case could come to trial on morals charges pending against him since spring. Service Men Where They Are What Tney'ro Doing OBITUARY Lum Gay Fay Lum, 80, at a local hospital November 23. Late resi dent of Aurora. Funeral an nouncements later by Walker and Howell Funeral home. Smith Laura L. Smith, 59, at a local hospital. Daughter of Ello F. Smith; .sister of Fred Smith and Mrs. Edna Head, all of Scotts Mills. Mrs. Gracie Quirl of Zephyr, Texas, and Mrs. Anna Haight of Mackay, Idaho. Me morial services will be held from the chapel of Walker and Howell Funeral home, Wednesday, No vember 26, at 2 p. m., with Rev, S. Raynor Smith officiating. Con cluding services in City View cemetery. Esther Cook of Silverton, and Darrell Baker of Carver, Ore.; brother of Mrs. Ethel Garmen, in Idaho, and Mrs. Stella Wilder, of Newberg; half-brother of Mrs. Myrtle Doak, of Williams, Ore. and Darrell Button, of Eureka, Cal.; survived also by six grand children. Services will be held Thursday, November 27, at 2 p. m, from Clough-Barrick chapel, with interment in Belcrest Memorial park. m. Here's the furnace fpps that lets you enjoy all the heat you want, without overcharging J 'JN yourself. It, nas a J W w J very high over-all O TTjf efficiency. 1 ' J "I' V'f -TO 'r 'X? ?vJ& "iSiC) 1 (JjJjjfj Gile At the home of a brother, Miss Mina Gile. November 24. Sur vived bv brother. H. S. Gile nephews, Robert Gile of Rose burg and Schuyler Gile of Sa 1pm: niece. Nancv Gile of Rose burg and Mrs. Robert Sneyd of Toronto, Canada. Member of Cal varv BaDtist church. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, November 26, at 1:30 p. m. from the Rose Lawn Funeral home. Rev. Edward L. Allen will of ficiate. Concluding services will be held in the City View ceme tery. Please omit flowers. Club Leader Here G. C Stearnes, formerly district man ager of Townsend clubs of Oak land, Calif., will speak on "When Peace Comes, What Then.'" at the West Salem Townsend club meeting tonight at the West Salem Methodist church at 7:30 o'clock. Party Planned Moose lodge, 12th and Leslie streets, are to be hosts tonight to members of the lodge and their friends. After a program of vocal selections and dance numbers there will be dancing, with music by the Ore- gonians, and card-piaying, n was announced. Store Wide Clearance Sale Gil more Senator Dress Shop. Deputy Subpoenaed Deputy Sheriff L. L. Pittenger has been subpoenaed to appear as a witness Wednesday at Yakima in the trial of Lawrence Frickel whom he arrested in Hubbard on Janu ary 24 for Yakima officials. He was wanted on a charge of larceny. Herbert Barlow, 1st Class FJec trician, US navy, former Salem youth, was a member of the USS Kearney crew when it was tor pedoed recently, according to a letter received by his stepfather P. M. Gregory, 350 Belmont street, the latter reported to The Statesman, Monday. Gregory said that his step-son, known as "Sleepy" when he at tended Salem schools, was below decks when the torpedo struck but was not injured. He also stated that his step-son was to be a father soon again, according to the letter. Barlow has one child. The family lives at Norfolk, Va. In writing of the torpedoing, Selected on this latest list were Graham Sharkey, nVayne Dough ton," Ruth Fitts, Albert Ramseyer and Hulda Elfstrom. All of the 18 allowed peremp tory challenges and one challenge for cause were exhausted before the Jury was finally selected and taken to view the premises east hearing on motion set for De cember 1 Christine, Kleinsmith estate; final account