First Homommg Events Today JEFFERSON The high school student body Is sponsoring its first annual homecoming here today. The nromm ini., visiting classes from 9 to 11 o'clock, alumni meeting and election oi ouicers auruig uxe nour before noon. f A football same between Jef- MM - Willamette Five Churches loin in Rite Committee Chairmen Fop Red Cross Drive Are Selected WOODBURN .Thanksgiving union services will be held Thurs day morning beginning at 10 o'clock at I the Church of God, Third and Grant streets. Five churches will participate in this service. They are Presby terian, Methodist, Church of Christ, Foursquare and Church of God. Rev. Fulton of the Church of God, will officiate as host pastor, assisted by other local ministers. Rev. Listen Parrish, Church of Christ, will preach the sermon and special music will be provided by the various churches. Announcement of the servoices has been made as follows: "Ev erybody is invited who is not at tending services elsewhere. Come early to obtain a seat Setting the hour of the1 service at 10 a.m. gives ample time for all to come and give thanks to God and get home to prepare the Thanksgiving dinner." Valley s Repbrtefrom The Statesman's 78 Community Correspondents Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, November 19, 1941 PAGE SEVEN The annual Red Cross roll call drive opened In Woodburn recent ly. Mrs. per aid B. Smith is chairman of the North Marion county district of which Wood burn is a part cnairman of committees are Mrs. Fred Evenden, west Bide. She is assisted by Mrs. Burton Wille- ford, Mrs.. Henry Miller, Mrs. Clyde Whitman, Mrs. Marshall Hicks, Mrs. Don Grilley, Mrs. Oli ver S. Olson and Mrs. M. A. War ring. Mrs. William Nelson heads the east side .and her assistants are Mrs. Lester Smith, Mrs. Nellie Yates, Mrs. William Pelkey, Mrs, James Livesay, Mrs. Ray Trul linger, Mrs. Dave Jackson, Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. Rudie, Mrs. Glenn Polly, Mrs. George Timm, Mrs. Clyde Sullivan, Mrs. Carl Gustafson and Mrs. Percey Seely The annual "kickoff" luncheon for Red Cross workers was held Wednesday noon at the Methodist church with representative work ers present from Hubbard, Moni tor, Broadacres, St Paul, Brooks, Arbor Grove and Woodburn. The main speaker was Mary Jones from the Pacific branch of fice of Red Cross in San Fran cisco. Others who spoke were Floyd Miller of Salem, also Nancy Brown and Valetta Jacobson who spoke on activities of Junior Red Cross. ' The need of Red Cross contribu- ferson and Rickreall will be nlay- ed on the home field at 2 o'clock. Jim Winfrey, proprietor of the Texaco Dinette, has leased the Texaco service station at the in tersection of Main street and the Pacific highway. Ray Beach will be in charse. Herman Wilson. who bad the station leased, is employed in Albany. Beatrice Jones, Rice Lake, Wis is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Wirt DaOey. Mrs. Amelia Noah, who spent the summer and fall with her brother, Frank Glaser, and other relatives In nearby towns, left Saturday for Garbervffle, Calif., wnere she will take up work in the mission fields. An event of interest is the an nual public thank offering pro gram of the Evangelical Woman's Missionary society, held Friday night, November 28, at the local church. A group of ladles from the Albany WMS will present a play, and tiie local mission band will also have a part on the pro gram. Mrs. Edna B. Allen and nephew, Robert Norton, returned from Portland Sunday after spending several days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Nora Norton, and brother Clyde Thomson and family. Rev. and Mrs. William Elmer attended a pre-nuptial shower Sat urday at the Canby Evangelical church parlors for Mrs. Elmer's sister, Doris