SI SfXtESMSK, S&m. Z5rogon7 grfnrMonjlkg. NoTnb 1841 FAGSTHSSS Local News Briefs Youths Released Charged with larceny of an automobile, Lon Winn and Joe Zy back, youth ful Bremerton retail clerk and Salem laborer, entered pleas of Innocence but admitted facts in their cases, and were continued for sentence when they appeared before Judge L. H. McMahan on Friday. They were released on their own recognizance. En route north they had allegedly dropped off a freight in Salem, taken a car parked on a Salem street and planned to leave it in a Portland freight yard. Included in the in formation presented were records to show the long and honest rec ord of Winn in his work. Eagles Dance Sat. Nite F. O. E hall. Good music. Good floor. La dles free. Bring your friends. Booked by Police Robert M Chase, route 1, Jefferson, was booked by police today for fail ure to stop. Lloyd Chester John son, Medford, was held for Ore gon City on a charge of hit and run driving. Bernard Koshen, Everett, Wash., was arrested for driving with four in the driver's seat and posted $2.50 bail. Ervin Sisk, 475 South 18th street, and Leonard Cuff, 4755 South 18th, were booked on charges of dis orderly conduct. Special meeting, Pacific Lodge No. 50, AF & AM, Sat.. Nov. 22, 1 p. m. Funeral, C. G. Miller. Coming Events Dec 5 United Air Lines scheduled to start Salem service. Case Trial Is Postponed Again When Jury Panel Proves Too Small; Driver Gets Sentence Morals trial of Thomas Irving Case, hanging fire in Marion county circuit court since spring, went into a new type of con-' tinuation Friday' when the jury panel proved too small to pro- vide the required number of uncontested, impartial jurors. A portion of the jury had been Sco fields Enjoy Keunion Mem bers of the Scofield family at tended their 11th annual reun on Thursday at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Roy S. Scofield on Salem route six. Present in ad dition to Dr. and Mrs. Scofield T n a if t tt o : t -a JT v,; selected when continuation until "ene r' na Monday was. called. Previous Mrs. H. B. Scofield and children, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. H postponements have been because of state of defendant's health and Scofield and children, Junction Tequests 0j attorneys. city, Mr. ana Mrs. laOUis bco- Drawn for the additional iurv field and children, Turner; Mr. list by Sheriff A. C. Burk and and Mrs. August Wirsching, Sa- County Clerk U. G. Boyer were lem, and Harold Traylor, Inde- John R. Anderson, Edgar F. Yea- I-endence. Lost, zipper bag. 375 N. Fourth. raiauues lis tea mere were two fatalities due to industrial ac cidents in Oregon during the week ending November 20, the state in dustrial accident commission an nounced Friday. The victims were Albert L. Irwin, Malin. truck driver, and Clarence Edward n-Vt;. Z driving while under the influence - "..w.., . mat . ;.: vl uiiuiiii.aLXL.ig uvjuui, wu sen tenced to serve 20 days in the were 716 industrial accidents re ported to the commission during the week. Savings insured to $5,000.00 are earning 3& at Salem Fed eral. 130 South Libertv. To Speak Gov. Charles A. Priest Loses The Rev. Bert rand McLoughlin, Mt. Angel, was Friday charged with $5000 dam ages in the suit brought against him by Gordon Falk of Milwau- kie in Clackamas county circuit court for damages in the death of Elinor Martin, 11, following a highway accident last Decern ber 21. Father Bertrand's pickup truck allegedly struck the girl as she rode her bicycle on the super highway south of Milwaukie Suit was for $10,000. Special cloth robe, or auto seat covers, lot No. 1 75c. Lot No. $1.00, lot No. 3, $1.50. Others at $2 to $2.95. Limited number. Come early, get your pick. Week ly 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Sat. 8 to 5 Thos. Kav Woolen Mills Retail Store, 260 S. 12th St. To Committee Meet County Judge Grant Murphy is to be in Portland today to attend a meet ing of the executive committee of the state republican central committee, called at the Imperial hotel by Niel R. Allen, new chairman. On the agenda is discussion of party finances and approval of the appointment of an executive secretary. Bowling 2 p. m. until Midnight daily. Bowl-Mor. 286 N. Commercial. ton, Gladys C. Wood, Clarence S. Hamilton and Kenneth G. Man ning, Salem; Ruth Libby, Marion; Minnie Hostetler, East Hubbard; Floyd T. Fox, Union Hill; Arthur DeVries, Macleay and Gladys I. Shields, Jefferson. In Salem justice court, George Alfred Morris Marsh, Seattle taxi driver arrested by state police Thanksgiving day on