The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ill OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. Nortmbir 18. 1S41
page rrvE
Fortune Dopes Dimmed When
John Stark, aged 12, bit into an
oyster Tuesday morning and found
hard object he had visions of a
fortune. Jewelers declared the ob
ject to be a pearl, but said that
cooking had made- It worthless.
Son' of Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Stark, 54 North 16th street; young
John attends Englewood school.
, . , . . - .
Lutx fkirist Ph,' ll'tt N. Lib.
Audit. BUI Received Mrs. Aa
nes ,i v?. upQoh1! ,arn,i, county
' school superintendent, Tuesday re
ceived' from the; state bureau of
audits aLbiU for .the recent .audit
ing 'of ..".district - books totaling
$1167.)4; fast: yearns -bill for the
service, , which varies in the
amount of work entailed,- accord
ing to Mrs. Booth,' was 9)112.51.
Savings insured to $5,000.00
are earning 3 at Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty. ,
May Haul Logs Dale Deitrich,
Portland, has been granted per
mission to haul extra heavy loads
of logs! across the Marion-Polk
bridge and through Salem south on
Commercial street The permit,
issued by J. H. Davis, city engi
neer, requires that the logs be not
more than 40 feet in length.
Holiday candles available in many
sizes, colors, shapes and prices
for table settings, etc. Better Bed
ding Store.
Permit Denied After reviewing
additional facts and evidence pre
sented, the Oregon Liquor Control
commission Tuesday sustained
former : decision and refused to
grant a class "C" license to Cor
rail J. Colley at the O-Kay groc
ery and confectionary, 476 North
Expert reliable roof repairing.
Johns Manville materials. Mathis
Bros., 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 4642.
Mayor to Roseburf To attend
a Southern Oregon Hotel associa
tion meeting Saturday, Mayor W.
W. Chadwick plans to o to Rose
burg Friday afternoon. From Rose
burg he is to go to Medford and
Grants Pass for several days on
business, he said Tuesday.
Turkey dinner Thursday Blue
Bird 75 cents.
Extensions Granted M a r i o n
county court Tuesday granted per
mits to the Portland General Elec
trie company for line extensions on
the Creech, Spangler road east of
Salem . and on the Parkersville
road north of the city extending
from the Pacific highway.
Coming Events
CE Calendar
jNov. 20 Thankstiving day.
1 Nov. 20 Football, Everett vs.
Salem high, 12 noon.
: : November 21 Young Repub
lican "Why" dance, Marion ho
tel. - t '
i Dec 3 U nlted Air Lines
scheduled start Salem service.
Casteel Progressing Condition
of Richard , Casteel, Willamette
university freshman in ore-medics
Who underwent an operation for
acute, appendicitis at SalemV. Gen
eral hospital Sunday was report
ed Tuesday afternoon as "good,"
He is the son , of Mr. and Mrs
Stuart Casteel, 1830 Market street.
Salem. He is not yet permitted to
nave visitors.
Turkey dinner Thursday Blue
Bird 75 cents.
McReynolds again serve Thanks
giving dinner for 75c. Tasty home
cooKed, complete dinner pleasant
ly served in homelike dining room.
iz:3U to 7 p.m. Thursday. N. Carj-
ltoi at union, opposite Ice Arena.
Attend Parley Present at the
Monday night meeting of the ex
ecutive board of the Oregon State
Fire Chiefs' association in Port
land were Harry Hutton, city fire
chief , and - deputy fire marshalls
Jack Hays and E. A. Taylor.
Schedule Dinner Marion coun
ty voiture 153 of the 40 et 8 so
ciete of the American Legion will
hold its annual Thanksgiving cele
bration Wednesday night at 6:30
at the Quelle. Plans will be made
for the annual Christmas party.
At the Marion county Christian
Endeavor union retreat at the
Chapel by the Sea,; Nelscott last
week plans were; made for the
next six months period. . .
i ne . calendar lor the coming
year includes: -
Nov. 24--County C. i&.
tive meeting. -
Dec. 7 State institute meeting,
McMmnville. .
Dec. 3L County, watch night
party, Salem YMCA. -
Jan. 17 Educational rally, First
Presbyterian church. .
Jan. 26 E x e c u t i v e meeting,
Rev. Smith's home.
