Co Markets il'CS ma arm Wednesday Morning. November 12, 1941 PAGI TO? The OBEGON STATESMAN, Salem, By FRJUf STBX-X-t Th Wot of AU Fle. Itrictly Private ' By Quinn Hall Turner WSGS THE LON BAKGE3 SS Q ( I HIVE, BREALT vvar it. mev? vou THE 6HER1FF HAS GOT HA BREACT THE tOMS RAftoERTOj WHYtTVUH SIDE m UKB YW BUI j Holds Election HELP XVE THE COOO MEWS. s MYSTERY OF THB DBAPPEAR-T, CATTLE. Lodge Gives Degree; Adult Bible Class Meets Friday TURNER -Mrs. W. R. Hogsed was hostess Friday for the silver tea and annual election of offi 1 Financial TP WHET THE LOME RAMGER GET KMLi-EO M A MYSTERIOUS WW, THEfTU.De ft) one EtieTo i v'v V ST. I - i-fcA - i 4lWMK THAT SEKTRIES) "Y 2MvX 1 V. ft. ARMS CArVP MM DEAR WJfAJ- tGor tmcs ro.n.uiM the next CCSPORALVK AWT AWWCEDTO 1ST TO 2KUTD3RD. CUSS UKE W SCUpOL YOUR SON RSTHER& AlNTNO PPIUATt -HOD W TD IE CKCH 0AS3. 'J Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. 11 (AP) Monday'i closing quotation. Air Reduction .. 36 Du Pont Pe N..146 Phelps Dodge 28 Alaska Jumeau .. 2 Eastman Kodak..l34 Phillips Ptrlm.... 45 Al Chem & Dye..U9 Elect Power &.Lt IVi Proctr & Gamble 56 Allis Chalmers 26 General Electric 27 Pub Serv NJ .. 15 American Can .... 75 General Foods .... 39 Pullman ' 22Ya Am Car & Fdy .. 27 Va General Motors - 38 Radio 3 Am Rad&Std stn 4 Goodrich 20 Rayonier 12 Am Rolling Mills 12 Goodyear 17 Republic Steel 17 Am Smelt & Ref 36 Great Northern - 23 Richfield Oil 10 Am Tel & Tel ..150 Greyhound 13 Safeway Stores 44 Illinois Central 7 Sears Roebuck 66 Insp. Copper . 10 Shell Union 15 Intl Harvester .. 47 Socony Vacuum.. 0 InU Nickel 27 Sou Cal Edison-.. 22 In Papr & Pip Pd 60 Southern Pacific 12 InU Tel & Tel.... 2 Sperry Corp 34 Johns Manville .. 56 Standard Brands 5 Kennecott 33 Stand Oil Cal 25 Am Tobacco B.... 56 Am Waterworks 2 Am Zinc L & S.. 4 Anaconda . 26 Armour Illinois - 4 Atchison ... 26 Aviation Corp .. 3 Baldwin Loco 13 Bendix Aviation 36 Libbey-O-Ford .. 25 Stan Oil Indiana 33 Bethlehem Steel.. 58 Boeing Airplane.. 20 Borden 20 Borg Warner .... 19 California Pack.. 20 Calumet Hec 6 Canada Dry 4 Canadian Pacific 4 Caterpilar Tractr 38 Celanese 21 Chesapk & Ohio.. 34 Chrysler . 53 Col Gas & Elect. 54 Cornel Solvent .... 9 Consltd Aircraft. 21 Consltd Edison .. 14 Consolidated Oil.. 6 Continental Can.. 30 Corn Products J... 49 Crown Zelerbach 12 Curtiss WrightJ... 8 Douglas Aircraft 70 Lockheed 28 Standard Oil NJ 45 Lowe's 38 Stone & Webster 5 Montgmry Ward 28 Studebaker 4 Nash Kelvinator- 3 Sunshine Mining 4 Natl Biscuit 16 Texas Corp 45 - Natl Dairy Prod 15 Trans-America 4 Natl Distillers .... 23 Union Carbide .... 69 National Lead .... 14 Union Oil Calif - 14 New York Centrl 10 Union Pacific 68 North Am Av .... 12 United Airlines - 14 North Amer Co.. 11 United Aircraft .. 37 Northn Pacific 5 United Drug 6 Ohio Oil 8 United Foods 72 Otis Steel 5 U S Rubber 23 Pacific Am Fish.. 10 U S Rubber Pfd.. 99 Pac Gas & FJec.. 23 U S Steel 52 Pac Tel 8c Tel....l09 Vanadium 21 Packard 2 Warner Pictures 4 Pan Am Airwys 17 Western Union .. 29 Parmt Pictures.. 15 Westinghse Elect 75 J C Penney 80 Woolworth 28 Penn R R . 