FAGS ELFVX7T Where You Get The Most Fre The Las Classified Page Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning, Norember 19. 1941 CUMffied Aavertlsin, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line.,, 23c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line .2123 Minimum charge 23c; 1 tt min imum 13c; 8 tL min. 43a No refunds. Comr tor Uila dui MNDttd on til tab the evening Mora publica tion for classification, Copy re reived after this Urn will b run under the beading "Too Lata to ThoSUtwnaa assumes no flnaa- eUl responsibility tor errora which may sppear tn advertisements duo lished tn Its columns and In cases wher this paper Is at lault wtll rDiint that oart of an advertise ment tn which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the riffht to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place aU advertising under the prooer classification. A MBllnd Adan ad contain a Statesman box number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Bund ad. Money to Loan" QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or nhona (8183) to Salem's oldest, largest homo owned and homo managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration .In the repaying of your wan or granting 01 extensions. v 1 tO IS MONTHS TO SErAl You can pay In full any time to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEE ROY B. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-152 JIM CLARK, -ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-138 134 So. Commercial St. Phone 9188 First door south of Ladd & Bush bank, Convenient ground floor location Money- to Loan PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money foi new ox used can. No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO to MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone SIS Lie. No. M-1U AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Lvan Center" SIS Court St., Sslem PhMi 4446 state license S-izs foB Cash in a-Hurry See PERSONAL FINANCE CO. (12 State Street I Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License Nos. S-Uz St M-163 TODAY'S SPECIALS S300 down. bsL 25 per mo. will buy this five-room modern home, located in East Salem. In good condition. Price, 3150. See this today. X290 down. baL S3 per mo., will wry this new modern five-room home with unfinished attic. In new addition. Largs lot. 80x100 feet. Price. S4000. $3900 will buy this new moaern s room house located outside city limits, citv water, wonderful view of mount ains. Hss oil floor furnace, electric hot water heater and Bendlx washer installed. A Real Home. CaU G. H. Grabenhorst, r with W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real e tote. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS 1 Livestock and Poultry DEAD ANIMALS We pay up to B0 cents per hundred for dead norses ana cows, rop prices for fxttt hnrmtta Phana B411 Salem collect. - EHA LOANS 4ft, also prtv. loans. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS I Aorams ec Kuis, inc. Masonic Biag. Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-159 WE LOAN on farm, residential Ac business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC, Realtors, Guardian Building. DRESSED POULTRY choice colored hens, bakes snd fryers. Delivered. Ph. 12861. Lee's Hatchery. FOR SALE Jersey cow and calf, Rt. S, Box 13SB, ft ml. west of Kelser sch. NEW HAMp" a nThodIsianRed ttabv rhlrki from blood-teated R- O. P. stock, ill per hundred. Sears Roebuck Klorfein Packing Co. 460 N. Front. avarm store, in s. iDerty. For Sale Miscellaneous WALNUT shells. 5c sack, .irlng tacks. Help Wanted Male MARRDD MAN to work on grade A dairy. Must be good hand with stock ana gooa mincer, fa. vit is. j. m. Nicn Ols, 6 ml.. E on Penn R. Rt. 0, Box 141. Help Wanted Female WOMAN FOR light hswk. P. 4581. TRAILER house, $100. R. 6, B. 334, swegie sen. Wstkins Products. 1723 Madison. 7809. Wanted Furniture r. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St Household goods, we ouy or sell everything, rn. onu. CASH FOR used furniture & house- Wanted Miscellaneous GIRL FOR sen hswrk. snd csre of hi!d.renA!,1,0.r part Ume- 00 home hold goods R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. WANTED Girl for gen. hswk., care Of child. Moo. home. perm. pos. rn. Sim nr writ 71 Sl.wrt St . WE PAY highest cash prices for EXPERIENCED girl for csr of chll- used pianos. Tallman's. 469 State. Ph. aren, afternoons or evenings. Apply Jl aiui. Kingwood urive, K. l, box 4GL. Housekeeper, ph. 1173. 1342 N. CspitoL Salesmen Wanted Miscellaneous Loans Wanted For Rent-Houses 4-R.. south. 3 bedr.. living St kitchen. base., furnace, small fam $22. u. j. jacksun 341 state at., saiem A-l. 5-RM.. bsmt. Ph. 4881. Polaire. 5-RM. furn., 6-rm. hse. 5274. NEW 4-r. house, $20. F. H. Weir 465 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 For Sale Real Estate A BEAUTIFUL, new 5-room home. full basement, aut. oil furnace, urmn ished upstairs, hardwood floors. fireDiaces. large tot. no city ta $4700. Very easy terms. Call 9203 and asx to see this. New 4-room house, close in. lots of nice trees, running creeK, - city water, S24U0. siooo on szz per month. no acres, 93 in cultivation, 11 acres bearing peaches. Very good bottom land, modern 7 -room house, xuu oase ment. Good barn. Close in. 911,000, siooo dn. A very gooa investment. 1 rooms furnished, rented for $27.50 per month. uruy szuuu, terms. K1CH 1. K1MANN 187 S. High Street Ph. 9203 saiem s largest uomt isuuaer REAL BUY IN ENGLEWOOD DIST! Strictly modern home. 8 yrs. old. bedrooms, living 11x20, hwd., floors, base., fur., fplace, wired for range Only SZ800 cash. Money to Loan Fire Insurance C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars Something To Be Thankful For We still have a selection of choice Reconditioned Guaranteed cars to offer for sale. EXAMPLE: For Sale Wood DONT BE fooled by size of load. We deliver large 40 cubic toot to load I of milHrood. $UJ0 oer load. Phone 7V7. FIRST AND second aiowth fir. Tim ber a turn pae. Good roads. 719 N. High. Dry wood. Leonard Burgoyna. P. 7308. DRY WOOD. Phone 21448.. DRY WOOD. Phone 9568. ATTENTION! Best dry old fir. 1S- Inch. prompt delivery. Ph. 8863. WOOD. ph. 5370. Graen. 413 N. list. MUX-EDGING, 4 ft. long. 8330 per cord, while they last. You haul. In quire 734 S. 12th. STOVE WOOD, hard limbs. 18 In. $18 per toad of 364 cu. ft. piled loose. Phone 3-20I1. 1041 Chrvslflr Nw York Snerial Sedan .A. lis TV Siuf rmvth Phma TiSS creen color, tutone comt. green upholstery, hss radio, white swe wsu ores, 1 ' quipped With FLUID DRIVE OVERDRIVE VACUUMATIC TRANSMISSION. 1939 Ford "85" Tour. 2-Dr. 'Sedan Wood Sawing Dark blue color, upholstery like new. top condition mechanically, nearly new tires, see tnis one oexore you ouy. 1939 Pontiac Deluxe 4-Dr. Tour. Sedan Sun tan color, broadcloth upholstery, very good tires, mechanically extra good. There's really lots of value In this car. Don't miss this BUY. 1932 Chevrolet Coach f New green finish, new upholstery, very good tires. Motor tip top condition. There s really transportation plus in this car. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. WOOD SAWING. Phone 7073. 930 N. Cosnl. Pn 3S3X Personal "THE prayer of the faithful heals the sick. Nurse csre st Unity Home, 593 S. Com! NEAT 3-RM. hse.. hdw. firs.. Ven. blinds, oil heat. elec. rnge., refr., wat. htr. Close in for couple, sz3.su. ROBERT F. BUDROW, REAL ESTATE HOME SACRIFICE Located st 215 East Lincoln street. This five-room home with unfinished attic and automatic oil heat can be bought for $3500. Drie by and see this home today. call li. ri. craDennorst, jr., wita W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 13 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 5985 2VBEDRM. turn., $25. 786 N. 20. t SMALL, 1 furn. 1 mod. 2397 Hazel. SMALL hse.. wat. furn. $9. 