Feb. 1 Christian Endeavor day
Feb., 2 Birthday tea for Chris
tian Endeavor.
- Feb. 23 E x e c u t i v e meeting,
Pratum Mennonite church.
March 6 Music fest and pre-
convention rally, Englewood "UB.
March 30 County executive
meeting,. Jefferson Christian
April 10 Pre-convention rally,
Stayton Christian church.
April 23 State convention, Eu
May 3 Executive meeting and
retreat at Silver Creek.
Judge E. M. Page Grants Seven
Divorces, Handles Numerous
Other Matters in Court Day
Seven divorces, three collection action decrees and three
orders in cases pending came out of the grist of Judge E. M.
Page's circuit court hearings Tuesday while five other matters
were hearcl and taken under advisement,
All pending law actions which
Townsend Meet Billed Town
send cub No. 4 is scheduled to
meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at
Highland school. Pictures illus
trating ancient American civiliza
tion will be shown after the bus
iness meeting.
Permit Granted R. N. Geil was
Tuesday granted a permit to haul
logs over Marion county roads
with the requirements that flags
must be maintained because of
the length of the loads.
Speaker Billed William W.
Clemes, information specialist with
the Farm Security administration
will talk on . "Rural Poverty" at
the Rotary club luncheon this
noon. .
Obtain License D o r m a n H.
Newton and Mary E. Hayward,
both of Independence, have been
issued a marriage license at Van
couver, Wash.
are at. issue "and ready for trial
next motion day, Tuesday, Decem
ber 2, are to be set for trial at
that time, Judge Page declared
Tuesday. Efforts will be' made to
clear the docket as expeditiously
as possible, he said. There are ap
proximately 30 such cases.
Tuesday he scheduled, the case
of Union Central Life, insurance
company vs. Walter W. Ruther
ford and others for December 19,
that of Kantleberg vs. Prudential
Insurance company of America for
December 29, 30 and 31.
Maxine F. Abernathy vs. Lynn
Raymond Abernathy; order of de
fault and decree of divorce to
plaintiff, custody of minor child
to plaintiff.
Ben Bleakney vs. Beryl Bleak'
ney; default divorce decree and
custody of three minor children
to plaintiff.
Clara A. Bales vs. James M.
Here Thursday
Gronn ' and - A. P. Erpelding; de
murrer. :
Harriet Winkenwerder vs. Coca
Cola company; Verne L. Ostran
der vs. Don C. Smith; transferred
to Judge McMahan's . department
by order of Judge Page, who de-
clares he is disqualified to vserve.
Thomas McVay vs. W. W. By
ard; answer alleges that proxi
mate cause of the accident in'
volved was alleged negligence of
Euloy Mills and mat plan tiff and
Euloy Mills were engaged in i
joint venture when accident oc
Jack Lawrence Atkins and
George Wesley Early, jr.; operat
ors' license revocations; notifica
tion from Secretary of State Earl
bneii declares that licenses will n . i i
not be restored until recommen- rCbCHlCQ lij
elation of judge has been received "I
and in no event before October vjOlipie
14, 1944, unless suitable proof of
financial resDonsibilitv is shown: A inanxsgiving concert oi sac-
First Oregon War Objectors
Sent to Cascade Locks Camp
First Oregon conscientious objectors to be sent to the
recently established civilian public service camp No. 1, Cascade
Locks, are scheduled to arrive there December 5, Lieutenant-
Colonel Elmer V. Woo ton, state selective service director, an
nounced Tuesday. There are six
Woman Loses
Suit to Get
Man's Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Green way,
above will give a Thanksgiving
concert at the Court Street
Christian church, starting at
7:36 p. m.
