The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 21, 1941, Page 13, Image 13

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    Valley HomesMrje Scene
yamily Dinners ;
j ejti ituxjy Many family A jroup. o friends enjoyed
dinners were held In the Jeffer-f Thanksgiving dinner together at
son vicinity. At the home of Mr. the home of Mr, and'Mrslv Mrf.
and Mrs. .W. L. Cobb were Mr. ford M. Nelson. They were Mr.
im m. vjswtuu jreuuergran ana i ana Mrs. W. r . McBee, Miss Myra
children, Mr. Bob Pendereraft of Montgomery. R. K. Montgomery
Salem, Mr. and Mrs, Rex ! Cobb Mr, and Mrs. James H. Hart" and
and two children. Mr. and Mrs. I Jimmy and the "Nelsons.
Glen Cobb and Clair Cobb. . - -
iwr mrm I Mrs. Paul E. Robinson,
tertained the foUowing guests: ZZI" ?rT rtT - wT- t
Mr. and Mrs! Lyle Gilmour and SSS ? w M1
family of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. R'. . Baker sperrt
rM. Mii. ;, n Thanksgiving in Lebanon with
Halerand . liF "
Jeuerson. SALEM HEIGHTS The John
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of Hovey family motored to Tacoma,
Yachats were guests at the home Wasbl, to spend Thanksgiving
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee. with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Murphy
spent the holiday at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Dozler at
Stayton. Mrs. Dozler is
of Mr. Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Krueger
flmri c atria .Torir nn1 Tin TJv
land were guests at the home of J?" 1 0re0? SP f
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hutchings.
SWEGLE Miss Jeanne Dubois,
intermediate teacher here, is
' . I rrndinff th TVianlrctrivJnw vira
a o - " -o -
I ai . , a . .
uwn in oena v uie norae oi ner
MONMOUTH Faculty and stu
Reports from The Statesman's 78 Community Correspondents
Independence Woman's Club
Hears College Librarian
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, November 21, 1941
Camp Disbands
For Winter
Mary's Creelt CCC
Boys Are Sent to
Reedsport .
DETROIT The Mary's Creek
CCC camp has disbanded for the
winter months, the enroll ees hav
ing gone to Reedsport, and all
the officers and foremen with" the
exception of two also have eft
Felix Sparks and Mr. Fountain,
the two who remained, are fin
Crown Mine Sale Looms
In Near Future At Scio
Reports Given
To Auxiliary
SCIO Tentative authorization
to directors of the Crown Mining
and Milling company to sell or
lease on royalty basis was- voted
by stockholders of the company
at annual meeting held here this
Proposal to negotiate sale to a
prospective purchaser, was pre
sented by Jesse Darling of Eu
gene, dealer in mining stocks.
Stipulated price was stated as
$200,000. Called meeting in the
near future is to take definite ac
tion on the matter.
David Schrock of Tangent was
re-elected president of the stock
tion beffan their holidav vacation
Hfr orifi m,. wk t wim tiwse oi scnooi weunesaay
nH family PKktr IJ A I """UUUll, OI1U uexure O OUQCS Fult. wul6c jjjriiM.n w
Btaava UAua m KJ T . M-M C k L C B11U I 1
w ' m r I Bias W v at 1 J 1 A 11 i I m i . i . mam
uau ucjiojicu ui iMje uumoers careiaKer ai me camp aurmg us noiaers, numpeng aDOUi auu
for their homes or to the homes discontinuance. Merle Gilkey and Cyrus Peery
Thankseivin in Monmouth tth- of "iaves or friends elsewhere . were renamed directors, the lat
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. iw. ijiymg. t,' . ier 10 serve as secretary.
I lUTanw i mil.. I luiuius aiuwa ill IU1UIU1U, BWUl
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Thurston p-"- . weekend with h5a familv hprp
and daughter Mildred were guests "7S TV L tlZf Mrs. Hammon and Kenneth will eastern Linn county near Elkhorn,
of Rev. and Mrs. J. Merlin Hffl .Bond enterta for when he comoleted and is said to contain profitable
at Tacoma, Wash. Mr. Hill is a
former pastor of the local Chris
tian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Alsip, Mr.
guests of their son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Warren El
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alsip en
tertained for Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Alsip and Katherine and Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Heater of Sublimity.
