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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1941)
Rising Labor Costs and Repair Bills Charged; Recommendation Of State Expert Is Awaited 1 Willamette valley. flax cooperatives sought cooperation of the state board of control here Wednesday in raisin? the local industry's price to the market from the 60-cjait New York quota tion of the board to around 65 cents. Four representatives of the co- operatives declared a belief the price could be increased without bolstering the threat of Peruvian producers to become serious com petitors and maintained that ris ing labor costs and repair bills necessitated their obtaining more ' for the processed product "Our prime interest is to be of assistance in retting the whole flax industry here on an established basis," Gov. Charles A. Sprarne told the petitioners. The governor expressed a be lief that production of flax fiber by the state prison flax plant had be come such a small part of the to tal in Oregon that the cooperatives were in a position virtually to set their own price. He warned that "if we get the jack screws under the price too much now, the mar ket will not feel very kindly to ward us in the future, and they are the ones we'll have to depend on for a market." The governor and the board ad vised the cooperative spokesmen to confer with L. L. Laws, the Quotations at Portland Produce Exchange do 270-300 lbs. JO 10.00 10.00 11 JO Nov. 12 (AP) I Butter prints: A grade 39c in parcn- . PORTLAND, Ore., Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120. Cattmle: Salable and total 200. Steers, ch. 1000-1100 lbs. 12.00012.40 do good, 900-1100 lbs. 10.25 Q 12.00 ment wrappers 40c in cartons, B grade 38c in parchment wrappers, 39c in cartons. ' Butterfat First quality, maximum .6 ol 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port land, 38-38,4c lb.; premium quamy do med. 750-1100 lbs. do common, 750-1100 lb Heifers. Good Salem First In Harvest Placements do med, 500-900 lbs do com. 500-900 lbs (maximum of .35 of 1 Der cent acidity), Cows, good, all wts ' - . . - . . m a ntAninm mii i 40-40 'ic ID.; valley routes ana country r ints 2c less or 37 Vic; second quality cents under first, or 37-37 . Eggs Prices to producers: A large 36c; B large 31c; medium A, 31c; medium B, 28c; B, small, 20c; A small, 25c. Resale to retailers 4c higher lor "ttSZmZi .iSKr in Pnrl.nrf r- Calves, gd-ch tan. Tillamook triolets 28c lb.: loaf I do com-med 29c lb. Triplets to wholesalers 26c lb.; loaf 27c lb. ijo.b. Tillamook. ' do medium, all wts do cut-com, all wts do canners. all wts Bulls (yearling excluded) beef, good, all wts do sausage, good, all wts do sails, med. all wts do cut-com, all wts 9.25 7.75 9.50 8.50 7.00 7.50 6.50 4.10 Portland Produce Vealers, gd-ch, all wts do com-med, all wts do cull, all wts , : S 10.50 9.25 10.75 3 9.50 8.50 & 8.25 & 7.50 $ 5.00 4.25 5.00 8.250 8.75 8.25 8.75 7.25 8.00 6.00 7.25 10.00 11.00 10.00 11.00 With one of Oregon's most suc- 11.0012.00 7.5011.00 6.00 7.50 Sheoe: Salable and total 900. Ewes (shorn) gd-ch 4.50 9 8.00 do, com-med 50 a 4.50 Lambs do gd-ch .. 9.75 10.50 do med-gd 9 25 9.50 do common 8.009 9.00 PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) Country meats Selling price to retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, 126-140 lbs., 14,i-15c; light-thin, 12-13c; vealers. fancy. MlSc: heavy. 