Financial Markets Cotoics Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. Norember 19. 1941 - . ;.; " ; j " , air: f.:. : - PAGE TEN Stock Market Is listless Stabs at Recovery Ineffective "With Labor Situation NEW YORK, Nov. lS-OThe stock market made stabs at re covery Tuesday but continued cloudiness of the labor and inter national pictures rendered most Ineffective. The list got off! to a ragged start, hardened after mid-day, then slip ped again at th close. Losses of fractions to a point or so were in the majority. The Associated rrrss average of 60 stocks was oft .1 of a point at 39.5. Tax selling persisted through out and helped put the day's turn over to 678,800 shares compared with 628,210 Monday. Rails generally maintained their balance as White House confer ences got under way in a move to settle the carrier wagedisputs. American Can again was a weak performer, dropping S points to a new 1841 bottom. Among shares j finishing on the upside were Santa Fe, Southern Railway, Pennsylvania, U. S. Rub ber, Montgomery Ward, Du Pont, Dow Chemical, i Johns - Manville, Allied Chemical, J. C. Penney, Eastman Kodak,; Kennecott, Con solidated Edison, Standard Oil (NJ) and Texas Co. "Strictly Private" BrQuinnHall vV . m - . J Jk wfr ytK vuta;- ., vjl I GUESS US SOLWEFSU HA A EARL VR ' . if . i CAMP -NQt DEAR MCM'.- I GUESS US SOLWEFSU. HAJE A EARL Alt THIS IS A ARW TD CEfEND tEMOCMTK Mdur son feUMit l CAM EAT TURKEY WW SGMB. FE- 1UCUCAH& NEAT WEEK "CO- i -ifi Cannery Busy With Apples S1LVERTON Twenty-e i g h t carloads of apples have already gone through the Silverton Can ning company plant here, with more to come. The apples are being brought in from Hood River and Yakima and are re ported to be in excellent condition.' Practically none have been bought in the local communities because of their imperfection, cannery officials stated early this week. ' Most of them are being canned in gallon tins, such as used by the army. Some will be made into apple butter. Corn canning has been com pleted butpumpkins arc still ar riving from Labish and sur rounding country by the carloads. Approximately 200 employes are still at work on the three shifts a day. The season's run is expected to be completed by mid-December. Quotations at Portland Camp Cookery Club Elects , CENTRAL HOWELL Offi cers of the newly organized camp cookery club Beals, president; Melvin Gollin, vke president; Irvin Roth, secre tary. Leader is Larry Carpenter. The moving picture, "Safety on Two Wheels" and "Safety Pa trol," were shown at the school Thursday by Stan Church of the safety division of the secretary of state's office. Schools invited were: Bethany, Pratum, Brush Creek and North Howell. A new pupil in the first grade is Billy Dean, who lives on the old Frank Durbin place. Mrs. Theodore Kuenzi and Mrs. Gene Kuenzi were hostesses at the home of the former in honor of Mrs. Donald Kuenzi. Winning prizes were Mrs. J S. Kaufman, Mrs. Donald Kuenzi and Mrs. Loren Gower. Besides those mentioned there were pres ent: Mrs. Walter Haversoh, Mrs Bert Bye, Mrs. Henry Rudishau- ser, Mrs. Earl DeSart, Mrs. Klop fenstein, Mrs. Gruenfelder, Miss Erma Kuenzi, Joyce Kuenzi Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haynes, who fermerly lived on the Frank Dur bin