,. A... .. . ; ; : i . , - Center Plans GetStijayllll: Auxiliary Groun T 3 ; Cbnsidercd; Chapter Members Pay Visit rf SILVlttTONGeorgv Christen! on, president of the local lumber and sawmill workers union, AFL, appointed -IV J. Boesch, O. W Olson and Lester Standard as a committee to investigate the' part the organization might, find pos sible to play la procuring the old Fisher Flouring Mills property for a proposed community center. - Chris tenson also.announced'that at the November 18 meeting, the wives and daughters of Wunion members will meet to discuss the organization nf an , Bowen is chairman of this , move 1 and Henry Vaness wfll speak on iuc tiuojecx. , '('..''-, Special guests and speakers it the Tuesday nigbi meeting were L. G. Carrol, who has been work ing ;with the Dallas local: during the recent election; H. G. Burton and Henry Vaness, Portland, and WA. Kelsay, president of the Willamette valley : district' coun cil. : j. r . ,Al - SILVIKTONA number of Ra mona chapter numbers of Eastern Star were guests Of Acacia chap ter at Stayton Tuesday. t t Motoring up were Mrs. . James Hollingworth,v worthy matron of Rainona chapter; Mr, and Mrs, Roy Skaif e, . Mr J and Mrs. Charles P o u n d e r, MrL and Mrs. W. P. Scarth; Mrs. Ted Rutherford; Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave, Mrs. R. A. Fish, Mrs. Dale La Mar, Mrs? F. Sylvester,: Mrs. Frank Syring and Mrs. George WJHubbs. r Mrs. Ineebor Ormhmt h re turned from a summer vacation II I . ' No-Drip symjp PITCIIEn With Purchase ef pk as. CHEERIOATS Delicious New Ready-to-Eat Cereal, 5 pkgs! 23c AIbmCC::i FLAKES Albers Corn Flakes 2 reg. 11-oz. pkgs. . ..13c 3rd 11-oz. pkg. ,....01e pkr. 23c ;. - ' : Shredded GocoamiS l-lb. Cello . . .... . 2,)( IlenheyV Cocoa OAlSIHS . ISc 4Ita.s!.29c Kleins Soups large size cans . . j)( nsd0Wa 5 Kitchen Qneen . 4-o. Tomato Juice 01 Both . . $1.90 rt,L.$1.59 BRING YOUR IVORY COUPONS HERE IVORY SOAP 3 tr 180; Top Quality Heats at Saving Prices BACON By the Piece 11). 27 4 lb. 220 Sirloin Steals ySU'SSt lb. 27 tt Pure Grnd. Beef Noa&.7' PlirC Lard Kettle Rendered 2 PRICES GOOD FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDAY i One Mile East of Salem Gen eral Hospital. Open Until 8 P. M. Every Day Except Sat. Sat. t P. M. TET We Reserve iV. maa 4 t? 1 Si Quantities Wt Bay Ergs pent in Wisconsin visiting, rela uvea. - . . , .m : Mrs. Chris Halverson moved to Bremerton ' Monday to Join her husband, who has been employed there as electrician in the navy yards for many months. - . Halverson f orlnerly'was em ployed at the Silver Falls Timber company. He was ui the navy dur ing the first World "war. Mrs. Ja cob Iverson, Mrs. Halverson's mo ther, will go to Portland to make her home with another daughter. ThO OBEGON STATESMRM RU. r ' , ... 1: " ' riaay Morning, November 7. 1941 HcJd Election HAYESVILLE 4H Cooking clubs I and n .were organized un der the leadership of Mrs. Paul Andresen. : : ine iouowing officers were elected: president, Mary Mowry; vice-president, Dorothy W u 1 f e- meyer; secretary, Joyce Hender son; song leader, Marlene Pent ney; yell leader, Donna Jean Pence. i Other, members are Iwadin Crapes and Peggy Jo Stanley. A 4H Cooking club III was or ganized at the home of Club Lead er Mrs. Ronald Hall. Officers chosen are president, Edna Nel son; vice-president. Gloria Parker: secretary, Colleen Cross; reporter, Jean Doouttle; social committee, Elsie Stettler.ahd Mary Anne Fisher. j A 4H Health club lor fifth and sixth grade children was organ ized under the leadership of their