22 Salem Market Quotations I At Chwo of Bmliim Monday Th prices below tuppiled by a lo- market price paid to growers by Sa- cal grocer are indicative of the dally lent buyer but art not guaranteed by The Statesman: VEGETABLES Apple, box Beeta, bunch, doz. Brussels sprouts, flat iBDDage k Cabbage, Chines, doz. l,T Cauliflower, crate Celery, green Celery hearts, dot. usn squash ID. Danls Garlic. Hubbard squash Lettuce, se Mustard greens, doz. . onions, BO lbs. Onions, green Potatoes, 100 lbs Potatoes, No. 2, Radishes, doc .. GRAIN, HAT AND SEEDS (Buyug Prices) Oats. No. 1 reed barley, ton Clover hay, ton Auaua nay, ton - 1.25 .40 1.00 - 1.40 . .69 .30 M . 1.40 . .89 .25 - 48 MS 1.50 .40 - 1.65 30 , No. 1 new 2.50 50-lb. bag .70 M Large Large edlum A M Medium Pullets Checks Colored hens Colored fryers Leghorn fryers , Leghorn hens Old roosters No a poultry .05 less. HOPS (Buying Prices) seeaed 1942 contract 1M1 Seedless Dairy feed, SO-lb. bag- tten sc cratch fi Cracked corn Wheat 30.00 90.00 . 9.00 to 10.00 14.00 to 16.00 , 1.75 -1 2.23 Jjg . .90 to 1.00 LIVESTOCK (Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to pJTl. Top lambs 9.50 Ewes 4.00 to 5.00 Hogs, top 160-200 lbs. 10.35 Sow ..- .,8.00 to 8.50 Veal, top 11.00 BUTTER PRINTS: i n . n . v 1 A B Quarters BOOS AND POULTRY f Baying Prteea of Andreses'!) -No. No. Premium Kxtra largo white Kxtra large brown Medium Standard PuUets . - CoMred hens Colored fry White Leghorn Old roosters Premium No. 1 No. S BOGS . 39. 3. 40V4 .40 7 .41 6 M .33 30 J8 XI XI J3 JOS (Baying Prices nt Marlon Creamery) nun a & Al .40 8 IS! v , 1 Tht mosey you need It ; crvo-c-la to yo her cad now. It-9 today d cur ccvecl cd .1 csx pcrscsw :zz3 clx; r mocty ta a trrry its "'-N 'l P mm.- We ssi cuts ri"-9 t Lie. C-213 n--3 Baying prices: A grade print 40V4c; B grade 39c; quarters 41Vic A B 31 .32 .31 26 0 33 J5 J4 42 43 J05 cers. - The nominating committee i com prised of Mrs. John Mitchell, Mrs. James O. Russell and Mrs. Wil liain Sders. who announced the officers as follows: President, Mrs. I M. Smal; first vice-president, Mrs. Wilma Direks; second vice- president, Mrs. Nellie Gunning; secretary, Mrs. James O. Russell, and treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Bear. - Mrs. Russell will take office as secretary at once, due to the va cancy left when Mrs. Mary Soren- son moved to California. Other officers will be installed in Janu ary. Preceding the tea hour, a pro gram was presented with a piano duet by Pearl Hogsed and Eunice Bear: talk on work of the WSCS by Mrs. Elliott, Dallas; vocal solo, Miss Elliott. In attendance were Mrs. Kitz miller and children, and Mrs. El liot and daughter, Dallas; Mrs. A. E. Robertson, Mrs. L. M. Small; Mrs. Martin Shower, Mrs. J. E. Wbitehad, sr, Mrs. Ellison Whit- taker, Mrs M. A. Hill, Mrs. C. A. Bear, Mrs C. MeHis, Mrs. Earl Bear and Eunice, Mrs. William Spiers. Mrs. John Mitchell and Mrs. E. C. Gunning. Pearl Masonic lodge met in the Masonic temple for the November meeting, at which time Lawrence Edwards conferred the fellowcraft degree, and Karl Wipper gave the lecture. " After adjournament a chili sup per was served the local mem bers and a number of Stayton lodge visitors. At the December meeting elec tion of officers will be held and the master Mason degree will be conferred by the