, , ' mi . i i . Colorful, Delicious Cranberry Saace Sparkling Flavor for Holiday Dinner! MY-TE-FINE FRUIT. 1 J...-;;.?. i v h. -i - - ic o inii - . .- ' .... .. , lYrf lb. Fragrant, extra-rich fruit cake, two pound loaves made with finest quality fruit peels, cherries, citron, choice nuts, Avenue butter flavored with brandy ana sherry. Keeps several months. Fred Meyer Toasted Bread Crumbs, ivc rackage - Fred Meyer Prepared Oread Dressing ' 23 Pkg SSoH kSLh?"? 8Pi?ed Jt right for perfect rlXnsf Jd & D1- FRUIT BREAD Loaf Af"anVudelilcl0U" loaf 10 P UD th08e Jaded PPtiteB "vu uvq pen ana raisins. Dan-Dee Fruit Cake, 1 lb. Loaf, Filled with luscious fruit peels, cherries, citron and nuts. Keep on hand for un expected company. Frtd Utyn ffaftwy 5cflw "MinMWISBSJBJMBjV Pillsbury Paneabo Flour 2V2&19' Makes perfect pancakes quickly and easily just add milk 61 water, stir and bake! 10-Lb. Sack 53c Pillsbury's Farina, 28-ox., l?e Wholesome and nourishing breakfast food for children. Pillsbury's Bran, 1 'a-lb., 18 Delightful flavor helps promote regularity. Frtd Mtytr Greeny itctitm 'Over 400 Kinds of Fresh Candies" Chocolate Coated Peanuts lb. 2 lbs. 45c Crisp, tasty Virginia peanuts, toasted to perfection . . double-dipped In rich medium-blend chocolate! Crisp and Tasty . . . Luscious Soft Centers! Dunte Filled Candies 5ic lb., 2 lbs. 35c Delightful mixed candies in assorted shapes and flavors. . . Crisp, hard can dies with luscious, soft centers that fairly melt in your mouth! Keep these delicious confections on hand for guests who drop in! Two-Pound Double Treat! 1 lb. Chocolate Coated Peanuts, reg. 25c; 1 lb. Bunte 100 Filled Candies, reg. 19c OC 4 44c VALUE, BOTH FOR Freshly Toasted "SPANISH PEANUTS," 15c lb. 15c Large HERSHEY BITTERSWEET BAR, 13c, 2 for 25c 2-laytr Box FIFTH AVE. CHOCOLATES, 98c Frtd Mtytr Candy 5cti Moist, Fragrant, Aged for Mellowness My-Te-Fine Mince Meal ) Dulk i)(p)C lL Lbs. Rich and - full of flavor, made of choice ingredients, aged for more than a year. Dan-Dee Mince Meal, Bulk 2 lbs. 25c Fred Meyer Slendol Made fresh daily in our own kitchens. Bulk AZ Quart Pint 27c PEANUT BUTTER HONEY CRUNCH Smooth peanut butter, rich honey, and toasted peanut chunks! FRESH WHIPT PEANUT BUTTER Rich, creamy peanut butter, whipped fresh every day! Delicatessen Section 33' Bulk 2 lbs. Bulk 4)tV 15c 2 lbs. lb. Ily-Te-Fine Flour 4Mb. $ Sack 1.6; Bring Your Walnut & Filbert Heals to Us - Top Prices perfectly blended flour for all cooking and baking purposes, buy the larger economy size and save! Fifth Avenue Thanksgiving Ice Cream Quart Delicious Fifth Avenue Ice Cream for your Holiday desserts with Turkey centers. Thanksgiving Decorated Ice Cream Pie, 39c A dessert treat the whole family will enjoy; they're different! PACKED IN FROSTA1RE jjjt k 4 Fred Ileyer Hit Parade of Pipes Continues Royal Duke Air-Condilioned