- - - - j- - TOlECONSTATrXMJl1 - Classified Advertising - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line....25c Six insertions per line40c One month per line 41.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c No refunds. Copy tor this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run "df tht heading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which nay appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment to which the typographical mistake occurs. , The Statesman reserves the right t? r3ect questionable advertising. lti.urthfir TVmrvt I18 right to Place all advertising under the PrPr classification. . c.-.r1" .Ad ad containing a statesman box number for an ad tZEZ&J lhe Protection of the advertiser and must therefore be taTl bJ!2"er- The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge lnfor- mm w un laenuty of advertiser using a "BUM ad. an Livestock and Poultry Py up to SO cenU per hundred tJlM"aMaoi, maa Top prices collect "or,e" raooe Mil Salem MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS DRESSED POULTRY-cholce colored S5ii iJl- "? wlryers. Delivered. Ph. 12861. Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted Male iiuuuuj man to work on grade A ,p good hand with stock and good milker. Ph. 87F15. J. M. Nlch- vmm, im. on renn K. Ht. 6. Box 141 Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR light house wk. Ph. 3210. WOMAN FOR light hswk. P. 4581. KniKi' ?S gen hwrk. and care of Y ' i. .' V,,."? "r P time, go home Housekeeper, ph. mx 1343 N. CapltoL Situations Wanted HR. work, care of chUdren. Ph. 4862. EXP- woman wants hr. wrlc. p. 3515. -Childf en kcPt- 159 N- th. Ph. 2-1792. Carpentering, repairing. R. 2. Bx. 138 A rfAixuuK. lawn or wanted. Phone 3668. garden work CARPENTER WORK. reas. R. P. Wells. Rt. 7. Box 145. Phone 21394. CARPENTER or millwright. Ph. 4369. FOR HOUR work, Mrs. Keen. 5480. For Sale Miscellaneous Piano We have Just repossessed from Leb anon a small Baldwin make spinet piano. Fine condition 1941 model. Will credit substantial amount paid" to "re sponsible party who can handle bal ance either cash or monthly pay ments. J. C. STONE, BALDWIN PI- aimus, 3270 Portland Road. i mile nurin 01 underpass. USED G E. Flat top ironer. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 55 N. Liberty pn 4311 FURNITURE FOR SALE wooa ranges, gas ranges, stove boards, bed davenports, divans, kitchen i-auineu, writing aesKS, Dedrm. suites, baby beds. Reminrtnn tvrwiurritor r lamp, oak walnut dining tables. Globe vuuk case, scatter rugs. Buy where your hiviicj uut mure. 12TH ST. FURNITURE STORE w 12th Phone 7141 USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS xiLAittK APPLIANCE CO. iw i. i-iDerty Ph. 4311 ir ii-o several varieties, Z5c up, Ernest Anderson, Orchard Heights Rd., A m.i r- , mi. on waiiace tin. Bring boxes, -TUBE Crosley comb, radio, regular usva m wks, a3. ftl. BUZU. nuuu, eiectric : and gas -" -- ruuiur miKcSp sill ana UP. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. JM N. Liberty Ph. 4311 New forced draft, all-enamel oil- ourning aitcnen range. 