Mr. Geston is getting along
well as can be expected.'
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Goodman
spent a day at Rainier, Wash.,
visiting the latter's mother.
and Mrs. Fred Lofting and chil- " tuur& m wc111'
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Bond Mrs. Cora Goodman is in Ta
and rhilrl F.I vii Carl artri HipharH I Tiru 4 u
Dr. J. O. VanWinkle and son Rnnd. J ..,v;, vS
""'",u : u-j hi ou Warren Nowowielski is cwnd.U
.;K A 44.. 1 T IT IT I . - ' r ""f""
tyii v,Cucioi i. . vau tag four-day vacation visit
At the home of Mr. and Mrs
John Wright were Harold Wright
of Portand, Mrs. Edwin Wright
and daughter of Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. Irvine Wright and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson
and two children motored to To
ledo to visit Wilson's parents.
Mrs. Nettie Reeves and Anna
Klampe will attend a family din
ner at the home of their brother,
W. F. Klampe and family at La
bish Center.
Mrs. George C. Mason and
daughter, Miss Virginia Mason, of
Tillamook were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Mason in Salem.
Walker entertained with i
Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday
evening at her home on C street
.A, 7 o'clock buffet dinner was
served from a table centered with
. an arrangement of fruit. Places
were marked for Mrs. R. M,
Walker, Mrs. M. C. Williams, Mrs.
Clarence Chafboneau, Mrs. K. L.
Williams, Mrs. A. L. Thomas",
Mrs. E. E. Addison. Mrs. C.H
Harwood, Mrs. Thelma Tallent,
Mrs. John E. Blask, Mrs. M. M
Kyle Folsom, formerly of Scio
but later of Albany, a grandson
of Mr and Mrs. Joe Lytle of this
city, was among 25 young men
leaving this week for employment
as sheet metal workers in the
Boeing aircraft plant at Seattle.
They were trained at the Albany
NYA center, on the former Albany
college campus.
Stage show preceded operation
of amusement booths at the an
nual Scio high school carnival in
the gymnasium Friday night Net
proceeds of $59 were realized by
the student body, the money to
be used to defray school expenses
Local business firms made mer
chandise contributions to the car
nival management.
Newcomers to the Scio com
munity are invited to dinner and
program at 7 p.m. Tuesday, No
vember 25, in the social rooms of
percentage of copper, now needed
in defense, as well as precious the Scio Baptist church, with the
metals. loca Lnnstian church as co-hosts.
Two chauffeur and seven "op- Mrs. Mylo Bartu will entertain
erator license applications were he Scio Auction bridge club No
made in Scio Saturday at a state vember 28.
ing at the Stanley Hitchcock home Mr- ana Mrs- w- Kranse department examination conduct- Scio high Loggers plan to par
at Sublimity. took M"- Matt Geston to Salem ed by Louis E. Camplan of the ticipate in the basketball jambo
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Elliott and visu ner nusDana, wno is nos- Portland office. No date has been ree at Shedd in the near future
Betty Lou went to Hillsboro to be pitallzed tnere- Tne7 rePrt that set for another driver's exam at opening the 1941-42 Linn B leagu
Red Crosg Sewing
Planned Today
At Silverton
Independence Woman's 30 Douris
Hostetter, librarian of the Oregon
College of Education, delightfully
entertained the members of the
Independence Woman's club on
Tuesday when she briefly gave
several "Book Chats" on a num
ber of new books, which would
make desirable gifts for Christmas.
