5-r i 1 1 I.I 1H r OmUM AtrtrtUai ' Statesman Classified Ads Three Insertions per Six Insertion per line -; an Ons month per lint l4Lij Ulntrnrrm chare X5c; S tL" min imum 19e; 8 tL mln, 45c No . ' refunds,, " . - ,; " .Copy la Page accepted oa tO 420 Um Tntn before, pubnoe tton for classification. Copy re swtved after this time will be run jmd th lNdln Utt to dually ' 1- ." 1-,, ...... The Stataamaa mm m finan cial responsibility far errors whlcn nay appear In adrertiaeTOenti pub Usned to Its columns and In cases where tMs paper ta at tauit will teprtat that pert el aa advertise enent tn wnJcfc the typographical sntstaae occurs. The Statesman r cosmos the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising . under the prooer classification, A "Bund" Ad-n ad eontaiaini Statesman box number tor an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by "letter. The Statesman is not at liberty te divulge lnfor matlon as to the identity of an advertiser nsmg a "Bund" ad. ' Livestock and Poultry DEAD ANIMALS -We psy -up to BO cents per hundred for dead horses and cows. Top prices fred for feed horses- Phone till Salem collect. , , MOrfTGOMPtY RPTOERINQ W0BK3 J REGISTERED Manchurian Chow pup. rail trained. Rouse at car broken. In ulre, 37 Girth street, West Salem r K. Hansen at No. IXli Shell Sutton. Help Wanted I r ANTED Turkey pickers today I A. M. L, Dv Roberts. Help Wanted Male YOUNG MAN 18-20" to deUver and elp , In grocery store. References. 1; 'none eni. Help Wanted Female GntL for genl housework. 3 child ren. Home and wages $15.00. Ph. S946. HOUSEKEEPER in modern country home. Ph. 13388. EXP. GIRL, 30 to 40 for gen. house work in Dr.'s modern home in Port land. 3 school children. 340 to start, rerm. position. Box 1808, Statesman. Housekeeper, ph. 4173. 1343 N. CapltoL Salesmen Wanted FURNITURE aiut Annllsno. uw nan wanted. Sslea mnuulnn in iiuiiiirai reauires us TO add a few ""tu, muiugui men to our organ- iiun. rermtoem selling jod open , icuiuh men WHO are wiling 10 An. and wiwV hn n t Solstate It' Coole? at Hogg Brm- Sitnations Wanted ' WELL Exper. dairy hand wants Work. 483 S Hih. fiSiSw 8ERV. STA. work. Ph. 4078. " 11 I 1 r r 1 err J ij ij utnyju ; COMPETENT secretary or. stenog uie. rowi JANimR - . Wanted. Phone 3668. For Sale Miscellaneous '"'aeBBMBiaieMBaBBBBaMBa.ssaWlBBa REGISTERED Manchurian Chow pun u trained House & car broken. In Julre. 378 Certh street. West Salem, or K. Hansen at No. 1378 SheU Station! S . BURNER Langs Electric Grille, jsed 4 mo. Reasonable. Texaco Di nette. Jefferson, Ore. -- FURNITURE. Antlnuaa PM, teTmi: A GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. Court St. . Phone 8C11 SMALL BALDWBtlnide, mahogany piano. Bungalow siie Csble & Sons 1B4A TIMITB a-..K 1- USED VHMWt rlvMl1A lutu. U u and up, terms. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. m Court St. phone 8U HOUSE trailer, dandy. 85. This week Only. Terms. 819 N. rVont. Ph. 3-1768. WALNUT shells, te sack, rfring sacks, wui rKuni vo. eow n. rroat. fAma-jieverai varieties. 