The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    my -' : , . T
wgance, Kestralnt Theme oi Evernng Clothes
m m
bIack ve,vet a,teM0" dreMS
.simple and wave, but supple. alim-fJdranVrs SJSita T keP
contract. A latt afternoon dress 1. pictured lit left wl ?f . " shad. often with fabric!
and trimmed at collar and cuffT with wWte mbroid i 1 to ret Length' made of blac Ivey
W dirndl with black vdveSTldrt wXcS Je Sri3 in"" Md ? Set Cent M H
(The one shown with it is plnkf aSewiS rSiilSTC by different Mouses
lit has lony. tight-flttlne sleeves WL aSKadvlack1,uttonl, down front closing
eteen skirt and molreRbaa?Je I -hSVSSS LSffi.? COntrast 8hown to
and W&?? d M
Originality in cooking doesn't
mean expensive cooking, in fact
anyone to be original usually
tries to find some way to lower
the budget. That's the object of
spending thought on one's menu.
Here are some suggestions for
something different in main
, Yield: 6 cutlets
1 pound ground beef chuck
t ounces suet
1 tablespoon minced onion
J teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
S !ted cracker crumbs
t tablespoons fat for frying
Mix thoroughly the beef, suet,
onion, milk and salt Form into
rectangular patties, about 3 'in
ches long, 2 inches wide, and y
inch thick. Dip into crumbs, egg
paaten with 1 tablespoon water,
then crumbs. Chill.
Heat fat in a heavy fry pan.
Fry cutlets until well browned.
Add 2 tablespoons hot water.
Cover. Cook slowly 15 minute
Don't overcook. The inside of the
eutlet should be a faint pink col
or and very juicy. Serve with to
mato sauce.
A creamed vegetable and a tart
relish are good accompaniments.
Yield: 5 to 6 servings
1 pound ground beef chuck or
2 ounces suet
1 teaspoon salt
4 potatoes
Vt' teaspoon prepared mustard
2 cups tomato juice, or beef
bouillon or vegetable soup
Heat the suet in a heavy fry
' Pn- Add the beet Stir and cook
until lightly browned. Season.
Slice the potatoes and place
half of them in a well-buttered
Casserole. Add the meat. Heat
the tomato juice or other liquid
In the fry pan.
Top the meat with the remain
ing sliced potatoes. Pour the hot
liquid on top.
Cover and bake in a moderate
oven (350 degrees) about 1 hour
or until the potatoes are tender.
Uncover. Cook about 10 minutes
to brown.
Yield: 4 to 5 servings
1 pound ground beef chuck or
pound aged American
chedday cheese
: Vt teaspoon salt , .
. Grate' or grind the e h e e s e.'
Combine the meat and cheese.
Form Into patties 1 : Inch thick.
Broil on a rack placed S to 5 in
ches from the source of heat un
til well browned. Turn andbroiT
: Berve with broiled. tomato
slices, or onion slices and a tart
aauce. . .- . .", .' ' . '
Robbs Hosts f
ToniaKLS -SS
V i':
Mr. and Sirs. Vena Rahh will
; entertain at bridge tonight for a
group . of their friends. - A late
upper win be served- by the
hostess. Chrysanthemums wjll be
arranged about the guest rooms.
Attending' the Party "will be
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Young, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee.Craw'f er a, Mr. nd
Mrs. Clmton Standish and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry A. Thiessen, Jr.
v r' v
... JZlLa:v, it" rCSr
2?s J5 "rSOrSgSg-'
Today's Menu
Meat pie will be the Saturday
meat, tongue the Sunday, and a
good big bowl of potato soup
will be the Monday main dish.
Tomato slice salad
Meat pie with potato crust
Baked squash, wth cinnamon
Boiled custard on
One-egg cup cakes
Pineapple avocado salad
Boiled tongue
Baked potatoes with cream peaa
Ripe and green olives
Raw carrot sticks
Mince pie, ala mode
Big bowl potato soup
Tuna and cabbage salad
Hot orange biscuits ,
Chocolate .roll with
Marshm allow sauce
WCTU Meeting
At Nunn's
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. J.
Nunn was hostess to 50 guests
for the annual membership tea
of Central WCTU.
On the program were Mrs. C.