teacher, Mrs. Olive Potter. Officers elected were: president, Stanley Clark; vice-president, Bobby Carrow; secretary, Virgin ia Brown; song leader, Joyce Hen derson; yell leader, Carol Lind sey. Health Officer Speaks at Club FAIRVIEW I The Fairview community club's first meeting of Mrs. John Allison, Mrs. Charles Hill and Mrs. Garret Larson are the committee in charge. Dr. H. m. stolte, McMinnville countv health officer will talk. The an nual election of: officers will be held. Henry Knoche, accompanied bv Ralph Timm and Owen Pearce are enjoying an elk hunting vacation. Mrs. Howard Stephens return ed home after receiving treat ments in Portland, when threat ened with pneumonia. Mrs. Will Duran. Mrs. Henry Knoche and Mrs.! J. W. Versteeg attended the teachers club in McMinnville. Community: CJubs LABISH CENTER The first Community club 'meeting of this year will be held tonight The ex ecutive committee consisting of Rueben Boehm,' Harry Boehm, Connie Weinman and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hornschuch, will be in charge of the program. Superintendent of Schools Frank Bennett has been asked to give a short talk and Moody Ben ner, also of Salem, will provide special music. The refreshment committee is Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Boenm and Mrs. Ed Weinman fca c& ca 1 Umcdufati (t& S5; rr i Ycang Ofcjca Slewing Cols nP p a w aw. t f p. au Open Kettle Rendered LADDlb. . . Loin Beef Steaks, lb. . rnEsn side code, a. . . . .... .-. 230 picnics, Sugar Cured n Mm "Big K" Fell psisd .256 : .LIVKilWUIlST : imiCE IIEAT I'VoIiasB,' lb. 17!c rV4,;llc Loin Pork . CHQr-3; lb. ft 1 l J l I I u .1 1 i f Cad ( J:7:a7. tteshly Urocnd VI. Ili ll u "uJ -v : LxJ-.u Group Slates Pie Social Shower Is Given for Lyons Woman; Bones Broken in Accident ; . LYONS The WSCS met at the home of Mrs. Lyle Kinzer Tues day. Mrs. Robert Reid presided. The pie social will be held No vember 18 at the community haH A program will proceed the pie sale. .; Present were Mrs.TCarl Reid. JS1' Sw, Ma . Robert '" Mrs- Paul Smith, Mrs. Alex Kuiken and daughter Irean. Mrs. Para Fetherston, Mrs. Albert Julian, MrrRoy Huber, Mrs. Joe MeGlw:,; Mrs. IPthai Tii . !' zlj y ";tf was sur- Pristd with a handkerchief show- erwhen a group of frlendj and relatives, caned.' '-. J ' The Thayeri are moving to Moon Lake, near Reedsport, where Mr. Thayer and son art employed by the Oliver Grimes lagging company. -Present were Mrs. Thayer, honor guest, Mrs. Helen Johnston, Mrs. J. H. John ston, Mrs. William Kulken, Mrs. Guy Prichard, Mrs. Albert Ring, Mrs. George Hoffman and Mrs. ErroU Kintz of Mill City. tier for the Una Lumber company fractured j both t bones of his leg, near the ankle. Tha earrier upset with him, pinning Hn under It He was treated by a Stayton phy sician and is confined to his home. ; Mr. and Mr.' nl tt Sweet Home, en" route to Akron! vio, visixea at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. t Carl Reid for several days. The Reids arc former aw. residents. .- Mn. Hueo Hallin. urm a vorge, wno is stationed at paczT wira x-raiaieion, nsuea mends .la Ly ons Wednesday. ranpioyw t Hoeing . - -( MONMOUTH Boh Blair and Morton Howard went to Seattle last week and axe now employed in the Boein Aircraft frtAi- Both boys were students at Ore son ukuet e ox XducaUon. and m cenQy completed a. course In df fense work at Salem. Ora Sol-- m Duuuimi in nimn wnrr t the Portland shipyards. 'ji nuuc onvmr a rsr ii - - - m. E-O-Wl "5 LjF ? 