25c up. mest Anderson, Orchard Heights RcT, mi. off Wallace Rd. Bring bbxesT -Wnx. SELL $180 credit oa new car tor 130l Call eve. 8738. Waiited Fiiraiture 'F. N. a GLENN WOODBT. Auc tioneers Ji furniture dealers will na you more eaah or trade Cor furniture ss nousenota gooas. we bay or seu everything. Ph. 811. - CASfl FOR-vsed furniture At b b. rorgey, rtk T448. Wanted Miscellaneous ' will store piano for use or buy wt pat highest cash prices for Y4 pianos. TaUmaa's, 469 State. Ph. WAMTTTl i Mala r.fe-M nunUI .ti 313 after 8 p. m. v. , TT V ADYEimSINa . Western Advertising 9i CHILDREN kept. 659 Breys. Ph. 8327. SPECIALLY EQUIPPED to clean cess pools Ac septic tanks P 8745. Gene Fits. KepresenUUYes George D. dose. Ine, - Saa Franctoco Lee Aagelea Seattle ' ' a8tern AdYertlsIns V BepresentatlYes ' Bryant, Griffith At Branson, lno Chicago, New York. Detroit . '' '. Boston. Atlanta .... :! 4.- . Entered at the Potoice et Cetem, Orepon, as Second Class Matter. Pvb- I Aed iwsertw except Monday. . l utintM cice 31 ioiU CewaserckU etrsst. . v - - ' . EucccmpnoN RATES: . . l.f'!l Fubitcrfption Bates to Advance U ce-'-T 3 'ae. gliO; 8 aloe tiO: 1 I r 3.10 for 1 year in advance. pr t 8 cen Newsstands 8 cents. i t C"'y Carrier, W cento a month, r 1 a year in advance to Marion and tjcet couij ilea,, .jc- and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CAtT. umprv . SjHmk!L2f,it' Uufe home owned ttoa. Your financial affairs, win he discussed and loans made to sMctest loan p.7n7 oteronr w Hunins iu KEPAY ti can pay to tan any time to reauce the cost . ONLY BORROWER SIGNS tanoto UnU- - SEE ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-153 m CLARK. ASST. MGR. t GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION . " JJc. Na 8-139 JMSo. Commercial St Phone 9168 First door south of Ledd & Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY SIOA?"5 TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for aew or 25?? ES No aeUy or tape. You r-ffNrTP ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street o ! Lie. No. M.lfil Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING IIULIMSS M. M-159 Abrams e EUia, Inc, Masonic Bldg. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgages w contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. . D- HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State it Com X Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Booms, special weekly and monthly fates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee sw unuwfli meais at low prices. FRONT R linffU M m Wl- . 1 T " p,.. " " uou, AJBU closed in sleeping porch, heat. 354 n. nurcn. rnone bibs. MIIPFRN lartfik ewwwi twin Ueds, giris. ia v uourt St. SLP. RM, near state bldgs. Ph. 31449. Room and Board BETTER BRD. St rm. T4S S. ComX St. For Rent Apartments ' Attractice apt. Roomy,' cozy, refrie Washer, min. Ushta. aut. ; ibt water paid. Adults. C71 N. Capitol. FTfRN APT waU bed. Hawthorne Ct. 1000 N. Capitol. S rtTPNTClim MWva T lt.&. . - .w.m.. ijijjuis, water, . ..... .. v. 1. imui, pn. en- X flR S t-m n nt 1 .1- . " n waier. iom in. uottage. FURN. APT, prlv. bath. 845 Court S-RM. APT, li 263 S. ComX MOD, 4-R, fur., $30. Ph. 7535. S-R. FURN, close in, 1st fl, prt bath. Its- h. WSt washer, ma. 1934 ft rnni'i PULLMAN apt., prt. bath. 1411 Court. S-B, pit bath, steam ht 2034 N. Cap. S.R PRT ' Mli H. V .l 11.. ntsmin in obtainable et the Fisher. -Ph. 8757. CLOSK IN. S A. a t-m mm - ' w w m m- v uaa aw n a atuu buju garage. 1047 S. ComX For Rent Houses "PP- house, centraQy located, with kitchen, dining rm, living rm, 3 bed- M. 111a ol no. om. ana Garage you are looking for. Inq. 1595 Rjiun, oU heat, Also green house. 8641. Jefferson. JIIVP Hi. Ml - , . , 179A N. Canit-nl ant wtl u 0$ NebTaska. i. 3-Rm. turn, .apt, 82LS0. ' R. A, Forkner, Realtor ; " 1S W. Capttot . '- -a 4 RMS.. 3 al en Dallas Rd. Box 468. M HOUSE, acreage. Ue. poul try bkig. Very ckMe m or will riot house separate. Catt 1430 P. St - wtX,SiAsmotlm house. 