O. Goodman, devotions; Mrs.
Nunn, Mrs. W. A. Barkus, and
Mrs. Helen Prescott, reports;
Mrs. M. J. Gilson and Mrs. Olive
Goodrich, song leaders.. Assist
ing at the refreshment hour were
Mrs. Edna Waterman, Mrs.
Esther Rothrock, Mrs. Helen
Prescott and Mrs. Claidia Lam
bertson. Others present were:
. Mesdames C. P. Bishop. S. H.
Boardman. J. R. Caruthers, O. A.
Conditt. Margaret R. Ellis, George C
Elford, Margaret Fessenden. C. O.
Goodman Mary Hogg, Agnes E.
Hogue. Bert Hulst. Lena Lisle, Ellen
Lavender. Janet Leigh. E. C. Miller,
Lenora Mickey. Cornelia Norton, Ida
L. Niles, Milo Poole, Henry Pienning,
J. A. Remington M. A. Richmond, B.
T. Shoemaker. Sophia Sykes. O. M.
Washburn, C. F. Wilson, Olive WU
son. M. J. Gilson. Miss Luella Baker.
Miss Maude Carlton. Miss Elizabeth
Hogue, Lizzie Jenks.
Sewing Done
At Meeting
The American Legion auxiliary
sewing group met Thursday in
Legion home. Children's clothes,
shawls and quilts were completed
for the American? Red Cross. Re-
. freshments were served by Mrs.
Harold Perkins and Mrs. W. H.
The group will meet Thursday
with Mrs. Walter Spaulding as
Present were: Mrs. H. B. Pear-
son, Mrs. C. V. Richardson, Mrs.
, Effie Capps, Mrs. L. Bailey, Mrs,
Mabel McGee, Mrs. L.-F, Heu-
t perman, Mrs. Frank Marshall,
Mrs. Aubrey Tussing, Mrs. Wal
ter Spaulding, Mrs. Glea Kirk-
: wood,- Mrs. J. E. , Cannon, Mrs.
3 W. H. Baillie, Mrs, John TeSelle,
Mrs.- Leon Habernicht Mrs." J.
4 A. Carson, Mrs.H. Ft- Perkins,
1 Mrs W. H. Anderson and Mrs.
" Lloyd Perkins. . '
land is a house guest at the home
of ,hr son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth. j..
, Mrs. O. K. DeYVitt left Friday
morning for Keskowin to "be the
; guest of Mrs. Prince W. Byrd at
her beach house until Sunday.
1 ' .
v -
Teachers' Club
Has Banquet
. The P. E. P. teachers club held
its regular banquet at the Gold
en Pheasant Wednesday. Host
esses were Mrs. Lucille Kennedy
and Miss Mathilda Gilles. "We
Love America" was the theme.
Tables were decorated in patri
otic colors.
Members present included
Marguerite .and Carmalita Rsf.
uiat, Willow Evans, Grace Craig,
Lauretta Martin Tacc;- ts- 1
wait ncuus,
Grace Sehon, Elsie Carpenter,
Cleora Parker, Lucille Kennedy,
Charlotte Janes, Clara Girod,
Thelma MacDonald, Dorothy
Carpenter, Carmalite Weddle,
Agnes Booth and Mathilda Gilles.
A, Christmas party will be in
December. Agnes Booth and
Carmalite Weddle are to be
YWCA Group
Business college girls organ
ized a n ew group at the YWCA
Thursday night with Mrs. C. C.
Higgins, chairman of the YWCA
young business girls committee,
in charge.
The group will meet the 2nd
and 4th Thursdays of each month
at the YWCA. They will divide
the club into classes of recrea
tion, crafts and personal im
provement Those present at the first meet
ing were the Misses Helen Dick
man, Anita Humphreys, Frances
Pettit, Arlene Wulf , Delia Miller,
Bertha Friesen, Irene Krattebol,
Julia Thomas, Maxine Currin,
Doris Jean Dunn and Louella
jWWWrfWfclfr i -frank ftS
Table Decorating Exhibit
On Display Todayl
Cooperating iri this Pr
Thanksgiving Table
J; ; Exhibit: '
, :. ; "SA1EM WOMAITS CLUB " '
t. ' . , SALEii STATESMAN "
DelidousNescafe Coffee
Served to f able Exhibit
yVisu6r-r-12:3Q to 5 p.m.