8119. Ph. 8020, WHITE PEKIN ducks, order. Phone 6479. dressed to USED WASHERS Popular makes. YATn APPLIANCE CO. km w. liberty Ph. 4311 FOR YOUR Thanksgiving and din ners drink and enjoy pure apple juice, without preservatives. Made daily from elected, washed, ripe apples. Puritan viaer worxs, west salem. HOUSE TRAILER. 2350 Myrtle. USED wood circulator heaters, $1950 and up. terms GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 453 Court St Phone 9611 DUAL AXLE laa Bin a tralUr. n nnn lb. axles. 825x20 rubber 80, with com plete truck equipment. Forced to sell. uwancn auvenon stores. USED OIL CIRCULATORS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 893 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 walnut shells so sack, ring sacks. jvjonein rTKating to. WO N.. front. .Watkina Products. 17 Madison. 7805. WantedFurniture W. N. . A GLENN smnnnv a... tioneers furniture dealers win na you mora cash or trade for furniture nwatpwa kooos we buy or sell vtvj j luui(. rn si la CASH FOR used furniture & bouse bold goods R Forgey Ph. T445 cj Orejiontatesiaan . - . fADVERTISINO t r ' Western-Advertising -Representatives - - Of01 ?: ao toa. Saa rranclsee Loa Angeles Seattle ' Eastern Advertigiog ; Representatives . :- Bryant Griffith Bronsoa, Int Chicago New Yorlr, Detroit Boston. AUanU- fnteved af the Pottoffice t Salem Oreoo. Second Clan Matter. Pub. PomtBorctal nnn, ..- V SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -MaU Subscription Bates tn Advance Within Oregon? Daily and Sunday. Ma M cents; S Moo. 81-50; Mas. tibo; 1 year S5.oa Elsewhere M cents per ma or 88.00 for 1 year tn advance, par , copy 8 cents. Newsstands 8 cents. ; fj City earner. 60 Cento a month. TIM year tn advance to Mat-tear and adjacent counties. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS s.'ri .wrx. or phon (9163) to ana home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be flcussed and loans made In sWctest fid Jr.7nY "ff ven v7 con sideration in tha repaying of your b - w' f jnxJr A x ruceCSieISL, to to ONL BORROWER SIGNS SSaS?ScS- UM furnl- SEC JIM CLARK. ASST. MGB. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION "So. Commercial St Phone 9168 nrst door south of Ladd Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY COrsJSA , duce payment Money to new or Su3 ".1? Up. You 1 H venicle w v Buntns IJJ PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial street none isa Lie. Mo m.im Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co- 6TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING aES&J&SEI Prtv. loans. WE LOAN on farm rmmtAtt-t business property. Will buy mortgages fxi " n ,rr 1 3 KWBE8TS, ncaiiora, vjruaraian Building. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or MaU Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY KTTMT.vtj TMPilTOTo&"lr Adolph Bldg, State & ComX-Ph? 3311 For Rent Rooms r ' wccxujr ma znonuiiy S. ts. Marion Coffee RAOmi UMAlal . t-i meuuuiu uicbis ( iow prices. NICELY furn.. heated rm. 175 S. 14th. MODERN. mrOm rnnm 1 i- COMF. RM, nr. capt. 968 Center. SLP. RM, near state btdgs. Ph. 21449 Room and Board BOARD 8c ROOM. 1434 Ferryi, For Rent Apartments 2 3-RM.. unstairs film linkt. ZUtlM. APT 2-rm , Ir4.K. u... water, van aaginaw. 3-RM. niBN an hi ... i htK 9AKK ... 2-RM. FURN.. 812. 