charges of county jail, pay $100 and costs following his plea of guilty Two minors, 15-year-old Salem boys, allegedly found shooting ducks on penitentiary property Friday, were lectured by Judge E. M. Page. The four ducks with Church Services in Salem Sprague, past . president of the wriPh thev had heen taken were Marion county public health asso- confiscated but their guns were ciation, will speak over radio sta tion KSLM, at 5 o'clock today in the interests of the coming tuber culosis seal sale drive which opens Monday. Gov. Sprague will be in terviewed by Lewis Mills of Port land, president of the Oregon tu berculosis association. Lutz florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N. Lib. returned to them by state police. CIRCUIT COURT Leon Mickenham vs, O. C. Mc Dowell; amended complaint seek ing $10,000 general and $61.26 special damages for injuries al legedly sustained in an accident July 16, 1941, when the car in which the plaintiff was riding as sert edly struck the defendant's car parked on the Pacific high' way five miles south of Salem. That he lost several teeth, that his nose was broken and torn loose and that several "injuries were permanent is the declaration of Mickenham. Mary E. Wisdom, by her guard ian ad litem, Malcolm L. Mit chell, vs. Pacific Greyhound lines; dismissal with prejudice to plain tiff by stipulation. Pioneer Trust company as trus tee under will of Joy Turner Moses vs. Hector Adams and others; defaut and decree of $1600, interest, $125 attorney's fees, costs of $18.60 to plaintiff, with provision for foreclosure of mortgage. Ruth Rulifson vs. F. H. Weir; answer includes accounting of real estate deals involved. C. G. Mohney vs. E. E. Larsen and Grace R. Larsen; order of dis missal on motion of plaintiff. EL. Ross Wiley vs. T. M. Miles; motion to strike overruled by Judge Page. John Gottfried vs. State Indus trial Accident commission; bill of exceptions by defendant. Joe Doran vs. Associated Seed Growers, Inc.; mandate from su preme court dismisses appeal, equitable counterclaim and amen ded complaint with prejudice to both parties. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry. Howard C Stover. minister. Morning worship at 11. Ser mon, "The House of Mercy," anthem. "Praise . the Lord, O Jerusalem" (Maunder). Mrs. Richard Smart will sing The House by the Side of the Road." Evening service at 7:30. Ser mon, "Isaiah, Who Saw Christ's Glory." Sunday school at 10 a.m. Lloyd Arnold, Supt. Young people at 6:30 pjn. EMMANUEL MENNONITK Pratum Daniel J. Unruh. pastor: Sunday school at 10 ajn., classes for all age groups, Mr. - Homer - Welty, Supt. Morning worship at 11, sermon on "The Men that Willinely Offered Themselves." Special program at 7 D.m. - by youne men's auartet and il lustrated message by the Rev. Jesse W. Baker of the American Sunday school union. Wednesday r prayer meeting and junior choir practice at ism, cnoir practice at b:30. Series of Religious Lectures Scheduled by Rev. Edward Mott GERVAIS PRESBYTERIAN Rev. James Aikin Smith will preach on trie topic "My Church, the Kaaiat ing Center of Helpful Influences" at li, a.m. a special song and story service will be held at 8 pjn. under the direction of Mrs. James Aikin Smith with several singers helping. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev erend George H. Swift, rector. Hob communion 7:30 a.m. Church school Robert R. Boardman. SuDt. 8:45 a.m prayer service and sermon by the rec tor 11 a.m. Parish no-host dinner in the parish house, 6 JO pjn. Tuesday. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ' FIRST PRIIBTTXRIAH ALLIANCE I Chemeketa and North Winter Gaines street at 6th. H. K. Suavely. I streets. Rev. W. Irria Williams, mln- pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 ain Jster. Donald Douris. director reu- worship at 11. Young people's prayer clous education. Church, school. t:43 service at 6 JO p.m. Evangelistic serv- am," J. J. Fitzsimona.- Supt. Morning ice 7 JO on the subject of the "Second worship, 1033. Third in series of four pAmina ""Vis- ' 1SAe&rlw Ta Vf A-iSMa aft f w4m Pra Wa K ttsisrtnsr ternary band will meet at 2 pjn. in theme: "Necessities.". Solo by Mary the church. Wednesday Bible study I Elizabeth KeUs. Anthem. "Coin Y and prayer service at 730. Thursday I Blessed, Scott, by senior vested starting at 90 in the morning there I choir. Church nursery. College and will be a Sunday school convention business young people a ism pjn, nign continuing through the entire day, school and Intermediate CE IM. Mu- Mrs. Mary Fish from Spokane, Wash., sic night . at church with - senior Rev. Turnidge from Hood River and choir, directed by Virginia Ward FJ- Miss Barnette from Albany and Rev. liott. singing anthems, "The King of R. F. C. Schwedler from Seattle, Love My Shepherd Is." Shelley, and Wash, will be the speakers. I "Send Out Thy Light." Gounod. Con certo lor two violins tin u minor i "Allegro Moderate. ' Bach, and "Mo- tarVer- anA iM-snxVor T, stub urrnnniiT I ... c.k.,k. . -t-v.