98 Lansing. PARTLY FURNISHED, 4-room dwell ing, I acre, water system, chicken house, near city limits, $12.50. Furn. 1-room & kitchenette apt., heat, water, ugnts and refrigeration, sia. 7-Room dwelling, large well-landscaped yard, Fairmount Hill, $42.50. IVAN G. MARTIN Phone 4419 2-RM. hse., hot water, shower and gar.. 812. Inq. 440 S. 17th. EXCEPTIONAL 3-bedroom house on S. High St., for one wanting a real nice home. Furn. or unfurn. Ph. 8140 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, tent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins 8c Roberts. MOD. 7 rm. furn. 863 N. 18th. I HAVE a good dpening for sales man. Wonderful opportunity for right Bring or Mafl Your Plates for Repair. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES For Rent BUSI. OR Shop space. Reas. Ph. 5211 man. See W. E. Patterson at Bligh notei oetween l & 8 p. m. Situations Wanted EXP. woman wants hr. wrk. P. 3615. "Udr ktrisoTr HIGH SCHOOL grad. wants posi tion In doctor's office. Ph. 6072. EXPEH. girl now Working pert time. desires steaay employment in ouice. Bee Miss Teske at Statesman office. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, SUre tt Com'L Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION STORE ROOM, 2084 N. Capitol. MAKE THIS A REAL THANKSGIVING By purchasing this fine Fairmont Hill house; 7 large airy rooms, base ment, furnace, fireplace, fine grade carpeting and drapes in living and dining rooms; 2 sets plumbing; large corner lot, beautifully landscaped. Re duced from $6500 to $5300 easy terms. Will trade for smaller houses. See Mrs Ellis with Childs & Miller. Realtors, 344 State St., Ph. 9261. FOR SALS 7-room house, S. Liberty, lot 75x150, S3000. sioo down. 830 month. O. E. RAE 1255 State St. Ph. 6761 $35008800 down $25 mo., 3 br.. Englewood dist., strictly mod. The price is right, so is location. Money to Loan Fire Insurance C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High-5838 orrt Reeding on all affairs of life, love matters, business and family affairs. Consult this madame for reliable and truthful advice. She answers all ques tions. Sunderland's Auto Court. Cabin half blk. north of Salem city limits. Portland Kd. CHRYSLER Home of QUALITY USED CARS PLYMOUTH LONESOME? Serving an aires. Chin Clit. p O Box 71 -Q. Los Angelea. Cal N. COM'L. AT CENTER ST. PHONE 4673 OPEN EVENINGS Transportation Turkey Day Specials WANT RIDE to 8c from Dallas, dally. Mrs. K. Hiatt. 1083 Edgewater. West Salem. P. 9683. at Legal Notice N. OF Market on Lansing. , ac. fine soil, ex. loca., $175 up. Terms, $5 down. $5 per month. ROBET ERT F. BUDROW. REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965 START PAYING on your future home now. 1 acre on Garden Road near Swiegel school, $5 down and $5 a month. Hurry! See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS At ROBERTS, INC., Realtors. For Sale Real Estate TWO ATTRACTIVE homes, which must sell immediately. On Jefferson Rooms, special weekly and monthly I st. New. modern, 3-bedroom home, oil rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee I furnace, garage. Price 84750. Shop, delicious meals at low prices. I Good corner lot on D st. 4 rooms. nooK, Datn, Dsmi., garage, .trice sazuu. Money to Loan ' P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121 FURN., comfortable room, 1710 State. RM 8M Union? Ph. 3490?eves! LEEPIN TOom, 7MourTsT Carpentering, repairing. R. 2. Bx. 138A NEWLY furn. room. 2370 Cherry Ave. JANITOR, lawn or wanted. Phone 3668. . CARPENTER WORK. reas. R. P. Wells. Rt. 7, Box 143. Phone 21394. CAPE?rER or'rnlU FOR HOUR work, Mrs. Keen. 5480. For SaleMiscellaneous USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. YBATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty P. 4311 WESTINGHOUSE DeLuxe 6' ft. re- frig. Big: reduction. 1240 Center. Apt. 8. FOR SALE 4 part-Spaniel puppies. Ph. 3090. garden work CLOSE In. clean, warm. Ph. 4498. NICELY furn.. heated rm. 175 S. 14th. LEAVING STATE Eauity in neat 5-rm. house. Hollywood dist. Furn. or unfurn. $400 down, bal. $4-50 mo. Full price $1995. Phone 8020. MODERN, large room, twin beds, ; st. girls. 