1st Or., hot wat.. "-"" " rov xee. r-n. ho, 1ST FLR, 3 rms. bath. 14H Court. APARMENTS 1795 S. Cottage. -R.,U5Ni.hts- water, washer. r"""'! Y rA mui, $10$15 Furn. 2-rm. apts. Ph. 3217. 2 RMS.. $15. 152 S. 13th. Ph. 5222. DESIR. 3-Rm.. part. furn.. priv. bath gar., near hi school. Ph. 6250. u 3P2;Juni- Jfpt- nhts- water, some aiu. aa a, loin. Pn. 6680. S-RM. heated apt. 444 S. High. 3-R.. PRL ent. !ts. ht vat t.i a-i. . Laoerty. a .M T ,, " ... . ,UV 2-RM. APT, rage. 18. 2261 Hazel. Phone ugrrts. water, gas, ga- 7664. prt bath team ht 2054 N. Cap. FURN APT . $10. 332 Water. SMALL furn. apt, 645 Ferry. DESIRABLE API. now at the Fisher. Ph. 8757. obtainable Close in, 818 mo. 891 N. Commercial SMALL APT 250 S Cottage. 3-RM. furn apt 340 Division. For Rent Houses B RM. furnished house. 3 blocks norm or capuoi, Szu per month. Ap ply 515 N. Summer. m-n. tun. nouse, near ti. school, on bus line, large lot. lease for yr. to good party, sju mo. e. B. Perrine, 775 N, Cottage St., Salem, Ore. 4-ROOM house at Eola. $10.00. Inquire uumure aervice atanon, Oia. FINE 2-BEDROOM home, to lease for one year, completely and nicely furn. In every deUil. $37 JO mo. Phone. 5544, EXCEPTIONAL 3-bedroom house on S. High St., for one wanting a real nice home. Furn. or unfurn. Ph. 8140. 3-RM. CLOSE in, turn., water, fire- 4-RM. mod. house. 948 Norway. A-l. S-RM, bsmt Ph. 4881, Polaire. 2 SMALL. 1 furn. 1 mod. 2397 HazeL WE HAVE THI PROSPsr-r IF YOU Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin 'with hUm x. Roberta. MOD. 7 rm. fun. 862 N. 16th. For Rent BUSL OR shop space. Reas. Ph. 5211. BLONDE 'x - - .,. " t MHuiwuiuie ipwq, iyiu state. RM 840 Union. Ph. 3490. eves. OSE in. clean, warm. Ph. 4498. HEATED rooms, board. 168 N. 12th 5-RM. furn., 6-rm. hse. 5274. 2-BEDRM. furn.. $25. 766 N. 20. WWAXISTWIS 1 V C ttfrSF J MV MtSTAKE ITS. t ? AjSjLrrV . V,.. . """'V:' " . "' '. li , I f-J '- j f sggc ; . , . - - - - - . - . j - i - - " t . . roved Money to Loan roa Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 813 State Street 9 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License Nos. S-122 & M-16S -1 isr-sr-sr-rj -uuijTj u .rxi in Lrvuvw! AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" a court St Salem. Phone 4446 ucense b-zzb M-Z78 Loans Wanted -WANTED PRIVATE MONEY . .T0,k,AN on Kood Salem real ei Ute. WU1 pay 6 interest W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS For Rent STORI ROOM. 2084 X. CapitoL For Sale Real Estate WM oat n new rnooArr. fiv.prMm t lot. good location. FHA loan, payable p per month. Pric $4500. This' is T a oargam. owner must an rt ... .k. you this lovely home .J9 "re?..near Portland on the west buildings, all nearly new. This place &SESE7. rnlng; wauiuis. ah rouna cnolce Pf,c.e' can be subdivided. Stocked and 'H'"i'vw ur aif.Duu. rerms. . RENTALS twIXTk - ,VuT'?hed house available Church St rnontn t 1792 N --rlm house, 1726 N. Summer St. Kiltoomsi nerly . new. Venetian vua.ua, uu-uui une, lits.ou -m nouse at 94b Norway, 830 per montn, 4 rooms with inotwn riot v-tTriias: wJoSff' 455 N- Sunjner st- street rtment3 "vailable i '8 N. 12th heat3?r $27? P r t m e n t. a-room lurnished apartment, heated, 825, J. F. ULRICH CO, REALTORS -earce Bidg, Phone 8672 MAKE THIS A REAL THANKSGIVING