t - THt OREGON STATESMAN. Scrttm. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Norexnlm 1L 1941 PAGE FIVE News Briefs Here's BitdlLike Flym-W Test Article Accepted William j Thefts, Reported 'Jung Sing Laughlin, son of Dr. and Mrs. S.J9410 North Commercial street, told B. Laughlin of Salem who Is J city police Monday a mall box taking graduatework at Haver-j and post were stolen from 942 lord college m Pennsylvania, has North ; Commercial. Ben Otjen, written his parents, that an article gi0 Rural avenue, reported moulds in Yamhai4suntT haSattempted entrance of a building been accepted by the magazine j housing a gasoline 1 pump. A American Antiquity. Yt u n g J leather jacket was taken from a uiugiuin couaDoraiea w i n ur(, downtown restaurant .Saturday Cressman, head of the anthro- night, owned by Leo Brevik, 1440 poiogy department at ue ciniver ity of Oregon- on an earlier ar tide concerning excavations near Lebanon, wrote another by him self on Calapooya Indian mounds, both of which have been accepted by the magazine. Studying an thropology under Dr. de LaGuna at Bryn Mawr, Laughlin is also lecturing to sociology classes at Haverfofd on primitive man. Waller street. Charley Jones, 620 North 20th, said a pair of glasses was taken from his coat at a bowling alley. Savings insured to $5,000.00 are earning 3 k at Salem Fed eral. 130 South Liberty. This fantastic looking object tr a real airplane which has proved its airworthiness in more than 281 test fllthtsL it i the Northron "Wlnr." a tailless aircraft of radically new design wnicn lypmes me sre- miuIiiii. hnioi Avanr ma. nv American aircraft manufacturers. This photograph, . from the Aviation News Committee, Los Angeles, shows a Tear, view of the flying wing with its two pusher prepeUors. Its greatest asset oyer other types is Increased speed, range and economy of production and operation. It takes less horsepower to aequire eomparaoie ipeeaa. - - Lutz florist Ph. 959 1278 N. Lib. Enjoys Homecoming Dr. C. W. Tenney, '98, now pastor of Ben nett chapel, Portland, declared capitol and University grounds "surely looked fine" this past weekend as he joined other Wil lamette university graduates in homecoming activities on the campus. "The benediction of the memory of the Van Scoys, the Colemans, Willis Hawley, Oliver Wendell Holmes. Frank Irvine and others eone before lingers so era- Armistice riouslv that tnmC of these dava tonite. we are going to have a great me morial occasion to Tesurrect their motto, 'Without vision the peo pie perish," " he declared. Armistice danct tonight Crystal Gardens. Band Parents to Meet The Sa lem high school band Parent's club will hold its regular Novem ber meeting in the high school music room, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Plans will be discussed for the annual December banquet and all parents of band members are in vited to attend. Plans for the next band concert and the uni form fund are to be discussed. Officers for the coming yea in clude, W. . Savage, president Mrs. J. B. Smart, secretary-treas urer; N. S. Rogers, financial sec retary. Dance Haunted Mil . Hurt In Accident A minor arm injury was suffered Sunday by Joe Brown, 49, when the auto in which he was riding, driven by Elmo Allen Hudnal, 1090 Rural avenue, collided at Rural and Berry with a vehicle driven by Kenneth Wallace Hunt, 2165 Ber ry street. Autos driven by Walk er S. Fitts, 250 South Cottage stret, and Pink C. Patterson, 476 South Commercial street, collided Sunday as Fitts was backing into the street in front of his resi dence. Dance Top Hatters Rickreall tonite Snell to Speak Fraternal Order of Eagles will hold open house for war veterans from 11 a.m. Tues day to 1 a.m. Wednesday. Secre tary of State Earl Snell will be the guest speaker at the meeting