Dennison's Spaghetti and 4 A Meat Balls, l's JLV Ham & Lima Beans, l's Meat Balls Fj and Gravy, l's 140 Longer Shopping Honrs 8 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Mon., Tue., Wed Thur. Friday & Saturday 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Sunday 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Smooth, Rich, Creamy! IP DIP m ., h . .... , ..i 17 drier hy simple arrangement you can actually see. Light up a . i - -cooL dry smoke!.' 1m-a: ...... .. . . . ,.. . ;. - .' - - ')-:- " - - -t -. Fresli Poaad- Tobaccos HALF & HALF Mild,v mellow, aromatic! " Pa 'y'C jSr Prince Alieri -ft Velvei ' ; naleitjh . ; IIc3el . ' 1 A . . "" Send Cigarettes to Your Bey in the Service! "; : ' Jf 1P IftAnnTTRC fc4 Cta. A TCr iSC ViwHUIel.IWi soe Old Colds i JCools j Raleighs -;-r Lucky Strikes (-'.-r, Camels - 1 : Rum and Maples .' X. II II II Jiv.1 iimii it v iil II linings ; Tin ULi 3ftr35V U t SpsrUlnc sppetixln; srsnbrry sauce to add ntw ssst to holiday dinners a grand fiaTor-mats for asy maat. . . . Grand with chicken or turkey! Moldad to the can, It's flm for slicing. Brv it often this holiday season! Cranberry Cutters Only 10c With Purchase of One tin of My-Tc-Fint or Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Serve Individual turkeys, bunnies, or yhrisOnas trees cut from cranberry sauce slices with these unique cutters. Choice of I shapes. Cranberry Cook Dooh t Cm Hy-Trtm er WITH THIS COUPON Dmm TM MM r. 11, mi My-Tc-Finc Fancy Jve Peas No. 2 si sic S1J9 Dos. I I Cant $2.55 Cat Old English Plum. Date or Fig Pudding 12- x. 15 Dan-Dco Marshmallows 10 i ib. Hp My-Te-FIno Orange Julco 4-s. nrjc 2 fr Cmu AO 49c Ily-Te-Fine Whole Sweet Polaloes 2'sf 13c, 225c Hy-Te-Fime Chinook Salmon rich in oU, l's, 17c. 350c Fred Ileyer Ho. 1 Lge. Oregon Walnnls, Mb. cello hag, 25 C Ily-Te-Fm Luscious Pes. Pineapple, large chunks, 2 for 29 C Ily-Te-Fine Wild Bice, distinctive flavor, 9-oz. pkg. 39 C Liberty Haraschino Cherries, 6-oz. hell-shaped jars 229 C Heinz Beefsteak Sauce, for added zest and flavor, 8-oz., 23 C French's Poultry Seasoning grand with Turkey, H-oz. cans 9 c Libby's Medium Bipe Olives, mealy, piquant flavor, l's, 229 C Hy-Te-Fine Vegetable Juice Cocktail, 10-oz. cans, 2 for 15c S&W Artichoke Hearts, for tempting salads. Ho. 1 cans, 23 C Fred Ileyer Large Washed Brazil llnls, 1-lb. cello bag 19c BLUE BIBB01I HALT, ligbi or dark, 31b. tin 47 C My-Te-Fine Coffee 1 lb. 1 Pkg. AW 45c Ct's TRIPLE-FRESH . . roasted ind deUvered dallv rond Ireth when you buy! tth Ave. Coffee 11' I. T.m1u d i 1 Dan-Dee Cof- 1 Cc fee, saUd blen4 1 sy-Te-rte Orege Fkw, frtd tdtym Urmry fMtla ib. mm "It's Mince Pie Time!" . FRED MEYIR Diced Pool in Sherry Diced glace' orange, lemon and citron peel, cherries and ' chunk pineapple aged in Ik mellow sherry wine! Lemon or Orange Peel, 29c Ib. rrad Meyer. Glace Cherries