Hinyhhlng fme Fairmont Hill house; 7 large airy rooms, base ment, furnace, fireplace, fine erade "T?im drapes in livtognd dinmg rooms; 2 sets plumbine- larce SSSSFJS- be?tifully Undscaped r! Will trS-V0UW ,? -easy terms. Fit?; J&Z 1?5.,'Suaier houses. See Mrs. trChilds MiUer. Realtors, wa A 44. fUi, KEIZER DISTRICT 2-year-olrf fi.rwim vnr l , muj . " wiut ,3 acre. This home was built to sell at $3500 Can be bought today for $25 $500 down and $20 per month. SciuoTng NO. 17TH ST. HOME Tills home has hHv.. i j and fir floors. fnf, v. ' "torn gas furrr; nicVlarg toTS aiRh.v & ROBERT! GOOD INVESTMENT IN lCf noma rrrr a ... SffW Hblks- fv!,m 8tate ho P6. floOO down, bal. $30 Der mn Rents for $50 per 'mo. PhSne wis ' Business Cards in this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Kate: $1.25 per Une month. per Auto Brakes MIka Panek. 273 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. Now Harry W. Scott 147 HsT Com'cT P. 4516 Chimney Sweeps y.ii!uS-ele,med chimney furnace. Roof i"Jl male- Kennedy. Ph. 8056, TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness. ExeaTating EXCAVATION OF all Vinrt. n... ments dugDirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand & Gravel. P. 9408. Florists Breithaupt's. 447 Court Phone 9193. Funeral Directors Terwilliger Funeral Home, Ph. 6928. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING, CO. Phone 4069. SALEM ST.TTTV OTTn a. u A qmrome Co. New Mattresses, old -jmade, rug . weaving, a IJUl Bt WUDUT. Tel. 8441 Zwickers. Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325. Printing FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 218 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L - -w., For Sale Real- Estate hWVJM9?FN,'2bdrm- treamline iwifi,M by X,?- N- Salem. 83250. LTI!2n hom1- on one flew, base- $3000 tens.' " By flSUem' JUSt N. Of CitV. 13850. fjxnr xr i new iriodem shake house. " , uigj. rxunes, walnuts. &er?''LeS 8uth- 2200- 20 dwn. S A nlrf bides. Prunes, walnuts Phone 5580 ANY TIME ART MADS EN Acreagi e FOR SAT.W Tfi-u - . . $25 dn, $3 mo. John Kaeser. HI, B 29. Wanted Real Estate 0 , BUSINESS WANTED oryice station or location on Hiwav D.e.een Salem and Hubbard. Price must be right. Rl 4, Box 470A. Salem! Business Opportunities rir.rr Co- has service station vuHHuge rental. Ph. 7676, For Sale Wood DONT RH InnlmA -J 7070 w iuw, roooe x..?1??.? A105 ?nd growth fir. Tim "ci siumpage. Good roads. 710 N. High Dry wood. Leonard Burgoyne. P. 7266, 18 IN. 2nd growth. Phone 7338. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING Phone 7073. Personal v,Tl XeT oi the faithful heals So? o VT- ., ursc care at unity Home, M?sv BRANT. psychic and advisor oiv5 n,au irs of life, love AZZ i"LUtu":so ana ramily affairs. Consult this madam for reliable and """ auvice. ane answers all aues ounaenana i Auto Court S 5s11 b1; .north of Salem city Cabin city limits. rvruana tXQ. ujnisuME? Serving an Cluo eae. 1- u box 71 Q. Los Angeles. Cal Transportation riSSiS'K '.V1!, Tex" Jy way of T at A TfttJN , cTrTorT -wui iiuy. ou. xaxe i or z, Lost and Found LOST BillfoW with - uibucuimj fiaza. Wanted Used Cars Cash FOR YOUR CAR Shon others. ttnue to nav hih-. XT. !" i: Burgoyne Motor Co. w ienter. Phon. sis GET EVERY DIME YOUR IS WORTH CAR Highest Cash Prices Paid "C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your" Car 270 fj Chinch Dku. HM N. - wi mum (KHM . Corn. Church & r-hem o. 7922 vr unev. coupe. 