The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 07, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    i OJ2GOM STATESLiAir, Scdexn, Oriqon, TOdar Morning, Noramlm 7, 1941
' ' ' - " .-,;',vW'.ai . . i- . ,
conomic Louncil to Protest
Ontlmlt DiHctmf
t-Bclov3, Tender Peon Fragrant Flavor for Salads, D tutrix
on-ieiense Lumber Wnr r4ian
1 i . - ...... j -. . ,
The Oregon Economic council.
fr 12 sked to draft a protest against th government'
recent order eliminating all non-fpnu ii
1 tosr.irl
PAG2 EEC ; '
aureacy naa resulted la . many
eaneenaUona "for lumber pmr
thaaea and threatened to place
One-lUrd at OregeaY Ctr009 lag -line
and Inmfcer war ken an the
naenanleyvient UsC , . .;
j TV Morris' Dunne, state , Indus
trial accident cwnmlssloner, de
clared that tire order Would cause
npore persona t.,( becyrna t unem
ployed la Oregon tnan would be
einnlojred la all oCJhe defense In-
The lumber Industry Is th
lifeMoad af Oreroa's vrosner.
ttj," Donne said, "and an heln
ran can rive tn securing a mod
ification af the ttammmmt mi.
Icy wDl Tltally affect the pras-
tj .or this state." ;.
Figures presented" bv Dunn
sHowed that during, this year
S 1,900,000,000 Is being expended
throughout the nation In defense
construction, whk'e $6,300,000,000
is being rpent in non-defense con
si ruction. He said the govern
rrent order would virtually elim
inate the latter item.
E. B. McNaughton, Portland
b inker, Is chairman of the eco
nomic council.
Officials said a n'imber of lum
ber mill operators probably would
attend the meeting.
State Takes
Half of Span
In case the federal' aovernmen
takes' over the Lonfview hrtAo
under a bill now pending in con
gress, uregon will assume one
half of the future cost of mainten
ance and operation, the state high
way commission decided at a meet
ing here Thursday.
.The highway officials said
this offer Was contingent upon
the state of Washington assum
ing the other half of the main
tenance and operation casts.
The commission sent a tele
gram to Rep. J. D. Perry, Colum
bia county, advising him of the ac
Perry appeared before the high
way commission -at a recent meet
ing in Portland and asked the state
to acquire the bridge.
Other business of the commis
sion was routine.
Herman Oliver. John DaV. was
unable to attend the meeting be
cause of injuries received recently
wnen attacked by a bull.
Repaying of Gty Truck Routes
Uutlmed by balem Engineer
1 Program for improvement of non-highway' truck routes in
lem, with $71,218 allotted by the state highway commission,
wbs outlined Thursday by City Engineer J. H. Davis.
uuuuni was me largesx given any city. The work is to
ti j . .
De aireciea oy the commission.
'oik Grange
Slates Show
UndeT the snonsorshin of the
P(flk county Pomona grange, a
8 p. m
Each playlet has been present
ed! earlier in the year by the
member granges. Music and sing
ing Will also be featured.
Mrs. Arthur Brown, .- Pomona
letturer, Mrs. Helen Van Saten
arid Mrs. Wes Elliott are mem
beirs of the committee in charge.
during 1942
The program utilizes total
annual fund af $150,000, with
another $100,000 available for
cities in which damage is espe
cially severe. N
South 12th street, from State to
- ---- " J viuviw fci aiic, a 1 v sunk uie tuy unuiS, B ulS
nrtrcran nf Alntit .ktt. ...111 l. tiiiM nl J
--('" " v- -'6" aiviio w lil ue 1 yi, DuiucwiKi over one mile,
presented at the Rickreall high is to be resurfaced at an approxi-
Krhoril cvmnacliim CtM.. I mat rnat rt 1 ) 01 n tt -1 .
. BJ uo.u.t. uoiuiuaji a. - wv vi fii,i.iu. auuu SlTeei
R n m I frnm rhnrph -
w uiuauwa, a sec
tion of the Fairgrounds road, is to
be widened from 30 to 40 feet and
resurfaced at an approximate cost
of $34Q0. If any of the fund" re
mains, $1608 at the preceding es
timates, the surface of Mission
street from 12th to Commercial
would be repaired.
Other allotments were:
Eugene $18,646, Albany $2751,
Ashland $2342... Astoria $4741, 1
Baker $2773, Berid $3620, Cor
vallfa $3482, Grants Pass $2997,
Hood River $1657, Klamath Falls
$7029 LaGrande $3010, Marsh
field $2175. Medford $5952, Ore
gon City $2834, Pendleton $3206,
Bosebnrg $2208 and The Dalles
leivice Men
Where They Ara
What Thoy'ra Doing
Promotions of two Salem men,
members of Company B of the
,16!nd infantry, 41st division at
Fot Lewis were announced
"Thursday. Corp. Louis L. Osborn
advanced to sergeant, and PvL
Mi (1 win K. Groves to corporal;
frank L. McManman of Salem
has been assigned to the air corps
frm the reception center at Fort
Douglas, Utah, The Statesman was
advised Thursday. His postoffice
address is air corps unassigned.
