Providing NOTICE OF SALT OF COXJNTT OimiSMAMbS Public notice hereby is given that pursuant to an order duly Bade and entered ot record by the County Court of Marion County, rogon, ot the 3rd day of November 1941, 1, A. C Burk, Sheriff of aid county, wm sell, on the 10th day of December, 1941, the hour ox 10 o clock un. at the front door of the house in the City of Salem, State of Oregon, for not tntnlmiim v4M- t.t.i rttt4 tfiA ntl m,wt-v -$. J Vwl mm trY mxr tmuuitiw 111 vM.rn.uf wuw w J wka wuv u . ... , 1 xxi-w -lun-v-Heorge namid was shouting into the tele- I kAA Unlf m. 1 5 v a t -,, Price I " an iiuur iciier, naving aisposea 01 nearly a dozen cans, he was still shouting. Vom OSZGON STATESMAN Salem. Ortgosu Thursdcry Morning. Nortxnber 13, 19U pagz roxs Thrill Acts for Fairs ggftS Drives New York Agent "Crazy" Appraisal No. Namo ot Former Owner 36 Drake, Lavina H. Est, Park Side Addition, Silverton . 37 Drake, Lavina H. Est, Park Side Addition, Silverton .Except 38 Dunn Holding Co. Brown's Addition, Silverton .................. 40 Roseland, Jens C & M. Ames fr. Add, Silverton . Intermountaln Bldg. Loan As'n. fr, Morley, John & H. M-, Daven- Lot Block VoL Pag 42 43 44 43 4S 47 48 II 82 83 84 65 88 80 81 63 84 jorts Add- Silverton Drake, Lavina H. Est, Daven port's Add, Silverton Drake, Lavina H. Est, Drake's Add, Silverton -. Drake, Lavina H. Est, Drake's Add : Drake, Lavina H. Est, Drake's Drake, Lavina H, Est, Drake's Add,- Silverton ..-.- Whitlock, Marie L. & HalL Lorah I, North Side Add, Silverton Knutson, Alex, North Side Add, Silverton 11-20 2 " Each $ 300.00 Lot .',v;.'i-. 1&3 3 Each 300.00 Lot ,,- V.190 4 P.101-2 350.00 25-28 27 7 200.Q0 V.209 24 P.371 200,00 - 8-8 v 250.00 1 2 100.00 1-2 8 250.00 1 2 100.00 8-10 250.00 1-4 8 350.00 7 A 50.00 5 A 80.00 "Two hundred a week?" he bellowed. "For that act? I can go down ,on Sixth avenue and w 83 uia uu a fan -off in demand almost a tl .1U- A - I ' uie wucwiUK. lor IUXy a WeeK. iiT.MY.nlftvtr.wit nmnnnt Listen, I want to do business with barkers. With people pushing those people again next year, and rm not going to send them an U-r. w a.h h mtfinr to act like that for any two hundred do We uw a lot of them on nmmmt iil-l .- .. 1 ft M Ji I wc. iuu g ousy ana una inside, though. They help to TT lJ . I -- xic cnsaea uie pnone aown on its cradle, spun around la his enormous carved walnut chair and smiled with every one of his gleaming teeth. "Craxyr he said, "That's what it's driving me crazyf Mere celebrations and fairs than ever . before In history- people crasy for thrill acts, and I can't get 'em! "Why, do you know that busi- They Find Out Gas Mileage in 1942 Dodge Trip nrnn-nT - i 1 Group Feted At Pioneer PIONEER Ruth Dombecker and her first year juniors enter tained the second and third year juniors at the Christian church. Larry Duke was in charge of hh .Lj hi v i v.. i -i'V xy- y-' f. I? McCullough, Melvin & Carrie, North Side Add, Silverton McCullough, Melvin & Carrie, North Side Add, Silverton Bitney. -Fred, May's Add, Mt v Angel Bonde, C, May's Add, Mt Angel Scott Frank A. & Lucy, Ogles Addn Woodburn Demick, D. R, Mrs. Reming ton's Sub. Div, Woodburn. Casey, T.M, Benn HaUAdd, Woodburn Stute, A. Sr, Tooze First Add, Woodburn .2 P.425 11-12 1 16 1 22-26 1 80.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 22 T-9 23 t)kt TUTi rr a WAnHhliTTi W www -w . Joseph, George W, Woodburn.. l. fr. I 76 77 124 127 129 132 132 135 lie 117 Bertrand, Harry & Amelia, Dun Kan's Add, Jefferson...