senior warden, Walter W. Miller. A school of in struction is in progress for the winter under the , supervision of the" education committee, Karl Wipper, Fred Mitchell and Arthur Edwards. Mrs. James O. Russell enter tained at a luncheon compliment ing Mrs. W. R. Hogsed, who! is leaving for Falls City to make her home. Autumn flowers were used ef fectively about the rooms and the lace covered table was centered with rosebuds and tapers in aut umn shades. Covers were placed for the hon r."Vr.4 Ifm. T 17 U7! Vi AO A c Vi gUCDb) MUD V. J ,1 illWUl.HU, OA., Mrs. Earl Grim.. Mrs. William Spiers, Mrs. F. C. Gunning and the hostess, Mrs. Russell. Members and friends of the adult Bible class of the Methodist church will be entertained Friday night at the home of Mrs. Nellie Gunning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Orley K. Brock, jr., WiUamina, visited Turner friends Sunday. He is a former Tuner student, residing here with his parents for several years in the residence now owned by L. E. Peterson. His wedding to Avis Brown, Sheridan, was an event of the summer months. WHILE THE LONE RAMGER TALKS TO THE SHERIFF WiD A RAMCHER, A MW1 RIDE9 HARD, ACROSS THE Pt-AKTS. - - - POLLY AND HER PALS Lending library. By CUFF STEREET I'll BET iMs ecrr J .fesssyJ THB BEST BOOK fT ccECTioNOP J 1 WtnKa SOME BUT GOOD GRIEF-, DOKTT NDUT SHELVES? DONT TALK SO SlLy, yXFEUXR CANT B?B MICKEY MOUSE Where's the Elevator? WALT DISNEY -'A F70bH-Xt...ll DIDN'T FAbW! r mm Hi I!Si5 Cmm. im.WCill 1. 1 .V 3 f?t& fTCT!riS1 I VEREE SIMPLE! THE LEETLE WK. MS "4 &?ZJ,$2ZI i-277? ( WEEL 30 UP AND CUT EET OFF SO EET CAM J LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Special Delivery. By BRANDON WALSH TDPTHAT6J OIIMA6HOP-', TMAT6HU5WIN' AMOACTM' UK A6UU.MA AWO GWeVUITHATUrTTEKVOllHAW& .VCXlCUt55I -JUKE&CX- VUU 1 HE KNCwD iHt l,U3ltl CrK.tK3SUtJrXLl WM I HAWKINS Ht &tt EVticYTHSvlu 18 CJVj " -i lr, VSSTI FOR UTTLE ANNIE KOOiES- AfS THE HEAkEk 1 COULDkT 5W3GL Or oMIUjGUM AWt OFF THfc bHP, tSui THtyiL I AK HETLCXWETOSEtME WHEMTH- Jk$J& rCVT1""" wfSa Of A 6ECKCT AGAU40FDUr TWN H'5 TOO SMART TO USE THE UKS r COA5T 16 CLEAR -ISNT HE r " Ml THIMBLE 1TATRE -tarrlacj Popeyi "Be It Ever so Grumble--.1 32 to 30 30 30 Dairy typ cows Bel cows Bulls Heifers Dressed vea ., WUUL AND MOBAW Wool Lamb Mohair . 6.00 to 6.25 6.50 to 7.00 7.75 to 8.25 6M to 7.33 .15 .40 33 .45 Stocks and Bonds November 10 Comniled b- The Aaaociafaml Vrtm i STOCK AVERAGES 90 ' 18 Iiwlua Sails Net chance ..D D.3 Monday ;.. .07 .a is.s Previous day .57.8 16.1 Month MO 59.S . 16.6 ' Year ago 86.8 17.S 1941 high - 63.S 1S.0 UMl low 15.4 IS Util V3 29.7 80.0 31 3 36,6 S5.5 30.0 60 Stks D3 44).0J 403 41J 43.0 3S.1 BOND AVEBAGES . -0 13 Bails Indus Net Change D A.l Monday . , ,62.3 105.1 ievioua day 62.7 : 105.0 Month ago 62,6 10SJ Year ago 60.6 .1054 1941. high 66.5 . 