tonight. He will probably speak about 9:30. Cu.na.wjL jiq-j .a uluu j j m ii i jj jj j . u i a 1 1 ll j j 4.1JL jj. . j . nu u y ji i ir . t ji my r i ri : n " f yww.AwwiJiM ' ap."X-.3w.. fevASSr'W ' .:: ...... : 1 Gardeners to Meet Folir speakers are' slated for the Salem Men's Garden club meeting lat 7:45 Thursday night at the.YMCA. B. VanCleve is to tell of birds in the garden. C. A. Cole of fall spraying, James McGilchrist of chrysanthemums, and J. H. Turn- bull of the most satisfactory thing in his garden. An informal flow show will precede, and Frank Doerfler will conduct a question box. Dance Top Hatters Rickreall tonite Given first Aid The city first nearing Planned A public hearing on the question of chang ing the zone classification from one to three of lots five and six, block 11, Pleasant Home addition, is scheduled for 5 p. m. Novem ber 17 in. the city council cham bers by the planning and zoning commission. The lots, near How ard and Davidson streets, are planned to be used for a sub station of the Portland General 35c lunch Wed., Nov. 12, 11:30 to 1, First M. E. Church. Bazaar, cooked food sale. Y Nears Goal Teams engag ed in the annual YMCA enroll ment week turned in 51 new memberships Monday to bring the total thus far to 219, only six from the 225 goal. Fred Anunsen's team won the "super" cup with 23 entries, while Del DeSart's group was given the "stupor" trophy. Another report luncheon is planned for Wednes day. Permits Issued Permits were issued Monday by the city build ing department to A. B. Seeley to reroof dwelling at 2345 State street, $25; Prime estate to alter store building at 173 South Com mercial street, $30; Gladys M. Ap plegate to alter dwelling 'at 1945 Oxford street, $50; Nona White to wreck dwelling at 1035 Mill street, $25. Leave Institutions City police reDorted Monday three persons es caped over, the weekend from in stitutions near Salem. Fred Rob inson. 64, a lame trusty, left the " J 1 Ul 5? To.lnr 95! SJ Ufnnriav tn treat SLOWC uwuiw. '"6""" jv, Norman Weaver. 245 Division -escaped irom me sxaie rairview street, for second degree leg burns naneiul Kv a mntnrr(l PThaust. J " j i . v-.i: A knv. mj j t.i :i tm.v i LDfvaim. was ueuevcu iu imr school, was taken to the station been seen here Sunday. . . with a severe, knee laceration sui- American Legion Dance, Crystal fered wnen sne ieu wniie piayiug. rjardpnq Anna Erwert, 292 souin nonage street, was treated Sunday for ill ness. Coimty Offices WilljOb Armistice uay dv u serve psing; Sheriff Is Lone Exception day. by fre. Carl S. Knopt Located between Lausanne hall - and Sweetland field, the buOdinf wax begun Thursday to be com pleted within two or three weeks. It is SO by 22 Xeet In size. Albert .. Siewert is contractor. . The garages will houso the president's car, a station wagon he plans to acquire to use to tike students to meetings and pro grams, and a utility truck for the "Legal Holiday" signs posted on doors of all courthouse offi ces except that of the sheriff proclaim that today's observance ct school. Armistice day in county official circles has been planned as one The maintenance shop is to be of peace and quiet. Other signs are said to point to ward an almost equally peaceable and quiet period for the remain der of the week. County Commissioners J. E. Smith and Ralph Girod are to ued for sentence to December released un own recognizance. MAWAGE LICENSES Lamace Larson, 24, truck driver, 1880 North Cottage street, and Pa- , WT , J", tricia Winner. 