37S E. WaaMngtonTPhone 875X " ROOMS, modern, hardwood floors, furnace piped, elect water-heater, ee nnthasement, garage. 1130 Fir St pJPs& in . clean. warm. Ph. 4498. SLEEPING RM. and garage Ph. 8006. yiCELY iurn, heated rm. 175 S. 14th. FURN or unfurn. 678 N. Cottage. WARMED bsmt. mn as m w nidk FURN. S-RM. mod. 776 N. Com'L NEWLY decorated, turn. apt., near Capitol. State St Apts. Ph. 214ll or 4370 FURN asjta.. clean. 255 Division. $ll-lX3-r. fur, L.w. 1387 N. Com'l. FURnI APT . 19. 332 Water. : SMALL lurn. apt, 84S Ferry. . SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottage. goved for Sesultss ! !j That's 'iaa88ifi:iafliiB Sloney to Loan For .Snlo R.i I7...S- -c d . . . - Sloney to Loan AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS . FINANCE CO. 1 ."Salem's Personal Loan Center- -SIS Court St. Salem i Phone 4448 State license S-228 M-278 "'FOB' ' ' " "I""" , Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL - FINANCE CO. 513 State Street S Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3181 License Nos. S-122 & IC-16S Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem reel es tate. Will pay 6-1 interest W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS x For Rent-'Houses fTOTT A n ivw Ativ4U ties paid. ear. Alao 2-rrrv .nt sssi1 U QaSaU " NEAT COBTAGK for eounlM. mlt an. pliances furnished 524 N. 19th. 123.50 BUDROW REAL ESTATSU-Phnlsofiii WE HAW. TOT rarmrrp JT YOU Want to 1 sell, exchange, lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & For Rent STORE ROOM. 2064 N. Capitol. For Sale Real Estate NEW 5 large rooms, lull basement aut. oil furnace. 2 fireplaces. Northeast Salem, FHA built and Inspected. $4700, about 830 per month. A very good buy. New 4 rooms, Vx acre, close in, city water, lota of trees, 82400, $100 down, 820 per month. i 4 Rooms, acre, close in, $1900, 815 per month. T For Sale 40 acres N. E, 5-room house, barn, excellent soil including 8 acres bottom land.; $6000. Consider trade for acreage. For Sale 26 acres, 7-room modern house, good barn, orchard, creek, $5500. Part trade, for house in city. 3 Bedroom, north, large lot, fruit trees. $2500, terms. $200 down, $20 per month. Suburban lot Sftrim VmvA city water, sewer, 8160. . , ICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 Salem s Largest Home Builder NOB HILL ADD. ATTRACTIVE Cory St chummy best describes this lovely home. Large nv2?g fireplace. HT. floors. Di nette, wired for range. 2 Bed Rooms Venetian h1inri acr- eMMi bf?nent Bed Room & Shower. S350? S.. Bechtel or Mabel Needham. Ml State St Room 4. WE OFFER lor sale a new house on n. ism lor 15250.00. StrietHr mH. ern. living 6c dining roam, kitchen ng 6c bedri noox,. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, hwd. floors, bsmt. sawdust burner, garage and is ah conditioned. $47500 new 3 bedrai borne on Jef- llSl. St-Lv.in F?' -olnmgrooS. kitchen, bsmt. oa furnace, double plumbing, garage. I Money to loan. P. H.Bell, Realtor 429 Oreg. Bldg. r . Phone 8121 11750 nlatffA-ju 8 lots. $200 oix Per mo. $3000 buys good S-rm. HoUywood district i, Hn Wl ee house in R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol priced for quick sale. 6 rm. mod. nse. basem't turn. Ph. 6198. 5-RM. house .by owner. 1887 N Water. Phone 6429 after 3 p. m. Business Cards in this directory on a monthly basis only. Rate: SL25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek.. 279 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. .Scott. 