by Walter R. Klein smith shows receipts i of $3251 .34 and disbursements of $1302.90. J. Lyman Steed estate; order sets aside property to widow, Eleanor L. Steed, as exempt justice court rot Hammerly; NSF check charge; waived preliminary hear ing and held to answer to grand jury; committed to jafi in lieu of $50 bafl. Dickey Retherford; assault and battery; declared guilty following trial and sentenced to 30 days in county Jail; sentence suspended and Retherford placed on year's probation, required to pay costs and not to molest private prose cutrix. Paul H. Pierce; charged with of Salem where the Case family contributing to delinquency of a rsiis Tpstimnnv for th state minor: preliminary hearing to be occupied the remainder of the scheduled later at request of de fendant; $250 undertaKing ior hail nrovided. Gustove Patzer; charged wiui driving automobile while under influence of intoxicant louowmg a collision between his car and one driven by F. A. Ackerman; . . A - 1 n elven 24 nours w nu day. CIRCUIT COURT Theola Martin vs. E. M. Kraut; hearing originally set for Decem ber 11 continued on motion of defendant, accompanied by affi davit to effect that attorney and principal witness would be un Barlow said that it happened so quickly the worst was over before yiding for foreclosure ne realized wnai naa nappenea - tv,, Turvo , c w v t 1 At X 1 . A A. ana uiai ne never warns to go ars. renlv containing eeneral de inrougn tne experience again. n; Hugh A. Dowd vs. Ralph Cal- Jacob O. Sieemurid. who en- Kul complaint ior tw.oo nam listed in the United States navy a2es anegecuy sustained Dy piain- m wuuiu ue ui- . vn able to appear in court here that lied w proviae day committed to county JaC. 4- r Ervin Joseph Sisk and Leo Pioneer Trust company vs. A. for disorderly D. Jacobson and Meryl L. Jacob- conduct; held gty; each given son; complaint for decree requir- ,. mrt, of 30 davs in ing defendants to make payment placed on probation U1 """ uuu" lu"u'"-' - ,,00t- and rwm red to DSV through the Salem recruiting sub station in the postoffice on May 27, is spending a six-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Siegmund of Stayton. He arrived home in time for Thanksgiving, tiffs automobile in accident on Ratcliffe drive, August 3, 1941. State vs. Marie Young; order by court costs. James Thomas Armstrong and Norman Mills, released from Ma rion county Jail late Saturday on payment of fines imposed In Woodbum Justice court MUNICIPAL COURT Jack O. Muckridge; violation of basic rule; $2.50. Peter Sweigert; failure to stop; Judge McMahan disbursing to $2.50 and 50 cent warrant fee. DeGuire Mrs. Mary Jennie DeGuire at her home, Ocean Lake, Sunday, Marion Creamery Poultry Co Turkey pickers. Report Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock. Goat Killed William Benson notified the sheriffs office Mon day that a goat had been killed by a dog at his farm in the Silverton Hills area. License Issued A marriage li- November 23, at the age of 79 cense has been issued at Vancou years. Wife of Henry R. DeGuire ver, Wash., to Charles W. Curtis, of Ocean Lake: mother of Mrs. Harrisburg, and Dona Christen- Edith Grace of Silverton, Mrs. sen, Albany. Eva Hicks of Salem, Mrs. Helen Olson and Mrs. Loreen Thomas, Anna Brock of Dallas, Mrs. Rosa Lewis. Wash., and Elizabeth B Reno of Long Beach, Cal., Frank lower- OI Parnsh of Ontario, Cal., William rih to Meet Townsend club Alvin J. Diem; violation basic rule; $2.00. MARRIAGE LICENSES Paul Marcott jr., 19, North 5th street Woodbum, and Aileen E. Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Portland, $1,- 000 she had posted as bail for Mrs. Marie Young in a state case dis- Siegmund completed training at missed on motion of the district the aviation metalsmith school at attorney. Sand Point Wash., on November G. W. Bedient and Albert Fowler, 18, domestic, Donald. 19 and ranked 12th in a class of Hunt vs. Mrs. Chai ei A. Ander- 35. His average was 80.09 and son and W. F. Barnes; answer de the high mark in the class was 84. nies plaintiffs claim to any in He has no idea what his assign- terest in specified piece of Salem Salem Police Officers at FBI School Five members of the Salem city police force are registered as at tending the FBI school for police officers this week in Eugene, with the assistant chief, three detec tives and one patrolman from the capital city among the pupils at the six-day session. Monday's program included ad dresses by J. D. Swenson, special agent in charge from the FBI; Herman Kehrli, secretary of the League of Oregon Cities; Presi dent Donald Erb, University of Oregon, and Judge Lee Ackerman, Klamath Falls, president of the Oregon Association of City Police Officers. Classes deallnr with traffic investigation and re relations, the selective service act and ju venile delinquency were in structed by Tom Jndse of the . Klamath Falls police depart ment US Attorney Carl Don anrh of Portland and Gerald Murray of Klamath Falls, res pectively. Among instructors at the school, which Is to be largely taught by FBI experts in various fields, will be Walter Evans, jr., of the at torney general's office; Stanley Church, director of traffic safety with the Oregon department of state and Louis Burgess of the city police department all of Sa lem. Earl Snell is scheduled to address the banquet Saturday night Attending from Salem are As sistant Chief E. C. Charlton, De tectives E. Mindinger, H. Kiggins and G. Edwards and Patrolman H. Doney. I Call Board Obtain License A marriage li cense has been issued at Seattle, ment will be after he returns to Sand Point as he made no re quest and will be satisfied, he says, with any post in which Uncle Sam needs him most. MONMOUTH Pvt. Donald Smith, who enlisted in the army aviation corps last summer and has been stationed at Swan real property. PROBATE COURT Henry J. Bean estate; court de termination of value of inheri tance and amount of tax shows an estate of $36,331.49 left to de ceased's son and daughter, with net total of tax $303.97. Edith L. Barrett estate; order admitting will to probate and appointing Grace E. Hibler ex- Grange Election Set LIBERTY Red Hills grange will meet tonight at 8 o'clock for election of officers. Parrish of Long Beach, and Dens more Parrish of Bakersfield, Calif. Survived also by 13 grand children and 15 great grandchild dren. Services will be held Wed nesday, November 26, at 11 a. m., from the Clough-Barrick chapel 0 n Wfl in Pn rr P V TVinmncnn nffiHntinff CJdlCIIl TY Wlllli No. 14 is to meet m Liberty nau Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. The meeting is open to thepub-lfc. Island airport will leave Tues day for the Aberdeen, Maryland, ecutrix; Irwin Smith, Ray Rho- proving grounds school where he ten and Hattie Bratzel named ap will be enrolled for a course in praisers. GRAND Torfav John Payne. Alic ray, Caesar Komtro, Lirrarn nirinui -Weekend In Havana." Maxte Roa- enbtoom. Rochtue Hudson, victor Jory in "The Stork Piya OH." Thursday Laurel and Hardy. Sheila Ryan in Great Guni." Lvnn Bart, John Sutton In "Moon