Brown, whose mar riage to Art Schoeribom, will take place Friday night at Canby. Mr. and Mrs( B. B. Smith left Sunday for Sweet Home, where they will spend this week visiting their granddaughter, Mrs. Glen Davenport and Mr. Davenport and family. Gifts Packed For Children Auburn Club Sponsors Play, Organizes For Red Cross AUBURN The Auburn Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Ben Hawkins with Mrs. Merle B. Van Cleave as hostess. assisted by Mrs Clara Massey. The carnival committee report ed $22.60 profit The club voted to have a play presented at the school house December 5 by the Knight Memorial players. A Red Cross roll call will also be taken by the club and Red Cross work will be done. Mrs. Leseil Marcy win be the December hostess. Presents win be exchanged. Four H club work is getting under way in . the local school. The home improvement clubs are led by Mrs. Earl Fox, club orfe, and Mrs, Merle B. Van Cleave, club two. The two clubs hold their busi ness and social times together. Lorene Palmateer is president; vice president, Mary Lou Fes kins; Donna Fisher, secretary; song and yeU leader, Pauline Miller and Lynn Woodward. Mrs. StoweU is leader f or JEhe cooking club, Mrs. Thomas Tee- son for the Bachelor sewing, Mrs O. E. Palmateer for camp cooking. The Robert Klemple family have moved to their new borne on East Center street having sold their home on Morgan avenue. Cow Gets Lost in Jersey Sewer V -x ft Toes Removed Due to Injury SUVER Frank Belding, who seriously injured his foot when it was caught in a chain drive on the drill, had to have two toes removed. Wesley Kester broke a bone in his left hand. i ri i . x - - ? 4 ; f , " " ' - v , ' f , - ; i A ki $ , -: ;v , ' e - r ". - ; X Z 9 - F v i v I S - f ::!w??.:-K-X'2 :-w:::o : -.-w.v. i- :;':.:.y-v::-: J:'::::-''i-. v , v p ' -: - r , ' , , . ..'.:-.-K'v-.'' : Jm West Salem Students Participate In TlmnlaSgiving Program To day WEST SAT, KM "Thanksgiving" will be the theme of the assembly held in the school gymnasium this morning at 11 o'clock. Parents and friends are invited to the program, In which" all grades will participate. A brief Albany Scene Of Meeting; Election Set OAK POINT The ladies of Independence Rural Woman's club motored to Albany for the meet ing at the home of Mrs. Anna Al len, with Mrs. B. A. Alderson as hostess. Mrs. Allen was a member of the dub until she moved to Albany recently. The club voted to buy two de fense bonds and Mrs. Grove Pe terson was appointed to report at the next meeting. All mem bers were urged to attend the Polk County Federation Institute at Elkins November 28. The next meeting, with elec tion of officers, will be at the home of Mrs. Dale Green Novem ber 26. Present were Mrs. C. C. Corn stock, Mrs. T. J. Primus, Mrs. Grove Peterson, Mrs. R. A. Aider son, Mrs. Hugh Rogers, Mrs. Hattie J. Black, Mrs; Byron RuddeU, Mrs. Lavant Pease, Mrs. Ellis Lauterback, Mrs. Anna Allen, Miss Ruth Allen and Mrs. J. Gra- ber, Buena Vista, was a guest. business meeting will be held with student body president, Dale Par neU, presiding. Mrs. Hale's first graders will present two special readings. Mrs. McCoy's first graders . wffl sing and do an exercise. ' Students in Miss Tittle's room are presenting an original play. A reading and a skit win be presented by Miss Groves' pupils. Mrs. Miner's fourth graders will sing Jwo songs and 'dramatize the play, "Playing Pilgrims." Fifth and sixth grade girls will sing under the supervision of Miss Schmidt Miss Rogers' students Far from her Wisconsin home, Clare, a cew, wanders out ef a sewer in Newark, NJ, after traveling for 12 hours from Union, NJ, In the subterranean passage. Clare broke away while beinc unloaded and entered the storm sewer. A trail of moos led searchers to the lost bovine and she was driven two miles further to this exit. Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Hawkins and Harry Colson spent a week hunting elk at Meachem. Grangers' News SIDNEY Ankeny grange met Both at their hall Saturday night with Hawkins and Colson were sue- the meeting conducted by W. M. cessful In bringing home a cow c. F. Johnston and a majority elk. Son Called by Air Corps Mrs. Etta King, Plainfield NJ, of officers present Mrs. George Marlatt reported on the meeting neid at Mrs. Hartley's. Jake Gilmour and Walter Wulff are on the refresh- ment committee for December. Jake Gilmour said prospects for higher prices in farm products were in evidence. J. O. Farr told of the govern- Mr. and Mrs. John Heffley and son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Plessinger and daugh ter, spent the weekend at Wald- port. ROSED ALE Mr. and Mrs. T, D. Trick entertained with a fare is visuing ai me nome oi ner mpnt hnvin srran iron sister. Mrs. Emma Anderson. Trick, The DaUes, who has been me J 1 called to report for duty as sec Mr. B. A. Hassler, mother of 0nd lieutenant at Santa Ana air Clifford Hassler, is working in corns reolacement center. Santa Monmoutn. Ana. Calif fli i Act a nroeon f tit at A TVjT r n rl Mrs. Carl D. Trick and Larry of Wul": chaplain, Louise Johnston; The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. F. L, Soctt and Pearl Scott Vista, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, Vern, David and Richard Scott The Fairview club met with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trick, an of Mrs. John Crippen and Jean. Salem, Armal Trick, Sherwood, Twenty members and two guests VeUeda Trick and Mr. and Mrs were present the guests being T. D. Trick. t9iitkfAT0 mf Mrs. H. R. Jotias. Josenhane . i a. 9 tiAv uauaiiKiai uiu- i uons is urgea uus year ana every ton Frmk f peye and Mr, and Rowena Jones, Beatrice Wil tiisi i t-i....i..... n.ii.a. ti I I iqttio nraiA arvivncr rriA nartv whA, oxu.iuii. v was uc- ""r - ? . I nuanv met nt thp home cided to omit the next meeting drove to Seattle with Mrs.rranK - and meet the 1st and 3rd Wed- Burnat, CorvaUis, to attend the nesdays in December. wedding of her daughter, Edith Dillon, to George setai, bunana, Kaipn K.ester ana pany re- Wash. turned home from Meacham with Mrs. David Lawson, Mt. Ver two elk. nrm Wash visitpd with her lis- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rawie I ""."TT" day was buried Monday. She was have purchased a house and lot born in Santa Cruz, Calif- Janu- in CorvaUis and expect to move arr 24. 1839 and came to Oregon soon. m ioo. i . 1 rrt w,k r?n ii tK. , 1 A . 1 I I 1 fl I ivuw. ri OU. VYU I 1 one is asked to renew memberships in this drive. Rites Held for Mrs. Chase INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Ella I Chase, 82, who died in Dallas Fri- Election of officers followed, with J. O. Farr, master; overseer, C. F. Johnston: lecturer, Leone Henderson, steward, Harry Evans; assistant stewart, Walter secretary, Rex Hartley; treasur- Buena l1 J?'' gatttTI' Ja ! ijriimour; crtrs, liUiia rvecves, Pomona. Rose Gilmour; Flora Lelia Cole; lady assistant stew ard, Esther Hartley; executive committee, Al Cole, Eugene Fin- lay and George Henderson. The next grange meeting will be held December 6. The home Economics club of ikeny grange met at of Mrs. Rex Hartley, Friday, The meeting was conducted by Mrs. George Marlatt. Mrs. J. O Farr was unable to attend and Mrs. Esther Hartley acted in her stead Red Cross work was discussed Plans are made for the coming and the chairman will report on of a pastor to the Rosedale Just wnat line oi work xne ciud Friends church by the first of Selmer; Pomona, Mrs. Leonard Zielke; Flora, Mrs. Rose How land; L. A