Sacred Concert
Those attending the retreat were RaiM- rfpfniiit riMro nf rtivm-r
county officers, Grace Klampe, and custody of two minor children 1 w were convicted in Marion red music will De given inursaay
president; Eleanor Jefferson, 1 to plaintiff.
young people's superintendent; Gladys E. Esoy vs. Paul L. Es
Roy Rutschman, music; Pauline Py; default decree of divorce to
Neal, educationa and publication plaintiff.
superintendent; Geneva Jordan, Annie Huff vs. Ervin W. Huff;
missionary; Mickey Thurston, jun- default divorce decree and cus-
ior superintendent; Mary St. John, tody of minor child to plaintiff.
stewardships, quiet hour;. Rev. Eva Stark vs. Robert Ross Stark;
Smith, pastor counselor; Delvon order of default and decree of di
Long, social; Georgia Frentz, in- vorce to plaintiff.
county circuit court of larceny
. Z&i, Greenway, former concert violin
at 7:30 p. m. at the Court Street
Christian church by Reginald
termediate and high school; Elaine
Evans, assistant social superin
tendent, and Doris Kruger, secre
tary. Present were Grace Klampe,
Labish Center; Ruth Terhune, Jef
ferson; Helen Darling, Salem;
Georgia Frentz, Woodburn; Ray
Eleanor S. Taylor vs. James Tay
lor; default divorce decree to
Filsinger & Son vs. Nelson Bros.;
opinion that "Nelson Bros, refrig
eration department was separate
department and that Filsinger firm
cannot collect from corporation for
Judge McMahan sets aside prev
ious final order, charging it ap
pears to the court "upon exami
nation of the paper in the above
entitled matter that manifest er
rors have been made and illegal transcriptions
charges taid by the executor: ex- nymns
ecutor directed to file an amend
ed final account "showing the true
facts of all expenditures and
charges against estate" and pre
sent the same to court for fur
ther consideration.
1st and professor for 16 years.
He and Mrs. Greenway, accom
panist and a skilled harpist, pre
sent a program based on classical
of spiritual songs
They have recently completed
a 9000-mile tour of the United
States and Canada. During the
service they will play an unusual
type of instrument known as the
theremin. This instrument is
Frey, Stayton and Myron Harper, bills incurred in purchase of goods
Gervais. by non-member of corporation us-
Others attending were Dorothy ing that name; judgment for de-
Jordan, Irma Kenzuie and Mrs. f endant who is to recover costs.
v i r i j. ? s I . - - . .
Hazel Olmsted guardianship; unique in that the professor never
Pioneer Trust company named as touches it while playing. The
Russell Meyers, Silverton, and
Delbert Gosser, Salem.
Bernice Nelson vs. John Harms;
guardian succeeding Maude Rund
lett, deceased.
John Bickle estate; report of
sale - of real property by L. A.
Savage, administrator, to T. E.
tone quality is much like the viola
or cello and is produced by
manipulation of the hands.
The state supreme court Tues
day reversed a decree' of the De
schutes county circuit court In
which Maria Jane Cook, Bend di
vorcee, sued after her husband's
death to set aside the divorce de
cree so she could claim his $10,
000 estate. The lower court held
for the woman.
In 192 f Jack Cook sued his wife
for divorce and was granted a de
cree. A year later he remarried,
but again was divorced. He died
in Bend in 1939 without heirs.
The first wife. In riling the
suit to have the decree set aside,
contended that she had no
knowledge that she had been di
vorced. Judge T. E. J. Daffy
wrote the opinion in her favor
bat the state land board ap
pealed. The land board alleged
that the estate should escheat to
the state and be credited to the
common school fond.
The estate will go to the school
board fund under the supreme
court ruling. The supreme court
held that she knew she was di
The court also reversed Judge
James W. Crawford, Multnomah
county, and directed him to try
the $10,000 damage suit of Fred
Ludwig against Zidell-Steinberg
Ludwig, injured while in the
employ of Zidell-Steinberg, con
tended that the company was neg
ligent. Judge Crawford dismissed
the "case.
opinion that allegations and proof Kirklin for $200.
j -o - -aA ni .
j: nt. m-i " vtnio.
giving uiinici iw iox. iusiy uuuie
cooked, complete dinner pleasant
ly served in homelike dining room,
Auto Stolen George W. John
son, jr., Tuesday reported to Sa
12:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday. N. Cap- lem police the theft of his auto-
itol at Union, opposite Ice Arena. mobile from the garage at his
Four Motorists Booked Booked
by city police Monday and Tues
day for violation of the basic speed
rule were Jack O. Muckridge,
route two, box 103; Elmo A. Hud
nall, 1090 Rural; and Lewis W.
Kline, Central hotel. All are from
residence, 355 North Church.