Reviewed were: "Who Walk
Alone," Burgess; "No Trouble attnTl 1-,1 : 9Ti:il
All," Paul Brown; "Botany Bay," amt" XXAXIO
Nordhoff and Hall; "Inside Latin
America," Gunther; "Christmas,"
gers, Jr., Mrs. Dan Schrieber and
Mrs. M. J. OTJonnelL They serv
ed from a lace covered table cen
tered with a low arrangement of
yellow and deep gold chrysanthe
mums, guarded by yellow tapers.
Presiding at the urns were Mrs.
Joe Oberson and Mrs. T. D. Pom-
First Aid Class
Eleanor Roosevelt: "The Soon?
MT. ANGEL Women of the sisters" Hahn: "Youne Man of
Mr. Angel unit of the American Caracas." Ybara; "Snow Before
legion auxmary neara reports on Christmas," Tudor; "A Pint of
aeiense service ana inausiry sur- judgment," Elizabeth Morrow;
veys ai xneir meeung uus weeK. i "Windswept," Chase; "Farthest
aoissoeorgia weoD reporcea on Reach Ross, and several chil
conierence neia in aiem at drm'a hooks.
t . a m I
wnicn xne survey xo lina SJUUea Mrs. Callas Marster of Jialtrn
worsers m industry was dis- wtairri twn vnn wi;nnt a
cussed. She outlined the plan to companied by her mother, Mrs.
uie local unit, ine civuian voiun- y T WunHor
A. . I
ieer aeiense serv ice was njcewise Under committee reports Mrs.
expuunea ana cascussea Dy rnem- y. R. Dale announced that the
berS. I firet TWmKf fn4in vmnM Vm
The committee In charge of the scholarship loan fund card
serving lunch at the all-day en- party. Mrs. C. A. Fratzke Intro-
tertalnment by the legionnaires on duced three new members, Mrs.
Armistice day reported the ven- Dalton Fox, Mrs. Charles Bullock
ture a success. and Mrs. Clyde Hunnlcutt: Mrs.
Red Cross sewing was post- H. M. Amsberry announced near-
poned to Friday afternoon. The ly 59 cleared from the two one
sewing is to ba done at the Me- act plays presented Monday nleht
morlal hall. and Mrs. R. M. Walker told of Xhm
A list of work achieved the past organization of a civic public wel-
week showed two linen towels, fare committee. The club voted to
made and donated by Mrs. Rob- jive $5 to this committee
ert Drysdale, sent to the Rose- Hostesses were Mrs. Joe Ro-
burg hospital for the Christmas
WALDO HILLS Discussion
of organizing a first aid class in
the Waldo Hills district Is under
way, although no definite steps
have been taken. Whether the
Community club or the- Willard
Women's club will sponsor such
an organization, should It be un
dertaken, has not been decided.
Dr. A. J. McCanneL local resl-
demt, has offered his services In
the instruction, should they be
Airlie Women Meet
AIRUE Women on the re
freshment committee met Tues
day afternoon with Lin. McKib
ben to make plans for the supper
to be given November 28. Follow
ing the meeting, tea and sand
wiches were served to the group.
gift shop, shirts and socks sent to night to obtain Christmas toys
the hospital, a box of used cloth- for the Center.
ing, valued at $10.75 and slips Cigarettes were sent to Merton
n J .Li... . nn . . .Liu titv in a i : r .
A toy shower was held Tuesday the veterans hospital.
Zf youle mm. mtiMt, bctvoob
user bot nathrt. illwln ! i 1
by tbia parted la vosui'i Ufa
try LrdiA K. Plntham'i Compound
TtblKa added trod). VUoa
Mcttlty for women. Thotaaada upon
tbouaanda ramarkahlrbelpad. Fal
low Iftbat dlrecuona. wort trytmf
Return From Coast
BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. J. A,
Hain have returned frnm a hnli.
