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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1941)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning. Noranber 7, 1941 page thtetutt Mrs. Allport Is" Honor Guest Mrs. LeRoy 1. Stewart wis hostess last' night at a surprise party for her sister, Mrs. Thomas Allport who Is leaving Thanks giving night for Fremont, Ne braska, to Join Mr. Allport. He has entered Midland college, a Lutheran Seminary. - - - - : The party ' was a lingerie : shower, for Mrs. Allport The hostess, using a travel theme, served box lunches. - Guests In vited to biT goodbye to Mrs. All port were Mrs, Harold Eisrnarm of Independence, Mrs. Ray Rho ten, Mrs." : Rex Ohmart, Mrs. Lloyd Pugh Mrs. Russell Krue ger, Mrs. -G. Leen, Mrs. Otto Miller, Mrs. Gene Seviller, Mrs. Lyle Ertsgaard, Miss Betty Dot son, Miss -Iola Quesseth, Miss Maxine Aasheim, Miss Gladys Quesseth and Miss Paula Tomm- . litz. ; VFW Card Party Is Success The Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary entertained at a bene fit bridge, 500 and pinochle par- . ty Wednesday.. Preceding play numbers were given by -jMary, Hughes, ' Vocalist; Ernestine' Loveland and Robert Schlegel, violinists and Pollyanna Shinkle accompanist. Mrs. L. S. Dotton and Mr. Lar ry Eaton won high bridge scores. Five hundred prizes went to Mrs. Jo Rihgwald and Mr. William . French. In pinochle, Mrs. Earl Schlegel. and Mr. Lloyd Perkins won high score. The next party will be Novem ber 19. Present were: Mrs. C. W. Smith,-Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Coin, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shinkle, Mr. and Mrs. iWalter Wickert, Mr. and ;Mrs. 'R. M Delapp. Mrs. Ruby Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Bol ton, Mrs. Lucille Watson, Dick Beull, Mrs. Ward Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eaton, Mrs. C. R. James, Clifford Tucker, Mrs. Marshall Ransdall, Miss Patsy Ransdall, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Perkins, N. M. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mudd, Mrs. Qlga McElvain, Mr. and Mrs. J Wrath, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halik, Mrs. Earl Schlegel, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. , Jo Stirniman, Mrs. Clara Teska, Mrs. Emily Kesl, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Irons, Mrs. Effie Wetsel, J. L. Locke, Mrs. Jo Ringwold, Mrs. Chris Free, Mrs. J. Tucker, Mrs. George Bressler, Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. David Furlough,-Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Cyril Nadon, Mrs. E. R. Owens, Mrs. Hans, Hofstetter, Mrs. Myr tle Clarfcrs. M. C. Smith, Mr. '""and Mrs. Wm.' French, Mrs. L. S. Dotton, Mrs. Louise Abel and Mrs. Covil Case. Junior Federated Music clubs met at the "studio of Mrs. Walter Denton Thursday afternoon and voted ' to support the Crescendo club ncert series which opens . Saturday night Mrs. Jessie Bush ' Mickelson presided at the meeting. 6Jt - -7 -r J U IV -W ' S3 ... . Laura Wheeler Combines Gay Stitchery With Simple Crochet Winter 7 When Color Counts 7 . .. OURJH of series of i five ; tables being arranged by Sa-j iem clubs at the J. C. Penney store - this week to compete for a $25 cash, j prize, is the one above by the Trl County Medical auxiliary. J A black and white picture of, this ; attractive arrangement fails to show the beauty of 'color which domi nated the setting. The gold and brown Russian hand woven linen , cloth Is tr perfect start for the ; cen terpiece which is of small chrysan themums in autumn shades, pine cones, green leaves and a wisp or two of ripened grain. The piece is topped off with ' pheasant feathers . Judiciously placed, and a rich gold bronze pheasant breast Candles, a part of the centerpiece itself, are golden brown. Pottery plates of brown, further carry out the autumn coloring and amber tumblers complete the table setting. This table, though less elaborate than previous arrangements, is definitely the kind one likes to see and