OTtvtznti CTRmc.: "
" nrl OOM3II'
v., mi gj XTAC4JLE
Speaks on
In accord with a recent vote of
me Willamette Presbytery that
on Sunday each pastor should vis
it a neighboring nulDit and nrarh
a sermon on foreign migq'rtns. Rev.
. wiiDur summons, of the Pres
byterian - Conerezatinnal FWt
ated. church, Corvallis, will speak
ai me irst Presbyterian- church
here. .-
' -Rev. Simmons, who recently ar
rived irom a pastorate in the east
will speak on "Why I Believe in
Christian Missions.M Members of
xne baiem church, who heard him
speak at the recent meeting of
Willamette Presbytery in Bend,
were emnusiasuc over his selec
lon as exchange pastor for Salem.
- Special music for the 10:55
morning service will be furnished
by the senior vested choir, direct
ed by Virginia Ward Elliott, sing
ing the anthem: "Send Out Thy
Light, by Gounod. Betty Jane
Elliott will sing the solor "How
Lovely Is the Hand of God," by
Professor Frank Churchill will
Play an organ prelude "Grand
Chqeur," by West, an offertory
"Berceuse," by Goddard, and for
a postlude will play "March in E "
by Barrett
A church nursery is provided
for children of parents desiring to
attend the morning service.
Home Builders
Hold Election
The Home Builders class of the
Calvary Baptist church entertain
ed guests at a cooperative dinner
in the lower fireplace room Tues
During the business session offi.
cers were elected as fnllnwc- r,-.
Went, Mr. Kenneth Graber; vice
president Merrill Barber; secre
tary, Mrs. A. W. Bagley, and
treasurer, Mrs. Dwight Wyatt
Jars. I'aiU T. Jackson Mitr-,;
ed the grOUD bv shnunntr TnMrin
pictures Of the annual Indian cel-
eoration on the Chemawa campus,
and pictures taken fin tVia?r trin
- - H Itf
to Havana, Cuba.,
Guests of the class were Mr.
and Mrs. Paul T. Jackson, Rev!
and Mrs. Edward L. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Wenger, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Wvatt "Mr finH fv
Brewer Mills, Arthur Green, Mr.
and Mrs. John Johnson, and Mrs.
Edward Ebeling, Bismarck, North
Mrs. Vaughan
Is Hostess
Mrs. D. C. Vaughan presided at
snartly appointed luncheon
Thursday afternoon at her Roy
al Court apartment Chrysanthe
mums in varied shades provided
the decorative note. Contract
bridge was In play during the
afternoon and prizes were
awarded to Mrs. James T. Brand,
Mrs. Lynn Lambeth and Mrs.
Fred S. Anunsen.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
James T. Brand, Mrs. C. W. Par
ker, Mrs. L. C. McLeod, Mrs.
Lloyd Riches, Mrs. Lynn Lam
beth, Mrs. Howard Pickett, Mrs.
Fred S. Anunsen, Mrs. Ralph
Mitchell and Mrs. Vaughan.
The recorded program an.
nounced for Sunday afternoon at
the Salem public library has
been postponed until Sunday,
November 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Eggleston
of Monmouth have invited mem
bers of their club to their home
tonight for bridge and a late
1 1
Orayoa, Saturday Morning, Norember 8. 1941
Cooking School at Armory Draws Large Crowd
Church Services in Salem
w,7i.Trr" rT'f"" ""55 a.
iiTt "wr. uiurcb acbool
:4-V Frank E. Neer. Sunt WiT
11. minister theme: -Life,
Inert or Alert?'
yMF?' StrenUt and its
ttastAr. KiirvH.-w KAl m. r. ,
10 a m. Lutheran Radio hour Sundav.
i pjn. over KALE Portland and KWIL
Albany. Dr. Walter A. Maleri iakeT!
Cornnr t u..i . .
Streets. Sum)
WOTSnill. 1 1 Am l m
-J'yJI. A 7-30
m naiica giany.
Corner Stat ant rnrk -
Harrison, minister; Ruth Cra
mer, director oi Christian education.
Church school. 9:45. nursery. 11.