Over Her Shoulders." TODAY Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable. Hedy Lamarr. Oaudette Colbert in "Boom Town." Wallace Beery and Leo CarrioUo 'n "Twenty Mule Thursday Greta Gar bo. Lionel Barry- more, iewia oione in mau nan LAST TIMES TODAY: Dick Foran, Andy De fine, Leo Canilio la "The Kid From Kansas." Plus "The Devil Pays Off." Plot Dead End Kids in Serial "Sea Raiders." Starts Wed. - 2 Features' Victor McLaclen. DennU O'Keefe in "Broadway Limited. ELSI.NOKE the study of electricity. He is the son of Mrs. Paul Riley, here. with interment in Belcrest morial park. Me- Aid in Rite PORTLAND, Nov. 24.-(- Clarence W. Hodges, Salem, has been promoted from second to first lieutenant, Lieut. -Col. Lorin Solon, Oregon military district executive, announced Monday. He is with the 65th coast artillery at Fort Winfield Scott, Calif. Barrett Mrs. Edith Barrett, at her home, 597 North Liberty street, Satur day, November 22. Services will be held Tuesday, November 15, at 3 p. m. from Clough-Barrick Twenty-six members of the Sa lem court of the Catholic Daught ers of America went to Stayton Sunday to take part in the first anniversary of Court Queen of Peace. Members of the Salem drill Bergman Laurence Fred Bergman, at his residence, route 4, Salem, Mon- 66 years. Husband of Mrs. Lenora chapel, with interment in City team were m charge of the initia Bereman of Salem. Announce- view cemetery. ments of services later by Clough Tai-rirk rnmnanv. Bradeson Mrs. Josephine Sophia Brade- a- . i j i 4 r il d.1... son, at ner resilience, n oouin .TnHn Ttav Baker, late resi- letnstreet, Sunday, November dent of route 7. Salem, at a local 23, at the age of 80 years. Wife hosnital. Monday, November 24, of Antone Bradeson of Salem; at the aee of 60 years. Husband mother of Mrs. Alma Altree of of Mrs. Bessie Baker of Salem; J Portland, Mrs. Berdie Zaloom of father of Mrs. Ida Bales, Mrs. J Albany, Mrs. Juliette Christian' Revrie Weir. Judson, Fred andJsen of Newport, Charles of Otis, Wayne Baker, all of Salem, Mrs. Swen of Los Angeles, and Victor or-Ajiympia, wasn.; sister oi mrs. Laura Donaldson of Shell Lake, Wis., Mrs. Doug Dolan of Aitken, jMinn., and Stephen Toycen of Salem; survived also by 14 grand children and eight great grand children. Services will be held Wednesday, November 26, at 1:30 from Clough-Barrick chapel, with Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Con- ; eluding services will be in City View cemetery.' The illustration tells you whv this unit's t dollar-saver. All the heat from the burning oil goes right up into your rooms. Heat losses are elim inated because there are no ducts or sheet metal. No base ment is required either, so in stallatioii is quick and cheap. Warm air can be directed to front rooms mnd back, or concentrated as desired. HERE ARE GtU FEATURES 1, Famous, Patented tt Q little , Burner. - - ' ; 2. Burns Cheap 3 OiL . . ? . No Marioi Parts.. . Caa't Overheat, t. Mitapoli'HoatywII Control!. (Oft automatic Models.) " " " s '. Excluiiv Electric Ignition. ?. No Pilot Light, t. No Smoke or Soot ; No Dust or Anes. ....... , lol Listed by Underwriters' ? Laboratories. ' U Factory Guaranteed. ? CwsifaUSttltTodaj! !.:-'-. -'. ' . ' .:'VV.TJ?:..' ' phone 4141 ' Bishop Jasper N. Bishop, late resident of 460 Leslie street Salem, at a NEWS VIEWS By Les Ilewnaa with nrooacanda reports from I .Mm TOittin more twists on corkscrew, it la interesting to noie luceu uu&iivu, uuuajr, jwvuuwi the news than you'll find on a 24, at the age of 52 years. Hus that the