at which one enjoys dining. Today, the Junior Woman's club will arrange the last of the five and all will be Judged. Announcement of the prize winner will be carried in Saturday's Statesman and on Saturday, it will be set again on the second floor of the J. C.Penney store. A display of fine importations of table linen is being shown in connection with the table setting show. (Photo by Kennell Ellis) Now that there's t decided tang to the air, ' even when ' the , sun is shining, desserts take on , new meaning. : Something sweet and rich, no - matter how fattening;" tastes mighty good and even the most ' strong minded of women may feel the urge to break down and cook -something like: - APPLE DUMPLINGS ' - j SI cups sifted flour. . 4 teaspoons baking powder i teaspoon salt -! cup shortening -1 "cux milk . . k j 6 medium size apples, peeled ; 6 tablespoons sugar S teaspoons cinnamon i Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Work in short ening with fingertips until con sistency of , coarse corn meal. Add milk to make soft dough. Place on floured board and knead lightly for a few seconds. Roll to thickness of about Inch and cut into 6-Inch squares to cover the apples. Core apples and place one on each square. Fill . each core cavity with 1 table spoon sugar and teaspoon tin- Ohio People "Visit in unionvaie UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wolfe and daughter, DX" ton, Ohio, arrived Monday' for ft', brief visit Willi relatives, here. , Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Portland, and their mother, Mrs. Hattie Wither Amity, were guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Fred WIthee. WIDJam Maxwell and Doris Braat, Portland, were guests ol Mr: and Mrs. Martin Braat Max well la uncle of Mrs. Braat. The Bible class weekly lessons were sWrted here Tuesday wlt& nine members present. Rev. XV W. Jaycox Is class leader. - Ifs very easy to have these lovely Htipti- The cross stitch motifs with filet crochet border, come in pairs for towels, pillow cases and scarfs. Pattern 2879 contains a transfer pattern of 8 motifs ranging from 3x5 inches to CixlSVi Inches; di rections and charts for crochet; materials required; Illustrations of stitches. Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needlecraft Dept Salem, Ore. Write plainly PAT TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. spoon sugar ana v teaspoon cm- rn 1 r r namon.' Moisten edges of dough 1 OQCty S M6nU ana xoiawp arouna apple so cor- QQSX TODAY - SAT, 2 HITS MIALD All ERNE rwt Mrs. Phillippe Is Honored T Officers of Chadwick Chapter Order of the Eastern Star honor ed their matron,-Mrs. Harold F. Phillippe, Monday in Quinaby recreation hall at dinner served from a large table, covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Phillippe, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph N. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mrs. Alma Thompson, Mr.and Mrs. Virgil Hickithier, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mer riott, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cohen, Mr. nad Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mikkleson, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Keelar, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kreuger.Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rasmussen, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barker, and Mr. J. W. Moore. ; . ,j . . After the dinner guests were entertained with cards and danc ing. Shower Given On Wednesday A showe was given for Mrs. Roy Gallagher on Wednesday with Miss Usona Claggett, Mrs. Avis White, Miss Lily Nelson and Miss Mary Kerber. The par ty was at the home of Miss Claggett. Guests were Miss LaVerne Kantner, ' Mrs. Zeda Lisle, Miss Freda Hultgren, Mrs Edythe Medley, Miss Idella McAdam, Miss Martha Kerber, Miss Bet ty Beck, Mrs. Nora Bates, Mrs. Irene Birch, Miss Leota Conner, Miss Bonnie Goldbeck, Mrs. Jessie Follis, - Miss Kathrine Rinehart, Miss Hester Hillpot, Mrs. Myrtle Hoss, Mrs. E. W. Gallagher, Mrs. Dave