1577 Court MOD. 4-rm. hse.. $1900. Small dn paymt., $15' mo. Owner, 315 Salem Hgts. rn. 74ii. FOR SALE OR TRADE Large 8-room home in Monmouth. A bargain at $2800, or will trade for small home in or near Salem. Good 6-room (3-bedroom) home, food location with oak floors, full asement, furn , a fine value . at $3600. Consider Hillsboro property in trade. See Mr Hardy with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC , Realtors. Valley Motor Co. Used Car Lot 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Coupe-Sedan Radio, heater, sport light. 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan One of our courtesy cars. J 1937 Ford Tudor Completely reconditioned Ready to go. 1938 Ford Pickup Special Price $385 Very low mileage. 1935 Plymouth Tr. Sedan Special $245 New paint Runs fine. VALLEY MOTOR CO Used Car Lot Marion & Liberty Sts. OVER 23 YEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board - of Education of School District No. 24, Marlon County, Oregon, up to 5:00 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, November 25, 1941, for furnishing 1000 cords of slab wood, or four-foot, second growth fir wood, at the various schools of the District Specification blanks And bid forms may be obtained from and bids shall be filed with the Dis trict Clerk at 434 North High Street, Salem, Oregon. C. C. WARD, District Cletk. Nov. 12, 19, 26. Helpers Club Has Election ' BRUSH COLLEGE Broik College Helpers club met at the home of Mrs. Glen Martin and Mrs. Katt Jaeger. Chrysanthe mums in pastel shades were used as decorations. Mrs. A, W. Andrews and Mrs. A. E. Utley were to represent Brush College Helpers club at the women's defense meeting tn Salem Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. An drews was appointed to meet with the West Salem club group to make plans for an all day meeting of the Polk county Federation of Women's clubs, for which the two clubs are to be hostesses in Janu ary. Officers elected Friday for the ensuing year are Mrs. A. W. An drews, president; Marjorie Oliver, vice president and Mrs. Louie Singer, secretary. Attending the affair were Mrs. F. E. Wilson, Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mrs. A. W. Andrews, Mrs. Charles Glaze, Mrs. Leo Nelson, Mrs. Joe Singer, Mrs. L. Miller and Eli zabeth, Mrs. Leland Wendt, Mrs. Edwin Burton, Mrs. Oliver Whit ney, Mrs. H. M. BuelL Mrs. Fred Olson, Mrs. Merl Brown, Mrs. Karl Harritt, Mrs. R. Nelke and children, Mrs. Louie Singer, Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, Mrs. Anna Bayer, Mrs. Monte Harris, Mrs. Esther Oliver, Marjorie Oliver and the hostesses, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Jaeger. For Sale Real Estate NEW HOME at 680 No. 20th St. Owner has been transferred and will sell this nice home for $500 cash and the balance on easy monthly-payments. This home lias -a nice living roomrt kitchen, 2 bedrooms, large utility room with wash trays. Will rent at S2S a month, subject to sale. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC., Realtors. GOOD INVESTMENT Nice home, comp. furnished with new furniture, 5 blks. from state house, $3900. $1600 down. bal. $30 per mo. Rents for $30 per mo. Phone MIS. Business Directory USED G. T. flat top Ironer. Y EATER AFFIANCE CU COMF. RM., nr. capt 866 Center. "sLPRMTnesTsiateMdg Room and Board BOARD & ROOM. 1434 Ferry. BETTER BRD. tt rm. 74S S. ComT St HEATED rooms, board. 168 N. 12th For Rent Apartments 3-RM. FURN. apt., heated, gar., pri. I Mike Panek. 275 South Commercial Cards in this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.25 month. Plumbing per line "per Anto Brakes PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work Graber Bros.. 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 65M Rug and Carpet Geaners RUG St cpt., clean St demoth. P. 8764. $6500 A strictly modern home on Kingwood Heights, hardwood firs, thruout, fireplace, sawdust burner, furnace, air conditioned. A wonderful view. $1000 will handle. MEL.VIN JUtLNSUN. KtAl.lun 725 Court Si. ... . Phone 3723 GOOD 4-R. house, not very old. in N. Salem. Owners leavtng-town. Offer to sell In the next few days for only $1225 cash no trade. One can get a good loan on this property. 