Wichita Falls, Tex.
ILeRoy Willig, sUff sergeant in
charge cf motorized ground crew
equipment at McChord field, ar
rived at his home here Thursday
on a short leave.
Past Legion Chiefs
I'lan Annual Meeting
Past commanders of Capital post
Nb. 9, American Legion, are again
planning the annual breakfast
meeting for Armistice day. Doug
las McKay is expected to preside
iff H. G. Maison, president, is un
able to attend because of military
commander, is to be initiated at
the session, slated for 8 a.m. Tues-
vmy ai me quelle
d d i ti o a
in the Newt
9 p. m. curfew whistle will not
sound any more it has been
waking up the children and rob
bing early mornina defend wat-v!
ers of much needed sleep.
The nineteenth century custom
has been continued as a nightly
fire whistle test, but too many
workers complained. Also little
children are abed by 9 and slight
ly older ones ignore the curfew
So the whistle will Kir. t
noon from now on.
CAMDEN. NJ. -JP- Mr p.,k
Richards answered with nn
phatie yes when asked in her
divorce suit if she remembered
the day her husband left her in
They got into an areument th
aay, sue saia, wrule removing
v.. t c. . I uaJ aa, wmie removing
, a Stumb- 'mediate past trimmings from a Christmas tree
immander. i fn Ka min.t.j .i I i . . -v,
and he hit her over th htmA
with It
Decision was withheld. '
Strictly Private"
ByQuinn Hall
t a
Darnf Sagcr
UXiiW 43'
fit i&
trlLh finMt
.ftth.Ava, :butti
Dan-Daa Frate Caka, I9 ft.
r cakn :toMd
! A , a. . - -
: iwmnr
ea Uej
fXrV Kr- yWll thm f or btMkf aai; broU
My-Ta-Fint l.rriatt Ptart, !Vt, lOai far $1,19
ISffiS tr",Hleir Und .
Low Prices
Sliced Pttts
My-Tt-Pint Corn
or Cbts Crarck
M At FrU M,rr Bmkm, $timt
Ily-Te-Fbe Vilanin-Enriclicd Flow 49 lbs. $1.63
Hy-Te-Fine Cranberry Sauce h, 13c,2for25c
Evans' Golden Banian Corn SyT 2s, 225c, $1.45 dz.. $2.85 casa
Pierce's Tonalo Calsup is, 19c, 2 lor 37c
Vale. Yellow Cling Peacbes, halves, 2i cans 17 C, 3 for 49 C
Sperry Pancake & Waflle Hour, ready-nixed, 4-lb. pkg. 25 C
Hy-Te-Fine Pore Apple Juice' 45-oz. cam, 23c, 245c, 6$1.29
Fred Heyer Green or Yellow Split Peas, lor soups, 2-lb. pkg. 19 C
Bovril Beef Bouillon Cubes, packages of 4, 8c, 2 for 15c
Ban-Bee Bleach, for snow-while linens, i-gal. 12c, plus deposit
Hy-Te-Fine Golden Wax Beans, crisp, lender, slringless, 2s, 15 C
Bole Pineapple Tid-BUs, luscious, sun-sweelened, Bz. 7c, 639c
At Fred Meyer Grocery Section
1 if A s
Prod Moyor
Mixed Pool in Shorry
5 lb.
hge, pineapple, citron and cHcTHm
aged in meHo- sherry!
Fred Meyer Umon Orangt Pl,
29c lb. "
Tangy flavor diced or hahrM.
Fwd Meyer Citron Cherries, 1 5c
rwd Meyer ciac' PineappU 41 .
Red, green or natural. Slices or ylteca.
Fiyd Meyer Light Halves
Walnut Meats, Vi lb. Sf
Fred Meyer Halve Piece
Walnut MeaH, Vx lb. 29
Fred Meyer Bleached Raisin, Ife lb
Fred Meyer pun Meats, Vi lb. 1S
Meyer Bried Curranls, lb. 25c
At Fred Meyer Grocery Section
Fifth Av.. Coff..
Fkvor-8eaIed tn IoraglMa
My-Ta-Fint Ceffat,
23a lb., 2 ftt. 4fc
Dan-De Coffee, Ife
2 lbs. S5c
My-Te-Fine Otange Pekee
Tea, 69a lb.