147 S. Com'cL P45W Qiimney Sweeps Vacuum cleaned chimney furnace. Roof rapir. Free e-tlmate. Kenedy. Ph. 80M. TELEPHONE 4450. R. E, Northness. ExcaTatingr EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base- SJ-if "t&PJ SF Dirt xor sale. Salem Sand Jc Gravel, p. 8408. Flbrists Bretthaupt's. 44T Court Phone 9198. Funeral Directors tWwilliger Funeral Home., Ph. 8826, JIattresses CAPITOL BEDDINO CO. Phone 4069. SALEM TLXTTT RUO MATTRESS Co- New Mattreaaea, old remade, rug ,1n'n -weavmg. S 13th es Wilbur. Tel. 8441 Zwickers. . - Painting & Paperhanging HOUSES. Melvln Johnson. Ph.' am" MOD. T rm. turn. 863 N. 16th. i ' Tmsaeuu.1 ui.:' ia.'-a I . ,..... : liiiXEUvnH JYinTnr ii. 1 1 . 1 IM . . . . . at m 8f . a, g For Sale Real Estate MEW stream-line home, full base ment, automatic heat. Urge cor. lot. Good old 5-rm. home on N. 5 th. 68 ft. east front, trees & shrubs. Utility rm., garage, etc, 82350 cash. -New modern 2-bedr, shake home. Fireplace & basement. Vt acre river Pp. ART MAKEN SOW FOR SAT.VL.RAmA - ' .jau 3 apts. to rent. Consider trade, Salem v Ji kr- Juson, ez7 s. sth, Cor ' HIDDEN IN flu creek. Lots of trees. Spring piped to 2t age with bath. Completely j. ""u iur cuupie. A. it s MEAT I ffi.!1113 oe, ROBERT FBUDROW. REAL ESTATE u una oc jtjusn niag. Ph. 6863 8-HM iu Ir. w c.l.M 1 1 uon, $1400, terms. 382 Evergreen Ave Exchange Real Estate OR SALE Lots ia Phoenix, Aria, for FARM V.Yf "H AKtrrr mtn - - - - - Portland house for equity above $7500. Federal loan on hiehlv iimmmwt i.to a J? near Salern See Mrs. Ellis with m, o?i "er eaitora, 344 State St, er-rOOm. Unfinihexl unerf mv r 5: P?.cly; wm take cheap house" Trc on Cascade Drive, nice shade trees. Will seU at reduced price or take seme trade in or near HUlsboro or house in Salem. or 30 Acres. 4-room house, barn, about "r.."""3 uaea. wiu seu at real sac rifice. W . f ? buildings. "l rraiaenco m CtSlem. CHAS. HUDKTNS Av SOM Phone 9494 37s state St. -- - . -.wwMa nut good- house for equity in fine Salem apt. house. Shows rdorl ntnrn m n JL HUM n x, ramifi nrn . vestment. See Mrs -WUs with Childs frr rlcllor. a4 state st Ph. 9261 frR SAT.V I sm n for Salem property. Ph. 22354. Ariz. For Sale Farms WOODBURN - Best Farm & Home oujrs. . PACIFIC HIWAY 12 acres, well improved. S Rnnm nl..tl h commercial Poultry House tc Equlp- ,,, " , or win in clude furniture, farm tools, including SELL OR TRAnEs;iT.. M . w..vuxc will piete for modern 6 room house. Might uiuuciu irauer nouse as part. ,AI?7 IL.WgMy improved. STOCK FARM - 140 acres, well im proved. Sell or trade. Terms. OREGON LAND CO Pacific Highway Woodburn. Oreg. Acreage 66',4 A., i mi. from Woodburn on f" i uav, I rm. nouse, barn, poultry house, ffn uuJ 41 I mm . $6000. Terms: ' CTOp' A- in-Polk Co, 85 In cultivation. 7 rm. house, bath, other farm bides.. fenced. ISOn rnrrf TJ $50 per A. "" 7 KELVIN JOHKSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phon. stm i:ACRK 1r distrlct. river bot tom sou. well located. 4-room house. flTsur.wn?er- nlc lwn and shrubbery, wood house, etc. Party lea"8 state, must sacrifice, reduced to $1600. terms to suit. Investigate tS ats i66Hwder- "Wanted Real Estate WILL PAY $2500 CASH For small home. Must be a bargain & in goad location. Ph. 6963. my agents. Bechtel or Needham. 