14-15c; cessful harvest seasons rapidly gg; wk.-ood? 1 Wool in Boston Hrawinff in a olrteA thA etato cm- ter COWS, 12c: Catuier COWS, ll-UC: .-.0 , bulls, 144-15c. BOSTON, Nov. 12 (AP) (USDA) pioyment service report OI agri-I uve poultry Buying prices : o. i i xnere was very utile interest in ao- .... ....... i Krflue ckiiuiii uiuucis, uiiu 73 mesuc wvua w kiic cwion wwi xiuu- CUltural placements lor the first 18c; over 1,4 lbs., 18c; fryers 2-4 lbs., ket. Buyers were out of the market in wiu. v,j 100 -o , 18 c; roasters, over 4 lbs., 19c; col- temporarily. Dealers generally were 10 months Showed 132,736 larm Ured hens, 19c; Leghorns, under 3'4 making no effort to push sales and Inha handle rnmnarr with 1M. . 15cl ,?ver a'a ids., lie. uia asking prices were be ng firmly main ' - ; roosters oc id. 735 for the entire year of 1640. lbck!YarS,' tijSa& " Reports from 23 employment t Peppers Greenl 40c box: red, 90c box. Offices to Director Lee C. Stoll Potatoes New white locals, 1.65-1.75 . , , oft , , . cental; Deschutes Uems ,2.13-2.25 cental; put Salem's 36,895 placements m vakima No. l Gems 2.00-2.10 cental. Hay Selling price on tracks: Alfalfa No. 1, 18.50; oat-vetch; $13.50 ton; Willamette valley clover. 12.00 ton; tim othy, eastern Oregon, $21.50 ton. Mohair 1941. 12-month. 45c lb. Nuts Price to wholesaler: Filberts tained in spite of the lack of demand. Stocks and Bonds the lead, Portland, next with 29, 381 and other leading farm job offices ranking as follows: On tario 11,342; Hood River 8135; Medford 8088; Pendleton 6914; Klamath Falls 5874; McMinnville November 12 Compiled by The Associated Press STOCK AVERAGES 30 15 15 Indus Rails Util Net change D. 1 D. 4 D. 6 Wednesday 57.5 15.4 29.1 state's flax expert. Much will rest 5755; Eugene 3823; Corvallis3330; fSf'miuTiSc; &b$'l3?4c; on Laws' recommendation as to Albany 2966; Oregon City (993, soft sheli, jumbo .none; large 19c; price changes, it was indicated. The cooperative leaders said they anticipated a 200-ton car ryover this season and pointed out that a five-cent increase in price on this quantity would brinr them an additional $20, 00. The state through lack of addi- and Bend 2097. Salem's big months were Aug ust and September, when the lat ter part of the bean harvest ran into the early hop picking to cre ate an emergency that brought delivery. 1 to 22 bbi. lots Previous day 57.5 Barcelona, jumbo 21c, large 184c. fancy Month ago 58.8 I7c, DaDy lec id; uucnuiy, j urn do xear ago 00.0 20c, large 19c. fancy 18c lb. 1941 high 63.9 walnuts trices to wnoiesaiers: i iai low c.o BOND AVERAGES 20 medium 17c: babv 14Vc lb. Mavette iumbo none: laree 20c lb.: second I Net change grade Franquette, large 18c; medium Wednesday ... 17c; baby 15c lb.; soft shell, large 17c; Previous day medium 16c; baby 14c lb. Month ago Woot 1841 cup, Oregon rancn nom- I xear ago inal 32-33c lb.: crossbred. 34-37C lb. 1941 high Domestic flour Selling price, city 1941 low . ; la: 15.8 16.7 17.7 19.0 15.4 29.7 31.3 36.4 35.5 29.1 10 10 60 Stks D 39.: 40 41- 46 45 39. 10 amily pat- 7.70 boi.; Rails Indus Util Frgn . D. 5 unch o. 2 D. . 62.0 105.1 102.0 47 , 62.5 105.1 1022 47 . 62.4 105.4 101.9 50 . 