18, housekeeper, leave Wednesday morning for ZSrSL i-JZTZZTZ'. used' for carpentry, plumbing and miscellaneous . campus upkeep' work, largely in charge of G. H, Wilson, new grounds assistant to E. A. Beach, superintendent. Meeting Called off The Salem school board will not meet tonight, Clerk C C. Ward said Monday, because , of Armistice day. The next session will be November 25. American Legion Dance, Crystal Gardens. . t Mall Carriers Have Holiday Postoffice windows will be closed and no deliveries made either lo cally or oh rural routes today be cause of Armistice day, Postmas ter H. R. Crawford announced Monday. Eyerlys Retank Mr. and Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly returned to Salem Sunday night from a five-day motor trip to Los Angeles on bu siness matters. Portland to . attend the meeting of the Association of -Oregon Coun ties in session there through Fri day. 1190 North Winter street, both of Salem. Given Blusical Works WOODBURN T h e Treasury of Gilbert and Sullivan," edited Election Planned Annual elec tion of officers of Joshua Smith camp, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, is scheduled to be held at the camp's meeting at the Woman's club at 8 o'clock tonight National Chaplain L. S. Hopfield is to make an address before the joint session of the Sons and their auxiliary, according to L. P. Ben-1 persons reported missing over the nett, commander. weekend had not been located . .. . . Monday, according to city police. Armistice uance xxauu I Frances Baldwin, 15, left her tOnite. ,nm. In .Cilvarrm anri VrA Tall, I uvttib Alt au. w XA. wa.y k-v A Imorovemeat Sought Marion man, 48, 755 Bellevue street, was county court indicated Monday missing that it would grant permission for Armistice Gardens. dance tonight Crystal Licenses Issued Fay Edgar HumDhrey and Dorrell Adaire Bonney, both of Salem; Robert A Humiston, Fort Lewis, Wash., and Sarah M. Locken, Turner; Jack W. Orr, Dallas, and Dorothy L. Short, Silverton, aad Earl R. Tut hill and Ellen E. Lentz, both of Dallas, have been issued marriage licenses at Vancouver, Wash. Missing From Homes Two Special Salem Air Squadron To Be Talked Armistice Gardens. A ! 1 1 f!tATa7i1c1 f!vATri1cl f?ffnTrr1e! II rr tin u j. urtcjui new SECOND FEATUKE I Starring Ruby Keeler and f I Ozxie Nelson and His Band 11 I n ti fti' 1 L I' special iaaie anow icane s v - - NMcmir cbsiJ I I ' . I f .. . mi" i- r !! 1 I I -S.-" w- I IB II S t . la. . ' ' I CBLirca lie . rrices Inclnde Tax '.'': - 111 improvement of a county market road running through Turner, federal funds to be used and the work to be done by the state. The request for authority was made by Mayor Joe McKinney in per son. Clab Tonight Townsend club number 3, meeting at 8 o'clock to night at the Court Street Chris tian church, is to hear Mrs. Maude Pratt Lewis of Corvallis, talented musician,. entertainer and Townsend plan proponent. Per sons attending the meeting are asked to use the 17th street en trance. from 2 p.m. Monday, when he was seen near the depot here dance tonight Crystal Open from noon till midnight, serving chicken, ham and ravioli dinners. Armistice day. French Fryer, the corner of Cottage 8c Fairgrounds road. Meet in West Salem Members of the West Salem Townsend club number one are to meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the Methodist church in West Salem. Licensed to Wed Among mar riaee licenses issued Monday in Portland was one to Emmett J. Kennelly, Portland, and Rose Ma rie Kronberg, Salem. American Legion Dance, Crystal i Gardens. f ormation of a special army air corps squadron to be known as the Salem unit of flying cadets will be discussed at a meeting to be held Thursday at 8 p Jn. at the -chamber of commerce rooms, Sound pictures of the army air corps will be shown and a talk by. W. Kelly, Portland, adjutant of the Oregon recruiting district, will be special feature of the public meeting at which defense committees of all Salem service clubs are to be represented. The plan calls for a group of 20 men from this area who will take their training