- I Corner State and- Church streets, I Old Refrain." Knesler. played by Dr. J. C. Harrison, minister: Miss I Marian Du Scher and Alvin Hudson, Ruth Cramer, director of Christian accompanied by Emma Lou Spangen- education. Church school 9:45. nur- burg. Junior -vested choir assisting eery 11:00, morning worship 10:50 with with congregational singing. Sermon Dr. Harrison having for bis sermon. "Responsibilities.". Bible seminar from Anchors of the Soul in . itormy i Monday evening to Friday evening Times." The Cathedral choir will 1 inclusive. Dr. James Millar. Portland. sing "All Ye That Cried Unto the 1 speaker. Teaching demonstrations by Lord" (Mendeissonn) ana miss jewel i Gertrude Hynes ana Leora strong FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Cottage at Marion. Robert A. Hutch inson. minister. Church school at 0:45, Frank E. Neer, Supt. Worship service at 11 a.m., theme: "Some Elements in Friends Boole Bible Teacher Minier will sing "Come Ye Blessed" I each evening. Dinner Monday evening. (John Prindle Scott). Youth Fellow 16:30 D.m. Boy Scouts Monday. 7 30. ships and University Vespers 8:30, ev-1 Camp Fire Girls Wednesday and Fri- ening worsmp i :o witn tne insiaiia- ay, 4 pjn. cnoir practice Wednesday, society of Christian service for the HIGHLAND FRIENDS Highland Avenue at Church street. Herman H. Macy, minister. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship service at 11 with the Rev. Edward Mott, of Portland as the speaker. Jun ior and Senior Christian Endeavor meetinn at t30 followed by the ble school 9:45 a.m.. with classes for evaneeustic church service at 7 JO. all ages, Fred Broer, Supt. Morning The Rev. Mr. Mott will be the preach worship at 11. "Greatness Through I er and wU Ispeak each evening during service, pastor, senior nign scnooi 1 the week at tnax time. BYPU and the Volunteers. 0:15 p.m. Pre-prayer service. 7 p.mH Fidelia CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) Successful Living"; Ervin Potter, solo- class room. Evening gospel service, I State and 18th streets. F. H. Theuer, coming year. Miss Jean Carkin and Miss Mary Margaret Livesay wui sing, "Thy Peace, Oh Lord" (lNeiannger). FIRST BAPTIST Corner Marion and Liberty streets. Rev. Irving A. Fox, DD, minister. Bi- OBITUARY Miller Charles G. Miller, 68, at resi dence, 2328 State street Tuesday, November 18. Survived by wife, Ola; daughter, Mrs. Loreta Miller Roseheim, Salem; sisters, Mrs. Annie Talley, Denison, Texas, Mrs. Bertha Hatcher, Newport Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Elizabeth Burch, Oklahoma City, Okla.; and a broth er, Leonard, Crown Point, Ore. Member of Pacific lodge No. 50, AF & AM, Chadwick chapter No. 37, OES, and life member of Sa lem lodge No. 336, BPOE. Serv ices will be held in the chapel of the W. T. Rigdon company Saturday, November 22, at 1:30 p. m. Rev. E. S. Hammond will officiate and ritualistic services by Pacific lodge No. 50, AF & AM. Concluding services in Bel crest Memorial park under aus pices of Salem lodge No. 336, BPOE. Nurses' Meet Slated Regular district number three nurses will meet Monday at 8 p. m. in the chapel of the Oregon State hos pital, it was announced Friday. Miss Lirtnie Laird, RN, of Port land, will be the special guest, and Dr. B. F. Williams, of the state hospital staff, is to be the main speaker. Christenson Mrs. Josephine Larkin Chris tenson, 72, at her home, 1050 North Summer, November 21 Survived by three daughters, Mildred and Marjorie Christen son, Salem; and Mrs. H. W. Ad ams, Silverton; two brothers, Dr. George Larkin, Newberg, and John Larkin, Los Angeles; and two grandsons, Harold and Rich ard Adams, Silverton. Service an nouncements later by Clough Barrick funeral home. Jvtng of Yc Guest speaker at the Highland Friends church for the next two weeks will be Rev. Edward Mott of Portland. An author, Bible Mott has served as pastor in a number of states arid spent several yeari on the faculties of Cleveland Bible institute and Portland Bible institute. For the past 15 yean Her. Mr. Mett has served as presid ing clerk at the annual sessions f the Frieads church ef Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, and for half a decade has been trav eling la central and western states holding Bible conferences and conducting special meetings. He has written several books on religions subjects. Services will be held each night at 730, beginning Sunday, at the church at Highland and Church streets. The public is invited to attend the sessions. outh at 6:30. 