The Following Prcducis Are Beconmended and Used by
! i
Helen Evelyn Jones in Fred Ileyer Cooking School
pestle's Semi-Sweet Chocolate, morsels or bars, 225c; Crown Best Patent
Unbleached Flour, 49 Jb; $1.84; Nalley's Chutney French Dressing, 8-oz,
15c; IiptotfaOratngeJekoe and Pekoe Tea, 1 lb., 84c; Spry Shortening,
3 lbs, 66c; Rmso, Ig, 22c; NaUeys Treasnre Pickles, 12-oz, 15c; Swan
Floating Soap, lg, 10c; Lux Soap Flakes, Jg, 22c; NaIIeys Hambnrger
ReBsh, 12-oz; i7c;f Roman Meal, Ig 29c; Lifebnoy Health Soap, reg. 7c,
2I3c; Powow Cleanser, reg, 10c; Pepsi-Colav 12-oz, 625c plus deposit;
Nailer's Tang, qts, 36c; Davidson's Cup Cakes, 25e; White Satin Sugar,
10-lb, 61c; Lux Toilet Soap, reg, 7c, 213c
Maearoni ot laaffcarH
fiS: 19
i r Rich, Snappy Flavor!, j -
; Mimrrio th Ch t d(fir
Fancy aaWebe,
trlth perky flavor.
. Grand for tabla or
- a gratia aiaaea. -.u . 7. ..
' . 1 -r
Daniak lanuat, wlrh
Caraway, pound S5e V;
plicloua aaMota. Adaad oara
, way eda. . i
Si taacl 1 '
atta-Haaa. ie, 2 ''19a
Djliantful aprMd, rich and i .
'7 ' r
tjwrhltt, amooth, fr-,
Sharp Cheese n.3
Sharp, nippy flavor. Well "
III. Hope Cheeseib.35c
Fred Meyer
Delicatessen Section
Frttli DgUy!
Xaovaanv iu in 1
Daa-Dea Mjaaa Meat,
... i;ikR;-.
larfcntd Pernor Ivfttr
HwCwili; tuft.
. t Ua. Jit, tuBt. Ik 17
Preth Wkbt Peanut Suffer,
i bulk, 2 tat. 29
Kitclitn-Frttb Mayeanalat,
Mild or Tart, birk -
ilarchlab Chprriii
Bcaitifml rod eolor. Fin for
aaiad. cakes, and
Drllr atr ana
Fred, Mayer .
Craasc-Diitelriiif Saaurt Qultkly Wirhout tarafaMnr
Beg. Ec 10 for
Size -2 49s
Um Sunbrit it okaai Uks maaie
afl ovr tk kouM g-faad for
pertsUla and aaniI brifhUaa
Mtbrooms hlne yot and M
Vano Household
Cltintr, Qt.0ottltl9c
Hdini Fig , Dita
or Plum Pudding
rliahtful puddlnga for
th aollday eon rich in
not and fruits, butUT
egga, arfa awet cider Just
heat and serve.
Eastern Thuringer Sausage, spicy, no garlic, 29c lb.
Braunschweiger Smk. Li?er Saus spreads, 35c lb.
Wew Crop Sauerkraut, evenly shrediTed, 11c quart.
Jumbo Polish Sausage, spicy, economical, 2?e each
Delicatessen Section
Aa UaaoaaJ PWvor TraaM
f rh Artaua
Oaffat Chattlgft Ckk
Icq Crocm
f rh Ava. Olympic tarry
Shtrbaf, ff ,64 a,t.
Dog Pood
i-ft. pkg.
WIUMIIWM..II.. IH, HHI'H Mm."9Sn , , ,
I 1 Salem'i Finest Display of
Qualily Heals al
J Bndgel Prices
Picnics - Young Tender Pig Sleaks
fl "2e: 15) ffn W '
(1 'Loin Pork
Chops, each 5c
Armour's Star
Lard, 2 lbs. 29c
Sf" ILoin leei Sieaks
JSugar Cured Side
;BAC0II lb.
f SUcM Pork
iver, 11. 17Hc
Kraul, ql. 10c
Pork Tenderloins
3 pallies 10 C
Fresh Pork
f aTm,,"AP,. ; Franl' U. 19c
S Growd Beei
o raorr vegetable SECildri o
II: W.
heads'. . .. Now
7 Xt
" II MM :
7 Li-
Crisp, tender ' , J ' . f" - .
a for
Fresh from the
2 for 15c
t 7;i7;;!;7p
Utah Stalk 80;
- - 7-3 7
A : t
?lwi?iae coast.
f tr ?wf; Weal for Pies.
I With Tills Coitdob - I
2' 25c
T lmtf 9 Tim 4m aV4MMM.,
. Vokl after Nor. II - I
- M M. WWW
Rich, creamy peanut but- , " . - " "
w wiia cnip iottte4 pc. 'Wa " j
nut chunk - a aaadwich , plf
Pra4 that nally delio- 3k f
If irrand UsUngdr'.
:1 ."
hiach or afternoon anacka.
Thosb lasty Feeds ;fcr
Dcc Papsr
. :12c :
( 7 Mck,rel '"lets, 12-oaw 19c . ; A f ram or Tratf Unch Maaf xs-oa. i
Lvndea Can. n:...- m i .... ! : n Meat, j.
- -wn, i n. irs, ac; X5c
M AM Fni Mty Cntm sWHm
- ; . 4 -. .: I i ii