place, are spending a few days' vacation at coastal points before settling permanently in Salem. t Final Date Set for Live Show Entries Saturday, November 29 has been set for the closing day for en tries In the live division of the northwest turkey show, scheduled at Oakland, Ore., December 9 to 13. Produce Exchange PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 18 (AP) Butter prints: A grade 39c in parch ment wrappers, 40V2C in cartons, a rade 38',ic in parchment wrappers. ,ic In cartons. Butteriat First quality, maximum .8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port land. 39-39 'if- lb.: premium quality (maximum 01 5 01 1 per cent acidity). box. Potatoes New white locals, 1.65-1.75 cental; Deschutes Gems 2.25 cental Yakima No. 1 Gems 2.10 cental; Klam ath Falls, 2.50 cental. Hay Selling price on tracks: Alfalfa No. 1. 18.50; oat-vetch, $13.50 ton; Willamette valley clover, 12.00 ton; tim othy, eastern Oregon, $21.50 ton. Mohair 1941, 12-month, 45c lb. Nuts Price to wholesaler: Filberts: Barcelona, jumbo 21c, large 18c, fancy Farewell Party Honors Guest Rail Travelers Receive Report On Weather Travelers on Southern Pacific's principal trains are now getting a terminal weather report as part of the regular service. As a result, the passenger ap proaching San Francisco, Los An geles, Portland, Houston, New Or leans or Chicago gets an accurate idea of just what he should wear for maximum comfort when he gets off the train. The weatherman is the Pull man porter, who receives his data by wire. He delivers his forecast of conditions along with his "good mornings" as travelers near the end of their .trips. According to Garl A. Larson, Salem, Southern Pacific agent, the new weather information service is filling a real need created by the efficiency of modern railroad air-conditioning. Today, he points out, it is virtually impossible for a train passenger to form any ac curate notion of outside tempera tures without actually getting off the train, and as a result he is frequently at a loss to choose the proper clothing. INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Sher man Foster was honored recently with a farewell party at the home of Mrs. Joe Rogers, jr., with Mrs. Ralph Scranton and Mrs. Rollan Layton, hostesses. Mrs. Foster left Friday for Bramerton, where her husband is employed Present were Mrs. Clyde Wun der, Mrs. Norman Baker, Mrs Norman Hanna, Mrs. W. C. Franz, Mrs. Gus Fisher, Mrs. Francis Newton, Mrs. Martin Fratzke, Mrs. Don Barnum. Mrs. Vera I ! . r ' . I 1 73. r haKv 1R3. 1K T"iiiVii 1 Iv iiimhn m - , - . . - are: LeRoy u?,c 1D,-: vauey SS Itnf I'ar.T. W Vv 1 Tl' ' 1 uacK, Mrs. unanes -tryner, Mrs lJba V- W CLW.U MIlltJ 1 2 cents under first, or 37-371,.. Eggs Prices to producers: A large 36c: B laree 31c: medium A, 32c; medium B 30c; B, small, 22c; A small 26c. Resale to retailers 4c higher for cases, cartons sc higher. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 28c lb.; loaf 29c lb. Triplets to wholesalers zee 10.; loaf 270 lb. 1.0. D. xuiamooK. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 18 (API- Country meats Selling price to retail ers: country killed nogs, Dest Dutcners, 126-140 lbs.,15-15'2C: light-thin. 12-14c; vealers, fancy, 18-18'2C; heavy, 14a-15c; lambs, yearlings, 10-12C; 1941 spring lambs, 15-17c; ewes 4-9c; good cut ter cows, izc; canner cows, ll-i-c; bulls, 14V2-15C, Dressed turkeys Nominal selling price: New crop hens, 28-30c; toms 23-24c lb. Buying prices: Toms 20c; hens, 27-28c. Live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, under Hi lbs.. lbc; over l',i lbs., 18c; fryers ZV2-4 lbs., lBlac: roasters, over 4 ids.. lac: col ored hens, 19c: Leghorns, under 3',i lbs.. 15c; over 3 la lbs., 17c. Old roosters 8c lb. Onions Oregon nominal. 1.50-1.60 50- lb. sack. Yakima. 1.25-1.40. Peppers Green. 40c box: red, 90c Friends Arrange Surprise Party CENTRAL HOWELL Mrs. C. L. Simmons was the honor guest when a party of friends surprised her. Enjoying, the affair Were Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt and their house guest, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sutter, Etta Sutter, Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed, Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Welty, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muller, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. John Lehr- man, Mrs. Haverson, Mr. and Mrs. C L. Simmons and Clar ence Simmons, jr. Albert Scharer has been at Seattle working at Boeing Air craft for a week. Mrs. Scharer W a 1 n ut s Prices to wholesalers : First grade Franquette, jumbo, 22c; large 20c; medium 18c; baby ISic; soft shell, jumbo .none; large 19c; medium 17c; baby I4v2c lb. Mayette, jumbo none; . large 20c lb.; second grade Franquette, large loc; medium 17c; baby 15c lb.; soft shell, large 17c; medium 16c; baby 14c lb. wool i4i cup, uregon rancn nom inal 32 -33c lb.; crossDred, 34-37c lb. Domestic flour Selling price, city delivery, 1 to 22 bbl. lots; family pat tents, 49c. 7.35-7.95; 98c, 7.10-7.70 bbl.; bakers' hard wheat net, 6.75-6.50; blended hard wheat 5.85-6:30; soft wheat 5.50; bluestem. 6.00-6.50. Hops 1941. 35-38c; 1942 contracts, 32c. Cascara bark 1940 peeL 10c lb.: 1941 10c lb. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Cleve Ro binson, the honored guest, and the hostesses, Farmers Have Mass Priority Individual farmers do not need priority ratings but there is con fusion on this point in some lo calities, the US department of agriculture finds. Where farmers are m doubt on this subject they should take no tice that they are not required to have priority ratings of any kind to purchase ordinary farm machin ery, equipment, repair parts, fer tilizers, fencing, nails, roofing or similar items. Priorities on such items are issued to manufactur ers, processors and warehousemen. Any farmers asked to obtain "priority ratings" before making purchases of ordinary equipment or supplies should report facts to USD A immediately, says .the of fice of agricultural defense rela tions. A farmer needs a preference rating only for purchases of spe cial classes of machinery not ordi narily used for farming. For in' stance, a rating would have to be obtained from OPM to purchase a heavy duty electric motor. Salem Market Quotations Demand Strong For Produce PORTLAND, Nov. 18-(P)-De- mand was strong on the Farmers' Wholesale market Tuesday and prices generally were firm. Mid - Columbia lettuce moved $1.60-1.75 crate under good de mand and local stock was 80 cents to $1.15 crate. Celery hearts were in too small supply to meet the needs, but prices at 80 cents green and $1 white dozen bunches were un changed. Shell beans were offered at SO TS cents lug. Wheat Prices Show Gain CHICAGO, Nov. 17-i'P)-Making stronger stand than in recent ses sions, despite continued weakness of soybeans and com, wheat prices Tuesday tacked on fractional net gains as a result of support which traders said came partly from milling interests. A break of as much as 3 cents in soybeans and 1 cents in corn early in the day unsettled the mar ket in general but wheat soon recovered losses of about a cent and at times showed net gains of almost that much. Closing figures were Vi-y higher than Saturday, December $1.14-, May $1.19. The prices below supplied by lo cal grocer are lndicauve -of the oauy market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but ax not foarmmeca dj Th Statesman: VEGETABLES . Apples, be w Beets, bunch, doz. , . M Brussels sprouts, flat , 1-00 uaDoag , Cabbage, Chinese, do. . JS Carrots Cauliflower, crate -&0 - Celery, green . 1.40 Celery hearts, doz , .S3 Danish squash Garlic lb. J Hubbard squash Mi umice, i Mustard rreens. dos. . -0 Onions, M lbs.' , 1 " Onions, green -------. w Potatoes, 100 lbs. No. 1 new 10 Potatoes. No. 2. 60-lb. bag .70 Radishes, dor. . JS GRAIN, BAT AND SEEDS (B-ytng Prices) Oats. No. 1 Feed barley, ton Clover hay, ton - Allans bay, ton M-OOJ 90.00 Dairy feed, 80-lb. bag Hen scratch feed , Cracked corn Wheat 9M to 10.00 14.00 to 16.00 1.7S 2-3 1-23 L00 JO to BUTTER PRINTS I (Baying Prices) A B Quarters - EGGH A-D rvVLTBT (Bay la Prices of Andre-en's) BUTT FAT No. 1 No. S Premium Extra large white . Extra large brown Medium , Standard Pullets Colored hens Colored frys A0,a .40 31 .41 SI St JS3 Jl .20 J7 JT Buying prices: A ends Mint 4Hei B grade H quarters 41Hc White Lecborn 41 Old roosters , (B-ylag mees el Mario- Creamery) BUTTE FAT Premium No. I No. S EGGS Large A Large B Medium A Medium B Pullets Checks . Colored bens Colored fryers . Legbora fryers Leghorn hen s Old r roosters XI SI -3 M SO Si J J4 Jl Jl X4 Na S poultry M lem UVXSTOCK (Buymg prices for No. I stock, based oa coodiuonB and sales reported up to 4 P-m.) Top lambs 1-80 Ewes M to IM Hoft. top 160-SOO lbs. 1050 Sows U0 to 1-0 Veal, top 11 00 Dairy type cows ( DO te -fl Beei COWS t0 to 1X4) Bulls 1.71 to C 23 Heifers SAO to iS Dressed real JS BOPS (B-ylag Prices) Seeaeo 142 coo tract 141 Seedless Si to 5 WOO- AND MOB JUS Wool Lambs Mohair There b no person-1 or basinets exaerre-ey which we cannot help yoa zoeet with a conveniently, speedily arranred loan! Drop tnU our offices fer full details . . . STATE FINANCE CO. 144 State FOE MONET IN A HIJ&KT Lie 8-216 M-222 Phone 1161 THE LONE RANGER Marked Men. By FRAN STRIKER Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 1S-(AP) (USDA) Hogs: Salable and total. 400. lia-cft, 140-160 ids. 5S..5 lo.oo do 160-200 lbs. 10.00 10.60 do 180-200 lbs. -' 10.45 10.60 do 200-220 lbs. 10.10 10.60 do 220-240 lbs. 9.90 10.50 do 240-270 lbs. 9.60 10.00 do 270-300 lbs. J. 9.40 9.90 Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120..