341 State St Room 4. WANTED The best house valued 2 that $200 dowlTjwyrnent wiU buy. Prefer So. Salem. See Mrs. sZPsZfZ 9 'lt0rS' Business Opportunities SERVICE STA. Good location, $650. O. R. RAE 1255 State St Ph. 6761 Directory Plumbing PLUMBING. Graber Bros. GENERAL repair work. 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Printing FORSTATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any-kind of print ing. can The Statesman Printing De partment. 315 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L ,. Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write, Phone or Call Cor Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers FOB BENT. 1545 N. Capitol. Ph. 9008. TALS-FOR Rent Dey er Week. P. 21768, Kings Trailer Ex. 619 N. Front Trailer Houses WB BUY, seB. rent 2063 . ConVL Transfer U-TOVJ - TRUCKS FOB RENT. Blankets turn. 197 g. Liberty. Ph. 9082. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner otf. briquets. Trucks to Pwttaad .daUy.TAgent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, point. Lariner TranafecCo. Ph, 3131. - Yaenuni Cleaner Service FREE, Inspection, In your home. Au thorised Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Pa. 8023. Veil Drilling For Sale Used Cars BARGAINS-BARGAINS - v We have worked hard to maintain one of the largest Blocks 0f good merchandise in the valley. We list just a few of the many targains. V we ; invtTe YotnR Tthoro msPFoJnMpJ9SLSTI:RY to ma THE PRICE, wSNW,S,JVEiYTG LIKE NEW 11WI WILLYS DELUXE Pnii imn. 1936 FoT.- IT1,, "nv overhauled, with trunk. 1936 ESS? 5eUveryJ, Not Pwel) and a dandy. 1935 r ?J Cdf new compleuToVerhauL 1933 Butek 6 wM "a51 ed?. overhauled, new palrrt. Mtras. Za eden. extra clean. iq-w fwT 7 L ciean. 1552 Chevrolet dual wheeL flat bed eL! wh1. i door sedan, Many, many others in all makes "CHEAPIES" "CHEAPIES" CeVoTd Plymouth MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS ALL MAKES. we'Vagrtfor"," " U lm cinch that tf we havent got K, &AVE AT WRQCK'S SALEM'S OLDEST INDEPENDENT USED CAR DEALER TWO LOTS OF BARGAINS 270 N. Church St., . N.E. Corner Church & Chem. Sts. We Have The Most Complete Stock of In To wn TWO ITrTS? nmni A-r CENTER 459 CHEMEKETA ST. ORVAL'S USED CARS PHONE 4703 Cheep to operate. Stevens, 678, S. 12th. wu. fcixcvL ana "SB IrifMf 9 ri, I , A-l condition. Stevens, 678 S. 12th. rrva cat t . . i4 T- flatbed. L. W. B. Aux. Trans. E. E. Brandt. Box 283 Garden Rd, Salem. 37 Deftttft 4Utovt Xr4t a a-critsci. aiAVJUIMS, 67 S. 12th. 41 POIMTTAO Ciiium aaji h t .- . STEVENS 678 S. 12th! Business Opportunities 8 ACRES Service Sta l paHin. .nvt corner on 99. Now makine um r mo. For auiek sale, nriced aasnn Cafe, well located, all miiIkm i rent, priced 750. S400 down R. A. FORKNER, Realtor 1833 N. Capitol FOR SAT.D! h mm., rH. stock and fixtures, long lease, good location an main hiitkM,. ..u i living quarters. Reply Statesman. Box For Sale Wood Mnx-irrv:rMn" a cord, while they last. You haul. . iu bo. i fin. Wood Sawing WOOP SAWINO Phone 7078. Personal unrESOMEt Servmr an axea. Ot EWe P. O i Angelea, Cat " inoa no. ana m or I Went Lemon Care Home." 2310 ,TLL TAKE bd. and rrt er bed pa. N. 4 th. USED GARS LGE. tod growth, order now. Ph. 6796 ft Inntf SS SS rtm.r . -: ' I " BT W. n I IkUim tmm - I JL UIU1U em. v I 81 BBET 4BM SM Atsaa . 1 euaa For Sale-Usetl Cart niSii'"'1 AUlUMUOlbS . HUT truck. overha a good one. tauled. verv clean Phone 8502 Phone 7922 ATTENTION! You Always Get a Better USED CAR From Your Buick Dealer 1939 Buick Special Tour. Sedan ......$765. Radio Ac -Heater 1937 Hudson Tour. 2 dr. Sedan ......$425. 