60.5 105.0 100.3 38 66.5 105.4 102.2 51 602 1042 99.0 38 Stock Market Hits New Low Far pastern, Labor Troubles Cause Dip And Selling Wave NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-)-The November decline in stocks Wed nesday accelerated into a steep slide as selling to establish tax losses reached what some brokers termed "unusually large" propor tions. Industrial leaders receded frac tions to as much as 2 points, many reaching new 1941 lows. Rails, in the downward procession from the start, widened their losses in the late proceeding on the announce ment of a strike order by the op erating brotherhoods to become ef fective December 7. Hamstringing the market in the work of absorbing the expanded offerings was a general timidity on the part of buyers who did not like the looks of the far eastern picture and troubled labor situa tion. Recording one of the sharpest dips in recent months, the Assoc! a ted Press 60-stock average was down .7 of a point at 39.3, the low est level for the composite since April 2 and only .2 of a point above the 1941 low. Active turnover In various low priced shares lifted volume to 1, 017,630 shares the largest since Sept. 25, against Monday's 627,100 shares. Among the weaker issues ' were US Steel, Bethlehem, General Mo tors, Chrysler, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, Douglas, Ameri Salem Market Quotations Th nrlcea below u Brined trw a lo cal grocer ai indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers out are not guaranieea ej The Statesman i VEGETABLES Apples, box Beets, bunch, Ooz. Brussels sprouts, flat caDDage Cabbage. Chinese, dor. Carrots Cauliflower, crate Celery, green Celery hearts, dos. Danish squash Garlic, lb. Hubbard squash Lettuce, as Mustard greens, dor. Onions, 50 lbs. , Onions, green Potatoes, 100 lbs... No. 1 new Potatoes. No. 2, 50-lb. bag Radishes, aoz. 1-5 .40 1.00 1.40 .65 JO 20 1.40 .85 5 J8 .015 . 1-50 . .40 . 1.65 .. 30 .230 .70 . as GRAIN, HAT AND SEEDS (Buying prices) Oats. No. 1 Feed barley, ton Clover hay. ton Alfalfa hay, ton Dairy feed, 80-lb. bag Hen scratch feed Cracked corn Wheat BUTTER PRINTS: (Buying Prices) A B 30.00 30.00 . 9.00 to 10.00 14.00 to 16.00 1.75 225 225 1X0 JO to Quarters EGGS AND POULTRY (Buying Prices of Andreten's) BUTTEKFAT No. 1 No. 2 Premium Extra large white Extra large brown Medium Standard - Pullets Colored hens Colored frys White Leghorn Old roosters 29. 28. .40 ', .40 27 .41 27 27 22 21 20 .17 27 J3 .08 Buying prices: A grade print 4IV4c; B grade H Quarters UMt. ' (Baying Prices t ttartoa Creamery BUTTERFAT Premium -- No. 1 -Zl No. t -s EGGS Large A' Large B Medium A Medium B Pullets Checks Colored hens Colored fryers . Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens Old roosters 27 22 21 2S 20 23 25 J4 JI JS j95 No. 2 poultry M less. BOPS (Buying Prices) Seeded 1942 contract l&ti : Seedless- , 28 22 to 26 28 LIVESTOCK (Buvtn. d rices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to 4 pjn.) Top lambs 9M Ewes -- xv io d.wj Hogs, top 160-200 lbs. 1025 Sows to 820 VeaL top 11-00 Dairy type cows Beef cows Bulls Heifers Dressed veal . 5 00 to 823 6.50 to 7.00 7.75 to 825 624 to 725 23 Grain Market IjaTailspin CHICAGO, Nov. 12.