- 9.50 10.25 Cattle: salable 50. total 125. Calves 25. Steers, ch. 1000-1100 lbs. 12.00 12.40 do good. 900-1100 lbs. 10.25 12.00 do med. 750-1100 lbs 9-5 10.50 do common, 750-1100 lbs 7.75 9-5 Heifers. Good .. do med, 500-900 lbs do com. 500-900 lbs Cows, good, all wts do medium, all wts do cut-corn, all wts 9.500)10.75 8.50 9.50 7.00 850 7.50 850 6.50 7.50 5.00 6.50 4.00 5.00 I 8.00 8.50 8.00 8.25 7.25 8.00 11.00 12.00 6.00 7.25 7.50 11.00 6.00 7.50 sneep: saiaoie ana total zoo. Ewes (shorn) gd-ch 4.500 6.00 do. com-mea ; 2.50 4.50 LamDs do gd-ch 9.7510.50 do common , 8.00 9.00 do canners. all wts Bulls (yearlings excluded) beef, good, all wts do sausage, good, all wts do saus. med. all wts Vealers, gd-ch, all wts do cut-corn, all wts. do com-med, all wts do cull, all wts Portland Grain Marion Jersey Cattle Club Meets Saturday Plans for the annual meeting, to expected her husband home this be held in January, will be dis cussed at the Marion county Jer ey Cattle club meeting at the chamber of commerce rooms here Saturday, starting at 1:30 p.m. All Jersey breeders ars invited. weekend. She and their daughter plan to return to Seattle with him. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde DeSart went to Portland to visit their daughter Ruth. Closing Quotations PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 18 (AP) Wheat: Open High Low . Close May 96i 96a 96a 962 December 91'. 91 li 91l,a 912 cash gram: oats No. 2, 38-lb. white, 35.50. Barley No. 2, 45-lb. BW, 28.50. Corn No. 2, EY shipments, 32.25. No. 1 flax, 1.80. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white, 95: soft white excluding Rex, 98; white club, 99; western red, 99. Hard red winter: Ordinary, 92: 10 per cent, 95; 11 per cent, 1.06; 12 per cent, 1.06. Hard white Baart: Ordinary, 1.03; 10 per cent, i.u; n per cent, 1.14; 12 per cent, i.i8. Today s car receiDts: Wheat. 19: bar ley. 4; flour, 4; corn, 2; miflfeed. 8. H"5 GOT A TATTOO MARK OM HIS WRIST' IT'S TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE UKftJ&p7W&ft THAT- RI6HT, VUOTY BB&XJf I W Hf"! GO I SURE. ME OlO ME5 UEADirf EM IftTO A THE 516M OF THE tilKM RRRQUf RRfiCMf TMEM YOUlX KTOW . CROOK! AK in CASE YUH THOUGHT HE W WTTH TRAP THE uEGlOn OF THE ECK ARROW 1 1 C WHAT VtXTRf UP AGAirtST V CHDMT KMOW IT, VtP6 HELPIfl 7 LOME IS BtfeGERTl VQU TVUMK . - - - VI VA If BREALT IS ONE ) U5 FrtD THE S RAMjER y i- OMTOOy TTE POLLY AND HER PALS With Her Itty Bitty Hand. ' Qj-rp s.LKHET tXDROTWV DACiuNO' A J N f t'M SHOPPING POR DiNNEftA 1 I S y SG&r l-(OW ARE VOL) AND J ( POLLW WOwA A POLLV-COME WITW M&TO JCjf JUST ANM-IIM WkS HOW IS MARRIED ( NICE TO SEE j I MERRILL'S - 1 WANT TO Ti ( ri OP LARRVs . b MICKEY MOUSE On the Wrong Track I By WALT DISNEY NEW YORK, Nov. loHPHToday's closing quotations: Air Reduction.... 36 Crown Zellerbch 12 J C Penney Alaska Juneau.... 2 Curtiss Wright .. 8 Penn R R . Al Chem & Dye..H7 Douglas Aircraft 69y4 Phelps Dodge Aim -naimers.. -3 uu Font De N....148V- Proct fiamH. Ru. American Can .... 71 Eastman Kodak..l33ji Phillips Petrol .... 44 Amer Car & Fdy 27 Elec Pow & Lt. 1 Pub Serv NJ. 15 Am tia at ia stn 44 general ,iecmc. e Pullman ...... 23 79Y4 23 27 Am Roll Mills.... 11 General Foods .... 39 Am Smelt St Rel 36 General oMtors.. 36 Republic Steel 17 Am Tel & TeL..148 Goodrich 20 Safeway Stores.. 43 Am lonacco u uoodyear 17 Am Wat Wks 2 Great Northern.. 