1st. League JASON LEE METHODIST North Winter at Jefferson. S. Ray- nof Smith, minister. The church school meets at 9:45 a.m. Morning worship at 11 o clock, when tne pas tor wiu preach on Light in the Dark ness." Intermediate league at 5:30. High school and college leagues at 6:30. Evening worship at 7:30. when Mr. Hayes. Beall will speak on "My Experiences in a Migrant Camp. Mid week service Thursday night at 7:30. D D.m- The GosDel in Rome, pas- BD. castor. Sunday school. 10 ajn tor. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7 -.30 1 otto Gronke. Supt. Worship at 11 p.m. BETHEL BAPTIST North Cottage at D street. J. F. Ol- thoff . DO, pastor. Bible school with classes for young and old at 9:45 a.m., Arnold Frey, Supt. Morning wor ship at 11. Sermon: Lost and Found. Pouth fellowship hour 6:30. Evening service at 7 :30. Sermon : "The Better Monthly Music Program Set Choir, Special Program Of Violin Music on Bill At First Presbyterian Sunday evening will be observ- a.m., with sermon on "The Loor mat Will Be Shut." Brotherhood. Wednes day, 7 .30 pjn. Choir, Thursday, 7 :45 p.m. Confirmation class Saturday. a.m. FIRST EVANGELICAL Corner Marion and Summer streets. Rev. Paul P. Petucord, minister. Er nest Friesen, minister of music. Sun day school at 9:45 a.m. Wilson Lau ner. Supt. Morning worsmp at 11 o'clock. Sermon: "The Light of the World." Youth groups will meet at 6:30 P.m. Sunday evening evangelis tic service at 7 JO. Sermon: "How Can We Prove the Bible to Be Genuine? Bible study and prayer service Thurs day evening at 7 JO. FIRST SPIRITUALIST Meets at 248 N. Commercial. Serv- Keene In this city Friday, November 21. William Madison Keene, aged 85 years, late resident of Route one, Gervais. Father of Mrs. Mis kel Filsinger of Gervais and bro ther of George Keene of Portland and Joe Keene of Nevada City, Erb Mrs. Harriet A. Erb at the resi dence, 573 South 19th street, Friday, November 21, at the age of 84 years. Sister of Mrs. Mar garet Beers, Mrs. Caroline Myers and Willard Myers, all of Sa lem. Also survived by seven nieces and nephews. Funeral an nouncements later by; Clough Barrick company. Calif. Services will be held in the rAmmiti. Named Leo N. chapel of the W. T. Rigdon com rv,iiH was named chairman of Dany Monday, November 24, at the nominating committee for the 1:30 p.m. Rev. W. Irvin Williams annual election of the Salem will officiate, concluding services Realty board, during their lunch eon Friday. Members of the com mittee, which is to report Fri day, are Childs, H. P. Grant, F. H. Weir and Robert Forkner. The election is scheduled for the sec ond Friday in December, it was announced. in Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Hockett ? Mrs. Lena C. Hockett, 65, at her home, 1603 North Commercial November 21. Survived by the widower, L. C. Hockett; sons, Lloyd L. Hockett and Dr. Verden E. Hockett; daughter, Mrs. Henry Girod, all of Salem, and another daughter, Mrs. Henry Ross, Red ding, Calif.; sister, Mrs. Harry Weston, Portland, and eight grandchildren. Funeral services will be announced later by Clough-Barrick funeral home. Klingele Mrs. Louisa Klingele, former ly a resident of Salem, at her home, 4326 14th avenue, SW, Se attle, at the age of 80 years. Mother of Louie Paul Klingele Church In this city, Thursday, Novem- Her 9.0. Dennis Churcn. aeea 6 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. D M. Church of 264 South zatn street. Brother of David and t Portland Fair Mrs. Mar- Crystal Church of. Salem, grana- of Seattle; sister of Mrs. tmma ian vieiH manager of the Salem son of Mr. and Mrs. a. m. sonnemann 01 Los Angeles, Mrs. Art rpntpr Mrs Aenes TschoDD. Church of Salem and Mr. and Rosa Stieert of Black Diamond, instructor in weaving, and Mrs. Mrs. S. R. GUIiam 01 xtaymona, wasn., Herman Amsier 01 oan Flse Ehsen. Art center librarian. Wash. Private services will be Francisco, and Mrs. Ida Badert- 1 . a m TTf FH 1 A1 a 1 . Dlan to motor to Portland this held under the direction 01 w. 1. scner, jacoD ana aqoii Amsier, ofomr in visit that citv's Trt Rlffdon COmDaiiy. Ul mi. wi an uj. oaieiu, iwu K aixuuiuux cn, M ' w I " - , -.T . l . , . T T-1! 