Institute of London Un- band of Mrs. Vera Bishop, of derwriters is announcing a 25 per galem. Announcement of services eent reduction In war risK marine later by ciough-Barrick company, insurance on snips A f..l.nil ant th TT. S twein ' rs,4 anything but advice, and I have At the residence, TPS Division & hnnch the approaching Christ- street, Monday, November 24, mas season has little to do with Charles Frederick Curts, aged 85 th rat reduction. .The only other years. Husband of Emma Curts answer is that the Nazi blockade ather of Mrs. Minnie Black- U loosening nj uxe a eoiiar on a WQod of Sacramento, Calif Mrs. not ay wnicn - -- I R. A. Fish of Silverton, Mrs. Clar ior W muammam, .n . JSnhmftVr r,f PortlanH. Mrs When Mrs. Gross of Waukegan, I Gladys jforgaU of Salem, Mrs B, Dituuo an ikt uu-j- Lyle Qourley of Arriba, Colo. day pany : uivcu , Mrg D A. Bunnell of Hereford, rrr Colo., Mrs.-Ella Palos of Jeffer wen, w . Dre- and Lester Curts of Tva rreat football teams, Ure- ' 0 i xtv rs..i ... V. lit I OlUC OU1U1X9, 11CU1. (UUUU cm- Saturday . next In. Ettgene. The tusaaa company. fact that both are comenoina- ior the Rose Bowl spot added to an IfmiI Ktronr rivalry shown ' in many a '"Ilomehjlna ame,v is the basis M tnu statement. How ever, I believe that the Webfoot will attack from the air with such ferocity, that the Beaver wui una himself on the short end of the score by tlx points; v v v If you are looking for pearls we can't help you but you -are hookintf for an outstanding buy in Gabardine wool shirts then you cant find a better stoat man at Les Newman's, :. 179 w. commer l daL in a wide variety of colors. Incidentally, they will make a mnit PhrUtmai ux ana our cui- vice is to Duy now wiuw wv tion ceremonies. Salem candidates received were Monica Radakowski and Gwendolyn Allen. Salem women making the trip were Mrs. a. J. zieun5KJ, ims Mavme Yates, Virginia Ward Marcrarpt Thomnson. Mrs. Thompson, Leah Suing, Mrs. Sel by Shurterman, Mrs. N. Rocque, Mrs. F. A. Rademacher, Mrs. Jo hanna C. Perry, Mrs. Madge Ols l-iir Trfirraine Meusey. Mrs. A. Meusey, Mrs. A. E. LaBranche, Mrs. F. E. Kenyon, Marguerite Gleeson. Miss Olga .Hungsberg, Mrs. Emma B. Hale, Mary Brand, Mrs. S. J. Gentzkow, Mrs. B. F. Dimler, Mrs. A. I. Elvin, Mrs. T. Brabec, Pearl Bairey and Mrs. M. Alley. FORT. CUSTER. Mich., Nov. 24-(P)-Supervised physical ex ercise 45 minutes daily was decreed Monday for army chap lains at Fort Custer. "Apparently our chaplains need streamlining," commented the press relations officer. A drill sergeant will direct tne training. W. E. Johnson estate; Eva C. Johnson, widow, named admin istratrix. Theodore Ray Urban guardian ship; Carey Martin, guardian, au thorized to sell real property. . Harley Ellenwood guardian ship; Portland Trust & Savings bank's sixth annual account shows balance of $334.55. Harriett M. Durkheimer estate; Charles F. Mack, executor, au thorized to make repairs on a building in Prairie City. F. M. Woodward estate; order confirming sale of estate's share in Butte Light & Power company to Portland General Electric com- Today Merle Oberon, Alan Marshall In "Lydia." Lloyd Nolan. Barbara (Vera Vague) Allen in "Buy Me That Town." Wednesday "Sundown" with Gene T4rnv. Bruce Cabot. Hufh Her bert, Anne Gwynne In "Don't Get Personal." HOLLYWOOD Today Bob Hope, Bint Crosby. Dor othy Lamour in "Road to Zanzibar." Richard Arlen, Jean Parker In "Power Dive." Thursday Eddie roy. Jr- June Clyde in "Country Fair." Roy Rogers in "In Old Cheyenne." LIBERTY Today R o t a 1 1 n d RusselL