Morning worship. 10 JO with Dr. Har
rison having as his sermon topic "The
Free Snlrit rnntvnnr. v,. n u 1
ercion." The Cathedral rhntp win
sing Arise Shine, for Thy Light Is
COme" RlHkt ..I-"!
- ' ' nuiilg WlVlfir-Uir
OJVn Rrnvn .irn.nn "r .
-u-b v.mue ie unto
v,0!!1110 the Lord" (Spross).
S mna university ves
:rs, J0. Evening worship 7:44 with
r. Paul B. Means, head of the De-
Dartment nf RoiicrinM tt i
r j irusx in tne
w.. i ma uxv ur-
fertory solo.
Services at New Era camp Sunday
2 p.m. Rev. Tom Tucker, assisted by
C. H Cox, and other workers
present. Public invited.
940 South 22nd street. Sunday school.
9:45 a.m. Morning service at 11. evan
gelistic services 7:30 each evening of
the coming week. Rev. Cleo Watts, 19-year-old
pastor from southern Call-
luuua, win speaic eacn mght.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school, 11 a.m., services. 11 am.
and p.m. Lesson sermon: "Adam and
Fallen Man." Wednesday meetings at
8 pjti. includes testimonies ofheal
mg through ChrisOan Science: Free
Pf " reading rojm. SOS Masonic
9 pjn, Wednesday until 7 do.
248 North Commercial street. Serv
ices 2:30. 7:30 p.m., speaker. Rev. Har-
Sf Raymond, Portland. No-host supper,
veryone welcome. "
Cottage and Shipping streets, in
rich R. Beeson, minister. Bible study,
10 a.m communion and preaching
bq., radio broadcast over KSLM.
"Voice of Restoration." Irl5 p.m
X"Vt,PePl. PJtu Evening serv
ice. 7 JO p.m. You are welcome.
Corner Marion and Summer streets.
Rev. Paul P. Petti cord, minister. Er
nest Friesen, minister of music. Sun
day school. 9:43 a.m. Wilson Launer.
Supt. Morning worship, n o'clock.
Sermon. "What the Pretence of Christ
Brings." Youth groups. 6:10 pjn. Sun
? SeninJ evangelistic service at
v30. The Crimson Cross." drama by
the Watson pUyers. Bible study and
prayer service Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
13th and Ferry streets, t M. John
son, pastor. Morning service. 11 ajn..
Past,r preaching on "Reality in
Religion. Young people's service, :30
y-"1- ""miitKumix Krvm oi wees. 7:48
Democracy's Way
of Financing
hundred and sixty-five
years of democracy have
made America the richest,
the freest, and th most
secure country in all the
world, and every patriotic
man. woman and child to
the nation wants to keep it
that way.
We are rich, we are free,
and we are secure because
" agovemment of the
foplj. for the. people, and
to supreme. He has
always been so from the
moment the ti aa
F:J nvbekmgs
the credit for having re
fted a new way of life
tne American Way and est
him must devolve the re
sponsibility tor rbTper
petuation. , 7V
- But normal times' do not
prevail uninter
Pted either with tndi
JUJ" , or ' with nations.
: rrom within or from with
out, unexpected event
!225tVnfutorc tempor
Pattern of hi. And ao it Is
Ijow with America. Sud
JT. .from afar, an im
pudent and . contemptuous
challenge to our way ofhf,
breaks . in on our demo
jwtie peaee and content
meat . . .
caii io
V reefy cMiy for th$ ticket s
f I phtttd tti F8ST MWMl
y ne, for l had financed hy car y
r thm. Thi Gttty ivcs wcttiz) J j
r fer at czd fires ex ay wcy! j
..NfCottas at D street. J. F. -thoff
DD, pastor. Bible school. 9:43
?iJT f110 FIr7' SuP- Morning wor
fhip. 11 o'clock, sermon: "Qinsts En
couragements to Faithful Witnesses."
vt,er nd officers luncheorTno.
i?.'1,10, 8:30 PIL Evening
worship, 7:30, sermon: "The Great
Banquet" Prayer and prais service
Wednesday. 7:44 pjn. SoiT practice
Thursday at S p.m.
Corner Madron a avenue moA Liberty
road. II ajn, Sunday school. Mrs.