1 YOU i0c M ''m,.ml CnqcOtaTOS, :cnncnfAJi! A . Cherries . fiVlSS'a Cv ' 'JWflWX R"?1- $110 X cm mU uj ttm -IS .grtAijJCL 1 Cv Jc, 71,14 1 rMi08- 23 c y2iY nMSP r '- 'fc? v Me tn(ii- E- : J ll i ii Frnii Cocklail """"n. 13c SJaregon Pears 16c Highway Peaches 17 c Libhy Pineapple gffif 3iS20c Cilron Peel N'w S1U ,kt. 23c Lenon or Orange Peel 19c Candied Cherries ,.., Pki.23c Candied Pineapple 13c Badiani Frail Hix SS33C Tonialo Jnice SUNND,- 1ft " can rineapple Jnice Grapefruit Jnice rlonr Kitchen Crafl Flonr Sleepy Hollow Svrnn Pancake Fionr H,rvB;o"k39c uou Hedal Flow $1.99 Sperry Pancake Flonr N'ck" 49c Keen Shortening lb.18c; 4lb8.53c ri m uainmei uakmg Powder reans of Wheal Whlta SaHn Snm inmw .r. Ubby s Sweet Pickles Asst'd 12-oz. joutn opacjnem lb-oz. jar. $W7 17c 9c 15c Cihli Con Carn Penfhnnco i - Ubby Corned Beef 12-oz. can mwaia ry apmach No. 2Yi can. 15c Woodbury Toilet Soap 4 bars 21 Sunbrite aeanser No. 1 can 2 lor u Borene GranulaUd Soap 66oz. ; 5Jc Dash Granulated Soap 70oz. pk. . 49c Sturdy Etchen Brooms Each. W Dog Food Play Fair 2 lor ' gc Hi-Ho Crackers Loose-Wiles li" c'tn ; "U Best Foods Mayonnaise Qt Jar....... . 47c Nn Mad Mayonnaise Qt Jar. NaUey's Tang 32-ox. Jar.. -42c Salad Dressing Duchess 32-oz. Jar. 36c 10c S2c 9c Tomato Sauce Gardenside 3 8-oz. cans Sm. White Beans choice Sib. pkg Vcd Vita Pork &Beans Na 2Yi cans ' Cardenside Peas 3 303 cans 25c Sugar Belle Fancy Peas No. 2 can. lie Green Tag Gr. Beans Na 303 tin. 9c DeiHed Meat No. V4 cans3 for ioc Buy Julia Leo Wright s BREAD - Corn MeaL Alber's Yellow 10 lb. bag .29c Fig Bars, white, whole wheat 2 lb. pkg 19e Dole's or Libby 46-oe. can Town a No.2 ffnfitt u mrvest Blossqrn 49-Ib. sack 49-lb. sack 26-oz. can 25c OC- cans mwU .39 $1.59 26c rn ray. WW MAL No. 22 Cans for ro)nnr GRANULATED SOAP L2) 50-oz. Package 3lc RED ARROW BRAND 4d-Ib. Bas; l4:e. pkr. 20e Rlts Crackers, l-lb. Pkr Salt. Morton's Xrian.i. 24-oz pkr '. SpkclOc Macaroni, 5-lb. Kraft. 27c O. K. Soap, 6 larre bars..... sc Sauerkraut, Hithway, iVt size eans....r..... 3for25e Karo, Bine Label, 5-lb. can... 34 Gold Medal Corn Kix, rer. pkd.'. 'lOe i2gMref;. pty ;5C Ivory Flahoo cr IVORY SIIOU 8S 22c SUNNY BANK 's Good for You t Ill - . Ill SALIIOII Delicious Pink Hb. 4 Ar J Can A7C simnip Blue Jacket 15c N0.1 Can Jmlls Lee WrlsU BREAD Loaf A JL1 1 f at ibis &ttt Delic6c lffl0ril.v 5c III III finest Unilltv 2t ladivUia! fcaes la cirtoa 18c LIPTOII'S Oraao Pko TEA WUxpkf. U pk. 43c 84c Cabbag Solid, sweet O per lb . O C Celery .cI:4c Sweel Polaioes smooth, lb. Jersey. C LEHOIIS Sonklst Joicy, lh. 10c Fresh Coffee! A Fresh from nearhr 1 f roasting: oven s packed in m o n e y RAvinor naner hapsr j " Bay. a pound today! AET7AY I Lb. Bag 18c -3 52c HOD DILL Lb. Bag- 23c ; CraaberriM 19c Po!aioesl4l!!5:S9c CeUo Saladjj'Vic 1 hesl Cauliflower Lh. III. EiTfoaraTf Wren LAtCI FAMILY tat fACKAOt FOR 1c WITH PURCHASI OF 2 PACKAGES U. S. No. 1. Fancy White Heads Sc LETTUCE Grapes 3 19c - , - JUULJLCJcog pound 1 1, O lb. . I I -yA v -r f ; -fl-v- s ..... . . s-. . . .... Tri r -. w.w uaae. u.Appetitesl : i - . ; : Tender, ' full' flavor. - 8afeway's Bome aakers' Bureau hare desifned a complete cuy. 11. lessens -by aaafl eeorse tm mod, era nntritlen, simple and nlstntetlye. The, fuds of meters hewiTea are learn tax new, rttal tnfor snaliosi sbeat rJ!nf mere BatrtUre. healthy meals -mat tattdta a stremrer .America. Get yew ea reUmeal ceapen at Safewajl mm is i 'it. '.- i SwiftyfRind Off; DaY nk ricnle iA4 s-yi style, ,1 ik4 xyc w-5 Chickens, Ib. :'25 C lb.2ac rWiletLb. w ATerare,.ix. :23 c 0YSTE3S 5Si:,c23c ;C:aij;n::ll2ic' C3DS3 YCU .TOniTEY "TflDAYi E