1 - fair rmaininff for the nieht Abbev Mausoleum, saturaay. iNor Louie -aiu ana ixaomi ivungeic -----"cs ' - - - I-,..- , . 1 metal work demonstration. vember 22 at 10 a.m. ol beanie; also several nieces ana nepnews. services wui De neia Meeting Time Changed The Saturday, November 22, at 1:30 WPA sewing class at the old high Chute p.m. fr6m the chapel of Clough- urhnnl buildintf will be held on Emma Chute, to, weanesaay, hRarricIc funeral home, with Rev Mnndav afternoons from 1 to 5 November 19. Wife of Andrew w H t. officiating. Inter- o'clock instead of at night, Bessie Chute of Scio. Survived by sons, ment is to be in City View ceme- Bracken, instructor of the group, William Wilcox 01 scio ana nuru tery announced Friday. Wilcox ol Jtftterpnse; oaugniars, , Mrs. H. C. McWhorter 01 saiem McAllister r-t TiUkarv Rooause he . . , o:. I McAllister v a t v M- ..... m 1 fvrvrt nnr .1. 1 , .11 11 11 n l.-i ui ouv. . ... .... . . j. reached - ay Pvt. r "George .chle, o, Min- r iSSJSSS Z jonn n. rnns si .uiv-.. nanolis. Minn.: sisters. Mrs. Del ' - r V M K Camp Lewis, nas neen reieasea . Glendale "r -7,7- 'ZZT .tii,A 1tir and criven an I .. - A . rauier 01 oi auuuuaici ui ul "u,u , . r Si. Mrs. Joe Bassetx 01 Minnesota; sut . , . rlaushter in Cor honorable discharge, it was re- j iana, ana one aaugnier m wr PROBATE COURT John W. Ebner estate; final ac count of Emma Ebner, executrix, shows receipts of $15,001.17, dis bursements of $10,233.73; cash on hand for distribution, $4767.44 appraised valuation of estate, $94,046.38 from which property has been sold or otherwise dis posed of to leave with executrix property valued at $82,215.38 in addition to cash on hand; final hearing set for December 30. Margaret P. LeFurgy estate Homer H. Smith, executor, au thorized to surrender a $1000 bond of West Coast Telephone company. Glenn E. Prime estate; Pioneer Trust company, executor, em powered to make compromise settlement on claim against Wil liam Clendenning, for whom it is alleged Dr. Prime performed services in excess of $1000; num erous checks and receipts have been produced, leaving account in confusion, and it has been agreed that a settlement be made on a basis of $200 at $20 a month. JUSTICE COURT Harry William Ellwood, alias W. H. Ellwood; charged with burglary in night time not in a dwelling in connection with re moval of dressed fowls from store at 150 North Commercial street; waived preliminary hearing and held to answer to grand jury; committed to county jail on fail ure to pst $1000 bail. Ervin J. Sisk and Leonard Cuff; charged with disorderly conduct in a downtown Salem restaurant; pleaded innocent; trial set for Monday at 2 p.m.; committed to county jail on failure to post $50 bail each. Alvers O. Lowerly; no tail light; $1 and costs. Charles E. Lenon; no operator's license; $1 and costs. Way." Prayer and praise service I 1 as the monthly music night by Wednesday evening at 7:45. Choir , . . . v,j,- ices 2 JO. 7 JO p.m. Trance lecture by practice Thursday at 8 p.m. memuers ui uic xnsi ritou, t uju Mittlesteadt. Thanksgiving church. A special program Ol turkey dinner J JO pjn. nrvrTcrrvor a uto c iavt 315' i N. Commercial street. ' Sunday concert violin music will be fea- Bible school 2 p.m.. devotional at 3 1 tiirwl In addition to the numbers l.m. iuuunjf evening ai i .?u, f. v au- . . gelist Hans Hansen will bring the by the Choir. message. Tuesday prayer meeting at 7 :3a p.m. Also services Thursday and Saturday. 7:30 p.m. J. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastor. CALDVARY BAPTIST Miller and South Liberty streets. Rev. Edward L. Allen, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a.m.. Frederick Lehmann, Supt. Morning worship, 11 a.m., ser mon, "The Brands ol Jesus." BYPU, 6:30 p.m., Pioneers, 6:30 p.m. Evening worship service. 7:30 p.m.. sermon. "Hope of Glory." Midweek prayer and praise service, Wednesday, 7:dU p.m. choir rehearsal o:m) p.m. Guest artists for the evening will be Marlon Da Scher and Alvin Hudson, violinists, who will play the concerto for two violins (in D minor) "Allegro Moderate" Bach, and "Moment Muscale,M Schubert and "The Old Refrain,' Krlesler. They will be accompanied on the grand piano by Emma Lon Spangenburg. SOl'TH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Meeting for worship. 