-. Hickman, Frederick Wm, Dun- : gan's Add., Jefferson Ladd it Bush Bankers, Stayton Getchell, Nellie, Stayton. Bass, Hazel H, Park View Add., St&ytoii ....-.-.". Mott, W. S. Est, MU1 Add, Sa lem Tarpley, Bessie, North Salem Add Wedle, B. F, River Side Add, Salem - Skinner, W. I. & Caroline, Tur ner Road Addition, Salem Skinner, W. I. & Caroline, Tur ner Road Addition, Salem The Pacific Securities Co, Simpson's Addition, Salem. "Sheehan, Emily, Pleasant Home Add, Salem "McCrary, Frank, Riverside Add, Salem - 12 7-8-t 10-11 2 7-9 4 4 2 6 8 13-16 3 4 2 68 12 10-12 1 5-6 13 7 . 17 V.209 P.483 V.161 P.588 V.213 P.593 VM P.14 V.222 P.478 4 V.196 P.351 Appraisal No- Nam o Former Owner 39 97 68 69 Sec. Twp. Rge. Kurth, Albert Jessie, Silver ton - - 36 6 1W Howe, G. W. & Lottie 18 5 1W Acr. Fr. Fr. Paso VoL Phegley, Fred 7 6 1W 1.15 Mathieson, Henry & Helen.... 7 8 1W Fr, 66 Bonney, Agnes G, Est .18 5 1W .31 1! 74 79 Croisan, Winans, E. M. L. C 5 8 Childs, Leo N. & Sherven, A. C Elma 11 3-4 9 10 3W 3W SW 2W .68 1 4.69 18 tl Burmester, H. E. Est. 9 9 1W 2 HelUel Estate Inc 11 9 1W Fr. 83 Funrue, H. E., S. K, & E 13 7 1W 14 2 Simpson, J. T 28 8 2W 1.85 8 Mafion County 28 5 2W 6.75 26 Salzman, William 36 6 IE 5. 28 Shaner, H. L. 33 5 1W Fr. 29 Dose, Fred 34 5 1W 1 13 McLeod, Agnes 13 Smith, H. W. & A. L 29 4 8 1W 2W 1 Fr. Appraisal No. Name of Former Owner 8 Beeler, J. E., Donald 15 Schmalz, Elizabeth 16 White, Anna R 17 White, Anna R.' 18 Dixon, J. O. ic Rose Ella 19 Hall, George S 20 Adam, Jean 24 Schmaltz, Elizabeth 31 Torgerson, E. T, Brown's Add. 34 Brown, E. J, Warden, C. V. & Lewis, W. G, Brown's Add,. Silverton Appraisal No. Name fr. Lot 11 15-22 12-14 23-25 27 7-8 28 1 3 Block 6 18 18 18 13 25 13 27 3 V.222 V.212 P.294 V.204 P.501 , V.203 P.243 V.114 P.340 V.174 P.391 V.173 P.229 V.186 P.334 V.221 P.257 V.184 P.229 V.157 P.102 V.187 P.163 V.105 P.248 V.114 P.l V.113 P.405 V.118 .P.274 vol. Pace 600.00 100.00 80.00 30.00 200.00 250.00 20.00 115.00 200.00 50.00 20.00 200.00 "10.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 75.00 100.00 Mia. Price $ 80.00 100.00 ness has gone up 150 per cent in the games. Ruth Dombecker is some amusement parks? Do you 1 teacher of the first year juniors. know that I had to book 45 coun-1 Guests present were Donna Ree ty fairs and firemen's celebrations Schraeder, Jim Herra, Charlene, in Pennsylvania alone? Some! Earl, Maxine Jones, Patricia Burr, places I never even heard ot Mt Paul Rhea, members of the junior Lebanon, ever hear of it? I was department present were LaDene born in Lebanon in Syria but I Hoi ten, Eugene and Joyce Bartell, never heard of Mt Lebanon, Pa. Leland Bird Larry Duke, Carolyn The troupe has been phoning lin J Janmerson, Kooert Bioagett, vai here all day trying to find out 371 and Valdeen Saling, Carolyn whfe it is. but rn ffnt a show 4k"ea -""J H "js- tm v, I berg, Howard Lanyon, Alberta Ttne.n. .i InAaeA Km.T.r, rcrn ana nuui jjonuweser, muscular, jutnng-pawea Hamia, Fern Knight The Dalles, and former "understander' on a turn- Emery Owen. Eugene, were din bling team and one-time Buffalo ner guests at the Roy Black home Bui wild west rider. He s tne big-1 Sunday gest booker of outdoor acts in the world Even in an ordinary year he supplies more than 300 fairs, 200 local celebrations and 35 amusement parks with entertain ment Mr. and Mrs. John Ketter, jr., and Phyllis Kay were dinner guests at the Tom Keller home Sunday. 