-a5)-Aport holiday outburst of selling Wed nesday sent grain and soybeans prices into the worst tailspin since the mid-October break. Wheat tumbled as much as 4 to 4 cents, coming within h of the limit permitted in one session. Soybeans fell 6 cents, the limit, corn and rye more than 3 cents and oats almost 2 cents. AH grains recovered part of the losses be fore the close but beans, in which trading was virtually at a stand still during the last half of the session, finished at the bottom. In the final hour there was enough buying attributed to east ern sources and professions and to mills to taking advantage of lower prices to rally the market Wheat closed 2-2 lower than Monday, December H.13-, May $1.19-19H. WOOL AND MOHAIR Wool Lam be Mohair .4 23 AS can Telephone, Western Union, American Can, Union Carbide, Al lied Chemical, Johns-Man ville, US Gypsum, Santa Fe, Southern Pa cific and Great Northern Pfd. Pennsylvania ended with a mi nor gain, deriving support from the declaration of a $1 dividend which brought the year's payments to $2 a share against $1.50 in 1940. There is bo personal or .basiness emergency vic we cannot help yon meet with a conveniently, speedily arranged loan! Drop Inte oar offices far foil details ... , STATE FINANCE CO. FOR MONET IN A HURRY 344 State Phone t2tl Lie, 8-216 M-222 .v.n tents. 49c. 7.35-7.95: 98c. 7.10-7.' tions. Salem's placements during blended hard wheat 5.85-8:30; soft THE LONE RANGEB False Alarm for the Sheriff. By FRAN STRJXEB the 60-day period were 30,897. tional machinery and limitations Portland's farm job record reach on prison labor imposed by the In- ed its height during the June ber stitution's d e c 1 1 n i ng population ry harvests with 12,651 place- give prospect mat only louu acres merits of flax can be taken in by the prison plant next year as against m?J' ATr Food Sanitation production and 100 tons over, the Vifilfltirmfl latter amount available, however, T wirtiiuiio to be produced by raw flax now A Vfifinrl wheat 5.50; bluestem 6.00-6.50. Hops 1941, 38'i; 1S42 contracts, 32C. Cascara bark 1940 peeL 10c lb.; 1941 IOC ID. i Portland Grain said. No proselyting of co-ops' skilled labor by the state will be countenanced, Gov. Sprarne de clared In response to a com plaint voiced by Joseph Bernt, chairman of the board of the Mt Angel Flax cooperative. Bernt said a state employe had lately been Inducing hacklers trained at the Mt. Angel plant to take higher-paying positions with an Independent concern. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 12 (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close May 95a 95,i 95,,4 95a December 91 91 91 91 Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38 -lb. white, 35.00; barley No. 2 45-lb. BW, 28.00; corn No. 2 EY shipments. 32.75: No. 1 flax, I.7414. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white. 93: soft white excluding Rex. 96: white club, 97; western red, 97; hard red winter: Ordinary, 90; 10 per cent. u j 93: 11 oer cent. 9914: 12 Der cent. 1.04i. iuc uiai iosc ui auixiics iuuiiu Horrt .Kit r-rtin- infill., in per cent. 1.07; 11 per cent, 1.13;' 12 per cent, 1.17. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 26; flour, 12; corn, 24; milifeed, 3. 111 nam burger analyzed by the state department of agriculture chemists for an unusually long period was reported last month and resulted in a $100 fine for Portland Livestock owner of the market involved. Most of the September condem- nfltirtriQ nnH vinlatinne in -fwwl bqti. ..MMw.u u. . .v..vra.0 ... AWiA Sail 1 w itation were found in restaurants, 4 dairies and grocery stores. In the period, live minimum require- The flax cooperatives were rep- mnt dairies were given a time resented at the meeting by Bernt, "nut