563 ffi 5Tfle CaSh PriCe' S Wnx TRAT?EairhC Ph. 8296. B vuuu"' w ill im ipi far in oaa Directory Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL renalr wnrlr t-raoer Bros.. 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Rug and Carpet Cleaners RUG & cpt.. clean 8c demoth. P. 5784. Sawdust Sco"v; Smith, Prf. 3283 or wuiituc abLUIISiein. Z-1Z90. Schools salem secretarial school streamlined courses Write, Phone or Call for Booklet. 360 N. Capitol Trailers FOR RENT. 1545 N. CapitoL Ph. 9006. Trailer Houses Buy. sell or rent 1730 N. Water. WE BUY. sell, rent 2085 N. Coma Trailer Rentals AT 519 N. Front. Phone 2-1768. Transfer U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. S0La,ge,JbuTn,er oiL briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co. Ph. 3131. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection In your home. Au thorized d Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 6022. Walnut Meats Guaranteed high price. Evans Drier. N. River Rd., ,3 ml. out Front Well Drilling C J. Pugh. 2129 Myrtle. Phone B336. R. A. WEST. Rt, 6, Bx. 448- P. 2-2298. Out oi the Rodl yuu, r noay Morning, Norember 21. 1941 - suitsM That's Classified Advertisi For Sale Used' Cars "C" SHROCK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR BARGAINS Look! 1940 Chevrolet Su burban Station Wagon, like new. Radio, Heater, Spotlight, low mileage. Nothing like it for sale in Salem. 1941 Chevrolet Master deluxe town se- aan. uie new; very low mileage, 1941 Willys Americar. like naw. fulh guaranteed. Compare our price to m ucw one. 1939 Plymouth Extras. Deluxe 4-door Sedan. 1938 Studebaker Sedan. Vacuum shift radio, heater, overhauled, guar- 1938 Graham Sedan. Vacuum overdrive, other extras. shift, 1937 Dodge Coupe. As clean a used car mm juu can una, xwo nasn seaan Knnr4iih heater. W. wm'Au thS'car "at a c inraun price. .w special Sedan. Four-door wm nuiu, neater. Buick is al ways popular. 1938 Nash Lfayette Sedan. New paint 1936 HYJ01? Master Deluxe 4-door nun. new paint, extras. 1936 Chevrolet Standard Coach. Trunk. Mrnnlatalif Aa.a a " 1936 41?r trunk deluxe sedan. " neater. Mew paint. T1 riymouin Tudor Sedan, deluxe wim u. unit, new paint extras. 1933 Chevrolet Coach. Rariin whels. Not a cleaner one 'ttu, oee it and drive it. 1933 Plymouth Coupe. Clean 1934 Ford Town Sedan. Very clean. 1933 Plymouth 4-door sedan. 1932 Chevrolet 6-wheel 4-door sedan k iJ?3 1 good- Completely ' - mm uLasnata ."J others in V8 and Model A Fords, Plymouths. Chevrolets, Chryslers or most any make vnu an . AVE AT PHROCK'S Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer Two Lots of Bargains . a.. lWrt. UHUHCH Xr rWTTM STC -none razz u ti. CHURCH ST. PH ttrv, 39 CHEV. sedan raHin . v. . Very clean. STEVENS, 678 S. 12th 33 V8 deluxe 2-donr. rHI k.. " a p. m. zo2 s. Church. SEE STEVENS USED PARC um uujr r iraae. 08 b. 12th. MODEL A with 00 Kood mechanically, $75. 1340 Baker 1937 Dodees. Pnnfinn x. in A-l condition. STEVENS. 