11 a.m. ChrisUan Endeavor 8:45 p.m Evening service 7:30 D.m. Evangelist Edward F. Harmon wui speak ootn morning and evening. Prayer meeting Thursday i -W p.m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN lth and A streets. Rev. H. W. Gross Dart or. Sunday school at 8 ajn., aerv- ices at 10 a.m. Lutheran radio hour Sunday at 1 p.m.. over stauons KALE. Portland, and K.V. u. aviDany, ur Walter A. Maier. speaker. FIRST CHRISTIAN Center and Hich streets. Guy L. Drill, minister. Bible school at 9:30 a.m.. followed by the morning com The morning message by the pastor Love My Shepherd Is,' will be upon the theme: rrom tne Abstract to the Concrete." The chU- dren's church convenes at 10:45 a.m with a messaue by Mrs. Guy L. Drill on the theme: "We Seek Truth." At 6:15 a Christian Endeavor meeting for each group of young people. At 7:30 p.m., the evangelistic service, lniorm al and always featuring the old hymns o ftrie church with special music by the choir, directed by John Schmidt, jr. Rev. Howard C. Cole of Portland will be the guest speaker. His mes sage will be upon the theme: "The Hem of His Garment." FOURSQUARE GOSPEL Nineteenth and" Breyman. Rev. T W. Henderson, pastor. Phone 287 The senior vested choir, direct- Sunday. 9.45 ajn.. Sunday school. 11 ed by Virginia Ward Elliott, will ceT ili or- cir tVo ontViomc "Tha Kins nf rhntn music: 7:45 D.m evangelistic v.. ' ' " I"-, - nrn,ram olr! Dl V umoi aw- m f c First Sermon Of Series Set Sunday The first of a series of sermons on "Some Elements in Successful . Living, will be given Sunday morning In the First Congrega tional church by the minister. Robert A. Hutchinson. In these sermons Rev. Hutchinson will discuss the every -day problems of men, women and youths and will show how religion properly used serves to give release from the various maladjustments that afflict people and that it will empower all for successful living. A special musical program has been arranged by the Pilgrim chorus under the direction of Lena Belle Tartar. Erv in Potter will serve as soloist. For the con venience of parents who have small children, a nursery is main tained by the Mayflower Guild under the direction .of Mrs. E. S. I Oliver. LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial and E. Myers streets. Joseph Knotts, minister. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m., sermon theme, "Determinate Women." Evenine worship 7:30 p.m.. sermon theme, "Lot's Valleys and Ab raham's Hills." Intermediate, high school and college age groups of young people meet at 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday. 7:30 p.m. WESLEYA.N METHODIST Mill at 15th. Lowell Gilger. pastor. Sunday school 9:45, preaching serv ice, 11, young people's service 6:45 p.m., evening service 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. CHtJRCH OF GOD 940 South 22nd street. Rev. Cleo Watts, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., morning service at 11. Revival jneetmg every evening next wee. witn nev. Mary t-auis iiuiu urauu, Calif., as guest speaker. Shelley, and "Send Out Thy Light," Gou nod. The prelude "Variations on Consolator," Gillette, the offer tory "Andante, postlude "Offertoire," by will be played on the organ by Mrs. D. B. Kleihege. Congregational singing will be directed by Mrs. Elliott and assisted by a Junior vested choir of 35 voices, accompa nied on the pianos by Esthel and Moody Benner. A theme suggested by the scripture "For unto him whom much is given shall much be re quired," will be presented by Rev. W. Irvin Williams in his sermon "Responsibilities." fashioned tone service and Testimon ies followed by short sermon. Tuesday 7-45 p.m., prayer and praise service. Thursday, 7 JO p.m.. Bible study on the gifts of the Spirit. Saturday. 2.30 n.. children's church. Prayer for the sick at any time, day or night. Wely, and the Everyone welcome. Read, HAYESVTLLE FIRST BAPTIST One mile north of the city limits on the Portland highway. Bible school 9:45 a.m., with classes for all ages. Dewey Davis. Supt. BYPU 6:15 pjn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Broer, Jr., ad visors. . FOUR CORNERS FIRST BAPTIST In the Auburn school. 9:45 am., Bible school, with classes for all ages. Leon Lambert. Supt. MUNICIPAL COURT Victor Hugo Meyers, Indepen dence, reckless driving; $25 fine. Hulda R. FJfstrom, 1656 Cen ter street, failure to stop; fined $2.50. AMERICAN LUTHERAN North Church street between Che meketa and Center. Frank S. Beistel. DD. pastor. Sundav school 9:45 a.m.. Oscar Liudahl. Supt. Morning service 11 a.m. Sermon subject. "Biblical Teachings Concerning the End of the World." This service is broadcast over KSLM. Luther league. 