1 A., fair house, it ml. from city limits, east, $1600. F. H. Weir 465 Center Realtor Ph. Mil 39 VB deluxe S-door, radio, heater, Call before 3 p. m. 262 S. Church. Card Club Votes Funds to School Couple Attend FFA Banquet EVENS VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson attended the golden emblem banquet of the Sa lem c ha peer FFA Thursday night. Johnsons were representing Har- ley W. Libby, Jefferson, state pre sident of the Farmer's union. Libby left for Topeka, Kan., where he will represent Oregon as official Farmers union delegate at the national convention from No vember 17 to 19 inclusive. His report will show a consider able increase in membership this year over the report made at the I national convention a year ago, as GERVAIS The community card club held its monthly meet ing recently. The club voted to Oregon's membership has grown give the high school student body a great deal during 1941. Mrs. 33 DODGE, as hi, body damaged, $69 Inquires 1510 N. Hit. SEE" STEVENS USED CARS before stae 111 toe uditorium. $10 to apply on the purchase of a loud speaker to be set up on Exchange Real Estate GOOD, NEW 5-R. house, clear of debt. Will trade for a farm. What have you? F. H. Weir 465 Center Realtor Ph. 8411 Sawdust 339 N. Liberty P. 4311 bath. 2455 State. APPLES Several varieties. 25c up. fnest Anderson, Orchard Heights Rd., mi. off Wallace Rd. Bring boxes. 2 LADIES' winter coats, 3 dresses, Elmost new size 14. Rea. 1698 S. iberty. 2-RM. FURN.. S12. 1st fir., hot wat.. wasner, gar; zsw Jbee. rn. wo. ' 1ST FLR 3 rms. bath. 1411 Court. SMALL BACH apt., good con., re frig., $25. 1853 N. Winter. P. 4847. Bicycles CALL "Scotty" Smith. Ph. 3283 or Johnnie Zumsteln, 2-1253. USED WOOD, electric and gas ranges. APARMENTS 1795 S. Cottage. I BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 147 S. ConVcl. P. 4516 Chimney Sweeps Schools PoDular makes. $10 tnd up. gS5 N. Liberty 3-RM. FURN.. lights, water, washer, I Vacuum cleaned chimney furnace. Root P. 4311 Pwn. o1 Mill. SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol GOOD PIANO. In fine condition. Reasonable. 1690 S. Cottage St. WHITE PEKIN ducks, dressed order. Phone 6479. to I raplr. Free estimate. Kennedy. Ph. 8056. $10-$15 Furn. 2-rm. apts. Ph. 3217. TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness. DESIR. 3-Rro part, furn., prlv. bath. gar., near hi school. P a. ezso. Trailers FOR RENT. 1549 N. Capitol. Ph. 9008. Excavating Trailer Houses Base- FOR YOUR Thankssnvin ana oin- I . r ; n. iAVAAiiun . yi u u ."- n,,. . tr m w.t Bers drink and enjoy pure apple juice. H1S.nPh infa o N ComT ' ments dug. Dirt haulea or movea. urn - t;.v.... AmAm riiiiv frnm I distance. Ph. 6718. 610 N. -Om 1. I tnr SaWi Sand St GraveL P. 9408.1 .. - rurn elected, washed, ripe apples. Cider Works, west saiem. nun USED WASHERS popular makes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. tS5 N. Liberty P. 4311 MOD. 4-IL, fur.. $30. Ph. 7532. 3-RM. furn. ant., llshts. water, some heat. $io. 459 s. lotn. fa. txxtu. WE BUY, sell, rem 2083 N. ComT Florists Trailer Rentals l-RM. apt., sleep, rm. 20 Marion, BrelthaupVs. 447 Court. Phone 9193. AT 519 N. Front. Phone 2-1768. SHAMPOO and finger. $1. Mltxl-Oray. JM heated apt 444 s mgtl. THE APRON Shop. 679 N. High. OUSE TRAIIJj USED OIL circulators. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 WOOD circulator, large, like new. , reasonable, rnone arts. USED wood circulator beaters, $19.50 I upt terms. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 453 Court SL Phone 9611 DUAL AXLE logging trailer. 11.000 1 a, axle. 825x20 rubber 80. with com plete truck equipment. Forced to sell. Goodrich suverton stores. GREEN ENAMEL Monarch range with electric plate on side. $40. 460 Dm Aye. Near Pea Four Corners. 3-R.. PRI. ent, Jts, hL. wat, tel. Also 2-r. 639 N. Liberty. 2-RM. APT. Lights, water, gas, ga rage, $18. 2261 Hazel. Phone 7664. 2-R pri. bath, steam ht 2054 N. Cap. FURN. APT . $10. 