Harry Peterson. Supt. 11 a m., morn
message. "On the Highway to
Success." 7 JO pjn.. Christian Endeav
or. Evening message sqr J. Cotton.
Cornmunity prayer meeting and Bible
study at Lydia Hunt home. Enoch
Zimmerman, pastor.
19th and Ferry streets. Howard C
Stover, minister. Morning worship, u
Sermon, "The Church in a World at
cKlL "Der Lnd ct Home"
( Sibelius). Evening service, 7J. Ser
mon by Rev. C Kuzahara. Japanese
pastor, Los Angeles. Salem Japanese
Community church and Jason Lee
Methodist church Join in this service
l,lf?!!Ch?I- 1tin- Ua Arnold.
Supt Christian Endeavor with Jap-
630 m"d JaSn 1jC ,oun People.
Miller and South Liberty streeU
Rev. Edward L. Allen, pastor Bible
school, 9:45 a m . Frederick W. Leh
mann. Supt. Morning worship, II a.m
21"' "Th Brands of Jesus." BYPU
PFL Wo"hip. 'J PJn-. sermon:
The Glory of the Impossible." Mid
week prayer and praise service. Wed-ifmAZ-
',30 . P m- Business meeting
"pnjeduiiely following. Choir rehears-
Up O e0
Corner North Liberty at Marion
streets. Rev. Ixvin A. Fox, DD. pastor.
I.1 g00- 9:45 m- 'r Broer.
Supt. ..Morntag worship U ajn., sub
ject. The Unfailing Purpose of God
Throush the Cmd.1 r.m.,.i
Lxeception of new members. Senior.
high school BYPU, The Volunteers.
1, k, P.m" ..ospi rvice. 7 J pjn.
Subject. "The Gospel in Corinth.'
Wednesday. 7:30 pjn.. prayer and tes
timony meeting, topic. "Spiritual De
I?U; nortn o he aity vlimiu on
Portland highway. Bible school, 1 45
J"; with classes for an aaWoewey
y Sup- Young People s fellowship;
atmJor?' ir"
KT 9 ATT1 a Mnrmrrkw a
Church and Chmeketa streets.
Georf H. Swift, rector. Bdiv
munion. 7 so mm rvrnMk
tor choir. a.m5y Srv.Z
mo., by , rector. 11 a ax Choir
practice for Christmas music Thurs
day. pjn; under direction of Ronald
420 State street. Tonight at 7 30
special fellowship meeting with Light
house church in Dallas. 1019 Ash street
10 a.m. Sunday school. H o'clock,
niorning worship hour. 7 JO pjn, evan
febcal service. 730 njru Wednesday
Prayer meeting. 73 pjn, Friday,
young people's service. C. M. Eads,
MOi and Nebraska avenue. Rev! C.
p. Goodman, minister. :4a aja.. Sun
day school: 11 a.m., morning worship
sermon. "After the War. What?" sib
pm.. Christian Endeavor. 7 JO pm,
worship, song service led by Mrs. N. V.
Lowerv. sermon. "A rll m rwi..r, .
America realizes at last
that these terrible events
hold a deadly threat to tnta
hemisphere. Whether we
like it or not, or whether
we may ever be called on
to use our defense, com
mon sense and common
caution demand that wa
build up a superlative de-
fense with a mmimtrm 'de
lay and - a marimnra of
thorough bmss.
Accordingly, the
American pat
ssn ana efficiency. A great
program -is rapkflp takm-
form, and billions) t del- "
lars are needed at once to
implement it Necessarily. '
snore taxes must be tnv -posed.
Taxes are govern
mentally -fixed eoatrfbw- ,
tions by the peoplo for the
support of Uut nation.
America does not Kave to
never will tax its -People
to th point of con
fiscation. Bleeding the
peoplo white with taxes Is sr ''
totalitarian presumption. It -Is
not th Democratic way.
To that cod the Secretary .
of th Treasury annmmced -a
campaign to place a large
part of the defense debt cu-A
rectly with th . blic
through th sal of Defense '
Savings Stamps and Bond.
- - i - (Paid Adv.) .
t 1
Sootta Commercial at Washington
Jtre; Dillon W. Mills, past. Bible
schooL 10 ajn. Meeting lor worship,
, EyanreUst Edward F. Harmoa
wiU speak. Christian Endeavor. :43
r.tSneb,tic rvice. 7 J0 pjn.