6:30 p.m.. Miss Fund for Relief The fund collected at the Thanksgiving service at First Congregational church will be divided equally between funds assisting prisoners of war in Europe and Chinese relief. A total of $82.10 was re ceived during the union service Thursday. ported Friday Licensed to Wed Among mar granacnuaren ana nve great . Graveside cervices will be grandchildren. Member Jason Lee heJd SaturdaV( Nov 22, at 1:30 Methodist church. Funeral serv-1 4v, w,'ii,mH0 Mamnriai riage license applicants at Seattle ices at Terwilliger-Edwards fun- fc near AlbanV) with ciough- tivi4v vara TTpnrv s. Mon- I era! home aruraay ax t.ou p.m. dtoSi, r,r-i knnu in harcr Vll avsw jr I . , , m . , . I jjaiiiVA jLuitssu mwu ow rad, Fori Lewis, and Elizabeth Kev. s. rxaynor Emnn omciaung. .f arrangements. B. Tower, Salem. interment in uijr view cwueiei. win aiii station Texaco Swafford Oil company Friday was issued Miller Asenath Pearl Swafford, at her Termit t alter a service station Carl Owen Miller, 83, of 1185 residence, iu swum nut ot innn Smith Commercial street TCnrth winter street, at a Salem November 21. Survivors include, Births at a cost of $90. Auction Tuesday, Nov. 25, 6 room ed Home and Furnishings, 2308 Rex St See classified. . la 1 . a M hospital Wednesday, November me wmower, narry awaiiora, oa 19. Member of Christian church, lem; son, Wilburn Swafford, Her Survived by two daughters, Mrs. cules, Calif.; daughter, Mrs. Florence Retterath of Salem and Ruth Perkins, Salem; brother, Mrs. Nellie McKinney of San Edgar M. Sanders; and sister, At SL Vincents John Scheffe Francisco; two grandchildren, la now a patient at St Vincent's hospital in-Portland where he will soon undergo a major operation. First Congregational Church The Little Stone Church v Around the Corner" " r (Marion at Cottage) - Worship Services at 11 :00 Theme: "SUCCESSFUL LTV TMfl " Evervbodr welcome. Cood music. Robert A Hut chinson, minister.-- " Carlton and Betty McKinney of San Francisco; and nephew, Don ald Miller of Seattle. Funeral ser vices at Terwilliger-E d w a r d s funeral home Saturday at 3 p.nL, Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Pri vate, cremation services will fol low. r- One A. Holmes, both of Salem. Also i three - grandchildren. Fun eral announcements later by W. T. Rigdon funeral home. Harrlncton To Mr. and Mrs. Law rence R. Harrington. 228 Garden road a son, Michael Roy, born Deaconess hospital, November ll. Epperly To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K Epperly. 135 Wander Way. a dauehter Sharon Lee, Dorn MovemDer is, sa- lem General hospital. Moyer To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Moyer, 673 North Commercial street, a son. Warren Allen, born November II, Salem General hospital. Etsele To Mr. and Mrs. Do than Eisele, route two, a son, Darwin Lee, born November 15, Salem General hospital. Brown To Mr. and Mrs. Leo G: Brown, route seven, a son. Jerald Duane, bom November 4, Salem Gen eral hospital. Pavelek To Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Pavelek, Woodburn, a son, Henry John, born November ll, baiem ben eral hosDitaL Gould To Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Gould. 230 Evergreen avenue. dauen ter, Sandra Kay, born November 18, Salem General hosoitaL Schlotthaner To Mr. and Mrs. Pete R. Schlotthauer. 391 North Zlst street. a daughter, Anita Kay, bora Novem ttor 14. Salem General hODSitaL : - Atkins To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Atkins, 835 Academy, a daughter, Le- berta sue, bora xsovemoer tz, uea coness bopsitaL ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST 17th and Nebraska avenue. The Rev. C. O. Goodman, pastor. 9:45 a.m.. Sunday school. 11 a.m., morning wor ship. Sermon "Profit and Loss." 6:30 p.m., Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p.m., worship, sermon, "The Inevitable Harvest." Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.. pot-luck social supper. Thursday, 8 p.m., prayer and Bible study. PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE 420 State street. 10 o'clock Sunday school service. 11 o'clock morning worship hour, 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic hour. 7:30 Wednesday and Friday ev enings, prayer meetings. Special cot tage prayer meetings other nights during the week. G. M. Xads, pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF NAZARENE T.fn Webster Collar. Dastor. 13th and Center streets. 6 a.m.. Christian work er s prayer meeting. 