DETROIT A Thanksgiving dav at Taft Thev stlpnt
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Snair en- program unaer me airecuon ui there and fished on Siletz hav
tertained their son and daughter- M"- Guy Armstrong was given severe storm, with heavy thun-
m-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snalr "1C aer and nghtmng, blew over
of Hillsboro. 2 nwin numbers: trees and put the electric lights
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoag and I Loimt iour Blessings sung out for 1 hour5 one Mr
her mother. Mrs. Addie Calbreath. D moT D0s reading, i nanus- id Mrs. Hain had as their
had dinner together at the Hoag f1:.1" 1!"1CI fS"" guests for a part of the time W,
homA We lauons, lucnarQ nansen, iNina L. Creech and Miss Inabelle
Mr. and Mrs. James Riddell Vsner m?aI0Kue. Junior gms i Creech of the . Marion county
... . . . r ass: nipssea ne Liie 11 Mint-. 1
were nosis xo a large lamuy party ' . zr . r: '
including Mr. and MrT James 1 ctK
and Mrs. H. W. Beard; "Faith of I VallGV Events
r ' TTl-iV M U,. I
people's class; "All My Life I
Give to Jesus" sung by Nina:
Guy Armstrong, the pastor,
spoke on the subject "Where are
the Nine?"
McCrae, Kenneth, and Jimmie
McCrae, Ed Riddell, Mr. and Mrs.
William Riddell, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace McCrae and child of Ver
nonia, Jimmie Riddell and Kath
erine McCrae of Hillsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alsip en
tertained for her sister and bro
ther-in-law of The Dalles and for
Marcia Yocum who has recently
returned home iroma. th r e-1 Fireman VHome Unhurt
months stay at Immanuel hos-l
November 22 Marion County
sey Cattle club, Salem chamber
Nelson, Mrs. James Hart and the pital, Portland.
SILVERTON The fire depart-
commerce, 1:30 p. m.
uecember z. 3 western Nut Growers
annual meeUng Salem chamber of
December 9 Small Fruit Growers
meeUng, Salem chamber of commerce,
iv a. m.
December 9-13 Northwest Turkey
now. uaauana.
December 12-13 Oreeon Stat Corn
snow,- i;orvaws.
January 13 Stat Granga Confer
ence. .-
Club Sews for
ron Sale
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Winegar ment was called out Tuesday night
and George, Betty Jean, Victor to the Fred Cavender home to
i and Leslie were guests of her par- assist in driving smoke out of the
fents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ruef basement. Mr. Cavender, a promi-
at Independence. nent member of the fire depart-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson j ment, had stoked the furnace and
: and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson I then gone over town for a bit. He
and daughter joined Mr. and Mrs. returned to find the entire house
C. H. Lute and two daughters as full of smoke and turned in the
GATES The Woman's Im
provement club recently made
plans for an apron sale, to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Swen- alarm at once. No damage was
at the club rooms December 5. son, at Dallas. done. Mrs. Cavender, who was at-
Donations of candy or aprons, Mrs. E. M. Ebbert drove to tending her bridge club, reported
dish towels and pot holders will Bremerton, Wash., Wednesday to that she knew nothing about the
be appreciated. spend Thanksgiving with her son "fire" until she returned home
. The club will meet Tuesday and daughter-in-law, Mr. and but was then "thrilled to find the
and take Up their Red Cross pro- Mrs. Gordon Ebbert. house all in one piece.
Ject. Red Cross sewing will be
done at Mrs. Tilman Rains', No
vember 27. Mrs. Ruby Horner is
chairman of the Red Cross com
mittee in the Gates district
Clean Sea Flavor
Have tht Best!
5 zz? ,
m aaaai at m . aaaar- --- - . ,v avi - - I " s . - M M 1 I . .
Yerrenton Clams
Lh for tkt Rmst
. Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur,
son and daughter, Spokane, and
Mrs. Birdie Osterhout, Portland.
visited with their sister, Ruby
Winters, Friday and Saturday.
They were accompanied by Leon
ard Winberg, also of Spokane.
Valley Briefs
Program Scheduled
28 at 8 p.m the anual Thank off
ering program of the Woman's
Missionary society will be held in
the school building. The public is
invited. Mrs. Walter Fisher will!
be hostess for the regular monthly
jneeting November 25 at 2 pjn.