Ill at Home Charles G. Miller
is Seriously ill at h!s home, 2328
State street. He has been sick for
some time.
offered by defendant insufficient
to create an estoppel and that
$192.90 alleged due on note is
collectable by plaintiff with in
terest and $50 attorney fee.
Alfred E. Mayo vs. Nellie Mayo;
contempt proceedings heard and
taken under advisement.
W. W. Rutherford and others vs.
Edward L. Eyre company and
Two more Salem young men others; demurrer overruled, with
were placed in part-time employ- 10 days providing in which to file
ment by the Salem public schools further pleading,
vocational department placement Emma L. Tooze, vs. Robert D.
committee at the monthly com- Hutchinson; motion to strike taken
mittee meeting t Monday night, under advisement and five days
Geonze E. Brant, trade and in- t allowed m which to submrt-bnefs.
Salem YoutHs
Get Jobs in
School Plan
Permit OmntPil
Jesse William Parrish euardian-
ship; citation sets hearing for De- QJ AnSrtllieiltS
cember 2 on petition of Eleanor 1
Charles G. Miller, 68, at resi
dence, 2328 State street Tuesday,
November 18. Survived by wife,
Ola; daughter, Mrs. Loreta Miller
Roseheim, Silverton; sisters, Mrs.
Annie Talley, Denison, Texas, Mrs.
Bertha Hatcher, Newport Beach,
Calif., and Mrs. Elizabeth Burch,
Oklahoma City, Okla.; and a broth
er, Leonard, Crown Point, Ore.
Funeral announcements later by
W. T. Rigdon funeral home.
Mrs: Elizabeth R. Heise, at her
- home, 630 North Commercial
street, Salem, Monday, November
17, at; the age of 89 years. Mother
of Mrs. Albert Siewert, Mrs. Roy
Hewitt and W. Clay Heise, all of
Salem; sister of Mrs. Belle Put
nam, of Amity and Mrs. Olive
Marion Road
Contract Let
PORTLAND, Nov. 18-yP)-Five
contracts were awarded and two
bids referred to the engineer with
power to award at the state high'
way commission's meeting Tues
The commission took no action
on a request that Oregon's v. eight
and over-all length restrictions on
motor vehicles be lifted to the lim
its set by surrounding states.
Contracts awarded included:
Marion county Grading and
paving 2.22 mles Illahee-Steiwer
Hill section of Pacific highway
east, C. J. Montar, Portland,
Polk county Rickreall rock
production on state highways near
Rickreall, Independence Sand &
Gravel Co., Independence, $10,
500. Referred to engineer:
Linn county Halsey rock pro-
dustrial coordinator, reports.
Paul C. Rodgers, 18, route
five, box 107, Salem, will work
as tire retreader ' and repair
man at the Frank Doolittle mo
tor service station, and Paul E.
Linnell, 17, 140 North 11th, Sa
lem, was placed with the Bur
roughs Electric company as ra
dio repairman.
Mabel Morrow and others vs.
Ralph A. Harold and others; mo
tion to set aside order overruling
demurrer taken under advisement.
J. H. Callaghan vs. Helen Laid-
law Scandling, trustee, demurrer
heard and taken under advisement.
Zanley F. Galton vs. Otto Boet-
ticher; motion to strike taken un-
The Dlacement committee Dlaces der advisement.
vouths who have been studvine B. C. Morris vs. George N. Ber
vrvannai minincf whilo nttpnrU uiger; motion to strike allowed
ing Salem high school. The ca
reers of the young men are fol
lowed and the committee checks
their work, working condi-
tions and 'wages. Pay is set at
not less than 25 per cent of regu
lar journeyman's salary jn the
field, or not less than 20 cents
per hour.
The committee, headed by Sa
lem public school superintendent
Frank B. Bennett, placed seven
young men in part-time, positions
last month.
Morris asking her apointment as
guardian of estate valued at $1500
in real and $500 in personal pro
perty. Raymond Albert Spencer guar
dianship; citaion sets hearing for
December 2 in petition of S. W.
Champ for appointment as guar
dian of $250 real property estate.
William Van Handel estate; An
nie D. Van Handell named execu
trix of $500 personal and $2500
real property estate; George Tate,
Frank Staiger and Peter J. Ezel
appointed appraisers.
Herbert G. Shiewe; combined
overload; $5 and costs.