Steward, Mrs. Mel vin Trindle; executive committee, Roy Rice, S. L. Minard and Louis Johnston. The Roberts grange will install its officers with Macleay grange. The grange will sponsor dance the first Saturday night of each month. There will be a Thanksgiving dinner for grange members and friends. Each family will bring a basket dinner. Mrs. Joe Rogers, sr., enter tained the Nite Hawk card club at the Joe Rogers jr., apartment in Independence. Four tables of 500 were in play with Mrs. Edward Harris berger and Walter Brown winning high prize, Edward Hamsberger won traveling and Mrs. Grove Peter son and Orley Brown got low prize. A special prize was won by Mrs. Roy Bigelow. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Orley Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Com stock, Mr. and Mrs. Grove Peter son, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harns berger, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers, sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Graber and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers Jr. The next meeting will be De cember S at the Roy Bigelow home. wfll dramatize "The Blind Men of Indus tan." Robert Goffrier wrote a play which Miss Nowowiejskfs room will present Delores Kling, representing Mr Nelson's room, wffl give a read ing and the eighth grade girls wfll sing, with Miss Schmidt directing. Rev. A. A Loewen, of Mennon- ite Brethren church. Is one of the instructors In the Beacon Bible school, North Dallas. His classes are held several days each week. Harry Turpin returned to his home from a Salem hospital, where he has been a patient for several weeks. He will convalesce at his home for an Indefinite period be fore returning to the hospital for further treatment Thanksgiving vespers with can dlelight and music will be ob served at thp Methodist church Thursday at 5:30 o'clock. Mem bers and friends are Invited. The Kingwood Legion auxiliary will meet Friday at 8 o'clock in stead of Thursday. The meetinz will be held at the home of Mrs. E. J. Dietx at North River road, at which time plans win be complet ed for the benefit card party. CThlropractars and their wives, ocal district three, were enter tained by Dr. and Mr. A. F. Gof frier with a dinner and program at the city hall auditorium Saturday. Robert Goffrier entertained with trombone solo, accompanied at the piano by his sister, Alice. The guest speaker was S. C Williams, who is connected with the civil ian defense organization In Salem. There were 50 people present Local schools will be closed Thursday and Friday due to the Thanksgiving holidays. Kin Visited by Seattle Woman Independence Man Buried Sunday INDEPENDENCE Gabriel P. Locke, who died In Salem Fri day, was born In Independence and had resided here his entire life. He married Rhoda Rhodes Oc tober 20, 1878, and to thli un ion six children were born. of which four daughters and one son survive him. They are Mia. WiU Mattison, Independence, Mrs. Bert Snyder, and Mrs. Eston Be vens, Buena Vista and Austin C Locke, Silverton. There are also 18 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Locke was a member of the Baptist church. Independence, and the Circle of the NOW. Services from the Smith-Baun Mortuary Sunday with Rev. L. Vickers officiating. Interment was in the I OOF cemetery south of Independence. illXTnTiHlMI II ' J J I I lUlZJj Slarls Tonight 2 Big Features Don't miss this wonderful, lovable story of the man who had one foot in heaven, and the other in hot water! December. Rev. Oscar Brown of She was married in 1879 to who was William N. McLaughlin, to which union was bom two children: Frank, Monmouth and Grace, who died In infancy. Mrs. Chase is survived by her son; one; brother, Warner Cald well, Prosser, WastL, and