Hendrick son, Mrs. David Hoss, Miss Joan Bowley and Mrs. Ellen Welch. Shower to Fete Miss Nelson Miss Maxine Paulsen will en tertain with a dessert bridge tonight at Godfrey's in compli ment to Miss Esther Nelsen, whose marriage to Mr. George L. Belt will be an event of No vember 22 ; A miscellaneous shower will fete the bride-elect and autumn flowers and candles will be used for decorations. Invited to j the affair are the .Misses . Esther Nelsen, Marjorie Knox, Dorothy Baldock, Marjorie Johnson, Hilda Crawford, Pegry Peterson, Mrs. Noel Cavender, Mrs. Roy Ferris and Mrs. Alfred Gerlinger, all of Salem, Mrs. Alex deSchweinitz and Mrs. Robert Woods of Portland, Mrs. Hans W. Thielsen of Corvallis, Mrs. Orval Butler of Sandy, Mrs. Reginald Watson of West Linn, and Miss Ruth Pemberton of Stayton. Musicians to Play Members of the Junior feder ated clubs and student musicians will give the first of the winter monthly programs at the YMCA ' tonight at 8 o'clock. The follow ing are numbers to be included; ners will meet on top. Press edges lightly together. Place in a baking dish with the following syrup: 3 cups water 1 cups sugar V cup molasses Va cup butter Cook until sugar is dissolved. Bake dumplings in moderately hot oven (370 degrees P.) about 20 minutes. Then reduce tem perature to slow 300 degrees and bake 30 minutes, or until apples are tender. Baste occasionally with the syrup. Serve warm with cream. Serves 8. Red cabbage makes an attract tve raw salad to begin a fish din ner. Red cabbage salad Baked finnen haddie Baked potatoes Buttered turnips Pickle relish, green onions Baked apples with Peanut butter cream Allow fish to stand in milk for awhile, then put in the oven and poach slowly until heated through. Whip cream and mix with crushed peanut brittle for the dessert's topping. GnesU Near Dallas SMITHTTELD Mr. and ' Mrsi H. W. Wall and family were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward B. Prey of near Dallas. Tarantelle Castanets . MacLachlan Reb Diane Perry Wings of a Hummingbird Bacard Mary Dick Craven Happy Farmer .. ....... Schumann Joan Marie Miller Baby Rocketts tap dance Loraine Ray, Dian Mackson, Leah LaDue. Kay Murs. Patty Lloyd, Marilyn Miller, Mary Kay Brown, Judith Bancroft, Alice Jay Miller, Jerry Jarvis. Air I Moiart Hunting Song Wagnesi Richard Scott The Wood Nymphs Harp Rea Two Butterflies - - Adler Martha Jane Pearcy Fiir Elise ..- Beethoven Marlene Pentney Accordion: Polish Dance. Scharwenk Florence Polster Scherzino Rebe Leone Stone Cotton Fluff Smith Rodney Bright Russian Melody Woman's Club Will Meet A patriotic theme will be car ried out in the program of the Salem Woman's club meeting Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the clubhouse. Mrs. C. C. Geer, chairman of Ameri can Citizenship department, is in charge of the program. A review of the book "Women in the Mak ing of America" by H. Adding ton Bruce will b given. Patrif otie numbers and songs will be sung. Guest day will be observed and members are asked to bring women who might be prospective Rossman heads the social com-1 JlOStS" tO sLCna mlttee ana tea wiu oe serv.ea after the meeting. Teachers Feted By Dallas Group DALLAS Mrs. A. B. Bossattl; Mrs. B. Spauldrng, Mrs. Otto Adolph, Mrs. Tony Kraihev, Mrs. C L- Foster, Mrs. Earl Fulgham and Mrs. R. C. McKnight were hostesses Tuesday where the Women's club entertained with tea in compliment to the Dallas teachers. Chrysantbemums were used about the club rooms. Mark Waltz, Salem, sang, accompanied by Margaret Hood. Mrs. Dorothy Craven gave a review of "Watch on the Rhine." Maybelle Lilburn, Salem, played a violin solo and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding accompan ied i by Alice Crary Brown, Sa lem, sang. Club Entertains Dayton Chamber DAYTON The Dayton Wom an's Civic club was host at dinner Taj 1, r,.w Dayton cham- j xvaiva tcixi vjiuujj Couple Entertain 60 complimenting the ber of commerce. There were people present Mrs. Louis Gross was toastmis- tress. Carl Francis, mayor, and Earl Cobum. president of the chamber of commerce and Floyd B. Willert gave responses. ' Phil McHarness of the high school staff and Elliott Curnmings, Salem attorney, gave the address Lincoln Students Trim! mmsm rtrrutai'll PHOTOGRAPHED M TCCHMCOLOI -PLUS COMPANION HIT HTrol lance . By Popular Demand Return Engagement of the Top Hatlers "Music You can Dance "To" Saturday, Nov. 8th, and Every : "j -.. Saturday Night t nannied llill I 1 Vf!!f"'SJ'flQQPY II --XrSSrSSS3Sl II , 1 'Admission 25 & 40c IL . 