and remain in the service together. route 2,' Salem, and Merle Ches- County Judge Grant Murphy V2 ,tenotrph'r' Idanb- haa rane.to eastern Oregon to aiuniLrAi, wusi- malt Ma final tour of that see- Stanley Broaddus, 15SQ D street. tian of the state as deputy grand 1 running through red ngnt, imed master for the Oregon IOOF. To-H2-50 . ria-r h. ! arfieduled to address James i. tticxa, iza UDeny Vale, Ontario and Nyssa lodges at running through red light, Nv&sa: WednesdaT he is to be at imea " I a a a ji a ataa W Huntington, Thursday at Burns, atowt a. awpie, iu ierry Friday at DrewSey and Saturday street, four in driver's teat, at Mitchell. nnea si. : Vlrgu l Maxweu, AiDany rouie . -CDXCCIT COURT- I two, failure to stop, paid $2J8 K. F. McKennon vs. E. M. Mc- ball. Kennon; case dismissed and plain- Roy L. DeWall, Jefferson, un tif f ordered to pay defendant's at- necessary use of horn, paid 15 torney's fees and cost of litigation, bail. Bernice Nelson vs. John Harms I Ernest J. Spees, Philomath, un and Clara Harms; case in which necessary use of horn, paid $5 bail, plaintiff seeks to collect $192.20 Elmer N. Johnson, Salem route and interest alleged due on note I four, drunken driving, pleaded In together with $100 attorney's fee nocent, trial set for Wednesday at heard Monday by Judge E. M. l p. nL, held In city jail on $150 Page and taken under advisement. I bail. State vs. George J. Peters; de- J. Everson, Salem route four. murrer to morals charge grand drunk, committed to city Jan to jury indictment alleges more than j serve out $10 fine. one crime charged and that facts Joseph P. Stampher, Fort Lew stated do not consutute the crime alleged. John Lichty, administrator of Sylvester S. Wolever estate, vs. C. J. Espy and others; amended Sam Palmerton, 35, log scaler, 1 by Deems Taylor and containing is, violation of basic rule, paid $5 bail. Don Johnston, Albany, no oper ator's license, paid $5 bail. John Sutoon, Bandon, drunk, judgment, and decree correcting I sentenced to ten days in city JalL OBITUARY Wolff Mrs. Mary Wolff, at her home, 1695 Lee street, Saturday, Novem ber 8, at the age of 85 years, Mo ther of Mrs. William Sheridan and Mrs. N. L. Gamble, both of Sa lem, and Mrs. J. M. Atterbury and Mrs. Harry Fournier, both of Portland; survived also by ten grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Services will be held Tuesday, November 11, at 9 a.m. from the St Joseph's Cath olic church, with interment in St. Barbara's cemetery. Fan- James L. Farr, late resident of 790 N. Church street, Salem, at a local hospital, ' Saturday, Nov. 8, at the age of 76 years. Survived by two sons, J. C. Farr, cf Minne apolis, Minn., and F. C. Farr, of Kansas City, Mo. Shipment has been made by Clough-Barrick company to Minneapolis, Minn., for services and interment grandchildren and one great grandchild. Services will be held Thursday, November 13 at 2 pjn., from Clough-Barrick chapel, Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Conclud ing services in Zena cemetery. Visual Program Slated During Week at High A full ; . visual education pro gram is calendared for .the re mainder of the week at the sen ior high school. On Wednesday the commercial geography class will view a sound film. "Conservation of Natural Resources." "Beau Geste, starring Gary Cooper, will be sponsored by the junior class at a pay assembly Thursday. Machine shop classes will see five reels in the afternoon on steel. They are "Raw Ma terials," "Making of Steel," "Wire and Wire Products," "Pipe and Tube Manufacturers," and "Bass and Structured Shapes." Chemistry, physics and physical science classes will view the five reels on steel on Friday. Slides throughout the week are being shown on "Bavaria" and "Land of Dickens" in the English and foreign language