83 89 94A 94 95 96 97 98 9 of Former Owver McCteary, Elser C. & Nina, . ' Candalaria. Heights, Addition to Salem McCleary, Alvin C, Candalaria Heights Addition to Salem...... Beckp, Karl G. St Helen L, Pleasant Home Add, Salem fr. Brown, Emma M, Pleasant Home Add, Salem , Brown, Emma, M, Pleasant Home Add, Salem Brown, Emma M, Pleasant Home Add, Salem-L.... Brown, .: Emma M, Pleasant Home Add, Salem.,.. .......... . Brown, Emma, M, Pleasant . Home Add, Salem . Brown, Emma M, Pleasant Home Add, .Salem .- fr. Lot V.86 4 P.30 V.184 Except P.172 Pace Block Vol. 350.00 100.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 40.00 130.00 20.00 10.00 50.00 100.00 20.00 Mia. Price 40.00 160.00 60.00 60.00 25.00 250.00 20.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 "Twenty years age," he con tinued after handling another half -dozen phone calls in rapid succession, "the 'average county fair show would ran 49 per cent animal acts, 29 per cent acro bats, tightrope walkers and so on, and the rest jugglers, mu- socal act sand novelties. Now a show is 60 per cent thrill acts high poles, trapezes and stuff like that. And you can't get enough of them. 'People demand more excite ment nowadays, what with fast automobiles and a general speeding-up of life and, of course, the war. "And the outstanding death de fying acts have always come from abroad. For some reason, few American performers have ever Mr. and Mrs. Birl Robinson Dallas, called at the Frank Dom hecker home .Monday. West Salem News fr" " . West Salem " Class Meets - WEST SAT -KM The Builders class rn embers held a cooperative supper .Monday and an interest ing study on "Protestantism." conducted by Kenneth Abbott The class will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Pattison November 24. Patti- son will conduct the study hour. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway were hosts. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton Faught and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Calaba, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lisle and daughter. Rev. and Mrs. Don Huckabee, Mr. and Mrs. Leightca Dashien and daugh ter, air. and Mrs. Robert Pattioon, Kenneth Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway and daughters. mmm. In this 1942 Dodge, W. J. Braan( center) of the Saleaa Insurance agency that bears his bum and Hi raid E. Davis (right), Dodge salesman, made the remmd trip froaa Salem to Eaxeae aa part of a recent ma Uonwlde economy demonstration. They traveled the 141 asUes at an average speed ( 42.41 miles per hour, making 24.22 miles per gallon. At the left la the picture is J. K. Hubbard, owner and manager of Hubbard Motor company of Salens, who declared himself well-pleased with the lew east eperatUa of the new car's 195-hp. engine. Side-Line Painters Are Doing Right Well NEW TORS CV Spare-time talent is getting its own reward: The New York Museum of Mod ern Art bases its rn to the "finest and most representative muswrm collection ot modern primitives in the world" on the acquisition of ten new paintings by men whose occupations are: Brooklyn cloak -and -suit man (2 paintings); circus strong man. Detroit milkman, a fisherman, a gardener, house painter from Ben nington, Vt, house painter from Wheeling, W. Va, a printer, and a sportsman. Congratulations tor Bill Rogell Lyons News WSET SALEM Mr. and Mrs, Henry Toevs and Maxine were dinner guests at the Harvy Retz laff home at Dallas Saturday. Mrs. Retzlaff is Tevo's sister. Mrs. John S. Friesen and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalke attended the Gideon convention in Eugene over the weekend Mrs. Robert Forster and Donald and Bud Michaels spent the week end at Yachats. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman left re cently to spend the winter with relatives in the east. She will also originated an act of this type. Now visit her son, who is stationed at it is impossible to import new acts an army field in California. to fill the growing demand ."The 4rafLshas cut in, too. Four out of five members of the Demanetl's Arabs acrobatic troupe were drafted, for- in stance. Naturally young men who can stand up to this kind of work are perfect soldier ma terial. "Another reason that acts have become more and more thrilling is that the equipment has im proved. New alloy steels have given us poles that are safe three times as high as in the old- days. The only trouble is that the per formers haven't kept up with the equipment. "One unfortunate result of this boom for the performers has been Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas and children, Pendleton, were here" over the weekend. Sidney Parker returned after spending a month in Cederidge, Colorado and in Los Angeles. Call Board i . X"! ' , ,x , 7. h (ft i '- i ! if ,' I ' ' Mr., and Mrs. Jack Thayer, Al bany, visited In Lyons Sunday at the Clyde Bressler home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyington returned last week from a trip to the Kentucky mountains, where they visited their son-in-law and daughter Mr.' and Mrs. Willard Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. John Trask and Mr And Mrs. Robert Trask, Mill City, and Mrs. Ruth Lyons, Lyons, visited in Oregon City Sunday at the home of the women's brothej, Mrs. Hoyt Wilson. Mrs. Wilson had a stroke Wednesday. Billy Rogell, former Detroit Tigers' bmelder now elected to city council in the Motor City, receives congratulations on his victory from Barney McCosky, left, and Paul Trout center, current mem bers of the Detroit baseball dub. Farmers Union News HELD OVER 99A Brown, Home Emma M, Add, sales Pleasant 10 10 12 10 7-8 11 1-12 11 8-10 12 7-10 15 7-12 16 2-8 17, 7-8 22 9-10 22 V.197 P.443 Each Lot I Special1 - I Adults'! i 'c r ?A Children Jf? k 'A llcl Price , .,JDIrtt(ir i i s 17 M iM il r' , SweeUemrt 50.00 I . is-4a j - tl1.1.Ay -. ! X. i : m I JS. JTLSrVORE Today George Brent, Bona Massey in "International Lady." Brian Don levey. Marie Montez in "South of GRAND Today Joan Davis, Jinx Falkenbure George Montgomery in "Riders of the Purple Sage." CAPITOL Today Bob Hope, Burns and Al len in "College Swing. Ttiree Mes auiteers in "Pals of the Pecos." ' Saturday W. C. Fields in "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break. Kay aiia dleton, Gloria Dickson In "Mercy Island." HOLLYWOOD Today Wayne Morris, Virginia Dal in "The Quarterback." Johnny Mack Brown. Fuzzy Knight to "Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie. 100.00 100.00 100.00 V.208 P.330 PEDEE Farmers union will be held at the Pedee school house tonight ROSED ALE Red Hills Farm ers Union celebrated their annual homecoming November 8 with a good crowd in attendance. Festi vities started at 6:45 with a no host supper under the chairman ship of Mrs. B. L. Hamilton and Claude Darby. A special program was present ed with Stanley Church, traffic safety director from the secretary of state's office, as guest speaker, He tied his talk in with the an nounced theme of the evening. 