Melvyn Douglaa in "This Thing Called Love." Kenny Baker. Frances Lang ford in "Hit Parade of 1941." Wednesday Peter L o r r e . Rochelle Hiuiinn in "Island of Doomed Men." Lloyd Nolan, Lola Lane, In "Gangs of Chicago." ., Friday Tim McCoy in "Gun Code. Harry Larvgdon in "Misbehaving Husbands." WHAT A WAN! Ha'l iKa lough, tougKaal kick' In lK Ofwiy, fort wsn p0yovy i ..Kw tkoM 4omtM WfctiidiB I riPimi. Danv: DrODertieS held by estate Tnrfav Dick Foran. Leo Carrillo 1 A TIT TIT 1 ... ,J Andv Devine in "The Kid From Santiam Road Opened SWEET HOME, Nov. 24-(JP)- The south Santiam nignway above Cascadia, closed by con struction for several months, again is open to travel, R. C. Chapman, state engmeer, said Monday. CAMP FUNTON, Kas., Nov. 24 -P)-Sgt. Frank Case of head quarters troop, 14th cavalry, lean ed out of a train window and lost his false teeth. He telegraphed his wife to "send all available plates." Back came a box with six din ner plates. Death Takes Portland Journal Shop Chief PORTLAND, Nov. 24-7P)- Thomas J. James, 59, superinten dent of the Oregon Journal com posing room, died nere monoay following a weeks illness with . - -at it. pneumonia. He naa oeen wim xne Journal since its establishment In 1902. $20,000; estate administrators are A. W. Woodward and Lucile P. Curry. Elmer M. Savage estate; return on sale of property by Helen Saucier and Kathryn McNulty, executrices, to United States for $164.10. Henry Ling estate; motion for Kansas." J. Edward Brom&erg in "The Devil Pays Off." Wednesday "Top Sergeant Mulligan" with Nat Pendleton. Carol Hushes. Don Barry In "The Wyoming Wild cat. Saturday Errol Flynn. Fred Mac Murray in "Dive Bomber." Lucile Fairbanks. Keith Douglas in "Pass age from Hongkong." , .. ,-.'-7 f v i w fat i rurrr i j w m rspw i COMPANION FEATURE Thrilling New Western "WYOMING WILDCAT with Don "Red" Barry! 1i i "-hi m Today and Wednesday Plus Defense Tax Bing Crosby - Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour "Road to Zanzibar ft And 2nd Feature Richard Arlen - Jean Parker "Power Dive" Also News & Colored Cartoon Ends Tonite: "LYDIA - Merle Oberon and "BUY ME THAT TOWN" .1 1 A SALCM S i I 4 J LEADING I JJ I 1 1 THEATRE Start Uprlnocrlav " " i . t4t mivw.-w" ;y .Yi . 1 1 1 r , 1 1 1 1 1 fl 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 r I 2 Births stralthwaite To Mr. and Mrs. El liott r Ttrairhwaite. 1145 North Church street, a daughter, caroi Anne, rem Mnomhor ft &alm General hoSDital. Johnston To Mr. ana Mrs. nugn m. inhncton. I.vons. a daughter. Kathryn Elaine, born November 13, Deaconess boraltaL J kimuvto mr. ana . j e,;v, iQTO D.rrish street, a son. Harry Dean. 'bom November 17. Salem Gen eral hospital. T.AST TIMES TODAY "WEEK-END IN HAVANA" Starring Alice Faye, John Payne, Carmen Miranda Continuous From 1 P.M. ?.J.,tM.?...-. dru- starts Tononnow flteonss I rval1 Clark GABLE Hedy Iaxdarr Spencer. TRACY. , Oandette Colbert "Bcoa Town" Time:' t M-Sriim " " Ind mt- Wallace J -. Leo Beery :' ? " - Carrillo ;"2Mld8 Teaa' ALWAYS 2 BIG HITS! iraaaaa Ends Today r n n n btj j riniu u f 2nd Hit i KENHY aAKCRj FRANCES LANGFOKO U I u as t alW I & n. mmmm SaaSttvu tiA ro.f fir4 rH 2ND . ACTION-PACKED HIT I . aui. ixtiiiMinii" rr iahles STAnnn o. vjunivixsEU Great AiitaammsBtt of Today! J udLyu GEIIE TIER1IEY t ". PLCS COMPANION ITATOtE Father has the time ot his life when be playi "hooker" from 1 1 '.TATIIEn STEPS CUT With Frank Albertaon, Jed Prouty, Lorna Gray and colors are-complete. Ere. Tax swBTBi R i-l ' mr ii' ii ii'i nr mm- r'":"i ' '"