in which to meet the state Rufus Kraxberger, chairman, sanitary requirements, and sjpi- s a n D y co-op; Herman Coyie, r acuon was uten in me cases chairman, St Paul co-op, and El- of three grade A dairies and one mer Jensen, ., president, Spring- grade A pasteurization plant v field co-op. Two Testaurants were closed un til sanitary requirements are met, Mickle Takes Part in another one so closed was per- I nmieu 10 reopen ana seven res taurants were given a time limit I in which to be cleaned or closed. Weevil or worms caused the state department of agriculture f department representatives to con will be in Hood River Friday and demn 170 pounds of white and PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 12 (AP) I (USDA ) Hogs : salable and total 600. Gd-Ch. 140-160 IDS. I S.50010.25 do 160-200 lbs. 10.00 10.65 do 180-200 lbs. 10.50 & 10.65 do 200-220 lbs. 10.15 10.65 do 220-240 lbs. 10.00 10.50 do 240-270 lbs. 9.75 10.15 cNutt Denies Oleo Petition Dairy leaders of the state have been advised that Federal Secur ity Administrator Paul V. McNutt has denied the . petition of the United Dairy committee for a re hearing on the new standard of identity for oleomargarine which became effective last September 5. Many Oregon dairymen had signed the petitions, which came from all parts of the country. Mc GTT HORSES) READY. WE'LL START FlXIM'THF. IyOUVE SEEM FOR VOUR'X THERE OCTfr SEEM ) I WHATJ THE ) ( SHERIFF. VWD BETTER COME- I ALL RIGHT. ) (ftJLW WITH ) ( YOU (XJEVrTT END CP THE LOME RAMGE.R 5E1F, THERE ARE hO T7 TO E, WU-TOf1.r-' MATTER, S XQ VOU CFPtCE IM A HURRY. V, YDO. r- ( COME YOU tot REIth - POLLY AND HER PALS A Chip ofi the Ol' Block. By CLIFF STEHEET $ORPVICAr4rHLP Vz KNOWS-BUT I CALLED I I ( THERE'S ONB TWIN3 1 I "SOU WlTHOUR S UP AND TUEV SAID Vl x CANT STAND FOCi y7ZX f S91 N ft ACCOUNTSAS I -"WEV COULD SPARE 7lJH. ! fiS IN A PERSON..- J A S S"5 ISN'T ANV 1 PROMISED I WOULD, )V -, M I AND "THAT'S J J ( LTTERARV CUJB tJ If BLTT MV LITERARTV Cl ' t ( FHBBlNG JfT 1 MB ' J J XL "" C p J?kjL CLUB CALLED A S JQ$( -S V-P 7" 7 i ) ' ..U SrlA SS Saturday to attend the annual rye flour, 23 sacks of corn meal, convention oi tne uregon , Farm 40 pounds of cereal and 50 Bureau federation. Mickle is a pounds of dates. member of the nominating: com- Among other violation w mittee and is on the nroeram for found a bread mi rro;n. Nut said, in effect, that the pub- - . . . I ---o --m----v. I i x x i.x a luncheon address on "Coopers- that was leaking oil into the bread "c 1Iitcresk 18 cerveu unaer mixture. The machine was con-1 me new stanaaras unaer demned until repaired and the e old Dairymen's chief object- bread mixture, of cours. nrrWH uon Ulai ule new sianaaros per dumped. MICKEY MOUSE Pierre With an Axe to Grind. By WALT DISNEY tion in Defense." On November 18 he will ad drees the Lions club at Bend on a similar theme mit sale of oleo colored as butter Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. 12-(ir-Today,s closing quotations: Air Reduction ....36 Eastman Kodak 133 Va Perm RR ... .21 Alaska Juneau ....2 Gen Elec 26 Phelps Dodge 27 Al Chem & Dye 148 Gen Foods 38 Phillips Pet 44 Allis Chalmers .;25 Elec Pow & Lt ....1 Proc & Gamble .55 American Can 73 Gen Motors 36 Pub Serv NJ 15 Am Car & Fdy .6Vii Goodrich 19y Pullman 22 Am Rd & Std Stn 4 Goodyear 17 Radio .3 Amer Roll Mills ..11 Great Northern 23 Rayonier 12 Am Smelt & Rf ..35 Greyhound .....12 Rayonier Pfd J.26 Amer Tel tt Tel 148 Illinois Central 7 Republic Steel 17 Amer Tobacco B 55 Insp Copper 10 Richfield Oil .10 Am Water Wks ..2 Inter Harv .: 45 Safeway Stores -41 UraUv w. ta 0 -7 iuict xm:ci . -..4?4 ooin nue , , iff-vi Lettuce Mart Strong With Supply Liberal PORTLAND,' Nov. J2.