1 v I ENDS TONIGHTj Good Seats 20c Plus Tax I II V ' & "The Grade Allen Murder Case" - i I , " - I ; Grade; Allen Warren William?- Ellen Drew I ' 'vyfhey got the whole town TmWaTVSr ! Companion, Feature V " . . snuuvsns I I ' I !mmmmmmm" ------- . i - . - i II , -II ' : .TTiTL K'JAJ liw-X -N . Il l t 1 1 1 m Duiuiui . w ir iaBi xi nil " 1 I SerialDead Ead Kids In JL Vy J . miE SEA HAIDERS" .- -j mm " . .. ' " rjgjj j " ' ' a -a -i N e t e : Mickey 1 CC s 1)1 I 1 Trftl I UItltoUhlsTIek j Mrs. Ferris Is Hostess Mrs. Roy Ferris entertained with an informal party Thurs day night at her home on South 23rd street. The honor guest was Mrs. Marion Armstrong and she was feted with a shower. Bridge was in play during the evening and i a late supper was served by the hostess. Roses and chrysanthemums w e re used about the rooms. Honoring Mrs. Armstrong were .Mrs. Grace Morris of Bend, mother of the guest of honor, . Mrs. Robert Stewart, Mrs. Hal Ladd, Mrs. Leo Ketchum, Mrs. Robert Rolland, Mrs. Donald Armpriest, Mrs. Mervin Brink, Mrs. Carl Beec!, Miss Irma Smith and. Mrs. Ferris. ST. LOUIS A miscellaneous bridal shower was given in hon or of Miss Mildred Faulhouber of St Paul and Michael Mahoney of St Louis Sunday, in the par ish hall by Mrs. F x Sequin and Miss Evelyn LeBurn. ; .The evening was spent playing cards. . ..,. ' The wedding is to take place on November 20, in the St Paul Catholic church. I ? Charlotte Ross Violin: Romance in G Op. 40 . Beethoven Arden Shephard Agility Burgrnuller The Swan on the Moonlit Lake . ..Rebe Pauline Wallace Rainbow Fairies OToole Loralee Warnock Fast Buck routine Dance Elaine Lindstrom, Laris Marriott, Pat Zosel, Warmal MUler. Blue Butterflies Mainville Gwendolyn Gale Country Dance - MacTadyn Hal Ratzeburg Nocturne Orieg Marilyn Wyatt Vocal: Flarian's Song Godard Marian Horn Violin: Polichinelle Serenade Kreisler Nellie Jane Pearmine. Vocal: Spirate Pur Spirate ; Danauby Jewel Minier Counselors whose pupils appear on the program are: Jessie Bush Mick elson. Dorothy Pearce. Berta Kirk Barker. R-jth Bedford. Mrs. Walter Denton. Prof. T. S. Roberts. Pri cilla Meisinger. Mabel S. Powers. Grace DeHarpport. Mrs. P. F.Thom as. Mary Talmadse Headrick. Farn ces Vireinie Melton. Jean Hobson Rich, William Fawk. Mrs. David Eason. Leaa Belle Tartar and Mary Schultz Duncan and Miss Margaret Hogg. The dance numbers are being done by students of the Billings and Armstrong school of dancing. Accompanists are David Ringland, Margaret Hood and Margaret Brady. Eastern Star In Session The meeting of the Order, of the Eastern Star was held Tues, Always 2 air Hits TODAY SAT. i I i ir " L-i-Tll i, 'I4 1 VjV imiiBMassllSBl mm Continuous' Plus ' J Chip. 1p (Serial "D3. SAT All Invitations are in the mall for a tea Mrs. S. P. Kimball will be hostess on Thursday, November 13 at her North Capitol street home. The affair will compli ment Mrs. Karl B. Kugel, who was recently married and a new comer in the capital. Theodore Harper, Portland author of Children's books will appear at the Salem Public li brary on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to tell stories to young listeners. : Miss Charlotte Stone, j children's librarian regularly j - tells stories on Saturday morn-j Ings. All children are invited. Rotana club, a newly organised civic club for business and pro fessional! women, at 'its regular monthly business meeting had as guest speaker; Mrs. Esther, w. i Little, general secretary of the YWCA, who outlined the growth, ideals and DurDoses