or Citron, I5c lb. Fred Meyer Claee' Pineapple, 45c ft. Red, fren or natural; chunk or illcea, Trti Myer Fresh California Dates, 19c lb. Fred Meyer Bleached Raisins, 15c lb. All flae. tiuita packed In 4-o- ( -cup) , -ot . tt fli or iVot. whtalniri. Send acme, to the boy In taff! rni puadlnf . eookl. and fruit cak. recipe! At Frtd hltyn Cw; Stcti Spicily-Seasoned Dishes With True Mexican Flavor! Armour's Tamales Spicy hot tamales nourishing, fine-flavor eti; Fady to eat Just hesTand serve for a delicious, economical meal. Armour's Ham Leaf, A cans, 15c Armour's Deviled Meat, 'As, 6c; 5 for 29 Armour's Corned teef, 12-es., 25c Dromedary Date Nut Dread 3J00t nrjc Tins 33 Uclith Rich and nouriahing; filled with buU and datef PRE1 Ic Handy Pot Holder With Each Package My-Te-Fine Nalley's Treasure Pickles Or Hamburger Relish 12-oz. aic . treasure of taste thrills, for our relish dish. Jar 2 for 27c Snowdrift Shortening Can I Use dependable Snowdrift for all frying, baking or shortenffij '-always fluffy and creamy . . tasfly digestible! "For Delicious Piet" My-Te-Fine lolid rack Pumpkin v . , Wesson Oil Qt. Pura vegetable ' salad ' oO .rich a butter for shortening, unexcelled for frying! Prises Good thru Monday No. 2Vx Can 8 c 2 for 15c Golden-brown, fancy custard pumpkin so easily converted into the most delicious pumpkin pies' you're ever tasted! ; y French's Pumpkin fie 9 IC Pla8plee,mK O X 1 3C Tangy seasoning to make your pia fast Just right! . ' for tender, flaky crusts as d gestibla as bread!, - 1 1 mm m wm 1A lis jCH Hi flU law ft a aw aWese ir . 1 TO. BBBBaBSSB-BSBBBBBBBSSJj o Granulated Soap Lb. Pkg. Lb. 17c Knight's Gherkinettes 8-oz. Jar Stock Up On These Washing Needs! Super Suds Concentrated luper Suds lf for fast washing I They " kKMen dirt float ft out! rKf. Kick leap Granitic, t-e. pkt. ft Peet'a Cranulated taap. Urge, lf Cryttal White Lavndry Smb. targe bar, 2 fer 7c Palmolhrc Te4let leap, hath ilae, I far 2Sc At Frtd ttlymr trttmy $tHmm NICIC-NACICS I for Your Holiday PartUI Shop your Fred Meyer grocery tectioa for special party foods this season . . . Youll find all sort of spicy appetizers and tempting delicacies to make your holiday party a huge success! . . . Tangy hors d'oeuvre spreads, anchovies and caviar de lightfully tasty nick-nacks at amaiing thrifty prices. See' them -today! j , ' WEGAHDrS FANCY SMOm OYSTESS. 19c lYlegardt's Snaked : "- -,:." OYSTER SPEEAD. Via. 2 te 37c . - , v :L . ROLLED OR FIAT ANCHOVIES. Vi oxZ far 25e ANTIPASTO IN JARS. VfaoL. 1 for 27c If 1 I DELCA ANCHOVY PASTE. 2-ox. 1 3c 2 lor 37c ' ' EOLIJ2)'ORriATANCSOVII2rl5c'2lor29c ROYAL DOMESTIC CAVIAR. 2-ox. 15c. 2 far 23c - o MY-TE-FEJE STUFFED GREEN OLIVES. 3 &. 7c v , COCXTAIL TOOTH PICES ICCa. 10c 2 Sax ISc i- ? 7 Assorted Colors . ".;."- '. ; PLANTER'S COCKTAIL FEA1TUTS. 8-ox, I9cv2 for 37c -J t1 LOCfiLLY OVJNEDOPZnATED