Evangehst Harmoai wul speak at thS
meacli night except Friday and
Saturday. -Salera quarterly meeting
Christian Endeavor rally. Friday. 7J0
Souui CommercUl and East Vyers
streets. Joseph Knotts. minister. Sun
dy chooi. j4J ajn. Morning wor
ship 11 aja. Dr. j. Kdxu Purdy. -wta
preecn thiernS:
Worship. 1 JS pm, sersooa theme.
"The Relation of Sia to Calamity"
Hymn amging and orchestra featured
Three yowg people's groups meet at
s jo p.m. Finance coeomittee Wednes-SfL-L?
m .Sundi3r "Chool workers.
P - Prayer meeting
Thursday. 7 JS pjn.
Gaines street at 5th. H. E. Snavery.
pastor. Sunday school. 9 43 ajn. -Follow
Me" will be theme of the sermon
by pastor at the 11 o'clock service,
joung peoples prayer service, t JO
"The Nature of the Second Coming of
Christ." theme for 7 J pjn. servW
church. Wednesdsy Bible study and
meUng. 7 T" Tt PCple",
17th and Court streets. W. H. Ly
man, minister. Bible school assembly
9:4 ajn. Morning worship and com
munion. IS 30 ajn. Message by the
Pastor. -The Purpose of Power."
Christian Endeavor meetings. J pm.
Evening worship. IJa pjn, ciosanc
session of 'The School of Christian
HTm'Jl Message by E. J. Chamber
Urn. "The Trua Test of Dtscipleship"
Nineteenth and Brevman n t
W. Henderson, nastor. Phnn e '
day. t:45 ajn, Sunday school: 11 ajn,
morning worship service: f :13 pjn,
crusader service: 7 JO pjn, orchestra
music: 7:43 d fvuuluii . .. .
Special musical program, old fash
ioned song service and testimonies fol
lowed by short sermon. Tuesdav. 7 43
LP jn prayer and praise service. Thurs
day pjn, orchestra practice. Fri
day. IrtS pjn, Bible study on the gifts
o the Spirit Saturday. 2 JO p m .
children's church. Prayer for the sick
at any time, day or night. Everyone
Auburn scfaoof house. 9:43 a m, Bi
ble school for all ages. Leon Lambert.
15th and -Mill streets. Lowell Gilser
pastor.. Sunday school. B 43 ajn.
preaching service. 11 am,- young peo
ples meeting. 0 43 pjn.; evening ser
vice. 7 JO p.m. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday. S pjn.
rhi rrfcSR ST m4 S Miu4 mm SBh w mm
Beiatel. DD, pastor. Oscar UndahL
Sundar apKml Sun - .
9.43 a.m. Mormng service at 11. aer-
-" .Tr"i"-'- " s me unurch.
Its Attributes. Its Tasks. Its Con
summation " lolhp Lux.. n
the nature of an everybody sing
aunoay school
association Tuesday. 7:30 pjn. Led
Wednesday. II - ajn. to S m . with
uudb roeeimg louowtng. Con fir ma
tlon class. 10 JO ajn, Saturday.
Stale and 18th streets. F. H. Theuer.
BD. Dastor. Sumlav vkJ la
Otte Gronk-e Sunt JmStn it
with sermon on "Three Precepts of
Friend NicHt (
ring-Youx-Frierid Nlit l
the special feature of the Sunday
service at the First Baptist r'irrh.
corner of North Lfberfrr and Mar
ion streets.
Capacity crowds during the past
month have enjoyed the features
of "Men's." "Youn PwmlfV" m-nA
"Women's wfgrity.
a copy ot tne SchoGeld reler
ence Bible will be riven tA ts
member bringing the largest sum
w w uwwu to ine service.
The pastor. Dr. Irving A. Fax.
will sneak on "Th rvtcrl y
Corinth." .
kane. Dorcas society Wednesday, a
pan. Cltotr Thursday. T.-4S pjn. Cast-
nrmm class tkaturAav. a
TtoanJugrring Day acrvicea 9 JS
lufnuni ana Jt-je ajn.
-- - .IV. H. WW mMVKW HI Mil.
rtev. W. rrna Williams, muster. Daa
aid rWw rW4nv 1 . I .