24 Am Zinc L & jS.. 4 Greyhound 13 Anaconda ..U. 26 Illinois Central..- 7 Armour lillinois 4 Atchison 4 27 Aviation Corp. 3 Internat NickeL. 25 Stand Brands.-.. Baldwin Loco 13 Inter Tel & TeL. 2 Bendix Aviation 37 Johns Manville, Beth Steel i 57 Kennecott Boeing Airplane- 18 Libbey-O-For d.. 24 Stone & Webster 5 Borden 21 Lockheed 27 Studebaker 4 Borg warner , 20 Lowe's . 37 Sunshine Mining Calif Pack d 19 Montgom Ward.. 29 Trans-America Callahan Z & L - . Nash Kelvinator 3 Union Carbide Radio 3 Sears Roebuck 65 Shell Union 15 Socony Vacuum- 10 Sou Cal Edison- 22 Insp Copper 10 Sou Pacific 11 Internat Harvest 46 S perry Corp 31 5 Stand OU Calif.. 23 58 Stand Oil Indian 32 33 Stand Oil NJ 43 5 4 70 16 Union Oil Califs 14 Calumet Hec i 8 Nat Biscuit Canada Dry 15 Nat Dairy Prod- 15 Union Pacific . 68 Canadian racmc Yt Nat Distillers 23 Caterpillar Tract 36 Nat Lead - 14'United Aireraft-"38 Celanese U. 22 N.York CentraL. 8 United Corp 5-16 Chesa Bt ouo 33 North Am Av 12 United Drug 6 Chrysler -u.- 52 North Am Co J 11-United Foods 71 Col. Gas Ac Elect . 1 Northern Pacific 5 US Rubber 25 Com! SolventU. 9 Ohio Oil : 8 US Rubber Pfd-100 Comlwth & Sou.- Otis Steel 5 US Steel 51 Consolid Aircraft 20 Pac Gas & Elec 22 Vanadium -20 Consolid Edison, 147Pac Tel it TeL153 - Warner Pictures- 4 Consolid Oil - 6 Packard . v 2 Western Union 28 Continental Can. 30 Pan Am Airwys 17 Westinhse- Elec 75 Corn Products 48 Paramount Pict 15 Woolworth 1 27 -.WANTED- ---;X ' -t meats and -Filbert mratv A3 la shelL Cash on icllrtrr. l' -hest price. -, - , i.:o;::ns klorfein racking Co. 4C3 N. front TeL 7633 Walaats and Walant Meats . Cash Paid on Delivery KELLEY FARQUHAR Salem, Oregon Wool in Boston BOSTON! Nov. 18 f APIUSDA1 There were a number of inquiries for territory, fine and half-blood wools in Boston at firm prices. The medium grades of wool were not receiving much demand, but occasional sales of graded three -eiehths blood combine bright fleece wools were reported tit 50-51 cents in the grease. Graded quarter-blood combine bright fleece wools ere auiet. but Quotations were un. cnangeq at 9-M cents in the grease. I HOT DOG! PETE'S GOT Aj QC-' ' j DHcBJ-i-: WELL, THEY CANT KEEP) .I'L ROLLO CXJTik THE PKRTY. . . OH-OH! PETE'S 1 m 1 ; ti WES .1 1 it -:-vi G'VIN' HIM SOME r S srfTl -I T i WCHINjCOME OrfA. jusO TfT"r-S- UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY Lady for a Day. I ABANDON WALS3 Stocks and Bonds November 18 Pnmnl.Ml Kv Th a 30 IS IS Net change ruesaay Indus Rails Util D. 1 31.1 35.8 35.5 29.1 D. 1 Unch Previous day 56.8 15.7 Morno ago , ,. o.u 10.1 Year ago 64.5 17 1941 high 63.9 - 19.0 1841 low 54J 15 BOND AVERAGES 29 19 . Rails Indus Net change -. O. Unch Tuesday . 61- 105.1 Previous day 62.0 105.1 Month ago 62.7 105 Year ago ....r,. ,..v 60.1 105J 1941 high . - 66.5 105.4 1941 low 60.2 104 S 10 10 Util Fren I Unch D. 3 102.0 48.0 102.0 48- 102.0 49.8 100 38.4 102a 51.4 99.0 38.0 'GOOD GC! BUTLWnL. HOKOLNOX RTUKVS VMAiXAVISrTMflr GUttTAMOAJXyOliAa trtCTt ) TO DO r3 PAID' FOR O TURKEYS O FOULTIIY O EGGS O FEED- Ilcrihwc:! Pcdlry Dairy Prcdiicls k , 150rN." Front St. , ' " Phone 7007 K i . i i . i Mm uj i . - 11 . ' r jmW n bm a liiiiiai i m . -wmm sc m vttt nir a cr nnvrfMM. -.- m m r i . i THIMELE TH-LATI--StTTfna toonm Tzm Vh3tnnl ' 1 " 1 .