'Democracy and Defense." Church illustrated his talk with two films He also presented a reel of Oregon scenery shown through the cour tesy of the state highway department. Mrs. S. H. Butler spoke briefly of the work of the Red Cross, off ering some articles recently made for display. S. H. Turnbull told of the recent Shopping Tip Given NEW YORK (P- The best time to buy your "vittles" on Friday is between 7 and 8 a. m but if you Insist on some sleep, the next best .time is from noon to three o'clock, a survey by retail stor. representatives 'shows. Busiest time is from three to six, with the peak 15.1 per cent ot all the day's customers between five and six. Still in Dog House SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb-Louls Roubedeaux, Pine Ridge, SD, was found by police in a dog house. He pleaded guilty to intoxicating charges. HIT KIIICI 0ZZ1E KM8N RUBS! RBIUUC9 1 LIBERTY Today Grace Bradley in "Invisible Killer." Edith Fellows In "Nobody s exercises in aircraft warnin serv- Children." I- j- TrlOmv TTh.rlM Strrtt In "Thunder- ices, run iuuiuuiiltuioii wm uhuc . v-w.iw n Tm.Vi. T- in " I "n I i Vi-NW-A miramff iu r i w.inci , i.n,n m..v i ilia . 1110, wu ut uvurc utuwii. bangs Ail were. I ola are nnen tn enrollment Those interested should contact Mrs. Guy Williams Junior activities again took the spotlight with a number ot Rose dale junior alumni participating in the program. Tribute was paid to the past Junior president, Virgil Trick, who is now serving in the air corps. Barbara Bates, delegate to the state junior camp, opened a Always 2 Big Hits Matinees 10c iSc (PLUS TAX) Children 10c Anytime Evenings group discussion about the value of Junior education in the Farmers Union with her report of camp ac tivities. Serving on the program com' mittee were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Williams, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Trick and Mr. and Mrs. J. 5 Turnbull. MARION At the Farmer's union meeting Friday, State Pre sident Harley Libby announced there will be a meeting at Jeffer son Tuesday to discuss building a flax plant at Jefferson. Dr. Van Winkle, Jefferson, re presenting the Marion county de fense council, explained the coun cil's work and urged the people of this district to do their part in home defense. Fred C. Klans, Salem division manager of the dairy cooperative association, showed colored mov ing pictures. Mrs. Jim Wilson, president of the Women's auxiliary, reported that the Marion women were the first to turn in completed gar ments to the Red Cross head quarters at Salem. For Saturday night the men of the local announced a chicken noodle supper to be cooked and served by the men. Social night is for all Farmer Union members and invited friends. The homecoming meeting an nounced for November 22nd. There will be a special program. The woman's club will meet in an all day session on Thursday. Members are urged to attend as there are many articles to be fin ished prior to the bazaar on De cember 6. Tonight - Friday - 2 Hits! Music! Mirth! Romance! BETTY GRABLE Queen of Co-eds! Ill BOB HOPE Head Man of Hilarity! Ill BURNS and ALLEN Collegiate Screwballs! Ill MARTHA R AYE- BEN BLUE What a Team! Ill in 'COLLEGE SWING' g Ml S I OB -Tlw The 2 Mesqml leers la "PALS OF THE PECOS" feRVlllliNjj I STARTS TODAY TWO SITS! it SAUM'S LEADING THEATRE ill Ultlillit! tiiW VillilUil W'MV ill) viMU Last Big Day Ace Hits I mi Today Friday Saturday Pins Defense Tax Appraisal ' No. Namo of Foraaoff Owaer IS . FerelL Emma J. '22 Bradbury,: Caroling W. Sec Tw Kgo. . 