Ooo. Church schooL 93 am, J. J.
"ZV-?aZJsin wne.P.
- : ww inwir iiiiiiimwis rront
Federated Oinrrh nt r --ih
speaker, theme: ."Why I Beisrve m
ristian Missions. ' Anthem: "Send
pjt Thy Light," Oounod; solo: Hew
Livelv Is tm Rml i rJ! - w V
borough, sung by Betty Jane FJhott.
ns coucfi group. I
high school and Intermediate ex. 0J9.
Services 7 JS, panel dkarussiosi: "Ao
phed Chrtstiamty." Rotary dub,
F. Von Imrhn- f Inn. . . , V. S" JT
Golden: K warns club. V. X. Kuha- Ss
30 dub. Maurice W. Walker: onla
club. Helen Barrett: Busineas and Pro.
icwuna women, neten inuim. st
moo topic, "Service Above Self.- sole.
"Com In M u. t tTT
Etoia Ward Elliott. Boy Scoot-Perewt
dinner. JO pjn, Monday. Camp Fire
ZZZ- Bible .mdy
Daniel 3. Unruh. nadnr la wm
Sunday acfaeoL classes lor all age
groups. Momer weity, supt. 11. rnerst
ing worsrnn. seriwuu tocw- -rwfM.
sion and Worship." No evening serv
we are joining m the Btoie
conlwtim at Da) Us for Sarerday aikd
Sunday afternoons and sught Wednes
day. 7 JO. prayer meeting and junior
choir pcactw.'e. 8 JS. choir piattice. be-
ginnmg practice on Christmas cantata.
Pili limm ... A . Xij . . .
. wuawr 'mull,
Dsvm L. Fenwick. minister. Sunday
school. 9:45 a.m, morning worship at
U. Young peoples service. 7 asm.
Evangelistic service. 7:45 pjn. MM-
anu class meetings Wed
nesday. 7'4t nm r.... .
' . . . . iwa . uiuinini
prayer meeting at W. J. Johnstosi
Knrt Wtnl !-. .
- uwu. .
Rsynor Smith, minister. Church
9:43 am, morning worship at 11
IMII IS KKlor will
Looks to the Church." in observance
national education week. For the
'"i"' ""icn we win unite wrt
Knight Memorial church to hear Rev.
C. Kuzuhara. Los Angeles. Midweek
service Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
Center and High streets. Guy L.
prill, minister. Bible school. 9 ja, fol
lowed by the morning communion and
worship service. 1943. C. F. Swender.
state secretary of the Christian
Churches of Oregon, guest speaker.
Theme. "The Teach m rs of Christ in
a World Crisis.- Children's enure
during morning service. Mrs. Guy L.
Drills message to children. "Another
Lesson Prom the Ant" At 14. tour
Christian Endeavor groups. At 1JQ.
pastor's message. "An Educataon The
Created a New World Order." an eva
Rehttic service. At each service the
chw. directed by John Schmidt. Jr,
will render- special musical numbers.
After mornmg service, fellowship
gathering in church dining room, bos
ket dinner will be served.
J15i North Commercial street. Bi
ble schooL 2 Pjsu; devotional. S ajsu
evangelistic. Hans Hansen. 7 JS V".
p m. and 7 JS pjn, MW.
arup meeting. Menv.gtsHips of the full
gospel work tnned. Brtnr tnstnimentsj
and lunch. J. C and Dakrr Wilan..
Wetoater Collar, pastor. a m, Chrts
werkers prayer meetmg: tM ant,
Sunday Bible school. MUferd StalL
Supt CUaaes arranged to meet u
eeos of aH. 11. morning weraktip.
sermoiu ' How to Be Extremely Hai-Pjfn-
oon people's wmna.
Junior, .roup. Mrs, Jeasse Rushn: e-
'""P. rs urtve tJoodrtch: 1
odrich: sm
mefl and A
t ' The OU
" 1JS, ev.
sroua, ssr. uerren PanseB
w mm aroup will preeael
Candle Maker of St John 1
ensng semre. sermon, "Dent KIE
Yo-rarlf.- Wednesday. iia2Z tmZ
week prayer and praise service. Chols
rehearsal EriHav 7 M - .
- J ''