332 W''v SMALL furn. apt $43 Ferry. Funeral Directors Transfer U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT, Terwilliger Funeral Home, Ph. 6928. Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062. Mattresses FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer. storage, burner oil, briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freight, including Cam. points, unser CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phono 4069. 1 Transfer Co. Ph. 3131. SALEM FLUFF RUG St MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old .emaoe, rug i Vacuum Cleaner Service DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable I cleaning & weaving. S 13th St Wilbur, i t tfr OttfioniOtatesiaau .; j ADVERTISING ' Western Advertising ':. Representatives : ' : Gears- D. do. Ine, Ban Francisco Los Angelea Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives : "v " '' Bryant, Griffith At Brunson, Ino. ' . Chicago, New York, Detroit i , Boston, Atlanta , at the Fisher. Ph. 9791. Close In. $18 mo. 891 N. Commercial I 3-RM. furn apt. 340 Division 3-R. turn close in. 723 Ferry. For" Rent Houses 3-RM. close tn. furn.. water, fire place, $20. Inq. 669 N. Front. 4-RM. mod. house. 948 Norway. Tel. 8441 Z wickers. Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4329. SPRITE Tnmuietkm in vour home. Au thortzed Hoover service, we seme au makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 8022. Walnut Meats Printing Guaranteed hlffh nrlc. Evans Drier. IN. River Kd 3 mi. out.rronx. WeU Drilling Y stationery, cards, samnhleta. ii BuuhBaw ha kS VINil W ItnTlT i C J. Pugh, 2123 Myrtle. Phone 9339. , , asi at a riMmMal Talaa. I STnkr' I&. A. WEST. Rt. S. Bx. 443. P. 2-2298. For Sale Farms you buy or trade. 678 S. 12th St. Super was served at 7 o'clock 1939 Chev. 2 dr. Sdn! Very dean and nd 11 Ubles of 500 were PTed. Ai cond. Stevens, 678 S. uth. High score honors went to Nellie 1940 Ford 2 dr. sdn. Se this before Smith and Allyn Nusom and sec- you buy. STEVENS. 678 S. 12th. ond high to Mrs. M. D. Henning MODEL A with 90 per cent rubber, I a Joseph RuSS. good mechanically, $73. 1340 Baker. 30 FORD roadster. Ph. 23F23. 37 CHEV. pickup. Call st 1590 Broad way, after 6 p. m. or Ph. 2-1450. Mrs. Nusom, Mrs. Arthur Ras- I mussen and Mrs. Harry Bressler i served the covered dish supper. Johnson is state secretary for the union. Mrs. Johnson also reports that the state convention will be held at McMinnville, with Yamhill county as host, in late February. Lodges r 7 Pacific Lodge No. 50. AF St AM. stated meeting. Frl, Nov. XI JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppes. Wit Wanted Used Car. CrOSS Word PllZZlO GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAB IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car 170 N. Church Phon 8302 N. E. Corn. Church St Chun. Ph. 7922 FARM BARGAINS S4500 will buy thia fine 150 acres, located east of Salem on paved road. 100 acre under cultivation ana in crop balance In Dasture and sood fir tim ber. Pudding river runs through this property, a real Duy. S3500 will buy this fine 111 acres. located 10 miles out, 100 acres under cultivation. Old buildings, bee wis today. . .. $6750 will buy this 64 acres, located north of Salem on paved road, old buildings. About a acres unaer culti vation. Good soil. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 40 acres.' 6 miles esst. nice barn, silo. chicken house, cellar, pressure water. electricity, nice 5 room nouse newiy decorated, a nice stock ranch. Price $5000. $1000 down, balance easy. Or will take property In Salem as part payment. 1100 acre stock ranch, all Improved, modern house and buildings. 