H. L. Ferguson; NSF check; dis
missed on motion of private pro
secutor. John Wesley Heard and Mar
garet Grant; morals charge dis
missed at request of private prosecutor.
Hirl Holland, 18, box mill em
ploye, 730 Mill street, and Viola
Gartner, 17, domestic, 2199 Ferry
street, both of Salem.
John Marvin Lamb, jr., 850
Market, violation of basic rule,
$2.50 fine.
Harry A. Fisher, 8540 N. Alle
gheny, $5 fine, failure to give
right of way.
Tussa E. Howard, 935 Electric,
violation of basic rule, $2.50 fine.
registrants in the group.
All conscientkras objectors to
combatant and . non-combatant
military service previously have
been sent from Oregon to the
San Dlmas pahlle service camp
at Glendora. CattX. Operations
Ihere consist mostly of bonding
forest trails and conservation
- The six Oregonians assigned to
Cascade Locks are John Henry
Dasenbrock, Malheur county
board; Arthur John Franz and Gil
bert Seton Heald, Marion county
board No. 1; Lester Earl Gahler,
Clackamas county board No. 1:
Robert Wayne Northey and Ralph
Edgar Rogers, Lane county board
No. 3.
Also scheduled to report at Cas
cade Locks is Clarence King Hart-
zler, Los Angeles registrant who
has been transferred to Portland
for delivery.
The nature of the work to be
undertaken at the Cascade Locks
camp has not yet been announced
here, officials said.
Shop Changes Hands
GERVAIS Freda Manning,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Manning, has taken over a beauty
salon from Frances McDougall.
Miss Manning has worked in a
shop in Albany three years. Miss
McDougall has gone to California.
Permit to alter a two-story resi
dence at 490 South Commercial
street into an apartment building
at a cost of $7755 was granted Dr.
David B. Hill, 2195 South Church
street, Tuesday by the city en
gineer. Dr. Hill purchased the property
from L. L. Traver, and expects
to have the necessary alterations
completed in about two months.
Others granted permits Tues
day include Gardner Knapp, to
alter dwelling at 1525 Chemeketa,
$35; E. W. Bunn, to erect lean-to
at 1085 North 18th, $10; Walter
M. Cline, to alter three-story
building at 232 North High, $1000;
and W. J. Wiens, to repair dwell
ing at 1950 Howard, $10.
Wage Raises,
Assured for
Road Crews
Assurance that the county court
definitely plans an increase in
wages for members of county shop
and road crews was given Charles
W. Crary, business agent for the
Salem Building & Trades council
Tuesday when he appeared be
fore the court.
However, the court demurred
at announcing any set increase,
pointed out that approximately
$240 a day is the current payroll
and that the requested 13 per
cent addition would materially af
fect the total budget.
Court members declared they
would shortly take up the matter
to determine what the increase
should be and when it should
llfhen Chest
Strike Give-
give the important job of relieving
misoia to the IMPROVED Victa treat
ment that takes only 3 minutes and
makes good old Vicks VapoRub gtvt
acts 2 mm AT wet to
bring relief . . . pdctbates to upper
breathing passages with soothing me
dicinal vapors . . . STnauuTES chest
and back surfaces like a warming poul
tice . . . and WONU FOt BOMtS to cast
coughs, relieve muscular soientss or
tightness, and bring real comfort.
To get this improved treatment
just massage VapoRub for 3 minutsa
OM back as well as
throat and chest, For Bsttar fttnfts
then spread a thick
layer on chest and lICKd
cover with warmed V Va
doth. Try it I Tat ksprtrti Way
Kelly of Woodburn; survived also
by six grandchildren, three great duction on Pacific hishwav east
grandchildren, and several nieces and Halsey-Sweet Home second
are nepnews. services win I ary highway, A. H. Saxton & son,
held Wednesday, wovemDer iv, at $22,840
1:30 p.m., from ciougn-tsarricK
chapel, with Dr. J. C. Harrison
officiating. Concluding service in
City View cemtery.
Churches Slate
Charles Pleasant Bishop, of 765
Takes New Location
WOODBURN Fred Miller
moved his insurance and real es
tate office this week from Hayes
street to 169 Grant street. The
new location is across the street
street, Salem, at a local hos- from thfi postoffice.
luesaay, muvcuiuci id, i
the age of 87 years. Husband of hrj;
Mrs. Fannie Kay Bishop, Salem;
lath tit narpnc M. and Rov T.