classes. Jepsen Lt. Harold C. Jepsen, former resident of Salem, at Augusta, Georgia, Thursday, November 6, at the age of 25 years. Brother power Sale Approval Calif. Services will be held Wed- By Board Lxpected nesday. November 12, at 2 p.m. from Clough-Barrick chapel with concluding services in IOOF cemetery. Boyer Mrs. Matilda Leland Boyer, at her home in Turner, Monday, No vember 10, at the age of 71 years. Wife of John E. Boyer, of Tur- Sale by the Port Orford Light & Power company of its generat ing and distribution facilities to the Coos Electric Cooperative, Inc., probably will be confirmed by the state utilities department within the next few days, it was an nounced here Monday. The Oregon law provides that the sale of any utility must be ratified by the state utility com Loose Mrs. Hattie Amelia Loose, of 1073 Sixth street, West Salem, at a local hospital Monday, Novem ber 10. Wife of James E. Loose ner: mothef of Floyd, of Oregon City, and George, of Salem; sister I missioner. The cooperative is to of Mrs. Martha Bevens; survived pay $22,000 for the property. also by ten grandchildren and five great - grandchildren. An-1 .i nouncement of services later by falXXUB Clough-Barrick company. Cohlaa TO Mr. And Mra. Jamaa H. Cobiaa, Indepcndanca, a aon. Jainaa Leroy, bora October U Salem Gen- Caldwell T J .11 1.1- 9 TIT i 1 mmm HWTtrT vjscar vaiuweu, lawe ui " mi i - j tt .... v of West Salem; mother of Mrs. Ore., at a local hospital November I Vox aoos Portland toad, a Uuxht, Jack rw Jonr f Sheridan. Mra. I o at 4Ka tr nt SO Tara. Sur- I Mars arat Roae, bora October SO, Emily Van Santen of Prineville vived by daughters, Mrs. Dan I ckStoMf. and . Un. Richard and Voorhis F. Loose of Eugene; Fowser and Mrs. Steve Kodejas 1 E. CaUdna. w: ."LSZ sister of Mrs. Ella Fink of Mc- of Waunas, and Mrs. Ruby Paxdue, KspttaT " - Minnvflle and V. D. Harris of Fort Lewis, Wash.; brothers, AL Wio ad Oaira u. Grants Pass; survived also by six CaldweU, Toledo, Wash, and Ver- cwST'rSv bk NbeT non Caldwell, westwooo, tain.; description of property involved, filed on stipulation between par' ties. A. Lenstrom vs. Nellie Carver Williams, Clayton G. Williams and others; complaint for sums totaling $722.38 and interest alleged due, and for foreclosure of mortgage. Minna Hain, executrix John L. Hain estate, vs. Ceorge Mealey and Edna N. Mealey; demurrer overruled and defendants given until November 19 to plead further. Lydia Peel vs. William Philips and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bra bec; order overruling defendants' motions gives them five days to plead further. PROBATE COURT George W. Garner estate; Audra P. Whelan and Wilms Girod named administratrices of estate said to consist of personal prop erty of $2500alue; L. G. Girod, Ray Raylick and Roy E. Smith ap pointed appraisers. George Fawver estate; apprais ed at $280 in personal property by Almon Winn, Floyd Mills and Earl Fawver; order turns over to widow, Erma Fawver, the per sonal property. Eliza Guerne estate; final order granted. Donald Lloyd Bowden guard ianship; Alice M. Siewert, guard ian, authorized to invest funds from an Insurance policy remain ing after claims paid in connec tion with the death of minor's mo ther, Marion Bowden. Edna E. Brand estate; appraised at $850.11 by Ethel Glaze, Ruby W. Emery and Bessie M. Elofson. Albert W. Peebles estate; fourth supplemental report of Lena A. Peebles and Albert E. Peebles as executors shows receipts of $2708. 