one niece. She was a member of the ago, is getting along all right now. Call Board vacancy left by. the death of Rev. Owen Williams last July. RTATC . Today Wallace Beery. Marjorie Main in -Barnacle iJUL uew Ayru. uo- nel Bamrmore. Laraine Day in "Dr. . a n w I rklnlalrE a VVCfMllXlK &SSJfa tvangeucai cnurcn oi ouena vis- xhSiday Mickey Kooney. Judy Gar Pioneer Family Member Dies ta, and has resided in Indepen dence since 1904. Services were from the Smith- win do. The foUowing officers were elected: Chairman, Mrs. "George Marlatt; vice-chairman, Mrs. Edna Reeves; . secretary and treasurer, Mrs. J. O. Farr. It was decided to give a card party at the haU November 29. Program committee for the com ing year is Esther Hartley and Mary Farr. The club will meet with Mrs George Marlatt on December 19. This win be a Christmas party Baun mortuary in Independence I capitoc ST. LOUIS Louis Oral, 67, the last survivor of a pioneer nay HiCKey aoowy. juay ur- , .. , ... , .... ... land. Lewis Stone In "Life Beflni I ixuxmj' u. wu tor Andy Hardy.- Ralph Bellamy, j UIXiay in Portland, where he had , ;,, Marearet Lindsay in 'XUery Queen. " , Jl ZZZT. . I and PoUyannas WiU exchange gifts penthouse Mviterv." 1 Deen siaymg ai me nome ui - j Matson. Detmia Louis was well Known in at. RUblKTS The iiooerts With Rev; Victor BaUantyne, Mon- Today-Judith And etion pennu iuis was weu luwu io xe u c x . ig. Interment was rST rtbyiiye - J 1 tjCm?' wnere ne uvea 111051 ox pange mex aaiuraay wiui xne ioi- mouth,v officiating. in the IOOF cemetery, south of Independence. Rogers. Gabby James at Bay. HOIXTWOOB Who Say$ Winter? Raspberries Ripen! . his life. I lowing officers elected: His body was taken from the! Master, Albert. Blankenship; Today Robert Taylor. Brian Donlevy. Portland funeral parlors to the overseer, Leonard -Zielke; lectur rI AguSef uleGoddard in st- CathoUc church for re- er, Mrs. Roy Rice; steward. Elmer quiexu mass. i xvimcii, aicwcuu, naeivin xixuuxc, He leaves a cousin, Mrs. Al gatekeeper, George Higgins; chap- NORTH HOWELL Election of 1942 officers was held Friday. Results were: Master, Mrs. A. B. Wiesner; overseer, Wayne Strachan; lec turer, Mrs. A. T. Cline; steward, Joe Russ; assistant steward, M. A. Dunn; chaplain, Mrs. Leroy Esson; treasurer, Mrs. W. M. Oddie; secretary, Mrs. Thomas Bump; gate keeper, Dan Van Brocklin; Ceres, Mrs. H. C.Espe; Pomona, Mrs. Wayne Strachan; ! Flora, Mrs. NeU Hilfiker; LAS, Mrs. M. A. Dunn; musician, Mrs. K. D. Coomler; executive com mittee member for three years, V. V. Van Brocklin. An invitation from Silverton Hills to instaU officers there De cember 10 was accepted and plans were completed to enter tain the Marion county grange council at North Howell at an all-day meeting December 3. In regular order, the date for all grange meetings in 1942 was hanged from the second Friday night to the second Wednesday night of each month. On November 27 all who wish to help are invited to come with their shovels and help dig ditches and lay the pipe for a water main from Roy Dunn's place to the grange hall kitchen. Dinner wiU be served at noon. V. Van Brocklin, K. D. Coom ler and Joe Russ were appointed as a social night committee land wiU make aU arrangements for the card parties. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs Roy Rice. Rice is the retiring master of Marion county Pomona grange and had not previously visited at North HowelL are RICKEY Net only spring flawers la Maem bat raspberries, af reed flavor, are ripening and strawberry plants have blessems them. Valley Events November SS Marion County Jer- QDer oil "Snnd CThorua. ThundaT Gene AutrV. Smiley Bur .Mt. f, i infin1 riMri stars' una Munson, John Wayne in "Lady From 1 Mickles and a niece, Mrs. Frank I lain, Mrs. Helen Selmer; treasurer, Louisiana. sey Catue club, Salem cham commereeJ 1 Jfl D. m. December S. Western Nut Grower annual raeeUnc Salem chamber of commerce. ' December Necuiweat Turkey show, Oakland, December U-U Oregon State Cora - show, CorvaUis. . ., - " " 'l.' . January H Stata Grange Confer ence. l .. I TR1TRTY TndavBetie Xtevia. Heirbert Marshall in ine uener. rrnnjr suiwwn, Arthur Lake in "BJondie Plays I Friday Bange Busters in "Wrangler's I Roost." Pat O'Brien. Constance Ben nett in "Escape to Glory. Today Fredric Mar.n. Maruia scotc in on, Elyae Knox m "Tanks a Million. Today Alice raye. John Payne. Car men Miranaa rneeupa w hji imt." . Vlctdr Jorr. Roebelle Hud- son. Maxie Roaenbloora l "The Stork Pays OIL" House, Portland, and also a niece Mrs. S. L. Minard; secretary, Mrs. and nephew in California. i Albert Blankenship; Ceres Irene fiNse TAX l , ti it WALLACE MABJ02IE VBEEHY-'--. : MAEl "Barnacle BiU" t: - fJ- t:ll . 2nd nrr ,, ,.liw,: UotMl'; Ayrta m ' Barrjmore uDr. Kadarc'g J . 7edding Dayw - ' ', 1:CI 4:15 ' " ' 3:31 -IMS t - Last Times Pl Defease lax . Teday -i I I TT MS ; with Brian Donlevy C Filmed In TtCXINICOIXJR And Second Festre Paulette GODDARD 'Fred -ASTAIRE, it. Alse lackey I.Ionse Carteea Continuous Daily From 1KI0 P.M. Starts Tcaay 2 Big Ails : HE 0 I ...n unifies iw (Hlt- it' v- fiwr McALPIN Mrs. Theresia Keating, Seattle, has been a vis itor at the home of her brother, Theodore Fisher and other rela tives here and at Stayton for sev eral days. Relatives here received word Thursday bf the death of Mrs. Anna Doerfler, Sublimity, at a Salem hospital, where she had been in a critical condition suf fering from a broken hip in a fall several weeks ago. She formerly uved at Victor Point and was a sister-in-law of I Mrs. Martin Doerfler and Mrs. Jo seph Doerfler of this community. Funeral services were from the Sublimity Catholic church. Mrs. John Doerfler is spend ing the week in Portland. ONE root HEAVEN II j a Elk Hunters Listed GRAND ISLAND Included in the group of elk hunting vaca tionists were Worth Wiley, Dick Rockhill, Charles Sargent and son, Russell, Harold and Daniel Tompkins, Giles Rockhill, Myron Turner, Curtis and Erwin Doug las, Adelbert Smith, Louis Will, Henry Cole and George Douglas The book was swell but the picture tops it by miles! Yon just can't imagine how much you'll enjoy it I A WMtNER BROS. SUCCESS, h BCUIAH 10NM GCNC LOCXHMtT fUSASCTH FRASCI MAJWT DV6NFOT lAUfW MOPt CREWS . GRANT lATCHOX Dndt ky &TIS1 IRVING RAPPER PLUS COMPANION FEATURE You're Drafted for the Screen'! Funniest Rookie Uproar! Farmers Union News MARION The chicken noodle supper Saturday night, sponsored by the men of this Farmer's union, received much praise. Serving was followed by dancing. Saturday night is the regular semi-monthly meeting and on No vember 22, a homecoming. Now Playing I J A 1 A A FOUR STAR fAUSICAL jP VX - W aBW. " . ' Balk IUI II J Yt S Wiw VaJ. " j I , AIICI M (jjj j I -1 ' JOHN ; ' LaJ- w.t PAY II 1 d$r 1 " ' - COMPANION FEATURE: 'THE STORK PAYS OFF' With Maxie Jlosenfcloom - RocheUe Hudson " CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1 JP.M. . 20 c V ipiM Tax - - - 27c .; - Matinee '. tr - - Nights ' - Havana Time: 125 - 5:05 - 7:45 -1025 . UJfAr (mm If ,.t if 'L (i - - If! yW-h ' j "TAIIKS A IIILLIOH" $3?Zu " 'k -- - '- ' "" - .aaa Mil -smw i m a av mm a mm mm mmmwm ata mmw mmm m r -n. u v jf l ii ii v Jt i ii a i -y,TW W W VS3 PltU Tax II 1 ' I Hill M . aai a mm II J i diarts Tcmgui - l Acusn features . H I aV . I l . ' I II ; jX . ill 4 Mlia COULS BLOai i PLUS COMPANION FEATURE , . 1 I ViHS y i'JrlK; 0? .ill- Mh 1 V I it I II I I . I H - , , i , , 'II : ( JESSE JilMESTi CAtMIN ciiAt ; ROMERO jesse jmies ITT BUY tmm ira 'WMtg tyfT j SAUY PAta and News