J . o nnA. Kww McCuUey To Mr. and Mrs. Eldon W.
xusnop, wui w " ' I McCuUey, 1173 North 14th street
of Mrs. Clara Starr, oi Browns
ville land F. A. Bishop of Port-
', land: i survived also by
grandchildren a n d one great
era n d c hild. Announcement of
' services later by , aoughrBarrick
daughter, Linda Lou, born November
4, Salem General hospital.
. Schroedtr To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
aevenlB. Schroeder. 1110 South 22nd street.
a son. James Ralph, born November 13.
Besides the union services to be
held at the First Congregational
church, special services have been
announced at a number of other
churches on Thanksgiving 'day.
At the First Church of Christ
Scientists, Chemeketa and Liberty
streets, the subject of the 11 a. m.
sermon will be "Thanksgiving."
Dr. Frank S. Beistel, DD, Eu
gene, acting pastor of the Ameri
can Lutheran church, : North
Church street, will speaft on
"Gratitude, a Homely but Import
ant Virtue," at 10:30 a. m. The
sermon will be broadcast from 11
to 11:30 a. m. .
Merbeke's . Communion will be
sung by- the choir of St. Paul's
Episcopal church at 10 a. m. and
the rector, Rev. George Swift, will
give a brief address. ' -
and five days granted in which to
further plead.
Winifred M. Glover vs. Paul K.
Glover; order directs defendant
to pay $40 a month to plaintiff
during pending proceedings and
$25 immediately as suit money.
Andrew Leo Jairl; non-support;
waiving grand jury hearing ap
peared before Judge L. H. Mc
Mahan and pleaded guilty; sen
tence continued for 60 days and
released on own recognizance.
G. W. Bedient and Albert Hunt
ivxxft. nucules a. uiuci auu ouu i i i ,
W. F. Barnes; complaint for par- Duuain6 margea
tition of property. GERVAIS The new room at
Alco Adjusting Bureau vs. the high school building is be-
Helen D. Caldwell and others; de- ing pushed to completion so that
cree gives plaintiff judgment for it will be ready for use by the
$1937.97, interest, $136.70 for costs opening of the basketball season,
and disbursements of $21.60, fore- A recess between the school
closing mortgage. building, 15 by 30 feet, is being
Glenn O. Hankins and Edna C. enlarged for a shower and change
Hankins vs. H. E. Gronn, Sophia room for the boys.
James Grayson, af a local hos-
pital, j; Monday November 17, at
.the age or 83 years, survivea Dy
two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Ross
' and Miss Audrey Grayson, both of
i Sheboygan, . Wis.; two sons, Al
bert of Sheboygan and Floyd of
Milwaukee, - Wis.; . one - grand
daughter, Mrs.' W. Platkins of
Sheboygan. Service announce-;
ment later, by - .aough-Barrick
-company. .. ,yr IK
' Lucille Winn, late of 1974 North
4th street, at a local hospital No.
vember 18 at the age of 23 years.
Daughter of Mrs. Grace Winn of
Salem ' and William Winn, Vet
trans hospital, Roseburg; and
sister! of : Johnny W 1 n n, Salem.
Funeral announcements later by
.Walker and IIowelL- ' . ''' '-,"
, I "',- . . jt:
4 ! r - - - -i:r 1 . - - -
. ; - .Win Remain
- , Until Saturday, Nqvv 22- -
'.,, r- - " ' " -
" Due to ' the . Death of t
C. P: Bishop :
' 'President and' F?nder -
Prices Have Hot Advanced!
, Buy IIov7 Save!
EASY-TERMS are available at TALLMAJTS as usual,
v large stock of new and used pianos are now on hand
and . i bought at the old prices. You gain by buying
. now! - i -i'T.-. ;-'H
-'and up
i;4'-"'ii-,f'-t' i'i-.r-'.it':; ----sry'-
469 State St
' BO paO0C
iV - JrN
Phone 5707
For people who work hard, food
alone Is not enoughi they need
refreshment, too. Ice-cold
Coca-Cola Is pure refreshment,
- - ' -i - ,
- ' ' t. '
a natural partner cf good food.
Salem, Oregon : ' '