9:45, bunoay Bi ble school. Milford Stull. Supt. 11:00, mornino worshin. SDecial music, botn vocal and instrumental: sermon: "If Ye Have Faith. Nothing Shall Be lm- noRsihle" 6:30 D.m.. young peoples meeUnss: Junior group, Mrs. Jessie Rudin. suiiervisor: intermediates. Mrs Rocsie Skinner, leader: Hi-N-Y group, Mrs. Olive Goodrich, advisor: senior crouD. Fred Cashion. president. The ooninr ffroun with Henrv Mattson and his little church by the side of the road will present a program. y:ju, ev eninff evangelistic services, sermon, "The Greatest Fear In the World. Mary Elizabeth KeUs will be Shirley Magnuson. presiding Church guest soloist at the Sunday mom- clasg Saturday, 10:30 a.m. ing service and selections will be CHcicHor christ. offered by the senior vested scientist choir, directed by Virginia Ward Chemeketa and Liberty streets Sun Elliott. Mrs. D. B. Kleiheg will d5 nseroSoul VrTd play the organ. ' Body." Wednesday meetings at 8 p.m. I,. 5 . t Includes testimonies of healing The third of a series Of four though Christian Science. Free pub- sermons on the Lord's Prayer will He reading room 305 Masonic buiid- u v, w Inir, g. open daily from 11 a.m to 9 uc jjiccn-iacvi vjj a " p.m. Wednesaay uniu 1 :. Williams on the topic "Necessities." Bible Rally Billed Salem Gideons have scheduled a Bible rally at the Christian church at Mill City Sunday. Featured will be the Gideon male quartet. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN 17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly man, minister. Bible school assem bly. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship and communion, 10:50 a.m. Sermon. "In Need of Nothing." Christian tnaeav or meetings. 6:30 p m. Evening service 7 30 p.m. Guest speaker. Alger Fitch I of Eugene. Midweek service Thursday. 7:30 p.m. Moving pictures 01 lurner I Memorial home. Thieves Rob Offices iii Building Thieves ransacked three offices on the fourth floor of the Oregon building over the Thanksgiving holiday and obtained approxi mately $115 in cash and loot Kathryn Daniel, of Kathryn's beauty shop, 428 Oregon build ing, P. W. Hale, 4fG Oregon building, manufacturer of jewel ers supplies, and Ur. A. c Ol son, -403 Oregon building, told police that their suites were en tered some time between 10:30 a. m. Thursday and 7:30 a. m. Friday. Hale reported the lost of $33 in gold (solder and filling), a $33 jeweler's engraving block, and other miscellaneous equipment, mostly engraving tool?. He esti mated his total loss st nearly $100. Gold ingots, for fillings, and $3.75 in cash were reported miss ing from Dr. Olson's dentist of fice, and miscellaneous equip ment taken brought his loss to around $15. The beauty shop haul netted the bandits only about $1, tho fund collected in a small sav ings bank. ' Student to Preach TALBOT John Scone, a stu dent of the Northwest Bible school in Eugene will have charge of the morning services at Talbot Sunday. He will be the regular minister and will preach every other Sunday. Additional Church News On Page 7 Reunion of Three RV MTDDLEBOURNE, W. V.-P)- Twenty-six old-timers, among them 12 from the. Wick school class of 1844, went back to school for a day, just as they did 57 years ago. Henry CV Wimamson, who was teacher of the school 57 years ago presided.'. '-. ' ' DANCE TONIGHT Fexturincj iUTOII BEIIEDICT'S OnCnESTOA 2 Miles North of Independence - - ' Admission . 25c and 40c AT It Could Be Worse ' i . J;- f aM'2l ' I -w - I for Service Lien and Yon on the electrified 5 You Don't See How? If tfce Insur- ... , ance Company IsnH Paying the Billa When thislcar struck a wagon, and Ifa very likely to happen at night, both car and wagon were - demolished. Liability, property damage and collision insurance will cover such haz ards protect yourself against, loss by insuring with us today. ;r r" :-"'-i- INSURANCE TroCH always walooma oaTaa 1 wank Bead's UmemM OLTM7UX whathec yoa VMisbosUaUaraUoca soUitary aaiiorm. And. la aithsc oasa, youll End &r is a &jtiicrlT atmoa pbr of iria&dli&aaa sad coagasUliry om fhis Ha trsla that adds to fha pUasora oi travsL JLraosuBodanons to salt your taste: pacloas coackos wltk iadiTidaal afcBninq chairs, saodrm towiat risp lag cars, luxszJous staadardslaapsts Slap a.1. aad badroost cars. Tha obsrratios dab oar has library and radio, barbae hop, showac balks aad aWt srrioa. Tha big diaac Uararss appstisiag saaals at popolar ptrioM. Also oonoaical OS-tks-Tny sarrVo la loorlst cars aad coachaa. TraTaBaaotBTlogcsbndTisssrIiU tha OLTKTlU om you Bxt trip last Thara's &o axtxa far. Eaoy3S Imctzibmd ssTlaa fhxoagk a socx&a wondrWsA " . Ativtktacim ii i-r n ISt oocm ns a, w.iam n. r.a, a vmm vovm rtcmwr irrao via 27S; State St. Phone 1491