105.4 1941 low S0 104 16 Util TJneh 102 102 102.1 99 MM 16 Prgn D.6 413 47.6 80.6 38 1.4 38.0 Visit in Rickreall MCEALL Sunday visitors from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Dempsey. Joan and Betty Jane, Portland, who spent the day with Mrs. A. Q. Adams and H. A. Dempsey. Shower Given Bride-Elect MT. ANGEL Miss Angela Bean, Mi Angel, was honored at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. William Bean Sunday. Mrs. Albin Bean and Margaret Welton -were joint hostesses with Mrs. Bean. Bridge and cootie were played, prizes going to Mrs. W. Mengis, Portland, Mary Bean, Woodburn, and Mary Bean, Mt Angel. Guests included Mrs. W. Men gis and daughters, Margaret and Martha, and Mrs. Joseph Mengis, Portland; Mrs. Tony Bean, Oregon City; Mary Bean, Woodburn; Cle- lia and Pauline Turin, Salem, Sa lem; and Mrs. Joseph Endrigo, Mrs. Harold Brenen, Mrs. Al Saal f eld, Mrs. R. JP. Welton, Mrs. Leo Schwab, Mrs Cele Skonetzni, Mrs. Sam Turin, Ann OUivotti, Roslyn Kronberg, Margaret Gillis, Mon ica. Frei, Hilda and Miss Mary Bean and Adelaid Bochsler, all of ML Angel. Miss Bean will become the bride of Erwin Mengis of Portland at a nuptial mass at St. Agatha's church In Portland November 20. The Statesman's POPEYE Sells" the Navy to an Admiral Markets Closed Becaose e( the Armistice Jbel- Iday; market notations are not available. Wanted Walauts, Cask o Bellvery, Ore-art Baa JIOSI3 KLORFEEN 469 N. fToat St. Pae. Com. v - TeL 7631 Filberts and Net Meats 9 O PAID FOR-- Ilcrliirc:! Pcdlry A Diry VrzZzzls c - 150N. Front St Phone 7807 X MAKE "( CW, DEAfi?, I 33Z 7 llT DOES NOT SEM V PRAPS mjH440Lr M WWVm&X.VoW X1 KJOOJ ( perfeWE 1 A SAM HALL HAVE LIKE I SAM HOME 1 IWLL MAKE MS r iSDU WEANTOmLrittM 1 KWOO) I feJ ) CAT HPS I EATIK1'- I .LtROUBIJE CLITH J A'lN ON ACCOUNT J FEEL THE VOVAB ) ME MMCREDTT- WELL., IT SAM N'A ( SPINACH If ME JTX SOU TCOO V V OP I LUA AUUAW f H ENDED rfj HAS NOT JVT AlKTT.' HOME p2 V0 J jJfIi Ey "-Tr'XfQRT J i m i ' THE. RECRUIT1NQ OFFICER, SEZs AHEAD IN TH NPWW.' AFCKE TH END Cf Hl ENLroKMEMT, A xAUjOR WNBE EARMW UP TO X TIMES AS . MUCH AS WHEN HEr j lU-rSKTEO ii -AN'DOViT FERC-T HEH QUALIFK.KATED FER A GOOD JOB IN CIVIL LIFE i WELL, BLOW Iff HOT ME.' I GOT A MEDOOUNi Jn PROMOTION. PLUS fs J P-S-5T- LOOK, MISTER- ) !.,. JT TH GAL CEJrnNfLW"' 1 T2EALLW 1- LIKE US SAILORS! J V? C!1-5rf rAKf VJHAfS fACS5E TH M-S ( LIKES TO GO OUT WTT A VOUN6 JT- - MAN ttsj A UMIFORMJ r -1 ftThTr roV-- j . K-SAS. A'COURsE,THA,' SO.'.' TH' -SAILORS HAVE PLENTY OF FUM VAT LOTS OF TIME TO VISIT TrT: AkM W- J- -t nNLT3 T- ROMAKiSK r AN' OPPORTUNllOJ WELL, -ER-R r AN" fLL BET APWK VUALRLrS . . SA OlOKi KNOW THAT AFTER J rvT ONLS" FOUR MONTHS i L I mZ?. 1 IN -SERVICE CL Vy 7 A RAISE iS4 p( ' S lli BHt VA WISHES C, t THOUGHT NES-BUt T eooOO-OH SA WAS IN TH -- I f";" ) V SOU WERE ' I CAKTT 1 AV , NAW r- A" BHV x- RETIRE V KEEP Ami J J - v4cit I - Tri 4 rir r look. X admiral? A vsM J L 'SH; 7 j Your pay En the Navy is gravy " No rent to pay- No food to bvy. No doctor's or oWitft b. Evon movies and other owtortoinmoiit ore froo. And vow first enlst, the Navy pnrw you $U&0 wodh of wnffonittl V ';.' ; v;--- And Jyou wont to loom a trod, the Navy is fee place to do 1. Thore are fory-flve odd trades yow can Warn . . training that's worth hundred of doBort the first yoar. 1 The Navy offers the chance of o tfetima to young men.' If yow are 17 or ovor, Qt a free copy of the iBustratod booklet "LIFE IN THE U.S. NAVY" from the Navy Editor The S-rfes-uub Simply write er caJL ' "'. vour couH-mvl GUILD SOUR FUTURE GET IN THB NAVS MOUU! i t