678 S l! Legal Notice PUBLICATION' OF MARK TRADE- Be it known that Eversham Inc., a corporation organized un der the laws of the State of Dela ware and having its Drihcinal place of business at 1800 Roscoe Street, Chicago, Illinois, Is the owner of the a trade-mark con sisting of the word Evershaxp which it applies to mechanical pencils and parts thereof, foun- New Camera Angle on New Auto TJff ?.erm "I" :7k v new 1942 Chevrolet. A lower, wider K2 Jtlt?. If bar5' and W"ter, deeper hood highlight the fSa"SXJ-m7 w?ieZwl ,rthep with flmsh- type parking lights relocated into the grflle proper. British Report Loss of This Aircraft Carrier 4' a' , -::- .j f - ear- . . Many times Germany has claimed to have mir tv. i.v , Now, according to a British admiraJtv munZnT 71 a torpedo frorrT a GennailuomirSl S-tSwSfto IS totim stated that tha casualties war. r.tmUg. S"p's Giant Transatlantic Flying Ship s iawA r n yp" x : ,;f::; " .. - w; i.'i'u.'..: . . . J .'" it irvrw, 7, iT . s-V'-eTinea nying Doats built for non-stop Export Airlines is nearlnc eomnitinn at Gfti . per hour. Thev It.mww Zm K-TT?lriTB "T top Teed of tS5 mflea - Legal Notice tain pens and parts thereof, lead and' erasers for pertsils, pencil lead containers, and writing ink, and has applied for registration of said trade-mark in tha office of the Secretary 0f State of the State of Oregon under the pro visions of Section. 70-105, Ore gon Code 1930. E VERS HARP, INC. By Joseph M. Strauch Vice-President Nov. 21-28 D. S. Lodges Pacific Lodfe No. 50, AT & AM. stated meeting-, Nov. 21 7 JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppes. WM. the massive appearance of the By CBXC TOUNQ TIP I 5 o wu. " ...... Cross Word I I' 13 U U I? U l.o 1.. I 11 2 16 71 g 7a 22 .Tl 2 1" W 38 w Illli"" 50 51 5Z J Si HI P 61 62 63 4"" " H I Mil Eh 1 I- HORIZONTAL JTFUt tl tn Sraxil UtUctn- Ur Oa nt66r tadastryr FTiat toiiaa JaJta i m U4 rttorit Food fish 12 Mtscalint ntms ltWkt eit tnlaaaf ta ta tU UJSSIt.t 14 Eggs 15 Peril 17 Note In the scale 18 Corded fabrie 19 Spirit 21 Scents 23 Repeated 27 Upon 2S Mark of omission 29 Auditory organ 81 Ancient copper money 14 Typt measure 85 Rirer In Scotland 87 Still 89 Symbol for caldom 40 Group 42 Split puis . 44 Caatious 48 At homo UWko wot tk$ te4 ffioSMf so wkt i. tu tuu tks Air- tiniest kiT H Natira of a Scandinarian COBB I4-Sin 55 Father 67 Dedartj ei cuckoo : -1 42 Caae for small articles. 64 Gratuity ... 5-ervXahbr.) 65 Mand 67 Stretch orer YEETICAL 1 Cxuhlon ' SWWias; . ! v : t Went quickly ' - " 4 Made wrathful ' -; 5 Weight for gems - ' . t . -Comlattra af aithatr 'r . J Small rus . - PAGE SEYLTnUZI- mg .... T mol xamoos aircraft carrier, T Tnad ZSSST Nearly Ready transatlantic service for am . I,anur rnc ror American lfTTTS r or 4u Pen;era. Puzzle 8- r-Hedley 9 Ancient Grecian wreath 10 Abora 11 Skips orer water 16 Puffed up 20 Born 22 Accomplish 23 Frosts 24 Domesticated 25 Symbol for erbium Zo Period of tima 30 New 82 Unbleached 83 Speaks 86 Consuma 88 Filaments UWk&t TYMT a Mmm90lamU lows fete tJU EuvkrUmt 43 Corer 45 Three-toed sloth 47 Greek letter 49 A Tessa! 60 Close 61 En-la ( 62 Dispatched 66 Lvzoa nerriU 58 Pinnacle 59 Note iaGuIda's seal . j 60 j apaneaa cola Wiers mu AoraUta Urt i Answer to ytstarlsy's puxde,: 2 1 ill S mi