i - J: 1 PAGEBU Family Dinner Are a Highlight of Thanksgiving i Thanksgiving entertaining will be around the dining table in hundreds! of Salem homes today. On this festive day, when families and close friends gather, tables will be generously filled with turkey and the fixings. Here are a few of the holiday groups gathering for today: Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jones will be hosts to members of their family' at a Thanksgiving dinner at their home at Keizer. Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodville and daughter, Marion, who are com ing north from their ranch home near San Francisco, Mrs. June Cooley of Portland, and Dr. and Mrs. Melville Jones and daugh ter, Betty, of Springfield. Holiday visitors at the coun try place of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons will be their daughter, Miss Mary Jane Simmons and her Pi Beta Phi sorority sister, Miss Jean Sanrord of Burlin game, Calif. The girls are stu dents at the University of Ore gon and will be here for the weekend. Other dinner guests at the Simmons home today will be Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Simmons, Dutch, Bland and Audrey Sim mons, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Bow ers of Portland. Ont-of-Towa Guests Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small will have as their Thanksgiving guests, Mr.! and Mrs. Russell Sewall and daughters, Mary and Charlotte, of Portland and Mrs. Richard Cartwright. Family dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Car son will be Mr. and Mrs. Ed All bright of Marquam, Mr. and Mrs. George Allbright of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Allbright and Jane and Ann Carson. Dr. and Mrs. Willard N. Thompson will be dinner hosts to Dr. and Mrs. William Lidbeck, Nancy and Jean Lidbeck, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Wolfe, Mrs. E. M. Silk and Nanny of Pendleton, Mrs. R. T. Boals and Jay and Terry Thompson. Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter will be their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Gilbert, jr. and children, Skippy and Nancy Ann, of Portland, Mr. Ransom Carpenter of Port land, Miss Martha Carpenter and Mrs. Mary E. Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffith will be dinner hosts today to members of their family. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Hanson of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Price, Lorah Jo and David of Camas, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Spaulding, Jean, Shirley and Clifford, jr. of New berg, Dr. and Mrs. John Griffith of Eugene, Mrs. J. C. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding and Miss Leone Spaulding. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Prime will entertain at a holiday dinner this afternoon at their home. Their guests will be Dr. and Mrs. Frank Prime, jr. of Corvallis, Mr. Robert Prime of Fort Ste vens, Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Camp bell, jr., Mrs. Ida Bellinger of Ocean Lake, and Mrs. Glenn Prime. Family Dinners Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Yocom will be hosts for a large family dinner today at. their North Summer street home. Places will be laid far Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yocom and Mary of Eugene, Mr.1 and Mrs. Roy O. Yocom of Waldport, Miss Rachel and Mr. Raymond Yocom, who will be home for the weekend from the College of Idaho at Caldwell, Ralph, Richard and Miss Ro berta Jean Yocom, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yocom, Donald and Daryl, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Car kin, Mrs. Cora Dunaven and Mrs. Grave Dunaven. Senator and Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay will have as their guests to day, Mrs. J. W. Frater, Dr. and Mrs. John Cheetham, Jane and Mary of Garden Home and Shir ley and Mary Lou McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding have arranged a family dinner at their home this afternoon. The Spaulding's daughter, Miss Le one, is home from the University of Oregon for the weekend and has as Her guest, Miss Verlie Myers of Pasadena, Calif. The girls are Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters. Other guests will be Mrs. Waldo Brown and Mrs. Wallace Br own, of" Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Clay C. Miller, Barbara, Robert and Richard of Gresham, Mr.' and Mrs. Edwin Brown, Phyllis, Phoebe and Noranell of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Nora .- Card Miller and Miss Lulu G. Miller of Portland; Mr." and Mrs. Forrest Gist, Gloria, Glennaand Forrest, Jr. of Cloverdlae. Visitors In Capital , , The heme of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- far Pierce will be the scene of a family gathering today. Bid den to the dinner are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierce and Susan and Miss Barbara Pierce of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grimm and Mrs. Annie Becke of , vv; Aurora, nr. . ana jars. Kooert ! I Powers and Patty of Portland, ,v Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke, 'Mir- iam and Mar one . Becke s N, Dr.. and Mrs. Estill Brunk are '; entertaining at dinner today for ' Mrs. Clara Brunk, Mr. and MrsV - Z. Sundberg. Mr. and Mrs. Ear . r ;.; nest Brunk, - Dale" and - Gordon, xi '' Mr. and Mr John Kufner, Lar- -t. ry.'Mr. Earl-Brunk and Ronald U runic .,' Mr; and Mr J, Krebs will Parties have as their guests today their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deyers and Susanne of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McDowell and Mrs. O. Poulson of McMinnville. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smith will be their son, Mr. W. Malotte JSmith, a senior at Oregon State college, Kruegeli of Portland, and her cousin, Mr. Lawrence Dunihue of Bedford, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jessup and son, Bill, of Portland will be the holiday guests of Mrs. Rose Babcock and Miss Bertha Babcock. Dr. and Mrs. L. Kim ball Page and daughters, Ste phanie and Kathleen of Port land will be in Salem for the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. Scott Page. Mrs. William Dick of The Dalles will be here as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Dan Johnston. They will be din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Delinder are entertaining at dinner for Miss Ada Young, Mrs. Mary Young of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and son, Donny. Holiday Guests Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mihto today will be Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cupper, Miss Billie Cupper of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. John Minto and daugh ter, Martha. Mrs. E. W. Harland is arrang ing a holiday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harland, Carol and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Ed wards and son, Burton. Dining with Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger today will be Dr. and Mrs. Harold dinger and Susan, Mrs. Kate G. Bell and Miss Anna Boeinger. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr. will preside at their annual Thanksgiving dinner at their country home. Their son and daughter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, and sons, Phil lip and Garrett, will be here from McChord Field. Other guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Williamson, Joseph and Tom my, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cook, Mrs. T. A. Norwood and Miss Ruby Archibald, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Weller will have a family dinner today and covers will be laid for Mrs. Charles Weller, Mrs. Albert Wells, Miss Virginia Wells, Mr. Emil Ronner, Gordon and John Weller. Guests of Mrs. H. J. Clements today will be Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, Timothy and Mary Ellen, Miss Joan Wager man and Miss Jane Chadwick. Miss Ruth Moore of North Carolina and a member of the Eastern Oregon Normal school staff, is the Thanksgiving guest of Miss Julia Johnson at the home of her mother, Mrs. Leona Johnson. Miss Johnson, who is dean of women at the normal school, is home from LaGrande for the holidays. Rev. and Mrs, James Aiken Smith will have Thanksgiving dinner at Cottage Grove. This will make the seventh year they have enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin. Mr. Ferrin is superintendent of the schools in Cottage Grove. Their daugh ter Meriam is a freshman in Willamette this year. Mrs. Nellie Harris left on Tues day, for Lewiston, Idaho, to spend Thanksgiving with her son Wil liam Harris and family. She will return next Tuesday. Miss Zllla Hopson of Seattle is spending .the Thanksgiving 'holiday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Miss Forrest Delany, here tomorrow and Saturday to give you . 1 a cb dollar jar cf Foundation. Crean - of Jacqueline Cochran beauty preparations. . JACGUELIHE C0CHRA1J . - . --- ".-- : ' -- - - -- V. "' - . - -. yTor a lixnl TIim pdy. to Norember 22nd -Consult Miss Delcny on AH EecurV Problems; i i ii i MAXINE BURttN Editor Salem Folk . ( -tI 1 OCJTO Relatives A number of Salem families 'will be spending the Thanks giving holiday out-of-town to enjoy the day with relatives and friends. Mrs. Reuben P. Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise and son, Evan, are spending the holiday and remainder of the week at the Boise home at Seal Rocks. They will have as their guests today Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Prael, Mrs. Otto Prael and Miss Barbara - Prael of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Lister and children, Patsy and Larry, will be in Portland as guests of Mrs. Lister's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Farrell, sr. The Farrels are hosts for the annual Thanks giving gathering and covers will be placed for thirty-two guests. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooley, Betty and Earl, will be in Al bany today at a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith, sr., are motoring to Port land for the holiday and will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orris Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hall will also be in Portland for Thanksgiving and will be at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ann Hall. In Portland Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wood ward will be the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Woodward, in Portland to day. Dr. and Mrs. David Ben nett Hill, Mrs. Vernon Pomeroy and Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lytle will also be in Portland today and will be dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gattie. Other Salem folk in Portland today will be Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Lachmund, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lamport. They will be the Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kleine. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sprague left for Washington Wednesday where they attend ed a wedding in Everson last night. Today they will be the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ullman, at their Snohomish home. Spending Thanksgiving and the remainder of the week in " Arlington are Senator and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones and their son, Ronald, jr. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Withy combe. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E, Purvine are among those attending the Willamette-Whitman grid class ic at Walla Walla, Wash., to day. They will be the dinner guests there of Dr. and Mrs. Na thaniel Beaver. ROBERTS Mrs. Melvin Tr in die and Mrs. A. Carter enter tained the HE club at the Trin dle home. Mrs. George Higgins acted as chairman and Mrs. Har vey Schuebel as secretary, in ab sence of regular officers, Mrs. Lee Eyerly resigned as treasurer and Mrs. Georg Busslee was nominated to fill her office. A special HE meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Petersen Friday to elect the new chairman. At .the next regular meeting a . Christmas party will be held at Grange hall. Special yith any. purchase . .. - COSMETIC 1 -exaoa ' ... The OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning. Norember 20. 1941 SOCIETY MUSIC The 1101 J Club Calendar FRIDAY Ann Judson circle, First Baptist church, nurses' home, 810 Oak street, 7:30 p. m. Woman's Alliance, Unitarian church, Miss Gertrude Savage, 1362 Plaza street, West Salem. 2:30 p. m. Liberty Women's club, with Mrs. R. C. Jory, 2 p. m. Benefit card party. Fraternal temple by Neighbors oi Wood craft. Women's bible class of First Methodist church with Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street, 2:15 p. m. SATURDAY BPW card group with Mrs. Maude Eckman, 340 . street. I North Liberty Salem Woman's club board, 2 p. m., regular meeting, 2:30 p. m., clubhouse. MONDAY Royal Neighbors of America, 8 p. m. Fraternal temple. District deputy and state superintendent guests. TUESDAY AAUW Latin American study group, YWCA at 7 JO. Homecoming at Eastern Star The regular meeting of Chad wick chapter Order of the East ern Star was held in the Masonic temple on Tuesday. It was the annual home-coming. One of the most impressive parts of the service was the pres entation of a large white bible for the altar and six small white bibles for use of the chapter, the gift of several members of the chapter. During this ceremony Mrs. Ivan Stewart sang and Rev. S. Raynor Smitu gave a tribute to the Bible and the history of the events which led up to our Bible as we know it today. The worthy matron, Mrs. Har old F. Phillippe greeted the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mohr of Portland, members of the chap ter were present. Mr. Mohr is a former worthy patron. Guests were present from Iowa and Wis consin; McMinnville, Stay ton and Turner. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served on the fifth floor to 200. The commit tee members were gowned in Old Plymouth costumes and pre sented a quaint picture as they moved about the rooms serving the guests. Mrs. A. E. Utley was in charge of arrangements dur ing the social hour. Mrs. Freida Wyatt was hostess at her North Cottage street home to member of Rotana club Mon day. Games were in play during the evening with prizes for high score going to . Ipha Knox and Frieda Wyatt. The guest list in cluded Dorothy Cassellius, Fan nie Douglas, Ipha Knox, Anna Peters, Emma Wasson, Lorena Jack, Vada Hill and Frieda Wy att. Miss Patricia and Bud Van- deneynde, students at the Uni versity of Oregon, are spending the holiday and weekend in Sa lam at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Van deneynde. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buck of Portland are spending the holi day and weekend in Salem at the home of Mrs. Buck's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Gilchrist, jr. I - mm New shipment of KNIT WEAR for the smaller boys.' u I r Out stock is complete many holiday gifts, such is children's sleeping Vmr- m e n t s if undies, , infanta wear, ' soft' toys, and hun I I dreds of other items. ; "Salem's Exdusive Juvenile 423 COURT ST. Hr " v . i.. : - I i 1 i Miss Miller, Mr. Tehle To Wed Miss Phyllis Miller and Mr. Lester Tehle will be married at a high noon ceremony today at the Knight Memorial "church. The occasion will mark the 29th wedding anniversary of the bride's parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Claude S. Miller. The bride groom is the son of Mrs. J. Fos not Chrysanthemums in autumn shades and gold tapers will dec orate the altar where Rev. H. C. Stover will officiate. Mrs. Lewis G. Mitchell will be the organist and play the wedding marches. Mrs. John Coomler will light the altar candles. The bride will be given in marriage by her father and for her wedding has chosen a smart gold wool costume suit fashioned with a jacket. Her brown hat is trimmed in gold and her acces sories are also brown. She will carry a bouquet of talisman roses. (Helen Miller) of Roseburg will be the honor attendant and she will wear a brown wool tailleur with matching accessories. Her bouquet will be of chrysanthe mums in autumn shades. Dinner to Follow Mr. Glenn Schaeffer will act as best man for Mr. Tehle and the ushers are Mr. Wayne Straw and Mr. John Coomler. Mrs. Miller will wear a black silk crepe gown for her daugh- ter's wedding. Mrs. Fosnot will j s be gowned in navy blue velvet and both will wear corsages of chrysanthemums and roses. The bridal couple will greet their guests in the foyer of the church after the ceremony. There will be a wedding din- ner for the couple and members of the family at Schneider s din ing room. Yellow and white will be carried out in the floral cen terpiece and white tapers will guard the bouquet and wedding cake. Mr. Tehle will take his bride north on their wedding trip and their new home will be in Seat tle at the Bristol apartments. The bride attended Salem schools and Mr. Tehle went to Oregon State college where he was affiliated with Sigma Phi Sigma. He is now with the Boe ing Aircraft corporation. Cards Played By FOE The first FOE card party of the winter was given on Tues day afternoon under the direc tion of Mrs. W. E. Gardner, chairman, general chairman and a committee including Mrs. Lloyd Moore, Mrs. Leodis Mann, Mrs. Gladys Cooper, Mrs. Mar tha Baal and Mrs. Lillian Fromm. Honors at pinochle went to Mrs. Cornelia McLainand, Mrs. P. C. Harland. Others playing were Mesdames C. W. Beecroft, F. A. Smith, Ray Moore, Bessie Fandrich, Mildred Fetch, L. S. Cross, L. T. Wallace, Lavina Koenig, Lloyd Stiffler, E. E. Gettman, Routh Bressler and C. D. Anderson. Dr. and Mrs. William Lidbeck are entertaining as their house guests Mrs, E. M. Silk and daughter Nanny of Pendleton. They will return to their home this weekend. Wednesday after noon Mrs. Lidbeck entertained informally at bridge for the visitor. Royal Neighbors of Silverton attended a meeting of the Neighbors in Salem on Tuesday night. A program of music and readings was given for the 25 visitors Maccabees No. 84d will hold a business meeting at Fraternal temple tonight at 8 o'clock. KATE GREEN AWAY Dresses for Holiday Wear We are showing a large selec tion of the new KATE GREEN AWAY dresses, suitable for the holidays ahead. - Plain, Plaid, Corduroy Shirts In Assorted Colors Just Deceived . , . new assortment of Cor duroy Pinafores, sizes 8 to 16, In scarlet, royal and brown. with Shop' . By DOLORES BOLAND It's About Time for a pros pective groom to salvage Grand father's and Grandmother's watch chains. These to be made into a wedding ring. Grand mother's dainty chain edging Grandfather's heavier one. Couple Honored At DinilGr Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Yates, on the occasion of their 25th wed ding anniversary, were honored at a dinner Sunday, given by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Carson, at their home on Kingwood Drive. The table was covered with a white linen cloth centered with a cake flanked by silver tapers, Ellen Carson, Salem; Mrs. Bessie -. , ti ii i. ii. itji. Tv. Carter, Portland; Mr. Vick John son, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. George Holt, Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Yates, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Carson. r All iVuS. AllpOrt Honored Miss Dorothy Poff entertained informally Saturday night at her home on E street for Mrs. Thomas Allport, who will entrain Thanks giving night for Freemont, Nebr, where she will join Mr. Allport, who is a student St Midland col lege. Games were in play during the evening and a late supper was served. A surprise handkerchief shower feted the traveler. Bou quets of roses and chrysanthe mums provided the decorative note. Those bidden to honor Mrs. Allport were: Mrs. Rex Obmart, Miss Gladys Edgar, Miss Iola Quesseth, Miss Gladys Quesseth, Miss Shirley Magnusen, Miss Agnes Haakenson, Miss Vera Coward, Miss Doris Strand, Miss Arlene Olson, Miss Paula Trommlitz and Miss Crystal Mahlum. Judre and Mrs. James Brand are entertaining as their holi day guests Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mclnturff and son, William, of Marshfield. Wednesday night the Brands were hosts at din ner for the visitors and today Judge and Mrs. Brand Will pre side at a family dinner at their North Summer street home. Mrs. Ralph Cane of Portland is spending Thanksgiving in Sa lem at the home of Judge and Mrs. Percy R. Kelly. After Thanksgiving