-ff)-The lettuce market was strong, sup plies were liberal and prices were somewhat higher, for East Side Farmers' wholesale trading Wed nesday. ' ; Offerings sold quickly at $1.50 for The Dalles and other mid-Co lumbia varieties. Some small lots were 10-15 cents higher. Local lettuce was 75-85 cents crate, gen- " Anaconda . Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp Baldwin Loco Bendix A via Beth Steel 25 Int Pap & P Pfd 58 Shell Union 14 ...3 Inter Tel & Tel .2 Socony Vacuum .9 6 Johns Manville 54 Sou Cal Edison 22 -.3 Kennecott 32 South Pacific -! 13 Ubbey-O-Ford -25 SperryCorp .32 33 Lockheed :;,:::.27 Stan Brands 3 ; 57 Lowe's Boeing, Airplane -19 Long-Bell A Borden 20 Monty Ward. Celery showed a queer twist, with Utah type generally $1.60-65 crate and white sorts around $1.35. Hearts were xmchanged. . . Cauliflower was about the same with the bulk of No. l'Selling at 55 cents crate. .36 Stan Oil Calif 24 3 Stan Oil Indiana 32 22 .a i?J. t Worlw at Lockheed utiyk -lone weDsxer ..01 3 Studebaker 4 Borg Warner . 18 - Monty Ward Calumet Hee 6 Nash Kelv Canada Dry 15 Nat Biscuit 16 Sunshine Mining .4 Canadian Pac 4 Nat Dairy Prod. ,15 Trans-America 4 Caterpillar Tree -38 Nat Distillers . 22 Union Carbide .68 Celanese J.-J1 National Lead I4 Union Oil Calif -14 Chesa & Ohio 33 NY Central 9 Union Pacific 67 Chrysler -52 North Amer Av 13 United Airlines 13 Col Gas At Elec 1 N American Co -11 United Aircraft -38 Commercial Solv -8 Northern Pacific -5 United Drug 5 Consolid Aircraft 20 Ohio Ofl Unite Foods 71 Consolid Edison 14 r Otis Steel ,. 5 US Rabber U-- Consolid Oil -8 Pa Amer Fish -10 US . Rubber Pfd 98 Continental Can -30 Pa Gas it Elec 22 US Steel , . , 51 Corn Products -47 Pac Tel tt Tel 108 Vanadium - 20 -Crown Zeller 12 Packard .- 2 Warner Pic 4 Curtiss Wright ----8 Pan Amer Air -17 West Union - 27 1 PIONEER Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Wells received word from their son, Marion, who is working at Lockheed, that he is hopin to come home for Christmas. ; Doug Aircraft : 68 Paramount Pic 14 West Elec Da font De N -146 Vi J C Penney .78 Woolworth -74 -26 ." 'i r rrrriii--s-- , ; 1 . ' : WANTED ' "f-v -riiiti'B'gifi" ; ' 1 7-!nut meats and Filbert i 4 lUTkESj I taeats. AUo la shell. Cash en Wahivta and Walnut Meals I J0IIIUS KLOIIFEII . - , KELLEY PARQUHAR I PAID FOR-- J O TULUIEYS OP0ULTIlY -o:egss O FEED IIcriiT7CI Pcdlxy i Ddry Prcz:i co. , - 150a N. Front SU - Phne 7C97 FEET LEETUJ WAM LrlYi&Z J RUNT DCKT CEC 1 tC l SSytrvT - CV rAj 1.ti?,shw MCill 1 l r and fa -oo-rooT, TTKJlXl 7ficariY I hsYIwuat J ZPSrwwnV v ONTT j. VJ) UTTLE ANDIE BOOHEI Pack up Ten TrouLl . jj tSJUISOtl WALSH 'SEMlGOmAWNlMIAlAH I HOC5X 6BU1MeTMAM 1 I l9f FltW.-nCracrtKWWul lf6IriETrniJ 1 W5TH0MOROf r-lS0WMJS WMMMSkXM VeJ9TEK-ITS 1 ft-, WA6VNS1M?1a Cm!S5in3?fS$ , lEIMSLE IHATEW-STlna Poor "Somethlna -! AKrmi- " ! r ' V. I A Kff f5sl r'ITTrEl SSS5r IfiKtl 1 BAH! BAM.1 pcpevs. clwdo sou not) I ' I II : III ill- PS"5 ' J . t . I I OMtLfi I I V7l 1 0J I tliJ''iW ft . . I lTV' 1 l 1 r I w. V V- Vi" r n I ? "T 2 I I