Schools Gel Fwnda
$50 was netted from the basket
social Saturday for the benefit of
the two schools. Porter, with Ag
nes Casey teacherr and Mt View,
with Mrs.j, James Underwood,
teacher. "
From South Dakota
LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford r Johnson and three children
were surprise dinner guests at the
home of old friends from Colum
bia. SD. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Ash-
ford,; Lincoln, Sunday. Other din
ner ffuests were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dve. and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Gus Llndauist and Eddie and Lola
Ann Portland, Mr. ancLMrs. Gus
Newman, West Stayton, Shanna
Worlie, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Feller,, Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs.
W; H. Ashford and.lamuy
Sponsor Card. Party
; GERVAIS Sacred Heart will
sponsor iU.iwnl-inonthly public
rard nart at the parish hall Sun
day; night; Both 500--and. pedro
iMriUi T i slaved. .' .Mr., ana xars.
Elgin Jr.
Bicycle ball-bearing in front
wheel, steel frame, non-skid
tread rubber tires.
One- pleca
body, rubber
tired doubl
disc steel
heels. SOx
10-inch- alze.
Realistic engine has focussed head
light. Steel tender, box car, oil car
and caboote. Whistles and un
couples by remote control. 12
section oval track.
41-Inch Train
Die-Cast Engine
Remote Centre!
m M Baaai
to MtTaa
lm$ Hjmmt flaa
The pleasure you find in your
first cup of Hills Bros. Coffee will
be repeated . . . cup after cup ; : : day
after day. For Hills Bros. Coffee
-never varies in flavor. Controlled
Roasting Hills Bros.' exclusiye
process insures this delicious,
uniform goodnesr. And it develops
a flavor no other coffee has;
x py yi if)
Train 28 Vi
lnchea long
on 102-inch
aval track.
Four units.
.. -BSSSSSSr : 1 -' M VT I s-
v -40
Bradley, Jr., Trucks
Just the
right alse to
Iron doUy's
o 1 a t has.
wooden legs.
There's miles of fun and
service In a Bradley etility
truck. Securely braced hard
wood body. Four steel disc
wheels. one-Inch rubber tires.
All Steel
Shoots by like an arrow.
The double disc steel wheels
run easily on plain bear
ings, and are rubber tired.
Parking stand. Bright red
enamel, white trim.
tha I f 1 1 1
koni wife
till 1
room, duat
pan, etc.
,. ..- -- :'-X-X
f BOM3ER- p
I ml
J. ,-r- Jr &
1 mwZtf l iTAH Phonograph fi
'ft li
Copy fct
at 40 -p-aanger
liner, with
traeU r
Aroma I Flavor! Strength! Yob must have
these three qualities ia your coffee to make it taste
good ia the cup. And you can depead oa finding
, them tm ntrj cmp of Hills Bros. Coffee you drink.
Tastieg is believing!
You can use Hills Bros, Coffee ia ear Had
coffee-maker. TU CbtUcfc G2ni is ?tJ
produce best results ia DRIP. GLASS aiv.
PERCOLATOR, or POT, if the direcuoas a
the side of the Hills Bros. Coffee caa are followed.
22 13
lZ B e sa blag
T plana wita
, l uaglng
.X eomk ar--raagement.
f S battle
. abipa.
CJ 1? 15?
26-Inch Baby Dolls
TouH -make some little girl A J flf)
mighty excited and happy JliA
with one ot these beauttiel V I w
dolls. Soft, cuddly cotton I
body, reaastically tinted com U
poaitioa head, anna, legs,
Reel little electric porUbla '
pbonocraph in a beautiful
woodea earrylag case. It;
plays p te a 12-lnm record.'
iU SUte . v;' Phones 132-919$-S194 v
Open Satnrdays Until 9:00 ;;.
- Gay ' aanrt
- saaataC aer.
tral eWrer
. ; acuoa waos
2;--? pen toy. . ...
" . ' ! I
ni c n Us o
Frank Adelman, head of the eom-
- - i