rail These Thanksgiving Spe cials give you values when you need them most! Coats and Suits Reduced up to 20 Other Items Likewise Reduced See our beautiful array of glittering holiday frocks for afternoon and. eve ning! J 1 , Poetess Is Guest of Club A program of unusual Interest was enjoyed by members of the Book-a-Month club on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arden A. Reed, when Mrs. Frances Holmstrom of Coquille read some of her own poems. Mrs. Holmstrom, a guest at the Reed home, is the author of "Western Windows" and "Rich Lady," books of poems. The for mer was written In the days when life on the farm included bringing water from the well and other strenuous daily tasks. "Rich Lady" is her latest, pub lished this fall and shown to the club members. Mrs. Holmstrom has had po ems published in the Ladies Home Journal and the specta tor. She is the mother of the dar ing navigator of the Colorado, Snake and other rivers, "Buzz" Holmstrom At the close of the club meet ing, some 50 guests of Mrs. Reed's came in for tea and to meet the interesting visitor. Mrs. John Carson was hostess to members of her club at a bridge luncheon Tuesday after noon at her South Commercial street home. Special guests were Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs. Harry H. Belt and Mrs. T. A. Livesley. ninnor Til (Qrlnv "Pr fom m i f X Ul WWlllii ill ICC A no-host dinner at Schnei der's Tuesday was served to members of the public relations committee and the national de fense committee of the Salem Business and Professional Wo men's club. Emphasis was given to coordinating club activities with national defense and ways of promoting the sale of defense bonds and stamps to members. Miss Josephine Evans is chair man of the public relations com mittee, Mrs. La Moine Clark, Miss Ola Clark, Mrs. Winifred Herrick, Miss Muriel Wilson, and Miss Dorothy L. Cornelius. Miss Helen Fletcher is chairman of the national defense committee composed of Mrs. Winnie Petty john, Mrs. Emily Howard, Mrs. Agnes Booth, Dr. Gussie A. Niles, Mrs. Maude Eckman and Miss Mizpah V. Palmerton. Miss Caro lyn Wilson, president of the club, also attended the meeting. Alumnae Group At Meeting On Monday members of the Salem chapter of Mt Angel abimnae gathered for a supper at the Gold Pheasant. Plans were laid for a social evening January 13 when Mrs. Ernest Netter will be hostess for a sup per and cards at her new home. Those present were: Mes dames Grace Hain, Marie Mills, Serena Netter, Peggy Kellog, Dorothy Evison, Ann Merten, Mary Kerber, Nell Cox and Misses Mary Louise LeDoux, Virginia Scott, Mary Becker and Valerie Karr. The woman's Relief eerps has cancelled its November meeting t4. - r , - a s h r - m - - , m.. 3 m . w r ; I i ii ii 1 1 j . ... ..-"- ii i Today's Menu , N Trtitktful is the day's menu. as Thanks giving usually, brings almost the same food .each year. Apple, peanut salad r Honey dressing Roast turkey, raMh stuffing French fried sweet potatoes - Gibiet gravy Browned Irish potatoes ' l Buttered fresh lima beans Relishes, olives, celery Cranberry ice Pumpkin pie The French fried sweet po tatoes should be partially par boiled before drying and drop ping into deep fat The flavor Is very good, and goes well with turkey. The turkey is put into a 350 degree oven, in an uncovered pan. No rnf"f is done in these modern times, and the bird L. left for the following time: 1Mb. turkey, S hrs, 20 min. 12-Ibs 23 hrs, 41 min. ' IS lbs, 4 hrs. II lbs 4 hrs, 41 min. 29 lbs. and ever 5 hrs. Mrs. Kleinsorge Fetes Mothers Mrs. Rudolph E. Kleinsorge invited members of the Kappa Alpha Tbeta mothers club of Oregon State college to her Sil verton home for luncheon on Tuesday. The afternoon hour? were spent informally. Covers were placed for Mrs Arch Jerman, Mrs. Robert Shinn, Mrs. W. A. Langille. Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mrs. Dan Mc Lellan, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. O. I. Paulson, Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller, Mrs. James Mott Mrs. Paul VanScoy and M? Kleinsorge. Charity Ball Tonight Slated for tonight is the an nual Thanksgiving Charity ball to be given by a group of the high school set The affair will be held at the Veterans' haU with dancing from 10 to 1 o'clock. Russ Bron's orchestra from Portland .has been engaged to play for the affair. Committee members arrang ing the dance are Miss Mar garet McBain, Miss Martha Frantz, Miss Bonnie Young, Miss Marjorie Barker, Miss Gwen McCloud, Miss Vanna Farghar, Miss Darlene Simmc and Miss June Barnes. Mrs. B. M. Donaldson hostess for a smartly arranged luncheon at her South High street residence Tuesday after noon. Covers were placed for twelve and bridge was in play during the afternoon. Bouquets of chrysanthemums provided the decorative note about the guest rooms. This was the first in a series of luncheons Mrs. Donald son is arranging. "Redecorated - Enlarred Usual Wave $LI Perm Oil Ptt&h Wave 1 TC Complete. Open Touts. Eve. by Appointment Phan ISM US First NatlttnaJ Buk Bid. CASTLE TERM. WAVERS 11511. Liberty i I V ? a i I V V. ' pv. , . - -!,.-.-..-.-.-.'.-.. ."--'yy-y - - ... .