40 and disbursements of $423.60. Sarah Ellen Ludwig estate; ap praised at $965.94 by Walter S. Lamkin, Bessie M. Elofson and Ruby W. Emery. JUSTICE COURT Paul K. Glover; non-support; waived preliminary hearing, held to answer to grand jury and re leased on own recognizance. Alfred Bradley Colling; know ingly uttering and publishing a forged bank check; continued to 10 a. m. Wednesday for plea; commit ted to county jail on failure to provide $750 bait S. A. Silver; NSF check charge; pleaded innocent; trial set for No vember 21 at 10 a. ret; released un der $250 bail. Harold D. Jones; no tail light on trailer; plea of guilty; continued to November 15 for sentence; re leased on own recognizance. Herbert F. Rick; failure to stop at stop sign; pea of guilty; contln- Shelton D. MacKenzie, Port land, violation of basic rule, paid $5 baQ. WU Building Garage, Shop Construction of a maintenance building, to include three garages and a workshop for Willamette university was announced Mon- the words and music of 182 songs from comic operas, was given to the Woodburn library in memory of a former librarian, Mrs. Susan Linesley by her son, F. W. Lines- ley, Los Angeles. Call Board BXSINOU Today De anna Sorbin. CbarUa Laugbton in it started wiuj kt. rrancea Lancford, Ken Murray ia -Sarin It. Soldier.'' Thursday Gorj Brent. Ikma lfar in -international Laoy. Brian uoat.. levey, Marlt Monies tat "South o( Tahiti." GEAKD Today Joan Drt. Jinx ralkenburj HI AWV bBUIH IIWO .nn 1 1 Ceorrt Montgomery la " JUden of the Purple Saxe." STATE Today Charlie Chaplin. Paulette God da rd In -The Great Dictator." Joe Darta, Kad Sparka jx 'Tor Beauty a Sake." Wednesday Ruby Keeler. Harriet HO- Uard tn "Sweetheart of the Campuu Penny Singleton. Arthur Lake la "Blondie in Society. Saturday Wallace Beerr, Marjorta. Main in "Barnacle bul CAPITOL Today Edward G. Robinaon. MarVene Dietrich, George Kan in Man power." Dennis Morgan, Jane JfTy mn in "Bad Man of Ml Bin ill Wednesday Bob Hope. Burns and Al len in couere swing, l nree atea ouiteera tn "Pals of the Pecoa." Saturday W. C. Fields tn "Never Glee a Sucker an Even Break. Ray alio dleten. Gloria Dickson In "Mercy Island." HOLLTWOOD Today Bud Abbott. Lou CoateQo. Dick roweu ua -in xne navy, jaae rrazee, Robert Paige. Lon Chancy, lr. In "San Antonio Roae. Thursday Wayne Morris. Virginia Dale tn The quarterback, johnny Mack Brown. Fuzzy Knight la "Boxy Me Not on the Lone Prairie." "LIBERTY Today Abbott and Costello In "Bock Privates." Rita Hayworth tn "Lei tn Question." Wednesday Grace Bradley tn "Invisi ble Killer." Edith reUowa in -He-body's Children - Friday Charles Starrett tn "Thunder ing Frontier." Franlde Darro In "XTao Gang's All Here." KfiLSJLnJWUtll A Grand Program for Your Armistice Day Shoiv-Continuous From 1 P. ilf. f.lAW " Wim they daaee tisfl sersea slzziesl Wm tfcn siag... the gWors atoW IS I w V 1 1 - t 27c im mMMM Alvraya 1 Big mts I COJIP ANION FEATURE a ii i ijvy- tsrvH2a. atcusa- i 1 1 & f avcstsrtly C I - - a r . h I J X -- www wtvW- V -news ;S sJn- (, d v.cr- u riasiiti Lrj caetoon y rrrr. m v wJ L-mlJ L..J v Tjsjiy From 19 P.M. - y ' ' Whsi tkty tskt) realvay far a rl.e to tat ait awMw$9 ywi"! coats a lasgMaa; ick! Continaons Today from lrt EOEi:iSO:iDSETRlCHWT Companion Feature, PLUS m DedPnrirf gM, . . I in I tji.alWi M '.nnpnnr laXAID . EES" STASTS WED, JK, HITS Bob-Hope 'Betty Graale Ram and AOea: -. 'Bartha Raye - John ' - Payne in . . . "COLLEGE SWING . -u. Plasr - i ' The 3 . Uesexaiteers la PALS OP TIER PECOS" sister, Mrs. Olive Gleason, Kelso, Wash.: and father G. W. cawweii, . Kelso: Wash. Memorial services win be held inthe Metnocusi church, Toledo, Wash, Wednes- day. 'November 12, at ..30 pan. tmder the : direction of Walker-1 Howell., funeral home Conclud ing services will be held t the Toledo, Wash, cemetery. TWO BIG FEATURES . Continnoas Today 1 4a 1131 BJa. . JL Great LAUGH Show! Coatlnnoas Today from Irtt TODAY and WED. - 3 KITS r 5 ljaaaaa-aal -r PLUS ZSD BIG liU.' -r-T ? -It's -a -Star-Studded; ' . Musi-Comedy! -f - VSWING IT SOLDIER" . Frances Langford s- Ken -Murray - Brenda & Cobina " - Three Cheers