of the YWCA. : A Zena . school had so enjoyable Halloween party fol lowed by a trip to Lincoln where they were guests of the school for a musical program. . Local matrons, Mrs. W. Frank Crawford, Mrs. C. F. Merrick and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, trans- day. Two candidates were ,re ported the Zena pupils and teach- . I ST TJ UnwnwMAW M I ceived into the order by Initia tion. The worthy matron announced the annual homecoming of all members of the chapter at the next meeting. Invitations were read to a re ception in Portland on November 14, and from Independence to an evening of entertainment No vember 7. Next week's social afternoon meeting will not be held and all future meetings will be devoted to Red Cross work under the di rection of Mrs. R. W. Davis. HAYESVUXE At the T. A. Lewis home Wednesday night, June Parker and Dorothy Lewis entertained at a miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs. Paul An dresen (Kitty Mowry). Games were played after which a lovely lunch was served by the hostesses. Guests present were the hon ' RICKREALL Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Collingsworth were . hosts Tuesday for a get-to-gether of the hunters who recently went deer hunting into the Wallowa county near Enterprise. The group are J. E. Ragsdale, Claude Larkin, Art Collingsworth, Cliff Collingsworth, Charley Wei derma n, Ora-Lantz, Deb Shelton, John Riney. Other guests were Mrs. Lillie Larkin, John and Lloyd Larkin and Mrs. Ragsdale. Valloy Events (Uor'Wv PRICE ... i.i t fti 3y"' T" - - f " .... .JSMU i' r u.-iic 7 L 1 " JOU DSTal V n Ned Sparks R A Marjorie Weaver - xc-i as Try a " Nwember I Oregoo Turkey Grow ers association, all day zneeUng, cham ber of commerce. Deoenber 2. S Western Nut Growers nnoal meeting, chamber of commerce. December - 1-13 Northwest Turkey show. Oakland. January 13 State Grange Confer- Last Day "Tine Qui lor IUiyllin" Time T :??-?:? Jaae Withers 'Her First Bean Time ?:??-?:? er, Mrs. Roy Hammer, to Lincoln. Call Board ELSINOKE Tcxiay J e a n e 1 1 MrcDonald, Bri an Aherne In "Smilin' Throvgh- ' Robert Young. Ruth Huseey in "Married Bachelor." Today Tyrone Power. Betty Grable. John Sutton in "Yank In the RAT. STATE Tndn Rudv Vallee. Rosemary Lane in Time tmi ior najxnm. kuc Cooper. Jane Withers In "Her First Beau." . .. Saturday midnight Charlie cnapnn. Faulett uoaaara 'n inm ijteii Dictator." gams (PES George Al-I CAPrroi. - , TodiT Bob Burns. Gladys in "I'm From Missouri." Grade len. Warren William in -uraoe Al len Murder Case." , Saturday Robinson. Dietrich. Rait in "Manpower." Dennis Morgan. Jane Wyraan in "Bad Men of Missouri." I.TBEMT Tniti v Joe K. Brown In "So You Won't Talk." Range Busters In "Tumble Down Ranch. Lacaine Day In "The People vs. Dr. Kildire." Hugh Sinclair, Sally Cray In "The Saint's Vacation. " nraA 011ACT Tr Paul AnHrcnn I KOIX.TWOOD t a rij- Mi I Today-Lew Ayes. Lionel Barrymtrre, Edna Nelson, Mary Anne Fisher, Shirley Hall, Jean Doolittle, Gloria Parker, Edna Mae Thack ery, Doris Dimbat, Colleen Cross, Elsie Stettler, Valetts Jacobson, Clair Nelson, June Parker, Car ol and Jean Pope, Betty Anne Willis and Dorothy Lewis. v.-.-!-.. y - :. ' .-ret) f.ff. y- I'L w..MW-M.MwWptUi Defense Tax 20c Matinee Nighta 11 as Tax Continaaus Dally tram 1 P. M. ROLUCKINO ROMANCE! GLORIOUS ADVENTURE! Lew Ayres V!-:. .Lionel- Sadie nawld&s ! ' - t Diclt y.Day !! n Barrymore I in Th Pwopla Dr. rndara" Th Saints' . Vacaflon. ' ' with Hugh Sinclair -Sally Gray Also News, Cartoon, and ChapJ ! 1 of new serial "Sky Raiders i HEY EDSI 1 lea Creana to' Every- ne AUendlnx thai Saturday at 1 P. M. FREE!! I' MjtUnee CsgHlsSISI 0 - iv. . - . I - f ' 4 ' i "' , , I 17.1 : f wi. ivr -f 100 ,1 2 Elq FwotuTM - mm- TYRONE POVErt C 1' -and Second Feat Jane Trazee - Robert Paige f- '--. . I UuHkfc 1 - I I 1 KB r-r- . . . i i r i ...... 'r L mm m 1) ;fkKiilf,itU -- v Daily PJJL EETUSKS' Cartoon News Sdca Ilmrry .eatar Time Tal -. las-aaj-sai-ias-auT - ' "San Antonio Rose" 520 SUte SL- -v : Phone 5372 .