240 acres under cultivation. Lots ol osk. u cut will more than pay for place. It must be seen to b appreciates See us lor ranches or au types. H. 3. HARDER Real Estate. Loans 228 Oregon Building Phone 6466 FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SPOKANE In line with our oollcy of returning farms to private ownership as rapidly as possible. The Federal Land Bank will nolo a sate os xarm tanas in jnanon and Linn Counties at 216 Oregon Bulla ine in Salem on November 18th. IT .. .... Unaer present improved conamons the outlook is decidedly favorable for agriculture. Now is the time to buy farm lands. Call at the above address on Novem ber 18th and let us assist you In find ins the type of farm you desire. The Federal Land Bank of Spokane Cash' FOR YOUR CAR Shoo others, then try us. Ws con tinue to pay highest prices for good dean cars. Burcoyne Motor Co. 440 Center. Phone U5 COUNTRY HOME 10 acres with new four-room house with utility room, tubs, modern plumb ing, fireplace and douole garage. Battle creex runs tnrougn tnis property, race, $4000. terms. Call G. H. Grsbennorst, Jr- wru W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 Acreage FIVE-ACRE SNAP Located on Glenn - Creek road In West Salem, ft-room house, newly painted Inside and out. Garage, barn and several large chicken houses. Some rruit. a real ouy at snso. S3U aown, balance i per month. . Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. 134 S. Liberty j Phone 4131 Acreage for SALE River Crest Acres, acre. $25 dn.. $5 mo. John Kalsec Rt. I 2, Box 29. HERE is a real buy, $2000, $200 down. $20 per mo. 16 . ac- good 5 1 rm. hse. 7 miles out. Ex. soil. ROBERT F. BUDROW REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd St Bush Bldg. rn. n 1 A.. cIom In. S-rm. house, llshts. earaee. well, new barn, some timber, I gooa sou. sisw, sow aown. A.. suDurowi nomt, larg """ rm.. 1 bedrms- nice Kltcnen. noos. bath, wood shea, garage, suou, fan down. MelWIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 21 17 1J 3$ 40 45 41 2i 41 w I 34 33 m 34 4 SO 27 47 42 8 10 3 i 1 34 1 31 SI 43 Wanted Real Estate . -I WANT a good 6-rm. house In N. Salem. Will make down payment and $520 per year. A real deal 5. C. SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9902 HORIZONTAL 1 -Tennis term 4 Sam 9 Low Island 12 Topax humming bird IX Egg-shaped 14 Native metal 15 Chattered foolishly What is tAs aM tks If. kamnsdan BxbUt 10 Silkworm 11 Affirmatrra vote 16 Insects 18 Cravings SO Wkt is (As tvsnifv-aaat Summit C9untjf, Oasr Business Opportunities MAJOR OIL Co. hss service station for lease, gauonag rental, ph. 1B7S. Lost and Found LOST Elgin watch St chain, nr. Hood St. Kewara. i Mission, LOST Billfold with valuable papers. Arthur Braaen. uzt riasa. BLONDtS On the Floor Agcdnl By cmaYouna 17 l4 .lit A ruifix cMtirv is De I tl Mlddls point 1 22 CoastellatioB Is Division of time - " 20 On the sea 21 Jetties j What eUrs sUmokUt is mows moneiogSatf 26 Cvpid 27 Uountain lakes 28 French article 9i Ta lilllllllMl f 0 Wt is tAs mpcMs ; taa i o a oow mct rood'rm stataa, Gog, is f . Leu- 87 Hag an affection fot don Gvildhtllt 1 29 Threw riNoia 1 40 Be victorlona 2 Nmtir 1 41 Citrus drink 23 Wiseman 24 Choicest part 25 - Eegansrate a ars i i Acanuo 50 Mosque tower 51 WkAt Kntik aWefaM ac4 sa sAtiwTSa4 fTsnur 21 Frost 24 Stop " Entered at ths Postoffic f Salm. I Oreyoit, as Second Class Matter. Pub ((hxt rv morittff exert Mondau. tiutin office UM south Commercial I . street. y mmmmmmmmm '., ' " SUBSCRIPTION RATES: MaQ i Subscription Rates tn Advance . wtthim Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Ma Sd emts: S Mos. $L50: Moo. $m: 1 tear $3.00, Elsewhere M eenta par mo, br $4.00 for 1 year In advance. Per Jotrr i cent. Newsstands cents. tr City Carrier, M cents a month. $7.24 a year tn advance la Marlon and " 22 Mature 4 Dislike mteasely 25 Motors 27 English poet-cotirUer 28 Persian poet S3 Sammoa . 40 One wbe walks taroorh water 42 Birds of swallow variety 15 Cyprinoid fish 4 "Rvt ont 48 Borm t 49 Snare ' 50 Small pies II Obtained " - . TEETICaL "' 1 Loiter , '. 2 Em' ' -TV ' ' XVhmi emeteaf tUf switafaW ' fl lndi scfJni'f i - 4 Angio-Indian weights . 1 " Aoore i . ' " 6 Gaaia . .. : . : -" f Wkt Gtrmtrm r--W diU fa it tot . . 12 Blimith 42 Newx eewihlwtni form 44 Harden 47 Iryptiaa saa rod Answer te yesterday'a posxla, ' mm ? N " J & 't J - TTTM XL lX3U A J .11 I Cr-. . adjacent counue.