1938 Plym. Coupe $515. Reconditioned motor 1936 Plymouth Touring Sedan .: $39?. 1936 Plymouth Touring Sedan ....$365. 1935 Plymouth Touring Sedan $265. 1937 Ford Tour. 2 dr. Sedan-Model 60 $275. 1935 Ford 4 door ' Sedan .$265. G.MA.C Terms. Up to 18 months to Otto. J. Wilson Tour Pioneer Buick Dealer 388 N. CommercieU fit. Plm v " w ' a ai vejiuia sud huy or trade. 818 S. 12th St. 17 1 1 Vift Htv rmw - 0 A wwuuw. um axxer v p. m. sit ue, ad . Used cars before you a. uia lu Wanted Used Car GET EVERT DIME YOUR CAE IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C" SHR0CK To Buy or Sen Your Car STA e"heMV-Vk4W jhA aaTfiai swt "IT JwaaeMw ft UVUf 8WA4l N X. Cora. Church 4k Clwm. Ph. TBS WANT El a T it ataa MU' B iwa INoUaTegl FrryTph TSs, ' "CasV I FOB YOUR CAR Shoe) asKara tttas dr. ttauo to pay niche srlce oe sTrCaU See STEVENS buy or. trade, f For Sale-Uscd Cart; We Have Moved All Used Cars TO VALLEY MOTOR CO.'S BIG . .Marion:, and Liberty Street Cot Salesmen Art Hanson JocGoodfellow 1941 SUPER DeLUXE FORD SlDAN . - BealTurralr WiU gree nw cw serrice, Oood trade. 1939 LINCOLN ZEPHYR SEDAN We cordially invite you to visit our nevr Used Car Setup. VALLEY' MOTOR CO. Used Car Lot Marion and Liberty Streets OVER SS TEARS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE Wife Comforts Capt. Clarence Bates, pUot and only surrtror f Northwest Air lines transport plane which crashed, killing 14 persons near Hkt MlnB-.WM comforted by his wife In a Fane, ND, bocpUaL AJrtlne offldala, local antheritles and the aviation world awaite4 Bates' story of how the disaster came abont. Ex-Normal Teacher 111 .. MONMOUTH Grace Mauris Mitchell, formerly miua in structor at Oregon College of Ed ucation, 4s reported seriously 111 at Agate Beach. Miss Mitchell taught music in schools of that county last year. Cross Word HORIZONTAL 1-Ede 4V-Puff p 9 Hirbeard IX Bustle 11 Oarsman 14 Obstruct . 15 An order - jr Waat popular winter recert is tnSeiUAernnsruUf 1 Small eMUrea . 20 To coin W ffaat JUrtervwl Fraftotocm issie is 5sn AntntU, Tesasf . . - X8 Wrongdoers f I WJU is U Ertt leers' of (JU - JUmdWritta en tas iPaiTI XT Vexes X8 Exclamation of rarprlst tt Wino vessel X0 M ythleal king I XI Word asod to frigate 12 Toward XJ-Brlghtea -V --IS Chant ; "'.1 17 Harbors : . ' . . XX Grows oli. : ' - r X Goby ' v'f ;. 4J Venomous serpent - ' 42 Those who eject r " 45 Lawi measuTO ; 4-outiets -7 ' - 48-Cordedfabrl;i r ' 49 Sailor ':; : M Sharp mountain tynr ' v " , .W-A reef , . . . ' . ':'!''; t C.-L TCmCAL 5 Is Oe Cloctsr , 4 Ifajs ot Irric poetry . ; -! . 6 Parcels of land , . $ RererenUal fear ", - 7 Symbol for tellarina f-rStoati' .-. -v; pP - mfr tr - r 4 - wl 35 3 - p 37 7 mc ' M 4"i I Hrl TYwr?Z FAGS fZVnfTECf - For Sale Used Can HerE ilisson Crash Survivor Lodges Salem Lodee .No. 4 AFAAJL FrL. Nov. T. Homecoming. JO p. m. Pacific Ledj-e No. 84. AF Jk AM. EA. Decree, Sat Nor. i. 730 p. m. Otto N. Hoppea. Wat Puzzle 10 Eecentrie wheel-part x ouxworm IS Cupola 18 Ratla XO-City in Italy fl Waat Italic mtZy teas neioi er m TWHtas Me sasaum - meiftf fX Cirrna rVnfk - " , XX Botmdiag portiaes ' 14 -Perch . - 15 Bnneta - - H Splits . t v uoddeas of fcealth 11 Franeiad XX Theater seat 4 ' . - TornaU 18 Iaw a-pajnT?w ... 70tn4e4l - v. ucix stroEt da TJamih, - " . !" 41 Masculine nao 4X Btngie wnlt - - . 4X Female ef t3ie rrr9 44 Watch secretly . . T fiymool for rEm Anrwtr to yasiardaya punlo. - r-," - - e M 4 I it I - A Bun- ilQ,"1" Li - CTtri 01 , . - - V I , 0