33 7 SW. Aer. Fr. t SW 14.77 rate Vol. V.192 P.604 mmi s ii iii.xm - m m m - jl ,. w m m m r a mmr s , v i.. am - C3Ti FOICW March ef Time JnflTTrSKCal V 80.00 160.00 i mri. -Prir I wmpuT uiai is du.uu ieer w esieriv. measurea raaj-auy. ixuuv mc cra ter line of the main track of the Southern Pacific Company at nig 150.60 peer's Station 113 & 10.0; thence Southeasterly, along the said West- 9mm mo I erry riant ot way line ot the Southern Pacific comoany on tne arc e a curve to tne len, having a radius of 5357.ZZ feet, 50.00 feet to a point, that is 30.00 feet Westerly, measured radially, from the said center line of the main track of the Southern Pacific Company at Engineer's station ii j St 59.75. thence North 88' 20 West 40.00: thence Ncartn- And 2nd ISHUKSU Featere VSoUarZAUT CULLETSczi CALLASSI Except the following described real property on which the mini mum orice is 150.00. Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 12 as shown and designated upon the duly recorded plat of the Garden Home Tracts, I westerly on the arc of a curve to the rieht bavin a radius of 5989.99 : dated April 6, 1903, and recorded in the Markn County Book of feet a distance of 37.7$ feet to a point which is 10.00 feet Southerly, at . Plats, Book 3, Page SO, on May 13, 1803, the said Northwest corner right angles, from the said North line of the said Caroline W Brad- also being the Northwest corner of the parcel of land conveyed to burr's property; thence North 89 20 West along a line which is paral- Eva Honn bv deed dated September 27, 1932, recorded February 7, lei with and 10.00 feet Southerly, at rishi ancles, from the said North . 1934, in Deed Book 217, Page 818, In tho Marion County Records; J line of Caroline W. Bradbury's property a distance of 82129 feet to a thence South 5 ZV East, along the Westerly boundary line of the point in the Westerly boundary line of the said harden Home Tracts; ' uM r.ardM Home Tracts, which also la the centerline of the County Lthence North 13 lSVWest. alontr the said Westerlv boundary line ' Road, 297.00 feet to an angle point, thence South 13 15 East, con. 10 JO feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.228 of an : tinuing along the said Westerly boundary line of Garden Homo Tracts acre, more or less. 1 and the said center line of the County Road, 321.42 feet to the South- win addition to the price the purchaser shall pay coat ot west corner of the said parcel of land conveyed to Eva Hogan, which advertising. v - . i- . - - ' -point is the actual point of beginning of the parcel of land, to be de- - IN WITNESS WHEREOF. X have hereunto affixed jny hand ofC- scribed: thence South 89 20 East,' along the Soutn line ox tne saia aairy wis atn day of November, 1941. - farri f land eonveved to Eva Hogan. which line Is also the Nona - - . . - - - .. . , a, C. BURK ' line of the nroperty owned by Carolixa W. Bradbury, 837.01 feet to a i . ' . . s Sheriff of Marion County. U point in the Westerly .lint of the right ntway.of the Southern pacsacwov. ts-20-27; C4. itv. -- mr m . M .. . . mm mm L-SA 71 U2l Added: News, Our Gang Uoraedy and SeriAL bJcy tuudenr r 1 JtJUJUULL) 20c 27c Matinee Nights Flos Tax Continaous Daily tvm IT. V. H SndlXlt, 1 I Feaiare A J Czdltaag. Airsatarri Act!ati f .'W 6e 5 C SX2T Edward Small l COMPANION FEATUBE Daring Dot! Exofic KIils ta a rorbtddsm Pagan Paradlaal I T,MfriFW HttttT wocoxom itunn atiL:i I